Scaled mass index shows how habitat quality influences the condition of four fish taxa in north-eastern Spain, and provides a novel indicator of ecosystem health ALBERTO MACEDA-VEIGA(1), ANDY J. GREEN(2), ADOLFO DE SOSTOA(3) (1) School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, CF10 3AX Cardiff, Wales, UK. (2) Department of Wetland Ecology, Estación Biológica de Doñana-CSIC, ES-41092 Sevilla, Spain. (3) Department of Animal Biology & Biodiversity Research Institute (IRBio), Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona, ES-08028 Barcelona, Spain. IN PRESS: FRESHWATER BIOLOGY 1 SUMMARY 1. Natural and anthropogenic disturbances are key forces governing the structure and functioning of aquatic communities. Understanding how these factors shape organism performance can help to identify the most vulnerable species and develop effective management strategies. This is particularly important for ichthyofaunas with high endemicity and low diversity, such as those of the Iberian peninsula. 2. We explored the suitability of a novel and simple condition index, the scaled mass index (SMI), based on mass-length relationships, for analysis of the effects that abiotic and biotic pressures have on the body condition of four fish taxa widely distributed in Mediterranean rivers in north-eastern Spain: Brown trout (Salmo trutta), Iberian redfin barbel (Barbus haasi), Ebro barbel (Luciobarbus graellsii) and minnows (Phoxinus spp.). The SMI performed better in explaining spatial variation in body condition than the Fulton Index, a traditional method for fish studies. 4. For all taxa, anthropogenic stressors influencing water quality and physical habitat explained more variance in SMI than other factors. Variation partitioning and GLM approaches consistently showed that SMI increased with elevation, reduced concentrations of toxic nitrogenous compounds, and well preserved riparian canopy and natural channel morphology, despite the fact that three of the study taxa are in expansion and generally considered “tolerant”. In addition, the application of SMI to an independent fish data-set showed that SMI provides a novel indicator of ecosystem health which performs better than the current index of biotic integrity developed in this region. 5. We discuss the likely mechanisms behind the strong effects of habitat quality on SMI, and the implications for our understanding of tolerance. Incorporating SMI into studies of fish monitoring is likely to improve the value of fish studies as indicators of river quality and ecological change. Further studies should compare the response of SMI to specific fish health indicators such as parasite load, haematological assays and pollutant bioaccumulation to improve our understanding of the value of SMI as a non-lethal diagnostic procedure. Keywords: Mediterranean rivers, disturbance, endemic fish, body condition, non-lethal procedures, hierarchical partitioning, tolerance range, conservation status 2 Introduction Freshwater ecosystems have suffered a long-history of anthropogenic disturbances that are responsible for declining fish populations (Dudgeon et al., 2006). The main threats to native ichthyofauna are habitat degradation such as pollution events, water abstraction or riparian coverage removal, and the introduction of exotic species due to angling and aquaculture practises (Elvira, 1995; Smith & Darwall, 2005; Clavero & Hermoso, 2011; Moyle et al., 2011). However, the effects of these anthropogenic pressures on fish species might be masked or modified by natural factors governing the performance of individuals and the structure of aquatic communities (Gasith & Resh, 1999; Ferreira et al., 2007; Boix et al., 2011). Among these natural factors, elevation is a key geographical feature governing river hydromorphology, water chemistry and climatic constraints (i.e. temperature and precipitation regime) (Sevruk, 1997; Murphy et al. 2013). Precipitation regime is particularly restrictive in some regions like the Mediterranean area where sudden flooding events and prolonged drought periods drive lifehistories and the structure of aquatic communities (Gasith & Resh, 1999; Magalhães et al., 2006; Benejam et al., 2010; Boix et al., 2011). Although native fish species evolved under these conditions, they may succumb to the synergistic effect of drought periods and anthropogenic disturbances (Benejam et al., 2010; Maceda-Veiga et al., 2009). To increase our understanding of how natural and anthropogenic disturbances shape aquatic communities and organism performance, it is crucial to identify the most vulnerable species and the causes of decline. Studies on the response of fish species to natural and anthropogenic pressures increase our understanding of the ecology of the species involved, and are also relevant to international legislation such as the Water Framework Directive in Europe (EU Commission, 2000), and Water Act in USA (Adler et al., 1993). This legislation requires freshwater managers to determine the ecological status of waterbodies, combining results from different sentinel species (e.g. algae, macroinvertebrates, fish, macrophytes) (reviewed by Jørgensen et al., 2005). The application of these protocols using fish as bioindicators was first attempted with the so-called indices of biotic integrity (Karr et al., 1986). These protocols have a long tradition in fish studies and diagnostics are based on comparing community features between reference and polluted reaches (Karr et al., 1996; Hughes & Oberdorf, 1999; Sostoa et al., 2003; Jørgensen et al., 2005). However, these indices are coarse diagnostic approaches at a community level that typically fail to detect subtle effects at the organism level. At best, when these effects are detected, it is likely to be too late to facilitate species conservation programmes and to prevent local extinction (Adams et al., 2002; Jørgensen et al., 2005; Maceda-Veiga, 2013). Despite their easy applicability, the diagnostic ability of these protocols is limited when a reduced set of community variables is available, as in fish communities with low diversity, or when it is difficult to determine reference conditions due to widespread habitat degradation (Hughes & Oberdorf, 1999; Sostoa et al., 2003; FAME 2004; Ferreira et al., 2007; Moyle et al., 3 2011). More specific diagnostics can be obtained by the application of biomarkers (e.g. physiological variables, cell responses), but many of these procedures are costly or require euthanasia (Van deer Oost et al., 2003; Lavado et al. 2006; Maceda-Veiga et al., 2013). Although some non-lethal sampling methods are being validated in wild freshwater fish (Santos & Pacheco, 2002; Tavares-Dias & Moraes, 2007; Maceda-Veiga et al., 2013), the current conservation status of freshwater ichthyofauna would benefit from the identification of other powerful, easy, economic and non-lethal invasive tools (Maceda-Veiga, 2013). The determination of animal’s body condition (CI) based on mass-length relationships is one potential non-lethal procedure, and is indeed widely applied in many ecological studies (reviewed by Stevenson and Woods, 2006; Peig & Green, 2009). A CI should serve as a reliable indicator of the body condition of each individual, allowing comparison between individuals in an unbiased manner. CIs are often based on an animal´s weight (W) while adjusting for difference in size, which for fish is usually expressed as some measure of body length (L) (García-Berthou, 2001; Vila-Gispert & Moreno-Amich, 2001; Cade et al., 2008; Ogle & Winfield, 2009; Giannetto et al., 2012). Adjusting for size in an effective way is crucial to avoid biases and misleading results, but is not a straightforward matter (Green 2001). Fulton´s condition factor (CF=W/L3) attempts to correct for the mass-length relationship, and it is still widely used in fish CI studies even though it violates several key assumptions (reviewed by García-Berthou & Moreno-Amich, 1993; Peig & Green, 2010). Its continued popularity might be explained by its simplicity (i.e. fixed scale exponent) and also because scientists tend to specialise and to adopt the methods of their peers rather than look for alternative methods from other disciplines (Peig & Green, 2009, 2010). Although the ANCOVA (Analysis of Covariance) method has been proposed as a powerful alternative (García-Berthou, 2001; Vila-Gispert & Moreno-Amich, 2001; Benejam et al., 2009), when the relatively strict statistical assumptions underlying this method are violated, Fulton's condition factor seems to be adopted as the simplest alternative and preferred to other methods with their own limitations (e.g. mass-length residuals from ordinary least squares (OLS) regression, García-Berthou, 2001; Green, 2001; Ogle & Winfield, 2009; Newmann et al., 2012). Furthermore, the ANCOVA procedure can produce results which are difficult to interpret, with no possibility for direct comparisons between studies (Cade et al., 2008; Peig & Green, 2009, 2010). As previously demonstrated in amphibians, birds and mammals (Peig & Green, 2009, 2010, MacCracken & Stebbings 2012, Guillemain et al. 2013), the scaled mass index (SMI) is a powerful new alternative CI method, but it has not previously been adopted in fish (but see Appendix 4 in Peig & Green 2009). The SMI is a method for standardizing body mass for a fixed length (chosen by the researcher), based on the scaling relationship between mass and length and bearing in mind that both variables have sources of error (unlike methods relying on 4 OLS regression). One benefit of the SMI is that it enables comparison of CI between studies, as required for bioassessment. The ichthyofauna of north-eastern of Spain typifies well the current conservation status and characteristics of fish communities in other Mediterranean climatic areas (Elvira, 1995; Clavero & Hermoso, 2011; Moyle et al., 2011). The geographical range of the species in this region has decreased by 60% in recent decades, and many species are listed as threatened (Doadrio, 2001; Smith & Darwall, 2005; Maceda-Veiga et al. 2010). The conservation concern is acute for the Iberian ichthyofauna because of the high degree of endemicity, and low species richness at a basin scale (Doadrio, 2001; Elvira, 1995, Maceda-Veiga, 2013). The present study aimed to test and compare the suitability of the scaled mass index (SMI) and the Fulton's condition factor (CF) for detecting a link between body condition and anthropogenic disturbances in fish. Previous studies have suggested that body condition in fish decreased with anthropogenic disturbances such as poor habitat quality or water quality deterioration. Therefore, we expected the relative response of CIs between species would be driven by the strength of their relationship with body condition, which in turn determines susceptibility to such environmental stressors. Finally, we aimed to test the potential of SMI as an index of river quality, especially for areas of low fish diversity where the fish community structure reduces the applicability of biotic indices. Methods Study area We gathered environmental and fish community data from our own surveys performed in northeastern Spain (Iberian Peninsula) from 2002 to 2008, mainly for the development of an index of biotic integrity in this region. This data set comprised 430 sampling sites that involved all Catalonian catchments from the Muga to Riudecanyes basins, plus the complete River Ebro and part of the Garonne basin (Fig. 1). These sampling sites accounted for all river typologies present in this region in terms of flow, riparian characteristics, geology and water quality, as described in previous studies (e.g Maceda-Veiga & De Sostoa, 2011). There rivers are characterised by a typical Mediterranean hydrological cycle in which peak flows occur in spring or autumn with a summer drought that sometimes extends to mid-autumn. Our surveys concentrated on low flow conditions from late summer to middle autumn because this is when fish populations are more stable and can be properly sampled using electrofishing (see below). In this regard, we excluded sites that could not be surveyed properly mainly because the reach was not fully wadeable, so as to diminish possible biases in fish captures. In addition we excluded sites surveyed within the breeding season to avoid any effect of gonad weight on CI. For the brown trout, the breeding season is between November and January in these catchments, and for the cyprinids between March and July (Sostoa et al., 1990). 5 Environmental variables Water quality was analysed prior to fish sampling using a digital multiparametric YSI® sonde 556 MPS for temperature (ºC), conductivity (µS/cm) and pH, and the colourimetric test kit VISOCOLOR® for ammonium (mg/l), nitrite (mg/l), nitrate (mg/l) and phosphate (mg/l) concentrations. To characterise physical habitat quality, we incorporated into our data-set a total of 17 variables from two widely used habitat quality indices in this region: the riparian vegetation quality index QBR (Munné et al. 1998), and a version of the U.S. Rapid Bioassessment protocol (Barbour et al., 1999) for Mediterranean rivers (see RBA in MacedaVeiga & De Sostoa, 2011). Briefly, RBA ranked 10 features of the local habitat (microhabitat structure, river channelization, channel morphology, water flow, degree of silting, erosion of river margins, macrophyte coverage, and the coverage and width of riparian canopy) on an ordinal scale of 1-10 (score increases with quality). RBA includes more variables related to physical habitat for fish than the QBR but both consider the quality of riparian vegetation. QBR strongly declines with the presence of exotic plant species in the riparian vegetation whereas RBA does not. Elevation was also incorporated into our set of environmental variables (see statistical analysis), measured for the village nearest to the sampling site using Google Earth®. Fish sampling We followed an international standardised fish sampling method (CEN standards EN 14962 and EN 14011). Fish were sampled by a single-pass electrofishing using a portable unit which generated up to 200V and 3 A pulsed D.C in an upstream direction, covering the whole wetted width of the 100-m long reaches surveyed at each location (see also Maceda-Veiga et al., 2010). The location of each sampling site within a reach was selected in the field based on accessibility and representativeness, including a variety of habitat types (pools, rifles and runs). The same equipment was used across sites and the crew had a standardised time devoted to the electrofishing passes according to their own experience and the reach features. All fishes were collected with nets, placed in buckets, anaesthetised with MS-222® (Sigma-Aldrich), measured (L, mm), weighed to the nearest 0.01 g, and returned alive to the river. When a large amount of fish was captured, a random sample of 40 per species was used at each sampling site for biometric measurements. The condition analyses only included those species with at least 10 specimens measured per location and with a high frequency of occurrence in our data-set. Thus, the species selected were as follows: Brown trout (Salmo trutta, nspecimens=3153, nlocations=152), Iberian redfin barbel (Barbus haasi, nspecimens=1780, nlocations=86), Ebro barbel (Luciobarbus graellsii, nspecimens=3550, nlocations=133) and minnows (Phoxinus spp., nspecimens=3575, nlocations=121). We measured fork length with the exception of trout in which total length was determined. The uncertain taxonomical status of Phoxinus spp. is due to the description of new species of the former P. phoxinus in Spain after some of our surveys were performed (Kottelat, 6 2007; Doadrio, com. pers.). A straightforward change in the nomenclature of these species is complicated because it is subjected to basin translocations by anglers (Maceda-Veiga et al., 2010). The total density of introduced fish species at each site was also incorporated to our set of explanatory variables as another indicator of anthropogenic pressure. The introduced fish species with the highest occurrence in were bleak (Alburnus alburnus), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) and rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) with densities up to 8000, 3100, 5755 and 1000 individuals per m2. However, commonly introduced exotic fish predators such as blackbass (Micropterus salmoides), European perch (Perca fluviatilis) and wels catfish (Silurus glanis) were also present (see Maceda-Veiga et al., 2010 for details). Statistical analysis As previously performed (Maceda-Veiga & De Sostoa, 2011), Spearman rho coefficient was used to remove redundant variables (|rho|>0.7) from the combined set of 17 habitat features assessed in the two indices of habitat quality (i.e. QBR and RBA) (see Appendix S1 in Supporting Information). Principal component analysis (PCA) was then applied as an indirect ordination technique to describe the main sources of variation and relationships between the retained habitat features plus the physico-chemical water quality variables. Continuous variables were log-transformed to improve linearization (Sokal & Rohlf, 1995). The “varimax” rotation method (“principal” function in R) was used to increase the interpretation of axes and the number of PCA axes examined was determined by the Kaiser`s rule, which states that the minimum eigenvalue should be 1 when correlation matrices are used (Legendre & Legendre, 1998). Calculating body condition indices The Scaled Mass Index (SMI) was calculated as an index of body condition following Peig & Green (2009), and is calculated with the following formula: L Scaled mass index (SMI) Wi 0 Li bSMA where Wi and Li are the weight and length of each specimen respectively, L0 is a suitable length to which the CI values are standardized, and bSMA is the scaling exponent, i.e. the slope of a standardised major axis (SMA) regression (also known as RMA or reduced major axis) of the mass-length relationship. In our case, for L0 we used the arithmetic mean of the data-set analysed for each fish species, but other descriptors such as the median or geometric mean can be used. It is important to report the L0 value used, so that it can be applied to other datasets to enable cross-study comparison. 7 To compute the bSMA, we followed the two-step procedure described by Peig & Green (2009). First, a bivariate plot of W and L was performed to identify outliers that strongly distort the expected relationship (see Fig. 1 in Peig & Green, 2009). At this step, the criteria to remove outliers was maximising the better refit of the regression line. Then, points located outside the main trend were removed. Secondly, we applied an SMA regression (using the “lmodel2” function in R) to log-transformed weight and length values to determine the slope of the fitted line (i.e. bSMA). An alternative procedure to calculate the bSMA is to divide the slope from the standard ordinary least squares regression of W on L (bOLS) by the Pearson’s correlation coefficient r (see Fig. 1 in Peig & Green, 2009). Outliers removed from analyses during the computation of bSMA were recovered to calculate the SMI for these individuals, with the exception of those values that were clearly measurement errors (i.e. cases where the combination of W and L were not credible and likely to be explained by typical errors such as misplacing a decimal point or a zero). Finally, SMI results were compared with those from the Fulton's condition factor (CF=Wi / Li^3 x 105), chosen as the alternative methodological approach which applies a fixed scaling exponent for all species. We were unable to use the ANCOVA method as an alternative CI because of heterogeneity of slopes (i.e. an interaction between length and basin, p<0.05) (García-Berthou, 2001; Vila-Gispert & Moreno-Amich, 2001). Generalised linear models (GLMs) The relative performance of the scaled mass index (SMI) and Fulton's condition factor (CF) as CIs and as indicators of the effects of habitat quality was examined with a series of general linear models (GLM) with basin, elevation, total density of introduced fish species and the main stressor gradients from PCA analysis (i.e. PC1 and PC2) as fixed factors. As validated previously in this region (e.g. Murphy et al. 2013), elevation was used as a surrogate of the longitudinal position of the reach in the stream, and summarised the role of natural spatial gradients in fish condition. Basin was included as a categorical variable and its importance is consistent with well documented landscape-scale influences in riverine systems (Williams et al. 2003; Coulthard et al., 2005; Murphy et al., 2013). Log-transformation was applied to elevation, total density of introduced species and SMI to reduce heterocedasticity and increase model fitting. We also used partial η2 (partial eta squared) as a measure of effect size (i.e. importance of factors). Similarly to r2, partial η2 is the proportion of variation explained for a certain effect (effect SS/(effect SS + error SS)). Partial η2 has an advantage over η2 (effect SS/total SS) in that it does not depend on the amount of source variation in the ANOVA design used because it does not use the total sum of squares (SS) as the denominator (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001). We used Gaussian errors and identity link function in GLMs. An analysis of variance (“anova” function in R) was employed as a measure of goodness of fit. As the modelling 8 approach employed lacks a true variation coefficient (i.e. R2), we calculated a pseudo-R2 coefficient as follows: (null deviance – residual deviance)/null deviance. Best models were selected using a manual stepwise backward deletion of non-significant terms from the full global models containing elevation, the two PCA gradients (PC1 and PC2) and the density of introduced fish species and interactions. In cases where there was no significant improvement in the model but there was a graphically observed relationship between the deleted variable and the standardised residuals of the final model, this variable was finally included. Durbin Watson tests (function “dwtest” in R) were also conducted to evaluate autocorrelation in our models. Hierarchical partitioning To complement the results of GLMs and to test the robustness of our results, we performed a hierarchical partitioning analysis (“hier.part” function in R) (Walsh & Mac Nally 2011). HP measures the increase in goodness of fit of all models with a particular explanatory variable, compared with the equivalent model without that variable. An advantage of this approach is that it controls for collinearity among explanatory variables which, even at low levels, can cause variance inflation and lead to erroneous conclusions (Graham 2003). The removal of redundant variables is not a completely safety procedure because of the independent effects (Freckleton 2011). Compared to partial model approaches, this statistical procedure enables more robust assessment of variable importance, and the contribution of a single variable is neither enhanced nor masked by its correlation with other explanatory variables (i.e. it increases the accuracy in the determination of the relative importance of each individual explanatory variable) (Mac Nally, 2002, Murray & Conner, 2009). Other modelling criteria such as AIC and model averaging are discouraged because collinearity results in biased parameter estimates (Freckleton, 2011). However, a minor rounding error is also attributed to HP as the number of explanatory variables increases, but this is unlikely in our case because the number of explanatory variables is almost half the recommended safety limit (<8 variables) (Mac Nally, 2002; Walsh & Mac Nally, 2011). We assessed the significance of HP models using a randomization test for hierarchical partitioning analysis (function “rand.hp” in R). All analyses were performed in R (R Development Core Team, 2013) using the libraries stats, lmodel2, MASS, psych, HH and hier.part. Significance in HP analysis was based on the upper 0.95 confidence interval, but it was reached at p<0.05 in the remaining statistical procedures. Implications of the incorporation of SMI into bioassessment procedures To assess the potential improvement provided by the incorporation of SMI in diagnostics for ecosystem health, we used two independent data-sets (not previously used in our study) for B. haasi (n=38 sampling sites, from Figuerola et al., 2012 and unpublished data) and L. graellsii (n=20 sampling sites, from Maceda-Veiga & De Sostoa, 2011 and unpublished data). Spearman 9 rank correlation coefficients were calculated between the two fish CIs addressed in our study (i.e. SMI and CF), the current index of biotic integrity developed in this region known as IBICAT (Sostoa et al., 2003), the above mentioned indices of habitat quality (i.e. QBR and RBA), and general indicators of water quality such as ammonium and nitrate concentrations, and conductivity as unspecific indicators of other salts (i.e. chlorides) that usually increase their concentration in polluted freshwaters (Cañedo-Argüelles et al., 2013). We additionally considered the incorporation into this analysis of variables related to the composition and abundance (i.e. absolute and relative) of native and introduced fish species at each sampling point. For L. graellsii we used a random data-set from different locations in different rivers, whereas the B. haasi data-set came from a stream with a monospecific fish community so that total fish density was equal to total B. haasi density. The inherent characteristics of these two data-sets also allowed us to test and compare the response of fish CI and the other indicators in rivers with a moderate (≤6 species) or low fish (<2 species) diversity as often observed in other Mediterranean rivers (Maceda-Veiga et al., 2010). Results Environmental gradients Information on water and habitat quality was summarised in a PCA analysis that produced four significant axes, which explained 64.96% of overall variation (Table 1). PC1 (a water quality deterioration gradient) accounted for 29.60% of the variation and included ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, phosphates and conductivity. PC2 (physical habitat quality) explained 13.28% of variation and included physical habitat variables (riparian coverage, habitat structure, channel morphology). PC3 accounted for 11.18% of the variation and included pH and water temperature, whereas PC4 accounted for 10.84% of the variation and included the percentage of macrophytes. Based on the loading of environmental variables at each PCA gradient, we only considered PC1 and PC2 as environmental stressor gradients. These gradients were, respectively, negatively and positively correlated with elevation (elevation-PC1: Pearson’s r=0.32 p<0.001; elevation-PC2: r=0.21 p<0.001). A weaker but highly significant correlation was also observed between the density of introduced fish species and elevation (Pearson´s r =-0.18, p=0.001). Defining body condition indices Details of the morphometric variables measured in all four fish species are provided in Table 2. The relationship between fish weight (M) and (L) was nonlinear for all fish species but linearized by log-transformation (S. trutta: R2=0.97, B. haasi: R2=0.91, L. graellsii: R2=0.98, and Phoxinus spp.: R2=0.87). In contrast to the Fulton's condition factor assumption, growth was clearly non-isometric in fish species because bSMA values deviated somewhat from 3 in all 10 species (S. trutta: bSMA = 2.82, B. haasi: bSMA =2.52, L. graellsii: bSMA =2.75 and Phoxinus spp.: bSMA = 1.83) and all confidence intervals for bSMA were below 3 (Table 2). Relationship between body condition indices and environmental variables As the environmental stressors and the density of introduced fish species were significantly correlated with elevation to some extent, it was necessary to disetangle this relationship and analyse the independent and joint effects that these predictors have on condition indices. At least one of the environmental stressor gradients from the PCA, i.e. PC1 and/or PC2, was retained as significant, and explained the highest independent contribution to the variance in the HP analyses for all species (Table 3). Together with these stressor gradients, elevation was also retained as a significant independent contributor in S. trutta and L. graellsii based on the randomization permutation test. In all models, the variation explained in SMI was always higher than for the Fulton's condition factor (Table 3). None of the HP models retained basin or the density of introduced fish species as significant variables (Table 3). These results were mostly concordant with a GLM approach. The estimated explained variation for full GLM models was as follows: S. trutta (SMI: pseudo-R2 = 0.36 and CF: pseudo-R2 =0.24), B. haasi (SMI: pseudo-R2 = 0.63 and CF: pseudo-R2 =0.56), L. graellsii (SMI: pseudo-R2 = 0.43 and CF: pseudo-R2 =0.31) and Phoxinus spp. (SMI: pseudo-R2 = 0.46 and CF: pseudo-R2 =0.72). SMI and CF were mostly concordant in the variables that achieved significance in the models, and no significant autocorrelation was observed (dw.test, all cases p>0.18) (Table 4). The contribution of each predictor to the final model determined by the partial eta squared was concordant in most cases with the HP approach (Table 4). However, the percentage of variation explained by GLM models was lower than the variation explained by each independent contributor highlighted in HP. In any case, the highest explained variation tended to be higher in SMI than in CF with the exception of Phoxinus spp. (Table 4). Given that SMI was the index that generally accounted for the highest explained variation in the modelling approaches, we generated simple scatterplots with fitted linear trend lines to visualise the relationship between SMI, elevation and the environmental stressors that achieved significance in the above mentioned analysis (Fig. 2). Comparison of diagnostic approaches SMI performed better based on correlation coefficients than CF in addressing either water quality or physical habitat degradation in two independent data-sets analysed for B. haasi and L. graellsii (Table 5, Fig. 3). SMI was poorly correlated with the current index of biotic integrity (IBICAT), possibly because of the non-significant relationship between IBICAT and RBA (r=0.32, P=0.17), QBR (r=0.36, P=0.12), conductivity (r=-0.10, P=0.75), ammonia (r=-0.20, P=0.39) and nitrates (r=-0.05, P=0.84). Conversely, the percentage of native fish species in the 11 community was strongly correlated with IBICAT scores (r=0.84, P<0.001). The major causal factor for SMI seemed to be RBA for L. graellsii (r=0.67, P=0.001) and QBR for B. haasi (r=0.76, P<0.001). However, nitrate concentration seemed to favour SMI in B. haasi (r=0.57, P<0.001) while ammonia concentration showed opposing correlations with SMI in L. graellsii (r=-0.56, P=0.01) and B. haasi (r=0.42, P=0.009). In addition, SMI was negatively correlated with the total abundance of fish for B. haasi (r=-0.48, P=0.002, note B. haasi was the only species present in this dataset). Discussion Defining body condition indices The suitability of the scaled mass index (SMI) as a condition index is confirmed for the four fish species analysed in our study. Although Fulton's condition factor (CF) is in widespread use, it is based on simplistic assumptions of isometry which were violated in all our study species. Furthermore, it did not perform as well as the SMI in detecting significant responses of fish to environmental stressors. Although CF has previously been criticised (Stevenson & Woods 2006), it still performed better than SMI in one of our eight analyses, and also fared better than several other CI methods when compared with SMI for small mammals (Peig & Green, 2010). As previously suggested by Peig & Green (2010), this might be explained because the scaling relationship assumed by the CF (i.e. W is proportional to L3) is reasonably close to the true scaling relationship, since most bSMA values ranged between 2.5-2.9. The discrepancies observed between CF and SMI in the current data-set observed in Phoxinus spp. may be related to the unusually low scaling exponent of this species (1.83). The scaling exponent of Phoxinus spp. may be subjected to bias in field studies owing to the relatively high contribution of water droplets to the mass of this small fish (author’s observation). An additional explanation to the low bSMA of Phoxinus spp. might be the uncertain taxonomical status of minnows considered in this study. As the data for this study were collected before the description of a new minnow species in the region, these results might have been influenced by the putative occurrence of various species identified as the same species, each of which may differ in their shape and hence their mass-length relationships (Kottelat & Freyhof, 2007). Human-made translocations due to angling practices could also be a confounding factor, but this seems unlikely given the good functioning of SMI in Luciobarbus graellsii or Salmo trutta which are also often translocated in this study area (Maceda-Veiga et al., 2010). The explanatory predictors also explained more variation in scaled mass index than in CF, further suggesting that SMI is the better CI. Although the comparison of explanatory power between studies based on different data-sets is challenging, the variation explained by SMI in the current study was within the range 30 - 80% reported in other studies exploring the effects of anthropogenic disturbances on fish, either using ANCOVA (e.g. Vila-Gispert & Moreno12 Amich, 2001; Oliva-Paterna et al., 2003; De Miguel et al. 2013) or CF (e.g. Clavero et al., 2009; Figuerola et al., 2012; Lyssimachou et al., 2013). Unlike these alternative methods, the functioning of SMI is based on the calculation of the weight of each individual at a standardized body size, as indicated by L0 (Peig & Green, 2009). This allows a direct interpretation of the results obtained by the SMA because it is a standardized weight measurement (in g) in contrast to the results obtained from other approaches such as ANCOVA or CF (Peig & Green, 2009). Cade et al. (2008) also provides a valid, but data-hungry method for studying fish condition, although one which does not facilitate cross-study comparisons, and would therefore be harder to integrate into biotic indices. Many previous studies of condition in fish, especially in North America, have been based on standard length-weight relationships calculated with OLS regression (e.g. Ogle & Winfield 2009, Neumann et al. 2012). Owing to their reliance on OLS, these methods perform poorly compared to SMI (see Peig & Green 2010 for Relative condition ‘Kn’ and Relative mass ‘Wr’). When computing SMI, the parameter “L0” can be any value within the range of L observations. In the current study we used the arithmetic mean of L for all individuals collected, but our results would have been the same had we chosen the median or some other measure. By using the same L0 value, condition can be directly compared between studies (as required for bioassessment), so long as authors present their results in detail (Peig & Green 2009, 2010). Relationship between body condition indices and environmental variables Anthropogenic modifications were found in this study to make the largest independent contribution to fish condition in the four species, regardless of the effect of elevation. Many studies have analysed the effects of natural and anthropogenic factors in governing the structure of fish communities (e.g. species richness, abundance, invasions) (Rahel et al., 1991; Magalhães et al., 2002, 2007; Boix et al., 2011). Briefly, an increase in the richness of native and introduced fish, and a decrease in native abundance are observed along the upstreamdownstream gradient. Conversely, few studies have analysed the independent contribution of elevation and anthropogenic modifications on organism performance, especially on body size and condition (e.g. Carmona-Cabot et al., 2011; Murphy et al., 2013). In this regard, statistical approaches such as hierarchical partitioning analysis used in the current study allow the independent contribution of each explanatory variable to be disentangled (i.e. the effect of collinearity is removed) (Mac Nally, 2002, Murray & Conner, 2009). Following this approach, Murphy et al. (2013) also highlighted the effects of anthropogenic modifications over elevation on the population size structure of the native Catalan chub (Squalius laietanus) in this study area. Although direct effects of elevation on fish condition remain largely unknown, a trend in life-history within species has been detected in which fish populations inhabiting cold-waters tend to grow more slowly, mature later, have longer life-spans and allocate more energy to 13 reproduction than populations at lower latitudes, although there are discrepancies (Blanck & Lamouroux, 2007; Carmona-Cabot et al., 2011; Budy et al., 2013). As elevation is used in these studies as a surrogate of the spatial gradient in rivers, it is likely that CIs interact with either other unmeasured environmental factors that correlate with elevation (e.g. water temperature, distance to the sea, river slope) (Maceda-Veiga et al., 2010; Murphy et al., 2013), or biological factors such as productivity, competition and predation that are also expected to change along an elevation gradient (Vannote et al., 1980; Rahel et al., 1991). For instance, fish at lower elevation are likely to be subjected to a higher risk of predation by birds and other predators or competitors such as introduced fish species, and this is likely to reduce fish activity and foraging intake rate (Allouche et al. 2001; Maceda-Veiga et al., 2010). The response of SMI in the species analysed in the current study is consistent with decreases reported elsewhere in fish CI under the effects of anthropogenic disturbances (e.g. Oliva-Paterna et al., 2003; Benejam et al. 2010; De Miguel et al. 2013). However, of the four species analysed, the response of CI to anthropogenic impacts has only previously been studied in B. haasi. Figuerola et al., (2012) reported an increased in B. haasi CF associated with the same habitat quality features such as habitat structure and river channel morphology assessed in the current study. In the Mediterranean barbel (Barbus meridionalis), a species closely-related to B. haasi, changes in CI using ANCOVA in relation to water quality or habitat structure have also been observed (Vila-Gispert et al., 2000; Vila-Gispert & Moreno-Amich, 2001). Similarly, in Sclater’s barbel Luciobarbus sclateri, a species from the south of Spain similar to L. graellsii, ANCOVA also showed a reduction in CI associated with physical habitat deterioration such as water flow reduction and absence of refugia (Oliva-Paterna et al., 2003). However, as for elevation, variation in the response of SMI to anthropogenic modification might be directly or indirectly affected by any factor that changes body condition and indeed body shape (e.g. selection for streamlining), and therefore our analyses cannot tell us the mechanisms for the strong effects we have detected for water quality or physical habitat degradation. The observed decrease in CI under the effects of anthropogenic impacts suggests that all four species are sensitive to anthropogenic disturbances. Interestingly, recent studies applying average weighted models and ordination methods to fish abundances or occurrence categorised three of these species as intolerant to water and habitat quality deterioration, L. graellsii being the exception (Oberdoff et al., 2002; Maceda-Veiga & De Sostoa, 2011; Segurado et al. 2011). This raises the question of which is the best approach to determine species susceptibility to anthropogenic modifications, and/or what is the meaning of the tolerance categories in previous studies. A species “completely tolerant” to anthropogenic disturbances does not really exist since all species prefer living in good environmental conditions (see also Kennard et al. (2005) and Maceda-Veiga & De Sostoa (2011)). Therefore, the health of all fish species is expected to be affected by water and habitat deterioration, including widespread “invaders” and “tolerant” 14 species such as common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (Benejam et al. 2010) or eastern-mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) (Edwards & Guilette, 2002). Species tolerance should be defined based on how a targeted species responds to the same environmental gradients compared to its peers (Meador & Carlisle, 2002; Segurado et al. 2011; Maceda-Veiga et al. 2013). A relative terminology should be applied to these tolerance categorisations, and the consequences of using restrictive criteria is typified by two native species, B. meridionalis and S. laietanus in this study area (Maceda-Veiga et al. 2013; Murphy et al., 2013). According to physiological and histological markers, S. laietanus appeared to have fewer pathological responses to sewage discharges than B. meridionalis (Maceda-Veiga et al. 2013). This suggests that S. laietanus can be considered more tolerant to the water pollution in this river than B.meridionalis, which agrees with previous tolerance classifications (Oberdoff et al., 2002; Maceda-Veiga & De Sostoa, 2011; Segurado et al. 2011) that have been questioned by others (Murphy et al., 2013). In the case of the reduction we observed in L. graellsii CI in response to anthropogenic modifications, this should not be considered as incompatible with a “tolerant” category because it may be that other species in the region are even more sensitive to these environmental stressors. Comparison of diagnostic approaches The independent data-set used for addressing the improvements to be gained by the incorporation of SMI into bioassessment studies also showed the negative tendency observed in our large-scale study between SMI in L. graellsii and deterioration of habitat or water quality, measured as the RBA index and ammonium concentration, respectively. Although this decrease in CI of L. graellsii associated with poor water quality was not previously reported in the literature, such an effect has been reported for the similar ecological species L. sclateri (OlivaPaterna et al., 2003). Because bioassessment procedures often portray fish as poor indicators of water quality compared to other sentinel organisms such as diatoms and macroinvertebrates (Jørgensen et al., 2005), our study illustrates the benefits of incorporating more refined indicators in bioassessment procedures able to detect subtle changes in fish communities. Indices of Biotic Integrity (IBIs) using fish as bioindicators can be strongly correlated with other indicators of ecosystem health (Benejam et al. 2008). However, although we observed that IBICAT (the current index of biotic integrity for our study area) decreased in association with habitat and water quality deterioration, significance was not achieved in this index and no variation was observed when applied to the monospecific community of B. haasi. This lack of significance in IBIs might be attributed to subjectivity in the categorisation of certain IBICAT variables (i.e tolerance ranges) or simply to the narrow range of variables available (i.e. low fish diversity and high degree of endemicity) that diminish the diagnostic ability of these indices when they are applied to Mediterranean fish communities, a limitation which is especially 15 evident for the B. haasi data-set (Ferreira et al., 2007; Segurado et al. 2011; Maceda-Veiga et al., 2012; Figuerola et al., 2012). An additional explanation could be that, when exotic fish species are present, IBIs are scored much lower (i.e. driven by exotic fish species occurrence) and thus may have a poor relationship with water and habitat quality conditions, as suggested by Benejam et al. (2008). In fact, we found that IBICAT was positively associated with the relative abundance of native fish. We therefore urge caution when inferring a direct relationship between low IBI scores and bad environmental conditions because of the potential confounding effect of poor environmental conditions and/or the presence of introduced fish species (Benejam et al., 2008). The response of SMI in B. haasi was also significantly related to habitat or water quality indicators, and increased with nitrates, conductivity and ammonium. Although a long-term exposure either to ammonium or nitrate can lead to deleterious effects for fish (Noga 2003; Camargo et al., 2006), we cannot assume that there is straightforward toxicity relationship between these nitrogenous compounds and SMI in B. haasi given the possible temporal fluctuations, especially in ammonium concentration (less stable than nitrates). Furthermore, the tolerance range of this species to these compounds is unknown, whilst sewage effluent contains a complex mixture of compounds each of which makes an unknown contribution to the SMI response. Assuming that these compounds are not over the “no toxic effect level” for B. haasi, a slight increase in ammonium and nitrate concentrations are likely to enhance ecosystem productivity and, as SMI can be expected to indicate energetic reserves (Peig & Green 2009, 2010), the positive results could indicate increased food intake. Alternatively, our results might also indicate that factors other than physico-chemical water quality are also responsible for an increase in SMI, particularly habitat quality, which also showed a high correlation. In this regard, QBR achieved the highest correlation with SMI in B. haasi and performed better than RBA. Although these indices can be correlated, our results might be caused by the effect of the introduction of exotic plants (e.g. Arundo donax, Platanus hispanica) on fish CI as QBR is strongly reduced when exotic plants occur (Munné et al., 2003). In fact, these plant species dominated the riparian coverage of some reaches in this stream (Aparicio 2003), and exotic stands are likely to reduce the food supply for fish and thus their CI. Important prey items for B. haasi such as aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates could be strongly depleted in reaches invaded by A. donax, as in rivers with Mediterranean climatic conditions in the USA (Herrera and Dudley, 2003). A high fish density was also associated with a decrease in SMI in this monospecific fish community (of B. haasi) perhaps due to trophic competition which may be intense in these small streams during drought periods (Aparicio 2003). In any case, although different habitat indices have been found to be important for the two fish species analysed and we have observed contrasting responses, e.g. for ammonium concentration in B. haasi and L. 16 graellsii, the direct comparison between these two species is not recommended because two independent data-sets were analysed. Conclusions This study demonstrates the suitability of SMI for addressing condition in fish species inhabiting Mediterranean rivers. However, the perfect method to determine ecosystem or fish health does not exist, and it is the combination of indicators of impairment at different levels of organisation (e.g. community, population, organism) that will give us the best diagnostic picture (Adams et al., 2002; Pacheco & Santos, 2002; Van deer Oost et al., 2003; Jørgensen et al., 2005; Maceda-Veiga, 2013). In fact, no CI should be assumed to accurately reflect ‘true condition’ without analysing body composition and the response of the CI measurement and specific indicators of disease or physiological disruption (Peig & Green, 2009). The SMI will be confirmed as an ideal non-lethal diagnostic approach in wild and caged fish populations when it has been further validated by comparing its response to other indicators of health impairment such as parasite load, haematological assays and pollutant bioaccumulation. 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(2003) Environmental variability, historical contingency, and the structure of regional fish and macroinvertebrate faunas in Ouachita Mountain stream systems. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 67, 203-216. 24 Table 1 Loadings for axes 1, 2, 3 according to PCA built with water physico-chemical variables and habitat quality features measured in rivers from north-eastern Spain. Bold values are considered high ≥ 0.4. Environmental variables Habitat structure Riparian coverage Channel conservation pH Temperature Ammonium Nitrite Nitrate Phosphates Conductivity Macrophytes PC1 -0.24 -0.09 -0.05 0.03 0.27 0.80 0.79 0.76 0.49 0.43 -0.06 25 PC2 0.67 0.79 0.80 0.02 -0.28 -0.08 -0.13 -0.09 -0.23 -0.31 0.04 PC3 0.04 0.08 0.00 0.92 0.72 -0.15 -0.08 0.15 -0.45 0.15 -0.05 PC4 0.22 -0.06 -0.16 0.04 -0.04 -0.09 0.06 -0.02 0.23 0.41 0.90 Table 2 Mean body length (L mm), weight (W g), Fulton condition factor (CF), scaled mass index (SMI) and standard deviations (SD), and details of the scaling exponents used to calculate the SMI in four native species of north-eastern Spain. The regression coefficients for standardised major axis regressions of W on L (bSMA) and the 95% confidence intervals are also shown. Mean length shown was used as Lo when calculating SMI. SMI is given in g, CF in g/cm3 Species S. trutta B. haasi L. graellsii Phoxinus spp. n L±SD W±SD 3153 140.9±60.3 1780 92.0±34.5 3550 129.3±24.5 3575 54.3±13.9 45.3±34.3 15.7±17.1 50.5±45.8 2.3±1.9 26 CF±SD SMI±SD 1.30±0.3 44.3±20.2 1.42±0.6 11.2±4.4 1.40±0.2 47.1±20.4 1.16±0.3 1.9±0.8 bSMA bSMA (CI 95%) 2.82 2.49 2.75 1.83 2.81-2.84 2.46-2.54 2.73-2.79 1.80-1.85 Table 3 Independent contribution (%) of the environmental predictors to the explained variation of the hierarchical partitioning models performed on scaled mass index (SMI) and Fulton's condition factor (CF). Bold values indicated the highest independent contribution. The CI in bold indicates which CI accounted for the highest joint contribution of the environmental predictors that achieved significance (*). Significance was reached at the 95% confidence interval based on a randomized permutation test (rand.hp function, see methods). In all significant cases, CI increases with elevation, higher water quality and physical habitat quality (see Fig. 2). Species S. trutta CI Basin Elevation Water quality (PC1) Physical habitat quality (PC2) Introduced species SMI 2.64 30.30* 1.45 63.90* 1.66 CF 3.44 38.39* 2.04 54.50* 1.61 B. haasi SMI 28.46 3.75 57.96* 7.56 2.26 CF 28.63 8.02 54.69* 8.17 0.48 L. graellsii SMI 2.00 30.37* 5.31 60.23* 2.08 CF 7.19 6.77 6.81 78.48* 0.74 Phoxinus spp. SMI 1.18 17 76.48* 3.43 1.91 CF 8.11 5.72 57.92* 22.61 5.64 27 Table 4 Results of the final GLM models for scaled mass index (SMI) and Fulton's condition factor (CF) that include the significant variables highlighted in previous full models with interactions. Partial eta squared (η2) and pseudo-R2 indicated, respectively, the weight of each predictor on the final model, and the proportion of variation explained by the model (see methods). The CI in bold is the one that achieved the highest proportion of variation explained. Species S. trutta Variables SMI model Elevation Physical habitat (PC2) Residuals SS 0.16 1 0.96 1 3.63 148 CF model Elevation Physical habitat (PC2) Residuals B. haasi F p-value η2 Pseudo-R2 (%) 25 6.42 0.012 0.04 39.3 <0.001 0.21 14 0.34 1 5.74 0.018 0.04 1.03 1 17.33 <0.001 0.11 8.77 148 SMI model Water quality (PC1) Residuals 21 0.95 5.00 CF model Water quality (PC1) Residuals L. graellsii df 1 14.75 <0.001 0.16 84 17 0.80 3.79 1 17.89 <0.001 0.16 84 SMI model Elevation Physical habitat (PC2) Residuals 24 0.48 1 13.67 <0.001 0.10 0.69 1 19.62 <0.001 0.13 4.53 129 CF model Physical habitat (PC2) Residuals 0.27 1 3.7 130 7 9.52 0.003 0.07 Phoxinus spp. SMI model Elevation x Water quality (PC1) Residuals 0.53 1 16.64 <0.001 0.13 3.69 117 CF model Basin x Elevation Elevation x Water quality (PC1) Residuals 1.11 6 5.33 <0.001 0.22 0.41 1 11.96 <0.001 0.10 3.85 111 28 21 25 Table 5 Spearman rank correlation coefficients between fish body condition indices (i.e. SMI and CF), and habitat quality indices (i.e. QBR and RBA), the index of biotic integrity using fish as bioindicators in this region (i.e. IBICAT) and some common abiotic and biotic variables applied in water and fish community health diagnostics. Bold values indicated significance at P<0.05. Luciobarbus graellsii data-set (n=20) QBR RBA IBICAT Native fish species abundance (ind/ha) Introduced fish species abundance (ind/ha) % Native fish species in abundance Ammonium concentration (mg/l) Nitrate concentration (mg/l) Conductivity (µS/cm) Response of SMI r P value 0.11 0.65 0.67 <0.001 0.23 0.32 0.11 0.65 -0.07 0.76 0.20 0.40 -0.56 0.01 -0.38 0.10 -0.13 0.56 Response of CF r P value 0.09 0.78 0.49 0.03 0.01 0.60 0.03 0.89 0.04 0.85 0.03 0.88 -0.48 0.03 -0.26 0.28 -0.13 0.54 Barbus haasi data-set (n=38) QBR RBA IBICAT Native fish species abundance (ind/ha) Introduced fish species abundance (ind/ha) % Native fish species in abundance Ammonium concentration (mg/l) Nitrate concentration (mg/l) Conductivity (µS/cm) r P value 0.76 <0.001 0.68 <0.001 nd nd -0.48 0.002 nd nd nd nd 0.42 0.005 0.57 <0.001 0.56 <0.001 r P value 0.70 <0.001 0.64 <0.001 nd nd -0.46 0.003 Nd nd nd nd 0.40 0.01 0.54 <0.001 0.55 0.003 29 Fig. 1 Location of sites sampled for the current study in the north-eastern of Iberian Peninsula (Catalonia. Spain) 30 Fig. 2 Scatterplots with fitted linear trends showing the relationship between mean scaled mass index (SMI, g) values and other variables at a given location for Salmo trutta (A), Barbus haasi (B), Luciobarbus graellsii (C) and Phoxinus spp. (D). Plots are shown for elevation and the environmental stressor gradients that achieved significance (except in the case of elevation for B. haasi) according to general linear models and hierarchical partitioning analysis. SMI values were not log-transformed so as to facilitate the interpretation of axes.. 31 Fig. 3 Bivariate relationships between SMI and ammonium concentration (A) and RBA (B) in L. graellsii, and ammonium concentration (C), nitrate concentration (D), conductivity (E), RBA (F), QBR (G) and native fish abundance (H) in B. haasi. Note that only significant relationships (from Table 5) are shown. 32 Appendix S1 Bivariate correlation analyses between the 17 habitat features compiled from the RBA and QBR indices after Maceda-Veiga & De Sostoa (2011). Data are only presented for the strongest correlations observed (Spearman´s rho ≥0.7). Habitat features Riparian coverage Spearman's rho Coverage structure 0.88 Riparian quality 0.81 Riparian coverage width 0.71 Riparian structure Riparian quality 0.83 Riparian coverage width 0.72 Riparian quality Riparian coverage width 0.70 Channel conservation Channelisation 0.71 Channel morphology 0.71 Habitat structure Flow 0.70 Erosion 0.70 Degree of siltation 0.70 Habitat diversity Flow 0.72 Channelisation Channel morphology 0.86 Flow Erosion 0.72 Degree of siltation 0.71 Degree of siltation Erosion 0.68 33 Pvalue <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Appendix S2. Mean body length (L mm), weight (W g), Fulton condition factor (CF), SMI and standard deviations (SD) of the independent data-sets for L. graellsii and B. haasi used for comparison with biotic indices. Species L.graellsii B. haasi n L±SD 2082 103.1±55.15 1178 119.46±26.48 W±SD 51.6±68.28 40.8±23.76 CF±SD 1.37±0.12 1.46±0.11 SMI±SD 44±7.38 32.5±2.80 Note that the scaling exponent (bSMA) was adapted for the computation of scaled mass index (SMI) in this new B. haasi data-set (bSMA=2.96, L0=131). Appendix S3. Mean ammonium and nitrate concentrations (mg/l), conductivity (µS/cm), QBR and RBA scores, native species abundance (ind/ha), percentage of native species in the community, IBICAT scores, and the range of minimum and maximum values of the independent data-sets used for L. graellsii and B. haasi to validate the application of the scaled mass index (SMI) in relation to other bioassessment procedures. Luciobarbus graellsii data-set (n=20) QBR RBA IBICAT Native fish species abundance Introduced fish species abundance % Native fish species in abundance Ammonium concentration Nitrate concentration Conductivity Mean 21 64 2 1992 8078 29 1.27 3.6 1344 Range(min-max) 0-75 35-100 1-5 0-16275 11-92726 0-96 0-5 0-15 437-4108 B. haasi data-set (n=38) QBR RBA IBICAT Native fish species abundance Introduced fish species abundance % Native fish species in abundance Ammonium concentration Nitrate concentration Conductivity Mean 38 90 5 7181 0 100 0.26 7.70 929 Range(min-max) 10-80 66-100 5 178-25163 0 100 0-0.9 5-12 534-1148 34