January 5, 2014 UNITED HEARTS PRAYER LINE PARISH The number to call for prayer requests, or if you wish to pray with us, is 622-2094. THANKS FROM FATHER PAUL I would like to thank all parishioners and staff members who assisted us in making our Christmas celebrations so wonderful. We have so many talented individuals: musicians, servers, lectors, ministers of communion, greeters, and the folks behind the scenes who helped decorate the church. All your efforts did not go unnoticed! I also thank you for your baked goods, cards, gifts, and Christmas greetings, as well as the very generous donations for flowers and decorations. I am extremely blessed to be in your midst. - Fr. Paul TRIP TO ITALY WITH FOCUS ON TUSCANY REGION Join Fr. Paul and Fr. Ray Labrie for a fantastic trip to Italy with highlights in Rome (with a papal visit), Assisi, Siena, Montecatini, Terme, Siena, San Gimignano, Winery Tour, Florence and a Tuscan Feast. The trip is 12 days with 15 meals included. For more information or for a brochure contact Fr. Paul at 622-4966. Double rate is $3,729 and single rate is $4,299. MUCH APPRECIATION FOR GREETING CARDS Your continued support of providing greeting cards for the inmates of NHSP, which is a meaningful contact for the inmates with their families, is greatly appreciated. Over the years, tens of thousands of cards have been collected, and to date we have been able to keep up with the demand. If you are interested in donating cards, we do accept new cards such as: birthday, get well, thank you, holiday and special occasion cards and plain (no message cards). What we cannot use are cards with notes such as "a donation was made" or Mass cards. You may bring these to the rectory where a representative will pick them up. God bless your continued generosity. 2014 PARISH CALENDAR Heartfelt thanks to Phaneuf Funeral Homes and Crematorium for the 2014 Religious Art Calendar. Proceeds from the purchase of JS Paluch calendars support vocation ministry across the United States. WOMEN’S ORGANIZATION MEETING Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 14 in the school conference room. The social gathering will start at 6:30 and be followed by a presentation on domestic abuse. Women of the parish are encouraged to attend. For information call Kathy Proulx at 644-8138. ADORERS OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT Our Divine Lord waits patiently for your visit. Please come and enjoy His company for one hour. We cordially invite you to come and pray with us every Wednesday from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. at St. Catherine of Siena. We pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for those who are sick, suffering and dying. We will give you the booklet that contains the prayer for this devotion. We also pray the sorrowful mystery of the most Holy Rosary. PROTECTING OUR FAMILIES With the endorsement of Bishop Libasci, Dr. Peter Kleponis will be presenting several seminars addressing the damaging epidemic we are facing in our culture today regarding pornography addiction. Today, pornography use is one of the most common sins heard in confession. The seminars will be held at Ste. Marie Church in Montminy Hall on the following dates: Friday, January 17 from 2-4 p.m. for all Priests, Pastoral Ministers and Educators. On Saturday, January 18, offered three times for all adults- at 10 a.m., 12 p.m., 1- 3 p.m. or with teens from 7-9 p.m. ST. CATHERINE SCHOOL HAPPENINGS We wish all of you a happy New Year filled with God’s blessings. Our students return to school and classes resume on Monday, January 6. Are you interested in catching a Saint Catherine basketball game? Check out our gymnasium on Saturdays. Challenging Minds, Sharing our faith, Cherishing families. Are you interested in a tour for your child? Please call us at 622-1711 and visit the website: www.saintcatherineschoolnh.com Men of St. Joseph meet once a month on the 2nd Saturday from 8 a.m.-10 a.m. We begin with Mass and a rosary followed by a full breakfast and a keynote presentation by a special guest speaker. Join us for our next meeting on January 11. Our guest speaker is Mr. Seth Evangelho, Parish Evangelist and Youth Minister at St. Andre Bessette Parish in Laconia. Think of this as a short monthly retreat to deepen your faith and keep your priorities in order. Visit “The Men of St. Joseph” on the web or call Rob Hayes at 785-8855. JESUS WAS BORN IN A SHELTER The box at the main entrance of the church is to collect items for those who live in shelters in Manchester. The needs for January are: mouthwash, dental floss, toilet paper diapers. Thank you. MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEEK SATURDAY JANUARY 4 4:00 SUNDAY 7:30 9:00 MEDIA HELP The Offices of Youth Faith Formation and Evangelization and Adult Faith Formation will be coordinating to prepare a video of a Mass with Fr. Paul for the purpose of catechesis and faith formation. Anyone interested in volunteering time, audio/visual equipment or services, contact Derek at 622-4160. 11:00 PARISHIONERS OF ST. CATHERINE JANUARY 5 TIM HUFF by the family WILLIAM BRECKINRIDGE by the family (4th Anniversary) KATHLEEN ALLEGREZZA by Reicheld family MARK PEACOCK by Aimee Weber ARTHUR AND MARY WALSH by Mary Barnett CLAUDETTE MORAN by Conrad & Vivian Moran MONDAY-THURSDAY Morning Prayer 8:30 a.m. MONDAY JANUARY 6 SAINT ANDRE BESSETTE, religious WHAT IS CURSILLO? Cursillo is a Catholic 3-day short course in Christianity to help strengthen our baptismal commitment. It is offered four times a year at the Sarto Center in Hooksett, twice for men and twice for women. The next set of weekends is scheduled for Men on March 6-9, 2014; and for Women on March 27-30, 2014. We are trying to compile a list of parishioners who have already attended a Cursillo weekend and are hoping to encourage more parishioners to consider experiencing a Cursillo weekend next year. Deacon Intern, Geoff Ashman, is overseeing this parish project. A parish reunion for those who have experienced Cursillo is scheduled for 7 p.m. Thursday, January 9 in the church hall. An information night for anyone interested in learning more about Cursillo is scheduled for 7 p.m. Thursday, January 30 in the church hall. For questions or more information, contact Geoff Ashman at 627-8898 or email him at bbgeoff@comcast.net 9:00 TUESDAY JOHN F. SULLIVAN by Barbara Raulerson JANUARY 7 SAINT RAYMOND OF PENYAFORT, priest 9:00 PAUL VACHON by Vivian Duval LOLA RICE by family friends WEDNESDAY JANUARY 8 9:00 LARRY DUNKER by Harvey Bernier 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT THURSDAY 9:00 SATURDAY 4:00 SUNDAY 7:30 9:00 11:00 JANUARY 9 ROBERT E. KIRBY by the family JANUARY 11 LEWIS FRANKLIN by the family DIANE DOYON by her mom (1st Anniv.) JOSEPH ACTON by the family JANUARY 12 ANN MONGAN by Muriel & Claude GRACE MINOR by the family RALPH & MARY WEBER by Aimee Weber MICHAEL BARBARITA by Lorraine & Larry Farnell JOHN MORAN by Virginia & Daniel Knight DONATION TAX STATEMENTS FOR 2013 THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT December 21//22 Checks: $ 8,304.00 Loose: $ 3,463.00 E-Give: $ 1,692.00 Total: $13,459.00 December 24/25 Checks: $11,787.00 Loose: $ 5,981.00 Total: $17,768.00 Christmas Flowers: $3,321.00 The Collection Totals for December 28/29 will be posted in next week’s bulletin It’s getting to be that time of year again! If you require a statement for contributions made to St. Catherine of Siena in 2013, please call the rectory at 622-4966. It would be appreciated if you could call ahead to give us time to prepare the statement for you. Please note that statements are only available for recorded envelope users. Thank you for your support of the parish. MASSES FOR THE DECEASED It is a Catholic practice to have Masses said for the departed. They have infinite value for the souls of the departed and bring comfort to those who survive their departed loved ones. We have openings at 9 a.m. Monday through Thursday. You may arrange to have a Mass said by calling the office at 622-4966. BASKETBALL FREE-THROW SHOOTING COMPETITION The Knights of Columbus Marian Council #5748 will be holding their Annual Free Throw Shooting Competition on Friday, January 10 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the School Gymnasium. All boys and girls ages 10-14 are welcome. The winning boy and girl of each age group will advance to compete in the Knights of Columbus NH State Competition. Register at the door or by calling Scott McDonough at 540-4976. RETROUVAILLE OF NEW ENGLAND If your marriage is tearing the two of you apart, no meaningful communication, considering separation or divorce, we can help you. You are not alone. Rediscover a loving marriage with a Retrouvaille weekend. The 2014 weekends will be held on January 10-12, April 4-6, September 12-14. To register or for information, call 1-800-470-230 or visit www.HelpOurMarriage.com THURSDAYS ON PENNACOOK STREET The sidewalk outside Planned Parenthood was covered by a foot of snow and there was a 3-foot high mound just feet from the parking lot entrance. Prayer volunteers barely had room to walk on either side. A woman went inside at 8 a.m. but left at 9:40 a.m., which was five minutes after the abortionist arrived. She was either turned away or changed her mind. After a woman with an abortion appointment did not show up, the woman waiting to meet her left. She looked angry. There were a lot less abortions this day than usual – “only” about 15. Prayer volunteers from this parish and parishes from all over our Diocese pray outside the Planned Parenthood clinic in Manchester and offer assistance to women unsure about their decision to abort. These stories are their eyewitness accounts. There are 20 to 30 surgical abortions performed every Thursday. For more information about how you can help save women and babies from abortion via the newly opened Pennacook Pregnancy Center, contact Cathy Kelley at 483-5177 or catkelley@comcast.net. To learn more about being a prayer volunteer and witness for Life, visit www.prayforlifecenter.org NEW PRAYERS ON OLD BEADS The Knights of Columbus are looking for your old, broken or new rosary beads that are no longer hearing your prayers. Other religious items such as bibles, medals, and prayer books are also accepted. These will be passed on to the Poor Sisters of St. Claire and other prayer groups, to be distributed to those who can use them. There is a receptacle at the handicap entrance of the church. Thank you for opening the door of prayer. ST. PIUS X SEPARATED AND DIVORCED SUPPORT GROUP St. Pius X Parish is continuing its mission to support those struggling with marital difficulties or the effects of divorce. Meetings will be held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month from 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. in the Parish Center. This support group is a fellowship of faith based in prayer, Scripture, and Church teaching. For information, call the parish center at 622-6510 ext. 12. CALLING ALL TRAIN COLLECTORS Are you a model train collector or did you have a fascination for model trains as a child? If so, St. Catherine Parish could use your help in leading a committee of volunteers to transform the school cafe into a model-train lover's paradise for the 2014 Parish Fair, November 27, 2014. Imagine excited model train enthusiasts admiring hundreds of miniature train cars, classic locomotives and elaborate layouts running on hundreds of feet of track! If this brings a smile to your face, contact the parish office at 622-4966. SUPPORT OUR BUILDING CAMPAIGN WITH MARY KAY COSMETICS I am a new parishioner to St. Catherine of Siena Parish and also a Mary Kay skin care consultant. I would love to pledge 20% of my profits to the Capital Campaign from any sales to parishioners of St. Catherine that purchase products from me. I earn my income by selling my Mary Kay products. I offer personal service to each customer making sure they use the correct product for their particular skincare needs. This pledge follows Mary Kay's philosophy of placing " God first, family second and career third" into my life. If you would like a complimentary skincare session/makeover contact me at 603-345-7405 or www.marykay.com/gmazzaglia Feel free to contact me at 345-7405. God bless you, Gloria J Mazzaglia, Independent Mary Kay Consultant CAPITAL CAMPAIGN as of December 20, 2013 Total Pledges: $ 900,146.81 Total Cash Received: $ 376,039.25 Updated totals will be published in our next bulletin. Thank you for your continued support. SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK PAUL PROULX TAX SERVICE EA, MBA, Certified Quickbooks Pro Advisor Tax Preparation and Representation Bookkeeping and Payroll Service 603-206-4370 www.proulxtax.com FLOWER OFFERING FOR CHRISTMAS 2013 IN MEMORY OF Emily Rogge, Marie Lambrou, Austin Rogge Georges & Cecile Ledoux, Helen Brown, Joseph Evans Our beloved families Donald Ledoux, Georges & Cecile Ledoux, Henry Thompson, Margaret Thompson, Regina Samson Louis Lohnes Michael Russells, Hattie Chellis, Lillian Higgins Deceased members of the family Joseph McNamara, Martha McNamara Deceased members of the family Eleanor & Olsime Murray, Francis Szarek Robert Hamilton Deceased members of the family Jules Trudel, MaryAnge LaFerte, Albert LaFerte, Brian Beliveau, Alphonsine Trudel Fitzpatrick and Watkins families Deceased members of the family Gregoire and Lachance families Lachance and Menard families M/M John Glennon, M/M Clarence Houle Mary McKenney Raymond Closson Gordan and Fitzpatrick families Carmine Sr. and Louise Macri Nelson and Gajewski families Deceased members of the family Deceased members of the family M/M George T. O’Brien, Sr. Helen Soucy, Lorraine Bernier, Donald Bernier Ronald Cloutier Mrs. John P. Praetz Nancy Duval Albert & Claire Searles, Robert Dalton, Armand Cote, Bob Croteau Rachel Fitzgerald June Day, Edgar & Blanche Wurtele, Bob& Rita Coderre M/M Donat Bourque, M/M George Raymond Lucien, Beatrice and Louis Guay Deceased members of the family Ed & Alice Biron, George & Jo M. Thinnes Deceased members of the family M/M Albert B. Peterson, M/M Louis Israel Martel, Jeanne d’Arc Rheault, Albertine Duval, Louis E. Martel M/M Patrick Kearney Robert Kubat, Claire Benard Richard I. Smith, Colleen Y. Smith, Kathleen Nordahl, Paul & Suzanne Smith, Wilfrid & Yvonne Smith M/M Richard J. Vigneau, Sr. DONOR M/M Paul Sweet Marie Ledoux M/M Robert Hamel Priscilla Ledoux Mrs. Louis Lohnes Dr./Mrs. William Brewster M/M James Higgins James Aiken M/M Skip McNamara M/M Paul St. John M/M Keith Koerber Anne Hamilton Sheryl Brooks Claire Trudel M/M Richard Fitzpatrick Eveleen Barcomb M/M Bertrand Gregoire M/M David Lachance M/M Richard Houle M/M Ronald Covey, Jr. Helen Closson Dr./Mrs. Victor Gordan M/M Carmine Macri, Jr. M/M Herbert Nelson M/M Harold Sullivan M/M Richard Cote M/M George O’Brien Cheryl Bernier Margaret Cloutier Claire Praetz M/M Michael Duval M/M Richard Cote Daniel Fitzgerald M/M Gaston Coderre M/M Normand Bourque Adele Guay Ed & Trudy Klufts M/M Robert Thinnes Norman Rainville M/M Louis Martel Robert Webster Anne Kubat Elizabeth Smith M/M Aaron Flint IN MEMORY OF Dr. George H. Preble, M/M Romeo Provost, M/M Philip Jarosz Patricia Grace, Francis & Marie Grace Jenkins, McIntyre and Viva families Gus Farris family Hugh & Margaret Cassidy, Frank & Barbara Hirsch, Frank D. Hirsch Joe Sullivan, Denise Sullivan, Jennifer Baldwin Francis X. Schultz Bill Brazawski M/M Arthur F. Norton, M/M Carl E. Miles Michael Nicholson, M/M Roger Goguen, Rachel Wood, M/M Alcide Goguen, M/M Daniel Nicholson Judith Bisett Lois McDonald, Elizabeth McDonald, Daniel K. McDonald, James McDonald, Ethel Tkacs Deceased members of the family B. J. Zapora Ted Champagne, Roland & Aurelie Baron Constance & David Mancini, Aldem & Roseanna Trottier, Gioia Zappone Ron Fecteau, Paul Dumais, Claire Lonergan Robert Couture, Deceased members of the Samson, Marcotte and Couture families Frank & Jean Shannis, Adeline Fox Therese Plaisance Huard and Huppe families Deceased members of the family Marguerite Lemay, Lucille Marston Edward Poirier, Jr. Oscar & Yvette Dockx, Frank & Peggy Foye Susan Wieczorek Richard McKallagat, Gabriella Bozek John Cresta, Mary Flynn, Cresta and Flynn families Alyssa Skoglund, Darwin Stellie Raoul A. Guilbert Joseph Acton, Marion & Jack Manning, Tom McNally families Lorenzo, Roland and Paul Vachon Ernest Robert, Sr. Deceased members of the family Deceased members of the Springs families Deceased members of the family Gloria & Donald Dancause Kathryn Donati Deceased members of the family Emile Bussiere Deceased members of the family Boucher & Roy families M/M Frank Pino, Stephanie Long, M/M Lawrence Nigro, M/M Micheal Disirolamy, M/M Joseph Nigro Robert Pouliot, Pouliot and Arel families Roland Bourgeois DONOR Jeanne & Christopher Preble Paul Grace M/M Carl McIntyre Florence Boisse Catherine Hirsch Joceline Champagne Nancy Schultz Ann Brazawski M/M Richard Miles M/M Mark Gendron M/M Peter McDonough M/M Kenneth McDonald Fr. Paul Montminy M/M Theodore Zapora M/M Robert Champagne M/M Aldem Trottier M/M John Mullikin Helene Couture M/M Francis Shannis Robert Plaisance M/M George Huppe Lee LaPlante Elaine Poirier Branda Andriski M/M Edward Foye Raymond Wieczorek Karen McKallagat Margaret Cresta M/M Jason Skoglund Aline Guilbert Jean Acton Suzanne Vachon Jeannine Robert Conrad Moran M/M R. Springs M/M Ronald Blais Donald Dancause M/M Joseph Donati M/M Thomas Asci Joan Bussiere M/M David Pratt M/M Paul Boucher M/M Lawrence Nigro M/M Robert Pouliot M/M Evangelos Dusaitis IN MEMORY OF Tony & Gerard DesRochers, Lewis & Josephine Franklin, Lewis & Franklin, Jr., Ellen Franklin Hill, Rev. Emery N. DesRochers, M.S. Fred Rainville, Rose Rainville Fred Elliott, Charles A. Montgomery, Regina C. Montgomery, Robert L. Healey, Regina R. Healey Frank Churas George North, Rita Farnham James L. Grace Napoleon Demers, Ernest Demers, Norman Begien, Helen Begien, Louise Brady Francis A. Hunkins, Jr. Fred Dydo, Diann Ball Duplessis family Pelletier and Provencher families Raymond Schmidt, Marion Schmidt, Victoria Kasowicz Shirley & Mason Belden, Mary & Frank Rival, Sr., John Johnston, Florence Keough M/M Harry Pfaff, Daria Gagnon Armand Rheault Deceased members of the family Alyssa M. Skoglund Deceased members of the Forsythe and Haley families Grande and Colson families Dan & Rose Aramini, John & Mary Joyce, Raymond & Nancy Aramini Bellin & Vincanso Passariello Ben Roy, Stephen B. Roy, Kelley & Roy families Thomas Finegan Leo B. McCullough, Darlene Cagnetta, Labonte family Philomena & Earl Swenor Deceased members of the Guerin & Vandeputte families Deceased members of the family Deceased members of the family Diann Ball Auger, Mullin and Couturier families Ryan Nicholas Delores Hoeppner In memory of Helen & Stephen McAleer, Dr. John & Ruth McAleer, Robert & Peggy McAleer, Simmack family and-- in honor of Alexis, Tasha, Keegan, Macy Schneiderat grandchildren Deceased members of the family Joseph Claude Myers, Meddy & Emily Myers, Emma Wheeler Walter Swist, Kenneth Krell Sylvia Kuzia Brennan, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Nedder, Mary & John Sandra Janelle Deceased members of the family Bernadette & Charles Soucy, Louis Lefebvre, Marcel Roux, Alpheda and Joseph Desrosiers James J. St.Jean and David T. Fenner Claire Benard and Robert Kubat DONOR Ellen DesRochers Eileen Rainville Catherine Elliott Joan Churas M/M Russell Farnham James Grace M/M Roland Demers Janet Hunkins M/M Stephen Dydo M/M Louis Duplessis M/M Claude Pelletier Elsie Schmidt M/M Frank Rivan Paula Boulton Mary Rheault M/M Roger Boissonneault M/M Duane Skoglund M/M Daryl Forsythe Marilyn Grande M/M Julio Aramini M/M Thomas Hutchinson Gloria Roy Therese Finegan Estelle McCullough Justine Milanese Alix Guerin M/M Norman Gagne Dr./Mrs. James Tenn John Ball William Couturier M/M George Dunlee Janene Mathieu M/M Gunter Schneiderat M/M Edson Eugenio Carol Myers M/M Paul Krell M/M Stanley Kuzia M/M Roger Renaud M/M Frederick Chagnon M/M Bernard Soucy Ms. Jane Fenner-St.Jean Ms. Janet Benard IN MEMORY OF Deceased members of--the Sophie & Nicholas Bogannam family, The George & Freida Hikel family, the Edward & Hannah Hikel family and The Salem & Nazeira Shiepe family Nancy Aramini, Reggie LaChance and Patrick Keefe Henry Lemieux Jr., Ben Gurley, Jeanette Lemieux, David Piper and Cliff Glover Deceased members of the Healey family Irene & Lucien Rheault and Armand St.Hilaire Betty McClellan In loving memory of our mothers, M. Claire Allen & Therese Fanny Mary and George Baraniak Deceased members of the Chmieleski, Kaminski and Medina families Deceased members of the Malatras, Connelly and Beddia families Claire Hannon Dick Crotty & deceased members of the Crotty & Sullivan families Deceased members of the Duhaime family Michael Barbarita Deceased members of the Lagueux family Deceased members of the Dowd family Armand & Alice Duhaime, Roger & Lillian St.Onge, Adrienne Duhaime and Alderina Lessard Julia Dudek and Peter Dudek Deceased members of the Swist & Glennon families Deceased members of the Derov family Roland & Pauline Lefebvre Clara Beaule Deceased members of the Foye & Lee families Dorothy Days, Dora Pereira, Geoffrey Pereira, Edward Diaz and Tony Rapoza Patricia Cooper, James Cooper, Jane Ewins and Kay Hulet Mary Thirsk and Thomas A. Kennedy Delia & Thomas O’Neill, James J. O’Neill, Ruth & Arthur Lynch, Dorothy Jondrou and Chester Jondrou Lucille Charbonneau, Edward Charbonneau, Alain Bissonnette, Robert Bissonnette and Gerardine Bissonnette Deceased members of the Armstrong family, The Knight family, The Kobolla family, The Burke and McGoff family Deceased members of the Wade family Elaine T. Fitzgerald Lucien Duval and Sandra Goan Deceased members of the Lemay family DONOR M/M Theodore Shiepe M/M F. Michael Keefe Ms. Penny Lemieux Donald & Patricia Healy Rick & Claire St.Hilaire Bob McClellan Paul & Donna Fanny The Baraniak family M/M Ralph Medina Kathy & Manny Malatras Pauline Vincent Deborah Crotty Bette Duhaime The Wilson family Dennis & Pauline Lagueux Richard & Phyllis Dowd Roger & Susan Duhaime Donna Dudek Madeline Swist M/M George Derov Paulette Lefebvre Andre Beaule M/M William Foye M/M Stephen Pereira Judy Cheung Barbara Kennedy Arline O’Neill M/M Daniel Charbonneau Virginia & Daniel Knight M/M Matthew Wade Herbert Fitzgerald M/M Stephen Goan M/M Denis Lemay