Antibiotic treatment of Community Acquired Methicillin Resistant Streptococcus Aureus Richard C. Walls Pharm.D. Candidate; Preceptor: Randolph E. Regal Pharm.D. I) Introduction to CA-MRSA A) Microbiology of CA-MRSA i) ii) iii) B) CA-MRSA Infection i) ii) iii) iv) v) II) Coag+, Gram+ cocci in clusters mecA gene expresses PBP2a, preventing binding of β-lactam antibiotics More genetic variability than HA-MRSA, USA300 clone most common Rapid rise in incidence from 1999-2006 (3.6% -> 28.2% of patients) MRSA related infections plateaued from 2005-2009 (16.31 -> 17.68 P=0.22) Primarily SSTI: 80% of CA-MRSA infections in 2006 Risk factors: immunosuppression, antibiotic use, IVDA, close proximity Prevention: antibiotic restriction, hand hygiene Antibiotic Treatment of CA-MRSA A) IDSA Treatment Guidelines i) ii) iii) B) I&D primary treatment for simple abscess/boil Add antibiotics if: severe/extensive disease, evidence of systemic illness, immunosuppressed patient, extremes of age, difficulty draining, lack of response Empiric treatment for CA-MRSA recommended for purulent cellulitis or nonpruluent cellulitis nonresponsive to β-lactams Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole i) ii) iii) iv) v) C) Synergistic dual enzyme inhibition of folate synthesis First line option for uncomplicated infections (95-100% in vitro susceptibility) In vitro studies suggest TMP/SMX can increase the virulence of CA-MRSA strains Large single site study suggest that increased use of TMP/SMX for CA-MRSA has not been met with increased resistance Risk of hyperkalemia and not recommended in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy Clindamycin i) ii) iii) iv) v) D) Binds 50S ribosomal subunit and prevents translocation Treatment option for complicated infections and MRSA pneumonia (good susceptibility, but with geographic variability) Additional coverage for β-hemolytic strep without requiring additional agent Inducible resistance: D-test for MLSB if erythromycin R and clinda S 20% incidence diarrhea, higher risk of C. difficile colitis than other antibiotics Tetracyclines i) ii) iii) iv) Binds 30S ribosomal subunit and prevents peptide elongation tetK gene confers resistance, but spares minocycline susceptibility tetM gene confers class-wide resistance Pregnancy category D and not to be used in children <8 years of age E) Vancomycin i) ii) iii) F) III) Active against Gram+ only by preventing cell wall cross-linking First line inpatient option for complicated infections Lack of oral bioavailability makes unsuitable for outpatient Other Options Reserved for hospitalized patients with complicated infections that have failed other therapeutic options ii) Include linezolid, daptomycin, and telavancin i) Summary A) B) C) D) CA-MRSA infections have rapidly grown in incidence through the early 2000s For non-complicated SSTI that require antibiotic treatment, TMP/SMX, clindamycin, and tetracyclines are considered first line agents For complicated infections, vancomycin is first line treatment Local susceptibilities vary; consider local trends when selecting a patient’s therapy