Department of Human Services and Counseling Ph.D. in Literacy Program Student: Advisor: Address: Mentor: City/Zip: Committee: Phone: Committee: E-mail: Committee: X# Program Init. Cert: UGPA Minimum 42 Doctoral Level Credits Master’s Level Core Courses Prereq. M.S. Program Plan GGPA Course MAT GRE Focus: Teacher Educator Title REC LTC1 STM INT School Literacy Specialist/Coach Admit Date Literacy Leader/Advocate Crs. Scheduled Completed Foundations and Technology (6) 3 Pre-Requisite Literacy *EDU 3200 Language Acquisition and Literacy Development for General Education Core (21)* and English Language Learners (ELLs), K-12 *EDU3210/5/7 Research and Practice of Teaching Writing in General & Inclusive Educ. ($25.00 Fee) *Option for NYS *EDU 3220 Approaches, Materials & Performance Evaluation in Literacy certification Advanced Development - K-12 Certificate 21 credits *EDU 3270 Theories of and Strategies for Teaching Literacy in the Content Areas *EDU 3230 Diagnosis and Case Study Analysis of Literacy Performance *EDU 3240 Case Study and Instructional Strategies for Diverse Learners *EDU 3250/5 Practicum and Seminar in Literacy Instruction and Leadership Additional Literacy (6) EDU 3264/5/8 Teaching Literacy through Literature EDU 3283 Research and Strategies in Literacy Leadership Foundations (3) EDU 3281 Foundations of Literacy Inquiry and Professionalism 3 Doctoral Core (15) 3 3 3 3 3 Research Core (15) 3 EDU 3282 EDU 3285 EDU 3290 EDU 3291 EDU 3292 EDU 3293 EDU 5655 EDU 7211 EDU 7800 EDU 7900 EDU 7901 Models & Processes of Reading & Writing Acquisition & Competency Research Perspectives in Literacy Analysis of Current Topics in Literacy Seminar in Literacy for At Risk, Diverse Populations Dissertation Seminar (1) Dissertation Seminar Continued Educational Research and Data Analysis I Educational Research and Data Analysis II Multivariate Data Analysis Qualitative Research: Methodology and Analysis Educational Research and Data Analysis III 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Cognate Studies (9) Date Doctoral Portfolio Professional Scholar Teacher Leader Total (Pass=12) Total Credits Portfolio Review 1 /4* /4* /4* /4* /16* Total Transfer credits Portfolio Review 2 /4* /4* /4* /4* /16* 42 Doctoral Level crs. Portfolio Review 3 /4* /4* /4* /4* /16* 45 St. John’s University Rubric: 0 = Unacceptable, 1 = Unsatisfactory, 2 = Probationary, 3 = Honorable, 4 = Distinguished |*Mean Rating 75 post-baccalaureate Committee Formed Date Dissertation (3 credits minimum) Defense Proposal Approval Date EDU 3292 Dissertation Seminar (2) 3 EDU 3293 Dissertation Seminar (3) 0 EDU 3293 Dissertation Seminar (4) 0 Date Student Signature IRB Approval Date Plan: Plan: Plan: Plan: Plan: Date Date Date Date Date Title Date Advisor Signature Date List & Initial All Advising Dates: Revised 10/13