FSU Medium Term – Maths and Literacy Plan – Spring Term 2015- Land that time forgot Topic 6.1.2015 12.1.2015 F2- Maths ELG – N. Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. Count and add together dinosaurs. ELG – N. Children count reliable with numbers 1-20 and place them in the correct order. Dinosaur dot-to-dot. 40-60 – SSM. B. Selects a particular names shape. Dinosaur shape pictures. ELG – N. Children count reliable with numbers 1-20 and place them in the correct order. Dinosaur numbers hunt – write in a table then cut out numbers and place in the correct order. 19.1.2015 40-60 40-60 26.1.2015 ELG- They solve problems including doubling and halving. Double and halve dinosaurs using dinosaur figures. 40-60 SSM- D. Orders 2/3 items by length or height. Measure feet – draw around shoes and cut out- put up on wall – footprints of the SSM- E. Order 2 items by weight or capacity. Order dinosaurs by weight. N. G. Selects correct number 1-5 then 1-10. Use scales to weigh the dinosaur – count how many cubes each one weighed – point to the correct number card. F2- Literacy 40-60 U. D. Listens and responds to ideas expressed by others in conversation or discussion. Mind map/post-it note what do we already know about dinosaurs? What would we like to find out? 40-60 W. D. Hears and says the initial sounds in words. Initial sounds of dinosaurs – alliteration e.g. bright, brave dinosaur. Write a sentence. 40-60 W- G. Uses some clearly identifiable letters to communicate meaning, representing some sounds correctly and in sequence. Write words to describe dinosaurs on a writing frame. 40-60- R. G. Enjoys and increasing range of books. Book - Harry and the bucket full of dinosaurs 40-60 W- G. Uses some clearly identifiable letters to communicate meaning, representing some sounds correctly and in sequence. Write a sentence about where they would like to take their dinosaur. 40-60 S. A. Extends vocabulary, especially by grouping, naming, exploring the meaning and sounds of new words. Look at different dinosaurs learn their names and what they eat, when they lived etc. sort them in different categories. Syllables in names. 40-60. W. H. Writes own name and other things such as labels and captions. FSU Medium Term – Maths and Literacy Plan – Spring Term 2015- Land that time forgot 2.2.2015 9.2.2015 shoesaurus. Can we place them in size order? 40-60 N. H. Counts an irregular arrangement of up to 10 objects. Measure out a dinosaur on the playground – actual size. How many children can we fit inside? Count? Draw around dinosaur stencils – how many cubes can we fit inside. Write your dinosaur name. 40-60 W. F. Links sounds to letters, naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet. Dinosaur alphabet – write a dinosaur related word next to each letter of the alphabet. Sing the alphabet song. 40-60 – W. I- Attempts to write short sentences in meaningful contexts. Look at what dinosaurs eat – write a dinosaur menu 40-60 N. O – records, using marks that they can interpret and explain. Pictogram of favourite dinosaur. 40-60 N. P. Begins to identify own mathematical problems based on own interests and fascinations Dinosaur eggs- problem solving sheet. Make fossils – talk about colour and texture. ELG – Write simple sentences that can be read by themselves and others. Write descriptive sentences to describe the fossils. ELG – SSM – Use everyday language to talk about size, position and distance. Measure out a 10ft circle in the class. Hide dinosaur teeth for the children to find. Children to bring teeth back to circle – fasten teeth on circle and tell chn this is jaws of a t-rex count the teeth. 40-60 SSM. D. Can describe their relative position such as behind or next to. Talk about position of the dinosaurs then where they are in relation to the dinosaur. (take pics) ELG – Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. Write positional words to describe where the dinosaur is. Dinosaur/treasure map. Write instructions of how to find the dinosaur. Half term 23.2.2015 FSU Medium Term – Maths and Literacy Plan – Spring Term 2015- Land that time forgot 2.3.2015 9.3.2015 16.3.2015 Chicks / Easter 23.3.2015 Chicks / Easter 40-60 N. I. Estimates how many objects they can see and checks by counting them. Estimate how many dinosaur eggs in each pot (use mini eggs) 40-60 SSM – A. Beginning to use the mathematical names for 3D shapes. F. Uses familiar objects and common shapes to recreate patterns and build models. Make a dinosaur using 3D shapes – talk about what shapes they have used. 40-60 N. L. Says the number that is one more than a given number. Add dinosaur eggs together what is one more than total. 40-60 N. M. Finds one more/ one less from a group of up to 5 then 10 objects. Group of eggs count and then find one more/one less. 40-60 G. Selects the correct numeral to represent 1-5 then 1-10 objects. 40-60 N. In practical activities and discussion, beginning to use the vocabulary involved in adding and subtracting. Missing eggs game. 40-60 SSM I. Orders and sequences familiar events. Chick life cycle. ELG – Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract and count on and back to find the answer. Number bonds to 5. 40-60 G. Selects the correct numeral to represent 1-5 then 1-10 objects. 40-60 R – A. Continues a rhyming string. W. C. Continues a rhyming string. Book – munch, crunch dinosaur lunch – rhyming pairs. Writing/read a rhyming string. Make a rhyming book linked to above sentences. ELG – W. Write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Plan out a dinosaur hunt around unit/outside using pictures of fossils and dinosaur footprints then write about your adventure on the dinosaur writing frame. 40-60 R. D. Links sounds to letters, naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet. Matching alphabet on eggs 40-60 W. D. Hears and says the initial sounds in words Easter acrostic poem. Make Easter cards 40-60. W. H. Writes own name and other things such as labels and captions. Write card inserts. FSU Medium Term – Maths and Literacy Plan – Spring Term 2015- Land that time forgot Numbers on missing eggs. Enterprise – footprints in paint +poem