KS2 GEOGRAPHY Curriculum link: Human and Physical Geography OCEAN CURRENTS LESSON PLAN Introduce students to the idea that ocean currents bring nutrient rich water to the Galapagos Islands and help to sustain the islands’ rich biodiversity Resources required: Global Ocean Currents map, Galapagos Ocean Currents map, and internet connection 1. FIRE STARTER Students study the Global Ocean Currents map. They should consider how the cold currents moving up the coast of Peru to the Galapagos Islands will affect the climate of the Islands (making it cooler at some times of the year – see the section on ‘Seasons in Galapagos’) . Students should also consider how the Gulf Stream affects the climate of Britain (making it warmer in winter). 2. GAINING GROUND Students look at the Galapagos Ocean Currents map and note the three different types of currents and conditions that cause upwelling that occur around the Galapagos (note: the Peruvian coastal current is also known as the Humboldt Current). As extension work they could write an explanation of the three different types. Students should write a simple explanation of how the Humboldt Current enriches the seas around Galapagos by bringing up nutrients from deep in the ocean. Students should explain how the Humboldt Current allows these penguins to live on the islands all year round. 3. MAKING WAVES Students should explain how important the nutrients brought by the upwelling caused by the Humboldt Current are to the productivity of the oceans around Galapagos. They should refer back to section Ecology and Habitats 2/5 on Food Chains and webs http://www.discoveringgalapagos.org.uk/discover/life-onthe-islands/ecology-and-habitats/food-chains-and-webs/ and describe how the nutrients allow for an abundance of primary producers and the significance of this. 4. FUTURE FOCUS Students should consider the importance of the productivity of the seas around Galapagos. They should consider for example the importance for the variety of species living in the oceans, livelihoods of people through fishing and tourism and how these are linked. A RESOURCE BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE GALAPAGOS CONSERVATION TRUST (REGISTERED CHARITY NO. 1043470) AND THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY (with IBG) LEARNING OBJECTIVE To understand that the world’s ocean are dynamic systems To understand that there are surface and deep flows of warm and cold water around the globe. STUDENTS’ OUTCOMES To appreciate the significance of these flows to the Galapagos Islands To identify how plants and animals in the ocean and on land have adapted to their environment.