General Education Committee Approval Request Form Course Title: GE Category: Communication Skills Social/Behavioral Sciences Course Number: Analytic Reasoning & Natural Sci Contemporary Issues Course Credits: Arts & Humanities Social Responsibility & Ethical Reasoning In accordance with the general education program, general education courses should be accessible to a broad audience and should further the goal of providing a well-rounded education regardless of career aspirations or program of study. In the interest of promoting General Education, it is required that course syllabi include the general education objectives for the course. For all General Education courses 1. Explain how the course is “accessible to a broad audience” and furthers “the goal of providing a wellrounded education regardless of career aspirations or program of study.” In short, explain why this is a general education course. 2. List the General Education objectives for the course: 3. Explain how the general education objectives are included within the course objectives and course outline (for SRER courses, see last page): 4. Explain how the course content and design relates to the specified category definitions (for SRER courses, see last page): 5. Explain how the course impacts other General Education courses, or how the proposed revisions will impact other General Education courses and other departments: 6. For each designated General Education objective, list at least one course specific skill/area of knowledge that relates to the objective. State how each skill/area of knowledge will be assessed and explain what would constitute competency for each of these (for SRER courses, see last page): For Contemporary Issues only Primary Discipline: Secondary Discipline: Note: Within the context of General Education, a discipline is defined as a branch of knowledge for which there are both national organizations and professional journals dedicated to its study and advancement. The primary discipline should be an area of expertise of the proposer and of the department housing the course. The secondary discipline must be taught by some department on the UW-Stout campus. At least one of the disciplines must be taught within the Analytic Reasoning and Natural Science, the Arts and Humanities, or the Social/Behavioral Sciences categories. Explain what disciplinary perspective(s) the secondary discipline brings to the course and indicate where it is covered in the outline: Note: Within the context of General Education, a disciplinary perspective is defined to be a theoretical approach or method of inquiry which is used by experts within the discipline to further their knowledge and/or understanding. Explain how the required course work will be used to assess the integration of the secondary discipline with the primary discipline and the assessment rubric: In addition, relevant departments corresponding to the secondary discipline must be consulted. Please request comments on your draft proposal via email from the person(s) trained in the other discipline. Conversations between departments should include how the secondary discipline defines itself, its perspective, and how the new course intends to implement this perspective. Attach all comments with names and contact information received. For Social Responsibility and Ethical Reasoning only In completing (2) and (3) on the first page, you should explain how the SRER category criteria are included in the course objectives and course outline and you should explicitly identify or explain the SRER education components of the course (e.g., concepts such as equality, justice, rights and/or principles or theories such as confidentiality, professional responsibilities, the golden rule, or utilitarianism.) In completing (5) in the first section, you should explain how the required course work will be used to assess the SRER course components and the assessment rubric. Below, explain how the SRER components are either an integral feature of the course, to be used throughout the course, or equivalent to at least one third of the course content/coverage. It is highly recommended that the Center for Applied Ethics or relevant departments be consulted in the preparation of the course. Attach all comments with names and contact information received. GEC Chair’s signature (indicates GEC’s approval) Date (mm/dd/yyyy)