Reception – Autumn 2 `15 - Greenside Primary School

Greenside: Medium Term Plan
Autumn Term 2, 2015-2016
International Creative Baccalaureate Theme: Colour & Light (India)
Film links: Cinderella (Into Film)/Dr Seuss-How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Areas of
Social and
and Language
Talk about the colours, why they have a favourite and
how the colour makes them feel. Use the story of
‘Elmer’ and ‘Picasso the Green Frog’ to talk about how
colours can affect how you feel.
 Read stories ‘The Rainbow Fish’ ‘Laura’s Star’.
Discuss with the children the importance of sharing
special things with other people – giving things to other
people can make us happy.
 Introduce the theme of day & night to the children.
Show pictures of daytime & night-time – talk about the
differences. Ask the children to share their feelings
associated with night-time – ‘Are any of the children
afraid of the dark?’ ‘What do they do when they feel
 Talk about the importance of light to help us feel safe
in the dark. Ask the children if they know of different
forms of light – lamps, torches, candles, car headlights,
street-lights, coloured/disco lights, etc. Talk about ways
of keeping safe in the dark – wearing light /bright
coloured clothes, taking a torch, having lights on bikes,
 Cinderella-How should we treat others?
 How the Grinch stole Christmas! Discussions about
 Talk to the children about different events & festivals
which people celebrate to signify special times in their
lives – birthdays, weddings, Christmas (Grinch film),
Eid, Diwali, etc.
 Sing topic related songs- introduction of new vocab:
e.g Four red apples, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Three
Yellow Ducks.
 New topic related words: colour, light, dark, light
source, reflect, shiny, dull.
 Grown up word of the week to encourage language
 Listening corner available with topic related books.
Age bands 40-60 months
1. Initiates conversations, attends to and takes
account of what others say.
2. Explains own knowledge and understanding, and
asks appropriate questions of others.
3. Takes steps to resolve conflicts with other
children, e.g. finding a compromise.
4. Aware of the boundaries set, and of behavioural
expectations in the setting
1. Show sensitivity to others’ needs and feelings
2. Children talk about how they and others show
DMS 40-60 months
 Extends vocabulary, especially by grouping and
naming, exploring the meaning and sounds of
new words.
 Uses language to imagine and recreate roles
and experiences in play situations.
 Links statements and sticks to a main theme or
 Uses talk to organise, sequence and clarify
Social, Cultural
Spiritual, Moral
Week 1/2
Week 7-8
Week 1-3
Greenside: Medium Term Plan
Autumn Term 2, 2015-2016
Language structures: comparison They are different/
They are the same because
 Classifying language: This is a…
 Story sequencing language: First, then, next after,
finally etc.
 Modelling of correct past, present and future tense
 Maths language-, less, fewer, more, add, subtract,
takeaway, first, second, third etc.
Brown Bear, Brown Bear
 Sequential language: first, then, next, afterwards,
 Predicting the next part of the text
 Creating their own version of the text
 Present tense: Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you
see? I see a …
 Descriptive language to describe the animals
 Creating the setting of the text
 Identifying characters
 Hot Seating/Question time linked to the text
 Answering questions: Why did Elmer want to change
colour? Why did the other elephants not recognise
him? How did he change his colour?
Laura’s Star
 Retelling the Christmas story
 Holding pencil, chalk, pens, paintbrush correctly.
 Manipulating clay, placticine, etc.
 Dance – Let’s Move.
 Threading patterns
 Handwriting activities- Jarman patterns
 Riding bikes/trikes
 Finger painting/Hand painting
 Fine motor skill - finger painting/cornflour, zips, buttons
and fasteners on clothes, drawing patterns, use of
 Ribbons available- letter formation
 Paint brushes and water available- brush strokes
 Tweezers to pick up food for the elephants
 Brain Gym- crossing the mid line
thinking, ideas, feelings and events.
Introduces a storyline or narrative into their play.
Week 1-2
CL Listening & Attention ELG
 listen attentively in a range of situations
 listen to stories
 accurately anticipating key events
 respond to what they hear with relevant
comments, questions or actions
Week 3-4
CL Understanding ELG
 answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about their
experiences in response to stories or events
Week 5-6
Week 7
DMS 40-60 months
 Uses simple tools to effect changes to materials.
 Handles tools, objects, construction and
malleable materials safely and with increasing
 Shows a preference for a dominant hand.
 Begins to use anticlockwise movement and
retrace vertical lines.
 Begins to form recognisable letters.
 Uses a pencil and holds it effectively to form
recognisable letters, most of which are correctly
 Travels with confidence and skill around, under,
over and through balancing and climbing
 Begins to form recognisable letters.
Greenside: Medium Term Plan
Autumn Term 2, 2015-2016
 Phase 2 phonics daily
 know the Phase 2 Sounds: s, a, t, i p n, c, k, ck, e, h, r,
m, d, g, o, u, l, f, b , ff, ll, ss
 read high frequency words (HFW) is, it, in, at and tricky
words no, go, I, to and the
 know the Phase 3 sounds: Consonant digraphs: ch,
sh, th, ng, Vowel digraphs: ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or,
ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er (if your child has completed
phase 2 phonics programme)
 read tricky words: he, she, we, me, be, was, my, you,
her, they, all, are
 Decodable texts available in book corner
 Weekly guided reading
 Phonic activities on the IWB- phase 2 / phase 3
 Non-fiction texts available linked to bears
 Listening corner- drawing pictures to match what they
have heard etc./ book review in the form of pics
 Rhyming activities/Alliteration activities – silly soup
Brown Bear, Brown Bear
 Labelling the different animals
 Writing their own version of the text- adapting the
colours and animals
 Speech bubbles- I saw a purple cat.
 Labelling the different elephants
 Writing a letter to the other elephants
 Speech bubble writing
 Postcards from India
 Party list for the Parade
 Invitations for the Parade
Indian Restaurant
 Order forms
 Menu
 Customer feedback forms
 Shopping list
Santa’s Grotto (Grinch link)
 Christmas list
 Christmas tags
 Writing a letter to Santa
Reading DMS 40-60 months
 Continues a rhyming string.
 Hears and says the initial sound in words.
 Can segment the sounds in simple words and
blend them together and knows which letters
represent some of them.
 Links sounds to letters.
 Uses vocabulary and forms of speech that are
increasingly influenced by their experiences of
Writing DMS 40-60 months
 Gives meaning to marks they make as they
draw, write and paint.
 Begins to break the flow of speech into words.
 Hears and says the initial sound in words.
 Links sounds to letters, naming and sounding
the letters of the alphabet.
 Writes own name.
Literacy-Writing ELG
 children use their phonic knowledge to write
words in ways which match their spoken sounds
 write some irregular common words
 write simple sentences which can be read by
themselves and others
 some words are spelt correctly and others are
phonetically plausible
Week 1-2
Week 3-4
Week 3-5
Week 6-7
Greenside: Medium Term Plan
Autumn Term 2, 2015-2016
Door number to change every few days dependant on
chn’s needs
Estimating the value of Numicon pieces
Number bonds to 6 (5+1/4+2/3+3)
Buying items from the Halloween Potion Shop- 1
more/1less sale
Ordinal numbers linked to Brown Bear, Brown Bear
Matching the correct money to a price
Recognise value of different coins
Price tags in Indian restaurant- 1p’s available
2D shaped Taj Mahal triangle, circle, oblong, semicircle and describing their properties
Naming 2D shaped biscuits and cakes
Weighing Christmas presents- heavier/lighter/balanced
Singing maths songs- 5 yellow stars swinging in the
sky’ (to the tune of 10 green bottles).Use objects &
pictures to encourage & support their involvement in
singing activities. Introduce ‘zero’ or ‘none’ at the
beginning or end of song / rhyme.
Counting the number of children in each area
International Creative Baccalaureate:
Maths-Number DMS 40-60 months
 Counts objects to 10, and beginning to count
beyond 10.
 Counts out up to six objects from a larger group.
 Selects the correct numeral to represent 1 to 5,
then 1 to 10 objects.
 Counts an irregular arrangement of up to ten
 Estimates how many objects they can see and
checks by counting them.
 Uses the language of ‘more’ and ‘fewer’ to
compare two sets of objects.
 Finds the total number of items in two groups by
counting all of them.
 Says the number that is one more than a given
 Finds one more or one less from a group of up
to five objects, then ten objects.
Maths-Shape, Space and Measure DMS 40-60
 Selects a particular named shape (circle,
triangle, square, oblong, semi-circle)
 Can describe their relative position such as
‘behind’ or ‘next to’.
 Orders two items by weight or capacity.
 Beginning to use everyday language related to
Greenside: Medium Term Plan
Autumn Term 2, 2015-2016
ICT available- IWB, children’s computer, camera
Guided reading linked to non-fiction texts
Making Christmas biscuits- watching the changes
Gunpowder Plot
 To identify the main people within the plot- King
James, Guy Fawkes
 Why do we have fireworks on the 5th November?
 Remember, Remember the 5th of November poem
 Students will compare how people lived, how they
dressed in this period history
the World
 Food tasting
 Comparing the environment, transport and weather
 Diwali- Festival of Light
 Learning the story of Rama and Sita
 Learning the Christmas story and performing the
 Exploring how people celebrate
 Comparing different religious celebrations such as
 How the Grinch Stole Christmas-Dr Seuss
Arts and
Halloween/Firework related crafts
 Halloween handprint ghosts
 Halloween egg carton spiders
 Art work linked to Fireworks – ICT program/splashing
paint to make a firework effect
 Junk modelling- 3D structure- Big Ben/Houses of
 Mask painting linked to Guy Fawkes
 Construction resources available
India related crafts
 Junk modelling- 3D structure- Taj Mahal
 Colour mixing- powder paints
Understanding the World: The World DMS 40-60
 Looks closely at similarities, differences,
patterns and change.
 children know about similarities and differences
in relation to places, objects, materials and living
 talk about the features of their own immediate
environment and how environments might vary
from one another
 make observations of animals and plants
Understanding the World: People and Communities
 children talk about past and present events in
their own lives and in the lives of family
 know that other children don’t always enjoy the
same things, and are sensitive to this
 know about similarities and differences between
themselves and others, and among families,
communities and traditions
Technology DMS 40-60
 Completes a simple program on a computer.
 Uses ICT hardware to interact with ageappropriate computer software.
Expressive Arts and Design DMS 40-60 months
 Manipulates materials to achieve a planned
 Constructs with a purpose in mind, using a
variety of resources.
 Uses simple tools and techniques competently
and appropriately.
 Introduces a storyline or narrative into their play.
 Plays alongside other children who are engaged
in the same theme.
 Plays cooperatively as part of a group to
develop and act out a narrative.
Week 1-3
Week 4-5
Week 6-7
Week 1-2
Week 3-4
Greenside: Medium Term Plan
Autumn Term 2, 2015-2016
Creating patchwork elephants-Elmer
Painting with Indian spices
Mehndi handprints
Rangoli patterns
Clay diva lamps
Handprint peacock
 Talk about different types of colours hot/warm,
cool/cold, pastels, bright - make colour charts - look at
charts from DIY stores
 Talk about the colours in the environment - autumn,
night-time lights, colours of different festivals, rainbow
 Opportunities to explore mixing 2 colours together through painting, printing, mixing in palettes - red &
blue, red & yellow, blue & yellow red & white, black &
 Using one colour at a time mix with white or black to
make different shades of a colour - use colour names,
‘light green’, ‘dark blue’. Make colour charts for
different shades
 Role play- Halloween shop/Indian restaurant/Santa’s
Exploring and using media and materials ELG:
 Children sing songs and experiment with ways of
changing them
 make music and experiment with ways of
changing them
 dance and experiment with ways of changing
 safely use and explore a variety of materials,
tools and techniques
experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and
Christmas art work
 Making paper chains
 Snowmen footprints
 Handprint reindeers
 Mistletoes card
Week 6-7
Elmer- patch work elephant