CEMA Bucket Elevator Book Chapter 4 Selection of Bucket Elevator Style and Design based on Conveyed Material Chapter Lead: Jeff Gerhart Contacts and References Name Jeff Gerhart Company Martin Sprocket & Gear DRAFT HISTORY Draft Number 1 Date September 4, 2012 E-Mail jgerhart@martinsprocket.com Draft Chapter 4 – Selection of Bucket Elevator Style and Design Based on Conveyor Material First Draft September 4, 2012 Chapter 4 - Selection of Bucket Elevator Style and Design based on Conveyed Material When determining the design criteria for a bucket elevator, it is very important to review the characteristics of the material to be conveyed. The characteristics of the material will have an impact on how the material will evacuate the bucket as it comes over the head sprocket or pulley. This will dictate if the elevator should use a centrifugal style of discharge or a continuous (gravity) style of discharge. Some determining factors in this choice include density of material, propensity of material to aerate during discharge, and particle size of material. Other characteristics that have impact on elevator design selection is abrasiveness of material, temperature of material, moisture content of material, and degradability of material. These factors can influence the style of discharge, the use of belt or chain as the carrier line, the style of bucket, take-up style, seals, and other design considerations. See chapter 2 for some further details on selection criteria. Figure 1 below is a sample material table for common materials conveyed in bucket elevators with a recommended bucket elevator series. Consult your CEMA manufacturer for other design criteria recommendations. MATERIALS TABLE Figure 1 MATERIAL TO BE CONVEYED Alfalfa Meal Almonds, broken Almonds, whole Alum, fine Alum, lumpy Alumina Aluminum chips Aluminum hydrate Aluminum ore, crushed (3" minus) Aluminum oxide Aluminum silicate Aluminum sulphate Ammonium chloride, crystalline Ammonium nitrate Ammonium sulphate, granular DENSITY MATERIAL LBS/CU. FT. CODE + 17 28-30 28-30 45-50 50-60 50-65 7-15 18 75-85 70-120 49 54 45-52 45 45-58 Page 2 of 7 B-46Y C1/2-36Q C1/2-36Q B-35 D-35 B-27M E-46Y C1/2-35 D-37 A-17M B-35S C1/2-25 B-25S C1/236WUS C1/2-26S RECOMMENDED BUCKET ELEVATOR SERIES (STYLE; see notes below) Where noted as Belt, chain is not recommended, all others chain or belt is acceptable for use. 700, 800 200, 700, 800 700 200, 700 200, 700 700 Belt 700 700 100, 200, 700 700 700 700 700, 800 700, 800 700, 800 Draft Chapter 4 – Selection of Bucket Elevator Style and Design Based on Conveyor Material First Draft September 4, 2012 Ashes (dry coal 3" minus) Asphalt, crushed (1/2" minus) Bakelite, powdered (similar products) Baking powder Barite Barley Bauxite, crushed (3" minus) Beans, whole castor Beans, dry navy Bentonite, crude Bentonite (100 mesh minus) Boneblack Bones, crushed (1/2" minus) Bones, granulated or ground (1/8" minus) Bone meal Borax, fine Borax, screenings (1/2" minus) Bran Brewers grain, spent wet Brewers grain, spent dry Buckwheat Calcium oxide Carbon black, pelletized Carbon black powder, channel Carbon black powder, furnace Carborundum (3" minus) Cast iron borings Cement, portland Cement, portland aerated Cement clinker Chalk, lumpy Chalk, pulverized (100 mesh minus) Charcoal Cinders, coal Cinders, blast furnace Clay, Brick, Dy Fines Clover seed Coal, anthracite sized Coal, anthracite, river coal & culm Coal, bituminous, mined 50 mesh minus Coal, bituminous, mined, slack, 1/2" minus Coal, bituminous, mined, sized, over 1/2" Coal, bituminous, mined, run of mine Coal, bituminous, mined, stripping, uncleaned over 1/2" Cocoa beans 35-40 45 35-45 40-55 180 38 75-85 36 48 35-40 50-60 20-25 34-40 50 55-60 45-55 55-60 16-20 55-60 25-30 37-42 60-65 20-25 4-7 4-7 100 130-200 94 60-75 75-95 75-85 65-75 18-25 40 57 100-120 48 55-60 55-60 50-54 43-50 45-55 45-55 D-46T C1/2-35 B2-5S A-25 D-36 B-15N D-37 C1/2-15W C1/2-15W D-46X A2-6XY A100-25Y C1/2-26W B-26W B-36 B-26T C1/2-36 B-35NY C1/2-45T C1/2-45T B6-25N B-45X B-15Q A-35Y A-35Y D-27 C-46 A-26M A-16M D-37 D-26 A-46MXY D-36Q D-37T D-37T C1/2-36 B-25N C1/2-26 B-35TY B-45T C1/2-45T D-35T D-35T 50-60 D-36T 30-40 C1/2-25Q Page 3 of 7 200 100, 200, 700, 800 700, 800 700, 800 700, 800, 1000, 1100 100, 200 Belt 100, 200, 700, 1000, 1100 100, 200, 700, 800 700, 800 100, 200 700, 800 700 100, 200, 1400 100, 200, 1400 100, 200, 700, 800 100, 200, 700, 800 100, 200 100, 200 100, 200 100, 200 500 Belt 100, 200, 700, 800,1000, 1100, 1400 700, 800 CF* CF* 700 100, 200 100, 200, 700, 800 100, 200, 700, 800, 1400 200, 700, 1000, 1100, 1400 100, 200, 700, 800 700, 800 700 200, 700 200, 700 100 Belt 100, 200 100, 200, 700, 800, 1400 100, 200, 700, 800, 1400 700, 800 100, 200, 700, 1000, 1100, 1400 700, 1000, 1100, 1400 100, 200, 700, 1000, 1100, 1400 100, 200, 700, 1000, 1100, 1400 100, 200, 700 Draft Chapter 4 – Selection of Bucket Elevator Style and Design Based on Conveyor Material First Draft September 4, 2012 Coffee, green bean Coffee, roasted bean Coke, Breeze Coke, loose Coke, petroleum, calcined Coke breeze, !/4" minus Copra Copra Cake, lumpy Copra Cake, groud Copra meal Cork, fine ground Cork, granulated Corn, cracked Corn, seed Corn, shelled Corn germs Corn grits Corn sugar Cornmeal Cottonseed, dry delinted Cottonseed, dry with lint Cottonseed, cake, lumpy Cottonseed hulls Cottonseed meal Cottonseed meats Cullet Cracklings, crushed, 3" minus Dolomite, lumpy Ebonite, crushed 1/2" minus Feldspar, ground !/2" minus Feldspar, powdered 200 mesh Flaxseed Flaxseed cake, expeller Flaxseed meal Flour, wheat 32 22-26 25-35 23-35 35-45 25-35 22 25-30 40-45 40-45 12-15 12-15 45-50 45 45 21 40-45 31 38-40 35 18-25 40-45 12 35-40 40 80-120 40-50 90-100 65-70 70-85 100 43-45 48-50 25 35-40 C1/2-25Q C1/2-15W C1/2-37 D-47QVT D-36Y C1/2-37Y D-25 D-25W B-35W B-35W B-45MY C1/2-45T C1/2-25W B-15N D-37 B-25W B-25W B-35 B35W C1/2-25W C1/2-35W D-25W B-45Y B-35W B-35W D-37Z D45 D26 C1/2-25 B36 A46 B6-35X D-35T B -25W A-45PN Flue dust, boiler house, dry 35-40 A-17MTY Flourspar, 1/2" screenings Fuller's Earth, dry Fuller's Earth, oily Fuller's Earth, burnt, oil filter Fuller's Earth, raw, oil filter Glass batch Glue, ground, 1/8" minus Glue, pearl Grains, distillery, spent dry 85-105 30-35 60-65 40 35-40 80-100 40 40 30 C1/2-46 B-26 B-26 B26 B-26CF D-27Z B-26 C1/2-25 E-25WY Page 4 of 7 100, 200, 700, 800 100, 200, 700, 800 200 Belt, 200 200 Belt 200 Belt 100, 200 Belt 100, 200, 700 100, 200, 700 100, 200, 700, 800 100, 200, 700, 800 700, 800 700, 800 100, 200 CF * CF * 100, 200 100, 200 100, 200 100, 200 100, 200, Belt 100, 200, Belt 100, 200 700, 800 100, 200 100, 200 200 Belt 100, 200 200, 700, 1000, 1100, 1400 200, 700, 800 100, 200 ,700 700, 800 500 Belt 200 100, 200 100, 200, Belt 700, 800 (select elevator with double the required capacity) 100, 200, 700 100, 200 Belt 100, 200 Belt 100, 200 Belt 100, 200 Belt 200 Belt 200 200 100, 200 Draft Chapter 4 – Selection of Bucket Elevator Style and Design Based on Conveyor Material First Draft September 4, 2012 Granite, 1/2" screenings Grass seed Gravel, screened Gypsum, calcined Gypsum, dust, non-aerated Gypsum, dust, aerated Gypsum 1/2" screenings Gypsum, 1 1/2" to 3" lumps Hops, spent, dry Hops, spent, wet Ice, crushed Ilmenite ore Lignite, air dried Lime, ground, 1/8" minus Lime, hydrated, 1/8" minus Lime, pebble Lime, hydrated, pulverized Limestone, agricultural, 1/8" minus Limestone, crushed Limestone, dust Linseed meal Malt, dry ground, 1/8" minus Malt, dry, whole Malt, wet or green Malt meal Marble, crushed, 1/2" minus Meat Scrap Milk, Malted Muriate of potash Mustard seed Oats, rolled Oxalic acid crystals Peas, dried Peanuts, shelled Phosphate rock, broken, dry Phosphate rock, pulverized Phosphate, triple super Phosphate, acid fertilizef Potash, (Muriate), dry Pumice, ground, 1/8" minus Rice, hulled Rice bran Rice grits Roofing granules Rubber, ground Salt, dry, fine 80-90 10-12 90-100 55-60 93 60-70 70-80 70-80 35 50-55 35-45 140-160 45-55 60-65 40 53-56 32-40 68 85-90 80-85 25 22 27-30 60-65 36-40 34-40 50-55 27-30 77 45 19 60 45-50 35-45 75-85 60 50-55 60 70 40-45 45-49 16-20 42-45 85-95 65-70 70-80 Page 5 of 7 C1/2-27 B-25NY D-36 B6-35U A-46 A-36Y C1/2-36 D-26 E-35 E-35T D16 B-27 D25 CF* B45X B35MX D35 A35MXY B26 C1/2-26X A46MY B25W B25NR C1/2-25N C1/2-45 B25 C1/2-26W E357W A40-45PX B27 B15N C1/2-25NY B35SU C1/2-15NG C1/2-25Q D-26 B-36 B-45T B-25T B6-37 B-47 B6-15N B-35NY B-35 B-27 C1/2-25 D26TUW 1000, 1100, 1400 700, 800 100, 200, 700, 1000, 1100, 1400 100, 200, 700, 800 100, 200, 700, 1000, 1100, 1400 100, 200, 700, 1000, 1100, 1400 100, 200, 700, 800, 1400 1000, 1100, 1400 100, 200 100, 200 200, 700 100, 200, 700, 1000, 1100, 1400 100, 200, 700 100, 200, 700, 800, 1000, 1100, 1400 700, 1000, 1100 100, 200, 700, 1000, 1100, 1400 100, 200, 700, 1000, 1100, 1400 100, 200, 700, 1000, 1100, 1400 700, 1000, 1100, 1400 100, 200, 700, 800, 1000, 1100, 1400 100, 200 100, 200 100, 200 100, 200 100, 200 100, 200, 1400 100, 200 100 100, 200, 700 100, 200 100, 200 100, 200 Belt CF* CF* 200, 700, 1000, 1100, 1400 100, 700 Belt 700, 800, 1000, 1100, 1400 700, 800, 1000, 1100, 1400 100, 200, 700 700 500 Belt 100, 200 100, 200 1400 200, 700, 800 200, 700, 800, 1400 Draft Chapter 4 – Selection of Bucket Elevator Style and Design Based on Conveyor Material First Draft September 4, 2012 Salt, dry, coarse Salt, cake, dry, coarse Salt, cake, dry, pulverized Sand, damp bank Sand, dry bank Sand, dry silica** Sand, foundry, prepared Sand, foundry, shakeout Sawdust Shale, crushed Slag, blast furnace, crushed Slag, blast furnace, granulated, dry Slag, blast furnace, granulated, wet Slate, crushed, 1/2" minus Slate, dust Soap beads or granules Soap flakes Soda ash, light Soda ash, heavy Sodium Phosphate Soybeans, cracked Soybean cake, over 1/2" Soybean flakes, raw Soybeans, flour Soybean meal, cold Soybean meal, hot Soybean, whole Steel chips, crushed Stone, crushed Sugar, powdered Sugar, granulated Sugar beet, pulp, dry Sugar beet, pulp, wet Sugar, raw, cane Tanbark, ground Timothy seed Trisodium Phosphate, Granular Wheat Wheat, cracked Wheat germ Wood chips Wood shavings Zinc dust Zinc concentrate Zinc ore, crushed 40-55 85 60-85 110-130 90-110 90-100 70-90 90-100 10-13 85-90 80-90 60-65 90-100 80-90 70-80 15-25 5-15 20-35 55-65 50-60 30-40 40-43 20-26 27-30 40 40 45-50 100-150 90-100 50-60 50-55 12-15 55-65 55-65 55 36 60 45-48 40-45 28 10-30 8-15 200 75-80 160 Page 6 of 7 C1/2-26TU B-36TW B-26NT B-47 B-37 B-27 B-47 D-37 B-35 C1/2-36 A27 C1/2-27 B-47 C1/2-26 A-36Y B-25Q B-35QXY A-36Y B-36 A-35 C-26NW D-35W C1/2-25Y A40-35MN B-35 B-35T C1/226NW D-27WZ D-36Q B-25PTY B-25PT CF* B-36TX B-36TX CF* B-25NY B6-36 C1/2-25N B-25N B-25W E-45WY E-45V E-45V B-26 CF* 200, 700, 800, 1400 200, 700, 800, 1400 200, 700, 800, 1400 100, 200 Belt 100, 200 Belt 100, 200 Belt 100, 200 Belt 100, 200 Belt 700 Belt 100, 200 Belt 700, 1000, 1100 700, 1000, 1100 700, 1000, 1100 200 Belt, 700, 1000, 1100 100, 200 Belt CF* CF* 700, 800 100, 200, 700, 800 100, 700 100, 200 200 100, 200 100 Belt, 200 Belt 100, 200 100, 200 500 Belt 700 100, 200, 700, 1000, 1100, 1400 200, 800 200, 800 700, 800 700, 800 100, 200 100, 200 700, 800 100, 700 500 Belt 100, 200 100, 200 700 Belt 700 Belt 700, 800, 1000, 1100, 1400 700, 800, 1000, 1100, 1400 700, 800, 1000, 1100, 1400 Draft Chapter 4 – Selection of Bucket Elevator Style and Design Based on Conveyor Material First Draft September 4, 2012 Zinc ore, roasted Zinc oxide, heavy Zinc oxide, light 110 30-35 10-15 C1/2-36 A-35X A-35XY 700, 800, 1000, 1100, 1400 700, 800, 1000, 1100 700, 800 * CF = Consult Factory ** If sand is hot, use of high temperature belt & insulating pads between buckets and belt is recommended. + Consult CEMA 350 for material (code) classification descriptions Elevator types : #100 & #200 are centrifugal discharge units, belt or chain types available, #200 has head take-up #700 & #800 are continuous discharge units, belt or chain types available, #800 has head take-up #1000 & #1100 are Super Capacity continuous discharge units, chain types only available #1400 are Mill Duty centrifugal discharge units, belt or chain types available Page 7 of 7