Activity Supplements for Part 8

Exploring My Pyramid with Professor Popcorn: Grade 5
Lesson 2: Make Half your Grains Whole
Activity #8: What’s in a Label?
We can compare foods, such as bread or breakfast cereal or crackers by using the Nutrition
Facts Label and the Ingredient List.
Look at the Grains Group Food Packaging that your table group has. Answer the
following questions and be ready to share with the whole class.
1. Where is the ingredient list located on the package __________________
2. What is the first ingredient on the list? ___________________________
3. What is the second ingredient on the list? _________________________
4. Where is the Nutrition Facts Label located on the package? ___________
5. Find the word “Carbohydrates” on the Nutrition Facts Label.
How much “Total Carbohydrates”?
How much “Sugar”?
What is the difference between Total Carbohydrates and Sugar? _______g
How much “Fiber”?
6. Is this Grains Group Food made with Whole Grains or Refined Grains? (Circle)
How did you decide your answer? __________________________
7. Does this Grains Group Food have added sugar? Yes or No? (Circle)
How did you decide your answer? _________________________
8. Are the labels easy to use or confusing to use? Why?
This material was funded in part by the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program of USDA. SNAP puts healthy food within reach - call
Oregon SafeNet at 1-800-723-3638. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited
from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, political beliefs or disability.
© 2009 Oregon State University. OSU Extension Service cooperating. Kristi Hiaasen, EPA, Deschutes County. OSU Extension Service
offers educational programs, activities, and materials without discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national
origin, age, marital status, disability, or disabled veteran or Vietnam-era veteran status. OSU Extension Service is an Equal Opportunity