Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Aerodinâmica Industrial Rua Pedro Hispano, 12; 3031-289 Coimbra Portugal; 239708580 CRISMA Cascade Event Model (CEM) Title CRISMA Cascade Event Model (CEM) CRISMA – Modelling crisis management for improved action and preparedness Project This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme Anna-Mari Heikkilä: / +358207223490 Date May, 2015 Developed by ADAI ( and AMRA ( CEM Miguel Almeida: / +351964437136 1/14 INDEX Cascade Effect model Code ..................................................................................... 3 General overview of the cascade event map transformation mechanism ............ 3 Probability function transformation matrices ......................................................... 4 Web processing service ........................................................................................ 4 Cascade effect model practical instructions ............................................................. 5 Submission webpage overview ............................................................................. 5 Triggering event .................................................................................................... 5 Triggered events ................................................................................................... 6 Final event ............................................................................................................. 6 Web Processing Service Request......................................................................... 7 Annex A. Python code ........................................................................................... 9 2/14 CASCADE EFFECT MODEL CODE General overview of the cascade event map transformation mechanism The code produced is a standalone software tool for cascade event processing that requires the world state information to be provided independently. In this case, this information will be provided by the general CRISMA platform. The architecture of the code in the developed software is based on the algorithm presented in Figure 1. Figure 1: General overview of the CEMT mechanism The CE Map Transformation mechanism (CEMT, Figure 1) consists of a Web Processing Service (WPS) and a Web Map Service (WMS) running on a server: WPS gives the server the ability to run processes, which can perform operations on the input data. WMS allows the server to store and publish the data that results from the operations performed. The input data is comprised of shape files, event chains and probability function transformation matrices (PFTM), which are stored in an external data repository. The server returns the output data to the CE tool in the form of a rendered image representing the transformations performed on the input data. 3/14 Probability function transformation matrices The PFTMs contains structured data about the probability of an initiator event triggering another event in the chain. These transitions are defined in the form of three columns in a multi-row layout. As an example, the PFTM representing the event of electricity poles collapsing in case of the occurrence of an earthquake, the first column in the PFTM determines the intensity of the triggering event in the event chain; the second column specifies the intensity of the triggered event (in this specific case a Boolean variable indicating the event occurrence), and finally the third column specifies the probability of occurrence of a determined effect on the world. Web processing service In order to perform a transformation on a set of data, the server must receive a WPS HTTP GET request from the CE Tool, specifying the location and the identifiers of the data to be used in the transformation process (shape files, event chains and transformation matrices). After the request is received, the WPS process (Figure 2) is launched, and becomes responsible for performing the desired transformations on the world state information regarding the events chain being analysed. It retrieves and opens a shape file located in the data repository designated in the request. The data contained in the shape file is extracted and transformed taking into account the data present in the transformation matrix corresponding to the current event chain. The data resulting from the transformation process is inserted in a new shape file and then rendered to a specified image format. Finally, the WPS/WMS server returns the resulting image to the client CE tool for graphical visualization of the results. Figure 2: WPS process in detail 4/14 CASCADE EFFECT MODEL PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS Submission webpage overview The CRISMA Cascade Effect Model simulator can be accessed in the webpage, which is deployed in the machine running the service. Its layout is shown below: Figure 3: File submission interface Upon accessing the webpage, three components from the event chain can be submitted for processing: Triggering event. Triggered event. Fuel map. Triggering event The triggering event is defined by a shapefile, which consists of several files as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4: Shapefile components The shapefiles define characteristics and properties that can be geographically represented. In the case of the triggering event in Figure 5, the intensity plot of an earthquake is represented in relation to the epicentre. 5/14 Figure 5: Triggering event visualization Triggered events The next event in the event chain is also defined by a shapefile that represents the points (Figure 6) that the triggering event will have influence upon. The remaining events can be represented by transition matrices, due to the fact that the points over which the effects will be applied are already defined. Figure 6: Triggered event visualization Final event The map which contains the final effect, in this case the fuel map, is also defined by several files that represent several materials classified according to different combustion probabilities. 6/14 Web Processing Service Request After the upload of the three files is completed, a processing request is performed to the Web Processing Service (WPS): http://SERVER_IP/cgibin/pywps.cgi?service=wps&version=1.0.0&request=execute&identifier=ProcessM ap&datainputs=%5Bevents=Shakemap_MainEvent,PGA_Poles,CRISMA_PilotD_F uelMap;datalocation=/usr/lib/cgi-bin/map/%5D This request is composed by: The service address: http://SERVER_IP/cgi-bin/pywps.cgi The service type: service=wps The service version: version=1.0.0 The WPS action: request=execute The process identification: identifier=ProcessMap The input from the user to the process (in this case the three or more events to analyse): datainputs=%5Bevents=Shakemap_MainEvent,PGA_Poles,CRISMA_PilotD_FuelM ap The location of the files over which the process will perform the processing: data location: datalocation=/usr/lib/cgi-bin/map/ Regarding the WPS service implementation, it is composed by the installation of a service that supports several Python defined processes. The processes which are available for server execution can be visualized through the request: http://SERVER_IP/cgibin/pywps.cgi?service=wps&version=1.0.0&request=getcapabilities This request returns XML information (Error! Reference source not found.) that can be visualized in the browser’s window or used for further processing on the client-side. 7/14 Figure 7: XML information returned by the server After the execution of the processing request, the server returns a message about the successful conclusion of the data processing where information can be retrieved regarding the data transformation process and others. 8/14 ANNEX A. PYTHON CODE from pywps.Process import WPSProcess import os import logging # import pickle import numpy import math from scipy.spatial import cKDTree from osgeo import gdal from osgeo import ogr from osgeo import osr cascadeEvent = [] probabilityCoords = [] def readFileToList(infile, separator): nestedlist = [] for line in infile: listline = map(float, line.split(separator)) nestedlist.append(listline) return nestedlist def transformData(dataLocation, event, etype, countEvents): global cascadeEvent global probabilityCoords logging.debug("countEvents: %d" % (countEvents)) if etype == "FuelMap": # Open Fuel Map and translate to ascii xyz # Optimize and check if there is already a fuel map with this name or if the fuel map changed fuelMaplocation = dataLocation + event + ".tif" fuelMapSource = gdal.Open(fuelMaplocation) logging.debug("Opened Fuel Map") format = "XYZ" driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(format) fuelMapDestination = driver.CreateCopy(dataLocation + "TifToXYZ.txt", fuelMapSource, 0) fuelMapDestination = None fuelMapSource = None # Cross-Reference Fuel Map # Open parsed fuel file parsedFuelMapLocation = dataLocation + "TifToXYZ.txt" fuelFile = open(parsedFuelMapLocation, 'r') # Open Fuel Probability matrix fuelProblocation = dataLocation + event fuelProbfile = open(fuelProblocation + ".csv", 'r') fuelMatrix = readFileToList(fuelProbfile, ";") # Go through event probability and find the nearest point to crossreference in the fuel map for Item in cascadeEvent: 9/14 Item.append("10000") Item.append("") logging.debug("Items Appended") fuelMapData = [] fuelMapCoords = [] for fuelauxline in fuelFile: x, y, z = map(float, fuelauxline.split(" ")) fuelMapDataLine = [] fuelMapCoordsLine = [] fuelMapDataLine.append(z) fuelMapData.append(fuelMapDataLine) fuelMapCoordsLine.append(x) fuelMapCoordsLine.append(y) fuelMapCoords.append(fuelMapCoordsLine) cascadeCoords = [] for Item in cascadeEvent: cascadeCoordsLine = [] cascadeCoordsLine.append(Item[0]) cascadeCoordsLine.append(Item[1]) cascadeCoords.append(cascadeCoordsLine) cascadeData = numpy.array(cascadeEvent) cascadeMap = numpy.array(cascadeCoords) dataMap = numpy.array(fuelMapData) coordsMap = numpy.array(fuelMapCoords) k_neighbours = 1 tree = cKDTree(coordsMap) dists, indexes = tree.query(cascadeCoords, k=k_neighbours) logging.debug("FuelMap processed") # Create a shapefile driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") shapePath = dataLocation + "Probabilities.shp" if os.path.exists(shapePath): os.remove(shapePath) data_source = driver.CreateDataSource(shapePath) # create spatial reference srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) layer = data_source.CreateLayer("Probabilities", srs, ogr.wkbPoint) layer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn("Longitude", ogr.OFTReal)) layer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn("Latitude", ogr.OFTReal)) field_prob = ogr.FieldDefn("Prob", ogr.OFTString) field_prob.SetWidth(24) layer.CreateField(field_prob) for probabilityLine in probabilityCoords: feature = ogr.Feature(layer.GetLayerDefn()) feature.SetField("Longitude", probabilityLine[0]) feature.SetField("Latitude", probabilityLine[1]) feature.SetField("Prob", probabilityLine[2]) wkt = "POINT(%f %f)" % float(probabilityLine[1])) (float(probabilityLine[0]) , point = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(wkt) 10/14 feature.SetGeometry(point) layer.CreateFeature(feature) feature.Destroy() data_source.Destroy() # Cascade events other than the first one which requires shapefile handling elif etype == "Event" and countEvents >= 2: # Process Probability Function matrixlocation = dataLocation + event matrixfile = open(matrixlocation + ".csv", 'r') matrix = readFileToList(matrixfile, ";") for Item in cascadeEvent: intensity = Item[2] probability = matrix[0][2] for probFunction in matrix: if float(probFunction [0]) < float(intensity): probability = probFunction[2] # Create probabilityList probabilityLine = [] probabilityLine.append(Item[0]) probabilityLine.append(Item[1]) probabilityLine.append(probability) probabilityCoords.append(probabilityLine) cascadeEvent = probabilityCoords else: ShapeFile = dataLocation+event+".shp" driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') dataSource = driver.Open(ShapeFile, 0) # 0 means read-only. 1 means writeable. # Check to see if shapefile is found. if dataSource is None: logging.debug("Could not open %s" % (ShapeFile)) else: logging.debug("Opened %s" % (ShapeFile)) layer = dataSource.GetLayer() # Process Shakemap if etype == "Triggering": # Map projection conversion for adequate resulting map srsepsg = layer.GetSpatialRef() srsepsg.AutoIdentifyEPSG() os.system("ogr2ogr -s_srs EPSG:" + srsepsg.GetAttrValue("AUTHORITY", 1) + " -t_srs EPSG:4326 " + dataLocation + event + "1.shp " + dataLocation + event + ".shp") inputEPSG = 32633 outputESG = 4326 # Create structure to store data in incorrect lat and long point = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) 11/14 # Add coordinates to structure logging.debug("Before coordinate system conversion") for feature in layer: point.AddPoint(feature.GetField("x"), feature.GetField("y")) inSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference() inSpatialRef.ImportFromEPSG(inputEPSG) outSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference() outSpatialRef.ImportFromEPSG(outputESG) coordTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(inSpatialRef, outSpatialRef) # transform point point.Transform(coordTransform) # print point in new coords #Putting Coordinates and PGA on a list Item = [] Item.append(point.GetX()) Item.append(point.GetY()) Item.append(feature.GetField("PGA")*10) cascadeEvent.append(Item) # Process Poles if etype == "Event": # Process Probability Function matrixlocation = dataLocation + event matrixfile = open(matrixlocation + ".csv", 'r') matrix = readFileToList(matrixfile, ";") # verify each pole for feature in layer: compCoord = [] prevdist = 100000 lati = feature.GetField("Lat1") longi = feature.GetField("Long") for Item in cascadeEvent: # calculate distance to pole dist = math.hypot(Item[0] - longi, Item[1] - lati) # store sample with shortest distance to pole if dist < prevdist : compCoord = Item prevdist = dist intensity = compCoord[2] probability = matrix[0][2] for probFunction in matrix: if float(probFunction [0]) < float(intensity): probability = probFunction[2] # Create probabilityList probabilityLine = [] probabilityLine.append(longi) probabilityLine.append(lati) probabilityLine.append(probability) probabilityCoords.append(probabilityLine) 12/14 # The items under evaluation are the new dataset cascadeEvent = probabilityCoords return class Process(WPSProcess): def __init__(self): ## # Process initialization WPSProcess.__init__(self, identifier = "ProcessMap", title="Process Map", abstract="""Processes an event chain""", version = "1.0", storeSupported = True, statusSupported = True) ## # Adding process inputs self.dataLocation = self.addLiteralInput(identifier = "datalocation", title = "data location", allowedValues = '*', type = str) = self.addLiteralInput(identifier = "events", title = "events", allowedValues = '*', type = str) ## # Adding process outputs self.dataOut = self.addLiteralOutput(identifier = "output", title="Output Vector Data") self.textOut = self.addLiteralOutput(identifier = "text", title="Output") ## # Execution part of the process def execute(self): # retrieve events from input events = x = "" eventsList = [] i = 0 # while there are events to retrieve while i < len(events): # build str with event if events[i] == ",": # add event to list if there is a , eventsList.append(x) x = "" else: x += events[i] i += 1 eventsList.append(x) logging.debug("Events: %s" % (eventsList)) # Enable GDAL/OGR exceptions gdal.UseExceptions() dataLocation = self.dataLocation.getValue() # Go through each event and calculate probabilities 13/14 countEvents = 0 while countEvents < len(eventsList): # Transform if countEvents == 0: transformData(dataLocation, eventsList[countEvents], "Triggering", countEvents) elif countEvents == len(eventsList)-1: transformData(dataLocation, eventsList[countEvents], "FuelMap", countEvents) else: transformData(dataLocation, eventsList[countEvents], "Event", countEvents) countEvents += 1 # just copy the input values to output values self.dataOut.setValue(self.dataLocation.getValue()) self.textOut.setValue("Done") 14/14