Setting Up RMSWeb Web Server (Win IIS 6)

Setting Up RMSWeb Web
Server (Win IIS 6)
Using the RMSWeb Deployment Tool
Table of Contents
Deployment Package .......................................................................................................................... 3
Setting up IIS Web Server Environment.............................................................................................. 4
Web Server Requirements .............................................................................................................. 4
Add MIME Types for Silverlight to IIS ............................................................................................. 4
Publish Deployment Files ................................................................................................................ 5
Setting Up RMSWeb on IIS Web Server .............................................................................................. 6
Setting up RMSWeb with Default Web Site as Root ....................................................................... 6
Setting up RMSWeb under New Virtual Directory in Default Web Site ......................................... 6
Setting up RMSWeb under Web Site other then Default Web Site................................................ 7
Setting up Virtual Directories .......................................................................................................... 7
Setting up ASP.NET Versions ........................................................................................................... 8
Setting up SSL on the Website and Virtual Directories ................................................................... 8
Appendix ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Enable Compression for WCF.......................................................................................................... 9
Deployment Package
A deployment folder contains the following files shown below.
The Installer.exe launches the installer; this must be run from the Web Server on which the
deployment is to take place. All files should remain in the same directory.
Setting up IIS Web Server Environment
This section ensures you understand what software is required on your web server.
Web Server Requirements
- Ensure .NET Framework 4.0 is installed
- In control panel add/remove programs go to ‘Add/Remove Windows Components’ Select
‘Application Server’ and ensure that Asp.Net is ticked.
- To fix mappings for ASP.NET if needed follow the steps:
o Click Start->run->cmd – press Enter
o Type "%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe" –i then
press Enter.
- Copy the crossdomain.xml and clientaccesspolicy.xml to your IIS Root
- If you are hosting in a website other then the ‘Default Website’ then copy the
crossdomain.xml and clientaccesspolicy.xml to the Website Root
- You will need to setup your self-signed or real SSL key. (Steps for setting up an SSL Key are
outside the scope of this document).
Add MIME Types for Silverlight to IIS
- .xaml application/xaml+xml
- .xap
- .xbap application/x-ms-xbap
Publish Deployment Files
This prepares the deployment files so that they can be manually placed in IIS.
Ensure you do not have the Output Directory open in Windows Explorer.
1. Run Installer.exe
2. Fill out your desired Server Url and Output Directory.
a. Don’t include http:// or https:// in Server Url
3. Press Publish
4. Once publish completes go to the output directory. It should be laid out as below.
5. Go to section ‘Setting Up RMSWeb on IIS Web Server’ to determine which setup you desire
and follow the steps therein to continue deployment.
Setting Up RMSWeb on IIS Web Server
Setting up RMSWeb with Default Web Site as Root
This allows RMSWeb to be accessed using https://[YourUrl]/Default.apsx or http://[YourUrl]
depending on how you setup your default web site. Example if the header host URL in the Default
Web Site was then you could access RMSWeb in your browser using
Setting up RMSWeb under New Virtual Directory in Default Web Site
This allows RMSWeb to be accessed using https://[YourUrl]/[YourVD]/Default.apsx
Example if the header host URL in the Default Web Site was and the Virtual
Directory is RMSWebTest then you could access RMSWeb in your browser using
Setting up RMSWeb under Web Site other then Default Web Site
This allows RMSWeb to be accessed using https://[YourUrl]/Default.apsx or http://[YourUrl]
depending on how you setup your web site.
Example if the header host URL in the Default Web Site was then you
could access RMSWeb in your browser using
Setting up Virtual Directories
From the previous step the following three folders are required to be converted to Virtual
Directories: MergeFields, FunctionLibrary, ReportLibrary.
Do do this for each folder:
Right click folder and select properties
Select the Directory tab
Click on the Create button
Set Execute Permission to Scripts Only
Select the Application Pool (Ensure the App Pool is for .NET v4.0)
Setting up ASP.NET Versions
You must ensure that each virtual directory and website has an ASP.NET version set to V4.0.
Perform the following steps on each website and virtual directory.
1. Right click on the website or virtual directory and Select Properties
2. Select the ASP.NET tab and verify the version you are using is V4.0, set it if it is not.
Setting up SSL on the Website and Virtual Directories
SSL Key are outside the scope of this document).
Perform the following steps on each website and virtual directory.
Right Click on the website or virtual directory and select Properties
Select the tab labelled Directory Security
Press Edit in the secure communications section
Ensure Requires secure channel (SSL) and Requires 128-bit encryption is checked
Enable Compression for WCF
In IIS select the properties of Web Site folder (Default Website or other)
1. Go To Services Tab and enable Compression application files
2. Select OK
3. Open command prompt and go to C:\inetput\Adminscripts\ and run the following
CSCRIPT.EXE ADSUTIL.VBS SET W3Svc/Filters/Compression/GZIP/HcScriptFileExtensions "asp" "dll" "exe" "svc"
CSCRIPT.EXE ADSUTIL.VBS SET W3Svc/Filters/Compression/DEFLATE/HcScriptFileExtensions "asp" "dll" "exe" "svc"
CSCRIPT.EXE ADSUTIL.VBS SET W3Svc/Filters/Compression/GZIP/HcDynamicCompressionLevel 9
CSCRIPT.EXE ADSUTIL.VBS SET W3Svc/Filters/Compression/DEFLATE/HcDynamicCompressionLevel 9
5. Restart IIS
See Notes for HTTP Compression, you should ensure that compression is suitable for your web
server hosting environment.
See Configure HTTP compression of
dynamic content to use bandwidth more efficiently. Enabling dynamic compression always gives you more
efficient use of bandwidth, but if your server's processor utilization is already very high, the CPU load imposed
by dynamic compression might make your site perform more slowly.
See Configure HTTP compression of
static content to use bandwidth more efficiently. Enabling static compression gives you more efficient use of
bandwidth. Unlike dynamic responses, compressed static responses can be cached without degrading CPU