IMPORTANT – PLEASE READ BOTH SIDES New Drop-off/Pick-up Procedures for Las Sendas Elementary To maximize transportation efficiency and student safety, and to provide our students the opportunity for before-school recess, we are going to pilot a new bus and parent pick-up/drop-off process at Las Sendas Elementary. Changes will go into effect on Wednesday August 10, 2011. Please review the details below prior to the start of school.To ensure a safe environment for our students and a successful transition, parents and students must honor the process and work diligently to ensure all rules are followed. Your patience and cooperation is much appreciated. Front Parking Lot Before and after school the front parking lot will be utilized for bus drop-off and pick-up only.Parents will not have access to the front parking lot before and after school. North Parking Lot The north parking lot (old staff parking lot) will be utilized for parent drop-off and pick-up. Parents will have the choice to either park their car and escort their child across the crosswalk or utilize the curbside parent drop-off/pick-up lane. Upon entering the north parking lot, parents utilizing the curbside drop-off/pick-up lane must merge right and loop around to the curbside loading/unloading zone. Parents in this lanemust remain in their vehicle and are expected to pull forward while waiting for their child. A Las Sendas staff member will assist each driver in locating and loading their child/children into their vehicle. Drivers must remain in their vehicle during this process. Students utilizing the curbside pick-up lane will line up according to grade level. If siblings are being picked up together; students will line-up with the grade level of the youngest child. Parents utilizing the curbside pick-up lane will be asked to display a sign on their dashboard or from their rear-view mirror listing the last name and grade level of their child/children. This way, our staff can call for your child/children to load their vehicle. Before/After School Students may not arrive on campus prior to 7:25 a.m. Upon arrival, students will proceed directly to their assigned playground (see Recess Assignments below). Students will line up at an assigned area on the playground (see Bell Schedule below). Teachers will pick-up their students on the playground each morning. Before the start of the school day, students must remain on the playground. They may not visit other areas of the campus without a pass from the teacher on duty. Students wishing to visit the Library before school must obtain a pass from their classroom teacher the day before their visit. A student with a Library pass may go directly to the Library as early as 7:25 a.m. 1 of 2 On rainy days, students will proceed directly to their classrooms no earlier than 7:25 a.m. Upon dismissal, students riding a bus home will go directly to the front of the school and line-up according to the color of their bus route. Las Sendas staff members will facilitate and supervise students loading the busses. Before-School Recess Assignments Front Playground (front parking lot) – 1st and 2nd grade Side Playground (by 2nd grade classrooms) - Kindergarten Back Playground (back of school) – 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade Bell Schedule 7:25 bell - students may enter campus 7:40 bell - students line-up on playground 7:45 bell - tardy bell We are confident this process will increase student safety and provide additional exercise opportunities for students as well as maximize the efficiency of the drop-off/pick-up process at Las Sendas Elementary. We sought out and received input from experienced transportation professionals in developing this traffic-flow plan. Again, to ensure a safe transition for students, please honor this process by following all parking lot and curbside drop-off/pick-up rules. Thank you for your continued support, patience and cooperation. I look forward to seeing you soon! 2 of 2