
International journals
Norrström AC and Knutsson G, 2012. Stable lead isotopes as tracers of groundwater
pollution in the water supply for a small village. Environmental Earth Sciences (In
Press) DOI 10.1007/s12665-012-1553-y
Norrström AC and Thunqvist EL, 2012. The effects of the alternative de-icing chemical
Sucrose on metal mobility. (Submitted)
Norrström AC and Vinka TG, 2012. Metal leaching from corrosion products of soil buried
test-panels. (Submitted)
Norrström AC, 2005. Heavy metal leaching from an infiltration trench for highway runoff.
Applied Geochemistry 20:1907-1919.
Norrström AC annd Bergstedt E, 2001. The impact of road de-icing salts (NaCl) on colloid
dispersion and base cation pools in roadside soils. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 127:
Norrström AC and Jacks G, 1998. Concentrations and fractionation of heavy metals in
roadside soils receiving deicing salts. Science of the Total Environment 218: 161-174.
Conference papers
Norrström AC, Knutsson G, 2003. Identifying the sources of different pollutants to municipal
wells in hard rock, SE Sweden. International Conference on Groundwater in fractured
rocks, Prague 15-19 September.
Norrström AC, 1999. Effects on deicing salt on soil and water. (In Swedish) Transportforum,
VTIs forskardagar, Linköping 13-14 januari.
Norrström AC, 1998. Heavy metal mobilisation from roadside soils receiving deicing salts; a
risk for groundwater resources? In: WATER - the key to socio-economic development
and quality of life. Proceedings from The 8th Stockholm Water Symposium.
Swedish reports
Norrström AC and Karlsson C, 2012 Radioaktivitet i enskilda vattentäkter – metoder för
avskiljning. Rapport Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten (In press).
Blomqvist G, Norrström AC and Thunqvist EL, 2001. Miljöproblem vid drift och underhåll av
TRITA-AMI-RAPPORT 3083, Avd. För Mark- och vattenresurser, Inst för Anläggning
och miljö, KTH.