LKSD Logic Model Trans plan

Logic Model: LKSD Elementary Transition Plan
Elementary Grade Levels
K-(3] Rationale of the transitional plan:
We believe that most students who
demonstrate initial (entry) achievement
at or below benchmark can make
significant accelerated growth with
precision Core and Tier II instruction.
1. The learning targets in grades K-3 are defined in the Foundational Skills within the
Alaska ELA Standards.
2. The recommended core curriculum materials are STORYtown and/or the Yugtun
Reading Program for Dual Language sites.
3. Some Transitional Assumptions:
a. All students K-2 (3) will receive precision Tier I instruction.
b. K-2 Students identified below Tier I at universal screening and benchmark
administrations will receive precision Tier II interventions.
c. At grade 3, students receiving Tier II intervention who do not show accelerated
growth rates, and who fall into Tier III levels on screening and benchmarking
tests, will be carefully considered for Tier III intervention.
4. All district provided professional development and technical assistance will focus on
teach efficacy and student achievement in the core curriculum.
5. DWIS sessions, K-100’s, site technical assistance at K-3 level, coaching efforts,
development of tools to facilitate delivery of the core curriculum and Tier II
intervention as described in the RTI Matrix will be focused on teacher efficacy and
student achievement in the core curriculum.
Logic Model: LKSD Elementary RTI Transition Plan
Elementary Grade Levels
[3]-6 Rationale of the transitional plan:
(3) 4-8 Transitional Plan
Students transitioning from the
developmental Phase Instruction to
grade based instruction who are
significantly behind will require two
years to catch up for every one year
2) The learning targets for reading Grades 4 – 8 are defined in
the Alaska ELA Standards.
Prompt core curriculum replacement
for those who fall into benchmark Tier
III is essential for students to receive
maximum benefit from instruction in
content areas.
4) The focus of the transitional plan:
a) Grades 4 – 8 is double daily lesson replacement Tier III
Standard Protocol program for students who warrant
that, as early in the intermediate grades as possible.
b) Intervention should be provided by teachers trained to
teach the replacement program.
c) Students who do not fall into Tier III replacement should
continue to receive core instruction with Tier II
intervention as appropriate.
3) The recommended core curriculum materials are STORYtown,
grades 4 – 6 and Glencoe Course 1 and Course 2 grades 7 and
5) The period of the next 3 – 5 years, during which more
students in grades 6-8 are in an intensive Tier III intervention
than are in the core curriculum of Tier I, is temporary and
1) It is anticipated
that the
demographic of
behind in
reading in
grades 4 – 8 will
shift to more
students being
in the core Tier I
program as
students reach
year three of
the Tier III