University College UCC

University College UCC
Teacher Education Zahle
Autumn 2012
International Modules in Teacher Education
August 30th to November 30th (December 20th) 2012
We welcome exchange students from all our partner institutions to our University College of
Teacher Education!
Since 1998 Teacher Education Zahle has implemented the International Modules successfully. These
modules are characterized by English as the main language of instruction, a focus on international and
global dimensions and active learning methods.
From August 30th to November 30th 2012, the programme of the international modules will be carried out
as a full-time programme for 20 ECTS or alternatively for 30 ECTS (December 20th) for exchange students.
Aim of the international modules
The aim of the programme is to establish an international learning environment through which exchange
students and Danish students have the opportunity to develop their intercultural competences in order to
act professionally in a globalized world.
Intercultural understanding 6 ECTS
o Weekend Seminar and final workshop: 2 ECTS
o Visual Culture : 2 ECTS (detailed separate course description)
o Danish Language: 2 ECTS (detailed separate course description)
Comparative Education Perspectives in Theory and Practice 6 ECTS
o Educational matters in a comparative perspective
o 36 lessons of Teaching Practice in a Danish school
Globalization and Professional Change 5 ECTS
o Profound knowledge of new challenges to educational professionals as a consequence of
o Cross professional studies with both Danish and exchange students.
Modules in a school subject 3 ECTS
o Choose from a range of school subjects and study together with Danish students
The programme can be combined with an individual assignment at 10 ECTS and a total of four months stay
for 30 ECTS.
Teaching practice
The teaching practice takes place in schools supervised by experienced teachers in those schools. The
students are expected to observe as well as plan, implement and evaluate teaching for different age
groups. They are also expected to look into the different tasks connected with being a teacher, i.e. cooperation with parents and staff, social tasks, and the special responsibilities of a class teacher.
Attendance and grading
Exchange students are expected to attend all lessons in their programme. It is our experience that it is of
utmost importance that
 all participants are present from the very first day
 all participants are able to understand and communicate in English
ECTS credits and grades are only awarded when courses have been successfully completed. The students
will get a certificate after having successfully completed all the modules.
Module 1: Intercultural Understanding (total 6 ECTS)
Weekend Seminar & final workshop: 2 ECTS
Danish Language: 2 ECTS
Visual Culture: 2 ECTS
Learning Outcome
General aims
- To prepare student teachers for the multicultural challenges from the growing diversity inside
schools and in the community contexts of schools
- To acquire intercultural understanding on a professional as well as a personal level
Weekend Seminar and final workshop
Specific learning outcomes
- To analyse learning situations with the use of an array of cultural concepts
- To take action in multicultural settings
The weekend functions as an initial establishment of the social learning environment for the group while
studying in Denmark and has a strong element of practical activities. Theoretical concepts of culture,
cultural understanding and intercultural competence will be introduced to be used as a reflective tool for
students' own experience of living in a different culture during their studies in Denmark as well as for their
future work with multicultural settings and international collaboration.
The final workshop functions as self-assessment of the complete cultural and intercultural learning
experience provided by studying abroad, including professional as well as personal points of development.
The workshops require active student participation in class including awareness and tolerance of diverse
cultural backgrounds, experiences, language skills and outlooks of other participants.
Product and Assessment
Products include results of workshop activities, e.g. posters, presentations, games, discussions. The final
assessment will be done in collaboration with the teachers involved in all the separate elements of this
Visual Culture
Specific learning outcomes
- To observe and reflect on visual traces of cultures in different cultural landscapes like for example
schools and neighbourhoods.
- To make students familiar with different perspectives of Danish cultures.
- To introduce theories of visual culture and methods of social anthropologic analysis
During the course the students will visit different areas of Copenhagen. In international groups they will
work with tasks regarding their perception and interpretation of visual cultural phenomena. The students
will work with investigations of specific places and areas and they will compare and discuss their
Lectures, group work, excursions, fieldwork and final project presentations.
Product and Assessment
Products include results of fieldwork and presentations. The final assessment will be done in collaboration
with the teachers involved in all the separate elements of this module.
Danish Language Learning
Specific learning outcomes
- To understand the role of our languages in cultural contexts
- To understand the basics of everyday multiple language situations and issues in foreign and
second language learning
- To participate in simple Danish conversations
During the course the students will work with dialogue and role play, which will enable them to
communicate by using Danish in simple everyday situations. The students will work with language
comparison, differences and similarities between languages represented in the classroom
The course involves active student participation in class as well as independent and group preparation and
Product and Assessment
Each participant will have to hand in tasks, which will provide the basis for assessment. The final
assessment will be done in collaboration with the teachers involved in all the separate elements of this
Module 2: Comparative Education Perspectives in Theory and Practice
(total 6 ECTS)
Course: 2 ECTS
Teaching Practice: 4 ECTS
Learning Outcome
General aims
- To develop practical as well as analytical competences of understanding educational themes in a
comparative perspective
- To achieve knowledge of teaching and learning in the Danish school system
Specific learning outcomes
- To make observations of learners and show understanding for the variety in learner backgrounds,
abilities and potentials
- To carry out the planning, implementation, assessment and evaluation of short teaching
- To show awareness of the duties, responsibilities and code of ethics for teachers and schools
- To show understanding of classroom management and the broader impact of the social learning
- To show awareness of specific assessment tools in general and those used at the practice school
Comparative education is about focusing on the ideas and practice of other teachers and school systems
as a way of reflecting on education in your own context. The course will focus on a number of themes of
relevance to all teachers. Classes will include lectures, case studies, discussions and group work on
theoretical perspectives as well as drawing on and comparing the unique experiences available from the
diverse backgrounds of the participants. To provide continual professional development as well as
assessment opportunity methods such as student logs and portfolios will be used.
The course involves active student participation in class as well as independent and group preparation and
studies. Independent contact to and collection of material from schools will be required.
Product and Assessment
A final research project based on theory as well as school practice and with a comparative perspective
which results in a project report and an oral presentation.
Assessment will be based on the learning aims and objectives of the module.
Module 3: Globalization and Professional Change ( 5 ECTS)
Learning Outcome
General aim
To develop more profound knowledge, awareness and understanding of new challenges to educational
professionals as a consequence of globalization.
Specific Learning outcomes
- To develop professional competencies of meeting and reflecting on challenges of globalization.
- To develop personal skills of intercultural competence through solving tasks in intercultural groups
of students.
- To train professional English language skills as a tool of communication for exchange
studies/internships as well as for future professional purposes.
Content - Focus on global challenges
Challenge 1: How does globalization challenge us as professionals in education?
Challenge 2: How do we cope with cultural dilemmas in an increasingly globalized world?
Challenge 3: What tools can we use to improve an open mind in the cultural meeting?
Challenge 3: How to educate for justice in an unjust world?
Challenge 4: How to learn from each other in education (focus on exchange, cooperation and inspiration)?
Challenge 5: How to educate for sustainable development in a globalized world?
Challenge 6: How to go global in schools and learning environments for children and youth today?
Challenge 7: How does being a global citizen influence my professional behavior?
Action is dependent on each challenge.
Product and Assessment
There will be tasks and products for each challenge.
A course certificate will be issued to participants who have attended a minimum of 80 % of course sessions
as well as having documented active participation by producing required written course work.
Module 4: School Subject (3 ECTS)
The Danish students study 2-3 out of 18 school subjects and thus become qualified to teach these subjects
to pupils from 7-17 years of age in the Danish public school “Folkeskolen”. The students study these
subjects in classes of about 20-25 students. The focus is on the subject matter as well as methodology and
educational theory. The subjects are not divided into modules but are structured over a period of 1-2
However, international modules will be organised in these school subjects in order to integrate non-fluent
Danish speaking exchange students and in order to benefit from intercultural discussions. These modules
will have English as the first language of instruction or Danish combined with English translation.
During the Autumn 2012 term we expect to offer school subject modules in English, German, Home
Economics, Visual Art, Physical Education, Religious studies, Mathematics, and Educational studies.
Changes may occur though.
Aims, content, activities, products and assessment will be dependent on the chosen school subject.
Individual assignment for students who stay for four months (10 ECTS)
Learning outcome
To achieve specific knowledge about a theme of educational relevance.
To gain personal experience of using methods of comparative education
To write an individual paper on a comparative theme of relevance to studies of Teacher Education and of
the students own choice.
Supervision by a lecturer.
To inquire into the chosen theme by for example literature, fieldwork, interviews and school visits.
Product and Assessment
A final research project based on theory as well as school practice and with a comparative perspective
which results in a project report. The project will be assessed by the student’s supervisor.
We look forward to welcome you to Copenhagen!
International Coordinator Klaus Bruun