Pitanja Liga nacija How successful was the League of Nations in

Pitanja Liga nacija
1. How successful was the League of Nations in dealing with disputes during the 1920s?
Explain your answer.
2. What were the main aims of the League of Nations when it was set up in 1920?
3. Why did its structure and membership weaken the League?
4. How far was the League of Nations a success? Explain your answer.
5. Describe the work of the Agencies of the League of Nations.
6. Why was the structure of the League a weakness?
7. How successful was the League of Nations in dealing with disputes in the 1920s and
1930s?Explain your answer.
8. What were the main weaknesses in the structure and organisation of the League of
9. Why did the Depression make the work of the League more difficult?
10. To what extent was the League of Nations a success in its peacekeeping role? Explain
your answer.
11. What steps did the League of Nations take against Japan following the invasion of
12. Why did the Depression cause problems for the League?
13. ‘The League of Nations was based on sound ideas.’ How far do you agree with this
statement?Explain your answer.
14. Describe two successes the League of Nations had in the 1920s in solving disputes.
15. Why was the League of Nations quite successful in the first ten years of its existence?
16. ‘The good work of the League was destroyed by the Depression of the 1930s.’ Do you
agree?Explain your answer.
17. Describe the attacks that Japan made on China in the 1930s.
18. Why was Italy able to defeat the Abyssinians?
19. How did the League of Nations hope to prevent future wars between nations?
20. Why did the League of Nations fail to restrict the aggression of Japan in the 1930s?
21. How far was the League of Nations a failure? Explain your answer.
22. Why did the League of Nations have some successes during the 1920s?
23. How far can the failure of the League of Nations in the 1930s be blamed on the Great
Depression? Explain your answer.
24. Describe the successes of the League of Nations in the 1920s.
25. Why did the League fail to deal with Japanese aggression against Manchuria?
26. ‘It was the Abyssinian crisis that destroyed the League of Nations as an effective
peacekeeping body.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.
27. Describe the successes of the League of Nations in peacekeeping in the 1920s.
28. Explain how the Japanese invasion of Manchuria showed the weaknesses of the
29. Which was the more important cause of the failure of the League of Nations – the World
Depression of the 1930s or the invasion of Abyssinia? Explain your answer.
30. How did the League of Nations hope to prevent future wars between nations?
31. Why did the League fail to stop Italian aggression against Corfu in 1923?
32. ‘The League was a failure’. How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your
33. Describe the humanitarian work of the League of Nations in the 1920s.
34. Why was the League able to achieve some successes in the 1920s in dealing with
international disputes?
35. How far can the World Depression be blamed for the failure of the League? Explain your
36. What were the main weaknesses in the structure and organisation of the League of
37. Why did the Depression make the work of the League more difficult?
38. What methods were available to the League of Nations to settle disputes between
39. Why did some major powers not join the League of Nations?
40. ‘The lack of an army was the main reason for the League’s failure in Manchuria.’ How far
do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.
41. How far was Mussolini’s invasion of Abyssinia in 1935 responsible for destroying the
League as an effective peacekeeping body? Explain your answer.
42. What part did (i) the Council and (ii) the Permanent Court of Justice play in the
organization of the League of Nations?
43. Why did the Depression of the 1930s affect the work of the League?
44. What were the roles of (i) the Assembly and (ii) the Mandates Commission in the League
of Nations?
45. Why did the League of Nations have some successes in the first ten years of its
46. ‘The League of Nations failed because of Britain and France.’ How far do you agree with
this statement? Explain your answer.
47. Describe events in Corfu in 1923.
48. Why was the League of Nations weak from the start?
49. Why was the League unable to stop Italian aggression against Corfu in 1923?
50. ‘The League of Nations failed because of the absence of the USA.’ How far do you
agree with this statement? Explain your answer.