Annual Progress Report CLEO 2013 - CLEO

Annual Progress Report
CLEO 2013
3.2 Linking processes and scales in geochemical and hydrological models
Project leader:
Göran Lindström, SMHI,
General Objective:
To increase understanding of soil-water processes in a changing environment, as a tool for
improved up-scaling in water quality models.
Short description of activities 2013:
Project 3.2 is scheduled as a minor activity during 2013 in the CLEO work plan. Work has focused
on further development of the HYPE model and S-HYPE set-up, and article writing. The S-HYPE
simulations and NET modelling in CLEO will be based on a new S-HYPE version finalised in 2013.
The new S-HYPE version has improved lake depth information and improved modelling of storm
water drainage, among other things.
Deliverables 2013:
A first NET model version was developed in December. It uses the same data base and spatial
resolution as the S-HYPE model.
Additional staff involved in project:
Staff at IVL, SLU and SMHI.
Co-operation outside CLEO:
Water framework directive work at SMHI etc.
Reports and publications:
A paper “Dynamical modelling of discharge and water quality for small boreal forested catchments”
is in progress.
Oral presentations:
IAHS Conference Göteborg: presentation on temperature effects on water quality modelling with
the HYPE model, by René Capell.