
Asst./Assoc. Professor of Biotechnology &
Engels -- Faculty/department Applied Sciences
Level PhD
Maximum employment 38 hours per week (1 FTE)
Duration of contract Tenure track or tenured, depending on experience
Salary scale €3227 to €5979
Applied Sciences
The Faculty of Applied Sciences is the largest faculty of TU Delft, with around 550
scientists, a support staff of 250 and 1,800 students. The faculty conducts
fundamental, application-oriented research and offers scientific education at the
bachelor, master and doctoral levels. The faculty is active in the fields of Life and
Health Science & Technology, Nanoscience, Chemical Engineering, Radiation Science
& Technology, and Applied Physics.
The Department of Biotechnology ( is an international expertise
centre for industrial and environmental biotechnology that covers the fields of
biocatalysis, industrial biotechnology, cell systems engineering, environmental
biotechnology, bioprocess technology, biotechnology and society. The department is
closely related to the BE-Basic Foundation, an international programme on biobased
sustainability for industrial production of chemicals.
The Section Biotechnology and Society performs leading research on understanding
societal aspects and translating this into responsible innovation and communication of
biotechnology. The group is uniquely positioned in the Department of Biotechnology
and leading in (inter)national programs with industry and NGOs. The team consists of
one Full Professor (Patricia Osseweijer) and two Assistant Professors.
Job description
The TU Delft offers a tenure track or tenured position (depending on experience) for
an ambitious assistant/associate professor specialised in the field of (societal) impact
analysis for innovations in (industrial and environmental) biotechnology. The
candidate is expected to develop his or her own research agenda. In addition, we
expect the candidate to provide LCA expertise. The successful candidate will
contribute to the department's educational programme with courses related to social
responsible innovation (entrepeneurship and design) at the BSc, MSc and
postgraduate levels.
The candidate should have a PhD degree in an appropriate field of biotechnology or
(bio)chemical engineering. Additional expertise in impact analysis research (including
expertise in LCA) and/or social sciences is strongly recommended.
Conditions of employment
The salary for this position is based on scale 11 to 14, depending on experience.
TU Delft offers an attractive benefits package, including a flexible work week, free
high-speed Internet access from home (with a contract of two years or longer), and
the option of assembling a customised compensation and benefits package. Salary
and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch
Universities. Delft University of Technology strives to increase the number of women
in higher academic positions; women are therefore especially encouraged to apply.
TU Delft sets specific standards for the English competency of the teaching staff. TU
Delft offers training to improve English competency.
Information and application
For more information about this position, please contact, phone: +31 (0)6-51033916,
e-mail: To apply, please e-mail a detailed CV, publication list
and a short (one page) statement of your research vision along with a letter of
application by DATE 2013 to Prof. P.Osseweijer,
When applying for this position, please refer to vacancy number TNWBT12-XXX.