2. Goals and objectives of the Competition

Kaliningrad Oblast Government
“Kaliningrad City” Urban District Administration
NP “Urban planning bureau “Heart of the City”
30, build. A, office 501, Leninsky Prospect, Kaliningrad 236006
www.tuwangste.ru office@tuwangste.ru
International Competition for the Elaboration
of the Concept of Architectural and Urban Development of
the Historical Center of Kaliningrad City
(Korolevskaya Gora and its surroundings)
Competition Documents
Terms of Reference
Volume I. Assignment description
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Kaliningrad 2013-2014
1. BASIC PROVISIONS ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COMPETITION ............................................................................................................ 3
2.1 PREAMBLE ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2. GOALS OF THE COMPETITION ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
2.3. OBJECTIVES OF THE COMPETITION ............................................................................................................................................... 4
2.4. TERRITORY OF THE COMPETITION ................................................................................................................................................ 4
3. REQUIREMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS............................................................................................................................. 5
3.1. URBAN PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE COMPETITION SOLUTION................................................... 5
3.2. FUNCTIONAL FILLING OF THE AREAS OF COMPETITION ................................................................................................................ 7
3.3. STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS AND LIMITATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 7
4. PARAMETERS OF THE COMPETITION .......................................................................................................................... 16
4.1. COMPETITION TIME-SCHEDULE ...................................................................................................................................................16
4.2 COMPOSITION OF THE COMPETITION MATERIALS .......................................................................................................................16
1 round: competition of resumes ........................................................................................................................................... 16
2 round: competition of design solutions ............................................................................................................................... 17
4.3. EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR FINAL COMPETITION DESIGNS .......................................................................................................19
5. MAIN TERMS USED IN THIS TERMS OF REFERENCE ..................................................................................................... 19
6. LIST OF BASELINE DATA AND ADDITIONAL MATERIALS .............................................................................................. 22
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1. Basic provisions
Non-profit partnership Urban Planning Bureau “Heart of the City” on behalf of the Government of the Kaliningrad
region and with the assistance of the Administration of the Urban District “City of Kaliningrad", based on the
current legislation of the Russian Federation, the general plan of Kaliningrad and Land Use and Development Code
of Kaliningrad organizes and conducts an open international architectural and urban planning competition for the
development of the concept of urban development of Kaliningrad city historical center (Korolevskaya Gora (King’s
Mountain) and its area).
The competition results will be the basis for the development of documents for the site planning within the
specified boundaries and will form the basis for updating the General Plan of Kaliningrad.
Participation in the competition is open to Russian and foreign legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and
individuals who meet the qualification requirements specified in the Terms of Reference, as well as individuals who
will directly carry out development of the competition proposal, i.e. employers on the staff of legal entities and / or
individual entrepreneurs participating in the competition. Participants must have a higher professional education in
the field of architectural and urban design (urban planners, architects, urban transportation planners) with
experience in the field of architectural and urban designing at least five years.
The working languages of the competition: Russian and English.
2. Goals and objectives of the Competition
2.1 Preamble
In Kaliningrad there are two city centers - one is a modern center located in the area Pobedy Square, the other is
the historical center (almost completely lost), with its historic territories called Altstadt, Loebenicht, Korolevskaya
Gora and Kneiphof. The revival of historic center as an important element of the urban environment is a problem
that needs to be addressed urgently.
In the course of the competition it is expected that a participant will be able to show respect for the historical and
archaeological heritage of the former Koenigsberg and develop a vision of the future development of the area of
Korolevskaya Gora and the city center as a whole, through linking by their creative solution Lower and Upper Town,
history and prospects for a new life on these territories.
The challenge for the participant is not to develop proposals for restoration of the former (lost) image of the center
or intensive development of the land available. At the heart of the vision of the project there should be rethinking
(reinterpretation ) of the role of Korolevskaya Gora area and the city center as a whole, which would affect active
development of the city of Kaliningrad and its increased importance among Russian cities and towns of the Baltic
The urban design concept should justify appearance on this territory of a specific “Hub" between the Russian and
Western culture, and be based on the genetic foundation of urban forming potential of Konigsberg (in the past the Hanseatic city), on the continuation and development of the experience of its urban planning practices as a big
and famous city with European, historical cultural and sustainable professional traditions.
Center should set new standards of living space, its quality and style in respect of infrastructure, so that eventually
to serve as the basis for forming “Kaliningrad lifestyle". This will be the “hallmark” of modern Koenigsberg Kaliningrad, its identity in the Russian and European cultural landscapes.
Separate task should be recognition of Kaliningrad, which is a city of the international Baltic region, through finding
its own individual architectural image in today's global world, in the Baltic Sea region in Russia.
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2.2. Goals of the Competition
Formation of competent urban concept providing well-reasoned urban planning solution for the areas of
the former Korolevskaya Gora and its surroundings (56 ha), which will serve as the basis for the subsequent
development of urban planning documents and regulations.
Formation of architectural and spatial proposal for the Korolevskaya Gora (10 ha), in which the functional
development of the site will be linked to the evolution of urban nodes, ensembles, accents and iconic
elements of which a new image and sculptural dominant territory will be formed.
2.3. Objectives of the Competition
Regeneration and harmonization of infrastructure of the historical center with returning its status of “center of
active city life”.
Creating elements of a new image of Kaliningrad, strengthening tourist attraction of central areas of Kaliningrad
Returning moderate residential function on the area of the old historic core.
Improving ecology of the urban environment, its areas and water resources with providing exit of the city to water
landscapes with organizing territories in the waters of the river Pregolya.
Formation of a comfortable urban environment, taking into account the historical values of the area.
2.4. Territory of the competition
Competition area - a part of the historical core of the city of Kaliningrad within the borders (Korolevskaya Gora
and its surroundings) - 56 ha: embankment of Novaya Pregolya, Zaraiskaya St., Shevchenko St., Klinicheskaya St.,
Proletarskaya St., Sergeyeva St., Universitetskaya St., V. Hugo St.
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Context area - 160 ha: Dvukh’yarushyi bridge, Naberezhnaya Petra Velikogo (Embankment of Peter the Great),
Moscovskiy Prospect, Kopernika St. Bolnichnaya St.,, Leninsky Prospect. Universitetskaya St., Prof. Sevastyanova St.,
Proletarskaya St., Sergeeva St Chernyakhovskogo St., Clinicheskaya St., Shevchenko St., S. Tyulenina St.,
Moskovsky Prospect, Solnechyi Boulevard, Octyabrskaya St., Yubileynyi (Imperatorskiy) Bridge, Epronovskaya St.,
Staropregolskaya embankment, Portovaya St..
3. Requirements and restrictions
3.1. Urban planning and architectural requirements for the competition solution
1. Within the boundaries of the Context area (160ha) - to solve the complex system of connections and
pedestrian-traffic areas. To suggest urban planning ideology of systems of public and built-up spaces with
defining their scale parameters, ensuring integrity of the urban planning solution for the historical core of
the city, context areas and areas of the “inner city".
2. Within the boundaries of competition area of the Korolevskaya Gora and its surroundings (56 ha) to
allocate urban nodes, ensembles, accents and symbolic elements, define the complex boundaries, to form
their typologies and phasing of development.
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When solving the tasks set the following is necessary:
Urban planning solution should express functional significance of this area in three scales, namely:
in federal scale: central representative place of objects of cultural, power-administrative and sociocommunicative functions objects,
in regional scale: a representative central place for administrative and socio-communicative objects
in city scale: central representative place for mass ceremonies and fairs functions, the most presentable
central part in the city-wide structure of green spaces, pedestrian and bicycle system of connection.
To offer interpretation of the area as a central element of the overall landscape structure which passes through the
historical core within the second Rampart Ring.
To formulate new urban principles of the area of the former Korolevskaya Gora in view of the historical urban
structures and elements identified in the Historical and Cultural study (Appendix 2) and recommended to a greater
or lesser degree for conservation, regeneration and renovation.
To provide proposals for the initial phase of the project in preparation for the Football World Cup 2018.
To offer space planning solution to fit in with the scale of urban development of the historical city, while observing
the integrity of the composition integrity of built-up area, site improvement and respect for the historical and
archaeological conditions.
To provide a new interpretation of elements of modern urban structures, including the Soviet legacy in relation to
new complex tasks.
To provide proposals on the use of multi-functional ideology with the inclusion of ideology a new (for Kaliningrad)
type of housing in the city center, directly approaching Korolevskaya Gora. To distribute functions of prospective
development within the concept of multifunctionality in order to ensure round-o’clock active life on city areas
(squares, parks, boulevards).
To formulate the ideology of urban planning management of competitive areas.
Urban themes necessary for consideration
Integration of Upper and Lower city (traffic, pedestrian, spatial);
Open landscaped space along Shevchenko St.,
Organization of pedestrian and vehicular traffic on Shevchenko St., Moskovsky prospect and Leninsky
Prospect, traffic and pedestrian links between the lower and upper city, pedestrian communication
between the core of the city, the Nizhneye Lake, riversides of Pregolya and Kant island (Kneiphof island);
New lines of development;
House of the Soviets. Proposals for reconstruction and use.
Cascade of the fountains. To provide proposals on the use of hydraulic structures at the House of the
Soviets as an architectural decoration of diversity of water levels from the Nizhneye Lake to the river of
Novaya Pregolya.
Underground construction. To use the mountain body to the maximum extent for underground traffic,
parking, utilities, etc.
Panorama of the Upper Town. To submit project panorama of the facade line of the Upper City with the
historical structure of division via connection lines (walkways and driveways connecting the Upper and
Lower City, see Figure 1).
Main representative view of built-in area of the Korolevskaya Gora, given that this role has historically
been performed by the southwest corner of the former castle ;
Water front of built-up area of the river Novaya Pregolya.
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Principles of development of the Castle part (Southern) of the Nizhneye Lake . To make proposals for the
inclusion of these areas in the composition of development.
3.2. Functional filling of the areas of competition
Korolevskaya Gora should become a new center of Kaliningrad, full of life day and night and which will become a
linking element of the Upper and Lower Town, History and Modernity. It should be the main representative place in
the region with a recognizable and individual silhouette with different viewpoints.
The following should be placed here:
The main square of the region (possibly consisting of a system of flowing open spaces), the venue of the
mass city and regional activities, capacity of at least 30,000 people, also as a fan zone of Football World Cup
2018 (in this case the capacity should be 50 thousand people according to FIFA requirements due to
“connecting" reserve areas at Korolevskaya Gora and Lower Lake).
The main region Concert Hall of high class (multi-functional, with a variable number of seats, possible
combined status of a Congress Hall ) for 1600-2000 people.
As a maximum, «Museum Quarter", comprising: main symbol of the city - museum dedicated to the history
of the Order castle of Koenigsberg and the postwar history of the Korolevskaya Gora (including the House
of Soviets), including archaeological excavations in the overall exposure; “Gipsoteka” of Kaliningrad Koenigsberg», museum and exhibition complex with paleontological center of the Baltic amber, art gallery
or exhibition space or Museum of art (dividing finally, the historical function from art, and gallery from
museum), a modern library. At least – the main museum + gallery, structurally related to the Concert Hall
and the ceremonial hall (see below).
The main ceremonial hall of the region ("Honourary", Ceremonial, an analogue of the “Hall of the
Muscovites") for special occasions, possibly having a function of the Wedding Palace in the other room.
Here the events of the New Year “Governor’s ball" will take place.
On the territory of the»Heart of the City" the»ethnographic quarter" can be located within the development of the
museum and tourist functions, and also accommodation for the Wedding Palace should be envisaged (perhaps in
one of the buildings recommended for regeneration).
3.3. Structural requirements and limitations
On the project site there should be at least two pedestrian areas: connecting the Upper and Lower City (NorthSouth), and lying on the East-West axis. It may be worth making the entire project site a pedestrian zone
penetrated by green areas, parks and bicycle paths. To develop cycling and public transport to a maximum extent
on the project site and to adopt a strategy on minimizing automobile transit through the center.
There should be no major shopping centers and retail, except for street retail.
Ideology of “meeting point for Russia and Europe" can be an important topic (also for tourism) in the project area,
which includes the idea of "Cultural and historical hub" as an integrated development of idea of House of Peoples'
Kneiphof: To preserve the green area, to keep the museum and landscape function of the island as a central
function by imposing a moratorium on capital construction, not related to the museum and landscape functions.
Re-create at least two historic bridges – Kuznechnyi (Blacksmith) and Potrokhovy (Entrails) - for pedestrian and
bicycle connection of the left-and right-bank part of the city.
Nizhneye Lake District: South part of the lake (from the bridge to Shevchenko St.) to be developed in conjunction
with compositional solutions for Korolevskaya Gora, Northern part of the lake should be reserved for a landscape
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Altstadt: Partial reconstruction of historical structure of development along the coast is possible in order to create
maximum historical authenticity of this area in the case of solving “the problem of Moskovsky prospect”
Architectural solution for slope from Korolevskaya Gora to Moskovsky Prospect should be proposed.
Waterfront: On the Pregolya riverside to provide berths for water transport, “embankment pedestrian zone" with
anchor objects of attraction at the end and the beginning. To provide necessarily a vertical zoning with reserving
ground floors for public, service, tourist and historical and cultural functions. Subsequently Waterfront will be
highlighted as a separate complex topic within the boundaries of the historic core for study beyond the
international competition in respect of Korolevskaya Gora and its surroundings.
Requirements to organizing spaces of the competition areas
The task for potential participants of the competition is to propose a scheme that would suggest creating
consolidated public spaces and setting a hierarchy of spaces (private-public (adjacent ), semi-public and
public). Hierarchy of public spaces may be oriented to different users. It is important to determine the
functionality of public spaces and green areas, taking into account all categories of citizens. By the public
spaces, the territories with unlimited access are meant.
The scheme of areas and public spaces subject to regeneration (see below) developed by Kaliningrad
experts shall be taken as the basis to determine the amount of areas in the course of formation of public
spaces. This scheme includes the spaces of not only the German period, but also the Soviet period. In
particular, the entrants are invited to artistically interpret the drop of water from the Lower Lake in
Pregolya, which has historically been implemented as a cascade of fountains.
A large public space in front of the House of Soviets, already used for the purposes of fairs and festivals,
should retain its function, so the entrants are invited to use this space for the areas consisting of a few
parts of common use for citywide purposes.
As a basis for formation of a green frame of the historical center of Kaliningrad it is recommended to use
the restrictions arising from the results of the historical and cultural study and Workshop, organized in
2007. Territories, which in any case should remain green, despite the fact that in the past they were builtup, represent a big part of Kneiphof island.
One of the requirements for solution on public and green spaces is creation of a unified system of spaces,
differentiated by size and functional saturation. Firstly, silent zones, i.e. a small park or garden square, not
breaking the territory integrity that fits in with historically set parameters of the block and located within
walking distance, and secondly, the category of larger parks where something happens, there is an
economic scenario, and thirdly, the territory inhabited or built-up where the city life happens (eg, square,
etc.). Different categories of these spaces should form a single system and organically exist within a single
It is necessary to recreate the historic city with a new content, in which the historical center (historical
core) should not compete with the existing center in terms of shopping malls and commercial functions. On
the ground floor of the new historical center there should be functions of public interest. There should be a
place for small and medium businesses. New center Altstadt City should include the principle of vertical
zoning with orientation to the first floor.
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Entrants should also describe the socio-economic scenario of the territory development. On the one hand,
it goes about a vertical zoning, with the ground floor for public functions and upper floors for offices and
housing. On the other hand, the blocks with no residential function are likely to appear here, such as
museums or university quarters. It is important to ensure that to the key spaces, squares, garden squares
and parks the pedestrian accessibility is provided and prospective housing is provided with a complete
range of statutory social services.
Historical and urban elements proposed for regeneration
Koenigsberg Castle (Order fortress, the Royal Castle). To select scenario of fundamental solutions (with
South terrace of the castle. To preserve or restore the Southern (and, preferably, the Western) terrace of
the Castle.
To restore or determine the planning network of Altstadt.
Altstadt Market Square.
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City Garden Square (Wilhelm Square).
Embankment (Lower and Upper Fish Market ).
Kuznechnyi (Blacksmith) bridge.
Unloading square of Lastadia.
Front Steindamm (square/main street).
The architectural and urban ensemble of Monetnaya square.
The architectural and urban ensemble of classical Paraden Platz.
Schlossteihbrucke Bridge
Prospects of development of streets and roads network in the central part of the city
In order to create conditions for formation of the live historical center of Kaliningrad the problem of transport
servicing the central core of the city (within the Rampart Ring) should be addressed. In connection with this, there
are the following tasks:
- Release of the area of former Altstadt from transit transport (part of Moscovsky and Leninsky prospects )
- Solution for the system of transport servicing of the former Korolevskaya Gora,
- Solution for the system, implying the assignment of category of main urban pedestrian and transport streets to
Moscovslyi and Leninsky Prospects with a predominance of public transport traffic;
- Restoration within the historical center of the city (and partially the second Rampart Ring ) of the fine network of
streets and historic built-up areas of appropriate scale and designed to provide alternative options for traffic and
- Organization of cycling and pedestrian traffic.
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Restrictions on protection of historical and cultural heritage
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Historical core of the city
(includes zones R-1.1, R1.2, R-1.3).
In view of the historical
and cultural value a
special condition is applied
for the zone: all types of
economic activities are
conducted by special
General idea - Formation
and recreation of historical
fragment of the city
considering the historical
and symbolic birthplace of
the city
heritage objects
cultural layers
elements of the
historical layout
symbolic value
of the venue of
city founding
Common mode of urban development activity
within the historic core areaRegeneration of the historical environment, new
construction and reconstruction based on historical
and symbolic significance of the venue of the city
founding and its composition center
development of a general action plan for the
regeneration and development of the territory;
conducting research;
hearings (international conferences, seminars) initiative of the Governor and the Mayor’s office, as
well as public organizations;
concept definition (justification ) under several
broad discussion of projects and selection of scenario;
investment program;
development of special project for regeneration and
development (recovery of town planning) and
development of the area of the historic core
compensatory construction:
restoration of the lost town planning,
restoration of lost historical bridges,
restoration of lost historical buildings
at the 1st stage of development of the territory
(before development of the concept) the following is
construction of temporary service facilities - cafes,
toilets, tourist information, pavilions, souvenirs etc.
laying and repair of engineering and transport utilities
without compromising the historic urban environment;
installation of temporary facilities for public services,
pavilions, small architectural forms, outdoor
advertising, without compromising the historic urban
removal of support structures infringing approaches
to monuments and their visual perception
installation of memorial signs related to the history of
the area
Damage to the protected
objects in all types of
violation of favorable
conditions of visual
perception of heritage
objects and valuable
natural landscape;
construction of
production and storage
facilities on the area,
including those for
production and storage of
explosives and flammable
materials, and facilities
generating cargo flows,
construction of
production facilities for
road transport service,
filling stations, etc.
construction and repair
works, dangerous for the
physical preservation of
archaeological sites and
cultural backgrounds;
cutting and building-up
historic landscaping and
vegetation forming
landscape and
Damage to the protected
Mode of urban development activities in the area
cultural layers
of zone R-1 - regeneration of the historical environment objects in all types of
symbolic value and new construction taking into account the historical activities
of the venue of and symbolic significance of the birthplace of the city
city founding
In view of the historical and cultural value for the
zone a special condition is to be applied:
all business activities shall be exercised by special
General idea - Formation
and recreation of historical
fragment of the city
Within the area the general modes of urban
considering the historical
development activities for zone R ( The historical
and symbolic birthplace of
core of the city) are in force (see the box above)
the city
Altstadt, lower part of
(to the South of
Moskovskiy prospect, zone
of embankment)
Territory of Royal
Castle, Upper part of
In view of historical and
cultural value a special
condition is applied for the
zone: all types of economic
activities are conducted by
special agreement
General idea - Formation
and recreation of historical
fragment of Konigsberg
considering the historical
and symbolic birthplace of
the city (with the spirit of
historism )
position in the
former Royal
Castle in general
structure of the
historical and
cultural value of
the venue of the
city founding, its
composition and
cultural layers
Damage to the protected
Mode of urban development activities in the zone
R -1.3 - regeneration of the historic environment and
objects in all types of
new construction with formation of the image of spatial activities
and compositional dominant of the city
In view of the historical and cultural value for the
zone a special condition is to be applied:
all business activities shall be exercised by special
Within the area the common modes of urban
development activities for Zone R are applied - The
historic core of the city (see the box above)
Additional regulations:
renovation or demolition of the ruins of the
administrative building
demolishing of temporary retail facilities
organizing parking spaces for servicing the zone by
special agreement
Parameters of loads in prospective development of engineering utilities and facilities
Increase of loads on utility systems in the result of prospect development of the area under review is
shown in the below table.
Water supply
1 950
Required resources of the new construction
Electrical power
sewage m3/day
loads, kW
1 950
6 500
Implementation of proposals for the development of the area under review will entail a substantial
increase in load on the engineering utilities. A high percentage of utilities wear and lack of reserve
output and conveying capacity of engineering utilities and facilities require the overhaul of most of
the existing engineering infrastructure facilities and construction of new ones.
Participants of the competition should offer options for updating strategic infrastructure, located on
the competition area.
Requirements for development of the center in the city structure (based on the
results of the Worshop 2007)
The city of Kaliningrad is polycentric (center is the territory of the former historical core, sub-centers are urban
ensembles at intersections of the rampart ring and major main roads: Pobedy Square and Vasilevskogo
Square). It is necessary to find a balance between cultural heritage and modern city to maintain the traditions
of the city Koenigsberg, the areas of the former historic core should hold objects related to such functional
areas as» Objects of educational/training and culture/recreation purpose" and» Social and business objects";
City center in the future should be provided mainly for pedestrians, cyclists and various forms of public
transport. The basic idea: the release of the central areas from transit automotive vehicles. For this purpose
creation of a system of highways is proposed:
- Outside third ring
- to the West of the center in the north-south direction, semiburied, parallel to the railway
- Simultaneous use of the railway as a high-speed intercity public transport;
- Leninsky Prospect and Chernyakhovskogo St. should be to developed as shopping streets with a
predominance of pedestrians and public transport.
- Moscovsky Prospect should not dissect the central core area of the city center, the northern (upper) and
southern (lower) part of the core should be reunited, but at the same time, Moscovsky Prospect retains the
value of citywide importance highway interchange with traffic on it and intersections connecting parts of the
core center in different levels.
Future transformation of the city into one of the most comfortable and greenest cities in Europe will get in
line with its traditions, witch will be ensured by development of the following areas:
• Areas around Nizhneye Lake as the green landscape of the pedestrian zone, with accommodation of
island facilities of training and educational purpose as well as cultural and leisure destination, and social
and business purposes;
• Embankments of the river Pregolya - in the form of green recreational areas with width from 15 to
River landscape should be comprised in a public area of the city:
• Development of northern and western riversides is a mixed zone of facilities for leisure, commerce and
housing. Scale of building blocks is comparable to the historical scale with number of storeys up to 4;
• Development of southern and south- eastern riverside is a residential area with enhanced comfort,
block planning, with the number of storeys up to 6;
• Development of north-western riverside includes recreation and culture facilities, social and business
areas ;
• Development of southwestern riverside represents blocks of a business area.
4. Parameters of the Competition
4.1. Competition time-schedule
Activities on arranging and holding the open international architectural and urban planning competition and
summarizing its results are planned from 21 January to 07 November 2014.
Procedure of holding the competition includes three main stages:
First stage of the competition is held from 21 January 2013 to 26 March 2014. This stage is dedicated
to arranging and conducting preliminary selection of the competition, collection of participants’
documents, announcement of results of the first stage.
Second stage of the competition lasts from 27 March 2014 to 24 October 2014. At this stage the dates
of the competition and deadlines for submission of competition materials will be announced, for the
entrants who passed to the second stage the study workshop will be held; competition materials will
be collected and registered and evaluated by the selection board, members of professional and public
jury; competition results will be summarized.
Third stage of the competition will be held from 03 to 07 November 2014 and dedicated to the
competition completion, transfer of award funds, presentations of competition works of the winners
and nominees, awarding the winners of the competition.
For complete conditions of the competition, deadlines for document submission and regulation documents for
conducting competition please visit the competition web-site: www.tuwangste.ru.
4.2 Composition of the Competition materials
1 round1: competition of resumes
Documents and information about compliance of the Entrant to the qualification requirements:
1) information and documents proving experience in performing similar work in the last five years:
For complete composition of the documentation set for the 1 st and 2nd rounds please see Regulations on the
Competition, p. 3.9
Materials (portfolio) for urban projects approved, implemented or under implementation relating to concepts
of organization of urban areas, preferably the historical city centers. Schemes of architectural planning of the
area; layout schemes of urban nodes with 3D visualization, axonometric projections, photos of miniatures - at
Contestants option.
To be submitted in hard copy, format A3 and electronic medium (format jpg) not more than 2 pages per
project and not more than 3 objects;
2) Motivation letter of the participant, not more than one page of printed text on A4 paper and electronic
media (format pdf), in which the participant explains his principle of approach to the project area;
3) Curriculum vitae of the head of the creative team, not more than one page of printed text on A4 paper and
electronic media (format pdf).
All materials of the competition proposal to be submitted by contestants in two languages: Russian and
English, including texts on schemes.
2 round: competition of design solutions
Participants of the second round of the competition upon results of their work should submit for consideration
by the jury the following package of documentation:
Within the boundaries of the historical core (context areas):
1. General layout (earth layout) M 1:5 000 (1 panel). The situation within the rampart ring explaining integrity
and components of urban landscapes, regular patterns of transition to historic scaling of territory and urban
planning principles of interaction with the outside city districts and areas.
2. Functional structure diagram M 1:5000 (1 panel). General layout system of built-in and open spaces on the
functional development of the area with justification of area development stages (optimistic and pessimistic )
3. Transport diagram M 1:5000 (1 panel). Explanation of traffic and pedestrian concept and principles of
solutions of traffic problems within the historical core of the city (street network, pedestrians, cyclists, parking,
Within the boundaries of the competition site ( Korolevskaya Gora and its surroundings):
4. Concept of the competition site development 1:1000 (1 panel). Composition and planning diagram, which
includes urban ensembles, complex systems of development, public open spaces, planning elements, water
and green landscapes.
5. Scheme of using underground space 1:1000 (1 panel) Proposals for the scale and scope of use of the
underground levels, also for transport and engineering services.
6. Organization scheme of pedestrian spaces and connections, combined with the scheme of water and green
spaces 1:1000 (1 panel). System of pedestrian areas, pedestrian streets and squares, pedestrian connections
passing through areas of the public built-in areas and green spaces.
Sketchy offers:
1. Spatial composition of the territory without the details in earth masses (3 -dimensional visualization, 1
panel M1: 500). Type of design proposal “bird's-eye". Proposals on urban accents, height,
development density and green spaces.
2. Abstract from the design proposal (plan and visualization of a part of built-up area and public
spaces) in M 1:500 (at contestant’s choice - an object or a group of objects on the territory of the
Korolevskaya Gora ).
3. Panoramas of the competition site (complex). Three main types, at three angles envisaged by the
assignment (from the river Pregolya, from the side of Nizhneye Lake , from Leninsky Prospekt), without
color and detailing of facades.
4. Proposals for scenario (phasing) of the design implementation (1 panel). Proposals on formation of
the first stage of urban complexes (Football World Cup 2018), the rationale for the strategy, priorities,
milestones and order of development to illustrate the scenario.
For layout scheme of competition works by panels please
Procedural documentation. Regulations on the competition"
see the volume “Competition materials.
Explanatory note. Description and rationale of design solutions with reference to the graphic materials;
social, climatic, cultural, tourist scenarios of phased revival of the center, including descriptions of the
expected life of the population on the territory of the competition, technical and economic parameters of
the project, the main points of investment attractiveness, interaction (rethinking) with the historical legacy
(brief note (summary) on 2 page). Complete note with the table of contents with no more than 5 pages with
mandatory balance of the area within the boundaries of the competition design and approximate values of
total development area according to the main functions (residential, public, cultural and educational
All materials of the competition proposal are to be submitted by the contestants in two languages: Russian
and English, including the texts of the schemes.
4.3. Evaluation Criteria for final competition designs
Compliance of competition proposal with the essence of this Competition Assignment (Terms of
Reference );
Compliance of design solutions with worldwide urban development trends of the “new urbanism";
Compliance of solutions for development of the area with the urban planning situation on formation
of modern historical core of the city ;
Conceptual nature of the solution – creation of unique modern urban planning structure, clearly
corresponding to the historical town planning situation
Uniqueness of urban planning solutions, memorable ensembles and ability to create a variety of
architectural images.
Adaptability of the design to future functional changes;
Ensuring polyfunctionality of territory;
Inclusion of “green architecture", providing generality of landscape structure ;
Active inclusion of area in the city pedestrian traffic ;
Variability of transport servicing of the project area and the intensity of the territory development
respectively, depending on the optimistic and pessimistic forecasts for the transport component.
Assessment of scenarios in the context in respect of cultural, historical and economic activity of the
population and availability of measures to attract small and medium-sized businesses.
5. Main terms used in this Terms of reference
Terms used in the Assignment and explained on the basis of the Procedure of architectural and urban planning
competitions in the Russian Federation
Competition - a form of creative contest, which is aimed at revealing the best urban planning, architectural
and design solutions developed in accordance with the criteria declared in the TOR, Regulations on
competition and other regulations established by the organizer of the competition;
Organizer of the competition - non-profit partnership “Urban Planning Bureau “Heart of the City", which on
behalf of the Government of the Kaliningrad region and with the assistance of the Administration of Urban
district “City of Kaliningrad" organizes and conducts the competition and provides its financing;
Participants of the competition - legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (authors and groups of authors)
who have officially submitted their application of intent to participate in the competition to the organizer of
the Competition, and who have been registered by the competition organizer, and who have submitted to the
competition their proposals that meet the Terms of reference and provisions of the Regulations on the
Professional level of the participant (qualification) – expertise and other requirements for the participants
which were set forth in Terms of reference and Regulations on competition and that define professional
capability to carry out the competitive design;
Jury - a group of people created by the competition organizer to determine the best competitive designs out
of the ones submitted to the competition, to award prizes to their authors and other incentives, to make
recommendations on the use of award-winning competitive designs;
Selection board - commission consisting of three members of the Jury and two members of the Organizing
Committee, which considers applications of participants of the 1st round for compliance with formal
requirements of the competition.
Organizing Committee - representatives of the Government of the Kaliningrad region, Administration of Urban
District “City of Kaliningrad", Council for Culture under the Governor of the Kaliningrad region, Kaliningrad
branch of the Union of Architects of the Russian Federation, involved in preparation of the competition and
the list of which was approved in November 2013 at a meeting of the Council for Culture at the Governor of
the Kaliningrad region.
Competition documentation - set of procedural and content documents prepared by the competition
organizer and required for the development of the competitive design during a certain period. Tender
documentation consists of the Regulations on competition, Terms of reference with attachments, and initial
data for designing;
Competition proposal - documents and materials submitted by participants and developed in accordance
with the Terms of Reference and the Regulations on the competition.
Historical Center (historic core - the territory of the»Heart of the City") - the territory of 3 historic cities that
later were included in Koenigsberg (Altstadt, Kneiphof and Loebenicht) territory within the borders:
Dvukh’yarusny (Two-storey) bridge, Naberezhnaya Petra Velikogo (Embankment of Peter the Great),
Moskovsky Prospect, Kopernik St., Bolnichnaya St., Leninsky Prospect, Universitetskaya St., Prof. Sevastyanova
St., Proletarskaya St., Sergeyeva St., Chernyakhovskogo St., Clinicheskaya St., Shevchenko St., S. Tyulenina St.,
Moskovsky Prospect, Solnechny Boulevard, Octyabrskaya St., Yubileiny (Imperatorsky) Bridge, Epronovskaya
St., Staropregolskaya embankment, Portovaya St.
Fragment of the historic core of the city of Kaliningrad in the boundaries (Korolevskaya Gora and its
surroundings – competition area) embankment of the river Novaya Pregolya, Zaraiskaya St., Shevchenko St.,
Clinicheskaya St., Proletarskaya St., Sergeeva St., Universitetskaya St., Zhytomirskaya St., V.Hugo St.
Historical and Cultural Study (HCS) - research and analytics of historical part of the city of Kaliningrad (former
Koenigsberg). Materials are divided in three sections, where the first one is a historical survey of the areas and
objects within the boundaries of the historic core of the city. The second section includes the analytical part.
The third section represents expert proposals for the development of the territory, which can be considered
by the competitors, but are not mandatory to use. Study materials in Russian in full can be found at the link:
http://tuwangste.ru/research/. Authors of the study: Oleg Vasiutin, architect, Alexander Popadin, expert in
cultural studies, Maria Sizikova, architect restorer, Danla Kotov, architect, Anna Barsuk, architect.
Areas of “Inner City" is the territory within the boundaries of the historical second defensive rampart of the
former Koenigsberg.
"Upper" town – area of Korolevskaya Gora .
"Lower" town - Altstadt area between Korolevskaya Gora and the Pregolya riverside.
Second Rampart Ring - perimeter of city rampart fortifications, built in 1843-1862. As a result of defortification of the city, within the period from 1910 to 1930 in place of former rampart structures architect
Schneider created green belt of landscape parks. Much of this area forms a green framework of the city of
Kaliningrad up to now.
Regeneration - recovery (returning) of lost quality of urban environment: historical, topographical, functional,
iconic, environmental.
Renovation - reconstruction mode in which urban planning structure remains under-transformed. Participants
can use old and new materials, designs and technologies, as well as create new engineering infrastructure.
New Master Plan of Kaliningrad (2015-2030 ) - Existing General Plan of Kaliningrad is valid until 2015, in 2014
the competition on the development of a new General Plan will be announced.
Regulations for land use and development - in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian
Federation, the Civil and the Land Code of the Russian Federation, a system of land use and development
works. Basis of Regulations for land use and development is urban zoning. Rules are aimed at protecting
citizens' rights and ensuring equality of rights of individuals and entities in the implementation of relations
arising during land use and development; provision of publicly available information about the terms and
conditions of use of land plots and implementation of construction on them.
In the current Regulations for land use the territories of the competition and Kneiphof Island (Kant Island)
divided into separate zones, subject to special elaboration. Following an international competition for the
urban planning concept of territory of Korolevskaya Gora and its surroundings the changes will be made in the
use of the competitive areas with allocation of public and green spaces.
International Symposium on 15-17 July 2005, “Kaliningrad: images of the future. Urban development of the
central part of the city" outlined the main tasks that need to be addressed for the reorganization of the central
part of the city of Kaliningrad.
International Design Seminar (WORKSHOP) “The concept of urban development of the central part of the city
of Kaliningrad" in the final solution defined areas of a green frame in the historical center (also in the historical
core of the city), methodology of approach to restoration of urban planning structure of the historic core of the
city, and also announced the need for the international competition for the urban area of Korolevskaya Gora
and its surrounding.
Football World Cup 2018 - by 2018 construction of the following facilities is envisaged in Kaliningrad: football
stadium on Octyabrskiy Island (Lomse Island), bridge traffic and pedestrian crossings on Octyabrsky island
(Lomse Island), reconstruction of major existing streets and construction of new main streets outside the
central part of the city of Kaliningrad. On the territory of Korolevskaya Gora organization of the main fan zone
for football fans is envisaged.
6. List of baseline data and additional materials
(see. Attachments to the TOR and Baseline data (in Album of Attachments А3))
1. Scheme of boundaries
2. Site diagram
3. Scheme of historical and urban elements subject to regeneration
4. Scheme of formation of public spaces and pedestrian areas within the boundaries of context territories
5. Principle of reorganization of the street network of Kaliningrad city to provide comfortable urban planning
conditions of operation of Kaliningrad historical core
6. Scheme of existing urban elements (built in 60 – 80es) subject to renovation
7. Abstract of draft proposals on making amendments to Regulations for Land use and development in
Kaliningrad in connection with the determining of the boundaries of the historical core of the city.
8. Variant of working solutions on transport structure within the city boundaries (illustration of the principle of
possible solution of transport problems in the city center).
9. Variant of working solution on the transport structure within the boundaries of Rampart Ring (illustration of
the principle of a possible solution to the transport problems in the city center)
10. Scheme of formation of “green" framework in the boundaries of contextual territories.
11. Abstract of a map of areas with special conditions for land use under the terms of protection of cultural
heritage from the “Regulations of land use and development of the urban district “The city of Kaliningrad"
12. General scheme of the boundaries of historical territories (from HCS materials)
13. Consolidated historical and urban development key plan of the areas (from HCS materials)
14. Basic plan for land use
15. Areas of special treatment for land use (engineering utilities and structures)
16. Diagram of outer urban transport network
17. Elaborations for the Football World Cup 2018
18. Preliminary scheme of Waterfront areas within the boundaries of context areas
19. Scheme of archaeological sites and monuments of history and culture having special significance, located
at competitive areas
Additional materials
Appendix 1. Historical and cultural study in a reduced form (maps, photos and text materials). Schemes of
regeneration modes and stages. ( With a retrospective of design solutions)
Appendix 2. Deliverables of workshop on urban development of the central part of Kaliningrad (2007 -2008 ).
Appendix 3. Materials on work of groups of International Design Workshop.
Appendix 4. The concept of transport services of center of the city, 2013. Cartographic and text materials upon
results of the joint pre-design elaboration of international experts on the future development of transport and
pedestrian network.