
Microscope & Observing Lab
Will I be able to follow directions in order to use the compound
microscope so I can observe many different types of cells,
tissues and objects?
I think that I will be successful in learning how to use the
microscope to observe cells, tissues and other objects because I
will read and follow all of the directions correctly. Also, we
practiced how to use the microscope and observe slides in class;
so I am confident that I know how to do it.
1) several slide containers (5)
2) compound microscope
3) text book
4) lab directions
5) steps of a science write-up
6) how to develop a quality conclusion
7) science write-up packet
1) gathered & reviewed information about the microscope and cells from Miss Brown,
our class notes, power point slideshow, and text book
2) read directions and procedures for lab with the class
3) Miss Brown gave directions & showed how to use microscope
4) practiced using the microscope and different slides
5) re-read directions and how to use the microscope & glass slides
6) set up science write-up
7) Used the Tissues container 1st – observed and drew liver, kidney, lung, documented
under results
8) Observed and drew cork and pond life
9) Used the Animal container – observed and drew
I had some difficulties focusing the microscope and couldn’t
see the cell or organ on the slide
Cork – Plant Cells
Pond Life – Plant & Animal Cells
Bacteria – Vorticella
Heart muscle
liver tissue
fly eyes
(3)Organ Systems:
Louse - Pediculus
Mitosis – Whitefish:
Meiosis – Plant root system
Ascaris - Worm
Letter E:
My hypothesis was partially correct. I predicted that I would be successful using the
microscope and following directions so that I could observe various types of cells. I did learn
how to use the microscope very well, however, it required a lot of patience, I was able to use
all of the objectives to see cells and organs up close. What I had a hard time with was reading
and following directions. The class read through the directions 3x with Miss Brown, but I never
did go back over them on my own. I was confused about what I needed to do and what types of
cells and tissues I needed to observe.
The results proved that I could use the microscope successfully because I was able to
draw many different types of cells, tissues, organs, systems, bacteria and cell division. There
were several cells that I was not able to determine if they were animal, plant, or bacterial.
Some of the names on the labels were very long and hard to pronounce. Miss Brown looked up
many of the slides to find out exactly what it was. One slide I had was vorticella. We originally
thought it was a plant due to the shape and coloring, but discovered it was a type of bacteria.
I also had a hard time telling the difference between an organ and organ system.
It was very confusing to know where to draw the different types of cells and organs.
Many of the slides could have been drawn under several of the categories, for example, the
daphnia could have been drawn under the organ system since it is a compete animal.
I really enjoyed this activity because I finally learned how to use a microscope. It is
fascinating to see how all living things break down into a single cell. It was neat looking at all
of the different slides. I observed a lot of cool organ systems like the tick, louse, and daphnia.
I would like to use an electron microscope so I could see into the cell more clearly and
observe the organelles.