
Ladokhin Nikolai
Principles of Information Systems
ID: 100080857
Question 1:
List of activities performed by Transportation Officer:
1. Receives requests for shipment approved by the Operations office;
2. Defines the optimal routes for trucks to collect and deliver shipments;
3. Provides the Operational Office with information such as the route, cost of the shipment;
4. Assigns trucks and drivers to particular routes;
5. Sends request to the appropriate Transportation Base;
6. Receives confirmation from the Transportation Base Manager regarding the assigned
truck and driver;
7. Issues visas and licenses, if necessary;
Question 2:
1. Receives requests for shipment approved by the Operations office;
Defines the optimal routes for trucks to collect and deliver shipments;
Input: request for shipment approved by the Operations Office
Output: developed optimal route for shipment, which is then approved by the Operations
Process: Trans. Officer receives the request from the Operations Office and develops a
best suiting route based on information such as cost of shipment, distance etc.;
2. Provides the Operational Office with information such as the route, cost of the shipment;
Input: information about the route: distance, cost of shipment, gas consumption etc.;
Process: Trans. Officer sends the batch of documents to the Operations Office, which
then confirms if the route is appropriate or not;
Output: Operations Office confirms the suggested route or sends it back to the Trans.
Office for modifications and alterations;
3. Assigns trucks and drivers to particular routes;
Input: names of drivers that are not currently making any deliveries (i.e. are idle) and ID
numbers of trucks that are idle as well;
Process: Trans. Officer gathers the above-mentioned data and decides which truck and
driver to assign to the given route;
Output: assignment of the truck and the driver to a particular route;
4. Sends request to the appropriate Transportation Base;
Receives confirmation from the Transportation Base Manager regarding the assigned
truck and driver;
Input: request form providing data such as driver’s name, truck ID, shipment ID,
shipment distance etc.;
Process: Trans. Officer sends the request to the Transportation Base, from which the
delivery will start, and the Manager of the Base confirms the request;
Output: approved request;
5. Issues visas and licenses, if necessary;
Input: drivers’ names, tucks’ IDs;
Process: Trans. Officer checks if a particular driver needs a visa and, if yes, sends his
documents to the Consulate. In case a special license is needed (for instance, if the
deliverable item is a flammable liquid or a chemical substance), he arranges this license
with the Auto Inspection Service;
Output: driver receives visa and/or license;
Question 4:
The screen contains several fields, in which the following data should be entered to form
a request (which is then sent to the Operations Office and the appropriate Transportation Base):
driver’s name and ID, truck’s ID and registration number, the distance of the shipment etc. This
simplifies the process, since there’s only one simple from that should be filled with data, instead
of load of paperwork.