AVA Abstract writing guidelines LYON 2016

Guidelines for writing abstracts for an AVA conference
All abstracts submitted prior to the deadline will be reviewed by AVA members / ECVAA /
ACVAA diplomats. Each abstract will be allocated 2 reviewers. The abstracts editor may ask
a third to help when there is a major discrepancy. The editor’s decision is final.
The authors of the abstract will remain anonymous during review.
1. Abstract submission must include
(i) the abstract (format outlined below)
(ii) a completed submission form (available on the AVA website: AVA.eu.com)
2. Submission must be NO LATER than the specific Conference deadline.
This is available from the AVA website and/or the Conference’s dedicated website
3. Please do not send any of your documents via email.
4. Submission forms must include:
i) Author information
 List the authors` initials and surname, with no full stops, separated by commas
until the final author where use an ampersand
see example: AB Jones, J Bloggs & AN Other
Underline the name of the presenting author
Leave a blank line between authors and institutions
For affiliations (e.g. university or practice) use italics and only specify faculty or
department, university, location including country. If more than one institution is
listed, indicate using superscript numerals, which author(s) are from each. This
should not exceed 2 lines of text and may be shortened by the editor
See example:
of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University, Merelbeke, Belgium 2Clinic for Small
Animals, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany
ii) Your preference for oral or poster presentation
(chosen format is not guaranteed: this depends on Conference constraints and the reviewers’ advice.
The Editor’s decision is final).
iii) If a trainee (resident) is to be the presenter.
iv) Confirmation of ethical approval (also part of the submission process). Include a
statement below references.
v) Confirmation that the work has not been presented or published previously.
(Work submitted to a journal but not yet accepted, or presented in the host institution only (ie
not public) is allowed. Previously presented work with new data and an amended conclusion
may be acceptable. Please inform the abstract editor.)
The abstract format
1) The abstract should be submitted as a document.
note: IGNORE the structured abstract guidelines for VAA - this is for abstracts attached
to full articles - it is not the style used for a conference abstract.
2) All abstracts must be written in English. American or UK spelling is acceptable but must
be consistent.
3) The abstract text must not exceed 250 words. This does not include Title, Authors,
Institution, References or Ethical Approval statement, but does include any tables or figures.
This will be checked electronically.
Please note requirements for spaces as defined below (e.g. p = 0.001 NOT p=0.001)
4) Font and overall format
 Arial 11 pt
 Single space (also between paragraphs)
 Lower case
 Do not indent except where indicated below
 All margins 3.17 cm
 Do not use the carriage return (enter) at the end of lines within a paragraph
 Turn the hyphenation option off
 Avoid using hidden and embedded text options
 When using μ e.g. in μg kg-1, use the Arial font greek letter.
Found in “character map” (in “accessories/system tools”)
Avoid using a different font e.g. “symbol”.
 Adhere to the “specific formatting guidelines” below
5) Title: typed in bold lower case,
Do not include authors and institutions (for blind reviewing).
6) Main text (single spacing) must include the following, each as a separate paragraph with
no subheadings and no spacing between paragraphs. The first line of each paragraph
should be indented three (3) spaces:
i) Introduction (maximum three lines) should concisely summarize the background for
the study.
ii) Materials & methods must provide sufficient information to allow the quality of the
study to be evaluated. Specific details of the number of animals studied, dose of drugs given
must be recorded. Generic names should be used for all drugs; best to use recommended
international non- proprietary name (rINN). Statistical methods should be recorded.
iii) Results must include data. Parametric data should be presented as mean ± SD.
Nonparametric data should be presented as median values (range). All data should be given
in SI units (see below) with the exception of arterial blood pressure, which should be
reported in mmHg.
iv) Conclusions should be drawn from the data presented in the abstract without
repetition of results.
7) A maximum of three references should be listed in Harvard style (see below), in the order
in which they appear in the text.
8) Acknowledgements should be limited to the major source of funding of the study
9) Statement of ethical approval should be included after references & acknowledgements
Format detail
These are as for Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia.
See http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)14672995/homepage/ForAuthors.html
1) References
Harvard style
Cite in list:
For more than three authors, first 3 authors then et al.
Abbreviate Journal title.
Book titles in full.
No bold or italic references
Punctuation for Jr and III : Muir WW III, Smith ST Jr,
Page range in full
See example: Young LE, Blissitt KJ, Clutton RE et al. (1998) Temporal effects of an infusion of
dobutamine hydrochloride in horses anesthetized with halothane. Am J Vet Res 59, 1027–1032.
Cite in text:
Direct citations: Kitts (1989) for single author, Jones & Smith (1990) for two authors, Kitts et
al. (1989) for more than two authors.
Indirect citations: In (Jones and Smith 1990), (Kitts et al. 1989) or (Jones & Smith 1990).
2) Acronyms/abbreviations
Use of abbreviations:
 Do not start a sentence with an acronym or abbreviation.
 Standard acronyms may be used without writing in full the first time (see below).
Other acronyms should be written in full at first usage followed by acronym in
Acronyms and abbreviations that may be used without explanation:
heart rate; units: beats minute-1
pulse rate
respiratory rate; units: breaths minute-1
systolic arterial pressure
diastolic arterial pressure
mean arterial pressure
PaCO2 and PvCO2
arterial and venous partial pressure of carbon dioxide
PaO2 and PvO2 arterial and venous partial pressure of oxygen
PvCO2 and PvO2 mixed venous partial pressure of carbon dioxide and oxygen.
(The v in both these instances should have a bar over it)
E ́CO2
end-tidal carbon dioxide. Preceded by F (fractional concentration) or P (tensions
or partial pressures).
tidal volume
Minute ventilation
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
analysis of variance
minimum alveolar concentration
percentage of haemoglobin oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry
fraction of inspired oxygen
IV, SC, IM intravenous, subcutaneous, intramuscular
standard wire gauge (needle size)
number in a group
For any other abbreviations or acronyms, write in full at first usage
3) Units
SI units
mmHg for blood, intracranial and intra-ocular pressure
cmH2O for airway pressure, CVP
Negative indices, not solidus i.e. mg kg-1 not mg/kg
% - not per cent or percentage