Name and surname: Jelena Zeleskov Djoric
Home Address: Dr Ivana Ribara 53/11, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone : 00381112174309
Mob: 00381603343432
Email address:
Skype contact: jelena.zeleskov.djoric.1
Sex: Female
Date of birth: 24.08.1979.
Nationality: Serbian
Employment History
Date 01.01.2011. – to date
Employer: Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research, Gracanicka 18, 11000 Belgrade,
Type of business or sector Science, Research
Occupation or position held Research Fellow, Psychotherapist
Main activities and responsibilities
Manage and conduct a research programme, undertaking
consultancies and conducting tutorials to students; Disseminate the outcomes of research including peerreviewed academic publications of international standing and serving on professorial boards; Take a
leading role in the further development of the research programme and in seeking and pursuing
appropriate external funding; Advising students on academic and related matters; Attending conferences
and seminars; Take responsibility for, manage and conduct administrative and management tasks
associated with programme of research; Engage in appropriate training and professional development
opportunities as required by the Institute; Psychotherapy treatment with prisoners.
Date 01.09.2010. – to date
Employer Sava Perovic Foundation, Borisavljeviceva 58, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
Type of business or sector Psychotherapy
Occupation or position held Psychotherapist, Clinical Psychologist
Main activities and responsibilities Psychotherapy treatment with patients undergo urogenital and
reconstructive surgery.
Date 01.09.2010. – to date
Employer Gestalt Studio Belgrade, European Accredited Psychotherapy Training Institute (EAPTI),
Heroja Milana Tepica 10, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
Type of business or sector Psychotherapy, Education
Occupation or position held Psychotherapy trainer and educator
Main activities and responsibilities Teaching students in gestalt psychotherapy, lectures and
experiential students groups.
Date 01.06.2010. – to date
Employer Centre for Resilience Improvement, Starca Milije 1/10, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
Type of business or sector Education, Mental Health Sector
Occupation or position held Trainer and educator, Psychotherapist
Main activities and responsibilities Working with teachers, parents, children and their families,
organizations and companies – leading workshops and seminars on the topics of resilience and team
building; Working as a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist with children, adults, couples and
families. Individual and group treatment of neurosis, affective disorders, eating disorders, depression,
anxiety, relationship problems.
Date 01.10.2008. – 31.12.2010.
Employer: University Singidunum, Faculty of Media and Communications, Department of
Psychology, Belgrade, Serbia.
Type of business or sector University, Teaching
Occupation or position held Assistant Lecturer
Main activities and responsibilities Preparing course materials under the supervision of a lecturer;
Assisting in preparing examinations; Conducting examinations; Keeping records of the students' results,
activities and attendance; Delivering lectures.
Date 01.10.2007. – 31.12.2010.
Employer University of Belgrade, School of Medicine, Belgrade, Serbia.
Type of business or sector Science, Research
Occupation or position held Research Associate
Main activities and responsibilities Managing data collection projects by meeting paper and electronic
mailing deadlines; Assisting staff in design and maintenance of online surveys and relational databases;
Assisting staff in writing code and analyzing data in SPSS and Stata statistical packages; Assisting staff
in the design, execution and evaluation of research projects including literature reviews, surveys, focus
groups, interview with patients and families, data integration and analysis; Producing written, tabular and
visual materials for research reports and presentations, writing articles for publication in journals.
Date 10.03.2007. – 30.09.2007.
Employer Institute for Mental Health, Palmoticeva 38, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
Type of business or sector Science, Research
Occupation or position held Research Associate
Main activities and responsibilities Managing data collection projects by meeting paper and electronic
mailing deadlines; Assisting staff in design and maintenance of online surveys and relational databases;
Assisting staff in writing code and analyzing data in SPSS and Stata statistical packages; Assisting staff
in the design, delivery and evaluation of research projects including literature reviews, surveys, focus
groups, interview with patients and families, data integration and analysis; Producing written, tabular and
visual materials for research reports and presentations, writing articles for publication in journals; Group
psychotherapy treatment with neurosis, affective and eating disorders, psychotic patients.
Other employment/voluntary employment
Date 01.05.2005. – to date (international voluntary work)
Employer Peak Learning, 3940 Broad Street, Suite 7-385, San Luis Obispo, California 93401, USA
Type of business or sector Science, Research
Occupation or position held AQ Researcher
Main activities and responsibilities Using ARP Profile in Serbia samples, measuring resilience,
psychological testing, data analysis, statistical analysis, writing articles on AQ.
Date 01.09.2009. – to date (international voluntary work)
Employer European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT), Noorderdiep 304, Nieuw-Buinen, The
Type of business or sector Executive Committee
Occupation or position held Vice-President, NOGT officer and External Relations (PR)
Main activities and responsibilities Liaison with European countries and their National Associations for
Gestalt Therapy (NOGT), accreditation and re-accreditation of NOGT, developing NOGT in countries
where they are not still established, PR and organizational development of EAGT.
Date 18.10.2013. – to date (international voluntary work)
Employer European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP), Schnirchgasse 9a/4th floor/room 410, 1030
Vienna, Austria
Type of business or sector European Training Standard Committee (ETSC)
Occupation or position held Permanent Member
Main activities and responsibilities Development of training standards in psychotherapy for all
modalities in Europe, liaison with National Association of Psychotherapy in all EU countries with regard
to training standards.
Date 23.06.2008. – 26.11.2010.
Name and type of organization providing education University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy,
Department of Psychology
Principal subjects/occupational skills Doctoral dissertation in Clinical Psychology, GPA 10.00 out of
10.00. Summa cum laude.
Title of qualification awarded PhD, Doctor of Psychology
Date 30.10.2003. – 18.12.2006.
Name and type of organization providing education University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy,
Department of Psychology,
Principal subjects/occupational skills Postgraduate studies in Psychotherapy, GPA 9.60 out of 10.00.
Summa cum laude.
Title of qualification awarded MSc, Master of Science in Psychology
Date 01.10.1998. – 30.06.2003.
Name and type of organization providing education University of Nis, Faculty of Philosophy,
Department of Psychology
Principal subjects/occupational skills Psychology, Graduate studies in Psychology, GPA 9.93 out of
10.00. Summa cum laude.
Title of qualification awarded BA, Bachelor of Art in Psychology
Date 01.10.2003. – 06.06.2008.
Name and type of organization providing education Gestalt Studio Belgrade, European Accredited
Psychotherapy Training Institute
Principal subjects/occupational skills Gestalt Psychotherapy
Title of qualification awarded Gestalt Psychotherapist, European Certificate in Gestalt Psychotherapy
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
IELTS Academic
Other training and professional development
2012-2014 International Psychotherapy Gestalt Training “Psychopathology and Contemporary
Disturbances“ at HCC Italy European Accredited Psychotherapy Training Institute (EAPTI), a
postgraduate level course in psychotherapy recognized by Italian Ministry of Education with Margherita
Spagnuolo Lobb, Gianni Francesetti, Carmen Vazquez and Jean-Marie Robine.
2014 Psychotherapy workshop “ The situation in flesh and bones” organized by Center for Somatic
Studies New York and Institute Francais de Gestalt Therapie with Ruella Frank and Jean-Marie Robine.
Ongoing psychotherapy training
2014-2015 Relational living Body Psychotherapy “ Developing Embodied interventions and experiments
within the co-creating embodied field” with Julianne Appel-Opper and Roderick Aungier.
Computer skills: Word, Power Point, SPSS, Excel, Statistica.
Driver licence: B.
Honours and awards
Royal Norwegian Embassy Belgrade for the best student Universities of Serbia in 2000.
Government of the Republic of Serbia for the best student Universities of Serbia in 2001.
University of Nis, Faculty of Philosophy for the best graduate student at Department of Psychology in
University of Nis, Faculty of Philosophy for the best graduate student at the Faculty in 2003/04.
Ministry of Education Republic of Serbia and Assembly of the city of Belgrade for the best student of the
University of Nis in 2003/04.
Fellowship for Talented Students City of Nis- 1998-2003
Fellowship Ministry of Science and Technological Development Republic of Serbia- 2003-200
Proffesional work in research projects
Project Title: Offender Supervision in Europe
Coordinator of the Project: prof. Dr Fergus McNeill, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Duration: 2012-2016
Founded by: European Commission
Job position: Research Fellow, Management Committee Member for Serbia
Project Title: Crime in Serbia: phenomenology, risk factors and social intervention
Coordinator of the Project: prof. Dr Vladan Joldzic
Duration: 2011-2015
Founded by: Ministry of Science and Tehnological Development
Job postion: Research Fellow
Project Title: Personality Dimensions, Parentship Quality, Children Abuse-Transgenerational
Transmission of Trauma
Coordinator of the Project: prof. Dr Dušica Lečić-Toševski
Duration: 2006-2010
Founded by: Ministry of Science and Tehnological Development
Job postion: Research Associate
Project Title: Global Resilience Project
Coordinator of the Project: prof. Paul Stoltz, Ph.D
Duration: 1989-today
Founded by: Peak Learning Research Centre, California, USA
Position held: Researcher for Serbia - from 2005-today
Professional Associations Membership
American Psychological Association - full member since 2008
European Association of Gestalt Therapy - full member since 2008; a member of the Executive
Committee since 2009, Vice-President since 2013.
European Association for Psychotherapy – full member since 2013; a permanent member of the European
Training Standard Committee and Membership Committee.
Serbian Association of Psychotherapy -full member since 2008
Serbian Psychological Society -full member since 2005
Associate Editor of Gestalt Research Press – www,
University of Michigan Crime Control, Poverty and Justice Work Group member, USA