Minutes 2/21/12

Student Senate Meeting Minutes 2/21/12
Prepared by Alyse Eggebrecht, Student Senate Secretary
Meeting called to order at 6:27
Roll Call
Approval of meeting minutes
2/7- All in favor
2/14 All in favor
Open Forum
Presentation with Target
GNH is no longer a viable housing option due to lack of student interest.
Van Clay: Meet with Starbucks rep tomorrow in Peace 11am and 4pm
Bruer: All is well in Decorah. Little drama about road construction with Short Street
and a new bike path. Trout Run Trail is almost complete!
Committee Report
1. Communication
a. Sent out SPO stuffers for funding proposal
b. Updated Senate board
c. Created TUMBLR
2. Co-Curricular/Leadership
. waiting for applications to come in
due 5pm this Friday
remind students they have a week left
a. next Sunday meeting as a committee to evaluate the applications
b. Biggest focuses for criteria
how many students are effected
how many students are involved
how involved with leadership is it
type of event
whether they have applied before- how they have used the funding
and follow up
3. Special Events
. discussing for the Civility Forum
a. Working on the Senior Send Off
b. Talked to Wayne about getting all of the toppings for the Meet Your Senator
event for $200
4. Student Life
. Brown and Logsden met with the Kristi Holmberg about B.R.E.T.T.
Dane will go to all the meetings
5. Campus Betterment
. Rachel wrote a proposal to get tables outside of sunny side
a. Grace will be working on garden on top of Sam Hoff
b. Oket on planning handicap awareness day
New President
Highum: President Torgerson is leaving May 2013. Search committee to find a new
president. You can send an email or bring a hard copy to nominate people who
would be a good representative of the student body. Need to be a current
Sophomore or Junior for the search committee. Bruce will be here is April. Search
profile will be finalized in May. Week of September they will be screening.
November neutral site interview- 8 to 10 candidates at that point. 3 candidates on
campus in February.
Student s may nominate a current sophomore or junior to represent students on the
search committee. A student can also nominate her or himself. Please send an
email with 2-3 sentences about why the nominee would be a good student
representative on the Presidential Search Committee. Email halversu@luther.edu or
bring a hard copy to the student life office. You can self nominate.
Funding Approval- Meet Your Senator Event- aimed to meet Senators
Motion to approve $200 funding for Meet Your Senator event- All in favor
Senior Send-Off Selections
Special Events committee (Taylor, Ari, Gen)
SAC help (Mallory)
Charlie Bruer
Sarah Webb
Emmanuel Avila
Honor Code Review
Darling: When will faculty be voting on their portion?
o Jane: Currently it is placed in student hands. Faculty will vote if they support
how it finalized. If the students pass it and the faculty don’t we will revert
back to the current model. Old model has 6 students and new model has 12
students. Addition of 6 minutes will be part of an educational aspect for
Honor Code. Senate will have to fill vacant spots.
Oket: Why the big jump?
o Grieder: They want to add an education aspect to the Honor Code. It is also
hard to find time to have people sit on the review board.
o Jane: once you commit you are committed until you graduate.
Hanson: What are the biggest changes?
Grieder: Increase size, education piece.
Jane: Students no longer sign anything. Faculty is still working on their piece.
They still have the choice whether they proctor or not. They are being asked
that they don’t, but it is up to each professor.
o Grieder: Academic integrity will stay the same. The amount of information will
be presented to students will be what changes. Giving them a bigger part of
the process that is put in place to ensure academic integrity.
C. Lind: Why are people “locked in”?
o Grieder: Working on the wording. It is to maintain consistency.
Rachel’s proxy: Will this be presented to student body?
o Grieder: Yes, two weeks prior to voting
o Jane: Special Events could do an open forum on it
Committee Time
Committee Reports
Date: 2-21-12
Committee: Student Life Committee
Attendance: Sophia, Manny, Adam, Libby, and Luke
Proposed Action for the Week and who’s completing it:
Sophia - Meet the Nakata persons about what happened on Thursday.
Libby- Meet the Nakata persons about what happened on Thursday.
Manny- Going to call Wartburg and look on the website to find the faculty handbook
for the Tenure process.
Adam- Going to call Coe and look on the website to find the faculty handbook for the
Tenure process.
Luke- Going to call Grinell again and look on their websire to find the faculty
handbook for the Tenure process.
Finished Action:
Sophia and Libby met with Kristi about the Tenure process.
Manny, Adam, and Luke called 9 school learning about their Tenure process, how
students voices are heard, and their process compared to ours.
Miscellaneous: Manny was very energetic.
Agenda Items: n/a
Date: Monday, February 20th
Attendance: Clara Lind, Allison Croat, Jordy Barry, Emily Browning, Carrie Juergens
Proposed Action for the Week and who's completing it:We all worked on the Senate board
for this week! Next week? Senate Newsletter!
Finished Action: Completed the Board
Miscellaneous: None
Agenda Items: Sharing our Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, tumblr) Together
Date: 2/21/12
Committee: Campus Betterment
Attendance: Christopher Heitz, Paul Tuscowski (for Rachel Miessler), Daniel Baldwin,
Oketekyie Dakwa-Agyekum, Grace Gast.
Proposed Action for the Week:
- We will write a final draft of the CFA tables proposal. We hope to have it finished by next
- We will meet with Facilities this week. Manny will be joining us as well. We will discuss
speed bumps, a ramp in Dieseth, and other handicap issues.
-Oketekyie is in communication with several different groups to plan the Handicap
Awareness Day which will take place on April 17th!
- We will also be gathering more information on vandalism.
Finished Action:
-We now have a rough draft of the CFA tables proposal.
- Grace looked into the roof garden. It will cost a lot of money and there are many other
difficulties. She will keep us updated.
Agenda Items: N/A
Date: 2/21/12
Committee: Co-Curricular and Leadership
Attendance: All Present (Mallory Heinzeroth, Ryan Castelaz, Sarah Webb, Charlie Bruer,
Matt Lind, Aaron Smith)
Proposed Action for the Week and who’s completing it:
Send e mails to groups that were funded last year for testimonials about how senate
funding benefited them/to hear about their event - Mallory
Continue to add/develop criteria for selection of proposals to happen this weekend Everyone
Finished Action: E-mails were sent to deferred student organizations to remind them to
apply for funding again
Date was finalized and confirmed for proposal review meeting (Sunday 2/26) 9:30PM in
Marty’s for committee members
Miscellaneous: We all giggled during our meeting! It was great!
Date: 2/21/12
Committee: Taylor Van Clay, Magie Darling, Arianda Maguina (via proxy), Charles Banta,
Genevieve Becker
Attendance: Proposed Action for the Week and who’s completing it:
1. Civility Forum
a. Date?
Taylor Van Clay will discuss dates for forum with Johnathan
b. What is our goal?
Charles Banta will work on creating a goal message for the event
c. Plans and Details
2. Meet Your Senator Event
. March 7th, Magie will make sign up
Required event with polo’s
a. $200 ice cream budget
b. Talk to communications
Genavieve is going to work with communications on advertisement
c. How do we want to interact with students
d. Week after tabling
continued discussin
3. Talk to Student Life about Tenure Forum
How can we assist
Ari will talk with Sophie about how we can assist with event.
4. Senior Send-off event
When will they be meeting?
a. representatives
Genevieve Becker
Arianda Maguina
Taylor Van Clay
Finished Action:
Miscellaneous: Possible Open Forum on change in Honor Code Forum? Recommendation
on how to get the word out to students
Agenda Items: Look at sign-sign up for meet your senator event and follow events.