
Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes
September 14, 2011
Members in Attendace:
Meifang Xiang, Stuart Glosser (Chairperson), Jianzhou Zhu, Lila
Waldman, James Bronson, Dennis Kopf, Jan Olson (Ad Hoc),
Travis Lange (Student Representative)
The meeting was called to order by Stuart at 3:40 p.m. The March 2, 2011, meeting minutes
were approved (Bronson/Kopf).
Action was taken on the following proposals:
1. Minor in Professional Accounting – remove references to ACCOUNT 341 and 342 which
are no longer offered—Zhu/Bronson moved approval; motion passed.
2. Zhu/Bronson moved to approve the following items together. Jan explained history
related to the last item. Motion passed.
a. Accounting 498 Independent Study – prerequisite change from 2.75 GPA in
Account 244, 249, 261 and 343 and consent of department to 2.75 GPA in 249,
261, and 343 and consent of department
b. Accounting 493 Internship – prerequisite change from 60 units and 2.75 GPA in
Account 244, 249, 261 and 343 to 60 units including 18 units in accounting
courses beyond Account 244 and a 2.75 GPA in Account 249, 261, and 343
c. Administrative Action (information only for Committee):
Current Catalog Text:
A minimum combined transfer and UWW grade point average of 2.75 is
required in ACCOUNT 244, ACCOUNT 249, ACCOUNT 261, and
ACCOUNT 343 to major in accounting. In addition, a 2.5 gpa is required in all
accounting courses, and in all College of Business and Economics (including
any MCS courses) to graduate as an accounting major.
Proposed Changes:
A minimum combined transfer and UWW grade point average of 2.75 is
required in ACCOUNT 249, ACCOUNT 261, and ACCOUNT 343 to continue
as an accounting major. In addition, a 2.5 gpa is required in all accounting
courses, and in all College of Business and Economics (including any MCS
courses) to graduate as an accounting major.
3. No motion was needed for the following:
Current Catalog Text: NOTE 2: Any accounting course may be repeated even if
the original grade received was a “C” or better. For purposes of the grade point
average requirement in accounting, the repeat grades will be used. However,
repeated courses do not count towards graduation.
Proposed Changes:
NOTE 2: The Accounting Department complies with UWW’s repeat policies.
Under these policies a student
a. may repeat an accounting course in which they earned a C- grade or below
b. may not repeat an accounting course if the student has received credit for a
higher level accounting course for which the course to be repeated is a
prerequisite or corequiste; for example, a student who has received credit
for ACCOUNT 343 may not repeat ACCOUNT 244, ACCOUNT 249, or
c. for departure from these policies a student may seek special permission for
the Accounting Department Exceptions Committee.
4. Kopf/Zhu moved to amend the agenda to include the Change Prerequisite request for
5. Motion passed. Bronson/Xiang moved to approve the following. Bronson gave background.
Motion passed.
1) Entrepreneurship Major – Remove MARKETNG 400 and replace it with
MARKETNG 400 (Innovation and Technology Marketing) or MARKETNG
429 (Principles of Selling)
6. Zhu/Xiang moved approval of the following. Bronson gave background. Requests have
been received for such a minor, esp non-business students. Motion passed.
1) New minor – entrepreneurship
7. Bronson gave background on the following two proposals. SHRM has encouraged this
addition in the program since content is included in the professional exam in Human
Resources. Bronson/Zhu moved approval. Motion passed.
1) Human Resources Management major – Add MANGEMNT 478 Seminar in Human
Resources as a required course and change electives from 6 units to 3 units
2) Change prerequisite for MANGEMNT 478
8. Zhu/Xiang moved to add Form 2 Deletion of Professional Business-No Emphasis Minor to
agenda. Motion passed. Bronson/Zhu move to remove the minor. Motion passed.
9. UCC reps for this year are Meifang, Stuart, and Jianzhou. Change in IT minor will be on the
Sept. 30 UCC agenda even if not published.
10. Olson distributed Strategic Planning Goals for College. Four items of the nine on list are
listed as a responsibility of COBE CC. Bronson pointed out the MBA curriculum is
currently under revision. COBE mission has also been revised. We need to compare UG
guidelines with the new mission. Diversity needs to be addressed. Service learning:
Currently 20 hours of community service are required. Does this need to be changed?
Should something written be required? If so, who will manage this? Bronson mentioned
research that outlined issues in smaller communities such as WW. Olson listed some
common types of volunteerism used by our students to meet this requirement. This is not an
AACSB requirement but is a CC issue because it is a graduation requirement. Kopf noted
that service learning is a component of some courses. Students should not be paid for this
service—only policy currently in place. This requirement is the most common reason for
delaying graduation.
Content has been mapped that should meet Nos. 5 and 9. Is more work needed? Committee
members are requested to bring these topics to departments to determine which courses and
extent of coverage in courses. This is needed by November meeting.
No. 2 How does curricula align with this? Does AOL cover it?
11. Kopf reported that the Marketing Dept. is concerned with ITBE 388 Career Info. Some
students have poor resumes. Is the course still useful? Should course be graded instead of
pass/fail? Waldman pointed out class size problem and the grading of resumes. Discussion
followed on the problem and possible alternatives.
12. Travis stated that he will graduate in December. Dean’s Advisory council will appoint a new
Bronson/Glosser moved to adjourn at 4:42 p.m.