3. Los traductores: Parte 2 - There are online translators that will

El uso de los diccionarios y traductores en la clase de español
A. Propósito (Purpose)
To be able to effectively use a Spanish/English dictionary or translator with the most educational
1. Can you think of words that can be labeled as two or more parts of speech? An example is
bark. Bark could be a noun (the bark of a tree) or a verb (the dog barks). Try to come up with 5
examples and write them below.
Parts of Speech
Noun, verb
Examples of Usage
Bark of a tree, the dog barks
B. Investigaciones: What should I know about a dictionary before I use it?
1. What order are the words in?
a. Are there letters that differ than the English alphabet? Where can I find words that
start with those letters?
b. How do I find a word that starts with a direct object? (el, la, los, las)
2. What symbols and abbreviations does the dictionary use?
a. Using a Spanish-English dictionary, write down the abbreviations in the spaces below
(not all of them may be present in every dictionary).
i. Many paper dictionaries have an introduction at the start with a list of
abbreviations used
feminine plural
feminine noun
masculine noun
Latin American
masculine or feminine
feminine plural noun
masculine plural noun
El uso de los diccionarios y traductores en la clase de español
b. Are there other resources in the dictionary verb charts or explanations of the verb
tenses? Find one and show some examples of the verbs below.
Hago, haces, hace
E. ¡Pruébalo! Now you will try looking up some words in dictionaries to learn how to choose the
correct definitions, as well as the pros and cons for each type of dictionary.
1. Look up the following words on wordreference.com. Find the correct meaning of the word
using the part of speech abbreviation and other symbols. Your teacher can verify if you found
the correct meanings. **Think of two more that you could do and add them to the bottom rows
(a) and (b). You may use one you wrote down for C.6. above.
Bark – the bark of a tree
Bark – the dog barked
Wind – the wind blows the leaves
Wind – he wound the cord around the pole
Out – the doctor is out for the day (absent)
Over – the cost is over $10
Over – do the homework over, it’s no good
Race – we won the race
Race – what race is the boy?
Score – what is the score of the game?
Score – the music score
Stick – the stick made of wood
Stick – he stuck the paper to the box with glue
Tooth – I lost my tooth
Toothbrush – his toothbrush is green
White – I like the color white
White – the egg white
Rest – let’s take a rest (a break)
Rest – they rested for two hours (relaxed)
Rest – the rest of the food wasn’t eaten
El uso de los diccionarios y traductores en la clase de español
2. Los traductores (translators) – Parte 1. Now you’ll practice using an online translator for individual
words. Go to translate.google.com and type in the following words. Translate them from English to
Spanish and write down the Spanish word it gives you in the middle column. Then take that Spanish
word and look it up in a paper dictionary or use www.wordreference.com. What does it mean in
English? What part of speech is it? Give a sample to show what it means.
a dog bark (noun)
3. Los traductores: Parte 2 - There are online translators that will translate sentences from English to
Spanish and vice versa. As you have seen in #2 above, you cannot completely trust the translator to pick
the best word. Type in the following English sentences and write down the Spanish answers given by
translate.google.com. See the notes given, then decide if the Google translation was correct or not.
Sentence to Translate
We played the music score.
Google: Jugamos la partitura.
I see the rose.
We’re out of candy.
We saw the panda live.
In class you’ve probably learned that
jugar is to play sports and tocar is to
play instruments.
Remember that the I/yo conjugation
ends in –o for the present tense and
rose is feminine.
Remember that fuera and afuera
mean “outside”
“The panda” is a singular feminine
El uso de los diccionarios y traductores en la clase de español
4. Los traductores – Part 3. Write complete and thoughtful answers to these questions.
a. What is your school’s or teacher’s policy for writing sentences that you got from translators?
b. What is your school’s or teacher’s policy about using translators to understand the general
meaning of a text? When is it OK and when is it not OK?
c. What is your school’s or teacher’s policy for using Spanish-English dictionaries on assignments?
d. What is your school’s or teacher’s policy for working with a friend or copying work from a
e. What is your opinion about these policies?
5. Debriefing questions:
a. What does your data above show from E.1-4? What can you conclude from these minitests?
b. When would it be useful to use an online translator to look up one word?
c. When would it not be useful to look up one word, and it might be better to use a more
comprehensive dictionary (paper or online)?
d. When is it useful to use an online translator for sentences?
e. When would it not be OK to use an online translator for sentences?
El uso de los diccionarios y traductores en la clase de español
How can you check your answers from translators or dictionaries?
g. When should you not use verb conjugations you get from sentence translators?
h. Are there any better resources for conjugating verbs? Find one online and write it down
For class assignments, when would it be OK to use many new words from a dictionary?
When would it not be OK?
F. Evaluación – Now you will take what you’ve learned to review and rate different Spanish-English
dictionaries and translators. Your teacher will break you into six groups. Each group (and every member
in that group) will fill out the questions for their selected dictionary or translator in the chart given
Grupo 1: http://www.bing.com/translator
Grupo 2: http://www.spanishdict.com/
Grupo 3: pick a paper dictionary from the classroom
Grupo 4: the dictionary at the back of your Spanish textbook
Grupo 5: http://www.wordreference.com
Grupo 6: http://www.collinsdictionary.com
Need more groups? They can research different dictionaries in the classroom, Apps on a smartphone, or
Group Dictionary Research Chart
What features does
this dictionary have?
For what would this
dictionary be most
For what would this
dictionary be least
El uso de los diccionarios y traductores en la clase de español
How accurate would
you say this dictionary
How easy to use is it?
Can this dictionary
help you with verb
conjugations? How?
What is your overall
rating of this
dictionary? Color in
the stars.
G. Las normas (Policies) - Now that you have become an expert at using one of the dictionaries
listed in part F, form a new group made up of each of the different dictionary experts. Each person in
your new group will be an expert on a different dictionary. Complete the activity below as a group, but
each person should still write their own notes.
1. Take turns sharing about your dictionary/translator/app. Read through the chart from part F.
2. As a group, decide what should be done for the following instances:
a. You’re having difficulties understanding a paragraph in a Spanish novel:
b. You’re having trouble writing about your summer vacation for a Spanish presentation:
c. You’re creating a menu for class and you don’t know how to say pineapple:
d. You don’t understand a newspaper heading because it has three new words:
e. You’re trying to write an essay but you don’t know words like therefore, nevertheless,
and in conclusion:
f. You’re short on time and have already written your paragraph in English, but need to
get it into Spanish for an assignment due tomorrow:
g. Your older brother is in a higher level of Spanish and is helping you to do your
homework. He knows many new verb conjugations and words that you don’t know yet.
3. If you were the teachers in the World Language department at your school, what would your
policy be for using dictionaries and translators in your classes? Come up with the rules and
consequences your group feels would be most beneficial to students learning the language and
El uso de los diccionarios y traductores en la clase de español
making honest efforts at completing their work. Your group will share your policy from with the
entire class.
H. ¿Te ayudó en algo? Did this activity help you? Rate yourself below using this scale:
1 = I strongly disagree
2 = I disagree
3 = neutral
4 = I agree
5 = I strongly agree
I feel confident that I can correctly find translations of Spanish/English words. __________
I can decide which dictionary/translator is most effective to use for my assignment. __________
I can understand the symbols in a Spanish/English dictionary and locate the key for them. ________
I can make a judgment or opinion about the quality of a dictionary. __________
I know about a variety of dictionaries and translators available.__________
I understand the policies and consequences set forth by my school/teacher regarding dictionaries
and translators in the foreign language class and have an opinion about them. __________
g. I won’t plagiarize on Spanish assignments and will always do the work that was intended for me to
do, so I can learn and practice the skills most effectively. __________
-----------------This activity was created by Tara J. Martin of Issaquah, WA 2013.