Horsey Simon Says -

Horsey Simon Says
Players can ride Stick Horses, Brooms/Mops (decorated as a horse), or Imaginary Horses
This game is like a Horse Show Ring with Simon (as the Judge) in the middle with participants
and horses in a ring around Simon and move counter clockwise to start.
The rules of the game are the same as regular Simon Says but horse terms/actions are used.
Examples below:
Mount your horses
Hold your reins/horse with 2 hands
Walk (Giddy up) your horses
Trot your horses
Stop (Whoa) your horses
Backup your horses
Turn (change direction) and walk (Giddy up) your horses
Canter your horses
Gallop (RUN) your horses
Talk (Whinny) like your horses
Hold your horses with 1 hand and your other hand in the air
Yell out a big cowboy….Yahoo!
Jump your horse
When not following Simon’s/Judge’s directions, riders out of the game stand in the middle of
the ring with Simon/Judge
Ribbons are awarded for 2nd to 6th place and winner gets a small trophy…just like a real horse