Robinson Road Open Level Crossing

Robinson Road Open Level Crossing
Replacement Project
July 2013
Fact sheet: construction mitigation
The Geebung Overpass (GO) Alliance appreciates that construction activities can impact the
Managing our construction impacts
The GO Alliance is implementing a range of mitigation measures to reduce impacts on the
community during construction.
The GO Alliance plans work to minimise impacts on local residents and businesses, where
The implementation of mitigation measures is managed in several stages.
1. CONTROL THE SOURCE – this involves selecting quieter equipment and construction
techniques, where possible.
2. PLAN AHEAD – the GO Alliance plans work in advance to ensure all feasible options are
considered. For example, the project team has situated the site offices away from residential
houses to reduce early morning noise. Appropriate planning also considers potential community
impacts when scheduling the time and duration of works (see overleaf for more information).
3. SITE MITIGATION – this might include implementation of mitigation measures such as
temporary screening for noisy equipment (such as generators) or visually intrusive activities.
The $199 million Robinson Road Open Level Crossing Replacement Project will deliver an
important east-west connection by providing a new road-over-rail overpass, connecting Robinson
Road East and Robinson Road West. Jointly funded by Brisbane City Council and the
Queensland Government, the project will improve safety, connectivity and travel times and
reduce road congestion in the area.
Brisbane City Council has partnered with BMD Constructions and SMEC Australia to form the
Geebung Overpass (GO) Alliance to design and construct the project by late 2014.
Managing dust
The GO Alliance is implementing a range of mitigation measures to manage air quality and dust
onsite. This includes planning works appropriately and monitoring throughout construction to
ensure all measures in place are effective.
The schedule of works is designed to minimise the length of time areas within the worksite are
exposed to the elements, including wind. Landscaping is planned to be carried out as soon as
possible after each work area is complete, in order to reduce off-site dust.
Water carts are used on-site to suppress dust by washing down construction vehicles and access
roads to site. Water carts are also used to spray loose spoil being moved by machinery (such as
excavators) to reduce dust as it is transported.
Rumble grids have been installed throughout the work site to prevent soil being transported onto
nearby roads by trucks as they leave the site. The alliance also uses street sweepers
to help minimise dust build up on roads. Any loads carrying materials such as spoil, to and from
the site, are covered appropriately.
Scheduling our
When planning construction activities, the GO Alliance considers all reasonable and practical
measures to minimise potential construction impacts, including noise, dust and vibration on the
surrounding community.
Where possible, works in close proximity to residencts will be planned during standard daytime
construction hours to avoide after-hours impacts.
Works that have the potential to disrupt local businesses will be scheduled outside of business
hours, where possible. Throughout construction, the alliance will endeavour to balance the needs
of local residents and businesses, and take all reasonable steps to mitigate impacts.
The GO Alliance will endeavour to minimise night works in close proximity to residents. However,
some activities must be undertaken outside of standard hours for safety reasons, including
working around electrifies Queensland Rail infrastructure.
Night works also help to minimise traffic impacts and disruption to Queensland Rail freight and
passenger services.
The GO Alliance is committed to providing impacted stakeholders with prior notification of works.
The community relations team works closely with the construction and environment teams to
ensure local residents and businesses understand the schedule of upcoming construction
activities and have appropriate time to make plans ahead of high impact works.
To find out more about the project
Phone: 1800 704 749
Visit: and search for ‘Robinson Road’
Write to:
Geebung Overpass (GO) Alliance
PO Box 282
Geebung QLD 4034
Contact the team
For more information on our mitigation plans and processes, please contact the community
relations team on 1800 704 749.