Research Student Administration UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORD Annual Progress Report for Postgraduate Research Students FORM A: For completion by Postgraduate Research Student Academic Year (Reporting): Form Guidance and Processes: Please complete this Annual Progress Report (Form A). This is your opportunity to focus on your research progress to date and identify any training and development requirements with your supervisor/team. You need to meet with your supervisor/team and, following that meeting, you should have a shared view of the way forward. Your supervisor will complete an Annual Progress Report (Form B) following the dialogue with you. The completed signed off versions of both forms will be signed/approved by your school (Director of PGR students) and recorded by Student Registry Services (SRS) Research team. This is to enable any follow up in your school or in the University should any wider issues arise out of your comments. This is a key mechanism for the University and you to review your progress so we do restrict registration until we have an Annual Report for each year of study until you complete. Completed Annual Reports must be with the Research Administration team in SRS by Friday 31st July 2015. Both forms are also online: YOUR DETAILS FULL NAME UB number Qualification aim SCHOOL /DEPT MPhil/ PhD/ DBA/ DPharm (please delete as applicable) Mode of attendance status Date of Registration Expected End date Supervisor(s) Please note: the University requires that students engage with their supervisor team on a monthly basis, whilst not suspended and excluding your period of annual leave. 1 Research Student Administration UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORD PROGRESS MONITORING Did you find the support in your School this year helpful? How could it / they be improved? Please note this can include feedback from your supervisors as well as formal or administrative processes. If you are undertaking teaching please confirm that you have undertaken the appropriate training for Post Graduate Research students involved in teaching, as per the link below: I am involved in teaching YES NO YES NO I have undertaken the mandated training for PGR students who support teaching TRAINING NEEDS ANALYSIS What training has been undertaken this session? Please note that this may include attendance at any classes, and training from your supervisors (this may also include English language; statistics; discipline-specific; career-development - please specify). Was the training effective? How could it be improved? Do you have further training needs for next year? Please note if you have completed a training needs analysis please append here. 2 Research Student Administration UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORD IF YOU ARE A NEW STUDENT PLEASE CONFIRM THAT YOU ATTENDED UNIVERSITY INDUCTION YES NO Please use this space to indicate how effective you found the induction and any constructive feedback we can use to improve induction for new students YOUR PROGRESS How would you assess your progress? Do you feel your progress has been satisfactory this year (check the box that applies)? YES NO Do you feel that you will be completed within your maximum registration period (check the box that applies)? YES NO Are there factors which you wish your supervisors to take into account when they assess your progress? PLEASE DO INCLUDE ANYTHING YOU WISH TO RAISE THIS CAN INCLUDE RESOURCES YOU REQUIRE ADDITIONAL AGENDA DISCUSSION ITEMS Do you wish to raise anything further for discussion in terms of your research programme and progression of studies directly with your supervisor/s? SUPERVISION Do you wish to give any feedback about your supervision? This section is not compulsory and this can be forwarded to relevant persons other than your supervisor should you wish to share this in writing and in complete confidence; please refer to the link at the end of the form for relevant university personnel you may wish to discuss this with: 3 Research Student Administration UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORD If you wish to discuss any matter about your progress in confidence with someone other than your supervisor you should do so with any of the following: a) the Director of Postgraduate Research in your Department or School b) the Students Union; c) SRS (Research) team in the Hub - including the Research Student Manager; and/or d) Dean of Graduate Studies A list of many other relevant contacts for PG Research students is available online here: SIGNATURES (after completing the Form A, print and include signatures) Student: _____________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________________ NOW PLEASE PASS THE COMPLETED FORM A TO YOUR SUPERVISOR SO YOU CAN MEET AND COMPLETE FORM B Principal supervisor signature: ___________________________________________ I have read this completed form Associate supervisor signature: __________________________________________ I have read this completed form* Date: _____________________________________________________ 4 Research Student Administration UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORD (* Please note – wherever possible the Associate supervisor should sign off, but where they are not able to please give them a copy. THE SIGNED FORM SHOULD TO THE PGR DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATOR IN THE SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT WITH THE COMPLETED FORM B WHO WILL ENSURE IT IS SENT TO SRS RESEARCH TEAM. A full list of PGR Departmental Administrators is given here: 5