pTHO FINAL - Philadelphia University

Philadelphia University
Faculty of Pharmacy
Lecturer : Ms.Hiyam Al-jaber
Internal Examiner:
Department of Clinical Sciences
Student Name:
Student Number:
Course Name: Pathophysiology
Semester of Academic Year
Course Number: 0530271 Section: 1
Duration of Exam: 90 min
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Information for Candidates
This examination paper contains 1 questions in 5 pages, totalling 40 marks.
Notes to Candidates
1. You should attempt all questions.
2. You should write your answers clearly
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q1) Select the most appropriate answer of the following:
1- Which of the following is the "silent killer" because it usually has no symptoms?
a- hemophilia
b- high blood pressure
c- high cholesterol
d- stroke
3. In what age group is the asthma incidence rate the highest?
a. Elderly
b. Children
c. Adult
d. All are equal
4- The risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus include _____.
a- being a member of a high-risk population
b- being overweight
c- family history
d- All of the options listed are correct.
5- Physical symptoms of type 1 diabetes include _____.
frequent urination
increased thirst
unexplained weight loss
All of the symptoms listed are correct.
7- The pathogenesis of acute myocardial infarction includes which of the following?
Endothelial injury associated with one or more coronary risk factors
Endothelial dysfunction preceding atherosclerosis
Coronary endothelial fatty streak preceding atherosclerotic plaque formation
Thrombus formation following atherosclerotic plaque rupture
All of the above
8- Myocardial ischemia differs from or is related to myocardial infarction in which of the
following ways?
Ischemia follows infarction.
Ischemia is not reversible, whereas infarction is.
Infarction is not reversible, whereas ischemia is.
Ischemia is characterized by an increase in myocardial oxygen supply but not demand.
Ischemia is associated with myocardial cell necrosis, whereas infarction is not.
9- An elderly male patient produced only 25 mL of urine in the past 24 hours. The urologist
discovers that prostatic hypertrophy is the cause. Which one of the following best describes this
patient's acute renal failure?
A) Prerenal oliguric
B) Prerenal anuric
C) Postrenal anuric
D)Postrenal oliguric
10- TA is a 25-year-old woman with type 1 diabetes, hypertension, and a CrCl of 38 mL/min.
She would be classified as having:
a- minimal renal insufficiency.
b- decreased renal reserve.
c- mild renal insufficiency.
d- moderate renal insufficiency.
e- severe renal insufficiency.
11- Parkinson's disease leads to overactivity of the:
A)subthalamic nucleus.
B)motor cortex.
D)substantia nigra pars compacta.
Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for cardiovascular disease?
a- stress
b- consumption of aspirin
c- cigarette smoking
d- obesity
e- elevated blood cholesterol
23- The classic features of Parkinson's disease are:
a- Akinesia
b- Rigidity
c- Tremor at rest
d- All of the above
Type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed through _____.
a- lifestyle interventions
b- exercise
c- weight loss
d- All of the options listed are correct.
Which is the most common form of diabetes?
a- type 2 diabetes mellitus
b- diabetes insipidus
c- type 1 diabetes mellitus
d- They are all about the same frequency.
16- Which of the following correctly characterizes the clinical presentation of MI?
a- Chest pain is an infrequent finding in patients with an MI.
b- All patients with MI have chest pain.
c- Chest pain is the sole diagnostic determinant of MI.
d- Chest pain may occur together with diaphoresis, nausea or vomiting, and shortness of breath.
e- Chest pain associated with MI varies with movement, deep breathing, and/or body
17- Hypertension is caused by all of the following EXCEPT ________.
a- high salt intake in the diet
b- narrowed blood vessels
c- hardened arteries
d- periodic elevated blood pressure levels
18- Individuals who have the Rh antigen on their red blood cells will be:
a- Rh+.
b- AB-.
c- Rh-.
d- O+.
Pernicious anemia results from
a- excessive blood loss.
b- a deficiency in stem cell production in the bone marrow.
c- a deficiency of vitamin B12.
d- too few hemoglobin molecules in each red blood cell.
20- A deficiency of which hormone secreted by the kidneys would result in anemia?
a- melatonin
b- secretin
c- erythropoietin
d- aldosterone
21- Blood calcium levels will increase under the influence of ________, and decrease under the influence of
a- calcitonin; PTH
b- PTH; calcitonin
c- estrogen;testosterone
d- testosterone;estrogen
22- Insulin
causes the blood glucose levels to fall, but glucagon causes those levels to rise.
The relationship between the two hormones would be said to be _____.
a- antagonistic
b- synergistic
c- permissive
d- expressive
23- The
risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus include _____.
a- being a member of a high-risk population
b- family history
c- All of the options listed are correct.
d- being overweight
The risk factors for type 1 diabetes mellitus include _____.
a- All of the options listed are correct.
b- family history
c- being overweight
d- inactivity
25- Type 1 diabetes mellitus was previously called _____.
a- juvenile-onset diabetes
b- adult-onset diabetes
c- non-insulin-dependent diabetes
d- diabetes insipidus
26- Type 2 diabetes mellitus was previously called _____.
a- insulin-dependent diabetes
b- diabetes insipidus
c- non-insulin-dependent diabetes
d- juvenile-onset diabetes
27- When a pregnant woman develops diabetes mellitus it is called _____.
a- gestational diabetes
b- type 1 diabetes mellitus
c- type 2 diabetes mellitus
d- diabetes insipidus
28- Type
2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed through _____.
a- weight loss
b- exercise
c- lifestyle interventions
d- All of the options listed are correct.
29- Physical symptoms of type 1 diabetes include _____.
a- All of the symptoms listed are correct.
b- frequent urination
c- unexplained weight loss
d- increased thirst
30- After a meal, blood glucose levels increase and stimulate the secretion of which
a- glycogen
b- glucagon
c- insulin
d- pancreatisome
31- A fasting blood glucose test level of _________________ is considered normal.
a- 50 mg/dl to 69 mg/dl
b- 70 mg/dl to 99 mg/dl
100 mg/dl to 125 mg/dl
126 mg/dl or higher on two separate tests
32- A fasting blood glucose test level of _________________ indicates diabetes.
50 mg/dl to 69 mg/dl
70 mg/dl to 99 mg/dl
100 mg/dl to 125 mg/dl
126 mg/dl or higher on two separate tests
33- A fasting blood glucose test level of _________________ indicates prediabetes.
50 mg/dl to 69 mg/dl
70 mg/dl to 99 mg/dl
100 mg/dl to 125 mg/dl
126 mg/dl or higher on two separate tests
34- __________ failure is caused by obstruction of urine flow. (urethral obstruction by enlarged prostate or
tumor; ureteral or kidney pelvis obstruction by calculi)