2015 AIP - Junior School - Cleveland District State High School

2015 Annual Implementation Plan
Junior Schooling
Key Faculty Planning Priorities for 2015
Focus on continuous improvement – Kaizen
Curriculum Continuity
Improved pedagogy through Dimensions of Learning and implementation of School Philosophy and Objectives.
Focus on ICT integration through BYOD in Yr 7 to further embed innovative learning activities.
Global Perspectives - Continue to develop an appreciation of internationalism and foster an environment where inclusive intercultural
relationships are understood and embedded in practice (Ubuntu).
***JUNIOR SCHOOLING*** - Continue to provide and enhance effectiveness of transition process from our feeder primary schools
NAPLAN 2015: Focused NAPLAN preparation for students in Years 7 and 9
What we are going to
Focus on continuous
improvement – Kaizen
How we are going to do it
All Junior School teachers continually improve all
aspects of their teaching to continually increase student
learning and thus increase student outcomes as a
result. Such improvements include:
Creation of exemplars and templates for all assessment
pieces, easily assessable by all students in a central
100% of exemplars
completed for all 79 subjects.
All Junior School students to set learning goals in all of
their subjects. The students must outline their goal
(Level of Achievement) and strategies to achieve these
goals. Teachers to continually refer students to these to
ensure they are successfully working towards achieving
these goals and further, reflecting on if they achieved
their goals
100% of students,
setting and
achieving learning
goals for 100% of
their subjects
Who is
HODs, all Junior
School teachers
HODs, Junior
teachers and
When we are
going to do it
throughout the
Teachers to
continually refer
students to these
throughout the
throughout the
Development and implementation of unified
Assessment Cover Sheets for all assessment items in
the Junior School. Cover Sheets will highlight what the
students’ need to know and how to do it to successfully
achieve high results (Dimension 2). The assessment
task will bring to both the teachers and students
attention the various Dimensions of Learning included
in the task such as: Dimension 3 complex reasoning
processes, Dimension 4 thinking and reasoning process
and Dimension 5 Habits of Mind.
100% of
assessment pieces
have a cover sheet
Junior School
year. Every
piece to have a
cover sheet by
the conclusion of
the year.
All Junior students are supplied with a copy of their
Assessment Plan Subject Profile. Students update
profile after each assessment item. Teachers discuss
criteria and what is needed at exit to achieve each Level
of Achievement. Students align their results with their
goals and assess whether they are on track to achieve
the exit level they have set as their
achievement goals
and performance.
New strategies
implemented to
align these.
HODs, Junior
During 2015
(after each
Data Placemats - each Junior School teacher is
required to investigate their students NAPLAN results
and academic achievements from 2014 in order to
identify the high performing, underperforming, at-risk,
indigenous, ESL, SEP/LSU students etc. This data will
then be used to complete the data placement for each
class. This thorough investigation will ensure students
can be adequately extended and to allow for
differentiated learning in the classroom.
100% of staff to
complete data
placements for all
All Junior School
teachers , HODS
Continually seek to improve the successful
implementation of Year 7 and the redesign of the
curriculum framework in the Junior School – refer to
Curriculum Continuity for more detail.
See below
Placemats to be
completed by the
end of February,
and then
reviewed at the
end of semester
one to see if
targets have
been met and
before a further
revision at the
end of semester
Junior School
Principals, Junior
School HOD,
faculty HOD’s,
key Junior
Curriculum Continuity
National Curriculum
Continue staff lesson observations, allowing for
increased collegial dialogue surrounding best practices.
Lessons in 2015 will be recorded for the classroom
teacher to then watch the recording and self-reflect
upon their lesson. This in turn will allow teachers to
collaborate, mentor and learn from other teachers whilst
also reflecting on their own practice.
100% of staff
observing another
teachers lesson
once a term as
well as critically
reflecting on their
own practice
Once each term
-All Junior School
Complete implementation of National Curriculum so as
to meet curriculum requirements whilst also improving
teaching, strategies and activities. National Curriculum
implemented in Years 7-9 for English, Maths, Science,
History and Geography.
100% of Year 7-9
English, Maths,
Science, History
and Geography
units completed in
line with National
Continue to
implement Ways of
Working across
non National
Junior Schooling
HOD, Faculty
HODS, teachers
Teachers competently accessing C2C to utilise
unit and lesson plans. Junior School teachers’
competently altering prescribed C2C lesson
plans to cater for differentiated learning and
finally, ensuring sequencing of units is as
prescribed by ACARA and sourcing appropriate
resources that complement the new curriculum.
HODs, Junior
School teachers
Review Junior
Secondary with
emphasis on Year 9
Review of the Junior School curriculum framework with
emphasis on Year 9 to ensure a program which
compliments the Year 7 and 8 framework and better
caters to the needs and desires of the students in the
Junior School. This review will also investigate ways of
furthering the integration of learning across department
disciplines in the Junior School to allow for integrated
Reflection and
review of program
School HOD
Continue “Flying Start
Pilot” implementation of
Year 7. Share units of
Continue to successfully implement and refine the Year
7 curriculum.
Ensure Year 7 teachers and new staff to the Junior
100% of Year 7
teachers equipped
to teach the
Faculty HODS,
Junior School
teachers, Junior
throughout the
review in Term 2.
Year 8 program
also reflected
upon for its
throughout the
Year. Revision of
work, pedagogy and
moderation of
assessment across
Investigate ways of
furthering the
integration of learning
across department
disciplines in Junior
Schools are equipped with both the resources and
knowledge required to successfully deliver the Year 7
Continue to work closely with the cluster primary
schools to share resources, knowledge and good
Implementation of “So You’re New To High School” in
access and CARE lessons in Term 1 to assist with the
student’s transition to High School.
Effective use of CARE lessons to ensure they meet
the required goal of the program
PAT testing completed on all Year 7 students to gain
their level of achievement and “age” in relation to
spelling, vocabulary, reading comprehension and
writing. All Year 7 students will complete the South
Australian Spelling Test, Slosson Oral Reading Test,
CARS (comprehension assessment) and Schnell
Mental Arithmetic Tests. The data from these tests is
then compared to Year 5 Naplan data and is used to
inform teaching whilst also identifying high achieving,
low achieving and
at risk students.
program. Year 7
teachers assigned
buddy teacher to
work cooperatively
with when they
share classes.
Investigate ways of furthering the integration of learning
across department disciplines in the Junior School
despite the restraints of the National Curriculum.
100% of Junior
School subjects
undergo internal
Track every unit taught in each subject area from years
7-9 to have an up-to-date overview of the entire Junior
School Curriculum.
Ensuring processes for internal monitoring of
assessment are appropriate in each subject. Utilising a
similar format of monitoring and verification in the
100% of students
take part in the
“So You’re New
To High School”
100% of Year 7 & 8
students undergo
School HOD
Junior School
HOD, Year 7
teachers and
teachers from the
feeder schools,
Guidance Officer
lesson teachers
Junior School
HOD, Year 7
HOD, Junior
teachers and
Junior School
DP, HOD Junior
School, Year 7
HOD, Junior
of the program in
October 2015.
throughout the
Semester 1.
Terms 2 and 4
Senior School. All Junior School subjects will undergo
internal monitoring with teachers investigating samples
of other teachers work (A, B, C and D) to ensure
consistency and accuracy of marking across the Junior
Continue and review
progress re Literacy,
Examine 2014
NAPLAN results
and develop
improvement plan
Literacy and Numeracy committee meet regularly to
discuss and review effectiveness of Literacy and
Numeracy. Dedicated literacy and numeracy
lessons for all Year 7, 8, and 9 students which
identify the learning needs of the group while also
allowing for a differentiated approach.
Year 7 and 9 NAPLAN results analysed and Cleveland
High School 2015 NAPLAN Plan revised and written by
Continuation and refinement of the Numeracy program
to be implemented by the Maths faculty. Faculty to
ensure that one lesson per week is set aside to work on
Literacy program refined and executed by the
Humanities faculty and HOD of Literacy and Numeracy.
All Year 8 students will have an extra lesson dedicated
to reading. All Year 7 students will undergo Stars and
Cars program and all Year 8 students will undertake SRA
Reading Programs. Students identified as requiring
assistance are referred to Learning Support Unit.
Student results compared to identify positive or negative
trends and therefore the effectiveness of literacy
programs in place.
Reviewing Numeracy and Literacy programs in Years 7,
8 & 9 by Junior School Strategic Committee and Junior
School teachers and HOD of Literacy and Numeracy.
School Teachers,
Faculty HODS,
NAPLAN Percentage of
students at or
above National
Minimum Standard
– as per School
Targets document
or have an
Individual Learning
Targets 2014
Year 9 NAPLAN:
100% (eligible
students) @ NMS
Numeracy, 24%
Reading, 22%
G&P, 22%
Writing, 21%
Spelling 21%
Year 7 NAPLAN:
Tracey Hopper,
Holly Hough,
Sandy Dennis,
Anthony Elliot, Jo
throughout 2014
Anthony Elliot
and Junior
School Teachers
Continuously in
Sandy Dennis
and Junior
School Teachers
Continuously in
2014 – 6 months
for each program
plan written in
November 2014
February 2014
Junior Schooling
HOD Literacy
and Numeracy
Continuously in
February 2014
Junior School teachers access Year 5 NAPLAN data
to identify individual students who did not meet the
national standards for literacy and numeracy and
use this information to guide differentiated lesson
planning to assist and improve student learning and
outcomes in these areas.
Numeracy, 25%
Reading, 24%
G&P, 27%
Writing, 23%
Spelling 27%
Junior School teachers to review student data on One
School against NAPLAN data to ensure students are
performing to an equivalent or higher standard. Where
discrepancies are evident, teacher to plan for student
Continue to
improve results
from 2014
Students identified in Year 6 & 7 who are not reaching
benchmarks so that students coming into Year 7 & 8
receive required support to work on Literacy and
Numeracy skills
Reviewing and incorporating literacy in all subjects
within the Junior School program.
PAT testing with entire Year 7 & 8 cohort. Results from
testing compared to Year 5 NAPLAN results to identify
high achieving, under achieving and at risk students
Compare NAPLAN results of 2014 with 2013 and 2012
to analyse results.
All Year 7 and 9 students to complete NAPLAN
reflection sheet and reflect upon their achievements.
Additionally, students are required to reflect on their
achievements in Maths and English from 2014 to
identify if they have improved or not and reasons for
Embed Indigenous
Classroom – ensure that faculties are embedding
Junior School
February 2015
February 2015
Jo Zietsch and
Denise Sung –
Learning Support
All Junior School
February 2015
100% of Year 7
and 8 Students to
undergo testing
improvement in
results on the year
100% of Year 9
and 7 students to
complete reflection
Tracey Hopper,
Alina Ryan,
Sandra Dennis,
Anthony Elliot, Jo
October 2015
EATSIPs, Junior
throughout 2015
Culture into the
curriculum, investigate
indigenous curriculum
indigenous culture into the curriculum
Improved pedagogy
and implementation of
Philosophy and
All Junior School Staff will complete a Professional
Development Plan. Teachers reflect on teaching/work
practices, outline their individual personal development
plan for the next 2-3 years, list their strengths, students’
strengths, professional strengths, professional learning
needs and outline three Learning Goals.
implementation of
Dimensions of
100% of staff
completing PD
Plans and
interviews with
Work with Faculty HODs to assist staff to achieve
their desired PD.
ICARE posters placed in all classrooms which draw out
the key terms of the schools philosophy and objectives.
This simplified language will ensure a common
language in the Junior School around CDSHS
Philosophy and Objectives.
Continued use of planned Habits of Mind lessons
presented to Year 7 and 8 students, to familiarise
students with the HOM.
Through the DPF, Junior School teachers have
opportunities to learn best practice from a buddy
teacher and reflect upon their own teaching and
learning during the DoL lesson observations each term
100% of classes
have ICARE
posters displayed
and students
familiar with the
100% of Years 7
and 8 watch the 16
habit of mind
videos and
All task sheets and unit plans to include and reflect DoL
to familiarise students with this pedagogical framework.
Successful roll out of 1-1 laptop program with Year 7
and 9 students. Implementation of BYOD in Year 7 and
continued rollout in 2016.
100% uptake of 1-1
program. 100%
participation in
All Junior School
teachers, HODS
February 2014
Junior School
HOD and
curriculum HODS
Junior School
Teachers, HODs
Teachers, HODs
Terms 1, 2, 3 & 4
Faculty HODs,
Junior School
IT HOD, and
throughout 2015
February 2015
February 2014
Implement whole
school, long range plan
to guide the use and
development of ICT
School teachers
Year 7 teachers implementing use of OneNote and
flipped classrooms in a variety of subjects.
Increased use of digital pedagogies, eg. Virtual
classrooms, edStudios, Mondo boards utilised by
Junior School teachers
All year – 2015
All year – 2015
As per ICT Plan
HODS, teachers
All Year – 2015
Continue to support school ICT plan and provide
funding for ICT professional development by Junior
School teachers if required
Work with ICT HOD to identify meaningful resources to
incorporate into Junior School classes
Term 1, 2 and 3
Continue the
development of an
ethos in the school
where internationalism
and inclusive
relationships are
understood and
embedded in practice.
Year 7 – All Year 7 students participate in a half day
High Resolves Global Citizenship Program where
students will investigate topics including personal
Year 8 – All Year 8 students participate in a one day
High Resolves Global Citizenship Program where
students will investigate topics including collective
identity and justice.
Year 9 - Group of 30 - 50 Year 9 students to participate
in the High Resolves Global Leadership Program where
they will develop a Social Action Project.
The notion of Ubuntu reiterated regularly on Junior
School Parades.
100% attendance
by all Year 7 and 8
students to the
various programs.
30-50 Year 9
participating in the
High Resolves
Global Leadership
Junior School
HOD, Tracey
Hopper, Junior
School teachers,
Year 7, 8, 9
Term 1, 2 and 3
Terms 1, 2 & 3
Junior School
HOD, Year 9
Junior School
HOD, Year Level
All Year – 2015
SCHOOLING Continue to provide
and enhance
effectiveness of
transition process from
our feeder primary
Meet regularly with Deputy principals from feeder
schools and continue the practice of the cluster group
discussions and partnerships.
100% attendance
at regular cluster
Host and collaboratively organise Year 6 & 7 Science,
Maths, Public Speaking, Languages, Creative Arts and
Volleyball extension days.
100% attendance
of selected
students from all of
our feeder schools
Cooperative planning between Cleveland DSHS sports
development staff and feeder primary schools to
establish sports specific activities and trials which
encourages continuity into Year 7/8 Sports
Development programs.
Continue to monitor success and effectiveness of
practices that help Year 7 and 8 students settle into high
school, eg. Welcome BBQ, specialised classes, Fun and
Friendship Activity Days, Year 12 Reps and Orientation
Day. A survey will be conducted at the end of Term 4
to gather this information.
Promote the communication of parents and students
with CDSHS through information evenings, visits to
feeder primary schools, newsletter articles, school
Website, enrolment processes, Facebook, email,
Twitter and phone contact
High Jump into High school Day
Science Shows
All feeder schools
presented with
program and show
Redlands Junior
Schooling cluster
As scheduled
each term
Tracey Hopper,
Junior School
HOD, Cluster
DPs, Science
HOD, Maths
HOD, Language
HOD, Performing
Arts HOD, Sport
Terms 1, 2, 3 & 4
Junior Schooling
All Year
Chappy Neale
and Lisa Thomas
Paul Bagely +
Science Teacher
throughout 2015
Term 1
Term 3 and 4
Term 2 2015