Name ___________________________________ Date ______________________ Class ______________________ Chapter 10 – Chemical Quantities Scientific Notation Scientific notation is a way to write very large numbers or very small numbers, usually ones with lots of zeros. For example the number 0.000000000000000000000000000265 is a very small number and the number 8910000000000000000000 is a very large number. To use these number more easily scientists have developed scientific notation. In scientific notation there is a number called a coefficient then the multiply sign followed by the 10 to a power. 22 1.34 x 10 Writing Numbers in Standard Notation: Something to know is that if the power is positive the decimal place is moved to the right as many spaces as the coefficient, possibly putting zeros in any blank moves. The opposite is true for negative powers, this is called standard notation. Write the following numbers in standard notation: 1.) 1.0 x 10-2 2.) 5.8 x 10-4 3.) 2.8 x 10-4 4.) 4.67 x 108 5.) 9.8 x 103 6.) 6.382 x 10-3 7.) 3.5 x 10-6 8.) 7.8 x 10-10 9.) 5.51 x 107 10.) 1.19 x 102 11.) 8.2 x 104 12.) 9.8 x 106 Writing Numbers in Scientific Notation: Writing numbers in scientific notation is the opposite of writing them in standard notation. If the number is large (zeros at the end) then the power will be positive. If the number is small (zeros at the beginning) then the power will be negative. Your power will be the same as the number of spaces you move the decimal to write the coefficient correctly. In order to write numbers in scientific notation understand that the coefficient is never less than zero and never greater than 9. In other words the coefficient is always 1-9. Write the following numbers in scientific notation: 1.) 2000000 2.) 2950000 3.) 841 4.) 0.0923 5.) 0.000443 6.) 241000000 7.) 0.0000710 8.) 50310000 9.) 6290 10.) 7630000 11.) 0.000911 12.) 5300 13.) 73000000 14.) 600 15.) 246.0 16.) 69845869 17.) 0.64278 18.) 547.85 19.) 0.00572 20.) 0.0000006243 21.) 0.78500 Multiplying Numbers in Scientific Notation: When you multiply numbers in scientific notation you first multiply the coefficients then add the powers. After that you make sure you have the coefficient written in proper format. If you move the decimal you increase the power by how many spaces you moved the decimal. If you move the decimal you decrease the power by how many spaces you moved the decimal. 14 -23 (2.35x10 ) x (3.25x10 ) Multiply the following numbers: 1.) (1.2 x 103) X (5.7 x 104) 2.) (3.78 x 100) X (6.79 x 103) 3.) (8.74 x 104) X (9.1 x 105) 4.) (4.21 x 103) X (5.0 x 104) 5.) (2.00 x 106) X (8.71 x 100) 6.) (2.95 x 106) X (8.41 x 10-2) 7.) (8.23 x 10-2) X (4.43 x 10-4) 8.) (-5.03 x 107) X (6.3 x 103) 9.) (2.41 x 108) X (-6.29 x 103) 10.) (7.63 x 106) X (9.11 x 10-4) 11.) (5.30 x 103) X (7.3 x 107) 12.) (-6.0 x 102) X (-2.46 x 102) 13.) (6.89 x 107) X (-6.43 x 10-1) 14.) (5.47 x 102) X (5.74 x 10-3) 15.) (-6.24 x 10-7) X (7.85 x 10-1) 16.) (4.47 x 103) X (3.6 x 10-4) 17.) (1.68 x 105) X (5.3 x 102) 18.) (1.68 x 105) X (5.2 x 102) Dividing Numbers in Scientific Notation: When you divide numbers in scientific notation you first divide the coefficients then subtract the powers. After that you make sure you have the coefficient written in proper format. If you move the decimal you increase the power by how many spaces you moved the decimal. If you move the decimal you decrease the power by how many spaces you moved the decimal. 14 -23 (2.35x10 ) ÷ (3.25x10 ) Divide the following numbers: 1.) (1.2 x 103) ÷ (5.7 x 104) 2.) (3.78 x 100) ÷ (6.79 x 103) 3.) (8.74 x 104) ÷ (9.1 x 105) 4.) (4.21 x 103) ÷ (5.0 x 104) 5.) (2.00 x 106) ÷ (8.71 x 100) 6.) (2.95 x 106) ÷ (8.41 x 10-2) 7.) (8.23 x 10-2) ÷ (4.43 x 10-4) 8.) (-5.03 x 107) ÷ (6.3 x 103) 9.) (2.41 x 108) ÷ (-6.29 x 103) 10.) (7.63 x 106) ÷ (9.11 x 10-4) 11.) (5.30 x 103) ÷ (7.3 x 107) 12.) (-6.0 x 102) ÷ (-2.46 x 102) 13.) (6.89 x 107) ÷ (-6.43 x 10-1) 14.) (5.47 x 102) ÷ (5.74 x 10-3) 15.) (-6.24 x 10-7) ÷ (7.85 x 10-1) 16.) (4.47 x 103) ÷ (3.6 x 10-4) 17.) (1.68 x 105) ÷ (5.3 x 102) 18.) (1.68 x 105) ÷ (5.2 x 102)