Request for Proposal (RFP)
Bangkok, Thailand
Implementation of Ecosystem and Community-based Climate
Adaptation and Resilience Building Initiatives
Issuing Office:
Mekong ARCC
Submit Questions and RFP to:
Respond via e-mail w/ attached documents in PDF
Date of Issue of RFP:
June 26, 2013
Closing Date for Questions:
Time: By 5:00 p.m. Date: July 3, 2013
Close Date for Answers:
Date: July 8, 2013
Date Proposal Due:
Time: By 5:00 p.m. Date: July 18, 2013
Anticipated Type of Award:
Cost Plus Fixed Fee
Basis of Award:
Award will be made on the basis of a tradeoff source selection
process. Award will be made to the offeror whose final offer
represents the best value using a combination of cost/price and
Attachments TO RFP:
All bidders are responsible to carefully
review each attachment and follow any
instructions that may be relevant to this
Attachment “A” Instructions
Attachment “B” SOW and Specifications
Attachment “C” Cover Letter
Attachment “D” Proposal Checklist
Attachment “E” Bidders company information
Attachment “F” Representations/Certifications of
Attachment “G” Form of Offer
Attachment “H” Agreement Terms & Conditions
Attachment “I” References and Past Performances
Attachment “J” Illustrative Adaptation Activities
Attachment “K” Hot Spot Province
Attachment “L” Budget Narrative Template
Attachment “M” Budget Template
Attachment “A”
DAI invites firms, non-governmental organizations, research institutions, universities and other
organizations to submit proposals to serve as Implementing Partners (IPs) under the USAID-funded
Mekong Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change (Mekong ARCC) program and provide technical
assistance and support to local communities to carry out Ecosystem and Community-based Climate
Adaptation and Resilience Building Initiatives (Adaptation Initiatives) in the designated Vietnam
‘hotspot1’ province of Kien Giang.
Through this call for proposals, DAI intends to make awards to one or more implementing partners, with
at least one award for activities in the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB) country of Vietnam. Adaptation
Initiatives will be implemented with communities located within the identified Vietnam ‘hot spot’
province of Kien Giang. Implementing groups will work with communities for approximately two and a
half years to carry out activities that reduce vulnerability and build resilience to climate change,
specifically as related to impacts on livelihoods and community welfare. Proposed Adaptation Initiatives
will have a maximum budget of US$ 200,000 per site for the entire life of project. While there is no
minimum award amount, projects that are considered too small to demonstrate sufficient measurable
outcomes will not receive full consideration. Awards will be made as contracts (not grants), and
implementing partners will receive funds from and report to USAID’s Mekong ARCC program based in
Bangkok, Thailand.
Type of Subcontract
DAI anticipates awarding one (1) or more cost plus fixed fee (CPFF) contract(s) as a result of this
solicitation. All deliverables resulting from award must be submitted no later than December 31, 2015
unless otherwise agreed in the contract.
Contract Term
Estimated period of performance is approximately two and a half (2.5) years, or from the time of
award to December 31, 2015. For budgeting purposes, offerors should consider an estimated start date
of October 1, 2013.
Submission of Questions
All questions to this RFP shall be submitted via email to mekonginfo@dai.com no later than 5:00 pm,
July 3, 2013. No technical or cost inquiries will be discussed over the phone or in person except for
administrative clarification regarding the submission format or location of the office, etc. Responses
to all questions will be distributed to all bidders.
Submission of Proposals
A proposals must be in English and present costs in USD ($). Proposals should be emailed to
mekonginfo@dai.com by 5 pm local Bangkok time on July 18, 2013. The subject of the email must
Climate change hotspots are areas of the basin projected to experience the greatest change in any one
climate or hydrological parameter or where such changes represent a threat or opportunity for existing
livelihood options and natural systems.
include the title of the RFP. The proposal must be submitted in two e-mails under separate
documents clearly labeled: (1) Technical Proposal and (2) Price Proposal.
Offeror’s Agreement with Terms and Conditions
The completion of all RFP requirements in accordance with the instructions in this RFP and
submission to DAI/Mekong ARCC of the technical and price proposals will constitute an offer and
indicate the Offeror’s agreement to the terms and conditions in this RFP. DAI reserves the right to
award one or more contract(s) without discussion and/or negotiation; however, DAI also reserves the
right to conduct discussions, interviews and/or negotiations, which among other things may require an
Offeror(s) to revise its proposal (technical and/or price). Issuance of this RFP in no way obligates
DAI to award a contract, nor does it commit DAI or USAID to pay any costs incurred by the Offeror
in preparing and submitting the proposal.
Source, Origin and Nationality Requirements
For the purposes of this RFP, the authorized USAID Geographic Code is 937 (see AIDAR 752.22570 Source, Origin and Nationality Requirements) which allows for procurement of goods/services
from the United States of America, Vietnam, and developing countries other than advanced
developing countries (complete list of allowed developing countries available here:
USAID regulations specifically prohibit DAI from purchasing services, products produced in or
containing any part or ingredient manufactured in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria.
Implementing Partner (IP) Organizational Qualifications
To qualify as an implementing partner for the Mekong ARCC program, IPs must:
1. Currently implement ongoing projects focused on improvement of community welfare
/poverty alleviation, natural resources management, disaster preparedness or similar
initiatives in the targeted Vietnam ‘hot spot’ province of Kien Giang where Mekong ARCCsupported activities will add value.
2. Have undertaken livelihood support activities with proposed communities in one or more of
the following sectors: agriculture, animal husbandry, wild or cultured fisheries, and non
timber forest products
3. Possess positive relationships with leaders in the targeted community(ies), and with local,
district and provincial government officials necessary to facilitate rapid buy-in of Mekong
ARCC activities and the potential to generate continued support beyond the life of the
Mekong ARCC-supported project. Inclusion of letters of support and/or commitment from
such officials will be looked upon favorably.
4. Be incorporated or legally organized under the laws of the United States, or under laws of one
or more of the Lower Mekong Basin countries (Thailand, Lao PDR, Vietnam and Cambodia).
5. Operate as a going concern in Vietnam, and
a. Be managed by a governing body, the majority of whom are citizens or lawful
permanent residents of Vietnam; or,
b. Legally employ citizens or lawful permanent residents of Vietnam in more than half its
permanent full-time positions and more than half of its principal management positions.
Compliance with RFP Instructions
Offerors are required to fully review all instructions and specifications contained in this RFP. Failure
to so will be at the Offeror’s risk.
Composition of Proposal
To be considered, a complete proposal must contain the following information and supporting
Section 1 – Proposal Submission Documents
a. Signed Proposal Cover Letter (Attachment C)
b. Completed Proposal Checklist (Attachment D)
Section 2 – Technical Proposal
Technical Proposals should use the following structure – proposals failing to conform to this
structure will not be evaluated.
Length & Format: Technical proposals are limited to no more than 15 pages in length, (Times
Roman point 11 font size, with one inch margins on A4 paper). This length limitation excludes
the cover letter, section dividers, table of contents, workplan and any maps the offer chooses to
include in their proposal. It also excludes the following annexes:
A. CVs of proposed personnel (not to exceed 5 pages per CV)
B. Short qualification statement that describes the IP’ ongoing work in the Lower Mekong Basin
(LMB) relevant to the Mekong ARCC program, and letters of support from community, local and
provincial government officials.
Technical proposals should use the following outline:
Executive Summary
b. Overall Program Approach – Describe how Mekong ARCC-supported adaptation
initiatives will be integrated into and add value to ongoing community support activities
being carried out by the offeror. This section should explain where the offeror proposes to
work how their particular community(ies) would benefit, and what livelihoods areas would be
the focus of support with Mekong ARCC funding.
c. Component Delivery – Describe how your team will implement the three project
components outlined in the scope of work (Page 7), who on your team will lead each activity,
which counterparts (people, organizations, etc.) will be involved in each activity, and what
outputs and outcomes you can achieve within the life of the proposed project. Specifically,
the IP should describe how they propose to use the Mekong ARCC developed climate
information to help communities adjust their development plans and carry out activities to
protect/improve livelihoods and strengthen community resilience. They must describe how
they will promote and account for gender equity in component delivery. Proposals also must
include a draft work plan - using a Gantt chart format - that shows the timing for different
activities and expected deliverables during the first year, and shows more general information
on component implementation over the entire life of the project. This section must also
describe how the implementing partner will collect baseline data and fulfill monitoring
requirements outlined in Component 3.
d. Management, Staffing and Reporting – Briefly describe your proposed organizational
structure lines of communications, and existing financial and M&E systems, and how the
administration of the adaptation initiatives will be integrated into existing work in the
community. Identify who will be the dedicated Project Manager for the adaptation initiatives,
other technical and support staff, including their technical and managerial roles and
responsibilities. Include an organizational chart that shows the relationships between different
team members. For each staff member, provide a summary statement of their qualifications
and experience for their proposed role in the adaptation initiatives. Full staff CVs should be
included in an annex.
e. Qualification Statement – Offerors are requested to provide a brief summary of their
relevant work in the targeted community(ies) and in the region. Summaries should clearly
demonstrate their most relevant qualifications to carry out the proposed Adaptation
Initiatives. Specifically, describe your existing relationships within the community, recent
and ongoing activities, results and success stories, lessons learned, and (if available) provide
activity maps. Emphasis should be placed on the offeror’s experience in: (1) applying
participatory approaches and tools with communities, and working with communities to
create shared understanding of development challenges and devising strategies that
communities can carry out to address these challenges; and (2) Applying community-based
monitoring and evaluation systems, developing surveys and collecting household and focus
group-based data to shape project design and implementation strategies. Additionally,
describe qualification, if any, in the following areas:
Generating geospatial information, including producing GIS-based maps and spatial
planning products;
Enlisting outside support such as from local universities, private sector and/or local and
provincial governments to support the implementation of offeror’s other programs;
Support from other donor funded initiatives at proposed area; and
Using social media to support community development and/or share information
generated from community activities.
The offeror’s Qualification Statement to address the above can be included in Annex B.
Section 3 – Price Proposal
The Price Proposal must be under separate cover and clearly labeled as such. Offerors must
provide a detailed cost breakdown of prices including:
Labor (base daily rate plus any overhead and/or social charges, and level of effort (in
Travel (ground transportation, per diem, airfare, etc.)
Other direct costs (i.e. meetings, workshops, trainings, printing, communications, and
other costs attributable to carrying out the project.)
Any overhead and/or social costs.
Any fees.
Additionally, the offeror must provide an estimated total cost that will be dedicated to each of the
three project components. Price Proposals must be submitted in Excel and may use the template
provided in Attachment M. A budget narrative explaining the proposed costs must accompany
the budget.
Evaluation of Proposals
DAI will use a best value determination in evaluating proposals and making final awards. A best
value determination means that, in DAI’s estimation, the selected offer will provide the greatest
overall benefit to the Mekong ARCC Program in terms outputs and outcomes and the proposed cost.
DAI will use the trade-off process to make a best value determination, which means that it may be in
the interest of DAI to consider awarding contracts to other than the lowest priced offeror or other than
the highest technically rated offeror. The evaluation factors and allocated points are presented below.
a. Overall Program Approach & Component Delivery (40 points)
Proposals will be assessed based on the extent to which their implementation plan is clear,
logical, technically sound, and reflects a technical approach that will produce measurable and
sustainable outcomes. Higher scores will be assigned to proposals that clearly articulate how
they will support community-led climate adaptation activities, how Adaptation Initiatives will
add value to and be integrated into ongoing IP-supported activities, and address specific
gender concerns. Finally, points will be assigned for the quality and realism of the draft
workplan and how it demonstrates the IP’s plan to carry out activities, the order of activity
implementation, and the reasonableness of timelines for proposed activities.
b. Management, Staffing and Reporting (25 points)
Implementing partners will be scored based on:
 The quality and feasibility of the management plan, which discusses the overall lines
of communication and the management approach toward planning, implementation,
and evaluation of the demonstration project.
 Team structure and qualifications and the relevance of their experience to the
activities being carried out under the proposed project.
 Plan for meeting Mekong ARCC reporting requirements.
c. Qualification Statement (35 points)
Proposals will be evaluated based on the relevance, quality, and soundness of the
organization’s recent and ongoing work in the proposed community(ies), and proven
relationships with local community and government officials. Higher scores will be given to
those offerors who prove their knowledge of applying community-based and ecosystembased adaptation methods to support climate planning at the community level.
Cost– No points are assigned to the cost proposals evaluation. While the technical evaluation
criteria are significantly more important than cost, cost remains important. Costs must be within
the limits specified on page 2, “Instructions”, and will primarily be evaluated for realism,
reasonableness and whether allowable under USAID rules. This will consist of a review of the
cost proposal to determine if the overall costs proposed are realistic for the work to be performed,
reflect the offeror’s understanding of the RFP requirements, and are consistent with their
Technical Proposal.
Requirements for Bids to be Determined to be Responsive
a. The bid must conform to all the organizational and technical specifications listed in the RfP
instructions (outlined in Section IX) and the SOW & Specifications in Attachment B.
Proposals which do not comply will be determined non-responsive and rejected.
b. Vendor must not be included on the US Government EPLS/SDN blocked
persons/organizations list.
c. Vendor must provide a DUNs number before final award.
Attachment “B”
Climate change is now and will continue to significantly alter the environment of the Lower Mekong
Basin. Extreme weather events like floods and droughts alongside subtle shifts in seasons—variations in
length of wet and dry seasons and temperatures rises—impact livelihoods, health, natural environments,
and the resulting welfare of millions of people living in the Lower Mekong Basin.
While local communities are extremely aware of changes in weather, they are rarely provided with an
understanding of the underlying factors driving these changes, nor how they might be impacted by
changes in weather and climate in the near and long term. Finding ways to make scientific data more
accessible to communities and strengthening their capacity to interpret and integrate this information into
actions and plans is a crucial part of Mekong ARCC program. But as important as using science and
technology is for reducing vulnerability, equally so is the tapping of local knowledge of the women and
men living within these communities. These community members are continually ‘adapting’ to changing
conditions as a normal course of dealing with weather related or economic shocks. Mekong ARCC
Adaptation Initiatives will draw on the experiences, priorities, and ingenuity of local people, and provide
them with science-based climate information that strengthens their ability to make informed decisions
about the viability of their livelihood investments, in agriculture, livestock, fisheries and NTFPs, and
actions they can take that reduce their vulnerability to climate change.
a. Mekong ARCC Climate Study and Hot Spot Provinces
The Mekong ARCC project is a five year program (2011-2016) funded by the USAID Regional
Development Mission for Asia (RDMA) in Bangkok and implemented by DAI in partnership with the
International Centre for Environmental Management (ICEM) and World Resources Institute (WRI). The
project focuses on identifying and addressing the environmental, economic and social effects of climate
change in the LMB.
The first year of the Mekong ARCC program focused on developing a detailed Climate Change
Adaptation and Impact Study for LMB to better understand how climate change will alter ecosystems and
impact the 'comfort zones' of specific community livelihood and subsistence options. Using this
information, the Study team identified ‘hot spot’ provinces that are: a) representative of the 12
ecosystems found across the Basin, b) contain a mix of staple and commercial crops, fisheries and
livestock that are common to the LMB, and c) are projected to experience the greatest relative increase in
temperature, rainfall, or sea level rise d) where such shifts would significantly impact a number of
important livelihood/subsistence options for communities. The selected Hot Spot provinces, therefore,
share common traits with other provinces in the LMB, which will allow the new approaches to adapting
and learning generated in field programs to be replicable and scalable throughout the Basin.
In priority ‘hot spot’ provinces where the Mekong ARCC Study team anticipates the greatest climate
related shifts or impacts will occur, a detailed analysis was conducted of how projected changes in
rainfall, temperature, or sea level rise would impact specific sectors - fisheries, agriculture, livestock,
NTFPs and local socio-economic conditions. Table 1 below shows how the Vietnam ‘hot spot’ province
of Kien Giang aligns with the sectoral information included in the Mekong ARCC Climate Study. Further
detail on the vulnerabilities by sector for Kien Giang, Vietnam is included in the Hot Spot Profile in
Attachment K. Climate profiles and sector analysis for all the hot spot provinces the Study identified in
the LMB can be downloaded at www.mekongarcc.net. (Note: For the purpose of this solicitation, only
proposals for the hot spot province of Kien Giang, Vietnam will be evaluated as eligible for
implementation of Adaptation Initiatives).
Table 1: Vietnam Hot Spot Province Vulnerability Highlights
Vulnerability Highlights
MARCC Climate Study Detail
Drought at end of dry season to increase saline intrusion and
Kien Giang
impact rice yields; flash floods to impact shrimp farming
b. Mekong ARCC Adaptation Initiatives Site Requirements
With this solicitation, Mekong ARCC will support one or more Adaptation Initiative(s) in Kien Giang
Province with communities—defined as a population of at least 1,000 people who share a common
geographic area and are connected through a shared political system and officially recognized
boundary—that meet the following criteria.
Communities or clusters of communities are located in Kien Giang hot spot province.
Implementing Partner (IP) has livelihood activities ongoing at the proposed site where important
crops/species are exposed to the impacts of climate change (as per Attachment K or justified through
on-the-ground experience).
IP has developed and can demonstrate (through formal agreements) positive working relationships
with: (1) community members who are willing to incorporate proposed Mekong ARCC activities into
their community development planning and implementation, and (2) local/provincial government
Adaptation Initiatives have potential to add value to existing community efforts to improve
livelihoods and/or reduce climate risks, show results and generate data by December 2015.
Community and/or ecosystem features allow for approaches and best practices to be replicated
elsewhere in the LMB to areas with similar characteristics.
This solicitation represents the start of a phase of the Mekong ARCC program that is focused on
establishing a nexus between climate science and on-the-ground community-led responses to the
changing climate in specific economic sectors and ecosystems. Mekong ARCC will support Adaptation
Initiatives that build the capacity of local communities while assisting them to combine their knowledge
with Mekong ARCC generated climate science information to: a) understand climate risks, b) identify
and prioritize adaptive responses to those risks, c) implement adaptation activities (technical and
behavioral), and d) monitor, measure, and recalibrate adaptive responses based on experience gained and
the best available weather and climate information. To do this, Mekong ARCC will engage IPs at five to
six sites in ‘hot spot’ provinces across the basin to work with communities in the design and
implementation of adaptation initiatives that address specific climate threats to livelihoods and natural
systems with the greatest potential to impact community well-being. Mekong ARCC will use the
experience gained through these Adaptation Initiatives to extract replicable and scalable approaches and
lessons learned that national governments and donors can adopt and incorporate into projects and
investments across the LMB.
Mekong ARCC has conceptualized a Climate Planning approach encompassing three main components:
(1) Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Planning;
(2) Activity Implementation; and
(3) Adaptation Monitoring and Learning.
Activities and results for these three components are detailed in Section IV below. IPs should incorporate
these components into their respective proposals for Adaptation Initiatives with communities. It is
important to note that this Climate Planning approach is a critical element of Mekong ARCC’s “proof of
concept” for ecosystem and community-based climate change adaptation program design. Each of the
Adaptation Initiatives that IP’s implement will, therefore, provide a platform for testing, refining and
improving on community-based Climate Planning concepts. Based on experience gained through the
Adaptation Initiatives, case studies will be developed by Mekong ARCC to demonstrate how climate
planning at the community level works in practice, and to disseminate lessons learned that can be scaledup and replicated at other sites.
In addition to three components of the climate planning approach, IPs are expected to apply the following
guiding principles in planning and carrying out adaptation initiatives.
Action Driven by Communities and Integrated with Government Plans. IPs must involve
communities closely in every step of planning and implementation of the adaptation initiatives.
This will provide communities the opportunity to learn by doing, conduct their own vulnerability
assessments, identify specific climate risks, and formulate adaptation strategies and action plans
that address both ecosystem and livelihoods risks. To the extent possible, IPs should seek
integration of adaptation strategies into sub-national management plans through to national
government approaches.
Climate Science and Local Knowledge Incorporated into Adaptation Planning. IPs must
work with communities and use the climate planning approach to translate and incorporate the
projections and sector impacts of the Mekong ARCC Climate Study and local knowledge into
actions that will reduce climate vulnerability while building resilience into traditional farming,
livestock and fisheries systems, and community use of natural resources.
‘Comfort Zones’ and Species Threshold Concepts Introduced to Decision Makers. Cropping
and natural systems thrive in comfort zones where temperature, rainfall, and soil conditions create
a favorable environment. Moving outside of traditional comfort zones – wetter wet seasons and/or
more days at higher temperatures – will not mean immediate collapse of a crop or natural system,
but it will decrease its vibrancy and productivity. Understanding and monitoring threshold
markers—evidence of tipping points after which species are more likely to fail— will help
indicate when a comfort zone has been breached and aid communities in being proactive in
responding to climate change impacts. Using the comfort zone and species threshold concepts can
help decision makers at the community level measure their own vulnerability and actively
monitor and adapt to the changes around them.
Cohesive Design Reflects USAID, National Government, and Regional Donor Priorities. To
help ensure that Adaptation Initiatives undertaken in communities are not one-off efforts,
community adaptation plans and strategies should support achievement of priorities in national
adaptation plans, have the potential to gain local government support, and meet eligibility
requirements for additional or follow-on funding through one or more of the international climate
funds. Designs that demonstrate linkages with programs funded by the USAID Mission in
Vietnam, ADB, World Bank, MRC or similar regional organizations will be looked upon
While each IP will bring a unique approach grounded in the local context, the below activities and
outcomes represent a framework for each IP to follow in the three components of climate planning.
Component 1 – Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Planning
Community stocktaking exercise to identify a) climate hazards b) changes in weather/seasons
recognized by the community c) ongoing impacts of weather/climate shifts on livelihoods and d) what
local actions have been taken to reduce vulnerability. The IP should carry out baseline surveys of
community and households to collect information about local livelihoods, incomes, health and knowledge
about climate change. (Such baseline information will be used to measure changes in key indicators
discussed more fully in Component 3).
Introduce and translate the Mekong ARCC provincial climate projections (temperature,
precipitation, crop suitability, species thresholds, etc.) into a practical scenario planning exercise that
enables community members to understand how climate change is linked to current threats and future
climate hazards.
Communities identify and analyze adaptation options (technical and behavioral) that reduce
current vulnerability to weather events and anticipate future impacts from changes in climate as identified
in the Mekong ARCC Climate Study. Using simple benefit-cost and/or multi-criteria exercises,
community stakeholders (including women and disadvantaged groups) must assess and prioritize possible
adaptation actions they can take to: 1) make their current livelihoods more resilient, and 2) identify
alternative livelihood options for the future.
Prioritize and propose a limited number of adaptation options for implementation that can be
carried out within the timeframe and budgetary resources provided to the IP from Mekong ARCC.
Activities must be responsive to climate change in the near/long term, appropriate to local circumstances,
be within the capacity of the IP to implement and manage, sustainable, and able to generate data required
by Mekong ARCC. Activity plans must incorporate the inclusion of women and vulnerable populations in
implementation, monitoring, and resulting benefits. (Note, proposed adaptation investments will need to
be submitted to Mekong ARCC for approval).
Assist communities to design a system (or improve an existing system) for observing and
recording changes in weather and extreme events (floods, droughts), longer-term patterns, such as timing
of seasonal changes during the rainy season, length of growing season, and changes to key livelihood
options (reduced yields, fewer/different species, increased disease, etc). (This system is critical to the
Component 3 learning element)
Vulnerability Assessment & Adaptation Planning –Deliverables and Anticipated Outcomes
 Baseline community assessments and data collected, analyzed, and made available for use and
prepared for broader dissemination.
 Vulnerability analysis completed in close coordination with community leaders and reviewed on
an annual basis.
Updated/revised community development and disaster preparedness plans informed by weather
trends and climate projections are submitted for approval to appropriate community and local
government authorities.
Initial analysis of benefits/costs of different adaptation options incorporated into community
plans and prepared for broader dissemination.
Prioritized adaptation options for implementation submitted to Mekong ARCC for review and
Community ability to track extreme weather events, climate patterns, and seasonal shifts
A common understanding of risks associated with climate change is gained and incorporated into
livelihood planning and decision making.
Component 1 activities should be completed within the first 6-9 months of the field program.
Component 2 – Activity Implementation
Implement approved priority adaptation activities in one or more livelihood sectors; activities
must incorporate the inclusion of women and vulnerable populations in the implementation, monitoring,
and benefits accrual.
A sustainability plan for each adaptation activity is developed that might include operations and
maintenance schedules, financing plans, workplans, management and ownership structures,
environmental monitoring plans, etc.
Assist communities to implement their newly designed or improved system for observing and
recording changes in weather and extreme events (floods, droughts), longer-term patterns, such as timing
of seasonal changes during the rainy season, length of growing season, and changes to key livelihood
options (reduced yields, fewer/different species, increased disease, etc).
Activity Implementation –Deliverables and Anticipated Outcomes
 Sustainability plans developed with representative participation of all community members and
submitted for approval by appropriate community/local government authorities.
 Approved number of adaptation activities implemented and demonstrating results as defined by
IP and community.
 Community weather/climate monitoring system established and functioning.
Communities realize benefits tied to livelihood thematic areas (See Table 2 for illustrative types
of benefits)
Communities have increased adaptive capacity due to implementation of priority actions and
monitoring system.
Component 2 activities must be completed by December 2015
Component 3 – Adaptation Monitoring & Learning
The Mekong ARCC program devotes significant effort to monitoring and assessing how vulnerable rural
populations in ecologically sensitive areas take actions to reduce their vulnerability to expected changes
in climate in the LMB. Mekong ARCC requires the support of IPs to aid in these monitoring and
assessment efforts. As such, IPs will be responsible for helping the program collect and report along two
distinct tiers.
 Tier 1 – Community Project Output & Outcome Tracking – will directly contribute to the Mekong
ARCC team’s USAID reporting requirements toward overall project indicators for the purposes
of monitoring the progress of activities being carried out by each implementing partner.
 Tier 2 – Other Key Data – provides data points that will feed in to the Mekong ARCC program
efforts to derive a benefit to cost analysis in specific areas including public health, incomes, and
ecosystem services. The Mekong ARCC team will organize a workshop with IPs once awards are
made to discuss and agree upon common indicators and sampling methodologies so results can be
compared across the different projects.
IPs must track community socio-economic and biophysical changes that feed into a results-based
management system to allow for mid-course corrections and ensures that the communities’ views on the
adaptation initiatives are heard and acted upon. The Tier 1 M&E system will enable IPs and Mekong
ARCC to track activity implementation progress toward expected overall gains at the community level
against important USAID indicators.
USAID indicators for the Mekong ARCC project that IPs will be expected to contribute to are:
 Number of laws, policies, strategies, plans, agreements, or regulations addressing climate change
(mitigation or adaptation) and/or biodiversity conservation officially proposed, adopted, or
implemented as a result of U.S. Government assistance
 Number of stakeholders with increased capacity to adapt to the impacts of climate variability and
change as a result of U.S. Government assistance
 Number of activities implemented by communities to reduce gender-specific vulnerability to
climate change
The Mekong ARCC team will work with IPs to develop processes that ensure data integrity in accordance
with USAID guidelines for information collection as part of their M&E plans during the initial kickoff
meeting after awards are made.
With assistance from the Mekong ARCC team, the IP will be asked to help collect additional sets
of data and information that will be used for a cross site benefit-cost analysis.
Baseline Data: IP’s will collect information on incomes, health, and knowledge-attitudes-practices for
assisted households within each community. These three community/household sets of data will provide
the basis for estimating community benefits accrued as a result of the project and for longitudinal analysis
of changes and impacts on household incomes and child malnutrition that occur over the life of the
demonstration project. IPs will work with the broader Mekong ARCC team in planning baseline studies
to ensure a common methodology is applied to all sites.
Quantified Benefits & Costs: As noted above, IPs are expected to help communities analyze expected
benefits and costs of each adaptation option. During implementation, IPs will track all financial outlays
incurred or expected for equipment, materials, information, labor, land acquisition, rental of storage space
or any other pecuniary expense and note when over the life of the project that expense will be incurred.
Initial, up-front costs as well as ongoing annual or periodic maintenance and monitoring costs should be
noted separately. Anticipated benefits should be described (and quantified to the extent practicable) in
terms of both market (i.e. increases in yields of crops, fish, or wildlife) and non-market benefits (i.e.
preservation of biological diversity or improvements in water quality), and also estimate avoided costs
(i.e. what climate related costs the adaptation option is likely to prevent). The Mekong ARCC team will
assist the IPs, based on each adaptation project, to set up an appropriate system to gather this type of
Management and Staffing. Implementing partners must describe how they will manage adaptation
initiatives alongside their existing work within the community. IPs will describe where they have field
offices, their organizational structure, and existing financial and M&E systems. IP’s will provide a
staffing plan that identifies who will be the dedicated Project Manager, and additional technical and
support staff who will work with the Project Manager to carry out planned activities across the three
components – Vulnerability Assessment & Adaptation Planning (Component 1), Activity Implementation
(Component 2), and Adaptation Monitoring & Learning (Component 3). If staff are currently committed
to work on other grants/contracts, the IP must explain how their current role will dovetail with their
Mekong ARCC Adaptation Initiative work.
Reporting IPs will be required to submit four types of reports as detailed below.
1) Monitoring and Evaluation Plan. Mekong ARCC will work with each IP during the kickoff
meeting to finalize an M&E plan for each project. M&E plans will include discussion of the key
indicators and the approach the IP will take to collect and report on information quarterly to Mekong
ARCC. (This is the Tier 1 M&E System noted above)
2) Baseline reports. These will report on the baseline data and summary analyses carried out at the
beginning of each project on community/household income and health, and knowledge, attitudes and
practices related to climate change and adaption. (This is the Tier 2 M&E Systems noted above)
3) Quarterly reports. These reports, submitted within 15 days of the end of each quarter of the
calendar year to the Mekong ARCC program, should at a minimum, provide the following information:
 Summary of activities undertaken during the quarter and outcomes of project activities (i.e.
trainings held, plans developed/approved, field activities carried out, and community monitoring
systems establishes).
 Table of key performance targets that shows overall target and current status of achievement
 Description of planned activities in the coming quarter
 Any benefit/cost data collected during the quarter, and
 Summary financial statement – total funding under the contract, funds expended during the
quarter, total funding expended to date, and funds remaining.
4) Final report. The final report will summarize activities undertaken and the data and analysis of
the follow-up surveys on community and household income and health, and on knowledge, attitudes
and practices related to climate change and adaptation. These reports also should summarize
community capacity to continue collecting climate information and making adjustments to their
adaptation plans.
Implementing partners must describe their ongoing programs in the community(ies) where they propose
to carry out the Mekong ARCC Adaptation Initiative activities. Please refer to Attachment A, Section IX,
of this RFP for further details.
Attachment “C”
Cover Letter
[On Firm’s Letterhead]
<Insert date>
Christy Owen
Mekong ARCC Project
Bangkok, Thailand
We, the undersigned, provide the attached proposal in accordance with RFP- MEKONG ARCC-13-02
dated XXX, X, 2013.
Our attached proposal is for the total price of <Sum in Words ($0.00 Sum in Figures) >.
I certify a validity period of four months (120 days) for the prices provided in the attached proposal. Our
proposal shall be binding upon us subject to the modifications resulting from any discussions.
We understand that DAI is not required to accept and/or evaluate proposals that do not conform to the
instructions of this RFP, and additionally, DAI may reject all proposals and not award a subcontract for
this RFP.
Sincerely yours,
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Organization:
Attachment “D”
Proposal Checklist
Please check all that apply and include this page in with the proposal submission.
Offeror: __________________________________________________________________________
Have you?
Submitted your technical and financial proposal as separate documents to mekonginfo@dai.com
by the required deadline?
Does your proposal include the following?
Cover Letter (use template in Attachment C)
Proposal Checklist (use template in Attachment D)
Bidder’s Company Information (use template in Attachment E)
Representations/Certifications of Compliance (use template in Attachment F)
Form of Offer (use template in Attachment G)
Technical Proposal and Annexes
Executive Summary
Technical Approach
Implementation plan and Timeline
Past Performance References (use template in Attachment I)
Management and Staffing Plan (submit resumes/CVs for proposed personnel)
Qualifications Statement
Cost Proposal
Budget Narrative
Detailed Cost Breakdown (in Excel, unlocked)
Attachment “E”
Bidder’s Organization Information
To facilitate the evaluation and award process, please provide the following information about your organization.
This information is also required of all subcontractors included in your proposal. If an item is not applicable to your
organization, please put “N/A” on the blank(s) provided. Do not leave items unanswered.
Company Name:
Company Representative
Address 1:
Technical Representative
Address 2:
City, State:
Zip Code:
Name of Parent Company:
Web Page URL:
Type of Organization:
Sole Proprietorship
Corporate Entity (not tax-exempt)
Corporate Entity (tax-exempt)
Business Size (http://www.sba.gov/size):
CCR Registration: Yes
Government Entity (Federal, State, or Local)
Foreign Government
International Organization per 26 CFR 1.6049-4
Business Classification (Check all that apply in accordance with FAR
Part 19):
Educational Institution
Veteran Owned
Foreign Entity
Service-Disabled Veteran Owned*
HUB Zone
*Copy of certification must be submitted.
Orca Registration: Yes
DUNS Number:
Orca Registration date:
Bidder Federal EIN Number:
If Bidder is owned or controlled by a common parent:
Parent Name:
Parent EIN:
Attachment “F”
Representations and Certifications of Compliance
1. Federal Excluded Parties List - The Bidder Select is not presently debarred, suspended, or
determined ineligible for an award of a contract by any Federal agency.
2. Executive Compensation Certification- FAR 52.204-10 requires DAI, as prime contractor of U.S.
federal government contracts, to report compensation levels of the five most highly compensated
subcontractor executives to the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act SubAward Report System (FSRS)
3. Executive Order on Terrorism Financing- The Contractor is reminded that U.S. Executive Orders
and U.S. law prohibits transactions with, and the provision of resources and support to,
individuals and organizations associated with terrorism. It is the legal responsibility of the
Contractor/Recipient to ensure compliance with these Executive Orders and laws. This provision
must be included in all subcontracts/sub awards issued under this Prime Agreement.
4. Certification and Disclosure Regarding Payment to Influence Certain Federal Transactions – The
Bidder certifies that it currently is and will remain in compliance with FAR 52.203-11,
Certification and Disclosure Regarding Payment to Influence Certain Federal Transactions.
5. Organizational Conflict of Interest – The Bidder certifies that will comply FAR Part 9.5,
Organizational Conflict of Interest. The Bidder certifies that is not aware of any information
bearing on the existence of any potential organizational conflict of interest. The Bidder further
certifies that if the Bidder becomes aware of information bearing on whether a potential conflict
may exist, that Bidder shall immediately provide DAI with a disclosure statement describing this
6. Business Size and Classification(s) – The Bidder certifies that is has accurately and completely
identified its business size and classification(s) herein in accordance with the definitions and
requirements set forth in FAR Part 19, Small Business Programs.
7. Prohibition of Segregated Facilities - The Bidder certifies that it is compliant with FAR 52.22221, Prohibition of Segregated Facilities.
8. Drug-Free Workplace – The Bidder certifies that it complies with the Drug-Free Workplace Act
of 1988 (45 CFR Part 76, Subpart F) and, further, understands that any violation of the
prohibitions of this Act is a breach of contract and can result in default action.
9. Federal Civil Rights Act – The Bidder certifies that it conforms to the provisions of the Federal
Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended and does not discriminate against any employee or
applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, or disabilities.
10. Americans with Disabilities Act – The Bidder certifies that it complies with the Americans with
Disabilities Act.
11. Equal Opportunity – The Bidder certifies that it does not discriminate against any employee or
applicant for employment because of age, sex, religion, handicap, race, creed, color or national
12. Labor Laws – The Bidder certifies that it is in compliance with all labor laws, including but not
limited to the Walsh-Healy Act and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act regarding
overtime compensation.
13. Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) – The Bidder certifies that it is familiar with the Federal
Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and is in not in violation of any certifications required in the
applicable clauses of the FAR, including but not limited to certifications regarding lobbying,
kickbacks, equal employment opportunity, affirmation action, and payments to influence Federal
14. Employee Compliance – The Bidder warrants that it will require all employees, entities and
individuals providing services in connection with the performance of an DAI Purchase Order to
comply with the provisions of the resulting Purchase Order and with all Federal, State, and local
laws and regulations in connection with the work associated therein.
The information contained in this offer is current, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge
and belief. Bidder further agrees to fully comply with the terms and conditions set forth in Agreement
Terms & Conditions (Attachment G and all applicable federal clauses included herein.
Name of Authorized Official
Attachment “G”
Form of Offer
The Bidder shall prepare and submit a written Offer which includes the following statements completed
in their entirety:
1. Having examined the Terms and Conditions of the RFP, the Statement of Work, Technical
Specifications, for the execution of the Work, we, the undersigned, offer to execute, complete, and
maintain the whole of the said Work in conformity with the, Statement of Work and Specifications, as set
forth in attached pricing structure.
2. We certify that we are not included on any list of suspended, debarred, or ineligible bidders used by the
US Government.
3. We agree to abide by this Bid for the period of 120 days from the date fixed for receiving the same and
it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period.
4. Unless and until a formal Prime Agreement is prepared and executed, this Bid, together with your
written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding Prime Agreement between the Parties.
5. We understand and agree that DAI is not bound to accept the lowest or any bid it may receive.
6. We acknowledge receipt of the following amendments.
Dated this _____ day of ______________ 20____.
Signature _______________________________ in the capacity of _____________________ who is duly
authorized to sign bids for and on behalf of __________________________________
(Name of Offeror’s Organization)
Attachment “H”
Agreement Terms & Conditions
This Purchase Order ("Order") is an offer made by Development Alternatives, Inc. or its subsidiaries and
affiliates (collectively, "DAI") to purchase goods or services on these terms and conditions, as may be
modified by varying terms printed on the face of this Order (collectively, "Terms"). By acceptance of this
Order and/or performance hereunder, Vendor agrees to comply fully with these Terms and any
attachments to this Order. Any attachments referred to in this Order are hereby incorporated herein by
reference. Acceptance of this Order is expressly limited to these Terms, and Vendor's terms and
conditions in acknowledging or accepting this Order shall not apply. Acceptance by DAI of the goods
and/or services under this Order is not acceptance of Vendor's terms and conditions. No employee,
representative, or agent of DAI has any authority to bind DAI concerning this Order unless specifically
stated herein or in a written amendment signed by an authorized representative of DAI's Procurement
Department. When specified by DAI, Vendor shall comply with the geographic code requirements as set
forth by the Client. Vendor will ensure that it does not engage in any procurement activity from the
following countries: Cuban, Iran, Syria, Sudan and North Korea.
1. Definitions "Agreement" means the Purchase Order, these terms, and any other mutually executed agreement
between Vendor and DAI under which this Purchase Order is issued.
"Client" means the US government or another client of DAI.
"DAI" means Development Alternatives, Inc., with its principal place of business at 7600 Wisconsin
Avenue, STE 200, Bethesda, MD 20814 or its subsidiaries and affiliates.
"Goods" means goods specified by DAI in the Agreement.
"Order" means the Purchase Order issued by an authorized DAI representative.
"Services" means services specified by DAI in the Agreement.
"Taxes" means any and all applicable taxes, charges, fees, levies or other assessments applicable to the
performance of Services or the supply of Goods hereunder.
"Terms" means the terms and conditions specified in the Agreement.
"Vendor" means a party receiving a Purchase Order from DAI which references the Terms..
2. Acceptance - Final inspection and acceptance of goods and services shall be at the DAI receiving point
indicated in this Order. Nonconforming goods shall be returned to Vendor, freight collect, and Vendor
shall be debited for the transportation costs to DAI plus handling expenses. Such rejected goods shall be
deemed to be property of Vendor.
3. Price and Delivery - Vendor shall furnish the goods or services in accordance with the price and
delivery terms stated herein. TIME AND RATE OF DELIVERY ARE OF THE ESSENCE. Payments are
due forty five (45) days after DAI's receipt of a complete and correct invoice. Vendor certifies that each
invoice issued by it shall be based solely on Services actually performed by Vendor and Goods actually
supplied by Vendor pursuant to a PO, and that no part or portion of any invoice represents or is
attributable to any payment, gift, gratuity or other thing of value given to any person, organization, entity
or governmental body (except for those payments required by law).Unless otherwise stated, the price
terms contained herein include all costs or charges of any kind that will by paid by DAI, and DAI shall
not be liable for any other costs or charges, all of which shall be borne by Vendor, including, without
limitation, unspecified charges for inspection, packaging and shipping; all federal, state and municipal
sales, use and other taxes and duties. Whenever any actual or potential event occurs, including labor
disputes, that delays or threatens to delay the timely performance of this Order, Vendor shall give
immediate notice thereof to DAI.
4. Packaging And Shipping - Vendor shall be responsible for packaging, marking and shipping the
goods in accordance with the terms hereof, good commercial practices and all applicable laws. Each
package shall be marked with handling instructions, shipping information, Order number and part or item
number. An itemized packing list shall accompany each shipment. DAI reserves the right to reject any
shipment not meeting these requirements.
5. F.O.B., Risk Of Loss - F.O.B. point shall be DAI's location unless otherwise stated in writing by DAI.
Goods purchased f.o.b. Vendor's plant or shipping point shall not be considered delivered until they have
been accepted at the DAI receiving point indicated herein; however, DAI assumes responsibility at the
f.o.b. point for carrier routing, transportation charges, and risk of loss or damage to goods in transit, if
properly prepared and packed. Vendor shall bear all risk of loss with respect to any goods rejected by
6. Warranty - Vendor warrants all goods and services delivered or provided hereunder to be noninfringing, free from defect in title, material and workmanship, and fit for the purpose intended for a
period of twelve (12) months from delivery to DAI and to meet or exceed the specifications, drawings, or
sample specified or furnished and any supplementary documentation referenced herein. Vendor further
warrants that all goods and services delivered or provided hereunder comply with requirements of all
applicable laws and regulations. This warranty shall survive any inspection, delivery, or acceptance of the
goods and services or payment therefore by DAI.
7. Remedies/Waiver - If Vendor fails to timely perform its obligations under this Order, DAI reserves the
right to terminate this Order for default and purchase the goods or services elsewhere. If any goods or
services covered by this Order are defective or non-conforming or fail to meet applicable warranties
("Defective Material"), DAI may, by written notice to the Vendor: (a) terminate this Order for default; (b)
accept the Defective Material at an equitable reduction in price; or (c) reject the Defective Material and (i)
require the delivery of suitable replacements or re-performance of services or (ii) repair such material,
perform such services or purchase the Defective Material elsewhere. DAI may hold Vendor accountable
for any additional cost or damages incurred by DAI. All Defective Materials replaced or re-performed by
Vendor are subject to these Terms to same extent as items initially furnished or originally ordered. This
warranty provision shall survive any inspection, delivery, acceptance, payment, expiration or earlier
termination of this Order and such warranties shall run to DAI, its successors, assigns, employees,
students, and users of the goods or services. Rights and remedies of DAI hereunder are cumulative and in
addition to those which DAI has under law and equity. Any waiver by DAI of any particular breach or
default hereunder by Vendor shall not constitute a continuing waiver or a waiver of any other breach or
default. Approval by DAI of Vendor's proposed design, test plans, and/or procedures and manufacturing
process, methods, tooling, or facilities shall not relieve Vendor from meeting all requirements of this
8. Changes - At any time by written notice to Vendor, DAI may change the Order, including the
specifications, design, delivery, testing methods, packing, destination or any instructions. If any such
required changes cause an increase or decrease in the cost of or the time required for performance, an
equitable adjustment shall be made in the contract price or delivery schedule, or both. Vendor will give
written notice to DAI of any proposed equitable adjustment within ten (10) days of receiving notice from
DAI of such changes. Vendor and DAI will negotiate in good faith any proposed adjustments and upon
agreement, DAI will incorporate issue an amended Order incorporating the changes. Any change to be
valid and binding upon DAI must be in writing and signed by an authorized representative of DAI's
Procurement Department.
9. Termination - DAI shall have the right to terminate this Order in whole or in part by providing 14
days prior written notice to Vendor. DAI shall be liable for (a) the price of any items on this Order
previously accepted by DAI, and (b) reasonable costs incurred by Vendor for labor and materials for work
in process and finished conforming material plus a reasonable profit not to exceed 10% on such items.
Such cost plus profit will not exceed the cost of the goods ordered. DAI may elect to take possession of
work in process and finished conforming material.
10. Bankruptcy - If any bankruptcy, reorganization or insolvency proceedings, voluntary or involuntary,
are instituted by or against Vendor, or in the event of the appointment of an assignee for the benefit of
creditors or
of a receiver, then DAI may cancel this Order and hold Vendor accountable for any costs or damages
incurred by DAI.
11. Assignment DAI and Vendor each binds itself and its successors and assigns to all warranties,
covenants, agreements, and obligations contained in this Order. Vendor may not assign or delegate all or
any part any of its rights (except to a lending institution in the normal course of business) or obligations
hereunder without the prior written consent of DAI, and no such assignment or delegation shall relieve
Vendor of any such obligations. Any such assignment or delegation shall be voidable at DAI's election.
12. DAI Property - All materials, tools, drawings, specifications and other items furnished or paid for by
DAI shall be identified as DAI property, removable by DAI at any time at no cost, used only in filling
DAI Orders, inventoried by Vendor, kept separate from other such materials, treated as DAI confidential
information, and disposed of by Vendor when and as DAI shall direct. Vendor shall be responsible for
loss or damage to any such DAI property excepting normal wear and tear. Vendor shall be responsible
and accountable for all DAI or Client provided property and, where applicable, Vendor shall comply with
the requirements of 48 C.F.R. 45.5 with respect to such property. Vendor assumes the risk of, and shall be
responsible for, any loss or destruction of, or damage to, DAI or Client property upon its delivery to
Vendor employees. In the event of loss, damage or destruction of DAI or Client property by Vendor, DAI
may initiate an equitable adjustment to the Prices in favor of DAI. DAI may direct changes to the
Agreement in writing, and Vendor shall comply immediately with such direction. If DAI directed changes
increase or decrease the cost or time required Vendor's deliverables under the Agreement, the parties shall
negotiate an equitable adjustment in the price or schedule, or both, to reflect the increase or decrease.
13. Information Disclosed - Information disclosed to Vendor by DAI contains DAI's confidential
information, which Vendor shall not disclose to any third party (except as required by law) without DAI's
prior written consent. Unless expressly agreed to in writing by DAI, no information or knowledge
disclosed to DAI in the performance of or in connection with this Order shall be deemed to be
confidential or proprietary and any such information or knowledge shall be free from restrictions as part
of the consideration for this Order.
14. Publicity - Vendor shall not issue any public announcement regarding this Order or use the DAI name
or trademarks without prior written consent of DAI.
15. Indemnification - Vendor, at its sole expense, agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless DAI
from and/or against any and all claims, damages, costs, liability, and expenses, including reasonable
attorneys' fees, that (i) arise out of any breach of representation, agreement, or warranty made by Vendor;
(ii) the performance of any service or the delivery, installation, use or service of any item listed on this
Order; (iii) are caused in whole or in part by any act or omission of Vendor, Vendor's subcontractor, or
anyone for whose acts Vendor may be liable; or (iv) are attributable to bodily injury, sickness, or death;
injury to or destruction of property including the loss of use resulting therefrom; interference with the
business or operations of any third party; or violation of any governmental law or regulation. This
paragraph shall survive the termination of this Order and shall continue in effect until any hearing,
litigation, or claims have been finally concluded and settled.
16. Insurance - As a minimum, Vendor shall, at its sole cost and expense, provide and maintain the
following insurance coverage and insurance coverage limits: (1) Worker's Compensation: Vendor shall
provide and maintain worker's compensation insurance as required by the laws of the applicable
jurisdiction, as well as employer's liability coverage with minimum limits of $1,000,000 (or an equivalent
value in the local currency), covering all of Vendor's employees who are engaged in any work under the
Agreement; and if any work is subcontracted, Vendor shall require the subcontractor to provide the same
coverage for any of its employees engaged in any work under the Agreement, (2) Commercial General
Liability: Vendor shall maintain general liability coverage on a comprehensive broad form on an
occurrence basis in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 (or an equivalent value in the local currency)
combined single limit (where the defense is in excess of the limit of liability); (3) Automobile: Vendor
shall maintain automobile liability insurance to include liability coverage, covering all owned, hired and
non-owned vehicles used in connection with the Agreement, and the minimum combined single limit
shall be $1,000,000 (or an equivalent value in the local currency) bodily injury and property damage,
including: (a) $500,000 (or an equivalent value in the local currency) uninsured/underinsured motorist;
and (b) $5,000 (or an equivalent value in the local currency) medical payment. Providing and maintaining
adequate insurance coverage is a material obligation of the Vendor under the Agreement. Such insurance
coverage shall be obtained from companies that are authorized to provide such coverage in accordance
with the governing jurisdiction(s). Vendor shall at all times comply with the terms of such insurance
policies, and all requirements of the insurer under any such insurance policies, except as they may conflict
with applicable laws or the Agreement. The limits of coverage under each insurance policy maintained by
Vendor shall not be interpreted as limiting the Vendor's liability and obligations under the Agreement.
17. Intellectual Property - Vendor grants DAI all rights and licenses necessary for DAI to use the Goods
or Services. The parties acknowledge and agree that all Services shall be deemed to be "works for hire",
with all intellectual property rights therein vesting in DAI, unless otherwise mutually agreed. Vendor
agrees to irrevocably transfer and assign all such rights to DAI, and comply with all reasonable requests
by DAI to affect such transfer and assignments. Vendor represents and warrants that the materials
delivered hereunder and their use by DAI will not infringe upon or misappropriate with any patent,
copyright, trademark, trade secret or other property right of Vendor or any third party or require any
payment by DAI in respect of such rights to Vendor or any third party. Vendor agrees to indemnify and
hold harmless DAI for any breach of the foregoing representation and warranty in accordance with the
paragraph entitled "Indemnification."
18. Compliance - Vendor shall comply with all laws and regulations of Federal, State, or local
governments, as well as all U.S. statutes, regulations, and administrative requirements regarding
relationships with non-U.S. governmental and quasi-governmental entities including but not limited to the
export control regulations of the Department of State and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations
("ITAR"), the Department of Commerce and the Export Administration Act ("EAA"), the anti-boycott
and embargo regulations and guidelines issued under the EAA, and the regulations of the U.S.
Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control. Vendor shall give all notices and obtain all
permits and licenses required under such laws. The anti-bribery provisions of the Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act of 1977 ("FCPA"), 15 U.S.C. 78dd-2", et seq., make it unlawful for U.S. concerns, as well
as their officers, directors, employees, and agents, to corruptly offer or make a corrupt payment of money
or anything of value to a foreign official for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business.
Vendor acknowledges and understands that Vendor must comply fully with the anti-bribery provisions of
the FCPA. Specifically, Vendor understands and agrees that it shall be unlawful for Vendor to pay,
promise to pay (or authorize to pay or offer) money or anything of value to a foreign official in order to
assist DAI in obtaining or retaining business for or with, or directing business to, DAI. A "foreign
official" means any officer or employee of a foreign government, a public international organization, or
any department or agency thereof, or any person acting in an official capacity. Vendor understands all
applicable laws relating to kickbacks. Vendor agrees to periodically verify its compliance with such laws
and to inform DAI immediately of any violations thereof. Vendor shall maintain a Code of Business
Ethics and Conduct in accordance with the provisions of FAR 52.203.13. The provisions of 22 C.F.R.
Part 140, Prohibition of Assistance to Drug Traffickers apply to Vendor and shall have the same effect as
if they were stated in their full text. Vendor shall take affirmative action in compliance with all
Federal and State requirements concerning fair employment, employment of the handicapped,
employment of veterans, and concerning the treatment of all employees without regard to discrimination
by reason of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or physical handicap as described in 48 C.F.R.
52.222-26, Equal Opportunity, 48 C.F.R. 52.222-35, Affirmative Action for Special Disabled Veterans,
Veterans of the Vietnam Era, and Other Eligible Veterans, and 48 C.F.R. 52.222-36, Affirmative Action
for Workers with Disabilities. The provisions of 48 C.F.R. 52.222-50, Combating Trafficking in Persons,
apply to Vendor and have the same effect as if they were stated in their full text. Vendor is reminded that
U.S. Executive Orders and U.S. law prohibit transactions with, and the provisions of resources and
support to, individuals and organizations associated with terrorism. It is the legal responsibility of Vendor
to ensure compliance with these Executive Orders and laws. The provisions of resources and support to,
individuals and organizations associated with terrorism. It is the legal responsibility of Vendor to ensure
compliance with these Executive Orders and laws.
19. Exports - Vendor agrees to comply with all U.S. export control laws and regulations, specifically
including but not limited to, the requirements of the Arms Export Control Act, 22 U.S.C. 2751-2794,
including the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), 22 C.F.R. 120 et seq.; and the Export
Administration Act, 50 U.S.C. app. 2401-2420, including the Export Administration Regulations, 15
C.F.R. 730-774; including the requirement for obtaining any export license or agreement, if applicable.
Vendor agrees to notify DAI if any deliverable under the Agreement is restricted by export control laws
or regulations. Vendor shall immediately notify DAI if Vendor is, or becomes listed in any Denied Parties
List or if Vendor's export privileges are otherwise denied, suspended, or revoked in whole or in part by
any U.S. Government entity or agency. Vendor shall be responsible for all losses, costs, claims, causes of
action, damages, liabilities and expense, including attorney's fees, all expense of litigation and/or
settlement, and court costs, arising from any act or omission of Vendor, its officers, employees, agents, or
subcontractors at any tier, in the performance of any of its obligations under this section.
Vendor shall include the Terms of this section in all subcontracts issued when technical data is provided
to such subcontractors.
20. DAI Requirements - Vendor will ensure that its employees, agents, or designees, when in or upon
DAI's premises, shall obey all ethics and business conduct, workplace health, safety and security rules
and regulations established by DAI, regarding the conduct of its own employees and any additional rules
and regulations established by DAI for non-employees, including without limitation, security rules, and
21. Governing Law - This Order and the acceptance thereof shall constitute a valid, binding, and
enforceable contract governed by the laws of the State of Maryland, without regard to its principles of
conflicts of law.
22. General - If any clause of this Order is held as a matter of law to be unenforceable or unconscionable,
the remainder of this Order shall be enforceable without such clause. This Order supersedes and replaces
any previous documents, correspondence, conversations, or other oral or written understandings between
DAI and Vendor related to the subject hereof. This Order cannot be amended, changed, or modified in
any respect unless each such, amendment, change, or modification shall have been agreed upon in
writing, signed and delivered by each party hereto.
23. Exclusion Of Damages - DAI shall not be liable for any consequential, punitive, exemplary, special
or other indirect damages, in contract, tort or otherwise in any action arising out of this Order. DAI will
not be liable for any amount in excess of the amounts paid to Vendor hereunder
Attachment “I”
References and Past Performance
A. List 3 current and/or former clients which your organization has implemented similar projects.
1. Name and Location of Project:
Contract Amount: _________________
Percent Complete:_________________
Projected Completion Date:_________
Description of Services/Goods Provided:
Owner Reference Contact:
2. Name and Location of Project:
Contract Amount: _________________
Percent Complete:_________________
Projected Completion Date:_________
Description of Services/Goods Provided:
Owner Reference Contact:
3. Name and Location of Project:
Contract Amount: _________________
Percent Complete:_________________
Projected Completion Date:_________
Description of Services/Goods Provided:
Owner Reference Contact:
B. Provide the following information on the current work portfolio of your company in the region
1. Total number and dollar amount of contracts or grants currently in progress:
Number____________________________________ $_____________________________
Largest single contract amount currently in-progress: $_____________________________
Project Name: _______________________________________________________________
Project Completion Date: ______________________________________________________
Volume of work completed over 5 years:
2012 $____________________
2011 $____________________
2010 $____________________
2009 $____________________
2008 $____________________
Attachment “J”
Illustrative Adaptation Activities
Opportunities for reducing community vulnerability can be found in natural, built, social, and institutional
systems development including, but not limited to:
Natural system adaptation – rehabilitation, revegetation, species/ecological enrichment,
elimination of exotics, conservation corridors
Engineering solutions – check dams, drainage systems, bank stabilization
Land use planning – zoning, safeguards and development controls, management plans, seasonal
restrictions on harvesting, village conservation zones
Community capacity building – retraining, awareness outreach, extension services
Sector specific practices – ecological and organic approaches to agriculture
Institutional mechanisms development – establishment of management boards, community
management committees and introducing adaptation impact assessment procedures
The following table is for illustrative purposes only and lists activities and outcomes that could be
considered for Mekong ARCC field projects. It is not comprehensive nor has specific community context
been factored into the appropriateness of activities or outcomes. Sector specific adaptation options can
also be found in the Mekong Climate Change Adaptation and Impact Study Synthesis report, which can
be downloaded from the Mekong ARCC website (http://mekongarcc.net/home).
Table 2. Illustrative Activities and Outcomes from Adaptation Initiatives
 Community irrigation systems rehabilitated/upgraded
 Farmer capacity strengthened in crop/livestock/fisheries production,
and post-production processing/marketing
 Resilient elements in existing farming systems identified and
thoroughly strengthened
 Supply chains for different climate-resilient crops, livestock, etc., and
farming inputs analyzed and economic impacts/market barriers
 Climate resilient cropping, livestock, fisheries and forestry practices
introduced across at least 1 flood-prone and at least 1 drought-prone
 Diversified agriculture, livestock, fish, vegetables, NTFP production,
and alternative feasible off-farm activities demonstrated in target
districts where farming communities are dependent on rain-fed crops
 Communities tracking changing climate conditions.
 Communities adopting the use of risk reducing health practices
 Increased surveillance for infectious diseases (diarrheal, malaria, etc)
 Local income streams diversified by uptake of
more resilient/less sensitive livelihood activities
 Local enterprises created that diversify income
and livelihoods
 Crops/cropping, animal husbandry and fisheries
production systems adopted that are more
tolerant to seasonal shifts in temperature and
 Farmers adopted diversified production
 Farmers/producers achieved Increased
productivity due to less reliance on rainfed
 Farmer incomes improved through
improvements in production, post production
handling/processing and marketing
 Community decision systems enhanced to enable
community members to identify livelihood
options most exposed to climate stressors
 Reduced incidence of selected infectious
 Communities complete assessments of water source reliability during
 Sustainable access to clean water supply for
times of drought and flood, and rehabilitate/construct improved water
community increased.
systems with project assistance
Resilience to Natural Hazards
 Rainfall capture, storage and adaptive irrigation and/or drainage
 Water supplies/quality improving
management, and small-scale flood protection measures introduced in
target drought-prone districts where rainfall is becoming more variable  Reduced vulnerability to disasters. Community
 Community actions to improve land use and protect important natural
capacity in disaster planning and response
 Disaster risk reduction assessments completed.
 Community-based disaster preparedness programs and response plans  Improved land management maintains/increases
natural buffers to intense storms.
being implemented.
 Value of ecosystem services incorporated into
 Ecosystem management plans including habitat protection and
local planning and land use decision making
improvement and protecting eco-system based services and livelihoods
(both direct input value and risk reduction value)
 Improved land management strategies incorporated into community
development plans.
 Community education campaigns to promote risk reducing practices.
 Human and economic loss caused by hydrometeorological disasters reduced
 Short-term weather forecasting tools identified and used by
Attachment “K”
Hot Spot Province Profile
The Mekong ARCC Climate Study incorporated data from the entire Lower Mekong Basin, which was
then analyzed to select a set of ‘Hot Spot’ provinces where the team looked deeper into understanding
how shifts in temperature and precipitation will impact the 'comfort zones' of specific sectors. The Hot
Spot provinces chosen are a) representative of the 12 ecosystems found across the Basin, b) contain a mix
of staple and commercial crops, fisheries and livestock that are common to the LMB, and c) are projected
to experience the greatest relative increase in temperature, a rainfall, or sea level rise, d) where such shifts
would significantly impact a number of important livelihood/subsistence options for communities. The
selected Hot Spot provinces, therefore, share common traits with other provinces in the LMB, which will
allow the new approaches to adapting and learning generated in field programs to be replicable and
scalable throughout the Basin.
The following page contains a simple snapshot of the Kien Giang, Vietnam Hot Spot province identified
in the Mekong ARCC Climate Study. The information is derived from the climate study, which can be
downloaded from the Mekong ARCC website: www.mekongarcc.net.
This Hot Spot Profile is not meant to be comprehensive of all climate threats and impacts, but rather
representative of how projected shifts in climate will impact key crops and species. Offerors are
encouraged to work with the selected crops/species analyzed in the Climate Study for Kien Giang, or
they may choose to work with others outside of the Study that can be justified as facing similar
constraints under a shifting climate regime.
Overview: Kien Giang Province is projected to experience relatively minor increases in precipitation and daily maximum temperature. Annual precipitation will
increase by 5 – 8% and daily maximum temperature increases across the province of between 5 -10%. Note that this province was included in the priority
provinces because of the impacts of sea level rise and flooding, not because of the projected increases in precipitation and temperature.
Provincial Climate Change Impacts at 2050 – Kien Giang
A 3 Deg C. increase in annual
mean temperature; the avg. daily
maximum temperature will rise
from 38.5 to 41.8 Deg C.
No large rainfall events
Annual rainfall will increase from 1,280
of >100mm/day
mm/yr to 1,370mm/yr (+90mm/yr);
occurred in the 25yr
Sep-Oct will see over a 10% increase in
baseline; such a storm
monthly rainfall, while Jan, Feb, Apr
will begin to occur once
will see a -10% reduction
every 25yrs
April-May, the historical
transition from the dry to wet
season, will be drier and prolong
water stress at the end of the dry
Sea Level Rise
SLR of 30 cm in the rainy season can
exacerbate floods and crop damage; in
the dry season SLR will increase
intensity and duration of salinity of
water & soil.
Sectoral Vulnerabilities – Kien Giang
Exposed Species
Field Running Layer Ducks
Estuarine Fish (mollusks)
Heat stress in areas that have lost mangrove shade will impact habitat for mollusks
Extensive Freshwater Prawn Ponds
Coastal Semi-Intensive Shrimp
Heat stress will cause water column stratification and decrease oxygen levels, limiting reproduction
Mangrove Apple
Sea level rise and coastal erosion in current tidal zones will limit productivity and cause migration inland
Giant Honeybee
Prolonged dry season in peat areas (U Mihn Thuong) to impact flowering Melaleuca tree & honey production
Irrigated Rice
Rainfed Rice
Non-Timber Forest
Products & Crop
Wild Species
Climate Vulnerability*
Temperature exceeding 35 Deg. C. will create heat stress; SLR will increase saline water intrusion, with
significant yield loss at >4% salinity concentration
SLR will increase saline water intrusion, with significant yield loss at >4% salinity concentration
High temperature sensitivity as they are already outside of their thermonuetral zone; likelihood of reduced
growth rates, reproductivity, and immunity
Any decline in rice production will reduce running areas for scavenging and thus cause population loss
Small Commercial Pig
Flash floods that cause sudden drop in salinity (shallower ponds) will invite disease and lower reproduction
*Vulnerabilities listed are not comprehensive, but rather a snapshot of how each exposure unit could be impacted by a shifting climate
Attachment “L”
Budget Narrative Template
See attached Word file.
Attachment “M”
Budget Template
See attached Excel file.