Muscles of the Hip and Lower Limb Laboratory Exercise 23

Muscles of the Hip and Lower Limb
Laboratory Exercise 23
The muscles that move the thigh are attached to the femur and to some part of the
pelvic girdle. Those attached anteriorly primarily act to flex the thigh at the hip,
whereas those attached posteriorly act to extend, abduct, or rotate the thigh.
The muscles that move the leg connect the tibia or fibula to the femur or to the pelvic
girdle. They function to flex or extend the leg at the knee. Other muscles, located in
the leg, act to move the foot.
Materials Needed
Articulated skeleton
Muscular model of the lower limb
Purpose of the Exercise
Review the actions, origins, and insertions of the muscles
that move the thigh, leg, and foot.
1. Label figures 23.1, 23.2, 23.3, 23.4, 23.5, and 23.6.
2. Try to locate the muscles, labeled in the diagrams,
in your own body:
3. Demonstrate the action of these muscles in your
own body.
4. Locate the origins and insertions of these muscles
in the human skeleton.
5. Complete Parts A, and B.
Figure 23.1 Label the muscles of the anterior right hip and thigh.
Figure 23.2 Label the muscles of the lateral right hip and thigh.
Figure 23.3 Label the muscles of the posterior right hip and thigh.
Figure 23.4 Label the muscles of the anterior right leg.
Figure 23.5 Label the muscles of the lateral right leg.
Figure 23.6 Label the muscles of the posterior right leg.
Part A
Match the muscles in column B with the actions in column A. Place the letter of your
choice in the space provided.
Column A
Column B
___ 1. Adducts thigh
a. Biceps femoris
___ 2. Plantar flexion and eversion of foot
b. Fibularis
___ 3. Flexes thigh at the hip
c. Flexor halluces longus
___ 4. Flexes thigh and rotates it laterally
d. Gluteus medius
___ 5. Flexion of great toe
e. Popliteus
___ 6. Abducts thigh and rotates it medially
f. Psoas major and iliacus
___ 7. Plantar flexion and inversion of foot
g. Quadriceps femoris group
___ 8. Flexes leg at the knee
h. Sartorius
__ 9. Extends leg at the knee
i. Tibialis anterior
___10. Dorsiflexion and inversion of foot
j. Tibialis posterior
___11. Rotates femur laterally
k. Gracilis
Part B
Name the muscle indicated by the following combinations of origin and insertion.
1. Lateral surface of ilium
Greater trochanter of femur
2. Ischial tuberosity
Posterior surface of medial
condyle on tibia
3. Anterior superior iliac spine
Medial surface of tibia
4. Lateral and medial condyles
of femur
5. Iliac crest
Calcaneus by calcaneal tendon
6. Lateral anterior femur on linea
Patella to tibial tuberosity
7. Ischial tuberosity
Proximal medial surface of tibia
8. Anterior inferior iliac spine
Patella to tibial tuberosity
9. Posterior surface of tibia
Inferior surface of four
lateral toes
10. Lateral condyle and lateral
shaft of tibia
Cuneiform and first
Fascia (iliotibial tract) of
the thigh