Teacher Self-Assessment Worksheet Employee use and retention Name and Emp #: Date of Assessment: Rate your need for Professional Growth Standard I: SETS HIGH EXPECTATIONS FOR LEARNING AND VALUE STUDENT DIFFERENCES. I A. Maximizes student potential. I A. I Establishes high expectations for all students. I A.2 Respects and values the unique characteristics of individual students. I A. 3 Acknowledges, values, and utilizes characteristics of culture and their impact on learning. √ U D S E Will this standard/component(s) be an area of focus for the current year? If yes, include rationale. Teacher Self-Assessment Worksheet Employee use and retention Name and Emp #: Date of Assessment: Standard II: CREATES AND MAINTAINS A SAFE AND EFFECTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT THAT SUPPORTS LEARNING FOR ALL STUDENTS. IIA. Organizes and manages an appropriate physical environment for teaching and learning. U D S E Will this standard/component(s) be an area of focus for the current year? If yes, include rationale. 2A. I Organizes physical space to support learning. 2A. 2 Organizes instructional materials and supplies efficiently. 2B. I Establishes high standards of conduct. 2B. 2 Monitors student behavior and responds appropriately. IIB. Develops standards and implements procedures that promote respect and responsibility. (mm/dd/yyyy) 2B. 3 Models respect in interactions with students. 2B. 4 Manages student groupings to support learning. 2B. 5 Manages transitions to maximize instructional time. U = Unsatisfactory D = Developing S = Skillful E = Exemplary Teacher Self-Assessment Worksheet Employee use and retention Name and Emp #: Date of Assessment: Standard III: DEMONSTRATES KNOWLEDGE OF SUBJECT CONTENT AND THE ELEMENTS OF EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION. IIIA. Demonstrates command of content-area knowledge and state standards, as well as implements district-adopted resources and curriculum. U D S E (mm/dd/yyyy) Will this standard/component(s) be an area of focus for the current year? If yes, include rationale. 3A. I Demonstrates depth of contentarea knowledge. 3A. 2 Demonstrates understanding of state standards. 3A. 3 Implements district-adopted resources and curriculum. 3B. 1 Develops clear lesson objectives aligned to academic standards. 3B. 2 Uses students’ life experiences and interests to make learning relevant. IIIB. Plans effective lessons. 3B. 3 Plans instruction that is appropriate for the age group. 3B. 4 Identifies a variety of instructional strategies to respond to students’ diverse needs. U = Unsatisfactory D = Developing S = Skillful E = Exemplary Teacher Self-Assessment Worksheet Employee use and retention Name and Emp #: Date of Assessment: 3C. I Matches instructional strategies with lesson objective. 3C. 2 Implements lessons using strategies that respond to students’ diverse needs. IIIC. Delivers effective instruction. 3C. 3 Uses clear oral and written language. 3C. 4 Communicates clear instructional directions. 3C. 5 Uses questions, prompts, and cues to enhance student learning. 3C. 6 Monitors and adjusts lessons. U = Unsatisfactory D = Developing S = Skillful E = Exemplary (mm/dd/yyyy) Teacher Self-Assessment Worksheet Employee use and retention Name and Emp #: Date of Assessment: Standard IV: USES ONGOING ASSESSMENT TO REINFORCE AND EVALUATE STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT AS WELL AS TO PLAN INSTRUCTION. U D S E Will this standard/component(s) be an area of focus for the current year? If yes, include rationale. 4A. 1 Maintains accurate records / grades. IVA. Establishes and communicates a fair and consistent assessment system. 4A. 2 Communicates assessment criteria. 4A. 3 Provides feedback to all students. 4B. 1 Aligns assessment with instruction. IVB. Utilizes an assessment system to guide instruction. (mm/dd/yyyy) 4B. 2 Uses formative and summative assessment results to plan instruction. 4B. 3 Involves and guides students in assessing their own learning to promote self-direction and autonomy. U = Unsatisfactory D = Developing S = Skillful E = Exemplary Teacher Self-Assessment Worksheet Employee use and retention Name and Emp #: Date of Assessment: Standard V: CONTRIBUTES TO SCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS THROUGH COLLABORATION WITH OTHERS AND COMMITMENT TO LIFE-LONG LEARNING. U D S E Will this standard/component(s) be an area of focus for the current year? If yes, include rationale. 5A. I Attends and /or participates in school events and decisions. VA. Contributes and seeks opportunities to learn and work with others. (mm/dd/yyyy) 5A. 2 Participates in district initiatives (i.e., SIP trainings, etc.). 5A. 3 Shares within the profession. 5A. 4 Collaborates with school personnel, parents /families in making educational decisions. U = Unsatisfactory D = Developing S = Skillful E = Exemplary Teacher Self-Assessment Worksheet Employee use and retention Name and Emp #: Date of Assessment: Standard VI: PROMOTES POSITIVE INTERACTION WITH FAMILIES. U D S E Will this standard/component(s) be an area of focus for the current year? If yes, include rationale. 6A. I Communicates positively with families regarding instructional program and assessment methods. VIA. Involves families in their child’s learning. (mm/dd/yyyy) 6A. 2 Communicates positively with families regarding student progress and social development. 6A. 3 Involves parents in establishing a plan of action for students in need of additional resources. 6A. 4 Provides opportunities for family involvement. U = Unsatisfactory D = Developing S = Skillful E = Exemplary