Dear Parent We are pleased to be continuing the Mini Tennis programme at Aboyne Lodge School. Our aims are to give more children the chance to play our sport and gain an interest. We will also be potentially selecting talented children for tennis scholarships in the area. Over the last 5 years, we have developed an excellent reputation among many local schools and have had the joy of teaching over 6,000 school children, many of whom are now playing in clubs and tennis centres! We now have a number of players from the local district who are nationally funded by the Lawn Tennis Association after first picking up a racket at school! All our coaches are LTA qualified, dedicated and specifically trained to deliver courses in an environment which is educational, healthy and FUN! The programme content includes: Technical development (fundamental shot technique) Ball sense development (reading of ball and reacting in the right way) Physical development (agility, balance, co-ordination, speed) Games based teaching to develop key skills as appropriate to the players stage of development Each lesson will last 30 minutes and will cost £4.55 per child per session. The course will run for 10 weeks, during lunchtime on Tuesdays. Please fill out the slip provided and return with a cheque to the school office in an envelope marked “Mini Tennis Course”. I hope to gain your interest and look forward to teaching your child. Yours faithfully Jon Meredith Winning Start Tennis – in association with 07748 777080 Find us on Facebook – Winning Start Schools Tennis ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABOYNE LODGE MINI TENNIS CLUB AUTUMN TERM 2015 Child’s Name Class Date of Birth Email Address Phone Number Parents’ Involvement in Sport I enclose a cheque made payable to Jon Meredith for £45.50 Signed