APRIL 24, 2015
Members present: Judy Cerano, Doristene Haynes, Robert Johnson, Emmanual
Tendero, Ruth Ann Wright and Gail Lanphear. Also present: ED Jane Shank and
MSU intern Lauren Kirk.
Approval of agenda: The agenda was accepted as written. Motion by Judy Cerano,
second by Manny Tendero.
Acceptance of January, 2015 minutes: The January minutes were accepted as
written. Motion by Ruth Ann Wright, second by Manny Tendero.
Treasurer’s report: ED Jane Shank handed out copies of the latest audit. A
discussion was held about putting the ACMH audit out for bids.
Recommendations for auditors were suggested. Rob Johnson offered to provide
recommendations. The ED reported that ACMH has $300,000 in savings and
$50,000 in a CD. She asked for guidance re how to invest wisely. ACMH’s
treasurer offered to evaluate ACMH’s finances and offer suggestions.end The ED
asked for a motion to send out the 990 form to all board members each
year.Motion by Judy Cerano, second by Ruth Ann Wright.
Executive Director’s report: Jane Shank reported that the board/staff retreat will
be held on October 7-8 at Wesley Woods Retreat Center. ACMH has been
awarded the youth peer to peer program contract by DCH. Ms. Shank discussed
moving forward with united, shared message advocacy initiative. She stated that
the website is up and running. After the ACMH conference the interactive
elements of the website will be activated. A conference update was given, to be
held on May 4, 2015.
Old business:
The risk management document was approved by the board. Motion by Judy
Cerano, second by Manny Tendero.
The board member job description was approved by the board. Motion by Ruth
Ann Wright, second by Manny Tendero.
Committee reports: Gail Lanphear reported that new committee chairs will be
named by new president Ruth Ann Wright in the near future.
Advocacy Committee: The committee has focused on legislative issues at both the
state and national level. Visits to legislators has been initiated.
Policies and Procedures Committee: The committee has completed work on three
major initiatives during the last year. The risk management and the board job
description documents have been completed. Revised board manuals has been
completed and distributed to members.
Finance Committee: The finance committee will be re-activated and will be
chaired by Rob Johnson
New business:
Sections of the revised board manual were dispersed to board members.
Adjournment: The board meeting was adjourned at 3:50 PM by Gail Lanphear