This Term’s Layered Curricular Targets: Reading: I must use a contents list and index and to talk about what a book may be about by looking at the cover, title and illustrations. I should (1) understand how to use a contents list and index and talk about what a text is about by skim-reading a double spread page . I should (2) use non-fiction features- contents list, index, glossary – to scan a text and decide if it would be useful for a particular reader. I could state the purpose of different non-fiction texts. Writing: I must say and write sentences which include a range of appropriate adjectives to ass detail. I should (1) select from a range of adjectives, verbs and nouns to add detail when writing. I should (2) use a variety of adjectives, adverbs and power verbs when writing to add detail. I could identify and use suitable verbs, adjectives and nouns appropriate to text type in a range of shorted and longer sentences. Maths: I must use repeated addition and multiplication arrays to solve multiplication questions. I must use sharing and practical methods to solve division problems including remainders. I should 1 write and solve multiplication and division questions for a two digit and one digit using a formal method. I should solve real life problems involving multiplication rounding remainders up and down. I should 2 use formal written methods for multiplication of a two digit or three digit number by a one digit number. I should divide using a formal written method for a number up to three digits by a one digit number and interpret the remainders appropriately. I could multiply and divide numbers up to four digits by a one or two digit number using a formal written method. Your role in homework is to support and encourage your child to get into a regular routine for the place and the time. Your child needs to learn to organise themselves for the different activities. Homework Timetable: Mon: Homework set Fri: Homework due in As well as the homework set in their books, children are also expected to complete their spellings and to read 3 times a week at home. Additional information: PE Days – Kit to be in school (including outdoor kit) Tuesday and Wednesday (Year four children will need swimming kits on a Wednesday) CLASS INFORMATION SHEET Year: 3/4 Term: Spring 2014-2015 Class Teacher: Miss Spearman Supported by: Mrs Britton and Mrs Graves I.C.T. The main areas of work to be covered this term: English We shall be following the new national curriculum for English in Year 3 and 4 for the Spring Term. We will be focussing on writing in detail as well as reading for comprehension. We will be looking at both fiction and non-fiction texts and detail through poetry. There will be regular weekly practise of spellings and handwriting and a weekly test on a Friday. Mathematics We shall be following the new national curriculum for maths in Year 3 and 4 for the Spring Term. We are placing a bigger focus on place value and formal written methods for all four operations. We have a bigger emphasis on multiplication and division this term. We will be encouraging children to develop these skills in both practical and real life situations. Science This term we will be covering the units ‘Materials’ and ‘The Human Body’. In the ‘Materials’ unit we will be learning about irreversible and reversible changes - which materials can change or cannot and why. We will be investigating these using a fair test. In our ‘The Human Body’ unit we will be learning about the different body parts and their functions. This term the children will be completing the unit of work ‘We are Programmers’. P.S.H.E This term we will be covering a range of topics through cross curricular teaching. R.E. This term we are going to be learning about the story of Moses and the festival of Pseach. Design Technology This term we will be researching, designing and making chariots based on our history topic ‘The Romans’. History/ Geography This term we will be learning about ‘The Romans’. We will be exploring what life was like before and after the Romans, how settlements developed over time and about key people around that time. We will also be making links to Roman towns and road names. Art and Design This term we will be exploring mosaics and shields, designing and creating them using a variety of materials. Music This term we will be continuing our recorder tuition. Then we will be exploring Roman instruments. P.E. This term the Year 3 children will be focusing on Basketball and will practise the different skills required. The Year 4 children will be going swimming once a week, as well as focusing on gymnastics, especially different types of rolls.