Week Commencing 9 November 2015

St Michael’s Academy Bulletin
Week Commencing:
9 November 2015
The Week Ahead
Lower School
Upper School
11th Remembrance Day
12th DKS Cake Sale
13th Superhero Non Uniform Day
17th Athletics Event
19th Football Match
9th Girls Football @ Westfield
11th Remembrance Day
11th Prof MeBe Science Workshop
12th Wilson Cake Sale
13th Superhero Non Uniform Day
17th Athletics Event
19th Football Match
Children in Need
Children in Need is on Friday 13th November. We are raising money by asking children to
come to school on that day dressed as a superhero for a donation of £1.00. If children have
Pudsey ears or T-shirts these would also be lovely to see.
Cake Sales
The school council are also hoping to raise some extra money to split between the Children
in Need charity and to go towards buying some new books for our school library by
holding some class cake sales. Each class will bring in and sell their cakes to the other
children at playtimes. There will be a prize for class that raises the most money from their
cake sale! Cakes will be sold at 20p each and children can buy cakes from the cake sales
each week if they would like to, not just their own class.
Please see the table below for details of when your child's class will need to bring in cakes:
Thursday 12th November
Thursday 19th November
Thursday 26th November
Thursday 3rd November
Thursday 10th December
DKS and Wilson
Rosen and Jennings
Cole and Fine
Ahlberg and Morpurgo
Strong and Walliams
London Y6 & St Ives Y4 Residential Trips
There are a few places left on the above residential trips - London 2 places and St Ives 16
places. If you would like your child to have the opportunity to take part in one of these
wonderful trips then please return the forms with relevant deposit by Friday, 13
November. Spare letters/consent forms are available from the office or school website.
Athletics Event
On Tuesday 17th November we are taking 2 teams of 6 boys and 6 girls from the upper school to
Bucklers Mead for an athletics event. The children selected are as follows:
Makenzie Lampett,
Brae Tyrrell,
Charlie Hughes, Annabel Eke, Millie Manley, Sheya Orchard
Kristina Ciornei, Lewis Ashford, Liam Fouracres, Aiden McCarthy, Maisy Brooks, Alix Goodwin,
The event is scheduled to finish at 5pm; the children must return back to St. Michael’s afterwards
to pick up their bags and so the kit can be returned. Please state below if you intend to pick your
child up or are giving permission for them to walk home. If you are planning to pick up your child
from St. Michael’s please arrive between 5:15 and 5:30pm.
Mr Bisgrove
Football Fixture
On Thursday 19th November the upper school have a football fixture away at Holy Trinity.
The squad for this match is as follows:
Charlie Hughes
Josh Sculthorpe
Brae Tyrrell
Aiden McCarthy
Shane Pothecary
Filip Nowak
Jack Tyrrell
Rhys Mapletoft
Lewis Ashford
Liam Fouracres
We will aim to get to the match at 4pm and kick off soon after. Please complete the form
below so we can make final arrangements. You are more than welcome to come and watch
but please be aware that all children must return back to St. Michael’s after fixtures so the
new football kit can be kept in school. We will aim to be back between 5 and 5:15pm.
Please also state below whether you intend to pick your child up from St. Michael’s or if you
are happy for them to walk home.
Mr Bisgrove
We have added Google Translate to our school website to help those whose first language
is not English. On a tablet or computer open the school website
www.stmichaelsacademy.co.uk . Click Select Language on the top right hand side near the
search box and a drop down menu will appear listing the languages available. This will
translate the website into the chosen language. There should appear at the top of the
screen a Google Translate banner showing the chosen language and a box saying Convert to
original to take the website back to English.
We have found that some of the documents are not translating and we are working to rectify
this. In the meantime you can open Google Translate and copy and paste the document
needing translating into the translate box or follow the instructions to translate individual
documents below:
Translate documents (computer only)
1. Visit the Google Translate page on your computer.
2. Below the search box, click Translate a document.
3. Choose the file you want to translate. The format should be PDF, TXT, DOC, PPT, XLS, or RTF.
Note: Some of the original formatting might not come through in the translation.
Lower School Cinema Trip
Athletics Event
17 November 2015
I give permission for my child to take part in the Athletics Event:
I will
 Collect my child from St. Michael’s
 Give permission for them to walk home alone
Football Fixture @ Holy Trinity
19 November 2015
I give permission for my child to take part in the football match:
I will
 Collect my child from St. Michael’s
 Give permission for them to walk home alone
Pantomime - 9 December 2015
Sleeping Beauty
Name: _________________________ Class: _________________
I enclose £10
My child has FSM and would like to use Pupil Premium
My child has Service Children Funding.
Signed: _________________________ (Parent) Date: __________