MNHRZ group: Result of Future Climates and Crop Production Project Australian dry-land grain farmers are used to dealing with variability in climate, changing commodity and input prices, and new marketing arrangements. A new challenge facing farmers will be the effects of a changing climate. Atmospheric CO2 levels are increasing and this will have an impact not only on the rate at which crops grow (also called the CO2 fertilisation effect) but also on global, regional and local temperatures and rainfall. The topic of climate change is controversial and the aim of this short paper is not to convince anyone that climate change is real or otherwise but to provide information on what the latest science is telling us about the changes likely in your region. The paper presents a number of results in order to consider the full range of possible future conditions. The range of future conditions is a function of both future atmospheric CO2 levels and different climate model outcomes. We believe that the outcomes presented in this paper will be the likely range in outcomes for your region. We work on the principle that being forewarned allows farmers to make decisions based on the best available information. Methods It is well understood that as the climate warms and CO2 levels in the atmosphere increase the speed at which crops mature will increase. This means that our crops will flower and fill grain earlier. This may expose crops in the future to more frost risk but probably more importantly is that dry matter accumulation between the end of tillering and flowering is reduced which will have a negative effect on yield (there is usually a good relationship between vegetative growth between the end of tillering and flowering and total grain weight produced). One practice or adaptation to this change in growth pattern for our crops may be to sow our crops earlier so that they can still take full opportunity of growth before temperatures start to rise in spring. Through NAMI (National Adaptation and Mitigation Initiative) the group looked at innovative practices aimed at reducing the impact of a changing climate, such as earlier sowing times using different maturity types of wheat. The trial work was undertaken in the region in 2010 and 2011. Using these data we calibrated the crop model APSIM, we then ran the model from 1961 to 2010, using local climate data and the early 1990s level of atmospheric CO2, for two varieties of wheat with different maturity (Axe and Yitpi) to provide a baseline of current yield potential at each of the sowing dates. We then repeated the model runs but this time to represent future climates (by 2030 and 2050). We used two Global Circulation Models (GCMs) at two different projected atmospheric CO2 levels to represent possible future climate outcomes. The two GCMs and CO2 projections were chosen to represent a ‘best case’ outcome and a ‘worst case’ outcome for (Table 1). Table 1. The GCMs and projected CO2 levels used in the future climate models by 2030 and 2050. Future Best case outcome Worst case outcome date GCM CO2 projection GCM CO2 projection (ppm) (ppm) 2030 ECHAM5 451 GFDL2.1 455 2050 ECHAM5 532 GFDL2.1 567 Note: Measured atmospheric CO2 level in the early 1990s was 350ppm; the level in 2011 was 390ppm. Results Rainfall The two models and CO2 projections have different outcomes for rainfall at Tarlee. The best outcome is a decrease by 2030 of around 2% annually with a similar decrease during the winter growing period; the worst outcome is around an 18% decrease annually (Table 2). The decrease in rainfall by 2050 is projected to be more extreme. 46 | T r i a l R e s u l t s 2 0 1 1 Table 2. Percentage change in rainfall from current conditions at Tarlee, 2030 and 2050. Current % change from current rainfall Tarlee 2030 2050 rainfall Best case Worst case Best case Worst case mm ECHAM5 A2 GFDL2.1 A1FI ECHAM5 A2 GFDL2.1 A1FI Growing Season 332 -3 -18 -5 -38 Autumn 76 +4 +4 +7 +9 Spring 97 -5 -25 -10 -52 Annual 452 -2 -18 -5 -38 Temperature Average daily temperatures are projected to rise in the region by between 0.4 and 1.0oC (from the annual current daily average temperature of 16.5oC) by 2030. By 2050, the average daily temperatures will rise in the region by between 0.8 and 2.0oC. Winter temperatures will rise by a similar magnitude. This means that, in the future, the combination of higher temperatures and higher levels of CO2, crops will grow more quickly and mature earlier. Evaporation The annual evaporation rate for the region is, on average, 1805mm per annum. It is expected that by 2030 evaporation rates will increase by up to 3.8%. The increase in evaporation is in part due to the higher temperatures and will exacerbate the impact of the decline in rainfall and this is taken into consideration in the yield simulations presented below. Crop Yield The expected change in crop yield by 2030 and 2050 for two wheat varieties with different maturity (Axe and Yitpi) and three sowing dates for the two different GCMs and CO2 projections is listed in Table 3. Despite the decrease in growing season rainfall there is an increase in yield for both the short and mid season wheat varieties in the ‘best case’ scenario due to the CO2 fertilisation effect. However, increases in temperature and decreases in rainfall result in a general decline in potential yield for the ‘worst case’ scenario. Table 3. Percentage change in yield from average current conditions at Tarlee, by 2030 and 2050. Wheat maturity Current % change from current yield type and sowing Tarlee 2030 2050 date t/ha Best case Worst case Best case Worst case ECHAM5 A2 GFDL2.1 A1FI ECHAM5 A2 GFDL2.1 A1FI Short Mid April 2.0 +15 +2 +23 -6 “ Mid May 2.5 +15 -3 +23 -24 “ Mid June 3.3 +10 -18 +15 -51 Mid Mid April 2.6 +12 -5 +16 -17 “ Mid May 4.2 +7 -19 +10 -51 “ Mid June 4.1 +4 -31 +5 -62 Conclusion: As the climate changes there will be impacts on how crops grow – the main difference from current conditions will be that crops will mature faster. If the same varieties of crops were still sown by 2030 it is likely that some crop losses could be experienced by 2030, and more extreme losses by 2050 for the worst case climate outcome. It will be imperative that new varieties are developed which are suited to higher atmospheric CO2 levels and new climatic conditions. The changes in rainfall patterns in the region will also require new adaptations to be developed to ensure farming remains productive and viable. This project is funded by GRDC and the Australian Government's Climate Change Research Program. 47 | T r i a l R e s u l t s 2 0 1 1