8.1 and 8.2 mass mov and wind

SECTION 8.1 Mass Movement (TEXT PGS 194-200)
Fill in the blank – using these terms:
mass movement
_________________ is downward movement that results from gravity acting on
loose sediments and weathered rock. If the downward movement of loose material is
slow, it is called __________________, whereas the rapid movement of a mud and
water mixture is known as a(n) _________________. A rapid downslope slide of a
thin sheet of earth materials is a(n) __________________. If these materials rotate
and slide along a curved surface, it is called a(n) __________________. A(n)
___________________ occurs in mountainous areas with thick accumulations of
Match the terms with their definitions:
Column A
Column B
________ . Determines how much material is available for mass movement
a. rockslide
________ . A force that works to pull material downslope
b. earthquake
________ . Acts as a lubricant to reduce friction between soil grains
________ . Occurs when a sheet of rock moves downhill on a sliding surface
________ . Can trigger a sudden mass movement
c. gravity
d. slopes
e. water
f. climate
________. Where all mass movements occur
(In your own words and 2-3 COMPLETE SENTENCES)
Predict how the mass movement of Earth’s materials could affect people.
Explain how people can reduce the risks of mass movement. (2-3 COMPLETE SENTENCES)
SECTION 8.2 Wind (TEXT PGS 201-206)
Use the terms below to fill in the blanks.
The lowering of the land surface caused by the wind's removal of surface particles is called
_______________. The process of erosion in which wind causes particles such as sand to rub
against rocks is _______________. Rocks shaped by this process are called _______________.
Over time, wind-blown sand accumulates to produce _______________. If the wind carries and
drops finer particles such as silt, then deposits are known as _______________.
For each statement below, write true or false.
_______________ 1. During the 1930s in the Great Plains, poor agricultural practices resulted in
severe dust storms and the formation of deflation blowouts.
_______________ 2. The steeper slope of a sand dune is on the windward side.
_______________ 3. Wind erosion tends to occur in areas of heavy vegetation cover.
_______________ 4. Dune migration is caused by prevailing winds continuing to move sand from
the windward side of a dune to the leeward side.