Outliers Summer reading check

English II HP Summer Reading Check
Directions: On a separate piece of paper, answer each of the following questions completely. Although this is not a
comprehensive test, you should include enough specific textual details to demonstrate your knowledge/familiarity
with the text.
1. What chapter or incident from the book did you find particularly memorable? Describe in detail the incident, why
you liked it, and what relevance it has for the book as a whole.
2. Which case study did you find most compelling? Why?
3. What part or parts of the book do you have questions about or would like to see discussed further in class?
4. How did Gladwell best convey his message(s) in the book? In other words, what narrative or rhetorical device
was most effective and why? How does the author persuade his audience? (Ethos, Pathos, Logos)
5. Malcolm Gladwell argues that there’s no such thing as a self-made man and that super achievers are successful
because of their circumstances, their families and their appetite for hard work. How is this view different from the
way you have thought about and understood success in the past?
6. What was your personal reaction to the book? Explain.
Please include an honor statement that states specifically how much of the book you read and then sign your name. If you
have not completed the summer reading assignment, you have the remainder of the quarter to complete/retake all related
assignments. You will not, however, be able to earn above a C on late or redone assignments.
English II HP Summer Reading Check
Directions: On a separate piece of paper, answer each of the following questions completely. Although this is not a
comprehensive test, you should include enough specific textual details to demonstrate your knowledge/familiarity
with the text.
1. What chapter or incident from the book did you find particularly memorable? Describe in detail the incident, why
you liked it, and what relevance it has for the book as a whole.
2. Which case study did you find most compelling? Why?
3. What part or parts of the book do you have questions about or would like to see discussed further in class?
4. How did Gladwell best convey his message(s) in the book? In other words, what narrative or rhetorical device
was most effective and why? How does the author persuade his audience? (Ethos, Pathos, Logos)
5. Malcolm Gladwell argues that there’s no such thing as a self-made man and that super achievers are successful
because of their circumstances, their families and their appetite for hard work. How is this view different from the
way you have thought about and understood success in the past?
6. What was your personal reaction to the book? Explain.
Please include an honor statement that states specifically how much of the book you read and then sign your name. If you
have not completed the summer reading assignment, you have the remainder of the quarter to complete/retake all related
assignments. You will not, however, be able to earn above a C on late or redone assignments.