Building A Structure: Cell Cycle and Mitosis Teacher Name: Mr. Wright Student Name: CATEGORY 4 ________________________________________ 25% 3 25% 2 25% 1 25% Sources Information Accurate information Accurate information Accurate information Information taken taken from all three taken from two taken from one from unidentified sources sources. source. source Sequence The chart structure functions extraordinarily well, it follows the stages of mitosis The chart has one stage wrong or the information and key facts are incorrect The chart has two stages wrong and /or the information and key facts are incorrect The chart has three stages wrong and /or the information and key facts are incorrect. Images *additional images All images are an exact replica in all phases of the flip chart and additional images were used. Four images are an exact replica in the flip chart and some additional images were used. Two images are an exact replica in the flip chart and no additional images were used. None of the images are an exact replica in the flip chart and no additional images were used. The flip chart has key facts annotating the importance of cell division in all phases The flip chart has key facts annotating the importance of cell division on 3 to 4 pages. The flip chart has key facts annotating the importance of cell division on 1 to 2 pages. The flip chart has some key facts annotating the importance in cell division on none of the pages. refers to photomicrographs Key facts Date Created: Jul 12, 2014 10:29 am (CDT) ©copyright-all rights reserved