1 Plutons are formed from the cooling and hardening of magma

1 Plutons are formed from the cooling and hardening of magma beneath the earths
2 A sill is formed when magma is injected along sedimentary bedding surfaces at
shallow depths. Laccoliths are formed when magma is intruded between
sedimentary layers close to the surface. Dikes are formed when magma is injected
into fractures, cutting across preexisting rock layers mainly magma from a large
magma chamber invades the fractures to form the dikes. Batholiths are the largest
intrusive igneous bodies for the intrusive igneous body to be called a batholith it
must have over 100 square kilometers or more of exposure.
3 Intrusive features are classified by size, the way they are formed and the
relationship to the surrounding rock layers.
4 A sill is formed by magma being injected along sedimentary bedding underground
while a dike is formed by magma is injected into fractures across preexisting rock
layers and made by magma in a large magma chamber but a dike can be seen on the
earths surface unlike a sill.
5 Intraplate volcanism is caused when a mass of hotter than normal mantle material
called a mantle plume rises toward the surface, which is not near a plate boundary.
6 One difference between volcanic island arcs and volcanic arcs is the continental
crust in a volcanic arc, the continental crust is thicker and has a higher silica content
than oceanic crust does. The second difference is volcanic island arcs are formed by
oceanic -oceanic plate boundaries and are formed in the middle of the ocean, while
volcanic arcs are made by continental –oceanic plate boundaries, they are made on
land because of the continental crust that made the oceanic crust subduct but they
volcanic arc is near the ocean.
7 One example of intraplate volcanism is how the large lava plateau called the
Columbia Plateau was formed.