WILLIAM STUKELEY CHURCH OF ENGLAND VA PRIMARY SCHOOL FINANCE, STAFFING AND BUILDINGS COMMITTEE MEETING FINAL MINUTES WEDNESDAY 8TH OCTOBER 2014 AT 5:30PM PART 1 Present: Also present: Mr R Simpson, Mr T Emery, Mrs J Francis, Rev R Seal, Mrs M Dack Mrs D Harlock (School Administrator), Mrs S Rix (Clerk to Governors - minutes) Meeting started at 5:30pm Prayer by Rev Seal Agenda item 1. Apologies 2. Election of Chair Issues 3. Review of Committee Constitution 4. Declaration of Interest 5. Minutes of the meeting held on 9th July 2014 6. Matters arising from these minutes 7. Staff Update 8. Finance Reports Point 6 Head Teacher’s projected outturn report 9. Breakfast Club Running Costs 10. Procurement Card 26.06.14 to 12.09.14 Agreed Action Apologies received from Mr Nicholas and Mrs Mason Mr Nicholas has stepped down as Chair of the FSB Committee. It was resolved that Mr Simpson would now become Chair of the committee. Following Mr Nicholas attending a recent meeting regarding the re-constitution of governing bodies, the current constitution was not reviewed and Mr Nicholas is to advise at the next meeting on the re-constitution. There were no declarations of interest Minutes approved by governors and signed as a true record by Mr Simpson Q. Did we get NI numbers from parents re FSM? A. Yes we did although this is not compulsory Report for information Mrs Harlock talked governors through the reports. Following the internal audit, Mrs Harlock is to do a projection every month monitoring the budget and carry forward. Report for information. Q. Is the breakfast club maintaining steady numbers? A. Numbers have remained steady and staffing has not needed to be increased. Report for information Responsible Clerk to bring to next FSB meeting/Mr Nicholas to feed back at next meeting Clerk to collect annual declaration of interest from Mrs Francis and Mrs Mason Transactions 11. Change to Finance, HR and Payroll Services from April 2015 12. Audited School Fund 2012/13 13. Buildings Update Jane Francis left at 6.35pm Rev Seal left at 6.45pm 14. Collaboration with Weston St Marys 15. Policies for Review Staff Leave of Absence Mrs Harlock provided governors with information regarding the changes to HR, payroll and finance after Mouchel have lost the tender to provide these services. The options to choose from are using Selina provided by Mouchel or using Agresso provided by Serco. By using the Agresso the school would be able to remain using the LCC bank account. Costings for both systems are very comparative to current costs. Mrs Harlock and Mr Emery are attending a meeting on Friday 10th October to find out more about Agresso. A decision needs to be confirmed to LCC by 14th November. Governors proposed to go ahead with the services provided by Serco as long as Mrs Harlock remained confident with them after her meeting on Friday. Sally Clifton has audited the school fund and is happy to audit it again next year. Signage and lighting for the library project is being awaited upon. The big opening is being planned for late October/early November. The toilets will be the next big project within the school. The carpets which require replacing are on the SDP. Q. Are the carpets a health hazard? No, there are no upturned corners/edges. Mr Emery gave governors an update on the collaboration. Governors were not confident in signing off the document as it was a LA policy which was 5 years old. Mrs Harlock had found a new version of the LA policy which is to be brought back to the next FSB meeting. Clerk to bring the new policy to the next meeting. The meeting closed at 6.45pm Signed: ________________________________ Chair of Committee Date: ________________________