
Conquered Heavens
Table of Contents
Basic Rules
Chapter 1
Character Creation
Ability Scores
The Galactic Races
Level Limits and Calling Restrictions
The Callings
Proficiency Checks
Chapter 2
The Combat Round
Combat Actions
Combat Rules
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Expanded Rules
The Galaxy
Galactic Politics
The Reavers
Psionic Constructs
Chapter 5
Psionic Disciplines
Chapter 1: Character Creation
Characters are your vehicle for interacting with the worlds of Conquered Heavens. They may be bold explorers, hardened soldiers, devious
traders, or earnest diplomats. Whatever the concept, you can tailor your character using the rules below to help create an unforgettable
Step 1: Ability Scores
Each character has seven ability scores that define her in the most basic ways. These abilities are listed in order of perceptibility.
Charm is much more apparent than willpower, for example. These abilities measure everything you might need to know about a character,
and will be referred to often when attempting most kinds of actions. Make sure to familiarize yourself with all aspects of the ability scores as
soon as possible. All characters in a party should be made using the same method.
When you have familiarized yourself with these traits, you may generate abilities that will allow your character to reflect your image
of her. 20 is the standard maximum for character creation, though this is by no means an absolute cap. Through racial modifiers and game
play, characters may come to have one or more ability above 20. There are three methods suggested for generating these scores; the
visionary will decide which method players are allowed to use.
The Standard Method: The most basic method is a point buy system. You begin with 60 points, and each ability has a beginning
score of 8. Points are bought at a 1 for 1 ratio until 16. 2 points are required to go to 17, 3 to 18, 4 to 19, and 5 to 20. This is the
recommended method for most players.
The Everyman: The players rolls 2d10 six times, recording the results. These results are then assigned to the character in any way
the player wishes. If the character has less than 80 total points, they can re-roll their lowest score until they get to a total of 80. If a
character's initial set is very low, they may need to re-roll several abilities, one at a time, until the total reaches 80 points or more. This is
considered the low power method because usually there will be one or two low ability scores.
The Champion: The player begins with a single attribute at 20. For all other attributes, roll 1d10, and add 10 to the result. A
character made with this system will have average or above average abilities, and is guaranteed to be adept in her field of expertise. This
method yields powerful characters, and if chosen, the player should commit to playing the first set of abilities generated, rather than rerolling for better stats.
Charm reflects the characters personal magnetism, her ability to inspire others. In a world of plastic surgery and physical enhancement everybody is
good-looking; only those making a statement are not, and this abundance of beauty has put a new standard on what people see in each other.
This is Charm. Charm is a relatively unique attribute in that it cannot be altered in any way by biogenics, yet it can be increased psionically. This is
the primary reason why truly high charm scores are generally possessed only by the Athar and masters of psionics. A charming individual generally
makes a very good impression in social situations. Such a person can say the same things as anyone else, yet get incredible results. In addition, a truly
charming individual may cause others to change their actions to please her. This means she may avoid truly difficult situations that another less
charming character may face, because a build-up of tension never occurred. This is referred to as a character's Sway. When a character makes a
Charm -based check, her sway modifier is added as a bonus. Whenever a character attempts a social interaction against someone who has a high
charm, the sway rating is added to the difficulty.
For those who associate with the charming individual as a follower and not an equal, the leadership modifiers are used instead. The charming
character can inspire anything from devotion to fanaticism in her troops… if her charm is high enough. The higher the leadership bonus, the more loyal
the followers will be. When followers are carrying out the orders of a charming leader, they can add the Leader's leadership modifier as a bonus to their
combat checks. Remember that this bonus is only conferred on loyal followers, and is therefore inappropriate for characters. It is however appropriate
for Visionary characters, summoned astral entities and the like.
Ability score
Strength is a character's raw physical power. Strength determines a character’s success whenever an undertaking requires short-term aggressive
force. Characters with high strength scores are assumed to be able to bull their way through minor hindrances in combat. They can also utilize this
might to move quickly despite bulky weapons and armor. Strong characters will inflict more damage than weak characters. This is displayed by the
damage bonuses characters may acquire. The weight allowance listed below is assumed to be the maximum weight a character may carry and still be
fully functional. Creatures that are larger than human can multiply their lifting capacity by half their additional size. For example, a creature that is twice
the size of a man can lift a additional 50%.
Ability score
Hit Probability (With
melee weapons)
Damage Adjustment
Weight Allowance
Agility is the character's ability to translate thought into action. Whenever engaged in activities, which require balance, precision, hand-eye
coordination or the like, agility is the controlling score. Agile characters are often adept at avoiding damage rather than having to withstand it. Their
speed also allows them reaction modifiers. Furthermore, characters with high agility scores tend to have excellent hand-eye coordination to react
quickly in an unexpected situation. A character’s maneuverability adjustment is used as a bonus (or penality!) for Armor Rating.
Ability Score
Hit probability (With
ranged weapons)
Stamina is a character’s ability to resist sickness, fatigue, physical injury, as well as a host of other malign conditions. Any checks for infection, fatigue,
or extended physical activity are based upon stamina. Characters with good stamina scores rarely fall ill, and can maintain strenuous levels of activity
for long periods of time. Most importantly, hearty characters receive extra hit points, to reflect their resistance to physical trauma. Extremely hearty
characters will also heal noticeably faster than the average being, and those at the higher end of the spectrum can heal in hours what should take days.
Hit Point Bonus
Increased hit point
+1/12 hours
+1/6 hours
+1/1 hour
+1/30 minutes
+1/10 minutes
I.Q. is a measure of a character's higher thought processes. I.Q. is the controlling statistic used whenever difficult mental activity is attempted. Truly
intelligent beings are masters of memory. Characters therefore begin the game with half of their I.Q. score (round up) in bonus proficiencies. I.Q. also
helps determine a character’s Willpower ability score. The greatest warriors are as deadly and discerning of mind as they are strong or fast. Such
characters can sense structural weakness, flaws in technique, and most important of all, recognize moments of opportunity. They gain an increased
chance to score a critical hit when making combat checks, as listed in the chart below. For more on critical hits, see Combat in chapter 2. Those who
have highly developed intellects are better able to anticipate the complexities of astral energy manipulation.
Wisdom (WIS) describes a character's intuitive consciousness. Characters with exceptional wisdom scores are very aware of their unconscious
minds. They consequently tend to have good judgment, and more often have a greater understanding of events around them. This greater
understanding is crucial to surviving combat situations, and therefore characters with high wisdom scores gain a bonus on all survival checks. Wise
characters also keep cool under fire, and can make the most out of a few seconds of breathing room. A high wisdom provides a character with extra
simple actions each round.
Ability Score
Simple Actions
Willpower is the ability score most vital to any character relying on Psionic points. Willpower is recorded by calculating the average of a character’s
I.Q. and Wisdom; exceptionally willful individuals are strong both rationally and emotionally. Willpower quantifies a character’s strength of will, selfdiscipline, and ability to employ psionics. Psionic mastery requires a strong mind, and even warrior types will find themselves wholly dependent on
willpower for their psionic strength. The character's willpower score determines the highest level of psionic function that they are able to use. In
addition, the will to win lends tenacity to a characters decision making. The critical hit improvement of I.Q. and the survival check bonuses of Wisdom
increase according to a character's willpower. All characters with aura points or faith points have a number of Aura points (APs) or Faith Points equal to
their level times their willpower multiplied by 1.5. This may be expressed mathematically as follows:
1.5 x WP x (LVL) = X AP's / FP's.
Ability Score
Survival Checks
Player Character Races
After creating your character's ability scores, you must select a player character race. This is just a small sampling of all the races in the universe.
This is not a race in the true sense of the word: Caucasian, Asian, etc. It is actually a fantasy species for your character -- Human, Adar, Damiral,
Ragnok, or Quellin. Each race is different. Each possesses special powers and has different lists of callings to choose from.
Damirals are the second race to make it to empire and while they war with the Adar they are very powerful. Damirals are about 2.5 meters in height
and very burley weighing about 350kg, and easily identified by their size and shape. Damirals are bipedal creatures that look like a cross between a
bear and a wolf. They have powerful physiques, and lengthy fur along their backs, arms and legs. Their underbellies are covered in small, soft scales.
Damirals typically dwell in rugged or mountainous planets. They are noted for being particularly resistant to psionics. That is because Damirals possess
10% psionic immunity. In addition, Damirals have natural claws. They are always considered armed, and their claws deal 1d6 base damage in close
combat. Damirals use the following racial modifiers: +1 stamina, +1 strength, -1 charm. Damirals start the game with 10 racial hit points above and
beyond their calling hit points.
Born In Contest
The advent of space flight and interaction with other races and worlds has changed each of the major galactic races to some extent. The Damirals
would be the least effected of the empires. Even in the earliest days of their recorded history, the Damirals were a fierce, war-like people, whose
fledgling society was wracked by war. The government of the Damirals was essentially a network of tribes that warred with one another, the loser being
subjugated and absorbed by the winner. This process yielded a diminishing number of ever-growing tribes, which formed nations. These nations,
however, never ceased fighting each other. Over the course of approximately two thousand years, the tribes became nations, and the nations became a
planetary government. The apparent end of the Damirals racial purpose forced the society to shift its aim- or at least, its direction.
War in the Heavens
The government that was created over thousands of years of ceaseless struggle proved to be a very effective one. Damiral technology moved ahead
at a breathtaking pace, matched in the other empires only by human technological advancement. Law and order were well maintained and the average
Damiral citizen embraced many privileges as well as responsibilities. When space faring became possible, the Damirals turned to the task of exploration
with eagerness and thoroughness. When alien life was discovered, the Damirals as a whole were taken aback, and a brief planet-wide debate broke out
over how to approach the aliens. The Damirals decided to deal with the aliens as they always had with outsiders. They would wage war against them
and the winner would rule the loser. Thus, the Damirals, in all earnestness, waged war on an alien race known as the Kenawa, who were barely
capable of space flight, let alone leaving their own solar system. The Kenawa were badly defeated in less than a year, and became the Damiral
Empire’s first subject race. The Damirals continued this militant policy against any other intelligent race they encountered, subjugating many worlds and
other stellar races and empires with varying levels of difficulty.
The Empire Today
The Damiral empire today still embraces the form of social Darwinism upon which it raised it itself three and a half millennia ago. The races
subjugated by the Damirals have become citizens of their empire, and enjoy equal treatment under the letter of the law, and in practice. Damiral law is
considered harsh but fair by most of the other empires, and has thus far served to maintain stability, if not utopia, within Damiral space. Damiral society
encourages individuality, generally believing that a strong society is composed of strong individuals. Damirals in general prefer spartan living spaces,
though they have a highly developed sense of art and beauty. The average Damiral in the modern era may be said to be industrious, honest, and
ambitious. Though the majority of humans, Adar, and Ragnok find the Damirals to be somewhat savage in their way of living, Xenopsychologists
recognize the Damirals as being very moral. They simply have a very unusual moral ethic to follow.
The Adar are a race of humanoids approximately 2m in height. These creatures weigh an average of 60kg, thanks to a lightweight (some might say
fragile) skeletal structure. The Adar is almost completely herbivorous, possessing large eyes set widely apart in rather oblong, hairless heads. Adar
have slight builds by human standards, with bluish skin, and slender six-fingered hands appended by extraordinarily long fingers. The Adar is asexual,
reproducing by budding. In most other respects, The Adar resemble humans (at least cosmetically). The Adar is perhaps the most xenophobic of the
five major galactic races. Reports of the few visitors who have been allowed onto Adar worlds claim that these reclusive beings have very little contact
even with their subject races, treating them as trusted, if undesirable vassals. Adar traveling abroad has enough sense to treat the sentient beings
around them with the utmost respect, and newly traveled Adar may be cordial to a fault. The Adar has an unusual physiology, which allows them to
function for long periods of time without rest. By eating twice the amount of food eaten the day before, an Adar may forgo one sleep cycle. This means
that Adar who wish to remain active for four or five consecutive days will have to be eating almost constantly by the end.
The unique physiology of the Adar allows them to rapidly convert stored nutrients into energy. The Adar are known for their great adaptability, and are
able to inhabit worlds that many races find unlivable. Adar receive a +3 modifier on any survival checks made to cope with harsh environmental
conditions. Interestingly enough, the Adar have very little understanding of pain or pleasure as the other races understand it, though they do undergo
strong emotions of their own. Thus, the Adar do not suffer penalties due to sensory overload, though they can accurately judge how badly they have
been injured. They are therefore immune to pain and similar effects, cannot be temporarily blinded, impaired, or stunned. Adar use the following
attribute modifiers: -1 Strength, +1 agility, +1 I.Q. Adar start the game with 7 racial hit points above and beyond their class-hit points.
Peaceful Preludes
Unlike most of the galactic empires, the Adar constructed their civilization without war as a constant companion. Their nature seems that of a herd
animal to many of the other galactic races, but the lack of self-destructive wars amongst their species is undeniable. Their entire civilization arose with a
different cast than most, as there was virtually no violent or organized crime, no war, and no national conflicts of any sort prior to planetary governance.
The cooperative nature of the race allowed Adar civilization to advance rapidly, though their cautious nature caused them to largely forgo space
exploration. This lack of knowledge would soon cost them dearly.
Catastrophic Contact
Like the Quellin, the Adar were totally unprepared for violence when an alien species called the Ria'ad made contact with them, and proceeded to
begin orbital bombardment of the planet. The advanced technology of the Adar, however, allowed them to survive the initial, devastating attacks on their
planet, and they soon turned their formidable intellects to the art of war. Xenohistorians within the Commonwealth speculate that the Adar’s paranoia of
other races stems from this first incident, as the casualties sustained from the first attack were truly horrific, decimating thirty percent of the planet’s
population within a span of five days. The Adar quickly copied their enemy’s technology, and soon surpassed it, pushing the belligerent species off their
own world, and then were able to take the fighting to their attackers. In the process, they annexed several worlds formerly controlled by the Ria'ad, but
populated primarily by subject races. To this day, xenohistorians are often puzzled as to why the Adar, a complacent and seemingly reclusive race
assumed control of a host of populated worlds without any prior relationship to their inhabitants, and in the middle of a war! The Adar have not been
especially forthcoming on the subject in any case. At the end of the war, however, it is known that the Ria'ad were destroyed in a deliberate act of
genocide. Only a few scattered survivors remain.
A New Empire
After the war, the Adar spent over one hundred years refining their control of their subject races, learning the arts of etiquette and diplomacy to
admirable degrees. The vast majority of the Adar, however, kept themselves isolated from the rest of the galaxy. These Adar learned of and dealt with
other races only through intermediaries amongst their own people. During the second century of the empire's reign, contact was made with the
Commonwealth, opening up new horizons not only for the Adar, but also for their subject races. For several decades after this first contact, some
discontent amongst the Adar's subjects, and a few border worlds were thought to desire membership in the commonwealth. Rather than begin a war
with the then aggressively expansionist Commonwealth, the Adar proposed joint governance of two border worlds as soon as dissent began. This was
the start of a cordial, if somewhat cool relationship between the Commonwealth and the Adar. Apart from the usual small, periodic skirmishes between
empires typical of the time period, the relationship proved successful enough to avert major war.
The Empire Today
The Adar still maintains a very powerful, if not socially intertwined empire. After the withdrawal of the Commonwealth, the Adar have resumed control
of the two border worlds they once shared, though Commonwealth delegates are welcome. The discontent with the Adar by their subject races has
diminished with the novelty of the Commonwealth, and the empire has resumed its former placid stability. The empire is essentially an oligarchy, as it is
run by a small circle of influential Adar prudently calculating the most beneficial courses of action for the empire in a host of endeavors across the
galaxy. The Adar’s subject races live as well as the Adar, though they are not considered equals by the Adar, as is reflected in the empire’s laws.
Perhaps the most exotic and dissimilar species amongst the five empires are the Ragnok. Crystalline beings of only a semi-organic nature, the
Ragnok are a subject of both fascination and alienation in the forums of the other four powers. These creatures appear to be composed largely of
crystal, with hairless heads supporting four eyes. They are quadruped, but also possess two powerful, clawed arms, for a total of six limbs. While they
cannot stand on two legs for any length of time, they are fast moving and powerfully built. Great silicate shells protect their upturned backs.
As a Ragnok develops the psionic potential for which the race is notorious, the sandy shell takes on a crystalline luster, and small crystal formations
rise out of the dusty shell. As the psionic potential is honed, these formations grow taller and more elaborate. The greatest psions of the Ragnok race
are walking wonders, carrying a mountain of psychoactive stones upon their back, swaying and glinting in the light of alien suns.
This races body makes up some of the most precious minerals in the universe but despite this their race has flourished. Maybe it is because they are
some of the most skillful magi in the universe and to fight with them is to die. The Ragnok keep tabs on all their people and send out Peace Keepers
who’s only job is to make sure that anybody who kills Ragnok for the mineral content in their bodies suffers a sudden case of death. This is the only time
that the Ragnok race has shown a ruthless streak (many Ragnok find this aspect repellent and Peace Keepers are somewhat outcasts) it is believed that
the Commonwealth sold the Ragnok on this idea after the two empires settled down together and worked out a peace accord. (The Commonwealth did
not want to have another war with the Ragnok race as opportunistic citizens tried to cash in on the Ragnok mineral bodies). The Peace Keepers are
generally sent out in groups of 6 and are very ruthless in dealing with “problems” that are assigned to them. (Visionaries should make any Peace Keeper
group that is after the characters about 5 levels higher that the last reported levels the PC’s are and 1 to 2 beings larger). The Ragnok are very patient
and strong emotion is a mystery to them. The Ragnok can if they are mage or psionicist cast spells without psionic crystals. Ragnok use the following
attribute modifiers: -1 agility, +2 I.Q. Ragnok start the game with 12 racial hit points above and beyond their calling hit points.
Ragnok Religion
The Ragnok culture grew up with the knowledge that they were the children of god. They lived in perfect harmony with their environment, have never
had an interspecies war and generally lived with the same moral code. The advent of space travel was just seen as god’s blessing on her children and
the bounty of a lifetime. That is why it was a total surprise when the Ragnok encountered their first alien race. They weren’t silicon or religious. The
Ragnok immediately went and had a debate as to what to do. Out of that debate came the first “crusade” as the Ragnok tried to convert all the other
races to the same beliefs and moral code that they had. This crusade took the form of Ragnok missionaries going out to spread god's word. The first
races that the Ragnok encountered took the preaching rather poorly, and escalating violence caused the first Ragnok war. The Ragnok won this war
easily and proceeded to convert that race to its belief system and moral attitude.
Ragnok revelation
As the Ragnok expanded they found only unpopulated worlds. The popular theory is that while the Ragnok home world of Nokral supported a wide
variety of inorganic life, it was an unlikely path of evolution, therefore similar life has not evolved on planets with similar conditions. Every time the
Ragnok did encounter another race there was a difference between the Ragnok belief system and the race in question so the Ragnok proceeded to
conquer them and enlighten them about what was really up with the universe. This pattern went on very successfully for the Ragnok until they first
encountered the Commonwealth. The commonwealth was large enough to stave off the first Ragnok assault. The Ragnok Empire was very powerful at
the time and any conflict between the commonwealth and the Ragnok Empire was surely going to drag on for years, as the commonwealth had its own
political problems at the time and could not muster sufficient resources to end the struggle.
The war was ended suddenly and unexpectedly as the struggle started to firm up and the commonwealth was fortifying its worlds in a defensive action.
The Ragnok encountered one of the commonwealth gods and in that one moment were changed. The Ragnok had never seen their own god and had
never encountered one before. Proof of divinity on the side of the enemy threw their religious and moral code in disarray, forcing the Ragnok to sue for
peace and spend a fair amount of time to work out their own moral code and stem the tide of social problems that arouse with this discovery. Not the
least of which was a rash of suicides that devastated the fabric of the Ragnok society. Some estimates place the death toll at as much as 15% of the
population across the Dominion.
Ragnok recovery
Over the next two hundred years the old Ragnok religion was just about abandoned as the impact of gods that you could meet and feel their divinity
took its toll on the old ways. This new diversity of gods caused a fracturing of the Ragnok moral code and forced the leadership to adjust to the new
reality. Only in the last 50 years have the Ragnok finally recovering from this devastating blow to their society and regained their stability. Many outside
historians believe that this rapid recovery is due to the extreme longevity of the race that allowed its political leaders to direct the restoration through the
whole crisis.
The Quellin are the last empire race and also the only one to be conquered so that this race made it to empire is something that historians still
shake their heads about. This race is insectoid and evil as all hell, the things that they had to do to throw off the yoke of their masters have warped them
into ruthless creatures. They are very paranoid and suspicious of all outsiders, but if they learn to trust someone then they trust them completely. They
are between 65 cm and 2 meters tall when they are upright, but they usually stay low to the ground and so are only 30 cm to 135 cm. If you had to
describe them they would look like a cross between an ant and a praying mantis they have the body segments of the praying mantis but their limbs (8)
are like an ants. The first pair of limbs are their true hands but they can use their second set of limbs as hands with an agility score 5 less than normal.
Quellin characters have an initiative sequence one step higher than normal. The coloration of this race varies as widely as their size. Quellin use the
following attribute modifiers: +1 agility, -1 charm. Quellin start the game with 9 racial hit points above and beyond their calling hit points
The Story of the Utopian Quellin
Contrary to popular belief, responsible historians assert that the Quellin once lived a very peaceful existence compared to their current state today.
Before their servitude to the Draccti, the Quellin had been recording history for over 6000 standard years, and had colonized more than seven
uninhabited worlds. The traditional Quellin society was matriarchal, there being one female to every thousand or so males, laying eggs in great
abundance. Historical accounts assert that Quellin queens could give birth to up to twelve thousand viable eggs during their life spans. These females
were responsible for running a very simple yet efficient society that prospered in space for over one thousand years- until the coming of the Draccti.
Of Enslavement and Servitude
When the Draccti, an invertebrate sapient life form (Much like large jellyfish) learned of the Quellin from their transmissions, they set about making
contact with the fledgling empire. A much more predatory race, the Draccti waged merciless war against the Quellin, systematically capturing or killing
every queen on a given planet before moving on to the next. When the Draccti had captured the vast majority of queens and thrown the Quellin largely
into disorder, they manipulated the Quellin through “puppet queens”, biogenically and psionically altered specimens of Quellin queens designed to obey
the Draccti. Ruthlessly exploiting the Quellin instinctive subservience to the Queens, the Draccti corralled and enslaved or killed the majority of planet
bound populations. The few vagrant ships filled with refugees and ill-prepared soldiers were no match for the strength of the Draccti fleets, so they fled,
vowing revenge.
These refugees would eventually establish another colony of their own, and give aid to their enslaved brethren over the next thousand years in the
form of secret aids such as food and medicine, and through more direct means including guerilla warfare, and many failed revolutionary attempts.
During this period, the Quellin were subjected to ceaseless biogenic alteration by a race of slaver’s trying to improve its stock. Draccti often worked
Quellin to death in a matter of weeks, and sought ways to boost Quellin reproductive ability. This fertility research would eventually prove to be their
downfall. The Draccti succeeded at raising the ratio of Queens to males during the course of their experimentation, approximately 800 years after
conquering the race. Though the modified “Queens” were almost identical to the males and could lay six eggs at most, they accounted for a third of the
population by the time a full generation had been phased in. The Quellin population exploded as never before, and here is where the Draccti’s
difficulties began. Sure that the Quellin were truly subservient, the Draccti ceased keeping careful track of the Quellin population on their various worlds,
which had become an onerous task even before the population explosion. The Draccti instead sought to limit Quellin populations through control of food
supplies. Instead, small packs of Quellin made skillful escapes from prison camps, aided by their free brethren. These Quellin did not travel far,
however. They left in order to begin a new hive, and allow extra food for the raising of even more young. Unbeknownst to the Draccti, the numbers of
Quellin were quickly growing beyond projected possibility!
Of Rebellion and War
The first serious insurrections occurred at the Draccti’s least important, therefore least policed worlds. The first successful recorded revolt took place
on Lalnath, one of the Draccti’s “supply” worlds. In the beginning, the Quellin took few losses, as their masters were unprepared for assault from no
longer docile slaves. The Draccti responded with frightening brutality, however, destroying the first rebels down to the last clutchling. Rebellion by the
Quellin and a few allied slave races spread quickly throughout the Draccti empire, and soon the Draccti were forced to spend inordinate amounts of time
trying to pacify their own slaves. Still, the Quellin faced a bitter struggle, as they had very little technology (that which they seized from the Draccti, or
the little supplied by their free brethren). The Quellin won the majority of their first battles by virtue of numbers, though they endured appalling losses.
Commonwealth Xenohistorians claim that they may have suffered losses as great as two hundred Quellin to the average Draccti. Quellin Historians, of
course, cite much lower ratios. The Quellin were at war for six years before they managed to seize C’nl’ticc, one of the Draccti’s smaller colony worlds,
in their first orbital assault, again with comparatively primitive technology at incredible losses. With the acquisition of the planet, however, former slaves
enjoyed their first real safety, and had resources at hand with which to build a new civilization, and the tools to build the weapons with which to fight their
war. Although they were slowly becoming better equipped, the Quellin were novices to the art of advanced warfare. They found themselves tactically
outmatched at every turn, and by year eight of the conflict were in danger of losing their one planet, and the war. It was during this time that a politically
vicious, but highly respected Quellin psionicist called Ikg’sit, proposed a radical new course of action.
Of Weapons and Whispers
Ikg’sit proposed a new course of action for the Quellin defending the home world. Claiming that the Draccti possessed a much more refined ability to
make war, Ikg’sit recommended the Quellin learn from their one-time masters. His proposed method, however, was the possession of ranking Draccti
officers through psionics. By stealing, subjugating, and destroying Draccti psyches, the Quellin inserted their own agents into the ranks of the enemy,
and gained an intimate understanding of Draccti weapons and tactics. Ikg’sit also infiltrated the Draccti command structure, and rose to prominence by
virtue of his success against the Quellin, his own people. The Quellin infiltrators could not remain hidden indefinitely, however. When the first Quellin
operatives within the Draccti command were discovered, the Draccti conducted an internal purge, attempting to root out any and all spies in their upper
echelons. Cut off from each other for fear of discovery, most of the spies were found and summarily executed. Only Ikg’sit and a few of his most adept
operatives escaped discovery. To this day, commonwealth historians can only speculate as to whether the military victories won by Ikg’sit and his corps
during this time were staged. Most Quellin historians claim that Ikg’sit was quite justified in destroying as many of his people as he did, since his survival
leaked even more valuable intelligence back to the Quellin. Fifteen years after the revolt on Lalnath, the Quellin were ready to storm a second planet.
For another thirty years, the Draccti controlled systems became entirely unsafe, as Quellin ships destroyed any ship they encountered which was not
one of their own. The resulting lack of commerce severely affected the Draccti economy, and put the growing Quellin on much more even ground.
Of Sacrifice and Victory
In the thirty fourth year of the Draccti- Quellin war, the flagging Draccti mounted a desperate attack on the Quellin’s most populous world, C’nl’ticc, in
the hopes of forcing the aggressive Quellin fleets into a defensive posture. The tactic was perceived by the Draccti to be highly effective, as the Quellin
had spread themselves thin in their fervor, and did not have sufficient defenses to protect the planet from half the Draccti fleet.
When the Quellin were informed of the fleet approaching C’nl’ticc, the high command ordered an attack on the Draccti home world, leaving C’nl’ticc to
be destroyed. After destroying the forces protecting the home worlds, the Draccti and Quellin proceeded to annihilate each other’s planets. It was clear,
however, that the Draccti had suffered more in the exchange. This is the event that marks the end of the war as Quellin historians record such things,
though sporadic fighting with the remaining Draccti occurred over the next six years.
Of New Beginnings and Old Constraints
The end of the war did not end the Quellin’s problems. Adrift without the queens that had guided them for tens of thousands of years; the Quellin had
to restructure their entire society. Determined to remain independent of alien species, desperate to retain their freedom, and afraid of the uncertain
days to come, the Quellin found reasons to dislike, and eventually despise, their allies. Within two years of the war for freedom, a new war was fought
by the Quellin- a war of conquest. Their former allies were hardly a match for the Quellin, capitulating and submitting to Quellin rule within five years.
Ikg’sit took many steps during this second war to secure his place of power within the blossoming Quellin empire. Taking advantage of the strict
hierarchical nature of his people, Ikg’sit declared himself a sort of queen. Ikg’sit held this position for approximately six months before a coup took place
within the Quellin government. Ikg’sit was assassinated, and a council of twenty one self-appointed Quellin became the ruling body of the Quellin
empire. These Quellin were eager to seize as much power as possible for themselves, and governed their people with an iron claw. Embittered by the
hardships they suffered under the Draccti, during the war, and now under their own people, the Quellin as a race began to change. The selfless and
highly efficient communism once practiced by the Quellin began to break down as their sense of individual self-importance and desire for personal
gratification grew. Rather than decrying the way the council governed, the Quellin in general attempted to adapt and do as well for themselves as
possible, at everyone else’s expense. This was the beginning of Quellin society as it is today.
Four hundred and two years ago (by commonwealth calendars), a long range science vessel registered the signal of a Quellin deep space sensor
sweep. The commonwealth soon dispatched a small group of ships to make contact with the Quellin. The Quellin began making preparations for war
against the Commonwealth immediately after making contact, yet were forced to continually revise and delay their timetable as they came to appreciate
the true strength of their foe. In the meantime, the Quellin chose to begin with economic warfare: trade. Within a few years, the two races established
significant commercial interests, and relations seemed friendly, despite the radical differences in the appearance of the races (and a growing concern in
the Commonwealth due to reports about the brutal nature of the Quellin empire). A series of disputes over colonizing rights, trade agreements, and
isolated incidences of interspecies violence caused tension between the empires. Fifteen years after their first meeting, the Commonwealth declared
war on the Quellin empire for “unlawfully colonizing a Commonwealth world”. The subsequent war lasted almost twenty years, neither side able to gain
the upper hand. Finally a truce was established, after the Quellin ceded the planet over which the war had been started.
The Quellin Today
The ruling council has expanded to include thirty seven Quellin, who jointly rule the empire. The Quellin form of government could most accurately be
described as a military dictatorship. Those who hold political power also hold equal military influence. Advancement through the ranks is an exercise in
Darwinian theory. A Quellin advances when her superior dies, is proved incompetent, is demoted, promoted, or resigns. Only the Quellin willing to
seize authority and hold it will have any importance in the empire. The Quellin do not see this behavior as immoral or evil. They argue that it instead as
a benefit, for it keeps their race strong. The Quellin currently carry on much trade with the other empires, and are as technologically advanced. The
standard of living tends to vary more than most of the other empires, with a comparatively large number of the poor living in squalor, and a few powerful
Quellin enjoying unimaginable luxuries.
Although humans are treated as a single race in the game, they come in all the varieties we know on Earth. A human PC can have whatever racial
characteristics the visionary allows. Humans have only one special ability: They can follow any calling and rise to any level in any calling. Other races
have limited choices in these areas. Humans start the game with 8 racial hit points above and beyond their calling hit points.
The Human Plague
As human technology advanced, the era of space exploration began. Homo Sapiens journeyed to the edge of the solar system and beyond. The
initial exploration was rapid, and within twenty years of the first landing human landing on Io, colonies had been established in two star systems. Earth,
by this time, had a planetary government overseeing the new colonization. Soon after the colonies became self-sufficient, however, they declared their
independence from terran rule, and the human race was plunged into civil war. Humanity’s wars within its own species would most likely have kept it a
galactic footnote, if fate had not made other plans. A race known as the Ich’ban, also newcomers to space, made contact with the Io colony. The
human reaction was abrupt and irrational, resulting in the destruction of the Ich’ban ship orbiting the moon. The Ich’ban began a war against the
inhabitants of the Io colony, who rejoined the terran government. Thus strengthened, the terran government intimidated the Proxima rebels into rejoining
earth. Having consolidated their strength, the humans readily attacked the Ich’ban, united by a common enemy as they had never been before. The
war lasted almost ten years, and resulted in a near-genocidal eradication of the Ich’ban. The victorious humans swept across the Ich’ban home world,
plundering its natural and technological resources, and establishing the first planetary province of the newly crowned Terran Empire.
The Birth of the Commonwealth
For over three hundred years, the Terran Empire continued its practice of attacking, conquering, and enslaving any alien race it contacted. The human
race continued its rapid advance of technology, ever enlarging its claim to the galaxy and more easily defeating opposition. This time period was not
without its difficulties, as the Empire spent a growing portion of its time putting down rebellious alien subjects. Although the old guard of the Empire
refused to change policy, younger politicians, thinkers, and military personnel began to question the established order. The new generation found their
leader in a terran politician named Arcturus Handel. Believing that the collapse of the empire under the weight of its own rebellions was inevitable,
Arcturus attempted to steer Imperial policy in a new direction. After being blocked in the halls of power, and escaping several assassination attempts,
Arcturus went underground, establishing secret contacts within the military, civil government, and the private sector, including organized crime. Twenty
years after his disappearance, years later Arcturus reappeared as the leader of a swift and bloody coup, allied with Mercy Millennium, an admiral of the
Imperial Navy, and Vison Yamada, a star of the Black Sun. Handel appointed himself “spokesman” of the new commonwealth.
Despite its bloody beginnings, the new commonwealth quickly proved to be a benign body politic, passing sweeping reforms that granted the subject
races of the commonwealth equal citizenship. The new reforms also changed the laws regarding the stewardship of subject planets, returning them to
their former owners. The new commonwealth returned a great deal of autonomy to its provinces, effectively making them client races, both economically
and militarily. This is not to say that the commonwealth was or is any kind of utopia. Several concessions were made to the Black Sun, and crime is
rather frequent in the commonwealth compared to some other empires. Mercy Millennium also garnered many favors for the military, which some have
characterized as wasteful, or unnecessarily luxuriant. Indeed, even Arcturus, with his enlightened ideas of equalities and peace centralized power
perhaps a bit too much in his own hands. Still, the Commonwealth was as different from the Empire as terran night and day.
A New Hope
One of the most drastic measures made by the new commonwealth was amount of self-government allowed to each race. The commonwealth
decided that any race it governed would be granted full autonomy on its planet of origin, or home planet. If this race possessed enough technology
and/or resources it would get to govern more of the space around itself. Therefore: Any planetary government retains full control of the planet it
governs. A planetary government with access to space faring technology advanced enough to allow it to police a star system is granted stewardship of
that system. Any race that is technologically advanced enough to police the sector in which it is located is granted stewardship of that sector. All races
that get to govern a sector are required to appoint a representative to the commonwealth senate to help govern the whole commonwealth.
Now, here are a few checks and balances for a smart Visionary. If there are multiple races in a system or sector that have the right to govern
themselves then they have absolute power on their own planet. All the races in a system that have the right to govern their own system must elect a
single representative to speak for that system, and it is the same for sectors. If a course of action is to be decided by the commonwealth, the president
makes that decision. If the senate does not like that decision, they must come up with a new decision and get a 66% vote on that decision to override
the president’s decision, but the president’s decision stands and cannot be halted until that 66% is reached (you snooze you lose). The commonwealth
senate can override any decision made by a smaller area (sector or system) except for planetary policy, which the commonwealth cannot override.
The Dream Lives
One of the other things that Arcturus did while president was to start a new calendar to symbolize the new beginning. Arcturus was the president until
the year 15 when he was assassinated by one of the last of the old regime in a futile attempt to bring back the past, but the reforms that he implemented
were in place and it was too late for a coup. The commonwealth grew and prospered for almost 600 years before trouble again reared its ugly head. In
the year 613 the commonwealth was attacked by a race from outside its borders. This race waged a secret war, so that by the time the commonwealth
became aware of the problem it was almost too late. This race was secretly importing weapons to rebel fractions on planets to disrupt their government.
Giving high technology to low tech planets to increase their self-governmental powers, and killing key figures in the commonwealth government. Their
plans went well until they tried to kill Mercy Millennium who was the last surviving member of the 7 original conspirators and by now grand admiral of the
fleet. He survived the attack and started unraveled the string of incidents that were plaguing the commonwealth. As soon as he figured out what was
going on he gathered up the fleet and started a war with the alien race. The war was short because this race did not have the military power to oppose
the commonwealth and after 2 months it cumulated in the destruction of said race. But when Admiral Millennium got back he found the commonwealth
in disarray as without key leaders the government fell apart. Admiral Millennium again took drastic steps and declared martial law disbanding the
government and abandoning huge sectors of space that he considered ungovernable and forcing peace on planets with technology or resources he
The Present (Year 615)
The commonwealth is currently reorganizing under a new president Jacqueline Simon. The rest of the senate has not been reinstated, however, and
martial law is still in place, so the commonwealths’ future still looks grim.
Other races
The known universe is populated with thousands of sentient races. Some fare the space ways, some do not. In any event, all alien races are created using the
same method. They have a bonus of +1 to a single attribute and a single racial ability. Up to two additional attributes/ abilities may be purchased at the cost of -1
to an attribute per attribute/ ability. Racial abilities, if any, must be approved by the visionary. Finally, all created alien races must be of relatively little importance
to the galactic empires (telling the visionary “But my race is the secret power ruling the commonwealth!” is not acceptable).
Created species start the game with no more than 11 racial hit points above and beyond their class hit points
This is a really subjective thing the player and the visionary should get together and work out all the basics of the new race. The visionary should feel
free to go and give a little leeway to a player with a really good race or a lot of really wimpy abilities. Just try to keep game balance.
Racial Ability Adjustments
+1 stamina, +1 strength, -1 charm
-1 strength, +1 agility, +1 I.Q.
-1 agility, +2 I.Q.
+1 agility, -1 charm
Other Characteristics
After you have selected a race, you may want to fill in the details of your character. You are not required to do so, but there are many situations in
which this information is vital or useful to role-playing.
The sex and name of your character are up to you. Some people feel it is important to know whether their character is right- or left-handed. Actually,
this has no bearing on the play of the game, since all characters are assumed to be reasonably competent with either hand (that doesn't mean everyone
is trained to fight with two weapons). It is easiest to say that your character has the same handedness as you. This will result in the normal ratio of rightto left-handed people. On occasion it may be useful to know your character's height and weight. The best way to determine height and weight is to
choose the appropriate numbers, subject to your Visionary's approval. If you want a short, pudgy human cleric, you can select an appropriate height and
Age is very mutable. Most humans can expect to live about 150 years (standard), Adar about 700, Damirals about 750, Quellin about 85, and Ragnok
about 1,500. Biogenic implants can increase a subject's lifespan, as when the characters biology is restructured, improvements to the genetic code are
made. A character's life span increases by an amount proportional to its psi-disruption. A character with 50% psi-disruption also enjoys a 50% increase
in its expected life span. Ragnok are unaffected by biogenics because they are a silicon based life form. The reason for this change in life span is
because of the durability of the synthetic flesh used in biogenics, and the re-engineering of the character's body. Characters with sufficient wealth can
live more or less indefinitely with enough biogenic assistance.
To figure the age category of your character divide one half the characters max age (figuring biogenics) by 3. The first category is old the second is
decrepit and the third is “what not dead yet?” For the first category the character must subtract 1 point from one physical stat (Strength, agility, or
stamina). For the second category the character must subtract 2 points from any combination of stats she would like. The third category is the most
harsh the character must subtract one point from her two highest stats. The moral of this story is that everybody slows down. (Old age sucks)
Characters over 75% biogenics can ignore the stat changes.
Example: A standard human has a life span of 150 years. ½ of 150 is 75. 75 divided by 3 is 25. So 75 to 100 is old. 101 to 125 is decrepit and 126
to 150 is, Ahem ‘what not dead yet?’
Callings are those careers that trained sentient beings follow throughout their lives. More than mere jobs, callings are a way of life, and it is the
dedication of those on the path that results in their ability. The callings listed below are those that the playing characters and talented VC's in your game
should probably have. The rank and file soldiers of the universe do not generally have the potential of the heroes and thus generally follow less powerful
(and less compelling) callings.
The Classes of Progression:
All callings are defined by a series of abilities that progress as characters gain levels. There are four basic rates at which all common calling based
abilities progress. These categories are referred to as classes, which display a characters relative worth in a given area of ability. Class 1 (for easy
memorization, think of a class 1 ability as “1st class” competence) is the best, most desirable class, class 2 is considered good but not great. Class 3 is
average, and class 4 may be considered poor.
Biogenic Tolerance:
All living beings have an aura. This aura is made up of astral energy, which infuses all things. When the physical pattern of a creature is altered
through trauma, surgery, biogenic augmentation or other means, the aura becomes strained. Biogenic Tolerance is the measure of a character’s ability
to support biogenic augmentation. Characters who follow callings requiring little aural development often have the greatest biogenic tolerance. They
cannot use and are not as inseparable from their auras as others. See chapter 3 for more details on Biogenics.
Starting Biogenics
Maximum Biogenics
no maximum
According to their dedication, some callings delve more quickly and deeply into psionic disciplines than do others. The following table lists the rates at
which the various disciplines are acquired. Characters gain one of the listed powers every time they reach a level evenly divisible by the number for
their power type in their class.
Fighting Ability:
This facet of a calling governs a characters martial skill. Those with class 1 fighting ability will eventually become fearsome warriors. Characters with
class 4 fighting ability had better have an alternative to mundane tactics when combat occurs. Fighting ability gives the character a level based bonus to
her combat checks. In the table below, the number given is the number of steps her combat checks will improve by in each five level bracket (e.g., a
class 1 combat Check progression will improve four steps over five levels). Combat checks improve in one step increments, at the end of the five level
brackets. (Example: Class 1 combat checks improve at levels 2,3,4,5 etc. Class 2 combat checks improve at levels 3,4,5 etc.). For ease of memory,
keep in mind this simple expression.
Combat Checks improve 5(- Fighting Ability Class #) steps /5 levels.
Additionally, as shown on the right, this trait also determines when a character gains extra actions during combat.
Attack Bonus
Additional Actions per round
1 per five levels
1 per six levels
1 per six levels
1 per eight levels
Hit Points:
Hit points symbolize a characters ability to withstand damage. This is a truly heroic game and when you get hit or shot hit points reflect your ability to
function anyhow. The dice listed below are rolled by a character each time she achieves a new level (characters are assumed to have the maximum
possible roll at first level). Characters who roll lower than the number of bonus hit points bestowed for high stamina scores may raise the score to equal
their Stamina bonus.
Die rolled
This category more or less measures the degree of faith possessed by a given individual. The more time an individual devotes to her faith, the greater
her heights of Faith powers. Such individuals tend to be both pious and humble (though not always), even if they advance at different rates along the
spiritual path. The first number indicates the speed with which a character masters new prayers. When a character reaches a level in her calling
divisible by the improvement number, she gains access to a new level of prayers. The Faithful may use prayers at 1st level. The second value denotes
the highest level of prayers a character can use, regardless of continued advancement in her calling.
Improvement Number
Maximum Power Level
Psionic Functions (channels/prayers):
Most characters with knowledge of disciplines have knowledge of level-based Functions as well. Those characters who devote extraordinary effort to
their art reach greater heights of power, and at a faster rate than mere dabblers. Faith Powers also fall under this category, and are considered
Functions for purposes of advancement. The number following the class rating is the measure of how quickly characters attain new function levels.
When a character reaches a level evenly divisible by the number below, she gains access to a new level. Spell users may use first level functions at first
level. The second value denotes the highest level of psionics a character can use, regardless of continued advancement in her calling.
Improvement number
Maximum Function (Channel/Prayer) level
Survival Checks:
This category represents a characters ability to resist harmful effects by means of her training. The better a character’s training in her chosen calling,
the more easily she makes the best of bad situations. In the table below, the number given is the number of steps a Survival Checks will improve by in
each five level bracket (e.g., a class 1 Survival Checks will improve four steps over five levels). Survival Checks improve in one step increments, at the
end of the five level brackets. (Example: Class 1 Survival Checks improve at levels 2,3,4,5 etc. Class 2 Survival Checks improve at levels 3,4,5 etc.).
For ease of memory, keep in mind this simple expression.
Survival Checks improve 5(- Survival Checks class) steps /5 levels.
4/5 levels
3/5 levels
2/5 levels
1/5 levels
Training, Innate:
Characters all have a certain amount of formal training integral to their calling. Soldiers learn the use and maintenance of weaponry, military strategy,
etc. Psionicists study astral theory and meta-mathematics. Each calling has its own allocation of starting proficiencies to account for this training.
Characters receive 10 proficiencies, minus their training class. The table below illustrates.
Training, Progressive:
Just as each class has its own formal basic body of knowledge, so each calling approaches hands on, acquired experience differently. The table
below lists first the number of proficiencies gained, and the multiple for determining at which levels they are gained. For example, a character with Class
1 progressive training would acquire three proficiencies every two levels (one at first level, two at second, one at third, etc.). A character with Class 3
progressive training would gain new proficiencies at levels 2,3,4,6,7,8, and so on.
Incanters are the dedicated individuals who master the taxing process of channeling astral forces into physical form, whether it’s energy or matter.
Incanters call the process of pulling astral energy into the world channeling, because they and their crystals are the conduits by which this wonder
occurs. Most of the major races in the galaxy have some psionic talent. To a lesser extent, Incanters also study psionic disciplines. Although they do
not acquire disciplines as fast as the psionicist, high-level Incanters may still employ a frightening array of disciplines.
Survival checks
Calling Abilities
Fighting Ability:
Training, Innate:
Training, Progressive:
Hit Points:
Calling Abilities
Class 3 Biogenics: 1d6% starting biogenics, 10% cap per level, 40% maximum tolerance.
Class 1 Channeling: See the psionic progression chart (page 27) to determine an Incanter's available channels.
Class 2 Disciplines: See the psionic progression chart (page 27) to determine an Incanter's available disciplines.
Role-playing Notes: Incanters work with the energies of astral space throughout their lives. As they master these energies, Incanters learn to store a
great deal of it within themselves. Incanters who have ten times the amount of their base aura points (the number of points they have at 1 st level),
exhibit a strange glow. This glow is centered around the eyes in most cases, though the Ragnok have been known to glow throughout the entirety of
their bodies. When the amount of AP’s available to the Incanter drops below this level, the glow fades. The glow is easily recognizable from up to 5
meters away.
The psionicist is a master of the mind; her own, and eventually others. The power of a psionicist stems primarily from her mastery of disciplines. To a
lesser degree, psionicists also make use of channels, adding flexibility to sheer power. Psionicists have no catalyst they must rely on, but their abilities
are more difficult to master. Therefore, psionicists must choose a few disciplines, whereas those who practice faith or channels have a wider variety of
abilities to draw from. Psionicists make up for this specialization through the power of their disciplines.
Survival checks
Class Abilities
Training, Innate:
Training, Progressive:
Fighting Ability:
Hit Points:
Calling Abilities
Class 3 Biogenics: 1d6% starting biogenics, 10% cap per level, 40% maximum tolerance.
Class 1 Disciplines: See the psionic progression chart (page 27) to determine a psionicists available disciplines.
Class 2 Channels: See the psionic progression chart (page 27) to determine a psionicists available channels.
Psionicists may use their will to manipulate energy patterns to a limited degree. A common example: Psionicists may expend AP’s on a 1 for 1 basis to
recharge the “rounds” of energy weapon clips.
Role-playing Notes: Psionicists also exhibit signs of their stored energy. Psionicists eyes begin to glow like an Incanter's when they reach fifteen times
their base AP value. Psionicists actually convert astral energy within their own bodies, as opposed to using a crystal, and have undergone permanent
metabolic changes as a result. Psionicists maintain a body temperature two or three degrees Celsius above their racial norm.
War Wizard
Not all masters of the astral pathways are scholars. Indeed, some spell users delight only in the destruction they can cause with their skills. The War
Wizard is such an individual. Whether marauding the space ways, or fighting interplanetary wars, the War Wizard is at the forefront of any combat.
Survival check
Class Abilities
Training, innate:
Training, Progressive:
Fighting Ability:
Hit Points:
Calling abilities
Class 3 Biogenics: 1d6% starting biogenics, 10% cap per level, 40% maximum tolerance.
Class 1 Channels: See the psionic progression chart (page 27) to determine a War Wizard's available channels. War Wizards may only perform
channels that deal damage.
Enhanced Combat: War Wizards have the Major psionic discipline enhanced combat at level 1.
Role-playing Notes: War wizards exhibit signs of Aura saturation much sooner than their other psionically endowed counterparts. War wizards visibly
“bleed” astral energy at seven times their base AP value. Furthermore, if a War Wizard has fourteen or more times her base AP value and is wounded,
such wounds will also glow faintly.
The Athar is the soldier that shuns biogenics, relying on the power of her aura to endure the trials of her profession. The Athar uses her aura to
enhance her physical and mental abilities. This “toughening” of her aura is a permanent change (think of the Fist of the North Star or get this Superman.
All you Athari should like that).
Survival checks
Calling Abilities
Fighting Ability:
Training, Innate:
Training, Progressive:
Hit Points:
Calling abilities
Class 4 Biogenics: 1D4% starting biogenics, 7% maximum biogenic tolerance.
Level 1: At each level (including first), an Athar’s latent psionic abilities strengthen her innate capabilities. At each level including first, an Athar gains
two points of improvements in any attributes of her choice. Unlike most alterations, this is a change to the actual score, not a bonus. The Athar can
therefore continue to benefit normally from bonus sources.
Level 3: The Athar has become tougher, and may subtract one from each die of damage she takes. Note that if no dice are rolled, no reduction is
Level 6: At this point, the Athar may adapt to difficult, even deadly environments. The warrior may extract oxygen from the medium around her
(allowing her to breathe underwater or similar fluids) and comfortably withstand high or low temperatures. The Athar can survive 5 times longer than an
unaugment human in a deadly environment (One in which no oxygen exists or of truly extreme temperature/ chemical composition) and can withstand
the cold of space for approximately ten minutes.
Level 9: The Athar Heals at an increased rate. Athar of this level recover one hit point every ten minutes. This healing cannot recover lost limbs and
ceases if the character is slain.
Level 11: The Athar who has progressed this far can access an entirely new sense. This sense is similar to radar, but provides detailed information
concerning the Athar’s surroundings, and utilizes no known emission in order to function. The Athar is fully aware of all that goes on around her in a
radius of 120 meters, and no longer requires sight to act effectively. This sense is not infallible, and a distracted or careless Warrior can still be caught
off guard.
Level 14: The Athar has gained the ability to purify his aura, negating the influence of psionics that interfere with her spiritual energies. By spending a
round doing nothing but concentrating, an Athar can take a new survival check against an ongoing psionic effect that allows a Survival Check (one that
was initially failed). If the survival check is successful, the effect ends but any attendant changes remain. For example, an Athar is affected by AntiGravity, and suspended in the air. She manipulates her aura to bend the psionic energies holding her aloft and drops to the floor after making a
successful check the second time around. However, she does not heal the 15 points of damage she took when the reversed gravity hurled her against
the ceiling!
Level 17: The Athar's aura has become so powerful by this point that it can shrug off psionic attack. The Athar gains Psionic Immunity with a value of
2% per level.
Level 20: The Athar has become a pinnacle of excellence. She operates as if under the effects of temporal acceleration, gaining all the attendant
bonuses to actions, speed etc. However, these bonuses are natural improvements to the character’s “profile” and are cumulative with other bonuses to
actions per round.
Role-playing Notes: Athari are often considered strange by their adventuring peers. Athari who have attained 6th level are noticeably more at ease in
adverse conditions than those who follow other callings. They do not shiver when it's cold, they don’t perspire in hot weather, and are generally
unaffected by minor personal inconveniences (scratching, chaffing, bug bites, etc.). They may often be identified by the natural clothing they wear, (they
usually find synthetic compounds uncomfortable).
Scouts are highly trained soldiers, whose primary mission is exploration and assimilation of fringe worlds. During times of war, Scouts become the
choice agents for gathering reconnaissance, conducting sabotage, planting misinformation, and a host of delicate highly technical assignments. Scouts
who have retired from their military careers are some of the rarest and most valuable individuals in the empires.
Survival checks
Calling Abilities
Fighting Ability:
Training, Innate:
Training, Progressive:
Hit Points:
Calling abilities
Class 3 Biogenics: 1D6% starting biogenics, 10% cap per level. 40% maximum biogenic tolerance.
Unique Class Abilities: The Scout’s unique abilities stem from a military level biogenic operation wherein the Scout’s brain is removed, its information is
encoded into a new “biogenic” brain, and replaced in the Scouts skull. Note that the brain does not have a biogenic tolerance cost, and does not create
psionic disruption. Unfortunately, this kind of advanced biogenics is still highly experimental, and wholly supervised by the military. Scouts must have
served time in the military to undergo this procedure. Humans may not become Scouts as a second calling. This brain allows the Scout several
benefits. First, the Scout adds +4 to her I.Q. score. Second, the Scout has these implanted skills: Starship Operations, Starship Engineering, and Pilot.
These skills are implanted at exorbitant cost with cutting edge technology, which provides the Scout with an additional +3 bonus when using these
proficiencies. Next, the superior design of the brain allows the Scout excellent powers of concentration and application. The Scout gains a +3 bonus on
mental survival checks.
Finally, and most important, a Scout’s brain enables her to perform Telemechanics. That is, telepathic-telekinetic interface with mechanical and
electronic devices. This allows telekinetic control of energy as well as matter; a critical difference, and one that has made scouts feared throughout the
galaxy. Telemechanics has three primary functions. In all cases, the maximum range of Telemechanics is 30 meters + the scout's level to a maximum
of 50 meters at 20th level.
Manipulation: The most basic use of Telemechanics is manipulation. Although it is biogenic and not psionic in nature, manipulation is essentially
telekinesis. The scout can manipulate objects with her mind as if she were handling them with an effective strength equal to her willpower. Superior to
normal telekinesis, this ability also manipulates energy of all kinds. While ambient energy such as light and sound are too diffuse to use effectively, the
scout can make good use of most technological, and some naturally occurring energy supplies. Note that telemechanics does not interact with complex
auras, and so cannot affect living beings or organic materials (wood and the like).
Remote operation: A refined use of manipulation, remote operation is the manipulation of energy to use technology from afar the she would normally
have to activate manually. Thus, a Scout could hack a computer from across a room, close a blast door by pumping energy through the console, or
cause a hand held unshielded computer to give a false reading. On high tech world’s most items made for fighting are shielded against EMP pulses.
This shielding is equally effective against a scout’s ability. A scout can operate technology within 30 meters as if she were doing so by hand. Due to her
control of the physical energy that drives most technology, operations that would be time consuming are done with a wave of the hand. Tasks that
would normally require more than an action to complete due to security or lack of power can be completed in one action unless shielded technology or a
true AI are involved.
Damage dealing: The most insidious application of telemechanics is damage dealing. Scouts have literally hundreds of options for causing harm
through the misuse of technology and weaponry, as well as pulling energy directly from the source and bending it toward opponents. Whatever the roleplaying medium of the damage may be, the amount of damage is 1d6+2 per level of the scout. A roll to hit is still required. The scout may be able to
choose certain damage descriptors based on the materials or energy at hand, but this will be in the hands of the visionary. If the scout wishes to
damage multiple targets (up to 1 per level within 30 meters of the scout), must roll to hit each one, and the damage is reduced to 1d6 per level. Note
that a scout who uses telemechanics to control (unshielded) weapons or detonate bombs uses this damage schema rather than the weapon's profile.
It is impossible to overstate the versatility and potential power of telemechanics. On a starship and on most advanced worlds, the scout's ability to
bend technology to her will makes her a dangerous and resourceful character or adversary. The visionary and players should approach the use of
telemechanics with open minds, and imagine how frightening someone can be who can tie a character down with steel rails and then electrocute her
using nothing but the power of her alien brain.
Role-playing Notes: Due to the altered nature of a Scout’s nervous system, Scouts are often thought of as being unshakable, and cool under fire (or
anywhere else for that matter). This is because Scout’s new brains interact with their bodies slightly differently than normal. Scouts never fidget, shift or
otherwise move without purpose. Their hyper-efficient brains allow them to make all movements precise and controlled. This often gives Scouts an
elegant look, even if they are uncoordinated in stressful situations (i.e., do not have high agility scores).
Computers and the Scout
Whenever a scout tries to access a computer the visionary will assign the computer and willpower based on the computers complexity and a filter
number which is the number of security programs running on it. In order for a scout to get past a filter the scout must make a computer check with the
target number for the check being 8 (a standard skill roll) plus the computers willpower. A scout gets to add her level to all computer checks. Example:
So a scout trying to break into a military level AI might find her target number to be 38 if this military level AI had 30 willpower. However! If the scout
was say…level 20 she would get to add 20 to her check number bring the target number into a ‘possible’ range.
Remember that the scout must beat each filter separately. If the scout loses to the computer by more than 6 then the scout cannot try again until a
significant change in the computers program or the Scout’s ability occurs. If the scout loses by less than 6 she may (at the visionaries’ option) try again
later (after spending a turn or two thinking about the problem). If the scout ever rolls a critical failure on her roll then she has tripped the computer
security and the operators of the computer are aware that a scout is in the system and can take appropriate measures.
Paladins are those few who have actually come into contact with divine beings, and been so powerfully effected they have subsequently taken up that
gods cause. Paladins are dedicated proponents of their deity’s agendas, and may be found working toward these ends across the galaxy. Paladins
have several abilities granted them by their deities. Paladins are also able to make use of considerable biogenic augmentation as well. There are very
few instances of Paladins turning from their faith, but those Paladins who have subsequently sickened and died without exception. Scientists speculate
that the same process by which a deity grants a Paladin her powers inextricably links the two, resulting in death if the link is broken. Nonetheless,
Paladins remain one of the great galactic enigmas.
Survival checks
Calling Abilities
Fighting Ability:
Training, Innate:
Training, Progressive:
Hit Points:
Calling abilities
Class 2 Biogenics: 1D6% starting biogenics, 10% cap per level. 99% maximum biogenic tolerance.
Level 1: The Paladin may manifest her faith physically as a melee weapon. This weapon does not conform to the properties of a standard psionic
construct. The weapon is completely indestructible, and may not be forcibly taken from the Paladin (this includes attempts to disarm). Finally, the
weapon is unable to harm the Paladin; a self-destructive fumble would result in the blade passing harmlessly through the Paladin’s flesh. The weapon
does the damage standard to its type plus the Paladin’s level. No known means exists to prevent a Paladin from “summoning” the faith weapon.
Level 3: The paladin may create a shield of faith, similar to the weapon of the same name. The shield can absorb a number of points of damage per
round equal to the Paladin’s level. Such a shield has a total number of “hit points” equal to 10 times the Paladin’s level. The shield regains a number of
hit points each hour equal to her Willpower score. Once the shield has reached the limit of its damage absorption, it collapses, and any/all additional
damage passes through normally. The shield may be used as often as desired, until its absorption potential has been depleted. The paladin decides if
the shield absorbs damage or not so the paladin can use this shield all day and absorb damage only when desired. The shield commonly looks like a
transparent oval that “hangs” from the Paladins right or left side according to the paladins handedness. The paladin may have a “real” shield on while
using this shield.
Level 6: The paladin may damage any foe with her faith weapon, automatically bypassing any immunities possessed by the target.
Level 9: The Paladin may call upon her faith at will to create a suit of armor which provides AR 11 as well as three points of Survival Check bonuses.
These benefits are not cumulative with worn armor. The Paladin may still make use of all prior manifestations of faith abilities while wearing this armor.
Level 11: The faith of the Paladin gives her powerful connection to the Astral Realm. Hostile Astral entities suffer a -1 penalty on all damage dice
during the encounter.
Level 14: The presence of a Paladin is a great boon to her comrades, for she both guards them from harm and drives them to victory. The Paladin can
transmit a +2 bonus to survival checks or attack rolls during an encounter. Once the bonus is chosen by the Paladin, it cannot be changed. Those who
worship the Paladin’s deity benefit from bonuses to all dice rolls (survival and attack). The Paladin herself does not gain these benefits. A maximum of
one person per Paladin level can be affected.
Level 17: The Paladin can now draw upon the power of his faith in a new way. When her shield prevents damage, the Paladin puts that damage into a
new pool of hit points, to be used when she is reduced to 0 hit points. In this way, the Paladin can continue to fight long after someone of lesser faith
would have fallen. For example, a high level Paladin allows her shield to absorb 45 points of damage over the course of three rounds, and is reduced to
0 hit points. The Paladin rises up after being knocked down, bloody and terrifying to behold, but with 45 hit points. A paladin who has risen up in this
manner loses the ability to manifest her shield till she heals back to full hit points.
Level 20: The Paladin may now manifest her deity’s might three times per day. This should be a specific power appropriate to the deity, decided upon
by both the player and the visionary. If the power deals damage, it affects a single target within thirty meters, dealing 1d12 points of damage per level.
Role-playing Notes: Because of the tremendous impact of meeting his deity, Paladins often subconsciously take on some of the mannerisms of their
deity. For example, Paladins may use old fashioned language (ye, thou, etc.) if their deity spoke in such a manner. Paladins likewise might seem to be
paragons of virtue or wild revelers, again depending on the attitudes of their deity. Paladins who lose faith in their gods slowly die has their aura’s bleed
off. No known cure exists for this.
The Splicer is a soldier who has bettered herself through the use of technology, or more specifically, biogenics. Because the Splicer has not
developed her aura, it is more malleable than that of other classes, and she can survive more than 100% augmentation, while anyone else would suffer
aura failure and subsequent death.
Survival checks
Calling Abilities
Fighting Ability:
Training, Innate:
Training, Progressive:
Hit Points:
Calling abilities
Class 1 Biogenics: 3d4+3% starting biogenics. 15% cap per level, no maximum tolerance.
Splicers suffer from a unique condition known as Total Aura Disruption. The lack of any psionic potential whatsoever allows Splicers to gain efficiency
from their implants. They gain a 25% discount on biogenic tolerance costs.
Roleplaying Notes: Once a Splicer passes the normal maximum augmentation allotment (99%), many of her former physical quirks fade away. They
don’t stutter, twitch (unless it is a bad implant), or show any signs of nervousness. Like Scouts, Splicers often move with amazing grace and fluidity
(although this is often backed by a high agility score). Splicers who have been highly augmented also often forsake fashion for functionality, and are
often reluctant to dress up, or wear make-up.
All splicers share a common background. As children in the womb it was discovered that they suffered from a degenerative cellular syndrome.
Doctors used a little understood biogenic treatment to cure this condition. This treatment had the effect of making a splicers DNA more open to
manipulation thus allowing them to surpass the 100% biogenic tolerance.
The Cleric is the spiritual agent of her deity in the galaxy. All true clerics show a deep and genuine conviction in their beliefs, for it is this belief, this
faith, which empowers clerics. Clerics occupy a peculiar niche in galactic society. While the other classes are judged by their professions, Clerics are
judged according to the church they are affiliated with. Their “faith powers” are also another of the great enigmas in the universe. Although Clerics cast
spells, they cannot be detected as psionically empowered. Additionally, they suffer no spell point disruption due to biogenic implantation. The gods
themselves deny empowering clerics, and confess ignorance as to the reason these powers exist. The similarities between Paladins and Clerics have
kept most people skeptical as to the gods’ ignorance, however.
Survival check
Calling abilities
Fighting Ability:
Training, Innate:
Training, Progressive:
Hit Points:
Calling abilities
Class 2 Biogenics: D6% starting biogenics. 10% cap per level. 99% maximum tolerance.
Class 1 Prayers: See the psionic progression chart (page 27) to determine a Cleric's available prayers.
Roleplaying Notes: Clerics are by definition devoted servants of their Deity. Clerics always keep something sacred to their Deity on their person (most
often a holy symbol), and usually display it prominently. Furthermore, Clerics are usually interested in turning whatever situation they happen to be in to
their Deity’s advantage. Characters need not be (too) obsessive about this, but should be on the lookout for opportunities to serve their Deity well.
Like the Cleric, the Mystic is possessed of a resolute, unwavering faith in something. Unlike the Cleric, the Mystic generally doesn’t put her faith in any
deity, or a church. The Mystics belief is highly personal, and borne of much introspection and soul searching, ending in enlightened understanding. For
these reasons, Mystics tend to be loners, uninterested in organized faith. This introverted, self-searching mentality is the reason Mystics have
developed psionics. Indeed, Mystics are formidable masters of the mind though their motives and aims are often difficult to understand, seeming as
madness to the uninitiated. The Mystic uses psionics and prayers.
Survival check
Calling Abilities
Fighting Ability:
Training, Innate:
Training, Progressive:
Hit Points:
Calling abilities
Class 2 Biogenics: D4% starting biogenics. 7% maximum tolerance.
Class 1 Psionic Disciplines: See the psionic progression chart (page 27) to determine a Mystic's available psionic disciplines.
Class 2 Prayers: See the psionic progression chart (page 27) to determine a Mystic's available prayers.
Initiates of the Great Mystery: Mystics are the only known beings who possess both faith and psionic abilities. Although Mystics have psionic
disciplines, they maintain only a FP pool. Their disciplines are powered by this pool, rather than by AP as normal.
Roleplaying Notes: Mystics, like psionicists, “bleed” Astral energy from their eyes, so long as they maintain an AP total equal to or more than 15 times
their base rating. Mystics, being loners by nature often have some difficulty interacting with large organizations and mundane social bodies. This is due
to the fact that the Mystic sees such things as obstacles and pitfalls rather than aids. Many Mystics have undergone incredible mental and emotional
strain delving into the great mystery, and have come away “changed” as a result. Some say that this is merely eccentricity, or the inscrutability of a
higher order of consciousness. Others say that the paradoxical powers of a Mystic can only be supported by insanity. The nature and severity of a
Mystic’s quirkiness are up to the individual player.
Masters of the way are individuals who have harnessed considerable power for the purpose of augmenting their martial arts. Conversely, some
Masters of the way practices martial arts to unlock their inner potential. Whether the goal is to achieve martial or spiritual mastery, Masters of the way
live by a very strict code of some sort; a philosophy they adhere to. This code is necessary as a sort of mental focus to summon the will necessary to
channel their energy.
Survival check
Class Abilities
Fighting Ability:
Training, Innate:
Training, Progressive:
Hit Points:
Calling abilities
Class 4 Biogenics: D4% starting biogenics, 7% maximum tolerance.
Unique Class Abilities: Masters of the Way are allotted “power points” equal their Willpower score (round up) per level. These points form the “fuel”
which powers their abilities. Masters of the Way may use these points to accomplish one of the effects listed below, or toward a new end (at the
visionary’s discretion). In all cases, the master spends points on a one-for-one ratio. A Master of the Way may not spend more points on one stunt than
her Master of the Way level.
-1 to hit
+1 damage
+2 meters of jump
Prevent 1 pt of damage
Heal 1 pt of damage
-1 to initiative
+1 combat checks
-1 to save
+/-1 to character rolls
do 1 damage at range
Each use of a stunt influences the result of a single dice roll.
Masters of the Way may learn to execute techniques with increasing ability as they advance in level. At every odd level (including first), the Master of
the Way acquires a power stunt. That is, the Masters of the Way may spend power points in one of the fashions described above at increased
effectiveness. At levels 1-6, the Masters of the Way may spend two power points to gain three points off effect. Through level 12, this ratio increases to
2/1. Through level 18, the ratio improves to 3/1. At levels 19 and 20, the ratio improves to 7/2. The Master of the Way can use a number of Power
Stunts per round equal to the number of attacks allowed by his or her level. A power stunt operates at the level it was bought no matter what the level of
the master is so a stunt bought at 1st level will work at the 2/3 level no matter what the level of the master. So a master must buy the stunt again and
again to keep it effective at higher levels. In all cases, Masters of the Way inflict a base of 1-6 points of damage, plus an additional point per level. This
damage is used instead of the standard one point for unarmed attacks by other characters.
Taijin Quickening: When a Master of the Way uses her abilities, her mind and body become supremely focused. Time seems to slow around her, and
others see her move like a blur. For every 5% of her power point pool spent at the beginning of a round (and lost whether used or not), a Master of the
Way gains an improvement on her action set. One who spends 5% gains 1/2 an action, one who spends 10% gains an additional action,
Roleplaying Notes: When Masters of the Way reach a level between 8 and 12 (as decided by the visionary), they begin to exhibit visible signs of their
power point expenditure. As Masters of the Way develop great control over, and attunement to their personal energies, those energies reflect the nature
of the Master. Thus, grim Masters of the Way who believe themselves to be of a dark nature might command purplish or black energies, while Masters
of the Way who believe themselves to be good might control red, gold, or white energies. Note that the actual color is wholly a construct of the belief
and will of the Master. Though it cannot be changed at whim, the color of the energies the Master wields can be any the character feels appropriate. So
as a Master of the Way expends points for extra damage her hands and feet will be outlined in a glow of the appropriate color and such as that. If a
master suffers an EXTREME personality change the visionary way allow the color of her energies to change but only if her embraces the change and
the change is like night to day.
The Criminal is the archetype for any character with a high degree of technical skill, or traditional espionage skills. More than a simple burglar,
Criminals often fill a variety of roles as infiltrators, spies, thugs, assassins, special agents, saboteurs, or anything else their considerable platform of skills
allow. Additionally, Criminals tend to be connected. Whether on the side of law or not, Criminal-types are usually knowledgeable about using whatever
power structure is nearby to best advantage.
Fighting Ability:
Training, Innate:
Training, Progressive:
Hit Points:
Calling abilities
Class 2 Biogenics: D6% starting biogenics. 10% cap per level. 99% maximum tolerance.
Unique Class Abilities: Criminals have several very unique class abilities. They are all skill checks of a sort.
Each ability is based on an attribute divided by a number. The quotient (round fractions up) is the base check number for that ability. At each level
(including first), Criminals get six points to distribute to their trade skills. Up to three of these points may be put into any one ability per level. The
abilities operate as follows.
Open locks: This skill consists of knowledge of basic security sciences. Mechanical locks, electromagnetic locks, and other simple security
measures barring access to an object or place. Note that complex security measures are not necessarily locks and may fall under the skill Crack
Find Traps: This area of expertise may save a Criminal’s life. Finding traps covers almost every known type of aggressive intruder countermeasure from stake-filled pits to poison gas to hidden gun turrets. Note that a device does not have to be lethal to be considered a trap.
Crack Security: A good Criminal can get into any system. A great Criminal can keep the security from ever knowing she was there. Crack
security is the relevant ability a Criminal will need to bypass any complex or technologically advanced security system. Crack security generally revolves
around good planning and knowledge of the security’s limitations. This skill also covers neutralizing traps once they've been located.
Veiling: The honored art of not offending one’s victims by not being seen is an important skill for most Criminals. While anyone can sneak
around, a successful check allows a Criminal to do it with such grace as to startle foes, come and go like the wind, and increase her slippery eel image
accordingly. Veiling is assumed to encompass the applications of the stealth skill, but also allows the Criminal to do things that would make a sneak
shake in her boots.
Sleight of Hand: Palming small items, planting evidence, making that important info chip disappear and other tricks of dexterity fall under this
skill. Masters of this skill are excellent pick pockets, stage magicians, or even assassins.
General Thievery: The broadest, and quite possibly most useful ability of any Criminal is general thievery. When the Criminal’s careful
training fails her, this skill measures her ability to ad-lib and get said sticky situation taken care of. General Thievery can be used to ‘explain’ things to
the police, or get guild help to a problem. If a Criminal wants to do something that does not fall under a different skill then General thievery can be used.
Evasion: Criminals are interested in saving their own skins more than anything else. Thus, they devote a great deal of effort to dodging blows, etc.
This isn’t always possible, but a glancing blow is better than a direct hit. Criminals take -1 per die of damage, potentially active defensive ability. They
can always choose to lean into the shot!
Don’t start nothin’, won’t be nothin’: Criminals are known to be an incredibly savage and brutal lot who hold grudges and execute their enemies with
extreme prejudice. When damaged, criminals grow increasingly desperate, fearful, or savage, etc. depending on their temperament. A criminal will
need to keep a record of the amount of damage dice inflicted on her during a combat. She gains a damage bonus equal to the number of dice of
damage rolled against her, up to a maximum of her level. Once this cap is reached, her evasion increases by one point per die (but still counts as a
single source!). In addition, dice in excess of her level are carried over to a new tally, and a second damage bonus is gained. Once her tally reaches
her level again, her evasion increases to 3 points per die, and she gains a third tally, gathering a third source of damage. Her maximum bonuses are -3
points per die, and three sources of damage equal to her level.
Roleplaying Notes: Criminals often pit themselves against the most formidable security systems known to man. This, combined with their specialized
and highly useful skills, makes many Criminals cocky. Criminals often measure each other’s worth by deed, prompting each other to greater feats of
espionage, theft, and the like. This does not mean Criminals are stupid, but that they enjoy the playing of a game (and the challenge) often as much as
the winning of it. High level Criminals are often seen playing with things (coins flipping along their knuckles, card tricks, certain puzzles, and such).
Adventurers are the thrill-seekers of the galaxy. Unlike the Criminal, their remarkable skills are not usually for hire. Most adventurers have a goal,
whether to find a lost alien culture, become an important person, get rich quick, or just sample what the cosmos has to offer (if you are looking for a good
example of an adventurer look to Indiana Jones he is THE MAN). Above all, the adventurer is about living bigger than life. Players who aren’t willing to
take quick (perhaps even foolhardy) action should consider another calling.
Survival check
Class Abilities
Fighting Ability:
Training, Innate:
Training, Progressive:
Hit Points:
Calling abilities
Class 1 Biogenics: 3d4+3% starting biogenics. 15% cap per level. no maximum tolerance.
The Adventurer has Find Traps, General Thievery, and Sleight of Hand at the same base as a Criminal. The Adventurer receives three points per
level to improve these abilities.
Level 1, Lucky Break: Once per day per calling level, the adventurer can invoke bad luck just before a dice roll is made. Lucky breaks only affect a
check or roll made against an adventurer. This does not require an action, and can be done automatically. Then, after declaring the use of the ability,
the dice are rolled, and the Adventurer subtracts a die from the roll after it is made. Only one dice can be subtracted per batch. For example, the
adventurer can subtract one die from an opponent's combat check, and then another from her damage roll if the opponent still landed a hit. In both
cases, the adventurer chooses the die after seeing the results. As the subtraction is made after the roll, it is not considered a penalty.
Level 3, Better lucky than Good: The adventurer is lucky, and can wing it in most situations and consistently come out on top. She gains a bonus die
when making proficiency checks.
Level 6, Better Quick than Dead: The Adventurer has learned to get the heck out the way when trouble comes a’ callin. Once per round, the
Adventurer gets a "free" use of the Dive for Cover application skill, even if she does not have the skill. Since it is "free", this one use of the application
does not cost an action.
Level 9, Nine Lives: Being footloose and fancy free isn't always easy or safe. Adventurer's with some hard living under their belt are often fearless
daredevils who buck the odds in all manner of precarious situations. Such adventurers gain a bonus die on all survival checks.
Level 14, Lady Luck's Mistress: The adventurer's luck has become a phenomenal thing in itself, changing the course of life or death struggles. The
adventurer gains a bonus die for combat checks.
Level 17,
Level 20, Nobodies this lucky: A adventurer can, once per day, add his current hit points to his current total (effectively doubling his hit points) This
effect lasts for the entire combat and all damage comes from the “phantom” hit points before his “real” hit points.
Roleplaying Notes: Adventurers seem to be an unusually lucky bunch, and are seldom inconvenienced by life’s little mishaps. Adventurers often “just
make it” when catching rides, getting into elevators, sidestepping puddles, and the like. The adventurer who drops her buttered toast can be assured the
buttered side will be on top when it lands.
There are those with an insatiable hunger for new sights and experiences. These individuals roam the space ways and planets of the cosmos, forever
on the move. These individualistic free spirits are known as Wanderers. Whether practicing esoteric metaphysics, seeking lost technology or riding the
crest of their own intergalactic joy ride, wanderers’ prize freedom and richness of experience over all other things. The wanderer acquires psionic
powers as fast as the psionicist, but she may only purchase time/space disciplines.
Survival check
Class Abilities
Fighting Ability:
Training, Innate:
Training, Progressive:
Hit Points:
Calling abilities
Class 3 Biogenics: D6% starting biogenics. 10% cap per level. 40% maximum tolerance.
Class 1 Psionic Disciplines: See the psionic progression chart (page 27) to determine a Wanderer's available psionic disciplines. Wanderers may only
select disciplines from the Time-Space category.
Class 2 Channels: See the psionic progression chart (page 27) to determine a Wanderer's available channels.
Unique Class Abilities: Wanderers also begin the game with the skills of Open Locks (AGL/4), and Find Traps (I.Q./5), to reflect the wanderer’s
proclivity for traveling wherever she wants, regardless of other’s wishes. The Wanderer receives 2 points per level for the purpose of improving these
abilities. Wanderers also gain several abilities as they progress in level.
Level 1: The Wanderer has become sufficiently fleet of foot to improve her movement rate by 50%.
Level 3: Wanderers have an incredible amount of hands on experience, and gain Athleticism, Endurance and Survival as bonus Proficiencies.
Level 6: One of the signature abilities of a Wanderer is their powerful psionic ability to Teleport. A wanderer can travel up to 1 km/ level. Use of this
ability requires the use of a full round. A wanderer can travel up to 1 km/ level per day. At 11th, this amount increases to 100 km/ level. At 17th level,
this increases to 1,000 km/ level. The Wanderer can transport only herself.
Level 9: As her psionic aura begins to bloom, the Wanderer discovers that she may travel tirelessly, no longer needing sleep. The Wanderer gains
immunity to effects that cause her to lose consciousness. Physical Trauma will still knock the character out.
Level 11: The Wanderer may wander where she wishes, being comfortable in any environment that can sustain some kind of life.
Level 14: The Wanderer becomes resistant to psionic attacks. They suffer -1 point of damage per die from psionic attacks. Physical and non-psionic
energy attacks still inflict full damage. In addition, they gain a +1 bonus to saving throws per three levels on spiritual survival checks.
Level 17: The Wanderer reduces physical damage by 15%, and an additional 15% every three levels thereafter, to a maximum of 45% at 23rd level.
Level 20: A Wanderer who attains the pinnacle of psychic power will be able to shed her physical form and roam as an astral entity. The wanderer
essentially leaves her physical form behind and becomes an astral entity. In this form, she no longer has hit points, or physical characteristics per se.
Instead, her strength is replaced by her Charm (though she is intangible and cannot move objects by touch), her agility is replaced by her I.Q., and her
Stamina is replaced by her Wisdom (though she no longer has hit points). The astral body can move at normal speeds, and can pass through solid
objects. It has no hit points, no defense rating, and is not subject to damage. The astral form can use psionic abilities, and does not need crystals to
perform channels. It can be affected by psionics that do not cause damage, or do not rely on physical mechanisms (walls of steel, for example). The
astral body is subject to damage with the Astral type. This damage is applied against the Wanderer's AP pool, with no reduction of any kind allowed. In
addition, the Wanderer must pay a cumulative 1% portion of her maximum AP pool each hour. When the wanderer runs out of AP, she returns to her
body, regardless of the distance between her astral form and her physical form. This ability activates automatically if the wanderer is "killed" allowing her
to persist for a time after death.
Roleplaying Notes: Wanderers are rarely satisfied with their current location, always wanting to see the next system, the next planet, etc. Wanderers
are often full of energy, and may be mistaken for being anxious or edgy. Though they do not necessarily fidget, they do pace (or otherwise move by
their native means of locomotion). They will fiddle with any controls on spacecraft (checking star maps, rechecking power levels asking “when can we
go?” and, of course “are we there yet?”)
Psionic Progression
Many callings provide characters with access to channels, disciplines, or prayers. Each of the callings that has a place on the chart below maintains a
pool of points to fuel these abilities. Those who use prayers always have an FP (Faith Point) pool. Those who do not use prayers have an AP (Aura
Point) pool. Other characters may have psionic abilities, but are not allowed to maintain AP or FP pools. An important benefit of Faith Pools is that they
are not reduced by Aura Disruption. Both pools are generated from the character’s Willpower score (see Willpower, above).
War Mage
Twin Callings and Second Calling Characters
A twinned calling character improves in two or more callings simultaneously. Her experience is divided equally between each calling. The available
combinations vary according to race. The character can use the abilities of both callings at any time, with only a few restrictions. Only nonhumans can
be "twinned" characters.
A character with a second calling is one who starts with a single calling, advances to certain level, and then changes to a second calling and starts
over again. The character retains the benefits and abilities of the first calling but never again earns experience for using them. There are some
limitations on combining the abilities of the two callings but there are no restrictions on the possible callings combinations. Only humans follow a second
Twin-Calling Benefits and Restrictions
A twinned calling character always uses the most favorable combat value and the best Survival Check from her different classes. The character rolls
hit points from the best class. The character starts with the largest number of proficiency slots of the different classes. Thereafter, she gains new
proficiency slots at the fastest of the given rates. A character cannot maintain an AP and FP pool at the same time. Calling combinations that would
create such a circumstance are not allowed.
Second-Calling Benefits and Restrictions
Only humans can heed a second calling. The character selects one calling to begin her adventuring life. She can advance in this calling as many
levels as she desires before switching to another calling; there is no cut-off point beyond which a character cannot switch. However, she must attain at
least 2nd level in her current calling before changing to another calling. After switching to a new calling, the character no longer earns experience points
in her previous calling and she can no longer advance in level in that calling. Nor can she switch back to her first calling at a later date, hoping to resume
her advancement where she left off. Once she leaves a calling she has finished her studies in it. Instead, she starts over in a new calling, at 1st level
with 0 experience points, but she does retain her previous Hit Dice and hit points. She gains the abilities, and must abide by all of the restrictions, of the
new calling. She does not gain or lose any points on her ability scores the character uses the combat and Survival Check tables appropriate to her new
calling and level. A character cannot mix faith and spell points so there cannot be any magi/cleric combinations
This is not to imply that a second-calling human forgets everything she knew before; she still has all the knowledge, abilities, and proficiencies of her
old calling. But if she uses any of her previous calling's abilities during an encounter, she earns no experience for that encounter (it’s like trying to stop
smoking if you light up that smoke you lose. Backsliding is bad!). The only values that can be carried over from the previous calling without restriction
are the character's Hit Dice, proficiencies, and hit points. The character is penalized for using her old attack or Survival Check numbers, and any special
abilities of the old calling that are not also abilities of the new calling. (The character is trying to learn new ways to do things; by slipping back to her old
methods, she has set back her learning in her new character calling.)
The character does however earn additional Hit Dice and hit points while advancing in her new calling.
The restrictions in the previous paragraph last until the character reaches a higher level in her new calling than her maximum level of her previous
calling. At that point, all restrictions are dropped: the character gains the abilities of her previous calling without jeopardizing her experience points for the
Once these restrictions are lifted, the character must still abide by the restrictions of whichever calling she is using at the moment. A second-calling
Athar/Incanter, for example, cannot channel externally while wearing powered armor.
Proficiencies are the areas of expertise that characters will have. All proficiencies are divided into two parts: skills (things you do), and knowledge’s
(things you know). While there is some overlap, the general rule of thumb is that if you’ re tired it is a skill if you have a headache it is knowledge.
Proficiency checks are one of the three cardinal types of checks made in Conquered Heavens, and will possibly be the most common.
Using Proficiencies
Characters will take many kinds of actions during the course of play. Often, the character will not have the proficiency that governs the action.
Characters are welcome to make unskilled proficiency checks, but their chances of success may be slim. Each of the proficiencies listed below has a
“common uses” section, which describes intuitive uses of the proficiency that may be within the capability of an untrained person. As long as a character
is trying something simple, the visionary may allow her to roll her die, and take her chances. More complex, specialized, or demanding uses of
proficiency may require the character to actually have the skill or knowledge to have any chance of success. For example, a character who does not
have first aid can apply pressure to a wound, but only someone with the knowledge can perform triage on a someone at death’s door. The visionary will
be the final arbiter as to what an unskilled person may even attempt, but if the target number is higher than 8, the character probably shouldn’t get an
unskilled check.
An additional benefit of having a specific skill or knowledge is the ability to use the applications of the proficiency, which are its advanced uses. These
applications should generally be the most beneficial effects that players should expect to derive from using a proficiency, and they are completely
unusable without purchasing the proficiency.
Proficiency rolls
A proficiency check is a very subjective thing a character who has the skill auto mechanic all the tools necessary to do the job and any necessary parts
should be able to automatically succeeded at any basic repairs without a roll. If the repair is more advanced or the mechanic is missing some tools then
it should be a standard roll (missing that left handed wrench). But if the character is trying to fix a car with a screwdriver and bubble gum then feel free
to assign whatever penalty you desire or even say it is impossible (sometimes no amount of bubble gum will do the trick). What I am trying to say is if
the character is doing her proficiency check under ideal conditions let her automatically succeed (unless she is trying to screw your game then make her
pay). If she is trying something under good conditions give her a standard roll. If she is trying something under bad conditions give her a 3 to 5 penalty,
and if she is trying to do something under impossible conditions then tell her it can’t be done (I do not believe that a 20 should always succeed) or give
her whatever penalty you feel is appropriate.
Below is a chart of the bonus characters can add to their roll for having a high stat.
New Skills
Blind Fighting
Martial Arts
Trade Craft
Weight Lifting
Weapons, Close
Weapons, Combat
Weapons, Energy
Weapons, Heavy
Weapons, Projectile
Number of Slots
New Knowledges
Astral Attunement
Combat Leadership
Force Field Technology
Quick Thinking
Star Ship Engineering
Star Ship Operations
Xeno Biology
Number of Points
Proficiency Descriptions
The character is adept at demanding physical activity. Sprinting, tumbling, jumps, etc. When confronted with new challenges, the character has a
wide range of physical capabilities to fall back on.
Common uses: Climbing, maneuvering, swimming
Dive for Cover: When she is the target of a ranged combat check, the character can make an Athleticism check to get behind cover or
escape the area of effect. The character rolls a check and consults the following table to determine how far she can dive. After she conducts
her attempt to move, the initial attack is resolved.
Skill Check Result
Maximum number of hexes Moved
Broken Field Pattern: With a successful check as part of a run, the athlete can retain her Agility bonus while running and sprinting.
Blind Fighting
The character has learned to cope with blindness in the middle of a crisis. A sixth sense guides her to the target with a precision that has to be seen to
be believed.
Common uses: None
Sixth Sense: The character can make combat checks against opponents at close range as if she were not blinded.
Spray and Pray: The character can make an autofire attack against a foe within 10 meters. She gains no autofire bonus. Conversely, she
does not suffer penalties for blindness for this combat check.
Some people need to be told what to do. The Coercer is comfortable making other people uneasy. Using a combination of innuendo, subtle threats,
and the occasional broken bone, such a character can get a lot done in a little time.
Common uses: Blackmail, extortion, bullying, interrogation
Grilling: The coercer can question a visionary character roughly, getting information out of the victim that interests her. One piece of
information can be obtained per roll, with rolls made once per minute. After three questions, a visionary character is too angry or scared to grill further.
Some visionary characters are immune to this skill application, at the visionaries discretion.
Shepherd: A character can synchronize a non-combatant's initiative and movement to match his own, ensuring that valuable but not
dangerous persons are kept under her supervision, and within easy reach if something goes wrong.
As often as anything else, it's perseverance that ensures victory. Characters with this skill are accustomed to physical hardship. They can exert
themselves for longer, survive terrible wounds, and stay awake when exhaustion would claim a lesser being.
Common uses: Alien environments, cross country movement, coping with deprivation
Withstand: The first time a character would be subjected to a status effect during combat, the character may make an Endurance check. If
the check is successful, the character may ignore the status effect.
Hard to Kill: When reduced to fewer than 0 hit points, the character can make a skill check. Success allows the character to ignore the
unconscious status for 1 round.
The art of obtaining a mark's confidence is an age old game. Grifters lie, cheat, and steal with a smile, and often those they rob are happy to give
away whatever the grifter is after.
Common uses: Lies, usury, misdirection
Cover Story: A successful check enables the character to convince suspicious characters that she and her friends are not worth investigation,
or are too important to impede. This type of grift gets the party through manned checkpoints, door-guards, and nosy public servants.
Pose no Threat: With a combination of subtle body language and not so subtle battlefield positioning, a grifter may appear to be a noncombatant, a friendly, or a potentially dangerous loner. If the Grifter gets wind of trouble before a combat starts (or isn't surprised by an ambush), she
can make a skill check to be considered a neutral party in a populated locale. This function of the skill is negated if the grifter's assailants are familiar
with her personally.
Bypassing security, hiding inside a cargo shipment, and entering a crowded place without anyone recognizing the character is at the heart of
infiltration. This skill is critical for dealing with technological barriers such as mechanical locks, force cages, sensors, recorders, automated weapon
systems, etc. Note that unlike stealth, infiltration hinges on evading the proximity of sentries and planned movements through monitored areas.
Infiltration requires time and preparation, and is not suitable for evading active searches or observation checks once sentries are near the character.
Common uses: None
Open doors: Infiltrators can bypass secured odors with a successful skill check. Doors with exceptional security can increase the target
number of the check.
Smuggling: Infiltrators are born smugglers, moving banned goods as easily as walking from point A to point B. With a successful check, the
character can smuggle goods and gear into an area where they would not normally be allowed. This can and sometimes does include people.
Martial Arts
Martial artists are practitioners of a fighting system called the Way. This is a deadly fighting art developed over thousands of years and hundreds of
worlds. A true master of the art is a deadly and capable opponent, because he is always armed.
Common uses: None
Unarmed Combat: Martial artists count as being armed when fighting without weapons.
Thousand meter gaze: Practitioners of the Way are exceptionally attuned to danger on all sides. This heightened awareness enables them
to roll a Martial Arts check in place of a Quick Thinking check when ambushed.
Negotiators are skilled deal makers. They can get a fair price for goods, diffuse tensions, and bridge social divides. Wherever they go negotiators
smooth the wheels of dialogue and commerce.
Common uses: buying unusual goods, making agreements, officiating compromises.
Haggling: With a successful skill check, a negotiator can obtain a 5% discount on goods she buys. A character may check once, each time
she makes a purchase. If she fails, she must pay full price (she cannot back out of the purchase).
Cease fire! : A negotiator can call for a cease in hostilities. With a successful check, most combats that are clearly going in favor of the
characters can be ended immediately. If there is no clear winner, both sides can agree to go their separate ways. If the combat is going against the
characters, a cease fire can still be called, but the characters will be the ones surrendering. This is often preferable to death, however. If a truce is
called in bad faith, the characters are still buying themselves a round to regroup and reload, but their enemies will be doing the same. If a truce is called
in bad faith, characters can count on their enemies mounting a ferocious assault and showing no mercy.
Quick Draw
Quick Draw artists have a very specialized skill, but one that can save their lives. They can ready weapons or even switch to new weapons in the blink
of an eye.
Common uses: None
Surprise Attack: A character can ambush an enemy who is aware of his presence. If a successful skill check is made, the character
surprises a target of his choosing. See the rules on initiative and surprise to determine the results of the surprise attack.
Ready! : With a successful check, a character can ready a weapon 1 phase faster than its lag would normally allow. This does allow
characters with quick draw to reduce lag 1 weapons to lag 0, which is not normally possible.
Catching someone is about much more than running quickly. It’s knowing when, where, and how they will run. It’s about being faster and more certain
of the outcome. And it requires nothing so much as perseverance. Experts in pursuit are fearsome, implacable enemies who will stop at nothing to
bring down their quarry.
Common uses: chases, searches
Overtake: If an enemy flees a battle, a character can try to overtake him. The character makes a pursuit roll as part of a sprint. For every two
points above the standard 8, the character moves an additional hex. All of their movement must take them directly toward the enemy they have
nominated for pursuit. Alternatively, in a more narrative situation, the pursuer simply catches up to her quarry with a successful check, and the visionary
can describe an exciting chase. A difficult chase might require one or even two more checks at dramatic moments along the way!
Intuitive chase: While chasing, a pursuer may lose track of her prey. With a successful check, the pursuer can determine the correct path to
her prey, or realize her prey has gone to ground nearby. If the prey remains out of sight, the pursuer must continue to make skill checks at an increasing
target number (2 points per round), or lose track of her prey.
Characters who are able to make fast repairs are very valuable. You can't put a price on unjamming a rifle in the middle of a firefight, or getting your
shot-up skimmer fixed when fleeing the scene of a battle.
Common uses: standard maintenance, trouble shooting
Battle repairs: Sometimes you need equipment to work even after it has been shot, burned, beaten, and stabbed. A fixer can make a skill
check to get a broken piece of machinery going again, be it a gun, force field generator, vehicle, powered door, etc. Items repaired this way have half
their original hit points. The visionary is the final arbiter on how long this will take.
Hotwiring: When a piece of tech works fine, sometimes it just needs to work differently. With this application of the skill, a fixer can change
the access list on a secured entrance, re-program automated weapons to target her enemies, or steal a transport. This application is useless against AI
Remaining unseen, unheard, and unknown is the purview of stealth. A sneak with sufficient skills can bypass guards, dangerous beasts, and potential
witnesses. In addition, advanced techniques have helped the character learn how to minimize here psychic presence, and can make her difficult to
detect by esoteric as well as common means.
Common uses: pranks, stalking
Escape notice: Although infiltration fails when enemies are in the vicinity, stealth shines. With a successful check, the character evades the
attention of hostile entities, and hopefully steers clear of a battle. In order to use this function of the skill, the character must be reasonably able to
actually hide from her seekers. That is, she must have cover or be able to slip behind them as they enter a room etc.
Leave no trace: Sneaks are able to minimize the telltale signs of their passing, have learned a routine of behaviors that helps them interact
with their environment as little as possible. A sneak who consciously tries to mask his presence against later investigation can make a single stealth
check. The result becomes the target number for any detection attempt made later on, even if the dice roll is lower than a standard difficulty might have
been. Such a low roll indicates that the character made some mistake that is waiting to be discovered. Sneaks often use this skill before exiting an area
they have recently been in, and suspect might be looked at closely thereafter.
While the star-faring empires of the world may be a paradise for some inhabitants, others still live in a kill-or-be-killed environment of near primitive
ferocity. A character who possesses streetwise is familiar with this intensely personal strata of the "civilized" worlds, and knows where the dangers lie in
the bad parts of inhabited areas. Outside official channels trade flows freely, and these individuals also know where to find the hottest tech, the most
forbidden lore, and how to find action that will make them lots and lots of money. Most important, capable locals who stay alive, profitable, and out of
trouble usually make contact with one of the most powerful forces in the galaxy: The Black Sun, a criminal fraternity that stretches across the five
Common uses: extralegal employment, information gathering
Scoring: Characters who make a successful check can ‘score’ or purchase illegal materials. The difficulty for such a task is highly variable,
and the visionary should not hesitate to place the difficulty of ridiculous requests beyond a character’s ability.
Under the table: Characters who are connected often get paid more than once for doing the same job. Characters who are paid or
contracted to perform a job (that is illegal or at least very dangerous) can make a proficiency check when the contract or money is accepted. If the
check is successful, they are able to find an unrelated person with similar interests who will pay additional credits for the same job, or something from
the job (information, a trinket recovered from the job site etc.). This gets the character an extra 20% of the initial contract amount. Note that the
character is making calls on the fly, and never knows if there even is another employer. If the check is failed, there are no re-rolls. Normally the
character is duplicating payment for the same work, so there is no additional task that needs to be role-played on the main job.
With all of the amazing technology at their fingertips, most civilized beings believe themselves above nature's fury. A surprising number of unlucky or
careless individuals find out each year how wrong they were, and are killed in accidents despite the advanced nature of the technology at their disposal.
Survivalists understand the primal forces that drive the atmosphere, geology, and ecology of planets. Their knowledge is not limited to a world or two.
They are well-versed in theory as well as having extensive experience living in the wild. Such beings can live off the land, recognize dangerous native
life and geologic events, and lessen their exposure to harsh environments.
Common uses: determining direction, recognizing natural dangers
Hunting: Survivalists are schooled in the art of the hunt. They can track by a process of careful observation relying on one or more senses.
In order to hunt something, a character must actually happen across the trail of her prey. A successful check leads her to the prey's next destination.
The hunter moves no faster than a walk while hunting, unless she wishes to incur penalties.
Stayin' Alive! : The survivalist can make a survival check immediately prior to a dangerous encounter with any of the following: Indiginous
plants and animals, geological, environmental, or atmospheric conditions. If the character succeeds, she recognizes the danger, and will generally be
familiar with the dimensions of the area that should not be entered. If there is a natural event that gives no warning, the character can make a survival
check in place of a quick thinking check to avoid being surprised.
Any mook can hit a dart board in a bar. A skilled hurler can throw a grenade through a window at 30 meters in the middle of a firefight. When handing
an item off isn't going to work, characters may need to throw a useful piece of tech to an ally.
Common uses: Bars, domestic arguments, battlefields
Combat throwing: This skill applies to combat checks for thrown weapons.
Pass the ammo: A character with this skill can reliably throw objects precisely to his allies under pressure. More often than not it’s a clip of
ammo but could be anything else the character wants, as long as it is not cumbersome, and weighs 10% or less of the characters maximum weight
allowance. With a successful check, his throw is good enough that his allies can catch the item without expending any actions. Allies can make one
"free" catch per round.
Hot Potato: Hurlers are also good catchers. If a grenade lands in the same hex as the hurler, or an adjacent hex, the character can make a
proficiency check to respond to the grenade. If they succeed, they may do one of two things. If they have a simple action remaining, they can swat the
grenade, causing it to shift one hex from its original point of impact. If the character has a combat action remaining, she can use one to catch and throw
the grenade back in the same phase. She suffers a 1D10 penalty on this return throw. This application cannot be used if the original thrower employed
Demolitions to “short fuse” her grenade. See demolitions for more.
Trade Craft
The galaxy if filled with sentient beings who have become accomplished in a bewildering number of technical fields. These hundred trillions of hard
working creatures constitute the fabric of galactic society. A crafter is one of them, knowledgeable and capable. Her field of expertise may be anything
from power technician to builder to harvester. The character chooses her field at the time the proficiency is purchased. It is possible for this proficiency
to be taken multiple times.
Common uses: gainful employment (even modern worlds need ditch diggers)
Earn a living: Characters can attempt to earn money by spending a month working at their craft. If they possess the skill, they may make one
check each month to generate income. For each number rolled above 8, the character earns 2,500 credits. The maximum the character can earn on a
single roll is equal to 2,500 x calling level.
Bureaucratic access: Characters knowledgeable in a trade craft are of course familiar with the various forms of regional and planetary
governance that monitor their trade. With a successful check, the character can recall a type of bureaucrat who could gain access to a specific facility or
area the character might want to enter. Implementing anything further would require another proficiency.
Weight Lifting
Some beings are strong, but not all are experts at leveraging that strength. A weight lifter has practiced pushing their already powerful body to its very
limits, accomplishing astounding feats of strength. In combat such individuals are dangerous opponents, flinging enemy combatants around like feed
Common uses: Exercise, physical contests
Powerlift: A character will sometimes need to exert her strength in combat. With all of the action, adrenaline, and desperation involved, the
character can, for very short periods of time, lift considerably more than she could in a climate-controlled gym with nothing on the line. With a successful
skill check, the character can successfully perform an impressive feat of strength, such as forcing open a door, lifting a cargo container above her head,
etc. That would normally be beyond her capabilities. The visionary selects the difficulty for the check based on the weight and strength involved
(characters don't get to throw starships).
Check Result
Expanded Lifting Cpacity
Unencumbered: A character can try to shoulder more of his total weigh allowance without suffering penalties for encumbrance. With a
successful check, and encumbered character can count as if carrying a load one level lighter. A new check must be made each minute, at an increasing
-1. This is an important proficiency when a character comes under attack while weighed down (or needs to run while carrying an unconscious ally!).
Although the Way encompasses grappling techniques, a character who devotes significant time to this hobby will have advantages different from
merely incapacitating or maiming an opponent. This skill reflects the sophisticated use of the character's mass and strength to accomplish tactical
Common uses: sport, subduing foes, staving off beasts
Shift Opponent: A wrestler is used to colliding with his enemy, and using all his strength in a few seconds of furious and dynamic struggle.
With a successful check, a wrestler can push his way into a hex, displacing his foe into one of the three hexes opposite his point of entry. A push of
more than one hex is possible. See the table below to determine the exact distance a foe can be moved.
Skill Check Result
Maximum number of hexes Moved
Hold: A wrestler can hold an opponent in place. The wrestler must make a successful check, with a target number of 8+the opponents
strength modifier to strength-based skills. If this check is successful, the wrestler has grabbed hold, and her opponent cannot move from her hex until
the wrestler's next action. If her opponent wishes to break the hold, she must succeed an opposed wrestling check. At that point, the hold is broken,
and she is free to move on her next initiative.
This knowledge denotes an understanding of general market values for refined, and generally high quality goods. An appraiser may estimate the
value of artwork or jewelry, ships or black market weapons. This does not mean she can buy or sell, should items be illegal or restricted, only that she
may determine approximate worth. Note that only estimates may be garnered off the cuff, as supply and demand vary with time and location.
Common uses: None
Evaluate Equipment: While it may be obvious that a warrior is in battle dress, the appraiser can determine the exact defense bonus of the
armor, identify type and number of grenades carried, etc. Each time a successful skill check is made, the appraiser can choose three pieces of
equipment carried by another individual and garner all appropriate information concerning their capabilities.
Estimate Value: An appraiser can, with a successful check, "eyeball" just about anything and discern its market value to within 5%. If the
item would require additional costs to sell, such as freight or labor to repair or refine it, the visionary should make the appraiser aware of these costs,
and advise her on what her profit margin would look like.
Authority governs a characters ability to speak in a convincing manner. This is a very powerful knowledge, as it can win over the minds of
potential enemies and facilitate obedience from the rank and file of the galaxy.
Common uses: Debate, politics, bar room discussions
Secure Cooperation: When dealing with visionary characters who are in positions of little to no importance, authoritarians can assume a
command role. They can get the night manager to let them in after the store is closed, commandeer a car from citizens if there is an apparent crisis etc.
The effects of this application of the skill are far reaching and powerful, ultimately resting with the visionary. When dealing with visionary characters
whose decisions do not impact the course of the adventure, authoritarians should generally have the option of forcing compliance.
Confound: A character with this knowledge can pull a visionary character into a lengthy, frustrating discussion that covers many topics, but
goes nowhere. With a successful skill check, this discussion distracts the visionary character. If the targeted character attempts any sort of observation
check, or check to notice a phenomenon occurring away from the discussion, her check must beat the authoritarian's check first.
Astral Attunement
Characters who often deal with astral energies develop the knowledge of how those energies work, and develop a sensitivity for discerning the
presence of those energies. The attuned can recognize the presence of astral and psionic beings, and identify all manner of psionic feats. Note that
attunement is a matter of refined sensitivity, and even those who have no psionic abilities are able to cultivate this knowledge.
Common uses: None
Identify Channel: One of the attuned who makes a successful knowledge check can learn the AP or FP total of a target being. This often
helps one of the attuned determine whether or not an attack is worth mounting, or if diplomacy is in order.
Harmonize Psionics: Characters can make a free knowledge check each hour to recover 1.25 x Willpower in AP of FP, rather than 1 x
Willpower as is normal. The 25% increase affects other modifiers, such as meditation and the like that might also contribute to accelerated AP or FP
Combat Leadership
Characters who are versed in battlefield doctrine can accomplish a great deal in a matter of moments. Leading with a sure hand, they can get
their prime team into position and strike like a thunderbolt, or withdraw like ghosts as the needs of battle dictate.
Common uses: Battles, competitive sports
Hit ‘em Hard and Fast: Great leaders can push their teams to strike hard in close combat, ignoring their own fear of death and brutalizing
their foes. With a successful check and a simple action, the Leader confers a +2 bonus to close combat checks made by her allies for the rest of the
Crossfire: If the combat leader has allies in place on two or more sides of an enemy, she can use a simple action to coordinate a crossfire on
that enemy. As long as her allies fire on the target she has nominated, they gain a +2 bonus on ranged combat checks against that enemy.
Possessed by almost everyone living in an advanced society, this knowledge enables a character to program, hack, or just execute
unorthodox commands. Characters with this skill are assumed to be expert typists, and may make competent use of one under duress. Rolls for
success will generally be required only when the character is trying to accomplish something difficult (break through security) or is attempting to manage
something in bad circumstances (in the middle of a firefight). The roll will be modified by the computers security level and willpower bonus of the
computer. The time to hack a system is up to the visionary (minutes for light security to turns for defense computers).
Common uses: Business, Leisure, MMORPGs
Hacking: A character can bypass the security of an non-AI computer. In order to do so, the character must succeed a knowledge check
against a target number set by the visionary. This application of the knowledge will usually have a highly variable target number based on computer
complexity, time, and tools. An AI computer cannot be hacked with this clumsy method.
Techno Terrorism: A hacker with access to a computer can cause quite a bit of grief in a highly advanced setting. Once hacked, With
additional successful skill checks, she can wreak havoc with climate controls, door locks, life support, etc. The hacker proves that when leveraged
properly, a computer is as deadly as any rifle.
Characters with this knowledge have made a formal study of the social dynamics that comprise various cultures throughout the five empires.
This knowledge goes beyond the rudimentary basics imparted with language implants. This learning allows a character insight into the history and
ideology of the cultures she studies. Armed with such knowledge, a culturist can pass with grace and civility in any part of the galaxy.
Common uses: None
Assess Dynamics: A culturist can, with a successful skill check, determine the hierarchy of groups that she encounters. She can identify
leaders, warriors, servants etc. This means she can identify callings, and in a combat situation can pick out leaders, healers, etc. She cannot determine
characteristics such as level or hit points, but gains a clear understanding of whom to address in order to discuss topics of interest, and more
importantly, when and how to do so.
Improve Relations: When an ally makes a mistake and provokes a hostile reaction, a successful skill check diffuses tensions and returns
things to normal. This skill cannot be used once combat begins. A culturist can only mend relations in this fashion once per roleplaying encounter for
every 2 points she makes her skill roll by on the first roll.
Few people anywhere can claim real skill at destroying things, but busters have that knack. Those with demolition training are familiar with
most conventional, and a few antique types of explosives. Individuals with such training are in high demand, as few people have the nerve to work with
bombs for a living.
Common uses: None
Exploit Weakness: A buster can see the weak point in a structure and take advantage of it. By using a simple action, the buster can make a
skill check. If it is successful, any charges or explosives the buster uses against the structure deal double structural damage (to the structure only).
Short Fuse: A buster can time grenade attacks to leave no chance for evasion. When a buster makes a combat check to throw a grenade,
she can choose to roll a demolition check as well. If successful, the grenade lands and explodes without the usual 1 phase delay. If the check fails
however, it explodes 1d6 meters from the target.
Through the application of a little makeup, altered body posture, and other tricks, the character can pass for someone else. Although disguise
artists use a smattering of acting, presenting a false image is the forte of disguise.
Common uses: None
Impersonation: The imposter can assume a different identity with a successful check. Gross physical characteristics will require props and or
make up (a character cannot masquerade as a commonwealth soldier without battled dress and a fusion gun, though a space suit and a combat laser
could be made to pass with some work). A simple check is sufficient merely to pass as someone other than one's self. Passing as something or
someone specific may be progressively harder.
Concealed Weapon: The imposter can conceal weapons on her person with a successful check. Note that the visionary is the final arbiter as
to what is reasonable. A character could easily conceal a laser pistol within the bulk of combat armor, but could only conceal small knives if she were
dressed in a bathing suit. This application of the skill could allow characters to remain armed in some security areas where weapons would normally not
be allowed.
The science of advanced planning and construction is engineering. While the construction of a house might be a trade craft, the construction
of more complex structures (labs, star ports, bridges, etc.) including vehicles and the like falls under the purview of engineering. Likewise, implementing
new technologies or creating a modified version of existing technology requires engineering expertise. While the subtleties of professional engineering
are not appropriate for Conquered Heavens, engineering has many applications that will be useful during adventures.
Common uses: anticipating equipment failure
Predict Stress Failure: An engineer can anticipate the tolerances that equipment or technology will have, and foresee malfunctions before
they occur. When a piece of equipment should stop working during an encounter due to damage or overcharging, the engineer can make a skill check
(this does not require an action, as it represents foreknowledge and subtle preventative measures). If the check is successful, the engineer can ignore
the result that would have caused the equipment to malfunction. Instead, the equipment is reduced to 1 hit point and continues functioning. Engineers
cannot use this application of the skill on equipment that has only 1 hit point remaining.
Overcharge: An engineer can overcharge equipment or vehicles that she is using or piloting. This requires attention to manage, but can yield
great results. By using a simple action and making a successful knowledge check, the engineer can increase the speed of a vehicle by 10%, or increase
the damage of an vehicle or starship mounted energy weapon by +1 per die. These effects last for the remainder of the engineer's initiative sequence.
Force Field Technology
Personal and ship-borne force fields operate on primarily the same rules. Those knowledgeable in this technology are in high regard for their
ability to repair a very important piece of technology. Characters that have this knowledge may not only repair, but can also upgrade force fields, though
never to military levels.
Common uses: None
Improved Output: Characters attempting to improve an existing force field generator may roll a check. This may only be attempted once on a
given generator. For every two points rolled over 8, the character can add 1% to the force field's percentage rating. Note that this rating must always be
5% lower than military grade force fields.
Identify Force Field: With a successful knowledge check, a character can determine the percentage rating of a given force field.
This knowledge leaves the character with a firm grasp on the past of each of the great empires. These characters understand not only past
events, but the reasons for them, and may use this knowledge to better understand the future. Historians may trace patterns of space migration, empire
expansion, and most other widespread social phenomenon with this knowledge.
Common uses: None
Pedantic Lecture: A historian can recall and recount previous events in rich detail. When there is a question of authenticity, clouded
provenance etc., the historian can both recall the correct information and compel her audience to believe her credibility with a single knowledge check.
This can even sway courts and important visionary characters, but remember, only for matters of history!
Identify Artifacts: A historian is an invaluable asset on exploratory missions because she can identify all manner of things that will be found.
With a successful check, the historian can identify the race that created an object studied (if it is one of the five major races), its apparent age,
comparative level of technological complexity, and any psionic properties it may possess.
Most characters speak at least a smattering of the languages of the five empires. Those who have taken formal training in language are fluent
in the five imperial tongues, and understand a great deal about the art of communication that allows them to influence others in marvelous ways.
Common uses: Translation, mediation, studying literature
Infer Meaning: When confronted with someone speaking a language unknown to the party, the linguist can draw on training designed for just
such a situation, and her own wealth of experience. With a successful skill check, the character can decipher ideas of simple to moderate complexity.
Complex ideas involving concepts rooted in an alien culture or based on alien technology will probably not come across in translation. This application
of the skill is also ideal for understanding coded messages or the battlefield commands of a linguist’s enemies.
The Silent Tongue: A linguist is well versed in the mannerisms of the five empires. With this understanding of body language, she can
communicate fairly complex concepts to beings who are not themselves able to understand any of the languages that she speaks. With a successful
check, even the most clueless rube can be directed in utter silence to open doors, ready weapons, prepare a transport for liftoff, etc.
*Note: There are hundreds of millions of languages and local dialects spoken throughout the galaxy. Characters may have the knowledge of
a language implanted in their brains for 100 credits. This will help the characters communicate effectively without slowing game play for the group
unnecessarily. Obviously with so many languages in play, characters cannot learn them all, and they will still need to resort to the use of this knowledge
in those instances.
This knowledge denotes understanding of anatomy, physiology, medication, diseases and their treatments, and more. This knowledge allows
characters to save lives, a priceless ability in hostile environments.
Common uses: None
Diagnosis: Knowledgeable healers are able to perform advanced diagnostic analyses of a patient. They can determine the extent of disease,
trauma, the presence of toxins or biological agents and more. With the expenditure of a simple action and a successful knowledge check, a healer gain
learn another character's hit point total (maximum and current, as well as maximum negative score before death), determine the number and nature of
status effects, detect poison and disease, and discover the influence of any psionic feats. In order for this knowledge to work, the patient must be
cooperating and be within 2 meters of the physician. This skill can be used from a distance, but requires appropriate visual and auditory relays.
Triage: Healers can treat the sick and the dying. If they do their job well, they can save the dying. Use of this application also requires a
simple action. With a successful knowledge check, a healer can ameliorate sickness, removing associated status effects. One status affect can be
suppressed with each check. These effects return within 1 hour if a character does not rest after treatment. Alternatively, the character can treat
trauma. A successful check heals 2d6 points of damage. This is emergency care intended to save a life; full recovery from a gunshot wound in a few
seconds with first aid equipment is not possible. Triage care can never heal more than half the damage a character is suffering. Therefore if a character
has suffered 8 points of damage, triage care can only heal 4 points. This application of the knowledge can be used once per day on a given patient.
A critical discipline for those belonging to psionically evolved races is the ability to know one's own mind, to reflect and still runaway thoughts,
lest they corrupt the consciousness of the psion. Meditation is a key part of the mental clarity necessary for the correct direction of psionic energy.
Common uses: Emotional balance, relaxation
Boundless Mind: A meditant can reach deep within herself to draw from reserves normally inaccessible to the untrained mind. The meditant
can use a single spell or prayer without paying the AP or FP cost. In order to do so, she must succeed a knowledge check with a target number equal to
8 + [AP or FP cost divided by 10]. This application of the knowledge can be used once per day.
Stilling the Waters: Learning to focus the mind at will is a vital part of psionic practice. This particular trance allows a meditant to shut out
distractions and achieve an ideal state of mind from which to reach out to others. With a simple action and a successful knowledge check, the character
can enter a trance. She becomes detached and is aware of her body as a separate thing from her mind. She gains immunity to status effects related to
pain or emotional manipulation, whether or not they are psionically imposed. This trance lasts for up to ten minutes per point that the skill check was
made by.
Observant characters have trained their minds to catalogue information gathered by the senses in an efficient and thorough manner. These
individuals are the most likely to spot ambushes, notice a misplaced item, or recognize any lack of order (even notice conspicuously ordered patterns).
Characters with backgrounds in forensics or sleuthing should probably have observation.
Common uses: research, investigation, detection
Uncanny awareness: While even an untrained person can spot a hiding foe, an observer has a much more developed sense of danger. She
can make intuitive leaps based on the accumulation of small clues. An observer can make a knowledge check when entering a dangerous situation that
appears non-threatening. This could be anything from a trapped corridor to treading the lair of a dangerous xenoform. If the check is successful, the
character recognizes her peril and can back out. Typically an observer can make a check at a distance of 4 meters from a dangerous hex.
Deduce Causality: By understanding the minutiae of physical processes, an observer can look for telltale signs, and determine the most
probable explanation for a great deal of phenomena. With a successful knowledge check, an observer can determine the method of a murder and the
probable murderer (if sufficient evidence is present), intuit the direction of a shooter from the bullet wounds in a sprawled corpse, and so on.
Characters with the piloting knowledge have spent hundreds of hours studying and practicing with the control systems of all but the largest
craft in the galaxy. They are comfortable behind the controls of atmospheric craft, land rovers, aquatic ships, and small starcraft. A pilot is more than a
driver. She is a well-trained professional who can bring her craft through a crisis when a layman would crash and burn.
Common uses: vehicle chases, industrial hauling, landings
Evasive Maneuvers: By expending an action and making a successful knowledge check, a pilot can initiate impressive maneuvers designed
to make her very hard to hit. Opponents trying to land a hit against her craft roll one more die than usual, and discard the highest roll. This application
of the skill lasts for 1 minute.
Crash Landing: Sometimes, even the best pilot is in an untenable situation. When her training takes over, it can save the lives of everyone
on board. If the craft the pilot is flying/driving etc. would be destroyed, the pilot immediately makes a knowledge check. If she succeeds, she takes
sufficient countermeasures to prevent the immediate destruction of her vessel, and crashes it that round (unless she is high up in the atmosphere, in
which case the ship may take several phases or minutes to crash). When the ship crashes, everyone on board suffers 1 to 100% of their current hit
points in damage instead of dying as they should have. Each player rolls separately for damage taken so some lucky people might get away with 20%
of their life gone and some REALLY unlucky guy might roll 100 and be at zero hit points! The ship is wrecked, and the crew may salvage what they can
before exiting.
Psionic potential is a matter of endless public discussion, scientific exploration, and inner reflection. Psionic abilities manifest themselves in
countless ways across the galaxy. Those who have studied psionics can anticipate the threats they may face when confronting a psionic foe.
Common uses: Psionic identification, psychic mapping, awakening latent abilities
Quantify Uknown: When a theorist encounters psionic entities, she can study them briefly and determine their psionic capabilities. The
theorist will need to use a simple action and pass a knowledge check. In this case, she can determine if the entity has a psionic pool, what kind it is,
how many points the creature has at maximum, and the maximum level of psionic access the entity has (including channel and prayer levels, as well as
minor, major, or meta disciplines).
Astral Tides: Many theorists are psionicists themselves and study this discipline in order to enhance their personal power. An accomplished
theorist can develop techniques that enhance her psionic power. These techniques require time and effort, something not always easily spared in the
middle of combat. When expending psionic energy, a theorist can make a knowledge check immediately after the completion of the psionic feat in
question. This requires a simple action, and incurs lag after the action as the character draws in power. If the check is successful, the character
recovers 25% of the energy expended. Fractions are lost. For example, a cleric uses a 2nd level prayer. If she makes her Psi-Theory check afterward,
she recovers 5 FP.
Although it is thought of as an ivory tower discipline, there are few bodies of knowledge more pervasive or influential. The study of the
structure and working of the mind transcends species, and draws upon data mined from hundreds of trillions of beings. A psychologist can use her
knowledge of sentient nature to outwit and outthink her foes.
Common uses: Behavioral studies, counseling
Insight: Whenever the psychologist interacts with entities, she can study them and learn the nature of their motivations. With a simple action
and check, she can determine that attackers are attempting to fulfill a vendetta, steal a specific object, etc. The psychologist can learn what underlying
motives are driving those she interacts with, whether in combat or not. This can enable the player to make more informed decisions about probable
courses of action that visionary characters will take in innumerable situations.
Bluff: A psychologist can use her understanding of an enemy’s motives to deceive them if she wishes. By using a simple action and check,
the player controlling the psychologist can write down her action on a piece of paper instead of declaring it. Her character gives no indication of what
action she is preparing until her lag is paid, and she completes that action.
Quick Thinking:
Some characters have quick wits, reacting with lightning speed in an unexpected crisis. These characters are quick thinkers. Being able to
process information rapidly in combat and act on it quickly is a skill that anyone who lives a life of adventure should want.
Common uses: Lies, games of skill
Action before thought: When a character has to change actions during a round (and interrupt their lag in the process), they can make a
quick thinking check. If the check is successful, they can count lag already incurred toward their new action. For example, a character who has lagged
for two phases readying a laser rifle to shoot a target is forced to defend herself in close combat. If she uses a lag 2 weapon, she can attack
Do eeet! Do it nao!: A quick thinking can (without talking it over in metaplay) decide on a course of action and implement it! If the character
is faithful to this she can make a skill roll and if successful turn a simple action into a full non-combat action to accomplish her goal. A character can use
this ability once an encounter.
Characters indoctrinated in religion command a great deal of important information. These characters are familiar with the major religious
influences throughout the empires, including their origins, beliefs, practices, and relationships with the other churches. In a universe where religious
institutions are often intertwined with politics, this knowledge is almost as much contemporary information as timeless lore.
Common uses: Sermons, debate
Astral Warding: Those knowledgeable in religious matters can identify astral entities using a simple action and a successful knowledge
check. Following that, an action and a second knowledge check will enable the devotee to perform the correct wardings to lessen the astral entity's
ability to harm her. The process works against one entity and the effects last for a day. The entity need not be present. Often when a devotee knows
the identity of the entity to be confronted, she will ward herself beforehand. A warded entity takes a -2 penalty on combat checks against the devotee.
Lesson of Faith: A devotee can speak passionately to her fellow believers. This application of the knowledge only works between a devotee
and other followers of the same god. By succeeding a knowledge check, she can relay the importance of a passage fitting the trial that stands before
her and her companions. She can nominate proficiency, combat, or survival checks. Once during the hour after her sermon, each of her faithful can
add +2 to a single check of the nominated type. Delivering the sermon requires five minutes of uninterrupted talking.
An unimaginably vast and complicated array of technology is available for use in the five empires. One of the greatest challenges that citizens
in the empires face is keeping up with all these different technologies and their use. Technicians are in those who have put in the time and effort
necessary not only to keep up, but to understand the principles on which user-interfaces are constructed.
Common uses: None
Blind activation: When confronted with unusual or alien technology in a crunch, a character may still need to make something happen. With
the use of an action and a successful check, the character is cleared to use a piece of technology she has never encountered before. For example, a
character encountering an unknown alien spacecraft could use this knowledge to figure out how to operate the craft (she would still need piloting to
operate it skillfully). One check does not allow the character to assimilate knowledge of the "tech" flawlessly into her repertoire. She must continue to
make checks until the visionary rules she has learned it fully. Example: Templar the cleric picks up a strange object (a bomb made by his own race, but
he's only ever seen them on holo-vids before). He makes a knowledge check to determine what it is and how to activate it. If he succeeds, he can use
a future action to activate the bomb. If he changes his mind about using it, another check must be made to figure out how to diffuse the bomb, and then
another action expended to actually do it. Tech that normally requires a simple action still requires a normal action from the character, because it’s all
still very new to her; it's not yet simple.
This one goes to eleven! : A technician often takes pride in making little "improvements" to her tech. With a successful check, she can
improve the functionality of a piece of technology that is not a weapon, vehicle, armor, or biogenic implant. The tech rating of the equipment is improved
by one.
Sentient beings have all sorts of information floating around in their heads. Some of it is useful, some of it is not. Some of it is scholarly
knowledge about a variety of respectable subjects. Some of it is utter trash. In the space between garbage and gold lies the knowledge of trivia. Unlike
other knowledge’s, trivia is completely random. There is no telling beforehand if it is applicable in a given situation. The more information one collects,
however, the greater the chance that she will know something relevant when it matters.
Common uses: parties, game shows, flashes of insight
Odd information: In some instances, an obscure piece of information will be important, and the trivia buff just might have the goods. When
characters need information that does not seem to fit well with another knowledge, or data that is a very minor bit of information not germane to the
mastery of a knowledge as a whole, a trivia roll can be made instead. For example, trivia could not allow a character to know how a political movement
came to power (History), but they might know that founders of the movement were left-handed (History, but also trivia). Generally, if a bit of data does
not seem easily garnered with another knowledge, it falls into the category of trivia. This application requires a roll but no actions of any kind; the trivia
buff either knows or doesn't.
MacGyvvvver this!: Trivia Buffs have a broad base of knowledge to draw from and are well-equipped to work in adverse conditions. When
attempting another kind of skill or knowledge check that suffers penalties for poor conditions, the trivia buff can make a Trivia check (requiring a simple
action): success allows the character to half the penalty for poor conditions. The basic criteria (as decided by the visionary) for performing the skill or
knowledge must still be met. The trivia buff thinks of another way to approach the job or problem that circumvents the initial obstacle. Note the visionary
will occasionally deem it necessary to overrule this application of the knowledge. All the lateral thinking in the world will not allow a character to repair a
starship without tools!
While most basic educational programs introduce students to the study of life, xenobiology focuses on understanding the science of life from
an inter-species perspective. This branch of science focuses on the intricacies of terramorphing, biogenic splicing, genetic alteration and more.
Xenobiologists can greatly accelerate a prime teams understanding of new environments, and make sure they are not devoured by local predators when
they travel to new worlds.
Common uses: None
Assess organism: Xenobiologists can glean important information about creatures by simple examination. With a simple action and
successful check, a xenobioligist can determine current and maximum hit points, innate resistance to energy and physical damage, natural defense
rating (equipment falls under appraising), modes of movement and speeds. Assessing characters with a calling is difficult. The target number for such
beings is 8+1/2 their highest level.
Threat awareness: When visiting an alien planet, the xenobiologist can recognize a biological threat before unschooled members of her
team. If ambushed by a plant or animal, she can make xenobiology check in place of a quick thinking check to avoid being surprised.
This is just a sampling of all the proficiencies that there are if the players want to add one then decide what it would cost and what stat it would be under.
Basic Rules
Almost rolls in the game are called checks. When a player makes a check, she rolls a base of 1d10. Characters may have additional dice
and/or bonuses added to the roll to reflect their skills and powers. The higher the total rolled the better the result. The basic threshold for success is
called the target number, which is always a final result of 8 or more after all appropriate modifiers are applied (believe me this can be a lot harder than
you think!).
There are 3 basic types of checks: Combat Checks, Proficiency Checks, or Survival Checks. Combat checks are attempts to harm a foe.
Proficiency checks are attempts to complete a complicated activity. Survival checks reflect a characters effort to stay alive, or prevent incapacity. All
characters are assumed to be competent at the art of survival, and therefore automatically gain an additional die to all survival checks. Characters who
wish to roll more than one die for combat checks and proficiency checks will need to purchase the appropriate proficiencies. Detailed rules about how
these rolls work can be found in the Proficiencies and Combat rules sections, respectively. The basic benefit of these purchases is to provide an
additional die for combat or proficiency checks. This is the only time where an extra die is not considered a bonus source. Characters should generally
make arrangements to be able to roll 2d10 for anything they want to be any good at. It is important to note that regardless of other bonuses, characters
can only keep the result of 2d10’s on combat, proficiency, and survival checks.
After securing the basic and (possibly) the additional dice for the roll, the player will want to add bonuses. Bonuses can be additional dice or
flat numbers. Characters can gain bonuses from circumstances, psionics, attributes, callings, biogenics, and more. Whenever a player is calculating
her bonuses, she should make a list. Bonuses and penalties are limited to three sources for any particular roll. For example, a character that has 5
sources for bonuses will apply the three bonuses of her choice to her roll, and drop the other two. This reflects that there is often some overlap between
the things that improve a character’s odds of success, and at some point the circumstances that have a lot of influence on an attempted action simply
eclipse the lesser factors.
Once bonuses have been accrued, the character must account for penalties to her check. Penalties can likewise be dice or flat numbers, and
are likewise limited to the three largest sources. Combat checks are a little more complicated in a special way. The target of a combat check may have
up to three sources that combine to give her a defense rating. Once the defense rating is determined, however, it is applied as a single-source penalty
to the character’s combat check. In all other ways, penalties behave exactly like bonuses in terms of application and limitation.
Once the bonuses and penalties have been figured, roll your dice and a roll of 8 or greater is a success! An example of a combat action would
go like this. Scarred, a splicer, is fighting an adventurer named Janice. Scarred has a ripper rifle out and declares she is going to shoot Janice.
Announcing she is going to empty her clip Scarred adds up all her modifiers. She is getting a 6 bonus for firing 40 rounds, a 2 bonus because of the
ripper rifle, a 4 bonus for agility, and finally Scarred is 5th level and gets to add a 4 bonus because of that. The total bonus is 16. However! Because a
character can only have 3 sources added to any action she must drop one source. Scarred decides to drop the 2 bonus from the ripper rifle and that
lowers her bonus to 14. Now that bonuses have been determined we will figure out penalties. Janice has partial cover giving her a 2 bonus and a 3
bonus for agility. She is also wearing combat armor for a 9 point bonus. This brings her defensive rating to a whopping 14! Scarred subtracts 14 from
her bonus of…14 they wash. That means that Scarred makes an unmodified roll on 2d10, and needs 8 or more to hit… not bad odds.
Here is the summary of how to make a roll.
1. Characters who take an action make a check (dice roll) to see if it succeeds.
2. Checks are made using one ten-sided die.
3. Characters roll two dice if they have the proficiency required for their action.
a. Modify the dice roll by total bonuses, and then by total penalties (maximum three of each).
4. If more than two dice remain, discard down to two dice.
5. If the final result is 8 or more, the action is a success. If it is 7 or less, the action fails.
During the course of a Conquered Heavens game, characters will most likely be involved in some sort of violent confrontation. Any such
confrontation is a combat. During such a battle, no roll will be as frequent as the Combat Check. Due to the exciting nature of combat, and the critical
importance of success or failure, the modifiers involved for combat checks are more intricate than proficiency or survival checks. Combat scenarios are
made up of several elements which should be well understood to keep battles as equitable and enjoyable as possible.
The combat round in Conquered Heavens is the standard unit of time which allows all participants to engage in a combination of movement, action, and
readying for the next round. Rounds are approximately one minute, though the visionary may wish to expand or contract this for dramatic purposes.
Each round is divided into twelve phases, a given phase being five seconds in length. Actions are taken during these phases, according to their order of
initiative as described below.
The first thing all participants in a combat round must do is determine their order of action. Characters roll a number of D12's equal to the number of
actions they can take. Thus, a character with one action would roll a single d12, a character with two actions would roll 2D12's, and so on. The
numbers that result are the basic phases on which a player's primary actions are declared. If two or more initiative rolls come up the same, each
duplicate roll is "pushed" up one phase, until no more duplicates exist. For example, if three 2's are rolled, 2 of the 2's are pushed up to three, and then
one is pushed up to phase four. However many or few dice a character rolls, one group of rolls is called an initiative sequence. A character can never
act before the first phase in a round, or after the last phase, nor can she take two actions in the same phase. Note that the vast majority of beings in
Conquered Heavens act 3 or fewer times in a round.
Initiative provides the basis for determining when a character begins an action. Since almost all actions require an appreciable amount of time
to perform, they do not complete on the same phase in which they began. This interval of time is referred to as lag. Lag is a numerical value attached to
actions or weapons and is added to the initiative roll to determine the phase in which an action is completed. A character must declare her action on her
initiative count, and the action occurs in the phase of its completion. A character who rolls an initiative result of 3 and chooses to run (3 lag) remains in
her original hex until phase 6, at which time she is repositioned several hexes away. Each time a character begins an action, lag is incurred.
The lag of a weapon is considered to reflect the time it takes to bring that weapon to bear, to properly "equip" it so to speak. Once the lag is
paid to equip a weapon, it is not incurred again unless the character puts down, loses, or stows the weapon etc. If Templar the cleric begins a swinging
his Kinetic hammer on phase 4, and that hammer has a lag of 4, Templar makes his combat check in phase 8. When characters have multiple actions,
they can have their initiative counts pushed back due to the lag of previous actions. In this case, they begin their next action in the first available "empty"
phase. If, in the previous example Templar had rolled a 4 and a 5, his first swing would occur on 8, and his next action would begin on 9. He could
complete a second swing of the hammer in this phase, because the lag cost to equip it has already been paid.
Simultaneous Actions
Often, more than one entity will be taking actions in the same phase. All actions occur simultaneously, and their validity is determined by the
state of affairs at the beginning of the phase. For example, two combatants act in the same phase; one swings a sword, while the other runs away.
Because both actions complete simultaneously, they both occur. If, for example, the sword-swinging combatant hit and killed her foe, there might seem
to be a contradiction. Wouldn't the sword swing kill the combatant before she can flee? Or shouldn't her running away prevent the sword stroke from
landing? It can be imagined that a mortal blow had been struck, but the dying combatant managed to run a short distance before collapsing. The
visionary will be the final arbiter on the role-playing explanation if a difficulty arises. Remember, if it would work at the top of the phase, it shouldn't be
"interrupted" by another action during the phase. Just because a model is moved first on the table doesn't mean it acted first in battle.
While the use of rounds may be necessary for keeping track of time and many game effects, the flow of action does not stop and start with the beginning
or end of the round. If a characters actions would occur after phase 12, they carry over to the next round, and the next initiative sequence is based on
the last action. For example, if Templar's last action carried over and completed on 2, his rolls of 1, 2, and 4 would add to that for actions on 3, 4, and 8
(not including lag).
Characters who wish to take their actions later than the rolls would indicate must either declare the segment on which they will act, or they may choose
to wait for some condition to occur before they begin their action. If the latter option is utilized, characters must add the lag of their action to determine
their actual initiative (e.g. Templar the cleric wants to heal an Athar ally in combat, but wants to wait until she’s taken damage worth repairing. Templar’s
initiative indicates a base initiative of three, but she waits until his ally is injured on phase 6 to heal him. Templar is free to react on phase 6, but she
must take into account the casting time of his spell to determine when his ally receives healing. If the casting time were 2, for instance, Templar’s friend
would receive healing on 8). Note that if characters with multiple actions hold action late as, or later than their next action or actions, they may still take
all of their actions. Each action must occur on its own phase, however, so multiple actions must occur on a “string” of phases.
When ambushed, or otherwise attacked out of the blue, characters on the defense need to check just to see if they can retaliate during the first round
(unless attacked by incompetents, a successful ambush always guarantees first strike). Characters must roll a Quick Thinking check. If they fail,
characters are caught off guard and must suffer through the first round without any payback. Should they succeed their check for surprise, they can
retaliate during the surprise round. After taking their preemptive attack or round thereof, ambushers and defenders roll initiative and begin standard
Once a character has determined when they will act, they must determine how they will act. Characters have a certain number of actions they
are allowed in a round, typically one. This is called an action set. More powerful beings typically take more than one action per round and their action
set may include a fractional value. Characters with a number and a fraction take the whole number of actions in the set each round, and "save up"
fractions for an additional action in a later round. A character with a 1&1/2 action set takes 1 action in the first round (rolling 1d12 for initiative that
round) and 2 actions in the second round (rolling 2d12 in the second round). When a character receives an improvement to her action set, the
improvement is always 1/2 a primary action unless otherwise specified (so it goes up like this 1 to 3/2 to 2/1 to 5/2 to 3/1 and so on). Multiple
improvements to an action set combine. In this way, high level characters can cause quite a ruckus!
Primary Actions
Primary actions are the great deeds that characters perform to win a battle. Whether it is channeling astral energy, dashing across the field to
get into close assault, or firing a high powered energy rifle, these all come from the same pool of potential action. The following list shows some of the
things you can do with primary actions.
ATTACK (Variable Lag)
Characters will often use an action in combat to launch an attack, by making a combat check. This is the dice roll that determines whether an
attack succeeds or fails. Because characters of all types are assumed to participate in, and train extensively for combat, they are also awarded a bonus
based on their level according to each characters fighting ability. The victim's Defense Rating is added to the target number of the roll. A successful
check means that the character is on target, and deals damage, if applicable. An unsuccessful check indicates a miss, glancing blow etc. that has no
During the course of a battle, characters may wish to deflect an incoming attack. This is called blocking. Any muscle powered weapon;
including thrown or projected (but not fired) weapons may be blocked, although this maneuver is used almost exclusively in close combat. Characters
may declare a block any time a successful attack roll has been made against them, but they should not be told what the final result of the combat check
was. In order to successfully block an attack, a character must succeed a combat check of her own, using the opponent's combat check bonuses as
penalties. If she succeeds, the attack is retroactively considered a miss. If the block attempt fails, the hit lands as intended. Attempting a block requires
an action, whether it succeeds or fails (the character loses his next action in her sequence; a character at the end of her sequence cannot use this
action). Note that unarmed characters may not block attacks by armed opponents. Masters of the Way may attempt to block any close combat attack
as they are always considered to be armed. Blocking has no lag, and is one of the few actions that can be taken out of sequence.
Move (2 Lag)
A character can shift position with a move action. Once started, the character can travel up to half their base movement per move until her
next action, when she will elect to keep moving or start a different action. Moving has no lag. Characters who take a move gain a +2 bonus to their
defense rating for ranged combat checks until their next action is declared.
Run (2 Lag)
Characters that need to cross the battlefield in a hurry can run. They take a moment to assess the path through the battlefield they must traverse, and
then they are off! Running characters can cover their full movement per run until their next action, at which point they may elect to continue running, or
start a different action. Characters who are running cannot apply their Agility bonus to their defense rating until their next action is declared.
Sprint (2 Lag)
A sprinting character dashes through an area with maximum effort devoted to speed, and little or none to avoiding harm. Sprinting characters cover 1.5
times their movement per sprint, until their next action comes up. Sprinting characters may not apply their Agility toward their defense rating until their
next initiative. In addition, they suffer a -2 penalty to their defense rating until their next action is declared.
Psionic Action (Variable Lag)
Using a psionic feat, discipline, prayer, or spell is a valid use of an action. Each one will have its own lag time, and effects. Consult the appropriate
ability description as necessary.
Aiming (+1 or +2) lag
Characters may choose to aim in order to maximize their chances of hitting with a single shot. Characters may increase the lag of their ranged combat
check by 1or 2 in order to obtain a commensurate bonus on their combat check. Note that the aiming bonus is negated if the character then engages in
burst or auto fire.
Bursting and Auto fire (+0/ +1 lag)
Most weapons in the Conquered Heavens game are capable of burst fire; that is, they may fire up to seven rounds as part of the same attack. Other,
more deadly (and generally more heavily regulated) weapons are capable of firing entire clips or even belts of munitions within the span of a few
seconds. Short bursts of three rounds lend a one-point bonus to the skill check number. Weapons engaging in extended burst fire (7 rounds) impart a
two-point bonus to a characters combat check number. Anything over 7 rounds is auto-fire, and creates a phase of lag. Auto fire bonuses are as
follows: 15 rounds +3, 25 rounds +4, 35 rounds +5, 40+ rounds +6. Note that characters may never benefit from any kind of aiming apparatus when
firing more than one round in a given attack.
Strafe (+1 Lag)
Sooner or later characters are going to want to hose down the room and everyone in it with an auto fire weapon. This is called strafing which operates
as follows. First, characters must have a weapon capable of automatic fire. A minimum of fifteen rounds must be expended to even begin strafing.
When initiating this maneuver, characters pick a starting hex. Using this as the first hex, characters must fire fifteen rounds, at which time they can
make an attack roll at anything occupying a single adjacent hex. For each additional hex a character wishes to spray through, another ten rounds must
be expended. Note that characters may not “skip” hexes but must maintain a continuous stream of fire across cover, friendly targets, etc., or cut the
strafe short. Characters who strafe may not gain any auto fire bonuses.
Cover Fire (+Lag 1)
Whenever characters with firearms or other missile weapons choose to hold their actions, they may “cover” their targets, if they so desire. Covered
targets may be fired upon at a moment’s notice, allowing the covering character to preemptively fire upon an enemy. This enables one character to
interrupt another, even during their segment of action, though the covering character may not interrupt an opponent whose action occurs in the same
segment as the cover. Thus, if a character covers a gunman who attempts to shoot her two segments later, she may shoot first.
Simple Actions
In addition to the basic actions all characters are allowed, simple actions enable characters to perform less dramatic tasks that they can't afford to spend
precious actions on. Characters can initiate simple actions on any phase, but as these actions have lag, they do delay all other simple and normal
actions as usual. Characters have a number of simple actions each round that is dependent on their wisdom score.
Primary Actions
Close combat
Ranged combat
Psionic feat
Operate Device
Use a Proficiency
by weapon
by weapon
by feat
Primary Action Modifiers
Auto fire
Cover Fire
+1 or +2
+0 or +1
Simple Actions
Activate Device
Apply Med Pack
Call out to allies
Use a proficiency
Stand up
Combat Rules
Below is a list of common situations that have a significant impact on the outcome of an armed conflict. Your visionary may choose to change
these modifiers to fit the situation, or add modifiers not listed here. Unless otherwise specified, any bonuses mentioned apply to combat checks.
Occasionally, characters will get lucky. A well placed shot or sword stroke can easily end the life of most characters, though this is a rare
event. Whenever a natural 00 is rolled, each die 10 comes up 10, on a combat check (before any modifiers are applied), there is a possibility that the
attack in question has resulted in a critical hit. Note that if a character gains an increased chance to score a critical hit, a result that would inflict a critical
hit can still miss (see the rule of one and twenty).
Occasionally, an unskilled character or a very unlucky character will not only fail, she will fall flat on her face in the process of failing. This is
called a fumble. When a character has only 1D10 on the final result of a check, and that D10 rolls a 1, the character fumbles. See the fumble in
Chapter 6 for more. A character can only fumble when rolling 1 dice. It is impossible to fumble on a skilled check unless an effect removes 1 dice.
Numbers can be the best answer to a highly skilled warrior in close combat. When a group of opponents are all adjacent to each other (be it
several against one or a free-for-all), count the number of combatants on all sides. If one side has more combatants than the other, they gain bonuses
to their combat checks. If multiple opponents are facing a single warrior, they each gain a one-point bonus for every opponent beyond the first, to a
maximum bonus of five at six attackers. In a free-for-all, the side with the most participants gains a one point bonus, which may be modified upward (to
a maximum of +5) for odds of 2:1, 3:1, etc. Visionaries conducting true battles (combats with more than 20 participants on each side) should discard this
rule and role-play the flow and outcome of battle.
When characters wish to neutralize a threat without destroying it, they will be engaging in non-lethal combat. In such instances, characters will
need to rely on close combat weapons, since conventional range weapons simply aren’t built for less than deadly efficacy. When striking to neutralize,
characters inflict the weapons base damage as normal. Any bonuses to damage that characters choose to apply from strength must be dealt as normal
damage. Some weapons that have been designed expressly for the purpose of subdual may allow characters to apply their strength bonus as nonlethal damage. This will be explicitly stated in the weapon's description. 75% of Non-lethal damage heals over the course of the following day. Note
that Masters of the Way may choose how much damage to deliver in a non-lethal fashion, including Strength and Power point expenditures.
When two or more opponents are in close combat, they are in a life-or-death struggle. Although the models that represent them sit placidly on
a hex-map, the characters they represent are imagined to be in a whirling melee that may range across the battlefield. Each combatant is full of
murderous intent, and will mercilessly press any opponent who falls back. If a character shifts, his opponents have the option of immediately shifting to
keep up with her without the expenditure of a simple action. They must attempt to maintain their original relation to the character if possible, and must
follow by the most direct route.
Sometimes, characters may want to conduct close combat with a weapon in each hand. To gain the benefits of two fisted fighting, a character
must equip two weapons (this means paying the lag for both). She is then considered two fisted until she "un-equips" one weapon. Once during the
initiative sequence, when making a combat check (after attaining the two-fisted status), the character can opt to make two combat checks with a 2
penalty instead of one normal check. Should a character desire to do so, she may always use her hand or applicable appendage as a second weapon,
but will leave herself partially open, allowing opponents a two point bonus to hit for the round. If characters wish to remove the two fisted descriptor from
their status, they may, although this means they will have re-equip if they want to go back to this style. See the two fisted status effect for more details.
In close combat, characters without weapons facing opponents with weapons are in serious trouble. These opponents are free to use their
longer reach, added mass, or other benefits without having to worry about stopping an opponent’s weapon. These advantaged combatants gain a fourpoint bonus on combat checks against unarmed opponents. Note that species with natural weapons and Masters of the Way are not penalized for
fighting unarmed, and indeed get the armed bonus if they fight an unarmed opponent hand-to-hand.
When conducting combat with thrown, projected, or fired weapons, characters rely primarily on their Agility to see them through the day. Like
close combat, a variety of combat situations are likely to surface, which are covered by the rules below.
All missile weapons lose accuracy according to the distance the projectile travels to reach its target. The variable in such cases is how fast
the weapons become inaccurate. Full range listings for individual weapon types are given in the equipment section. Penalties for weapons firing at their
upper ranges are given here, as well as at the top of the ranged weapons chart. Medium range fire incurs a 2 penalty. When firing on targets at long
range, characters suffer a 4 penalty to their check numbers.
Characters who wish to deal damage to a combatant in a melee without getting close may use a firearm to inflict damage instead. This
practice is referred to as firing into close combat. When a character fires into close combat, she rolls to hit her target as usual. If she misses the target,
however, she immediately rolls an attack against a randomly determined individual within melee range (friends as well as enemies). If she is employing
auto fire, she keeps these bonuses when calculating an attack against a “chance” target.
Characters who can’t afford to stay in a firefight, or who want to get into a better position for a firefight may want to utilize cover. By keeping
approximately 70% of their bodies behind cover, characters may improve their Defense Ratings by four. This is the best protection a character may
receive while engaging in ranged combat. Characters who simply hide behind their cover and do nothing else receive a bonus of six to their Defense
Rating, or may not be effectively fired upon if the visionary feels that the cover is strong enough to absorb incoming fire.
Reducing Damage
In conquered heavens, there are many ways to deal damage, and also many ways to reduce it. It is therefore important to apply damage
reducing affects consistently, so that everyone benefits equally. Any effect that reduces damage is considered a penalty to damage, and therefore falls
under the three source rule. Some reductions will be per-die. Some will be a flat penalty number. Some will be a percentage reduction. Characters
normally choose the penalties they will apply to the damage roll, with a few notable exceptions. Remember, the penalties are applied separately, in an
order of the victim's choosing. They never stack directly, which is very important in the case of percentage reductions. Force fields must always be
applied first, however. Characters with calling abilities active (not merely potentially active) must use those abilities if they are among the three most
powerful penalties to the damage source the character has at her disposal. For example a Paladin’s shield may be required to soak damage until it is
nearly exhausted, because it is generally a superior source of damage prevention.
Status Effects
Not all benefits and Hindrances come in the form of damage or bonus hit points. Below is a list of the most common effects in Conquered
Heavens that affect a character's capabilities.
Confused: Confused characters are mentally muddled. They must succeed an I.Q. check each round to take any action.
Dazed: The character is unable to take any action while dazed. A daze effect is typically listed with a number, which is the number of phases
for which the dazing effect lasts. (remember we are talking phases not rounds)
Impaired: Characters who are impaired can still function, but they suffer a -4 penalty on all checks.
Stunned: A more extreme form of dazing, stunning also prevents the character from taking any action. Stunning effects are listed with a
number, which is the number of rounds for which the stunning effect lasts. (NOW we are talking rounds.)
Wounded: Wounded characters are suffering from major damage. In any round where they undertake strenuous action (remember its
strenuous! Sprinting would count but not just moving. The visionary is the finial arbitrator), wounded characters suffer 10% of their maximum hit points in
damage. This damage is not reducible. Characters who receive an instance of healing equal to 25 or more points removes the wounding effect. Medkits also remove the wounding effect, in addition to the minor healing they provide.
Now that I have shown you how to hurt I’m sure you would like to know how to heal (probably right away). Healing is real simple every character heals 2
hit points a day. A character can be healed with faith spells with the following restrictions if a character is damaged for more than twice the maximum
amount a spell can heal the character cannot be healed by that spell (you will have to use a stronger spell). I am also a lover of Cola (Coca-Cola that is)
and so if a character drinks a coke she will be healed 1d6 points this only works once a day. The coke company come up with a new formula that is
slightly psionic in nature and really good for you (One could even live on coke if you had to, I know).
Characters will eventually die. How they meet their end is the only true variable. Naturally, most players would prefer that their characters die of old
age, in bed. The characters will most likely lead danger filled lives, however, so death in combat is a more likely event. Some psionics or truly
catastrophic events kill a character outright (failed survival check against a disintegrating attack, being caught by a tidal wave or falling building). When
finite amounts of damage are being dealt, however, the character’s hit point total becomes the gauge that cues the group in to who lives and who dies.
Characters reduced to 0 hit points or less is always rendered unconscious and immobile. This does not mean the character is necessarily dead,
however. So long as the characters hit point total is greater than the negative of her racially allotted hit points she remains alive. For example, a human
reduced to –6 hit points would remain alive until her hit point total was further reduced to –9 or lower.
While moving through an urban combat zone on a crime ridden world in Quellin space, Kilcannon the Scout is attacked by two Splicers looking to pick up
Kilcannon’s brand new battle dress. First, the visionary decides that Kilcannon has been ambushed and has the player roll to see if Kilcannon is
surprised. Kilcannon is not surprised, because she rolled an eight on the d10 (close call though). This means that after the Splicers have acted once,
Kilcannon may exact revenge. Initiative is irrelevant at this point, because the Splicers struck from ambush. The visionary decides that the Splicers fire
laser pistols. They are second level, and have unremarkable Agility scores. They are skilled, so they roll two d10's. They add only two for their attack
bonus. Laser weapons provide a +1 bonus because of the laser light targeting system they all employ. The attackers decide to empty their 20 round
clips into Kilcannon, and improve their chances of success. This unfortunately cancels out the laser light bonus, because it is an aiming tool. Adding
another three (they would only get the fourth bonus if they fired the full twenty five rounds) they have a modified bonus of 5. The ambushers must now
account for Kilcannon’s battle dress and formidable agility which combine to provide her with a Defense Rating of 13. This gives them a target of 21 on
their proficiency checks. The visionary decides that the cowardly Bio-warriors will attempt to shoot Kilcannon in the back, and begins the encounter at a
range of 10 meters, which will be short range for all concerned (i.e. no range penalties. The visionary has calculated all the modifiers she feels are
relevant, and rolls to see if they can hit Kilcannon. The Bio-warriors roll 13 and 9 respectively, and miss. Now Kilcannon whirls and readies her own
attack. Unlike the Bio-warriors, Kilcannon can afford a combat laser. Kilcannon can also afford to augment her agility to 20, garnering a +3 to ranged
combat checks. Kilcannon is seventh level, adding another 5 points in bonuses, and will be gaining another plus one due to her degree of specialization
with the weapon. She will be strafing the uncouth Bio-warriors, so she does not benefit from her targeting system either. Kilcannon’s bonus is currently
8. The Splicers are Defense Rating 8, due to their light combat armor, so Kilcannon needs a 16 in total (and therefore must roll an 8). The Bio-warriors
have one two-meter hex between them, so Kilcannon uses up twenty-five rounds to attempt to hit them both. Kilcannon rolls a 12 and a 7. She hits the
first Splicer but misses the second. The struck bio-warrior takes 26 pts. of damage, reduced to 21 by the Splicers force field. The Splicer is hurt, having
only 7 hit points left (each Bio-warrior has 28 hit points at full)! Everyone has acted now, so initiative for the new round is now rolled. The Splicers roll 3
on the d12 (they only receive one action per round). Kilcannon rolls 1 on her first d12, and 2 on the second. Her first action occurs on 4 (1+3 for the
combat rifle's lag) and the second on 6. The Splicers switch to swords and move in! They are hoping to cancel out Kilcannon's advantage with the
laser! They know how to use swords, so they roll two d10's. They are fairly strong (STR20), so their bonus in close combat is +1(level)+3(STR). Their
target number is 21 (base 8, plus Kilcannon's AR of 13). They roll a 15 and 16, missing. Kilcannon fires his combat laser despite the close quarters,
taking a 5-point penalty. He uses up 15 rounds strafing again (he only needs to spend 15 rounds this time, because he doesn’t have to cross an empty
hex). His bonus is +6 (level) +3(AGI even though close up, she’s using a firearm) +1 (Specialized) -5 (Rifle in close quarters)= 5. The Splicers AR is still
8, so Kilcannon needs an 11. Kilcannon rolls an 11 and an 18, hitting the Splicers for 27 and 23 pts. respectively, reduced to 22 and 18, which still kills
the injured Splicer. Too bad for the remaining Bio-warrior that Kilcannon goes twice this round, hmmm? With only one target left, Kilcannon dumps her
remaining 60 rounds, pushing her bonus up another six points to 11. Now she needs only a five. She rolls a total of 9, exterminating the Bio-warrior
rather messily with 26 pts. reduced to 21. Now that combat is over Kilcannon may reload at her leisure (If combat wasn’t over, Kilcannon could still haul
ass and use a non-combat action to reload).
Technology in the far future has allowed man to travel faster than the speed of light, augment or destroy life at the genetic level, and traverse
the depths of interstellar space. With this in mind, it is important to remember that technology is a tool, not magic. Like any tool, technology has its
limitations. Visionaries who allow their players access to unlimited technological applications will find running a balanced game difficult or impossible. If
PC’s have a gadget or ‘doohickey’ for every situation and/ or crisis, technology ceases to become a tool, and instead is more of a crutch. Technology
cannot do some things, such as detect life. Nor can technology ever calibrate weapons to circumvent force fields. Visionaries who wish to run a game
placing much emphasis on the intricacies of technology are encouraged to keep in mind that technology is easier to counter than to create. There
should never be a technology at the characters disposal that cannot be jammed, overcome, or circumvented. This does not mean that every antagonist
the characters face should be able to render their vehicles useless, or short out their weapons. This does mean that players will never be able to press
a button and short out a Commonwealth battleship.
Money and Equipment
Although your character has some impressive abilities and skills, she really isn't going to be effective without the equipment necessary for adventuring.
To get this equipment, she needs money. Not only does she need money to outfit herself, but your character also has to cover her living expenses.
All characters start with 6d6 hundred credits that they can use for biogenics or equipment.
The game uses a metric chart to make spells and weight more exact and easier to use here is the conversions if you don’t want to.
1 liter = .25 gallons
1 centimeter = .40 inch
1 meter = 1.1 yards
1 kilometer = .62 miles
1 gram = .04 ounces
1 kilo gram = 2.2 pounds
I went and rounded some of the measurements to make them easier to work with think of it as Conquered Heavens Metric.
Most of the characters in the game will want to know how this works. The standard of the game is the credit this is divided into demi credit 10 of these
equal one credit, the T credit one of these equal 10 credits, and the M credit one of these equals 1000. Most money however is carried in credit spikes
these spikes are an electronic credit card that keeps an account of the characters money. The only reason that the whole system does not work on the
credit spike is because of the criminal underworld (it is real hard to launder money or pay someone off if the money can be tracked.) There is NO way to
cheat the credit spike, it is too well protected.
Miscellaneous Equipment
Breathing Mask
Chain (per meter.)
Cloth (per 10 sq. meter.)
Computer (pet)
Duraweave (per sq. meter)
Force Field Generator
Holster, gun
Light disk
Lock (High Tech)
Med. Pack
Musical instrument
Portable Computer
Power Scanner
Rope (per 30 meters.)
Sleeping Bag
Lock Picks
Tool Harness
Tool Kit
100 c
10 c
100 c
15 c
100c per %
10 c
25 c
300 c
100 c
5-100 c
200 c
50-5000 c
25 c
10 c
.5 kg.
-3 kg.
1 kg.
-2 kg.
2 kg.
2 kg.
-2 kg
2.5 kg
.5 kg
.5 kg.
.5 kg
2 kg
1 kg
1 kg.
2-3 kg.
3 kg.
.5 kg
-5 kg
3 kg.
1 kg
-3 kg.
5 kg.
1 kg.
2 kg
5 kg
These items weigh little individually. Ten of these items weigh one kg.
These items have no appreciable weight and should not be considered for encumbrance unless hundreds are carried.
Tech Equipment Descriptions
Backpack: Backpacks are constructed from duraweave, possessing a 1mx50cmx45cm main pouch in which to carry the majority of gear. Conventional
backpacks also sport four to eight smaller pouches situated in varying places on the pack. Most backpacks may safely hold whatever is put into them,
so volume rather than weight will be the limiting factor for most packs.
Breathing Mask: Breathing masks commonly cover the nose and mouth. They filter common airborne contaminants and threats, and extract oxygen
from water, though the filters quickly deteriorate under such conditions. Masks are generally good for half an hour of underwater use.
Chain: Used primarily for industrial purposes, chains find utility in many less savory aspects of life. The links of heavy chains are approximately 2.5cm
in width, light chain 1cm. Heavy chains may be used to tow vehicles, secure heavy equipment (and characters with strength scores of 25+), etc. Light
chain is used for tethering animals, securing light-weight equipment, etc.
Chronometer: Basic chronometers provide correct time for the planet and time zone a character is on/in. Chronometers are self-adjusting, so long as
the planet the wearer is on has satellites. Chronometers also provide basic astronomical information concerning the system the wearer is in.
Communicator: Communicators are small devices that allow free radio transmission between characters at a range of up to 50 km. Communicators are
totally self-contained, and designed for use in hostile environments, and uninhabited worlds.
Computer (pet): Computers are a very common possession in the far future. Most beings of any means possess a small, portable personal computer.
Such computers are voice capable; voice activated, and will respond to other stimuli according to their programming. Common functions include acting
as a communicator, day planner, record keeping device, calculator, and encyclopedia. More expensive pets have expanded capabilities and often have
small screens. Pets may access larger computers; upload/ download information, etc.
Duraweave: Most often bought as finished clothing, duraweave may be highly useful in a number of capacities, and is also sold as “raw” cloth.
Flare: Flares are generally constructed as small tubes 7cm in length, 1.5cm in diameter. When employed, the flare ejects its “front” 2cm up to 40m into
the air, and produces light in a 75m radius for one hour.
Force Field Generator: this object typically looks like a small pod or plate that is easily secured to clothing or armor. It has a simple interface that
enables a character to turn it on or off, adjust power level and frequency. Force fields that are set to 10% or less produce no audible noise or light
distortion visible to the naked eye. Force fields higher than this produce a minor but noticeable shimmer effect at a distance of up to 30cm from the
character's body, which is how far the field extends. All force fields have a rating expressed as a percentage value. This value is deducted from all
energy damage and all physical damage from supersonic sources. For example, a person is shot by a gun. She has a 25% force field, and even the
rounds from a slug thrower travel faster than the speed of sound. Therefore, she can deduct 25% from the total damage that the shot deals. Force field
power supplies hold 30 units of power, and the generator uses a number of units per hour equal to its percentage rating. Battle Dress mounted force
fields have an effectively unlimited power supply.
Standard force fields have an upper limit of 30% (even with the force field technology knowledge). Battle dress mounted units can go as high as 40%,
which is the commonwealth military grade for personal fields. Multiple generators overlap but do not stack. If a character has multiple active force fields,
only the best one applies.
Holster, Gun: Holsters come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each made according to the gun it holds. Holsters enable characters to carry guns safely
and comfortably. Holsters may generally hold only pistols, though there are a few for rifles.
Imager: Imagers resemble heavy wrap-around sunglasses, though models vary, of course. Standard imagers provide up to 75x magnification, and lowlight or infra-red capabilities. Additionally, most imagers employ basic HUD systems, and automatically determine the range on objects viewed for more
than a segment (imagers generally only determine range on a single object at any given time, to avoid confusing the observer).
Light Disk: Light Disks are small patches capable of fitting in the palm of a character’s hand. One side of a light disk is mildly adhesive, and the other
face actually produces the light, out to a range of 40m. Disks may be turned on and off, and the light may be focused into a tight beam, or give off a
diffuse radiance. Light disks are disposable, and good for twenty hours of continuous use.
Lock: Locks are relatively simple mechanical devices, most often constructed from newsteel. Such locks may require a key, combination, or number
sequence to open.
Lock, High tech: High Tech locks are electronic security devices. They are commonly employed in advanced civilizations, and have a variety of types.
They often recognize retinal patterns, number sequences, voice patterns, etc.
Med pack: The Med pack is a very basic electronic device. Med packs are keyed to specific species, and applied to said species in emergency
situations. Med packs are 2cmx2cmx3cm, and may be used once. When activated, they run a diagnostic check of their patient, and essentially inject a
flood of coagulants and nutrients as well as shock reducing drugs and other medicines into the patient. Wounded individuals treated with a med pack
are raised to zero hit points (if below) and recover 1-8 hit points.
Musical Instrument: Musical Instruments exist in an amazing array of sizes and shapes, most suited to the talents of a particular race. Cost varies,
generally with quality, though most instruments, even if expensive, require great care and careful handling.
Portable Computer: A much more powerful computer than the pet, personal computers are generally the size of a small briefcase. Portable computers
are all equipped with a keypad, and a visual display appropriate to the device. Computers are also voiced activated, and support fully functional AI’s.
Computers may store vast amounts of information, and provide a great deal of programming flexibility. This allows them to perform a wide variety of
tasks for their owners, such as automating the menial electronic tasks within a home (this is, indeed the most common use for computers).
Power Scanner: Power scanners detect unshielded power sources at a range of up to fifty meters. In addition to determining the presence of a given
power source, they also determine power type, and amount where applicable. Power scanners are typically hand held devices, with a small screen
upon which readouts are displayed.
Recorder: Ranging in size from 1 spherical cm to the size of a human fist, recorders have a variety of functions. Recorders may have multiple functions;
depending on their size (recorders recording sound would be smaller than another model recording both sound and light). Recorders may record sound,
light, chemical samples, and various energy frequencies.
Rope: Made of duraweave rope averages 1.5cm in diameter. Such rope can generally support 1 metric ton safely. A more expensive variant, known as
bonding rope, sports a weighted end, which exudes a powerful chemical adhesive capable of bonding to common materials. This chemical adhesive is
only active when fed power. Bonding rope has a battery pack that runs power along its length. When the power is activated, the bonding rope adheres,
and when it is cut, the rope does not.
Sleeping Bag: Sleeping bags provide protection from temperatures as low as –60 degrees Celsius.
Tent: Tents may be purchased in many shapes and sizes. Tents are fully insulated, rendering their inhabitants invisible to infrared detection. Tents
shield their occupants from temperatures as low as 0 degrees Celsius.
Lock Picks: Lock Picks are a combination of basic electronic patches, voltage regulators, splicing equipment, metal tools for manipulating tumblers and
the like.
Tool Harness: The tool harness is used to secure tool and equipment in easily assessable places on the person.
Tool kit: The tool kit is a kit filled with the most common tools used in everyday life.
All vehicles in Stellar Encounters are divided into three categories; Civilian, Custom, and Military. Civilian vehicles are generally ground vehicles and
follow the same rules as a car in today’s world. They may get better mileage for whatever they run on or be able to drive themselves in town, but they
are just as fragile to weapons fire and bad handling as today’s cars. Custom vehicles range from slightly better than civilian cars to almost as good as
military vehicles. Custom vehicles can fly, dive under water, limited space flight, or even tunnel under ground. Military vehicles are generally top of the
line able to withstand tremendous amounts of damage and still function; they are always armed, and generally are environmentally sealed. Note that
unless otherwise stated, vehicles are assumed to have a Defense Rating of 4.
Speed: This is the top speed that a vehicle can reach a vehicle can reach this speed after two rounds in most situations. To determine the speed that a
vehicle is traveling at any given time, divide the top speed by 24 and that will give you acceleration per segment. A car with 2000 meters per round (120
kilometers per hour) speed will accelerate 83 meters a segment. This acceleration will start when the character driving gets to her initiative and stomps
on the pedal to make the car go vroom. A car will also cover as much ground as its current speed each segment so its first segment of acceleration it
will cover 83 meters on the second segment it will cover 166 meters and so on.
Passengers: This is the total number of people that the vehicle can hold safely. This number can be increased by 50% if everybody is really friendly.
But if there is an accident, look out!
Fuel Consumption: This is the amount of fuel that the vehicle burns traveling a given distance. Rates of fuel consumption are always given as a
distance in kilometers, for one liter of fuel. So if fuel consumption is 80 km the vehicle will burn 1 liter of fuel for every 80 km traveled. This assumes
that the vehicle is traveling at optimum speed. If the vehicle is going 5 km per hour the visionary should lower the distance that the vehicle will travel per
liter of fuel. The amount of fuel the vehicle can hold is up to the visionary but I would recommend no more than 70 liters.
Terrain: This represents the terrain types that the vehicle can travel over and function in. Vehicles have top speeds that can be reached on the ground,
in the air, and space. These speeds are 200 kilometers per hour for ground vehicles (I know that a lot of PC’s are going to be screaming that is too slow,
and that the ground speed record is Mach 1 but those people don’t turn the cars and aren’t shot at as they drive). Ground speed and water speed are
the same unless the characters are talking underwater propulsion, which lowers top speeds to only 100 kilometers per hour. 6000 kilometers per hour
for aircraft and .25 the speed of light for space flight.
Armor: Armor is the measure of damage that a vehicle can withstand before the passengers will start taking damage. It is also how resistant the
vehicle is to damage. If a vehicle has an armor value of 4 and is shot with a power gun, the vehicle will absorb 4 points of that damage and the
remaining amount will penetrate to the passengers. Note that any damage that pierces vehicles armor is also applied to the vehicles damage point total.
Armor is a little touchy feely. Visionaries should feel free to decide what weapons can pierce what kind of armor. Hand held weapons can be counted
on to penetrate the armor of a combat car but not a tank even though a tanks Defense Rating might be low enough to ‘technically’ allow it. As a simple
rule of thumb if a weapons maximum damage divided by 3 is not higher than a vehicles armor it cannot penetrate (this only applies to hand held
weapons crew mounted and larger weapons are made to penetrate and will).
Damage points: This is the amount of damage that a vehicle can withstand before it is destroyed (that means that it will no longer go vroom). The
visionary should feel free to assign penalties when the damage to a vehicle hits a certain point i.e. the vehicle has sustained ¾ of it damage points or at
½ and ¾ depending on how you feel.
Hard Points: Hard Points are places where a weapon can be placed to fire. A hard point will vary according to the visionary’s desires; remember that
not all hard points are created equal. A tank may have 5 hard points: one for the main gun, 2 for heavy machine guns, and 3 for countermeasures
(chaff, flares, and anti missile defense) not five hard points for five main guns. Hard points also have different arcs of fire that range from straight ahead
to forward firing arc to 360* arc. It is your decision as visionary what the firing arc on a given hard point will be. Remember that I am leaving what and
how much a hard point can handle up to you so that you can easily rein your PC’s in, so watch them.
I don’t think that there will be too many people doing weird things in civilian vehicles, so here is the range that they come in. The various models of
civilian vehicles range from the equivalent of a Yugo to the Ferrari.
Speed: 2000 meters to 9330 meter per round
Passengers: 1 to 8
Fuel consumption: 40 km to 120 km the liter
Terrain: Ground only
Armor: 4
Damage points: 10 to 30
Special Vehicles range the widest and most likely the players will be driving them so as visionary you should decide what range you will allow.
Remember that the car they want will most likely NOT be available (no you can’t have a car that has the best of everything). Think of it this way all
vehicles trade off somewhere a Ferrari doesn’t have the carrying capacity of a truck and a truck doesn’t steer corners very well etc… These are just the
ranges that the vehicles have and you as the visionary should work out what combinations you will allow.
Speed: 2000 meters to 29330 meter per round (the last number is for aircraft)
Passengers: 1 to 30
Fuel consumption: 40 km to 1600 km the liter
Terrain: ground, air, under sea, and VERY LIMITED space flight
Armor: 4 to 20
Damage points: 10 to 120
Hard Points: 1 to 15
Military vehicles are generally only allowed for the military but if you are playing a military campaign or allowing civilians to use this equipment then this
is the range.
Speed: 2000 meters to .25 the speed of light (for spacecraft)
Passengers: 1 to 80
Fuel consumption: 30 km to .25 c per liter of reaction mass.
Terrain: ground, air, under sea, and true space flight
Armor: 20 to 35
Damage points: 40 to 225
Hard Points: 3 to 20
Leather Armor (DR 3) 15 credits
Description: Leather armor, despite the popular misconception, is not soft and supple like the leather used to make a pair of boots or a soft robe. That
kind of leather offers no better protection than common clothing.
Leather armor is actually strong and stiff, having been hardened and then molded into the shape of the wearer’s body.
Studded Leather Armor (DR 4) 20 credits
Description: Studded leather armor has little in common with normal leather armor. While leather armor is a hardened shell, studded leather armor is soft
and supple with hundreds of metal rivets affixed. The rivets are so close together that they form a flexible coating of hard metal that turns aside attacks.
The soft leather backing is little more than a means of securing the rivets in place.
A variation of studded leather that is sometimes seen among barbarians of low tech planets (and, oddly, among some giant clans) is spiked leather.
Much as it sounds, spiked leather armor is studded leather armor in which the rivets have been augmented by sharp spikes. (Most intelligent beings
would be worried about mounting spikes into their armor, just in case they should trip and fall, not to mention the problems packing or storing the armor).
Overbearing and grappling while wearing such armor inflicts additional damage based on the wearer's size. A small creature inflicts 2 points of
piercing damage, a man-sized creature inflicts 3 points, and a large creature inflicts 4 points. These values are considered for each individual attack, not
for every round that a creature is grappled.
Chain Mail (DR 5) 30 credits
Description: Chain mail is made of interlocking metal rings. It is always worn over a layer of padded fabric or soft leather to prevent chafing and lessen
the impact of blows.
Banded Mail (DR 6) 40 credits
Description: Banded mail armor is made of overlapping horizontal strips of laminated metal sewn over a backing of normal chain mail and soft leather
backing. Lamination in this context refers to a process in which many thin sheets of metal are hammered or riveted together to form each individual
metal strip.
Plate Mail (DR 8) 50 credits
Description: Plate mail is a combination of chain armor with metal plates covering the vital areas such as the chest, abdomen and groin. Similar in
construction to bronze plate mail (something you may find on low tech planets or costume parties), true plate mail comprises heavy steel plates riveted
to a sturdy backing of chain and leather. These metal plates are often better constructed than those found in bronze plate and banded mails, relying on
superior metallurgy and advanced lamination techniques to produce lightweight steel with excellent combat characteristics. On high tech planets the
metal used is new-steel this increases the cost of the armor by 10 credits but halves the weight and is much more durable.
Full Plate Armor (DR 10) 400 credits
Description: Full plate armor is the best non powered armor a person can buy, both in appearance and protection. The perfectly fitted interlocking plates
are specially angled to deflect blows, and the entire suit is carefully adorned with rich engraving and embossed detail. On high tech planets the metal
used is new-steel this increases the cost of the armor by 10 credits but halves the weight and is much more durable.
Damiral Plate Mail (DR 9) 200 credits
Description: The forged black plate made by the Damirals exclusively for their own warrior leaders is both heavy and unattractive by human and Adar
standards. However, Damirals have traditionally placed less emphasis on appearance than on personal defense. Damiral warriors who wear Damiral
plate are often called "walking tanks" by their enemies due to the bulk of this armor.
Psionic Damiral plate mail is only as encumbering as ordinary plate mail. The enchantment is cumulative with the natural +1 to Defense Rating
Damiral plate possesses. Therefore, Damiral plate mail +1 is actually equivalent to ordinary plate mail +2 for purposes of Defense Rating (but not
survival checks). It may be easier for the visionary and player if the base armor class for Damiral plate is remembered to be 9, equivalent to field plate
armor for humans.
Modern Armor is composed of light, durable materials. The characters can have any Defense Rating up to AR 10 that is just a mix of duraweave and
new-steel (although AR 10 is mostly new-steel). But to have armor that has a rating higher than 10 the armor must be powered and powered armor can
only have a rating up to 13 (15 for commonwealth military). This will allow the character to mix and match armor to her heart's content.
Duraweave (DR 4) 5 credits
Description: Duraweave is the wonder material of the future. This material is as light and thick as normal cloth (feel your shirt, it’s the same) but it
provides four steps of protection. It is resistant to dirt, water, mold, and soiling and will last a normal adult a lifetime (and a child or adventurer about a
Light Combat Armor (DR 6) 50 credits
Description: light combat armor is reinforced duraweave with a new-steel breastplate it is the standard issue for police and militia forces. It has all the
properties of duraweave.
Combat Armor (DR 8) 100 credits
Description: Combat armor is several layers of duraweave with new-steel breastplate, leg and arm guards and other reinforcements. This is the
minimum armor for commonwealth military. It has all the properties of duraweave.
Space Suit (DR 9) 700 credits
This is the standard space suit for all the races it is the simplest of the power suits. It has the following capabilities: self-contained (food and water for 1
week unlimited air), radiation shielding for outer space, communication equipment, and potty facilities (the food and water already noted, it’s great what
you can do with recycling). The suit has enough power for 20 days. On the charge chart the suit takes 3 charges an hour. Fully charged the suit has
1,440 charges.
Heavy Combat Armor (DR 10) 5,000 credits
Reinforced duraweave complemented by extensive new-steel plating comprises the bulk of heavy combat armor. Like its somewhat smaller cousin the
space suit, HCA is powered and fully self-contained. HCA also carries 1440 charges, requiring three per hour, for a total “life” of 20 days before
recharging becomes necessary.
Battle Dress (DR 11-13) 30,000 credits and up
Battle Dress is the standard commonwealth armor. It is a suit of power armor made for all combat conditions it has the following capabilities. Self
contained (food and water for 3 months unlimited air), full shielding (this suit is considered shielded for what the scout can do as well as EMP), Full array
communication gear, waste elimination facilities, ports for weapon recharging, a limited recharge capacity (10 charges a day when the suit is set to
recharge mode), and a medical scanner for the wearer of the suit. The scanner will monitor the characters condition and inject drugs and advise when
possible this will allow the healing of 1d8 points of damage per combat.
Shields (+1 DR)
Shields ordinarily improve a character's Defense Rating by 1 (or more if psionic). Shields cannot be used to block attacks from the rear.
Small Shield 3 credits
A small shield is usually round and is carried on the forearm, gripped with the shield hand. Its lightweight as compared to a medium shield permits the
user to carry other items in that hand, although she cannot wield or carry another weapon.
Medium Shield 4 credits
A medium shield is carried in the same manner as a small shield (i.e., on the forearm). Unlike the small shield, however, its weight and size prevents the
character from using her shield hand for anything other than carrying the medium shield. Medium shields are usually made of metal, range from 1 meter
to 130 cm in diameter, and can be of any shape, from round to square to a spread dragon's wings. A typical shield resembles a triangle with one point
facing downward.
Body Shield 5 credits
The body shield, also known as the kite or tower shield, is a massive metal or wooden shield reaching nearly from the chin to the toe of the user. It must
be firmly fastened to the forearm and the shield hand must firmly grip it at all times. Naturally, this precludes use of the shield hand for anything but
holding the body shield in place.
Standing around 2 meters tall, the body shield provides a great deal of protection to the user, improving the overall armor class of the character by 1
against melee attacks and by 2 against ranged attacks. As with all shields, these bonuses apply only against frontal and flanking attacks.
Helms most helms cost 1 to 5 credits
Campaign Use: Helms are part of a warrior's basic protection. Failure to use proper headgear leaves a character open to called shots by opponents or to
other disadvantages at the Visionary’s option. All headgear except that which does not cover the ears must be removed when making rolls for listening.
Open-Face Helmet
This class of open-face helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers most of the head, save the face and neck. These helmets commonly provide
protection for the nose (this piece of the helm is called a nasal).
Open-face helmets are popular with officers and leaders, and are appropriately worn with medium-weight armors like combat armor and chain mail.
Closed-Face Helmet
The closed-face helmets are identical to the open-face helmets (above), but include a visored faceplate.
These tend to be worn by officers and sergeants-at-arms. They are most commonly worn with plate mail.
Great Helm
A great helm is any massive metal helm that covers the entire head, including the neck and often the upper shoulders. The only gaps in the protection
are found in the narrow slits that allow limited vision, and some small holes to permit breathing. The visor is not normally removable.
It is rare to find a great helm used with armor lighter than banded mail. Great helms are most often found in combination with plate mail or heavier armor.
You will only find these monstrosities on low tech planets.
Modern helmet
A modern helmet covers the top of the head and ears with a mix of newsteel and duraweave. The modern helmets can have a variety of attachments
added to them to increase the protection or grant other nifty features at the visionaries discretion (think of the helmets that you see in the swat movies).
Close Combat Weapons
As the empires developed their technology, melee weapons were discarded in favor of ranged weapons, and eventually gave way to weapons of mass
destruction. The empires were sensible enough to regulate the use of weapons of mass destruction, however, as these do not leave behind viable
ecosystems. Deadly personal firearms became the standard armaments for technologically advanced citizens, and “primitive” weapons disappeared
from use almost entirely. With the advent of the personal force field, however, close combat weapons have been rediscovered and reassimilated into
advanced societies. Since these primitive weapons represent another step in the arms race, only a small listing of armaments is presented. Only the
deadliest weapons are employed for close up fighting, and the “lesser” variants of these weapons are generally kept only for sentimental reasons.
Characters wishing to use an exotic weapon may simply rename a listed weapon and describe its form and function. At the Visionary’s discretion,
characters may create their own weapons entirely. Keep in mind, however, that created weapons should not be better than listed ones (the weapon
archetypes currently in use have proven themselves over hundreds of years in countless battles). In addition to the primitive weapons listed below are
some technologically “upgraded” weapons, which blend old weapon making with modern weapons technology.
Armored Glove
Whether a medieval glove, a cestus, or leather with knuckle spikes, any glove which improves the wearers ability to strike with the hand falls
under this weapon type. These gloves are cheap and easy to come by, and serve as last ditch aids for combatants without “real” weapons. Note that
most conventional armors that provide an AR of 8 or better assume that their wearer may strike as if wearing an armored glove.
This weapon is approximately one meter long, its haft and blade made of new-steel. The standard combat axe has a single head and a claw
on the other side for prying and other utility needs.
Axe, Combat
Larger and more deadly than the standard issue axe, these axes were constructed solely for combat. Such weapons have longer and thicker
hafts than their smaller cousins, and a double crescent head. These sturdy weapons are favored by the Damirals more than any other race.
Energy Lash
This weapon is basically a new-steel handle connected to a 2m long, meta-plast cord, which is approximately 1cm in diameter. When
charged, the weapon has two settings. One causes pain and minor burning but no lasting harm. This setting allows the whip to operate for one hour per
charge. The second setting inflicts damage, but requires one charge per use.
Whenever characters must fight unarmed, they use these statistics. Note that characters may elbow smash, head-butt, kick, or perform any
other maneuver they desire. The damage is all the same. Only Masters of the Way or species with natural (or of course biogenic) weapons may inflict
more than the listed base damage. Modifiers always apply.
Kinetic Hammer
The Hammer, as it is commonly called, is legendary for the incredible damage it inflicts. If activated, the hammer creates an energy field,
which causes the hammer to accrue additional kinetic energy during the acceleration it undergoes when swung. The hammer’s power supply is tapped
whenever the hammer is swung, so the hammer will be out of power after ten attacks, whether they hit or miss. Note that activating or deactivating the
hammer requires an action, and must be declared before the combat check. The hammer is recharged by swinging it around (kind of like a self-winding
watch) you can always tell a professional hammer girl because she will always be tapping her hammer against her thigh or her hand to charge it up.
Even without the hammer a lot of these people will still tap her hand against her thigh out of habit. A kinetic hammer does not charge appreciably during
combat, but one minute of "charging" is usually enough to ready a hammer's power supply. A single action can be used to pop out the old battery and
insert a new one.
Small and quick, the knife is an excellent addition to any characters arsenal. Most knives have a blade length of .25m. Knives are most often
used on worlds with strict weapons regulations, but due to their usefulness as tools of all sorts, can be found on almost any planet.
These slender blades can be used with great accuracy in combat. A thin blade approximately 1m long allows a combination of slashes and
stabs to whittle down an opponent rather than relying on a single clumsy swing of a heavier weapon.
These wicked weapons are a favored weapon of the Quellin. A short handle supports a New-steel semi-circular blade. The Quellin are
masters of using the blades in concert to entrap and destroy enemy weapons and limbs.
Spears are generally 2m long. They tend to have reinforced hafts, as one of the desirable traits of the spear is the many uses of a lever.
Spears are highly effective in combat, however, as they may be thrown, and inflict considerable damage.
Like the spear, staves average two meters in length. They are also made of reinforced newsteel, and make excellent levers. Staves are
quick, since either end may be brought into play. Relatively peaceful people generally use staves, since they inflict relatively little damage. Note that
staves are allowed on just about any world, and are sometimes used by local law enforcement.
Staff, Shock
Designed after the proliferation of the Slap Disk, the staff of the same name conforms to the basic dimensions of its low-tech cousin. This
staff, however, is not as sturdy, its core having been hollowed to accommodate a small power storage cell, which is fitted to conductors at either end.
These conductors transmit a shocking jolt of electricity whenever a hit is scored, unless the staff is deactivated. Each jolt draws off one charge. As
mentioned before, the staff is not as tough as it perhaps should be. If specifically struck or possibly damaged in some way, the staff must save as a
standard item or be rendered useless.
This is the staple weapon of most soldiers in close combat. A heavy-duty, heavy damage weapon, the sword is unsurpassed as a one handed
weapon, though it has little use outside combat. Swords generally have a blade length of 1m. There are several hundred variants of the sword, but only
the most efficient models (a dozen or so) see much use throughout the empires.
Sword, Combat
These extraordinarily large new-steel blades inflict tremendous damage in combat, often cleaving opponents in half! With blade length
averaging as much as 1.8m, these are weapons to be feared. Such swords are most often employed by heavily armored troops, when brute force is
favored over subtlety.
Ranged Combat
There are many types of grenades. Grenades in Conquered Heavens can be keyed to either energy or physical damage (chosen at time of
purchase). Thermite grenades are designed to deal structural damage. Grenades are a lesser saturation weapon. This means that they deal full
damage to anything in the hex where they explode, and half-damage to anything in adjacent hexes. Grenades have timers, and explode on the phase
after they are thrown. This gives enemies a chance to run (however slim) when a grenade is thrown. Enemies can always dive for cover in response to
a grenade landing in their hex or a hex adjacent to them (they must of course have an action remaining).
General features of laser weapons
All of the laser weapons have a feature that allows them to save ammo and gives a +1 to hit. When the character applies 1/2 kg of pressure to the
trigger a beam of light is emitted from the barrel this beam does no damage it is just a ray of light. This beam of light is basically a laser sight.
Laser Pistol
The laser shoots a beam of coherent light. The long range for a laser is line of sight although the visionary may still disallow shots if the range is greater
than 1/2 km. The laser cauterizes wounds so the victim will not bleed to death.
Laser Rifle
Like the laser pistol the laser rifle has an unlimited range with the person firing the weapon being able to hit a person out to about a range of 6 km.
Combat Laser
This is the battledress version of the laser it is hooked up to a back pack with a heavy duty power cable and with the battledress combat computer and
aiming system will never have more than a 2 penalty from range. It has a range of 15 km if the target can be seen.
Blaster Weapons
The blaster fires a blast of protons traveling along a low power laser beam. The range is low because even with the beam to follow the protons disperse
rapidly, but the appeal of the blaster is that if the target is hit with more damage than she has strength she must make a strength check or be knocked
Slug thrower
The slug thrower is the standard projectile weapon. Its appeal is the rounds are easy to make and can be gotten even on low tech planets and it is
effective on creatures that have a real high psionic immunity or energy containment. The weapon damage is assumed to be the most damaging slug
thrower to be found. (This ain’t no .22)
The rifle is the same as the slug thrower with better damage and range.
Though primitive in concept, the shotgun and its variants can be employed to devastating effect. Because of its power and inexpensive nature, it is a
favored weapon of low tech and or low skill militias across the empires. If firing scatter shot, the weapon may “strafe” into a single adjacent hex on a
seven round burst. When slugs are utilized, they subtract up to two points from opponents Defense Rating, as long as those points come from physical
protection (body armor, tough skin, etc.).
Combat rifle
The combat rifle is a small portable mini-gun that can fire 3,000 rounds a minute. The bonuses for this weapon can be truly scary when the weapon is
used to hose down an area.
Combat Fusion
This weapon is very damaging to whatever it hits, at the end of every combat if a character was hit with fusion weapons that character must make a
Survival Check for any of her items that the visionary feels is appropriate to see if they survived the combat. This save is with a 2 penalty. (This is
generally non psionic items of a non-durable nature)
Power guns
All Power guns share a few common features they all do a set amount of damage they all do physical damage and the ammo is very high tech
characters will not be able to get this ammo on low tech planets or make it themselves.
Plasma Weapons
Plasma weapons force whatever was hit by them to make a strength check or be knocked down.
Flechette weapons take a block of hardened plastic and shave of needle thin slivers that it shoots at the target one round from a flechette is actually 40
needles. This weapon automatically sprays one hex and will give full bonuses for multiple rounds.
The ripper is really called Dynamics Standard multipurpose assault rifle but after it was seen in action the name ripper stuck. This weapon fires a round
of hardened new-steel incased in a crystal shell. The weapon fires this ammo either in a flat projectile in which case it subtracts 2 from a targets armor
(it acts like a sabot round) or the weapon tumbles the round causing the round to spin like a buzz saw making messier wounds (2 extra damage). This is
accomplished by using a particle enhanced laser to accelerate the round. The weapon pulses the beam to cause the round to tumble.
The disrupter does damage by disrupting the structure of molecules in the target, for every point of armor above 4 the character can subtract 1 point of
damage as the armor shunts this energy into itself. If the armor ever takes more than 10 times its value without being fixed it is ruined.
Armored Glove 4
Axe, Combat 1
Energy Lash 5
Hand 4
Improvised, small
Improvised, medium
Improvised, large 1
Kinetic Hammer 1,5
Sickle 3
Spear 1,2
Staff 1
Staff, Shock 1,5
Sword, Combat 1
Indicates that the weapon must be wielded with two hands.
Indicates that the weapon has been made for throwing as well (Ranges under Ranged Weapons).
Indicates that the weapon imposes an additional -2 penalty to opponents using firearms in close combat.
Indicates that characters using these weapons are considered unarmed.
Indicates that the weapon is charged, dealing the first amount for one charge, and the second amount at no expenditure. If only one value is
given, the weapon requires charges to operate.
Laser pistol
Laser rifle
Combat laser
Blaster pistol
Blaster rifle
Combat blaster
Slug thrower
Shot gun
Combat rifle
Combat fusion
Power gun
Power rifle
Combat power rifle
Plasma pistol
Plasma rifle
Combat plasma
Flechette rifle
Ripper rifle
.5 STR
x1 STR
x1.5 STR
3d4+12 *,E
4d4+16 3,*,E
2d6+8 E
2d6+11 E
3d6+15 3,E
2d8+4 P
3d8+6 P
3d8+9 P
3d10+10 1,*,P
15 *,P
15 *,P
25 *,P
2d6+12 E,@
3d6+18 E,@
4d8+8 2,*,P
2d8+8 *P
1 you get 5 more points of damage for every 4 steps below the required to hit roll you get rounding down.
2 force fields are double effective vs. this weapon.
3 all combat weapons require battledress to operate.
4 this weapon is only for commonwealth forces it is listed here so visionaries can know what to shoot PC’s with if they get in a fight with them.
* This weapon is automatic and can do bursts.
P this weapon fires an physical projectile.
E this weapon fires an energy projectile.
@ This weapon can only fire single rounds.
Character Encumbrance
Max Weight
A character can move her max movement if she is unencumbered and wearing armor that allows full movement. She gets a 1-movement penalty for
each category beyond unencumbered she is.
Characters at max weight suffer a 2 point penalty instead of 1, movement is slow and cumbersome.
Encumbrance also reduces your character's combat abilities. If encumbrance reduces your character to 1/2 of her normal movement rate, she suffers a
1 penalty to her attack roll. If she is reduced to 1/3 or less of her normal movement rate, the attack penalty is 2 and the character loses all agility
bonuses for Defense Rating. If your character's movement is reduced to 3 or less, the attack roll penalty is 4. Clearly, the wise thing for a heavily
encumbered character to do is to quickly drop most of his gear before entering battle.
A natural desire is to have your character own one of everything. Thus equipped, your character could just reach into her pack and pull out any item she
wants whenever she needs it. Sadly, there are limits to how much your character, her horse, her motorcycle, or whatever can carry. These limits are
determined by encumbrance.
Encumbrance is measured in kilograms. To calculate encumbrance, simply total the kilograms of gear carried by the creature or character. Add 3
kilograms for clothing, if any is worn. This total is then compared to the carrying capacity of the creature to determine the effects. In general, the more
weight carried, the slower the movement and the worse the character is at fighting.
Item Survival Checks
There are 6 types of item Survival Checks: hard, standard, weak, psionic hard, psionic standard, and psionic weak. The visionary should adjust the save
for any item that is treated in a really harsh manner, like a sword that is snapped over a knee to break it in half (like you see in the movies). I would
probably give this sword a BIG penalty to survive even though it’s hard. Hard items are metals and some types of gems, standard items are wood,
leather and most items you would run across, and weak items are glass (standard not safety) and people (just kidding). Psionic items with a plus like
swords do not add that plus to the save the weapon just rolls on the psionic hard number.
Hard 14
Psionic hard 17
Standard 10
Psionic standard 13
Weak 6
Psionic weak 9
Remember that items only need to make a save if the item is targeted or it is immersed in a harmful substance for more than 30 seconds. Like a sword
in acid.
Force Field (and Psionic Immunity) Chart
A character can increase her bonus to hit by increasing the number of shots fired or can hit adjacent targets the same way.
Bonus to hit
number of shots
A character can hit one additional adjacent target if she fires 15 rounds and one additional target for every 10 beyond that. If you try for the
additional target you get no bonuses to hit and the damage is reduced by one dice.
A weapon that is not an automatic can still fire 7 rounds(If the clip holds that many) for a bonus of 2. Unless otherwise stated.
Biogenics is a field of science in the Conquered Heavens game where the interactions between different kinds of living material are studied.
Biogenics allows characters to combine alien DNA or other materials with their own essence in order to gain fantastic new abilities. Genetic splicing,
organ transplants, cloning, silicate colonization, energy-matter transfer and many other exciting areas of study are available to those who make a living
in the powerful biogenic industry. Much more effective than crude cybernetics, biogenics work with the original organism to introduce new faculties or
enhance existing capabilities while causing as little damage as possible to that being's aura. This preoccupation with preserving the natural state of the
body stems from the psionic maturity of the races that rule the five empires. Unlike less advanced races that are preoccupied with the power of
cybernetic augmentation, the five empires recognize the limitations of metal and plastic. Flesh is easily repaired in the field, and with it, biogenic
augmentations. Cybernetics by comparison requires costly maintenance and are nearly impossible to rebuild in triage.
Biogenics and Psionics
Biogenics represent the height of technological advancement throughout the galaxy. The damage caused to a character’s aura, however, can be quite
extreme. One of the side effects of biogenic augmentation is a decreasing ability to access a character’s psionic potential. In extreme cases (such as
Splicers in an advanced state of augmentation), biogenics can preclude a characters ability to interact even passively with complex psionics. Those
characters who have more than 40% biogenic augmentation cannot have their auras affected by psionic equipment (they do not have enough of an aura
left to ignite the interactive properties of a psionic construct). For example, a Splicer wielding a winter blade would still use its bonus to hit and damage,
but would not gain the benefits of its protective aura. Such characters are also immune to psionic effects that affect "target entity" in the area of effect,
including multiple target entities. Characters who have more than 100% biogenic augmentation may not be altered by complex psionics, though their
auras may be repaired and destroyed by less subtle psionics. For example, Splicers of some experience are generally immune to the Curse of the
Lesser Form. While this may seem beneficial, keep in mind that they cannot be affected by psionic functions of a benign transformational nature either,
such as Infused Greatness.
Psi- Disruption: When a character receives a biogenic implant, her DNA is altered and the subtle balance of energies that allow the character
to manifest psionic energy are eroded. Therefore, all biogenic implants carry a psi-disruption cost, which indicates how much of a toll is taken on the
character's aura. This value is listed as a percentage, which is deducted from any AP pool the character has. Psi disruption also serves as a guideline
to cost, since most procedures require 1,000 credits per point of psionic disruption. When a being exceeds 99%, they are said to be psi-dead. Although
still infused with the astral energy that supports all life, the character is so far removed from her original genetic make-up that she can no longer manifest
any sort of psionic energy.
DNA Alteration
Hidden Compartment
Enhanced senses
Visual Enhancement
Sonic Enhancement
Weapon Link
Adrenal Catalyst
Movement Var.
Natural Anti-Venom
3% per
3% per
Detect Psionics
Ambulatory Restructuring
Leosyne Modification
Life Support Var.
Biogenic Link
Organic Recombination
Wired Reflexes
5% Aug
Oculus Nigris
Combat Focus
Cerrorax Plating
Bio Armor
Colossus Protocol
Circulatory Shoring
The Lazarus Effect
Force Field Var.
Same as first number
Psionic Immunity
10% per 5% protection
Corporal Intensification
Reactive Adaptation
Iron Mind
3% per
3% per
Biogenic Durability
5% per
7% per
Psionic Toughening
Resistance, Fire
Resistance, Cold
Resistance, Electricity
DNA Alteration, 1%: This implantation alters the DNA strands within the body. For each 1% implantation, characters may raise a single
attribute (excluding Charm) to their racial maximum. Characters who receive alteration for more than one attribute, however, will be unable to support
other biogenic implants. The "lock down" of so much of your DNA disallows other biogenics. Alien strands can, however, “keep up” with a single type.
Visual Enhancement, 2%: Characters who wish to improve their sight have a number of options open to them. Each improvement costs 2%,
and multiple enhancements may be made. Characters can be modified for distance, retaining clear vision up to five times farther than unaugmented
humans. Spectrum enhancement allows a character to pick up on frequencies of light at the low and high ends of the light spectrum, which were
previously invisible to her, effectively allowing her to see in the dark. With infrared, characters do not see according to light at all, but rather distinguish
shapes by heat differences. Additional or alternate enhancements may be selected at the discretion of the storyteller.
Sonic Enhancement, 2%: This simple implant increases a characters sensitivity to sound, allowing her to hear normally inaudible noises, and
detect sound at higher and lower ends of the sonic spectrum than normal. Additional sonic improvements may be purchased with the visionaries’
approval at 2% each.
Colossus Protocol, 15%: The character is subjected to a battery of hormones, and her entire body undergoes rapid growth. A Character
who has received this augment takes up two hexes instead of one, and her size increases by 50-100% (Character's Choice). She doubles her carrying
and lifting capacities. This augment can only be given to man-sized characters.
Combat Focus, 8%: Specific changes to the brain's chemistry enable some people to respond to a crisis with calm and determination rather
than panic or fury. A character with this augment receives a +4 bonus to her I.Q. and wisdom during an encounter, though she does not gain willpower
dependent resource benefits (i.e. AP points), as those require time to accumulate.
Corporal Intensification, 20%: This augment makes the character more dense. This increases her weight, strength, and durability. The
character's weight is doubled, and her Strength is increased by 3. In addition, the character can apply a -5 penalty to any instance of physical or energy
damage she suffers
Natural Anti-Venom, 3%: A character with this augment is largely resistant to poison. The rating of the augment is subtracted from each
instance of poison damage. In addition, the character gets a bonus to poison saving throws up to 5. This implant can only be purchased 5 times.
Tail, 2%: Biogenically added tails are typically prehensile and fairly long, aiding with manipulation in a pinch, and improving balance.
Characters with a tail can manipulate objects nearby as if they had a free hand, while holding objects in her actual hands. If rolls are required, it is
assumed to be a challenging task for which a tail is not ideal; a -1d10 penalty is applied. In addition, the character can re-roll a failed check involving
keeping her balance. Note this does not improve the characters action set.
Stinger, 3%: The character gains a powerful tail equipped with a venomous stinger. The tail is not prehensile (unless the tail augment is also
purchased), but the character can strike with it as if armed with a weapon. The tail deals 2d6 points of damage, and delivers venom that causes a bonus
3d6 points of damage. The venom damage has the poison type. The stinger secretes enough poison for three doses per hour, and up to 10 doses can
be stored at any one time.
Oculus Nigris, 6%: The visual organs of the character have been heavily modified. The characters eyes are jet black. Anyone trying to use
psychology or observation against the character suffers a -2 penalty. In addition, the character cannot be blinded by conventional means. Nothing short
of direct physical trauma to the eyes will blind them. The character cannot see through opaque substances, of course.
Ambulatory Restructuring, 4%: By changing the very structure of the character's legs, she can be made into a fantastic jumper. Her knee
joints are altered to bend in any direction, and the muscles and ligaments of the leg are improved to allow for increased jumping ability. The character
doubles the distance travelled with any jump
Circulatory Shoring, 15%: This augment thickens the characters blood into a substance much closer to a gel than a liquid. The character
doesn't bleed much as a result. The character gains 30% damage reduction vs. physical attacks that cause bleeding. This includes most edged
weapons and all non-energy firearms.
Adrenal Catalyst, 2%: This implant allows a character to flood her system with adrenaline at will. This causes the character to go berserk.
The character gains a cumulative +2 strength each round the implant is used (simple action lag 0), to a maximum of +8. The bonuses recede at a rate
of -2 per round when the adrenal rush fades. For the safety of the character, the adrenal rush lasts a maximum of 10 minutes, at which time the implant
shuts down for 10 minutes.
Cerrorax Plating, 12%: The character is prepped to naturally grow a sheath of overlapping chitinous plates, with all the durability of battledress, yet remaining completely natural. The character gains a +13 bonus to AR. The rating is cumulative with those considerations that provide a
Defense Rating bonus, but not those which bestow a flat Defense Rating.
Bio Armor, 20%: This implant creates a naturally energy resistant sheathe of armor that provides an AR of 9. The rating is cumulative with
those considerations that provide a Defense Rating bonus, but not those which bestow a flat Defense Rating. This armor may take the form of an
endo/exoskeleton, hardened flesh or denser musculature. In addition to the natural Defense Rating, characters with this implant subtract 1 point per die
of damage from all energy attacks.
Regeneration, 12%: Regenerating characters recover one HP/ turn. The recovery is a result of accelerated cell production in response to
physical trauma. This implant does not, therefore speed the recovery of hit points lost without cellular disruption of some sort. The regenerative implant
has limits as to the kind of damage it may repair. Lost limbs may not be regrown, and characters dead more than six minutes cease to regenerate.
The Lazarus Effect, 25%: This advanced augmentation provides the character with incredible recuperative powers. The character recovers
one hit point every minute, and will eventually re-grow lost limbs or organs. This implant will actually bring the character back to life if the body is
allowed to do so (so don’t get eaten by whatever killed you!)
Bioelectricity, 20%: The character is now capable of storing up electricity in her own body. Bolts may be discharged by touch for 1d8+1 per
level or discharged at range (60/120/180) for 1d8 per level damage. Characters recharge two bolts worth of energy every thirty minutes, with five bolts
as the maximum storage capacity.
Claws, 1%: Small retractable claws are placed at the tips of all manipulative appendages. These claws may be used as weapons, inflicting a
base damage of 1d4. Alternatively, the claws may be used to assist climbing. Unless the surface is both smooth and dense, the character is assumed
to be able to find purchase and climb without difficulty.
Flight, 12/15%: The character is able to fly. If using wings, patagia, or other visible method of conventional flight, the implant costs twelve
percent. If less visible means are used (like superman you just fly because you want to, for instance), the implant costs 15%
Force Field, Variable: Generally the legacy of highly psionic creatures, characters possessing this implant radiate an invisible force field of
their own. The biogenic cost is 1 times the protection afforded by the field itself. Thus, a twenty-percent field costs 20% of a characters available
biogenic index. Note that the field is sustained by the characters own energies, and created through a new organ or other biological process, and is not
subject to damage.
Organic Recombination, 5%: Splicers with advanced healing abilities can be adapted to consciously direct cellular memory. This allows
them to direct their healing process. A character with this augment can use an action (lag 2) to instantly regenerate 3d6 hit points. By holding a severed
limb to the stump, she can reattach the limb during this healing process. This ability can also remove certain status effects related to organ failure and
the like, at the visionary's discretion. The character can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her level. This implant has the prerequisite
of either Regeneration, OR The Lazarus Effect.
Centered, 5%: This implant “locks” into the local gravity well and maintains the characters orientation. This means the character cannot be
knocked down and gets a survival check on any attempts to move the character against her will. Think of this implant as acting like a gyroscope.
Except it isn’t, the character is just really resistant to being knocked around. Visionaries are the final arbiter but this implant could have a lot of uses.
Hidden Compartment, 1%: This implant is actually a specially hollowed cavity with modified surrounding tissue. The compartment is
undetectable with conventional scanners, and generally only a very advanced and thorough search will detect it.
Psionic Immunity, Variable: This implant allows for the restructuring of a character’s body in an energy resistant fashion. Immunity may be
purchased only in 5% increments. Each increment purchased costs 8% of a character’s available biogenics. This immunity is equal in all respects to
the monster ability of the same name. This implant caps at 50% protection.
Reactive Adaptation, 25%: Many alien species are capable of producing a direct physiological response to protect themselves from harmful
external stimuli. In many cases, environmental adaptation is not enough. In order to survive, the organism must be able to survive electrocution, flash
freezing, or searing heat. Whenever a character with this augment suffers fire, cold, electricity, or poison damage, she gains an instance of a +25%
resistance to that type of damage for the next 30 minutes. Only 1 instance of this effect can be “working” at a time and it does not stack with Psionic
Iron Mind, 3%: This implant basically insulates characters synaptic centers from outside control. This would be things like mind control,
paralyze, anything mental that effects the characters ability to interact with her own body. For every 3% spend she gets a 1 bonus to saves. This
implant can be purchased no more than 5 times. Remember it is from mental sources. A poison that paralyzes or puts the character in a ‘suggestive’
frame of mind is not covered by this.
Biogenic Durability, Variable: This implant toughens a character to allow her to better cope with a wide variety of hazards. Each level of
durability requires 7% available biogenics, and allows a character a 1 bonus on all survival checks. This implant may be purchased no more than 5
Weapon Link, 2%: Allows a character to preprogram a “friendly” list, negating fumbles, which would cause the character to shoot herself or
Elasticity, 10%: The Character’s body becomes rubbery and elastic. The character may subtract one from all bludgeoning damage dice, and
½ damage from falling. Limbs may be stretched up to 20% beyond their normal length. Additionally, the character may perform impressive feats of
contortion, and fit her body into smaller space than would normally be possible. This may aid a variety of tasks at the visionary’s discretion.
Leosyne Modification, 4%: The characters musculature, ligaments, and even bone structure are modified for greater range of motion, speed
of reflex, and resistance to trauma. The Splicer gains a +4 bonus on athleticism and survival checks.
Invisibility, 15%: The characters skin actually refracts light energy up and down the spectrum. This power does not absorb damage or
radiation but it does allow the character to become invisible at will. This invisibility does have a problem or two. The character can only be wearing clear
clothing, or no clothing at all, is generally the biggest one.
Biogenic Link, 4%: A small part of the frontal lobe is removed from the character and implanted in another being creating a telepathic bond. If
done to an animal the animal will gain I.Q. and will are 3 below the characters at the time of the implant (if the characters I.Q. goes up the familiars will
not) the character can look through the familiars eyes and know what the familiar knows. This will not work on unwilling victims so make sure the
familiar likes her.
Psionic Toughening, 15/35/60%: This augmentation toughens a character’s skin, immunizing him to harm from non-psionic muscle powered
weapons, and reducing damage from slug throwers by 15% per level of augmentation. In addition, for each level of toughening so purchased one plus
of psionic enchantment is required to harm the character. Therefore, a character with level three toughening may only be harmed by +3 or better
weapons, and subtracts 45% of the damage from all slug thrower hits. The biogenic reduction is figured after any force field protection. Note that
monsters and characters with sufficient psionic ability may still be able to strike the character with natural attacks.
Claws, 2/4%: These claws are approximately the length of their users forearm, being stored there between bands of muscle. The claws
extend from special housings located behind and between the knuckles. Creatures with radically different body structures will have to speak with the
visionary as to how the claws will work. Each set of claws costs 2% available biogenics. The claws deal 1d6+3 for one set, or if both sets have been
implanted, 1d6+6.
Detect Psionics, 4%: The Character may sense the presence of active psionic energy within 150 meters.
Resistance, Fire, 10%: This implantation insulates the character’s body against extreme heat. The character is no longer bothered by the
extremes of heat generated through weather (may survive in temperatures as high as 250 degrees), and can even tolerate contact with coals, fires and
the like for short periods of time (about 10 minutes). When exposed to truly intense heat (chemical, psionic, volcanic, etc.), the character subtracts one
from each die of damage. With a successful save (if applicable), damage may be halved instead.
Resistance, Cold, 10%: By boosting the body’s homeostatic ability, biogenesis’s can imbue a character with impressive cold-resistant
capabilities. Characters with this augmentation can withstand temperatures as low as -200C in complete comfort. Exposure to sudden, near absolutezero temperatures (psionic, chemical) still causes damage, but at one less point per die. A successful save halves damage. Note that this
augmentation will not protect a character from the ravages of space.
Resistance, Electricity, 10%: This augmentation lowers the ductility of a character’s skin. Minor electrical surges will not even jolt the
character, and even large surges inflict one less point per die of damage. A successful save halves damage. Note that energy weapons do not fire an
electrical charge.
Absorption 15%: With the absorption augmentation the character can convert energy attacks into psionic energy. Unfortunately, they are
inefficient converters. This means that their owners are exposed to harm before any benefit can be gained. When the character suffers energy damage,
she subtracts one from each die. The augmentation converts that 1 point into 1 AP that is added to the character's AP pool (if she has one). This power
does not stack with other manifestations of itself, or with other damage dice altering prevention abilities. i.e. a character cannot have this ability and
psionic immunity. Psionic immunity and other effects like it would act as ‘insulation’ and prevent adequate absorption to occur.
Wired Reflexes, 7%: This implantation accelerates a characters nervous system, allowing her process, act, or react faster than an
unaugmented being. This improves the characters attack matrix by one.
Disguise, 4%: A common biogenic procedure, disguise allows a being to cosmetically alter its appearance.
Life Support Var. %: A character can get life support at various levels for a 4% augmentation a character cannot get a higher level implant
without getting the implants before it. 1 breathe under water. 2 does not need to breathe 3 does not need to sleep. 4 does not need food or drink. 5
can withstand hostile environments (-150 to 200 C). 6 can survive in outer space (totally self-sufficient)
Movement Var. %: The character can increase her movement by 1 for 2% biogenics up to a max movement of 30%.
Walking and Running
There are some basic rules governing movement out of combat. Character can walk at an average speed of 4km/hour. Character s may maintain this
speed for their Stamina in hours, if they so desire. For each hour beyond this limit that a character wishes to travel, she must make am Endurance
check with a cumulative two point penalty every hour beyond her limit. Once such a check is failed, the character is unable to travel further, collapsing in
exhaustion. Characters may run up to 300 meters per minute, maintaining this pace for half their Stamina in hours, checking Stamina with cumulative
minus two penalties every half hour. Characters may cover 450 meters per round at a sprint, which may be maintained for a number of rounds equal to
½ that characters Stamina, checks at the cumulative minus two made every round thereafter. Failed checks while running or sprinting result in
exhaustion and collapse. Characters exhausted by walking must rest for 1 hour before they can get moving again. Characters who exhausted
themselves by running must rest for 31( -Stamina) minutes before they can run again, though they may walk. Characters exhausted by sprinting must
rest a additional (31-Sta) rounds before they can begin sprinting again, though they may run or walk.
Characters may swim 3xStrength meters per round, maintaining this pace for a number of hours equal to half their stamina. Characters swimming at
6xStrength meters per round may maintain their pace for 10 minutes per point of Stamina. Characters swimming at maximum speed (9xStrength) may
maintain their pace for ½ their Stamina in rounds. As with running, Stamina checks may be made at cumulative minus two penalties for those who wish
to swim longer than their Stamina automatically allows. Those failing Stamina checks are unable to swim any longer, and must float helplessly for at
least 1 hour. When immersed in liquids thinner or thicker than water, Visionaries should feel free to add or subtract points from characters statistics
when determining how long they can continue swimming or if they can even float if they fail a check!
Climbing may be difficult for many characters, and not a little dangerous. Characters wishing to scale any vertical surface must first make an Agility
check. The visionary will vary the target number according to the difficulty of the climb. A sturdy tree with many branches might yield a standard 8 or no
roll may even be required, while a sheer wall of newsteel might have a target number of 20 or not be allowed at all! A characters gear may also affect
the check number. Characters who climb at no penalty are assumed to be carrying little or no gear. If a character succeeds this check, she may move
as many meters upward as she has Agility points. If she is descending, she may move up to double her Agility. Characters failing their Agility check will
fall at some point during their climb, and will need to refer to the falling rules below.
When characters fail a climbing check, are knocked from a ledge, or lose their motive power while in the air, they will need to know how much falling is
going to hurt. Characters generally suffer damage equal to the number of meters they fall –3. This means that characters falling less than 3 meters
suffer no damage. Visionaries may wish to augment this damage or reduce when players fall in high or low gravity worlds. No matter how intense
situational gravity may be at the time, however, characters should not take more than two points of damage per meter fallen. Visionaries interested in
epic role-playing may wish to establish a cap on falling damage (nobody’s taking more than 50 points from a fall in MY game!) or use falls for their roleplaying value, and arbitrarily adjust falling damage (broken limbs, 1 month rest in the hospital, and so on). Without the use of such fiat, most falls from
any great height will be lethal.
Flying is very up in the air for the visionary. Most characters that can fly do so because of something that they have and so the visionary should use the
speeds for the item or augmentation. A character can fly her standard speed forward or half that up or twice that down. Characters flying out of combat
may apply the walking or running rules to flight, with the added dimensions. Given the lethality of falling damage, players should think carefully before
taking to the skies.
Some of the most powerful weapons player characters have at their disposal in the game are psionic disciplines and spells. Disciplines are the pinnacle
of the mind and allow the character to do amazing things with a thought. You may notice that the disciplines list only one thing that they can do and it
some cases that is true, but in other it is up to the character to explore other things that the discipline can do. I would probably allow a character to have
a bonus to her piloting roll if she was using her weather forecast ability to ride a bad storm. I would also like to encourage players to make up new
disciplines for their characters. Through spells a player character can control earthquakes, call lightning out of the sky, heal grievous injuries, hurl
explosive balls of fire, create barriers of stone, fire, and ice, and learn secrets long forgotten. These are only a few of the things player characters can do
once they master the spells.
Not every character is capable of casting spells, however. This ability requires a certain amount of aptitude, depending on the type of spells cast. Wizard
spells are best mastered by those with keen I.Q. and patience for the long years of study that are required. Priestesses spells call for inner peace and
faith and an intense devotion to one's calling.
Psionic spells and Faith Powers are totally incompatible, but they share a common origin. When humans first began tapping their psionic
potential, they learned psionic disciplines. Psionic disciplines are often less flexible but more powerful than their secular and spiritual counterparts. This
is a sort of holdover from the days of raw, unrefined psionic awareness. Disciplines as such, however, may be said to be more “pure” manifestations of
astral energy. Psionic Spells and Faith Powers are more grounded in physical space than disciplines, and interact with force-fields in a conventional
fashion. Disciplines, however, bypass force-fields unimpeded, because the energy of disciplines is alien to the “common” forms of energy found in
physical reality (with which force-fields interact). Spells and powers may never bypass force-fields in this fashion, because they are intrinsically
grounded in physical reality once manifested. Force-fields may not be modified to interact in any way with disciplines.
Faith Powers
Faith is widely acknowledged as one of the most powerful forces in the universe. With strong faith, supplicants may change the world around
them. Faith is a more spiritually centered phenomenon than any other kind of psionics. Practitioners of Faith do not suffer aural degradation due to
biogenic implants, but a lack of belief or conviction can cause a supplicant’s power to wilt. Thus, a Cleric with 99% biogenic augmentation will not suffer
a loss of faith points, but will have a few limits on her code of conduct, as she should do only that which she believes is seemly in the eyes of her deity.
Spells represent the degree of psionic refinement to which the various psionically awakened races have advanced. Spells are many and
varied, providing an incredible amount of flexibility to the spell user. In order to achieve this wide ranging flexibility, however, the spell user must
undergo rigorous and time consuming training. The key to the complexity of psionic spells lies in the manipulation of astral energy through a crystal
matrix. The almost endless configurations within crystals used for psionic spells allow the spell-endowed to create an almost endless number of spells.
The very complexity of spell use is also its greatest difficulty. Psionic crystals are, as previously stated, incredibly complex matrices. They are, in fact,
so complex, that they must be created artificially, as they are almost unknown naturally. Psionic crystals are composed of many highly elaborate
interlocking molecular structures. These structures enable the subtle amplification and manipulation of astral energy required when casting a spell.
When spells are used, the user must channel energy through the crystals in a very specific manner. To do so effectively, a mage must know all of the
aforementioned molecular structures intimately. This means that spell users must study, study, study. Spell users often have books or other media with
them so that they may continually brush up on their knowledge. Likewise, in order to learn a new spell, characters will need access to a spell book. The
permutations of spell use are near infinite, and characters cannot simply intuit how to learn unfamiliar spells. Spell use requires that a character have an
amp crystal to focus the astral energies of the spell.
Characters who wish to research new psionic functions are welcome to do so, provided they have the visionary’s permission, and stick to the
following guidelines. In order to do spell research, characters will require a lab. Advanced computers, and facilities for the creation of crystals will be a
necessity. Research expenses generally total 2500 credits per week. Spells require a base research time of one week per spell level. This time is
modified by the IQ of the researcher, based on an IQ of 21. For each point of IQ over 21 possessed by the researcher, total research time is reduced by
one week, to a minimum of one week. Likewise, for each point of IQ under 21, research times are extended one week. Characters who wish to take
shortcuts may simply divide 100% by the number of weeks. The result is the cumulative chance, each week, that the research yields success. The
player may choose to roll percentile dice once during this time. She must roll under her chosen percentage. Success yields the new spell at reduced
cost. Failure indicates that the shoddy research time was essentially wasted, and the character must start from scratch. I visionary feeling generous to
her players can allow players to “hire” extra qualified hands. The cost roughly doubles and the chance for success goes up by 50% so a character can
pay 5000 credits a week and roughly have a 30% chance per week.
Example: Trosus, an ambitious psionicist, wants to research a fifth level spell. Trosus has an IQ of 21, so his base research time is 5 weeks
(1 week per level of the spell, no modifier for IQ). This means that Trosus has a cumulative 20% chance per week of successfully researching his spell,
though he can check only once to see if he actually succeeds, during a week of his choosing. Trosus’s player decides to check for success in week
three, which gives him a 60% chance of getting his new spell. Trosus’s player rolls a 63! All of his research time and money is wasted, and he must
start again.
Faith Powers may be gained through meditation and prayer. Although such introspection does not conventionally create a staggering
monetary cost, the toll is taken on the body of the supplicant. Like spell research, faith powers typically require a week per level to acquire, but based on
Wisdom, at 21. Characters who wish to acquire their powers quickly may subject themselves to extreme conditions in order to gain insight. Such
characters typically endure 20 hour days, eat little, and generally mistreat themselves. They have the same percentage chance of failing to gain new
powers as spell users, though from physical collapse rather than erroneous research.
Disciplines are researched much as spells, with the help of a laboratory. Rather than physical science, however, psionicists are concerned
with biological equipment. The equipment they use is very sensitive, and very expensive. Research into new disciplines requires 5000 credits per week,
and may present practical difficulties. Telepathic research, for instance, is difficult to conduct as it requires a sentient participant. Therefore, other
expenses may be incurred as the visionary deems appropriate. Research times are 3, 6, and 9 weeks for minor, major, and meta-psionic disciplines
After a player's character has bravely set out and survived her first adventure, the player will have experienced the entertainment of roleplaying games. But what will the character have gained? If the character never improves, she will never be able to survive, let alone overcome the
powerful dangers that fill the universe. Fortunately, this isn't the case. Every time a character goes on an adventure she learns something. She may
learn a little more about her physical limits, encounter a creature she has never seen before, try a spell as yet unused, or discover a new peculiarity of
nature. Indeed, not all her learning experience need be positive. After blowing up half her party with a poorly placed fireball, a wizardess may (though
there is no guarantee) learn to pay more attention to ranges and areas of effect. After charging a basilisk, a fighter may learn that caution is a better
tactic for dealing with the beast (provided the other characters can change her from stone back to flesh). Regardless of the method, the character has
managed to learn something. Some of the information and skills learned in the game can be applied directly in play. When a wizardess toasts her friends
with a badly cast fireball, the player learns to pay more attention to the area of effect of a fireball. Though the player made the mistake and her character
only carried out the actions, the player's friends will also learn to keep their characters well away from her. The reward for this type of learning is direct
and immediate. The characters benefit because each of the players has a better understanding of what to do or where to go. However, a character also
improves by increasing her power. Although the player can improve her play, she cannot arbitrarily give her character more hit points, more spells, or a
better chance to hit with an attack. These gains are made by earning experience points (XP). An experience point is a concrete measure of a
character's improvement. It represents a host of abstract factors: increased confidence, physical exercise, insight, and on-the-job training. When a
character earns enough experience points to advance to the next experience level, these abstract factors translate into a measurable improvement in
the abilities of the character.
XP Awards
Roleplaying Awards
The following awards should be handed out at the end of each playing session. Roleplaying awards provide a means for visionaries to reward
players who really got into character, displayed great ingenuity, or contributed to the groups enjoyment of the game as a whole. These awards generally
focus on how well the player played, as opposed to what she did (which is covered more often by the combat awards, below).
1-10 for good or bad role-playing
25 if the character saves the rest of the party
10 for showing up
3 for a good idea that the party does
1 for using a class ability in a meaningful way
1-15 visionary discretionary fund
5 for the best PC of the session (let the PC’s vote for this one)
At the visionary’s option the players can multiply the above XP by their currant level (to a max of 5). Remember this XP is the carrot to get your PCs to
play better and make the game session more enjoyable for everyone. I would flat out not award any of the session was mostly fighting and bickering.
On the other hand I would award double if the PCs helped each other out and have a great time because of their cooperation with each other!
Combat Awards
Combat experience is awarded at the end of each combat sequence, rather than at the end of a session (visionaries are of course free to
award experience at the end of the night if awarding it after combat would disrupt the game to much). The points listed below should be given out for
each opponent, and then divided by the number of participants on the opposing “side”. Awards are, of course, cumulative, so formidable monsters will
be worth a considerable number of experience points. Awards can fit multiple categories, and if so, should be given in all applicable categories. Any
ability so potent as to fit multiple awards should be worth that much.
1 per hit point
1 per point of damage equal to the maximum that the enemy may inflict in a round
3 per point of AR
1 per point of BAN
1 per percent of biogenics
1 per point of AP in a psionically active enemy’s pool
1 per %point of Psionic Immunity
10 per + necessary to hit
50 per psionic construct used in combat
10 per other special ability (that is actually used in combat)
Experience Point Table
250,000 experience points per level after 12.
The Survival Check
The Survival Check is a die roll that gives a chance, however slim, that the character or creature finds some way to save herself from certain destruction
(or at least lessen the damage of a successful attack).
More often than not, the Survival Check represents an instinctive act on the part of the character--diving to the ground just as a fireball scorches the
group, blanking the mind just as a mental battle begins, blocking the worst of an acid spray with a shield. Opening your mouth to save your ears from a
grenade. The exact action is not important visionaries and players can think of lively and colorful explanations of why a Survival Check succeeded or
failed. Explanations tailored to the events of the moment enhance the excitement of the game. There are 3 Survival Checks in the game Spiritual,
Mental, and Physical. All survival checks start at 5 and go up at that point according to class and level. Psionic users are the best with defeating
psionics while warriors are real good at dodging grenades.
War Mage
Martial art
Natural war
Bio war
2/5 physical
2/5 physical
3/5 physical
3/5 physical
4/5 physical
2/5 physical
4/5 physical
4/5 physical
4/5 physical
4/5 physical
3/5 physical
3/5 physical
3/5 physical
3/5 mental
4/5 mental
2/5 mental
2/5 mental
2/5 mental
4/5 mental
2/5 mental
1/5 mental
2/5 mental
3/5 mental
1/5 mental
3/5 mental
4/5 mental
3/5 spiritual
2/5 spiritual
3/5 spiritual
4/5 spiritual
3/5 spiritual
4/5 spiritual
2/5 spiritual
1/5 spiritual
3/5 spiritual
2/5 spiritual
2/5 spiritual
2/5 spiritual
2/5 spiritual
Physical: This is the category used when physical damage or alteration is being reduced. No matter what source the damage originates from,
be it psionic function or technological in nature, if the damage is purely physical, this is the number used.
Characters succeeding their physical survival checks may reduce damage from attacks such as grenade blasts (and other explosions), fireball, lightning
bolts, etc.
Mental: Any effect that influences a character’s mind is checked for using this category. Whether influenced, directly controlled, or any other
form of outside mental intrusion takes place, characters refer to their Mental check number. Mental influence includes hold person, charm person,
Spiritual: Any ability which affects the aura rather than the body or mind is considered a spiritual attack. This includes attacks that deal
damage through the aura, rather than a physical manifestation. Abilities, which destroy or cage the consciousness as opposed to controlling it, are
considered spiritual. Such abilities include Trap the Soul, and Energy Drain.
The round off
Psionic Immunity
Psionic Immunity is a trait reflecting a character’s ability to withstand energy bombardments of all types. Psionic Immunity is expressed as a percentile
value. Whenever a character is subjected to psionics of any sort, she may choose to roll her psionic immunity to resist its effects. If the roll is equal to or
less than the character’s Psionic Immunity score, she negates the effects of that psionic feat or function upon her person. Note that such immunity does
not extend to others or negate psionics that do not more or less directly affect the Immune character. Therefore, a character could check her psionic
immunity to resist disintegration, but it would have little use if she were struck by psionically animated stone. Psionic Immunity also grants the character
some resistance to all non-psionic forms of energy. Whenever a character with psionic Immunity is struck by an energy weapon, she may use her
Psionic Immunity to reduce damage dealt to her. The character takes the amount of damage dealt to her after force-fields (if any) are accounted for, and
reduces the remaining damage by her psionic immunity.
Weapon Immunity
If you are fighting something that can only be harmed by psionic weapons then you need to get a weapon with a psionic bonus that allows you to kill it or
hit it with guns. Guns generally have enough inherent energy (kinetic or otherwise) to do damage to most creatures. If the projectile goes faster than
the speed of sound it will have enough punch to do damage, but the creature gets to subtract 15% per plus of resistance (+1 or better to hit 15%, +2 or
better to hit 30% etc) from all non-energy projectile damage.
Special types of damage
There are a few types of damage that will be of special note to most characters and I am sure that you would like to know how it works. The following
types of damage are falling, energy drain, and poison.
Whenever a character falls a great distance, she has a chance of incurring injury. Characters may fall up to three meters without harm, but for every
meter beyond the third, the character in question suffers two points of damage. Thus falling characters suffer (X- 3) x2 points of damage, where X is the
number of meters fallen. A visionary may also adjust damage where the gravity is lighter or heavier. A simple adjustment would be +10% damage for
+10% gravity etc. Note that visionaries might also adjust the number of meters fallen before damage occurs in very high or low gravity areas. Round
according to the desires of the visionary “hey if you want to screw them”, but please try to be consistent.
Energy Drain
Some beings and psionic functions cause permanent and near irreparable harm to a characters aura. These attacks are collectively referred to as
energy draining. Attacks that drain energy essentially devour a part (or whole) of a characters aura (or her soul if you will), rather than damaging it
incidentally when causing a character physical harm. Such attacks are incredibly traumatic, as their victims feel their very souls being destroyed in some
way. Any damage done by an energy draining attack is considered a permanent reduction of a character’s hit point total, rather than damage. Thus,
while a drained character might not bear physical wounds, the psychic and psychological scars she carries will be deep.
Chemical Weapons
Chemicals can be a subtle and deadly weapon. They come in many varieties, most of them being colorless, odorless, and tasteless. They may be
introduced to the body by a variety of means. Some may be inhaled, others through contact with the skin, still others may be ingested or injected. The
effects of chemical weapons vary, but there are a few guidelines they should follow. No chemical should take effect less than six segments from the
time of its introduction to the body. Such chemicals may never automatically kill their victim (at least, not instantly). Chemicals that require one or more
rounds to work may cause death. Note that the technology available to most races allows for a wide variety of toxins. Chemicals need not damage or
kill. They may induce sleep, slow reaction time, cause nausea, damage biogenic implants (they are, after all, organic in nature), or anything else the
visionary will allow. Note that in the far future, chemical weapons are often used on a small scale as well as large, and are often referred to as poisons
in this capacity.
Damage and Biogenics
Biogenics may be considered an integral part of a character. Like the character, biogenics heal with time or psionic assistance, and generally cease
functioning only when the character dies. In some instances, however, the biogenic implants themselves may be damaged. This generally only occurs
in very special circumstances, and almost never by conventional attacks. Certain toxins, and high level clerical spells are the most common examples of
effects that damage biogenics specifically. Even then, the implants in question will “heal” at a rate of 3% per day. Thus, if a character has an implant
with a value of 15% that becomes damaged, she will regain use of it in five days. Note that all biogenic augmentations heal simultaneously. A cure
critical wounds power, or its equivalent, may restore one biogenic implant to full functionality.
Man is not alone in the Galaxy. Many other species of intelligent life also fare the space ways. Some few of them have built vast empires that rival even
the Commonwealth. These empires are currently at peace. The manner in which they deal with each other will often set the tone of many adventures,
and the importance of this broad background cannot be overestimated.
The Adar Empire itself is internally quite stable. The Adar rule their empire as a species, not a political body. By selecting prominent
members of the most elite levels of their own somewhat isolated society, the Adar form a council of rulers that hand down directives. A small legislative
body carries out the directives initiated by the council. That legislative body is backed closely by the Adaran military, though physical coercion of any sort
within the empire is rarely necessary. The Empire is uniformly stable for several reasons. Foremost, the Adar insure that they, and their subject races
enjoy a very high standard of living. The technologies of the Adar are concentrated toward luxuries of all sorts, and the other empires often import these
at great expense. Second, the Adar follow a policy that appears to be one of benign neglect toward their subject races. As long as the members of the
empire do nothing radical, they are for the most part left alone. With the “Quellin alternative” so close at hand, many of their subjects are satisfied with
the current situation.
The Adar concentrate a considerable amount of their military forces along the Damiral border, and deal with that race very little. The Adar as
whole may be said to be somewhat unsettled by the Damirals war-like nature. Those Adar envoys who interact with the Damirals, however, are
generally too unflappable to present any sign of weakness. This distaste for the Damirals has led to some amount of friction between the two races.
The Adar, who find dealing with the Damirals a stressful experience often use their subject races as intermediaries for economic and political activity
when possible.
The Adar have a strong and cordial relationship with the Commonwealth. The Adar offer the Commonwealth large resources in terms of
advanced utilities, and the Commonwealth provides a source of unparalleled military technology. Very few Adar actually reside beyond the borders of
their empire, so they tend to attract a bit of attention wherever they are found. Those who are not delegates or ambassadors are generally highly trained
specialists, or social oddities amongst their own kind (Adar generally consider those who wander the galaxy without a very compelling reason odd at
The Damiralempire is filled with a great deal of political diversity. Because of the wars fought by the Damirals against most of the races they
conquer, all planets in their empire can be seen to follow a pattern. The planets at the edges of the empire are generally newly conquered worlds. They
are therefore areas of civil unrest, as the recently defeated inhabitants attempt to start revolutions, renew the war, etc. During this tumultuous time, the
Damirals raise the standard of living a great deal, as they are firm in their belief that all subjects should have equal treatment. After the first few
decades, when the subjects who actually fought the Damirals have died off, the planets become more politically stable, and more productive members of
the empire. Those few races that continue to attempt to rebel and war against the Damirals after several generations are annulled as citizens of that
empire. The Damirals then evacuate their citizens, and declare war against the rebellious planet. The planets invariably surrender or are crushed under
the massive forces of the Damiral battle fleets. The Damirals most often return those defeated planets to the fold, but sometimes destroy worlds entire
when faced with a race that will not accept defeat.
The Adar puzzle the Damirals to a great extent. The Adar do not fit the Damiralmind set, as they appear to be intent on avoiding conflict at all
costs. The half dozen wars fought with the Adar have shown the Damirals the Adar’s military might, however. Said wars invariably ended in stalemate,
which the Damirals generally broke off, as they disliked the waste of resources to no foreseeable end. The Damiralempire in general maintains very cool
relations with the Adar. The fact that the Adar almost always deal with the Damiral empire through the use of subject races insults the Damirals, and
prevents (in the Damiral opinion) any sort of understanding being built between the two races. There is currently a great debate afoot within the
Damiralempire. The empire itself is torn between renewing the conflict with the Adar and finding a peaceful solution.
Relations with the Commonwealth are mixed. The Damirals have a fairly easy time dealing with the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth
sends a small fleet and high ranking military personnel to conduct negotiations, rather than civilian diplomats. The Damirals recognize and respect the
Commonwealth’s strength, and appreciate the gesture of understanding (that stands in stark contrast to the envoys sent by the Adar). However, the
Damirals have a difficult time dealing with the Commonwealth envoys, who generally do not have the deep understanding of economic and social
matters required to work out truly advantageous arrangements.
Of all the empires, the Commonwealth is perhaps the most unique in its internal policies. Worlds within the Commonwealth have a variable
amount of influence. Rather than being based on the species, or proximity to the heart of the Commonwealth, the influence of a Commonwealth world is
directly related to its technology and economic strength. The Commonwealth has many planets supporting intelligent life within its borders that lack
even the technology to achieve basic space travel. To these planets the Commonwealth sends a scout, who informs the planet of its new status in the
Commonwealth. These planets are then required to form a planetary government, and send a representative to participate in the Commonwealth
political process. More advanced civilizations that may be annexed quickly are met by a fleet rather than a scout, and likewise inducted into the
Commonwealth as peacefully as possible. Although reactions by subject races vary, they inevitably succumb to Commonwealth rule. Once they do so,
subject races are given as much protection, and as many rights, as anyone in the Commonwealth. This is often pointed to as the great strength of the
The Commonwealth recognize the virtual impossibility of being attacked by the Adar, provided they take pains to seem non-threatening. This
allows the Commonwealth to keep a relatively small fleet along the Adaran border, freeing more ships for duty along the Quellin border. The
Commonwealth maintains good relations with the Adar in general, and economic trade of luxuries is the largest bond between the two empires.
The Commonwealth maintains strong relations with the Damirals. Although the Damirals are in general, ready for war at all times, they seem
to be trustworthy. As no problems have interrupted the trade between the empires, the Commonwealth supports a large fleet along the Damiral border
as a matter of courtesy rather than necessity. Heavy industrial equipment and materials form the bulk of trade between the empires.
The Commonwealth and the Quellin have virtually nothing to do with each other politically. Black market trading forms the only commerce
between the two empires. Although the Quellin and the Commonwealth are not officially at war, their borders are constantly in contest, and isolated
skirmishes do occur with great frequency. “Rogue” Quellin captains often attack outlying Commonwealth ships, and the Commonwealth often stages
ambushes of Quellin ships at the border of the empires.
The Ragnok are the empire most friendly toward the Commonwealth. This is because the two empires have a good understanding of the
motivations behind them. The empires often cooperate to conduct research, trading technology, services, and goods fairly freely. The Commonwealth
therefore maintains a small force for deployment against the Ragnok.
Recognized as the most ruthless of the empires, the Quellin tyrannize their subjects like no one else. The Quellin empire is a very changeable
thing. Do to the ceaseless infighting of its most powerful members, the empires boundaries are in a constant state of flux. Additionally, the Quellin are
constantly putting down a rebellion somewhere within their borders. The only thing that unites the Quellin, in fact, appears to be war against an outsider.
For this, the Quellin seem to be able to set aside their own personal agendas, and work together with terrifying ruthlessness. The Quellin have relatively
few subject races, owing to the fact that the Quellin are somewhat more casual about committing genocide than the other empires. Quellin most often
acquire worlds by heavy bombardment before attempting any communication. Ground forces land on the planet and exterminate any remaining
inhabitants. In a few cases, the inhabitants may be well enough suited to slave labor (which is not limited to physical work) to avoid total destruction. In
such cases, the survivors of the initial bombardment are rounded up like cattle and used appropriately. Slaves, who are the only real non-Quellin
residents within the empire, have virtually no rights, and are treated like machines. Visitors from the other empires, and citizens of the Quellin empire
are treated roughly equally, though visitors can expect discrimination at best. Such visitors are advised to avoid planets that do not support a significant
non-Quellin presence.
The Quellin initiate most of the black market activity between themselves and the Commonwealth. The Quellin continue to snipe at the
Commonwealth, feeling that their activities along the border serve to distract the Commonwealth from other, more important goals. With the collapse of
the Commonwealth’s outer territories, the Quellin have stepped up their hostilities somewhat, testing the galactic waters, so to speak. Many Quellin
leaders are optimistic about gaining planets from the flagging Commonwealth.
The Quellin are somewhat frustrated by the Ragnok. They do not particularly like them, but they are the only empire aside from the
Commonwealth bordering the Quellin. The Quellin deal with them as much as the Ragnok will allow, seeking to strengthen relations. To this end, the
Quellin have been about as generous as the Quellin have ever been known to be. The Quellin do this (or say they do this) in order to strengthen their
own economy, and to learn more about the technology of the other empires.
The Ragnok empire is the most religious of all the empires. Before the impact of the “outer gods” as the deities from the other empires are
called the Ragnok were a unified race with all there voices raised in one song to the god Rurrik. During this time the Ragnok suffered no crime, rebellion
(at least not from Ragnok populated worlds), or any of the other social ills that the other empires suffer in abundance. When the Ragnok society started
to fracture from the stress caused by the conflicting religious and moral codes of the “outer gods” the Ragnok were totally unprepared for the wave of
social problems and many feared that the empire would crumble fracturing into small empires and independent worlds. The Quellin were looking at this
time as a chance to acquire some new resources and were secretly positioning some new fleets and prime team on/in Ragnok space with the plan to
increase unrest and disrupt attempts to quiet the situation.
Whenever characters interact with others, by conversation, combat, or anything in between, they are in an encounter. Encounters can be held
at the heart of a gigantic metropolis, or in the depths of space. Encounters may be conducted with anything the characters can interact with. With so
many options available, where does one begin? Visionaries should keep a few things in mind when determining encounters, to keep them believable
and appropriate. First and foremost, encounters should not be random most of the time. Things the PC’s encounter should generally have some
relation to the overall plot or goal currently being pursued. When random encounters do occur, they need not necessarily lead to combat. An encounter
provides a possible avenue for introducing new plot elements, locales, events, and significant characters. Keep this in mind, and try not to let unplanned
encounters degenerate into a series of brawls. When, however, the visionary has no idea of the kind of encounter she wants to run, here are a few rules
for fast and loose encounter determination. Whenever a random encounter occurs, a few rolls can be made. All are on percentile dice. The first is for
encounter severity. This indicates the personal power of whoever or whatever the characters are interacting with. Random encounters of this sort will
generally be more or less on par with the characters. On a roll of 1-5%, the encounter is 50% weaker than the party. On a roll of 6-30%, the encounter
is 30% weaker than the party. 31-50%, and the encounter is within 10% of the party’s strength, or as strong. 51-70% indicates an encounter of the
party’s strength, or up to 10% stronger. 71-95% indicates an encounter up to 25% stronger than the party. 96-100% indicates an encounter 30%
beyond the party’s own capabilities. A second roll determines the overall tone of the encounter. A roll of 100 indicates a very friendly encounter, 50
means a neutral encounter. 1 denotes an incredibly hostile encounter that will degenerate rapidly into violence unless something dramatic occurs to
stop it. When making this roll, Visionaries should generally add to this roll a number equal to the highest Charm rating in the party. A third roll helps
determine the distance at which the encounter begins. All random encounters begin at 1-100 meters. Simply roll the dice and use the number rolled as
the number of meters. Visionaries should modify rolls that do not make sense to fit the encounter.
Here is a small sample of the gods and what I think a good code for a paladin would be.
Thor (God of thunder)
30 level Athar
30 level cleric
Strength 30+
I.Q. 24
Wisdom 18
Psionic Immunity 70%
+4 or better weapons to hit
BAN 44 (Thor really doesn’t miss)
Willpower 30
Agility 24
Stamina 30
Charm 26
Hit Points 484
Defense Rating 25
Force Field 50%
Thor is the god of thunder and as such is the absolute controller of the weather on any planet he is on. Any weather effects that he tries happen in 1
round and cannot be dispelled or altered by anyone else (except by a more powerful god). He is immune to all weather related effects like lightning.
Thor’s hammer does a base of 2d12+5 points of damage plus strength he can strike 6 times a round with it either throwing or wielding in combat. The
hammer always returns to his hands immediately after striking his foe. The hammer strike cannot be blocked or shunted aside any barrier (that means
force fields, shield spell or discipline is automatically destroyed). Nobody with strength less than 30 can lift the hammer. Thor’s strength is greater than
30 but since I haven’t got any stats on strengths above 30 use 30 for damage and to hit, but assume that he automatically succeeds at any strength
related skill or lifting that he does. Should Thor choose to hurl lightning bolts instead, he may deal 300 points of damage per round, divided any number
of ways, fractions being dropped. Thor really hates demons and will destroy any on sight regardless of who summoned the creature or what the
creature is doing. Thor does not believe that any good will come from the use of demons. In the old earth calendar Thursday was named after Thor and
so when the commonwealth was still in its infancy the church of Thor had the old calendar updated and used by the whole commonwealth. Thursday is
a holy day for the church and the followers of Thor are expected to go for nightly service. The clergy often use their powers to cause a storm with lots of
thunder and lighting saying that Thor is watching. When the old empire fell and the commonwealth was struggling Thor was the only god to tie his
church to the commonwealth. He told all the clergy to join the commonwealth military and convert and save the troops. Paladins were some of the
greatest generals that the commonwealth saw in its infancy, and many historians attribute the commonwealths rapid growth and stability to this. It was
almost 300 years after the commonwealth was founded that the clergy of Thor started reappearing back in civilian life and expanding beyond the
Code for paladins of Thor
1 A paladin shall always fight demons and if the paladin does not have the power to destroy the creature then she will work to gain the power to kill it.
2 A paladin will aid those who need it if they are deserving of such aid. (she doesn’t have to aid the bad guy)
3 A paladin shall always spend Thursday helping Thor’s clergy, followers, or if she cannot do either of those then she will spend the day in prayer.
4 A paladin shall never shirk honorable combat no mater what the odds (but remember that if the combat is not honorable the paladin doesn’t have to
5 A paladin shall be kind and honorable to all who deserve it and merciless to those who deserve that.
Anubis (God of the Dead)
30th Level Magic User
30th Level Mystic
Strength 25
I.Q. 30
Wisdom 30
Willpower 30
Agility 22
Stamina 28
Charm 20
Psionic Immunity 70%
+4 or better weapons to hit
BAN 30
Hit Points 430
Defense Rating 25
Force Field 50%
Anubis is the God of the dead most widely recognized by the Commonwealth. His avowed task is to judge the souls of the departed. Once judged,
these souls are sent to their final reward, whatever that may be. It is said that some souls do not pass his judgement, and those he devours. The truth
of such a claim is impossible to determine, but many mortals find Anubis’s gaze very unnerving, and few can tolerate his overawing presence without
feelings of fear. He is known to be an enemy of the undead, whom he regards as aberrations of the natural order. His followers are therefore quick to
put any encountered undead to their final rest. Since the birth of his church, Anubis has been known as a great keeper of secrets. During the first years
of the reemergence of the Gods, many churches developed complex cosmologies, and intricate explanations of the soul’s journey after death. A small
but devoted group of followers of Anubis, however, claimed that no God knew the final destination of the soul. As the years passed, the dishonesty of
many churches concerning life after death became apparent. The promises they made to garner worshippers never came to fruition. Slowly but surely
the unassuming worshippers of Anubis came to the forefront, and the nature of death was reevaluated. In an age of technological marvels, and amazing
psionic power, the question of the journey of the soul is still a matter of wonder and speculation.
Should Anubis be forced into a physical confrontation, he has several incredible powers at his disposal. First and foremost, he is immune to any
psionic function which causes death. Second, he may judge a mortal at any time. This judgement requires one full round, but at the end of that round
the chosen mortal is irrevocably slain. She either moves on to her final reward (no coming back) or Anubis devours her unfortunate soul (no coming
back from this either). In addition, Anubis may call forth the souls of those he has devoured to serve him. One soul may be called forth per round,
requiring one action. Called souls will most likely be approximately thirtieth level, retaining all the psionic constructs they possessed in life. Such
possessions dissolve when the soul is recalled or slain. Anubis may take three actions, but due to his special nature, he may use any or all to activate
psionic functions.
The Code of the Paladins of Anubis
1. The undead must be destroyed whenever encountered without quarter asked or given. If the undead is beyond the power of the paladin, she must
acquire enough power to destroy it as soon as possible.
2. Paladins of Anubis must strive to be impartial judges, and must render their services as such when asked.
3. Paladins of Anubis must spend one day per week to prayer and contemplation, or assisting the clergy of Anubis whenever possible.
4. Paladins of Anubis must never show any fear of death.
5. Paladins of Anubis must never betray an oath of secrecy or let slip a secret.
Apollo (God of Healing & the Stars)
30th Level Priest
30th Level Wanderer
Strength 25
I.Q. 30
Wisdom 30
Willpower 30
Agility 25
Stamina 25
Charm 30
Psionic Immunity 70%
+4 or better weapons to hit
BAN 40
Hit Points 450
Defense Rating 25
Force Field 40%
Apollo is known as the God of healing, and the stars in the Commonwealth. Healing is generally thought to include recovery from surgeries,
accidents, sicknesses, and the like, as well as wounds gained in battle. The dominion granted to him over stars is a hold-over from his days of worship
as the Sun God. This aspect includes both astronomy and stellar phenomena of all sorts. Apollo is currently a respected and prominent god, but this
was not always so. In the first years of Apollo’s reemergence (alongside many other gods), many of humanity’s ills were cured with technology. Those
few clerics in existence at the time were generally not gifted healers. Fearing for his continued existence, Apollo established himself as a god of the
stars, and spent much of his time exploring the stars at the edges of the Commonwealth and beyond. He returned as a God of healing only after many
years, when his clergy had been prodigal healers for some time. In person, Apollo is awe inspiring, and disarming. His serene manner generally
prevents any violence in his presence. If such occurs, however, Apollo is as capable of defending himself as a God can be. First and foremost, Apollo
is unharmed by all known forms of energy (weapons or otherwise). Furthermore, Apollo may take an action to heal himself once every round, as an act
of will. Such healing requires an action, but no expenditure of any kind. Apollo may project or manipulate light in any way he desires, including dealing
damage. Such manipulations may be done on as much as a planetary scale. The more localized the effect, however, the more acute and focused it
may be. Should Apollo choose to use light as a weapon, it is assumed to deal 300 points of damage, divided in any amount amongst any number of
targets, fractions being dropped.
The Code of the Paladins of Apollo
1. Paladins of Apollo must always use their healing to help the sick, and must not end the day with their healing abilities unused, if the opportunity for
such arose.
2. Paladins of Apollo must spend Sunday in service to their God’s clergy, or in meditation and prayer whenever possible.
3. Paladins of Apollo must learn the arts of Astronomy and Healing, to better understand their God and bring his wisdom to others. These must be the
skills at which he excels, and no others may eclipse them. (In game terms, no other skill or knowledge may have more proficiency points invested in it
than these)
4. The vermin must be destroyed whenever encountered. If the Paladin is unable to orchestrate their destruction personally, she will seek to alert
others to their presence, and enlist aid in their destruction.
5. Paladins of Apollo must attempt to promote learning and wisdom whenever possible.
Shiva (the God of Creation and Destruction)
30th Level Master of the Way
30th Level Mystic
Strength 27
Psionic Immunity 70%
I.Q. 27
+4 or better weapons to hit
Wisdom 30
BAN 47
Willpower 28
Hit Points 510
Agility 30
Defense Rating 25
Stamina 30
Force Field 50%
Charm 15
The ancient and enigmatic god known as Shiva is currently worshipped primarily as the lord of creation and destruction. In recent years, the
emphasis has shifted to destruction. Shiva is symbolically portrayed as a dancer, whose movements trigger the creation and destruction present in the
universe. Shiva is known to have destroyed an entire world at approximately the same time the Commonwealth was formed. Needless to say, many
scholars on the subject have made connections, but Shiva has not verified or denied any such speculation. In fact, Shiva has not even been seen since
he destroyed the aforementioned planet. It is thought that Shiva has been inactive since that time. It has also been speculated that the Commonwealth
patrols the area around the debris of the planet, keeping anyone from learning the truth (or doing anything that might awaken Shiva). Shiva’s followers
tend to focus more on his capacity as a creator, and accounts from Shiva’s days as an active being seem to indicate that he showed some favor to his
faithful. The average being, however, is more conscious of the destruction Shiva brings, and the shattered splinters of a dead planet stand in mute
testimony to his callousness toward the masses. If Shiva is ever encountered, or fought, his primary means of attack is to dance. Once begun, the
dance utterly destroys whatever he dances upon. The destruction is measured in a spherical radius that begins at one hundred meters, and doubles
every round thereafter until the body upon which he dances is consumed. Note that Shiva may opt to conduct “normal” combat, but has never actually
done so.
The Code of the Paladins of Shiva
1. Paladins of Shiva must constantly strive to rebuild that which has been destroyed.
2. Paladins of Shiva must strive to destroy that which threatens him. Once combat has begun, the Paladin may not stop until her opponent has been
utterly destroyed.
3. Paladins of Shiva must spend the last week of the end of each year, and the first week of the beginning of each year in meditation and
contemplation. This is a mandatory service, and all other concerns must be set aside for this endeavor.
4. Like rabble-rousers, Paladins of Shiva strive to upset the status quo whenever safely possible.
5. Paladins of Shiva must always strive to remove the veil liars and cheaters employ to deceive others.
The Reavers
Every advanced civilization in the galaxy experiments with biological weaponry. No biological weapon is as uncontrollable or as devastating
as the Reavers. The origin of this species is unknown, though much speculation and study has arisen since they were first encountered. The current
scientific theory asserts that the Reavers were a form of living weapon, designed for use by a long forgotten civilization as a weapon of mass
destruction. It is presumed that after they had fulfilled their purpose, the Reavers and the planets devastated were forgotten and passed over by their
creators. Although these hypotheses state that the Reavers are a very old weapon, evenly spread throughout the galaxy, encounters with them have
been somewhat localized. The first contact with the Reavers was established approximately forty years ago, when the Quellin accidentally brought
several drone Reavers back to a civilized world after an exploratory trip. The Quellin were able to suppress the resultant infestation with minor damage
to the planetary infrastructure, because they were able to react swiftly and brutally to the first waves of Reaver assaults (Carpet bombing of entire cities
to completely halt a growing nest was a favored tactic). Other empires have suffered minor exposure to the Reavers as well. The Reavers have
recently presented a significant difficulty for the Commonwealth and the Damirals. It has become sadly apparent that many of the planets colonized by
both races in recent years are inhabited by the Reavers. While the Damirals have achieved firm footholds on these worlds, they are locked in a
stalemate with the native Reaver population. The Commonwealth has simply abandoned the fringe worlds, as they were at the edge of its claimed
territory even while it was at its peak. In light of past events, the new government simply cannot spread itself so thinly to fight a costly ground war for the
(probably) median benefits that such planets would provide. The government has therefore left, although a few corporations have shown an interest in
the Reaver weapon.
Reavers are essentially a DNA virus. The physical shape of Reavers varies widely. Whatever their original shape (if indeed they had one), it
has long since been lost. Reavers appear as a conglomeration of the biological organisms they have killed and absorbed. This means that if given a
fairly homogenous diet, Reavers may appear to be members of a single species. They are able to maintain such a façade even if they occasionally
deviate from their staple DNA source. Little is known about Reaver DNA, save that it is highly unstable, and totally alien to standard biological
construction. The technology that created the Reavers is far ahead of anything to which the empires have access. Although the DNA of Reavers has
been mapped and is subject to manipulation, the biological imperatives encoded in their DNA appear to be inseparable from the abilities they possess.
This has led to several unpleasant instances of ambitious Splicers becoming deadly infiltrators for the Reavers. Any character whose DNA is infected
with Reaver genetic material is taken over by the visionary, as her goals and nature become radically altered by her new biological imperatives.
Characteristics common to all Reavers
70% immunity to energy based attacks.
One attack above and beyond that allowed by their form and stolen abilities.
Immunity to psionic or technological manipulation of their physical form.
Reavers often have racially incongruous characteristics. For instance, a Reaver who otherwise appears to be Quellin might sport hair, or nonQuellin body parts. This is the result of old DNA that has not filtered out of their system.
Reavers do not perfectly copy the genetic material of the organisms they absorb. They can therefore be identified by slight physical deviations
from the template. This includes a lack of scars, small physical irregularities, and the like.
Reavers secrete a mild chemical that is almost odorless. This chemical is secreted when a Reaver is identifying itself to another Reaver.
Reavers senses are attuned to this chemical secretion, and allows them to identify each other. This has allowed the construction of expensive chemical
analyzers, which help to unmask unintelligent or careless Reavers.
The ability to absorb alien DNA. The process requires 5 uninterrupted rounds, wherein the Reaver must maintain significant body contact
(e.g. grapple) with its intended victim. This process is incredibly destructive to the host. There is a cumulative 20% reduction of the victim’s targeted
ability every round. For example, a 10th level Psionicist who became the victim of a Reaver would lose 20% of her maximum AP’s every round until her
psionic abilities were completely destroyed (when the fifth round is completed) or the process is interrupted. Reavers may absorb anything short of Faith
based abilities (Though the Reaver may have the correct DNA, it would not possess the faith that is integral to the use of such abilities). The genetic
havoc wrought by a Reaver may be undone by a Heal spell, should the character suffer damage to her aura. Greater Regeneration is required to repair
biogenic damage of any sort. The abilities stolen by Reavers are generally isolated biogenic implants, high attributes, or the unique calling abilities
gained at specific levels. Powerful Reavers may actually mimic true callings by giving up five of their available genetic options. Reavers acquire the
callings at the level of their victims, and may actually improve their level thereafter. Reavers may not advance beyond the 20th level in any stolen
Reaver Drone
The weakest type of Reaver is known as a drone. All newly created Reavers are drones (Drones are created by a process of fission when a
more powerful Reaver type is glutted with genetic material). Reavers are fully functional as soon as created, and are of the same apparent race as their
parent. Drones remain drones for a period of at least two years while they build a solid genetic base on the materials of those they kill. Drones are
almost entirely instinctual, and have difficulty maintaining a civilized façade. Because of their inexperience, drones may only make two alterations to
their genetic codes. Their ability to assimilate genetic abilities is likewise limited, so they must take abilities haphazardly, rather than choosing for
themselves. In addition, drone attributes may never deviate from the listed values by more than four points.
Hit Points
# of Attacks
4 (variable)
2 (variable)
130 (base)
Reaver Shock-troop
The Reavers that manage to survive the first few years of life are fierce warriors. Having acquired significant intelligence from the races on
which they feed, Shock-troops begin actively searching for rich DNA, as they realize this will make them more personally powerful. When deadly instinct
of this magnitude is wedded to true intelligence, the Reaver Shock-trooper becomes far deadlier than its drone counterparts. Many Reavers never
progress beyond this stage, but remain Shock-troops for their entire existences. Reaver shock-troops may keep up to five genetic alterations, and may
pick and choose what genetic material they steal. Reaver shock-troops may also deviate from the listed attributes by up to five points.
Hit Points
# of Attacks
2 (variable)
180-215 (base)
Reaver Infiltrator
Those shock-troops that go beyond the brutality of their brethren are called Infiltrators. Infiltrators are fearsome creatures who have
developed highly complex intellects. This makes their wanton acts of violence all the more shocking. While most people can cope with the destruction
caused by shock-troops and drones, the work of Infiltrators has a horrific quality to it that shakes the resolve of even veteran soldiers. The greatest
weapon at an Infiltrators disposal is its ability to remain hidden within its chosen group of victims. Unlike their less intelligent counterparts, Infiltrators are
careful and precise, taking victims whenever possible, but maintaining secrecy above all else. This means that communities stalked by one or more
infiltrators are commonly rife with suspicion, fear, and mob violence perpetrated by terrified citizens. Infiltrators have feasted on so much genetic
material that they may make minor alterations to their physical forms by concentrating. Although they cannot alter their apparent species, they may
appear to be of either (any if applicable) gender. They may maintain 8 alterations to their genetic code at any one time. Like shock-troops, Infiltrators
may deviate from the listed attributes by up to five points. Finally, Infiltrators may possess one unique calling ability that would have been chosen at first,
third, or sixth ability. This is considered permanent, whatever the Infiltrator might be forced to subsequently feed on. Though most Reavers do not gain
memories of the beings they have absorbed, Infiltrators may gain knowledge of significant memories possessed by the victim. Long time friends, family,
and traumatic (or especially joyful events) will be remembered, but mundane details, acquaintances and the like will be lost in the transfer (even if the
Reaver or its victim has an exceptionally high IQ rating).
Hit Points
# of Attacks
2 (variable)
210-245 (base)
Reaver Nihilist
Successful Infiltrators eventually become Nihilists. By staying undiscovered, Reaver nihilists eventually learn to exert influence on events
around them, rather than simply watching them. Nihilists often promote disorder, paranoia, and chaos, leaving them more opportunity to acquire new
genetic material. Rather than merely maintaining a façade and waiting for an opportunity to strike, Nihilists are most often active saboteurs and
assassins, as well as charismatic leaders of troubled communities. Nihilists are so effective at the arts of deception, they often masquerade as multiple
individuals, to better spread their lies. This has the added benefit of allowing a Reaver to continue masquerading as a normal person should one of its
identities be compromised. Nihilists may maintain nine modifications to their basic genetic structure, and may have a five point deviation from the listed
attributes below. Nihilists may possess two unique class abilities that would have been chosen by a character at first third or sixth level. It is highly likely
that a Reaver of this magnitude will possess some combination of spells and/ or disciplines.
Hit Points
# of Attacks
3 (variable)
255-290 (base)
Reaver Destroyer
Reavers are driven by the need to multiply and destroy. When a Nihilist has found a suitable site for a nest, it no longer actively pursues
genetic material as it once did. Instead, it creates drones to harvest prey for it. Destroyers concentrate their considerable resources on the construction
and rulership of a nest. With a small army of Reavers acquiring raw materials for it, a destroyer quickly grows into an incredibly powerful entity.
Destroyers may maintain up to ten genetic alterations at any given time. They may also possess two unique calling abilities that would be chosen at any
level. Destroyers will always possess psionics and spells. Destroyers may manipulate their own genetic codes so skillfully, in fact, that they may gain
and lose mass, alter their apparent species, etc. Destroyers are almost impossible to kill without crew or ship mounted weaponry and a not so small
army. The Reaver nest itself will vary in composition according to its age. Though they always have a resident destroyer, nests less than two years old
will be populated entirely with Drones. Nests three to four years old will also have shock-troops. Nests that have been established for ten years will
have infiltrators, and a Nihilist or two. After fifteen years, the Nest will have reached maturity, and be filled with all manner of Reavers.
Hit Points
# of Attacks
4 (variable)
In Stellar Encounters, the players control a group of individuals called Characters. The Visionary controls everything else in the entire universe,
including its inhabitants. These characters are called VC’s (Visionary Characters), and the Visionary is responsible for controlling their actions, speech,
manner, etc. When role-playing a VC, Visionaries should take care to portray VC’s as consistent, 3- dimensional characters. VC’s aims and goals may
be radically different from the characters. This does not necessarily mean for or against. VC’s should pursue these agendas, whatever they are.
Though the characters form the center of the game, the setting will be more interesting if the characters are treated like anyone else in a huge, huge
galaxy. Important or recurring VC'’ should be "“fleshed out"” by the Visionary as much as possible. Smart VC’s should be played intelligently, stupid
ones directly, or however suits their personality. Remember that in a setting of such varied diversity, a series of simple shootouts with caricatured
villains shortchanges the Visionary and the players.
Gravity: The gravity of a given planet may vary wildly. Small enough planetoids may have virtually no gravity. Generally, inhabited worlds will have at
most two and a half times Earth’s gravity. The visionary can decide what if any penalties to assign to characters that are exploring high or low gravity
worlds. I would suggest that the visionary penalize the characters 1 point of strength and agility for every 25% of gravity the character is in over their
native gravity. I would also give the characters a 1 penalty to agility for every 25% under their native gravity. Don’t give the characters bonuses to
strength for low gravity worlds; even though they may be able to lift more, mass is still the same so in the end it should be the same for characters.
Atmosphere: Most of the atmospheres that the characters will run across will or should be within tolerances for most characters (games are to
dangerous if the characters will die for the atmosphere) but if the visionary wants she can rate a planets atmosphere on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 would be
no atmosphere and 10 a concoction of gasses lethal to most life forms most unaugmented life forms should be able to survive pretty well at 5,6,7 Athari
3 thru 8 and full biogenic life support 1 through 10. Characters one step beyond their tolerance suffer 25% penalties on all skill checks, relevant abilities,
pools, etc. Characters 2 steps beyond their tolerance are incapacitated, barely alive, and will die if exposed for more minutes than they have Stamina
points. Characters 3 or more steps beyond their tolerance suffer as though they had been exposed to space.
Climate: Characters in standard clothing may survive indefinitely in temperatures between 0 and 30 degrees C, though they may be uncomfortable at
the extremes of these temperatures. Another 25 degrees in each direction will cause unaugmented/ unprotected individuals to suffer 5 points of damage
per turn of exposure. Low level spells, powers, and minor psionic disciplines as well as lesser biogenic augmentations are sufficient to protect
characters in these temperature ranges. Another 25 degrees in either direction causes 5 points of damage per round. Protective spells and powers of
mid-level, major disciplines, and biogenic augmentations will shield the characters from damage. At the third 25 point step in either direction,
unaugmented characters have one round to act before the incredible temperatures kill them. Even a single round of exposure causes the character 50
points of damage. Higher level spells and powers, and Major psionicdsiciplines are required to stave off damage from such hostile environments. The
biogenic augmentations Protection From Cold, Protection From Fire, or Life Support (20%) are required as appropriate. Note that Life Support will
function to protect the character from any environment extreme. Note that sudden and extreme shifts in climate may partially overwhelm any biogenic
resistance a character might have, causing reduced (or not) damage to resistant characters in the first round of exposure to a temperature severely
different from the characters “standard” environment. Example: Antares the Splicer has Full Life Support, and is walking through a heavy snow storm (40 c). He passes a naturally occurring hot spring, and decides to have a swim. This is not Earth, however, and the liquid in the spring is not water. It
has a much higher boiling point, and Antares suddenly experiences life at 200 C. The Visionary decides that a sudden shift of 240 degrees (subjectively
speaking) is more than Antares body can adapt to in a single segment, and gives him a little (or maybe a lot) of damage as his body rapidly adjust to the
temperature of the surrounding water.
: Money and Equipment
The credit is the basic unit of currency in the galaxy. As a monetary unit, the credit is actually fairly new. The credit itself has been in
circulation for approximately 210 years, having been established shortly after the new government took hold within the Commonwealth. As it provides a
convenient means of commerce, the other empires have also adopted the credit. The credit itself is backed more or less by ideas. The Commonwealth
draws its strength from its technological and industrial superiority. The Commonwealth maintains this superiority through the monopoly of new
technology. The credit is backed by this technological strength. The same is true for the other empires to a different extent. When new technologies
are invented, the governments of the galaxy take this technology, rewarding its inventors with credits. Thus, credits are essentially like shares of stock.
The same is true in industry, and filters down throughout a given empire. Approximately 10% of any number of inventions created within a given year
are deemed important enough to warrant governmental intervention.
Credits and the Economy
While credits may be the basic unit of exchange, they are by no means the only unit. Visionaries can insert other forms of money as she sees
Psionic Manifestations
Psionic abilities are precious commodities; rare, and therefore valuable. Even more valuable and rare are psionic manifestations. These objects are saturated with
psionic energy. A character who keeps or wears psionic manifestations gains extraordinary abilities. Typically, 24 hours of possession are required to attune a
manifestation and access its abilities. Characters cannot attune to an unlimited number of manifestations in this way, though typically up to 15 objects of this type
may be retained. A list of the most commonly attuned manifestations follows. It is important to note that multiple manifestations of the same type can be attuned.
Multiple manifestations stack with each other. In the following entries, the common name for the manifestation is listed, though there may be others; the galaxy is a
big place, after all.
Absorption: Manifestations of absorption are catalysts of sorts, transforming large quantities of phenomenal energy into psychic energy that are transferred to their
users. Unfortunately, they require large amounts of energy and are inefficient converters. This means that their owners are exposed to serious harm before any
benefit can be gained. When the bearer of an Absorption manifestation suffers energy damage, she subtracts one from each die. Each point the manifestation
prevents is converted into 1 AP that is added to the character's AP pool (if she has one). This manifestation does not stack with itself, nor with other damage dice
altering prevention abilities.
Analogous: Analogous manifestations allow psionically active beings to psionically bend the normal flow of cause and effect into a paralell course, driven by different
forces. By expending a simple action (lag 2), the bearer of aanalogous manifestation can make a psi-theory check in place of her next combat check in that round. A
halo of ethereal, many-hued colors plays about the character's head when she activates this ability.
Armoring: The manifestations of armoring fortify the characters flesh, causing it to take on a metallic luster. Attacks that would cause great harm are soaked and
slowed by toughened skin and metal-hard bones. An armoring manifestation applies a -5 penalty to all incoming instances of damage (applied after force-field
Awareness: The manifestations of awareness open a whole new door of sensory experience for their bearers. The bearer essentially gains the ability to visually
perceive all points within a 30 meter radius to which she has line of effect. This means she can see around corners, behind barricades or partitions, etc. Light and
darkness, smoke etc. are irrelevant (so she could see someone standing in shadow), but hard barriers block line of sight,Because she can see only where she can draw
a line of effect. She could not see inside containers, closed rooms, etc. Each manifestation of this type provides a +30 meter bonus to the range of awareness.
Charmed: when exposed to damaging effects, the bearer has a 25% chance to take -1 point per die of damage. If the bearer benefits from another effect that causes
her to take -1 damage per die, she takes half damage instead.
Chimera: Chimerical objects enable their bearers to create elaborate illusions. The illusion is "programmed" at the time the manifestation is created. When made,
the illusion lasts 30 minutes, appearing up to 30 meters from the character. The illusion can be perceived with all senses except touch, as it has no true substance.
While it is "real" enough to be recorded by automated systems, the illusion appears translucent in recordings. The illusion can be any size, up to a maximum of 4
meters in diameter. The illusion can be an animate object or creature, but the movements are planned when the object is created. The illusions movements will
rarely correlate correctly with events occurring in any given situation. A successful observation check (target number 12) reveals to an observer that what she sees
isn't real. Each additional manifestation contains its own specific illusion, but adds 30 minutes and 30 meters to the duration and range of other manifestations
attuned to the same being.
Curse: The bearer of this manifestation can warp the odds of success for another being (toward failure). When another being makes a combat check against the
bearer, they suffer a -1 penalty to the check, due to the curse. This manifestation has no visible effect.
Deflection: Ranged combat checks against the bearer of this manifestation have a +5% miss chance.Such attacks are bent slightly as they come within 2 meters of the
character. This effect is similar to, but not the same as, a force field. This chance is rolled after the combat check is determined to be a success.
Discernment: This manifestation sharpens a character's senses (all senses, not just the basic five). The character can determine exact temperatures by sense of
touch, chemicals present by sense of smell, distance to and location of enemies by hearing etc. Rolls might still be required to determine if a character can actually
perceive a phenomena (observation to detect someone using stealth). Once perceived, however, the character is entitled to detailed descriptions that supercede the
Echolocation: This unusual object can create a field wherein sound creates accompanying light. Once activated, the field lasts for 30 minutes. In an area 50 meters in
all directions from the bearer of the object, sound creates light. This usually creates a spectacular display of lights in shifting colors and intensities. In order to avoid
creating a display of light visible from up to 50 meters away, characters must succeed a stealth check. This manifestation is typically used as a detection system, but
can easily double as a light source. Each additional manifestation adds 30 minutes and 50 meters to the duration and range of the effect.
Excellence: Sentient beings have always sought to improve themselves. Manifestations of excellence are the simplest, most direct way to accomplish selfimprovement in the psionic sense. Manifestations of excellence are keyed to a specific attribute when fabricated. This attribute is increased by 5 when the
manifestation is attuned.
Fated: When a fated bearer attunes such a manifestation, her luck improves. If a 1 is rolled, the character may roll another die and replace the 1 with the second roll.
A single manifestation can only allow one re-roll per batch. This manifestation does not affect checks, though other kinds of dice rolls (most commonly damage rolls)
are fair game.
Favored:Bearer's of this manifestation are quite lucky, and those who oppose their intentions find themselves plagued by unexplainable mishaps. The manifestation
can be activated with a simple action (lag 2). The effects of the manifestation last for 30 minutes, or until triggered. The next time an enemy makes a combat check
against the character and has any dice result of 1 on the final roll, the action is an automatic failure.
Flight: Defying gravity, soaring through the atmosphere, lightness of body and of being are the essence of flight. Characters who have taken on this manifestation
may move at their normal speed through the air; they can fly. Second, the character travels another 1, 2, or 3 bonus hexes when taking a walk, run, or sprint
respectively. This movement is accomplished by will alone and requires no physical motion from the character.
Glimpse: Although these manifestations are fairly benign, their use has become synonymous with espionage. The bearers of these objects can sense radio
transmissions, and discern the difference between frequencies. This enables them to actually "listen" to transmissions. Doing so is taxing, because even with help
from the manifestation, the character must complete the arduous task of comprehending data signals as language. A meditation check is required to perform the
necessary mental gymnastics. Even without a check, however, the character can discern many interesting facts short of understanding actual content.
Gravitas: This manifestation centers the character, and even provides her with her own source of gravity. A character who bears this manifestation can walk on walls
and ceilings, changing her subjective gravity with an act of will. This requires a simple action (lag 0). In addition, effects that would forcibly move the character move
her one hex less than normal.
Inertia: A potent spatial manifestation, Inertia slows the movement of the bearer, and anything that gets too close to her. This manifestation is activated by a
primary action (lag 3). Once activated, the object emanates a field of inertial energy that slows anything within its area, like amber trapping flies. Objects weighing
10-500kg that enter the field are affected. The field reacts to anything moving at high velocity. Characters or objects within the field are slowed to a maximum of 4
meters per phase, each time they attempt to move. All such moves are considered shifts, regardless of the action that prompted them. Thrown or flying weapons in
the field are no longer moving fast enough to cause damage, though they retain their momentum, albeit slowed. If they weigh enough, they may push objects or
persons out of their way as they continue their trajectory. The field has a radius of 10 meters.
Inexorable: The bearer of this manifestation becomes an unstoppable force in combat. Her blows land with uncanny accuracy, and she seems destined to prevail.
The character can add 1d10 to her combat checks.
Infusion: This is an exotic manifestation with very specific applications. The infusion refers to a type of energy that the manifestation incorporates into the
character's attacks, causing them to deal damage of the infusion's type, rather than the normal type. An infusion manifestation can deal physical, energy, chemical,
fire, or cold damage. Note that in order to deal other kinds of damage, the character must remove the manifestation. If a character has multiple manifestations of
infusion, she can choose which type of damage is dealt in each instance of damage. An infused attack is accompanied by a gout of fire, rime of frost, etc. as
appropriate to the infused type. Muscle-powered weaponry interacts with the character's aura enough to be affected by the manifestation and gain the infusion, but
button and trigger weapons do not.
Instinct: Manifestations of instinct allow a character to become "a natural" in certain endeavors. Such objects are linked to an attribute. When a character performs
a proficiency check related to that attribute, she gains a +2 bonus on the check. Note that the character does not become proficient if she is not already, and does
not gain access to applications or other advanced uses of a skill.
Maiming: Psychic imprints of pain and anguish are distilled within a manifestation of maiming. When a being is struck, the manifestation sends these sensations
across the momentary physical conduit, attacking the target spiritually as well as physically. A character hit by such an attack is wounded in addition to suffering
physical damage.
Meddling: This manifestation allows a character to tweak the laws of cause and effect to her own advantage. A meddling manifestation allows the character to add
or subtract a bonus hex to the area covered by a saturating effect. The hex to be affected must be at the perimeter of the area in question. If multiple hexes are
affected, they must be chosen along the perimeter of the original affected area. They cannot build or subtract on each other.
Momentum: The power of mass in motion is the legacy of Momentum. Characters who bear Momentum feel unstoppable, and can often smash through obstacles
that would stop others short. Characters thus equipped add 1, 2, or 3 bonus hexes to a walk, run, or sprint respectively, if they move in a straight line. More
importantly, they may roll a bonus 1d10 whenever they make a proficiency check to forcefully shift someone, or plow through obstacles such as barricades or doors.
Nova: A Nova manifestation creates a burst of energy that leaves the bearer unharmed, but deals 3d8+3 fire damage to all adjacent hexes. The nova appears as a
flash of white flame billowing out from around the character, travelling 2 meters in all directions before vanishing. Up to three manifestations can operate at once,
with the use of a simple action (lag 3).
Occultation: These are subtle manifestations that conceal their owner, hiding them from notice. The bearer of such manifestations becomes a sort of psychic void.
When using psionic detection or extrasensory perception against the bearer, the user must succeed a separate observation check for the ability to function properly
with respect to the occulted individual. The base difficulty against one manifestation is 8. Each additional manifestation applies a -1d10 penalty to the observer.
Psionic functions get one chance to pierce the veil created by these manifestations. Continuous, permanent abilities like the Athar's extrasensory ability can make
repeated attempts to overcome the veiling. True sight manifestations negate occultation manifestations and vice versa on a one-for-one basis.
Perfection: Manifestations of this sort are highly sought after. A manifestation of perfection boosts a characters attributes considerably. When created, a
manifestation of perfection boosts three attributes. The primary attribute is boosted by +5. The secondary attribute is the one above the primary in the ladder of
attributes, and receives a +3 bonus. The tertiary attribute is below the primary, and receives a +2 bonus. For example, a manifestation of perfection in strength
would boost the character's strength by 5, her charm by 3, and her agility by 2. Willpower, as a function of I.Q. and Wisdom, cannot be altered directly (skip it when
figuring secondary/tertiary effects as well). If a character boosts Charm or Wisdom, they roll over to the bottom or top of the stat line respectively. For example, a
character boosting charm by 5 gains 3 wisdom and 2 strength. Characters may benefit from any number of manifestations of perfection, but must adhere to the
three source rule for each attribute.
Reaving: Amongst the most powerful of psionic manifestations are those that kill most reliably. Reaving manifestations allow a character to shear through metal and
bone with ease. Each reaving manifestation adds +5 to a character's damage rolls. Muscle-powered weaponry interacts with the character's aura enough to be
affected by the manifestation and gain the bonus, but button and trigger weapons do not.
Rending: A rending manifestation introduces an entropic element that reduces the effectiveness of force fields, hardened armor, and even psionic shielding. When
the character scores a hit, the rending manifestation applies a -2 penalty to the subject's defense rating. The penalty lasts for 30 minutes.
Repulsion:A character with a manifestation of Repulsion can imbue two objects with a powerful antithetic charge. Two simple actions are required to set up the
repulsion effect, with a total lag of 3. Once set, a wave of repulsive force erupts between the objects. In the case of two unsecured objects (or persons), they are
pushed apart, moving back (directly away from each other) 6 hexes each, to a maximum distance of 24 meters if space allows. Secured objects or stuck objects (such
as a door and its frame) suffer 1d10 points of damage instead. Objects weighing a maximum of 500kg can be affected. Additional manifestations increase the range
of repulsion by +12 meters.
Resonance: A resonating effect causes the weapon used by the character to become hyper-real, increasing mass and hardness. Such a weapon deals an additional
die of its base damage. For example, a combat sword would deal 4d8 instead of 3d8, while a knife would deal 2d6 instead of 1d6. This extra damage is not multiplied
in the case of critical hits. Muscle-powered weaponry interacts with the character's aura enough to be affected by the manifestation and gain the bonus, but button
and trigger weapons do not.
Revenance: This potent manifestation binds the characters soul to her body, slowing the process of death by poison. The character takes on a death-like pallor when
the power of the object is invoked. When the character should suffer from the poisoned status, the effect is delayed for 5 rounds. A second manifestation allows the
character to delay the onset of the crippled status effect for 5 rounds. A third manifestation allows the character to delay the onset of the unconscious status effect
for 5 rounds.
Summoning: Though this manifestation does not create something out of nothing, it does teleport other objects belonging to the character up to 50 meters away
into the characters hand.In order to be a valid target, an object must weigh 25kg or less and have been in the possession of the character for at least one hour. The
object disappears from its current location and reappears in the characters hand in coruscating flashes of light. Summoning an object in this way requires a simple
action with a lag of 3. Additional manifestations apply a +50 meter range bonus and -1 lag initiative bonus to the summoning range and time.
Swiftness: A character so augmented gains additional ground whenever she takes a walk, run, or sprint action. The manifestation allows her to slide more quickly
through space, but her movements seem strangely out of joint with the distance she covers. The character travels 2 bonus hexes when walking, 4 when running, and
6 hexes when sprinting.
Sympathetic Perception:An unusual sensory power to say the least, manifestations of sympathetic perception enable their bearers to use objects as gateways to
perception. To use this manifestation, the character must expend a simple action (lag 3), and touch an object or body of matter (gases are not coherent enough for
this ability to use). The character can transfer her senses to any point in connection with the object. For example, a pipe that runs under water could be touched in
order to see the bottom of the lake in which it was laid (the water of the lake could be used for the same purpose. A power cable could be touched to witness events
two rooms away. The object must be continuous, so a break in the pipe, or junction box for the cable would be as far as the character's senses could go.
True Sight: The manifestation of true sight shields one of the character's senses, chosen at the time of fabrication. This can be one of the five senses, or can be keyed
to an unusual biological or even psionic sense, though in the latter case the item is less generally valuable, because it only functions a fraction of the time. This sense
is immune to impairment due to poor conditions or attacks by enemies.
Unyielding: The object of power that the character wears will help her shake off the trauma of battle. This manifestation is subtle, having no visible effect. She
ignores the effects of the impairedstatus effect. A second manifestation allows the character to also ignore the scared effect. A third manifestation allows the
character to also ignore the incapacitated status effect.
Will: These manifestations grant their bearers exceptional staying power by allowing them to increase their AP pools. Such objects grant +50 AP to their bearers
when attuned.
Eye of Oblivion
Components: Echolocation Field, Infusion, Nova
The Eye of Oblivion is infamous for its original user, an Adar Incanter who made a fortune as a psion for hire. When her family was killed in retaliation for her aid to
law enforcement, she created the Eye to help her exact revenge. The eye of oblivion allows its bearer to see sound, as if using the echolocation field, but only for
herself. This is a continuous effect. By using a primary action, the bearer can create a nova strike at a location of her choosing, within 30 meters. Unlike the basic
Nova manifestation (which is a ring of fire), this is a maelstrom of freezing void. This attack deals 9d8+9 cold damage to all in a 6 meter diameter sphere.
Parallax Seal
Components: Curse, Deflection, Repulsion
The Parallax seal is a much sought after piece of artistry, famed for its ability to keep its wearers alive. Bearers of the seal have historically included heads of state,
professional body guards, military officers, and high ranking members of the Black Sun. The seal confers a strange spatial bending ability to its bearer. Whenever a
combat check misses the character, she may shift one hex. No more than three shifts can be made in a round. This requires no action on the part of the character,
and is considered to be a continuous property of the seal. The second function of the seal changes the characters apparent location, distorting her actual spot in
time-space. This requires a simple action with a lag of 2. Its effects last for 30 minutes. Those observing the character must succeed observation or psi-theory
checks to determine her real location (requiring active effort and a simple action). Otherwise, their first targeted attacks (those requiring a combat check) against her
are doomed to miss. After the initial miss, they adjust their aim and may attack normally. Some beings with unusual sensory capabilities will see through the
distortion, as decided by the visionary.
Shimmer Kit
Components: Armoring, Summoning, Swiftness
Despite its humble name, a Shimmer Kit is an expensive and highly prized piece of equipment. Its unique design blends science and psionics in a harmonious whole.
The Kit has a full set of high tech tools suitable for repairing anything from an energy matrix to a star ship. Such Kits are usually present on larger space vessels; they
are an expensive, but highly desirable part of legitimate industrial commerce. The manifested powers of the kit teleport tools in and out of the mechanic's hands as
needed, with no inefficient searching or misplacement.Shimmer Kits get their name from the frequent small flashes of light that occur as a mechanic decides she
needs new tools. Furthermore, the use of these tools enables a technician to strengthen whatever she repairs, ensuring that the fixed item is as good as new.
Mechanics using such a kit find that it is equally useful for hacking computers, breaching doors, and other less savory business. A Shimmer Kit halves the time to
effect repairs, restoring broken items to full hit points, and imbuing a repaired item with Armoring 5 for one hour afterward. It also halves the time for other
proficiency applications where a tool kit is useful, but provides no other benefit. Some items can, of course, be damaged beyond repair.
Components: Armoring, Absorption, Gravitas
The Impetus Shields are carried by each and every one of the K'irac'tlzenSh'enin, a Quellin cadre of mercenary shock troops who work the fringes of the Quellin
Empire. With these manifestations in hand, they are able to survive brutal assaults on pirate ships and "alien invaders" (typically merchant vessels without proper
authorization) alike. The Impetus Shields take the form of combat shields, but provide two points of defense in close combat as well as range. Impetus shields render
their wearer immune to temporal and inertial effects which would hinder their bearer. Impetus shield bearers can also "root" themselves as a simple action (lag 0).
They become unable to move from their hex, but cannot be moved from that hex until they reverse the process (another simple action with a lag of 2), lose their
shield, or are killed. The K'irac'tl often "space" whole sections of ships, rooting themselves to avoid being swept into the void.
Sword of Assail
Components: Reaving, Resonance, Inexorable
The sword of Assail was popularized by Hogan Strongjaw of the holo-cast Beyond the Galaxy. Due to the show's wild popularity, fanatical fans with deep pockets had
a few commissioned as an indulgent addition to their collections. Enterprising psions took the serviceable design to a more serious market (professional
mercenaries), where it has thrived since. Many different kinds of weapons have since been made in this mold, though swords remain iconic of the type. Weapons of
Assail have a lag of one less than is normal for weapons of their kind. In addition, wielders of these weapons can unleash a cascade of attacks. The wielder must
declare that she is using this function of the weapon before rolling her attacks. She can then make an attack roll against multiple opponents. She must split her pool
of attack dice to do so. For example, a character who normally rolls 3d10+15 on her combat checks could attacktwo opponents (one with 1d10+15 and the other
with 2d10+15), or three opponents with 1d10+15 each. A character can initiate a cascade once per initiative sequence.
Homing Beacon
Components: Instinct, Sympathetic Perception
The Psionic Personal Tracking Module, or homing beacon as it is commonly known, was first developed by the Marshem&A'ronin Exploratory. Originally used as a
planet-wide tracking system on worlds that suffered heavy electro-magnetic interference, Homing Beacons have since become the manifestation of choice for those
who wish to be able to locate goods or persons without leaving an electronic trail. The Homing Beacon confers a +1d10 bonus to Survival checks. Characters in
possession of a homing beacon can always tell the direction to "true north" or other conceptually cardinal directions on a planet. In the case of a planet they are
newly visiting, this is often the direction to the place they landed. In any case, the bearer knows what the direction signifies. In addition, a homing beacon can be
attuned to a specific person, place, or thing. Attunement requires a simple action (lag2). Once attuned, the beacon allows the character to intuit the distance and
direction to the attuned person place or thing at a range of up to 10,000 miles, regardless of intervening matter. By using another simple action, the character can
transfer her senses to the attuned person place or object, perceiving to a range of 30 meters with all five senses. This latter use has made the homing beacon a
popular choice for surveillance and forewarning since its inception.
Dethnellon's Raiment
Components: Instinct, Spatial Awareness
Dethnellon was a military chaplain who served the Adar empire with distinction during the Athlatiinsurrection. Dethnellon constructed manifestations to assist his
infantry unit in rapid deployment and assault missions, where swift and assured movement over rough terrain was key. Dethnellon's design was efficient enough to
spur him to construct more of the raiment after his discharge, and his design was eventually patented by Adaptive Systems some thirty years ago. The Raiment
enables it's wearer to move over rough ground at full speed, and incorporate jumps into a movement, walk, or run. These jumps allow the wearer to leap a total of 6
hexes at a time, with a maximum of two such jumps per action (said action must be a run or sprint, the jumping distance being incorporated into, rather than added
to the total distance moved). The wearer can leap upward as much as forward. The character can also ignore 10 points of falling damage.
Components: Flight, Momentum, Summoning
The Shardsinger is a fearsome psionic weapon developed by Rag'nokIncanters for use in conflicts faced by the Crsytal Dominion. Few weapons can conduct psionic
manifestations at range, because aural interaction is required. The Shardsinger was created to address this difficulty. The military psions of the Rag'nok created a
semi-sentient weapon of living crystal. Once attuned by the wearer, it converts astral energy into crystalline matter. Using a form of gravitic acceleration, the
converted shards are hurtled from the Shardsinger at hypersonic speeds (and thus interact with forcefields). The Shardsinger can be fired like a normal weapon with
the following profile. This is a one handed weapon resembling a crystalline staff with a hollowed, slanted end.Shardsingers can produce up to 50 "rounds" worth of
shards in a single volley, for determining autofire, strafing capabilities, and the like.
P'ochtcha's Blind
Components: Excellence, Occultation
P'ochtcha was a thriving member of the Black Sun who was something of a work-a-holic. The diminutive Quellin worked with a number of prime teams in several
systems, always escaping the notice of the authorities even when his teams were being pursued by law enforcement. P'ochtcha relied on this manifestation to
maintain a low profile in such circumstances. After his retirement, the great Criminal shared his secret and was promptly robbed in turn by younger, hungrier
Criminals. P'ochtcha's blind has since been reproduced thousands of times over, much to the dismay of police throughout the five empires. The blind confers a +5
bonus to the bearer's agility. In addition, the blind obscures the form and features of the wearer. Technological devices record the character only as a vague blur,
and do not retain specific genetic information, fingerprints etc. When confronted by enemies, the blind bearer can become invisible and inaudible by using a primary
action (lag 2). These effects last until the bearer takes hostile action (as decided by the visionary) or purposefully draws attention to herself (including speech).
Masuru's Cup of Wisdom
Components: Discerning, Meddling, Will
Masuru was a legendary Quellin Mystic, renowned for her great compassion and willingness to help the downtrodden take on the mighty. Her cup(a simple wooden
bowl) became symbolic of her wisdom, and her penchant for skewing the plans of the mighty to her own ends. Later in her life Masuru founded a monastic order,
and the initiates created manifestations of the bowls as a right of passage. Some have since begun to circulate the galaxy. The bearer of this manifestation can
recognize a psionic channeling or prayer in effect automatically, without expending an action or making a roll. By using a simple action, the bearer can make a psitheory check to shift the area of effect (or change targets) by a total of 10 meters, or to a new target therein. This function can be used once per day. If the bearer is
targeted by a psionic effect (one that lists "target entity" under area of effect), she can make a Quick Thinking check (costs a primary action, no lag; target number 8 +
the level of the enemy Psion) to catch the effect in her bowl, if it is in hand. She may then drink from the bowl and regain the AP's spent to initiate the channel or
prayer. This latter effect can be used once per day.
As characters become more experienced, they will inevitably acquire psionic constructs. These will allow characters a wide range of abilities,
including augmented combat prowess. Visionaries should recognize the value of psionic constructs in her campaign, and treat them accordingly.
Rather than roll for discovered psionics, the visionary should choose to avoid incompatible or undeserved items. Conversely, visionaries should pick
powerful, or powerfully awry constructs, when the story calls for it. If, however, visionaries find themselves unable to decide what their players should or
shouldn’t get, they may refer to the tables below. Note that awry constructs cannot be generated by rolling on the general table below. The visionary
must choose to burden her players in this fashion. The visionary first rolls a d20 to determine which type of construct has been found. The visionary
then rolls on the appearance table to determine what the constructs general appearance will be. Finally, the visionary will refer to the construct purpose
table to find out exactly what the construct does.
Basic Construct Type
Roll Type
Equipment Construct Appearance
Roll Construct
Armor or Shield
Equipment (Choose Sub-table 1 or 2)
Terran Might
Astral Resonance
Life Stealing
Psionic Vampire
Expendable Construct Appearance
Aqueous Comfort
Fire Resistance
Personal Gravity
Garment Construct Appearance
A Thousand Faces
Martial Mastery
Mental Acuity
Mercurial Movement
Psionic Empowerment
Seven League Stride
Sight Beyond
Subjective Gravity
Terrain Mastery
Object Construct Appearance
Art Object
Luxury Item
Visionary’s Choice
Visionary’s Choice
Lucky Charm
Serpent’s Coil
Sphere of Cirhoulot
Ornamental Construct Appearance
Ornaments (Choose Sub-Table 1 or 2)
Sub-table 1
Astral Imprisonment
Astral Warding
Fire Resistance
Psionic Immunity
Water Walking
Well Being
Paraphernalia Construct Appearance
Aura Detection
Psionic Assault
Silent Guardian
Temporal Mastery
Thunder and Lightning
Awry Constructs
When psionic constructs, for whatever reason, do not function as they were created, they are known as having gone awry. This may occur for a
variety of reasons, the three most common of which are discussed here. It is important to keep in mind that awry constructs should generally be
introduced into a campaign to further good role-playing. If a visionary feels that a player should be punished for some act or transgression, it would be
better to have the awry construct introduced through role-playing, rather than “dumping” it on a character as part of a haul. For example, a character
destroys eight city blocks of a fairly low tech world with heavy weapons. Rather than scheming to slip an awry construct to that PC, the visionary roleplays the populace of the area banding together, capturing the offending PC, and saddling her with an awry construct. The three major types of awry
constructs are those with altered functions, destinies of their own, and those that possess sentience. Although these are rather different problems, they
are by no means mutually exclusive.
Note that expendables simply do not have a strong enough aura to acquire sentience, or affect probability as is required to have a destiny. Expendables
are always altered in function if awry.
Altered Function: Most constructs go awry at the time of their conception. Constructs of this type are usually subjected to extreme circumstance
while being created. Whatever occurs is up to the visionary, but the types of altered properties are usually one of a couple of types. The most common
effect is reduced or enhanced effectiveness. When dealing with a reduced construct, simply consult its capabilities in the book, and halve the number of
powers, or the bonuses or whatever is applicable. Constructs with enhanced capabilities are a little more complicated. Although they are dramatically
more powerful than their “normal” counterparts, they have undesirable side-effects. For example, an awry weapon of fury might increase its wielders
attacks by one per round, rather than one every other round, but she may have trouble telling friend from foe in her eagerness to do battle.
Destiny: Constructs of this sort were invariably created with some purpose in mind, and their powers reflect it. These constructs can be far more
insidious and frightening than most awry constructs, because their owners will probably not even guess at what is going on! Constructs of this type have
a purpose, and their powerful psionic nature causes probability to shift around them, making it more likely that they will be put to the task they were
created for. A character carrying an awry helm of Martial Mastery (whose purpose is to adorn the most powerful warrior in the galaxy) might find herself
enrolled in the Musashi Flex, constantly running into belligerent Masters of the Way, and so on. The only way to escape such a destiny is to rid oneself
of the construct.
Sentience: The rarest type of awry construct is that which contains sentience. Contain is the key word here, because sentient constructs are,
without exception, the imprisoned psyches of characters. Whether the person who made the construct was trapped inside, or an astral entity has taken
up residence, the result is the same. In some cases, this sentience is insane, but sapient constructs always have their own motives and goals, which
can make them difficult to deal with. Sentient weapons are almost always extremely powerful, however, which is why they are ceaselessly sought after.
Sentient constructs may be dangerous if their wielders cannot reconcile themselves with their construct. The dangers vary with the construct. Insane
constructs may infect their wielders with madness, while willful constructs may withhold their psionic energies and not perform their feats (weapons
become non-psionic, paraphernalia does not function, etc.). For quick resolution in a crisis, characters may attempt to best these constructs in an
opposed willpower contest. Note, however, that most sentient constructs have a willpower of 25+! When not in a crisis, characters must obtain the
cooperation of their constructs to cause them to function.
To place an awry construct in your campaign, simply select a construct that excites your imagination, decide which type of awry construct it is, and
what its new powers will be. Think carefully about how the appearance of the construct will alter the dynamics of your campaign. If you decide that the
construct will not be a detriment, plan for its introduction into the story line, and have fun!
Equipment covers any kind of weapon, and/or armor, including shields. Most psionic constructs of this sort have a value expressed as “+” followed
by a number. This number indicates the number of additional points of AR conferred in the case of armor. When weapons have a “plus”, that value is
applied as a CNM to all combat checks with that weapon, as well as a positive modifier on all damage rolls. When pertinent, all equipment constructs
are considered to operate at 10th level.
Armor or Shield: Formidable personal Armor is inexpensive and highly accessible in highly advanced societies. For this reason, few wizards will
waste their time creating constructs from anything lighter than combat armor (AR8), and most constructs are in the form of full combat armor (AR 10).
Shields always improve an existing AR by one step, before psionic augmentations, of course.
Weapons: Weapons come in many varieties, ranging from knives and swords to staves, battle hammers, and a host of other weapons. The
visionary should consult the close combat weapons table in the main book and choose a weapon type.
Over the course of any Stellar Encounters campaign, players and visionaries alike are bound to question the rules as they have been written. Some of
the most common questions may look a little something like this.
Why can’t characters have third callings?
Why can’t non-human races have access to some callings?
Why can’t I have a sensor that detects life from orbit, like in the movies?
Why can’t I have more than 15% biogenics per level?
The majority of the questions may be answered with two words: game balance. If certain portions of the rules were not as they are now,
Stellar Encounters would be less believable, less playable, and less fun. After many years of playing RPG’s ourselves, we know that alteration of the
rules on a whim produces negative results more often than not.
Slang Terms
Bleeding: Term used to describe an individual whose aura is so saturated with Astral energy that she is visibly glowing.
Chipped: This term is used to describe a character who has a lot of biogenic implants generally 100% or more.
Spiked: this is a term used by characters who want to be paid.
Amp Crystal: the term used to describe the crystals used to cast spells
Pet: a personal computer used by just about everybody on a civilized planet.
General Chandrik strode into the Tent without waiting to be announced. “Who is in command here!” he shouted.
A captain turned from the table with maps on it and saluted crisply “I am Sir Captain William Tilor”.
“Captain why has this situation not been resolved?”Chandrik asked Anger thick in his voice.
“Sir they have a lot of People in there quite a few are very important” Captain Tilor said.
General Chandrik looked coldly on Captain Tilor for a second before his hand shot out grabbing Tilor by his throat and pulling him close.
“Captain by your hesitation you have given the criminals the upper hand” Chandrik said “ now they believe they have something to bargain
with and you have given them time to prepare their defenses and search out anybody hiding in the house adding them to the list of hostages.”
The captain turned white has the general’s words and grip tightened around him. He fruitlessly tried to free himself from the general’s grip but it was like
trying to bend iron.
“Do you know How I got here so fast Captain?” Chandrik hissed softly dropping the captain to the floor.
“No s-sir I do not I---“ Tilor croaked massaging his throat
“I am here to pick up my daughter Captain.” Chandrik interrupted still towering over the Tilor.
“Sergeant” General Chandrik Hissed between clenched teeth.
Sergeant Slade had been expressionlessly watching the exchange between the two officers but now he took one-step forward and snapped to “Sir?”
“Get your men together we give the criminals one last chance to surrender and then we go in.” Chandrik said “ get my gear from my orderly
and tell your men I will lead personally.”
Sergeant Slade looked at the Chandrik slowly and seeing the anger turned to do as he was told.
“Sir this is my operation and…” the captains word stopped abruptly as the Chandrik once again turned he gaze on him.
“Captain” Chandrik hissed “if you expect to live the night out to face your court-martial do not speak to me again” 2 minutes later the Sergeant
returned with 2 men and the generals combat kit.
“Rules of engagement sir?” Slade asked
“Kill them all sergeant no survivors” Chandrik replied
Slade paused for a second and watched General Chandrik methodically gothrew his weapons and equipment. When the General was done
Slade said “Sir under commonwealth law I cannot obey that order “
Chandriks head snapped up and he looked the sergeant over. Slade looked at him expressionlessly standing in a loose stance. Chandrik pulled a
crushed communicator out of his pocket and dropped it on the floor. “Sergeant Slade, the criminals have committed murder and commonwealth law is
very specific concerning murder in the course of a crime.”
The sergeant looked at the communicator crushed almost beyond recognition the metal casing showing the unmistakable impression of fingers and then
at the captain still laying on the floor.
“How long do we give them to surrender sir?” Slade asked.
“30 seconds sergeant” answered Chandrik “30 seconds”
Slade nodded curtly and turned leaving the tent.
“Snap to were going in!” he shouted to the men outside the tent.
“30 seconds is not long enough for them to decide” Captain Tilor protested.
“I know” Chandrik replied as he strode from the tent.
Combat involving vehicles introduces several important elements absent from fighting afoot. These radically affect the outcome of a combat, and so are
addressed here. Rules for Vehicular combat should be applied whenever appropriate, and both sides need not have vehicles in order to employ the
rules below. Note that while conducting vehicular combats, the basic parameters of combat are the same. Rounds are still composed of twelve
segments, attacks are still resolved as skill checks, combat and non-combat actions are still differentiated. How these basic elements are resolved,
however, is altered because of the nature of vehicular combat.
Massive weapons such as particle cannons and missile launchers may never be aimed. Crew mounted weapons that are essentially enlarged versions
of combat weaponry and the like (and do not rely on computer-controlled movement) may be aimed as normal.
Characters using crew-mounted weaponry will no doubt want to use their maximum number of attacks per round, in order to enjoy the devastation such
weapons cause. Most vehicular weapons, unfortunately, have a limited rate of fire. This means that characters may not attack more times in a round
than the rate of fire for the weapon they are using. A character might have three combat actions in a given round, but if the laser cannon she is using
may be fired only once per round, those remaining combat actions can be used for something else.
When maneuvering through a combat, pilots must generally do some turning, speeding up and slowing down, etc. A direct hit to the hull of the pilot’s
craft during such a procedure can cause a malfunction, jar the pilot off course, or otherwise ruin her day. If the pilot’s vehicle is travelling at more than
half of its top speed and is damaged, the pilot must make a skill check. If the check fails, the vehicle skids, or is knocked off course. This can be very
dangerous in confined areas. If the check fails by more than five, a catastrophic hit or a mistake on the part of the pilot causes the vehicle to spin out or
crash. Vehicles are always rendered inoperative by such crashes, and may not be taken anywhere until repairs have been made.
Firing into a close combat with crew mounted weaponry without hitting allies can be very tricky. Crew mounted weapons are designed for mass
destruction, not finesse. Weapons that do not have a blast radius may be fired in single round increments, as per rules for standard ranged combat.
When firing multiple rounds into a close combat, the gunner automatically checks for hits against all occupants of the hexes adjacent to the target.
When characters are aboard a vehicle, they roll their initiatives normally. No character may act, however, before the pilot’s initiative. This represents the
fact that while characters might be ready to mow down the opposition, they do not necessarily have a clear line of sight, the ride might be too rough to
allow accurate shooting, etc.
Saturation weapons are anti-vehicle weapons, such as the main gun on a tank. Saturation weapons do not roll to hit per se. Instead, they deal their
damage automatically to everything within a variable number of hexes, then –1 per damage die for a like number of hexes, and finally halved damage for
the same number of hexes. The radius of these zones appears in the description of Saturation weapons, and is given a number. This number
represents the breadth of each of the damage zone created by a saturation weapon. Thus, a saturation weapon with an area of effect rating of one
deals its full damage in the targeted hex, -1 per die of damage in the adjacent hexes, and half damage in the hexes immediately surrounding those.
The personal, man portable forcefields that the characters will undoubtedly carry are excellent ways of reducing the damage done by conventional
weapons fire. They are not, however, capable of withstanding the heavy weapons that deal saturation damage. When struck directly by such weapons,
characters may not use personal forcefields to reduce damage in any way. Forcefields will reduce damage from indirect hits, even if the character was
within the central blast area. When characters are struck by the actual laser, particle beam, or (heaven forbid) projectile, the character gets no forcefield
reduction. Likewise, the protection afforded by personal armor is ineffective against saturation weapons. Characters struck by saturation weapons, or
caught in the saturated area take ten times the amount listed for that weapon’s damage. The figures listed in the weapons section denote the damage
these weapons do to armored vehicles. When pedestrians are struck by such awesome forces, they generally die. Psionic immunities however do give
the usual protections vs saturation weapons. This could (possibly) lead to encounters where a Splicer could survive a direct hit from a saturation
weapon. The visionary needs to remember that the damage here is generally catastrophic. If these weapons are used in a normal campaign it would
not be unreasonable to expect the campaign to be short lived.
The heavy duty force fields borne by vehicles have the power to deflect some of the force of incoming saturation hits. Most combat vehicles have some
armor protecting the personal inside. Generally Armor reduces the damage caused by saturation weapons by the amount of armor listed. Any damage
over the listed armor amount is passed to the occupants at the 10 times ratio. Example: Scar the Splicer is piloting a combat car when it takes a direct
hit from a cannon round. The Visionary rolls damage and gets 51 points. The combat car has a 40% force field and 19 points of armor. So, the force
field reduces the damage to 31 points 19 more points are subtracted because of the armor. The remaining 12 measly points get threw to damage
Scar…Of coarse that is multiplied by 10 so it’s really 120 points (ouch!). Scar gets force field 30% and his psionic immunity of 30% which will reduce the
damage to a more manageable level of! A paltry 59 points is taken! Scar might want to try harder to avoid another hit. As the armor from a vehicle
absorbs damage it is reduced by ½ of the amount that surpasses its protection. So in the above example the combat cars armor is now 13 points worth
of protection. Visionaries should feel free to reduce armor even if it does not penetrate the armor if it’s taking multiple hits over a long combat. A few
points here and there as scoring on the armor allows other hits to penetrate deeper.
Saturation weapons are almost completely computer controlled. Because the human element is of so little consequence, characters do not roll combat
checks. Rather, they roll basic skill checks for vehicle weapons, success indicating a hit.
Psionic Disciplines list
Alternate Sense (Major)
Bio-electricity (Minor)
Cold Shield (Major)
Detect Invisible (Minor)
Disintegrate (Meta)
Disperse Energy (Meta)
Enhanced Combat (Major)
Enhanced Infravision (Minor)
Heat Shield (Major)
Immovability (Minor)
Inertial Barrier (Major)
Inertial Shield (Minor)
Interpret Radiant Energy (Minor)
Kinetic Reverse (Minor)
Light Duplication (Minor)
Molecular Agitation (Minor)
Molecular Dampening (Minor)
Move Electrons (Major)
Perpetual Motion (Major)
Potential Explosion (minor)
Project Force (Major)
PSI Lightning (Minor)
Radar Sense (Major)
See Heat (Minor)
Warp Radiant Energy (Minor)
Weather Forecast (Minor)
Accelerate Tissue Regeneration (Meta)
Animate Object (Minor)
Biofeedback (Minor)
Body Control (Minor)
Chemical Simulation (Minor)
Compression (Meta)
Contraction (Minor)
Control Body (Major)
Control Flames (Minor)
Control Fluid (Major)
Control Wind (Major)
Create Object (Major)
Density Manipulation (Major)
Dual Corporation (Meta)
Entropic Infusion (Minor)
Epithelial Armor (Minor)
Evacuate Gas (Major)
Expansion (Minor)
Fortitude (Major)
Levitation (Minor)
Manipulate Terra (Meta)
Molecular Rearrangement (Major)
Psychic Clone (Meta)
Suspended Animation (Major)
Suspend Objects (Minor)
Telekinesis (Minor)
Transparency (Major)
Velocity Control (Minor)
Attraction (Minor)
Aura Sight (Major)
Aversion (Minor)
Backlash (Minor)
Conceal Thoughts (Minor)
Contact (Minor)
Detect Life (Minor)
Disconnect Skills (Meta)
Domination (Major)
Ejection (Minor)
Empathy (Minor)
ESP (Minor)
Group Defense (Major)
Induce Pleasure (Minor)
Inflict Pain (Minor)
Invisibility (Minor)
Link (Minor)
Mental Dagger (Minor)
Mind Hold (Major)
Mind Link (Minor)
Mind Shield (Minor)
Mind Wipe (Major)
Negate Sensory Input (Minor)
Paralyze (Major)
Plant Control (Major)
Possession (Meta)
Post-hypnotic Suggestion (Major)
Probe (Major)
Psionic Concealment (Minor)
Psychic Armor (Minor)
Psychic Sacrifice (Meta)
Psychic Surgery (Major)
Psychosomatic Link (Major)
Sense Link (Minor)
Split Personality (Meta)
Telempathic Projection (Major)
Alter Distance (Major)
Clairaudience (Minor)
Clairvoyance (Minor)
Distort Local Time-Space (Minor)
Hang Time (Major)
Induce Age (Minor)
Interchange (Meta)
Move Focus (Minor)
Psychic Clone (Meta)
Sense Spatial Phenomena (Minor)
Spatial Conduit (Major)
Spatial Folding (Minor)
Teleport (Meta)
Teleport Astral Entity (Meta)
Teleport Object (Major)
Teleport Other (Meta)
Temporal Deceleration (Major)
Time Flux (Meta)
Time Space Anchor (Minor)
Time-Space Discontinuity (Minor)
Warp Space (Minor)
Psionic Awareness
350 meters
Psionic Awareness is termed a "psionic ability," rather than a "psionic power," since it does not belong to one discipline, does not take up a slot, and
does not cost any APs to initiate or maintain.
Psionicists develop their Psionic Awareness during their early training. As part of the beginning stage of mental exercises that develop a psionicists
mind into a highly focused source of energy and control, neophytes are taught how to use this natural ability.
The Psionic Awareness ability allows a psionicist to recognize psionically capable minds when she initiates a mental "scan". The psionicist is able to
tell which minds (within the Area of Effect) are capable of psionic activity, whether these minds are engaged in any psionic activity at that time or not.
The mark of a disciplined and empowered mind is the "signature" that allows the psionicist to recognize other psionically-capable minds. A psionically
capable mind is one that uses psionics in any form this would include the Mage, Psionicist, Athar, War Wizard, Master of the Way, Mystic, and
Wanderer. Notice that I did not include the Cleric or paladin because their minds are not psionically active.
Psionic Awareness does not recognize psionic activity or the expenditure of APs, only that a mind is disciplined and capable of such activity. Note
that certain other disciplines can prevent the Psionic Awareness scan from identifying that mind as psionically-capable, even though APs are being
expended. (Likewise, if the Psionic Concealment power is a power available in your campaign, it prevents the scan from properly identifying as well.)
Even though Psionic Awareness costs a psionicist nothing with regards to APs expense, there are other reasons why this is a dangerous ability to
exercise. Psionicists not engaged in physical melee, psionic activity, or other focused activity will immediately recognize that they have been scanned.
Further, the scanned psionicist will be able to tell where the scan originated, thereby identifying the psionicist who initiated the ability. Needless to say,
utilizing this ability in unfamiliar surroundings can create quite a dangerous situation.
No psionicist appreciates being "checked out" by another. All psionicists who realize they have been scanned immediately go into a defensive
mindset, and realize that they could be in store for a confrontational event.
Because a psionicist never knows what high-level psionicist they might possibly scan and thereby make an enemy of, psionicists simply do not walk
down a city street with this ability maintained and "out there" for all other psionicists to pick up on. Beyond using this ability in early training to develop a
psionicists mind, the primary use of this ability is in the following manner: When a psionicists party has already determined themselves to be in a
confrontational event with another party (that will most certainly lead to combat), the psionicist will use Psionic Awareness to scan the other party
members for possible psionic combatants; (and the psionicist can bet that any psionicist in the other party are scanning her at the same time!)
All characters get Psionic Awareness free if they have disciplines.
Alternate Sense
Initial Cost: 8
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost: 2/round
Preparation Time: 1
This power allows the character to alternate her senses. With this power she can feel light, or sound, or even see sound this power will allow the
character to cross one sense to another purpose. She can cross as many senses as she wants so long as she pays the cost per sense.
Description: When this power is used the affected sensory organs glow faintly (using ears to see the ears will glow) this will be visible for about 2 meters.
Initial Cost: 0 or 4
Range: 10/50/100 meters
Area of Effect: special
Maintenance Cost: special
Preparation Time: 1 or 0
This dual use power can be called up with no initial cost if a segment is spent in preparation. If it must be drawn upon quickly, the effort costs 4 APs.
1) Bio-luminescence
The psionicist emits a light in a 3-meter radius at a cost of 1 AP per turn. The radius may be increased at an increased cost
Range 10m --- Cost: 1/turn
Range 50m --- Cost: 2/turn
Range 100m --- Cost: 4/turn
2) Bio-electric discharge
The psionicist can call up bolts of energy through her hands to hurl at enemies. A to hit must be rolled with the psionicist missile attack roll, but all
targets are AR 0: add only agility and psionic adjustments. One bolt may be fired per round. Damage is 2 HP per 1 AP expended - max. 40 damage / 20
APs. A psionicist can only expend 2APs per level in this manner (to the maximum allowed)
Description: For Bio-luminescence the character emits the light from her left or right hand (a character concentrating can cause it to appear else where).
Bio-electric charge will show up as little veins of electricity running up and down the characters arms.
Cold Shield
Initial Cost: 10
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Preparation Time: 1
This power will create a shield of cold air around the psionicist that will absorb heat around the psionicist. It will reduce the damage of heat based
attacks by 1 hp/die and give a bonus of 3 to any Survival Check. A character with this power active is automatically granted a survival check against all
fire type attacks even if a survival check is normally not allowed. A successful check while the heat shield is in operation means that only half damage
(from dice) is sustained. It will also protect a character from hot environments such as a desert, and will make the character invisible to infravision.
Anyone trying to touch the character without some kind of protection from cold will suffer 1d10+2hp/round.
Description: while this power is active the character will appear to be standing in the middle of a slight wind and if the climate is wet enough then the
character will actually have snowflakes swirling around her.
Detect Invisible
Initial Cost: 5
Range: line of sight
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost: 4/round
Preparation Time: 0
This discipline allows the psionicist to see invisible creatures and objects. Note that this discipline pierces only invisibility generated by light distortion.
Effects that generate invisibility by any other method cannot be uncovered by this discipline unless the visionary feels it is appropriate.
Description: There is no visible effect for this power.
Initial Cost: 40
Range: 250 meters
Area of Effect: 1 object 3 cu. Meters
Maintenance Cost: 0
Preparation Time: 2
This discipline allows a psionicist to convert solid matter into ambient energy. The power of this discipline is such that matter without appreciable energy
levels (minerals, plant life, non-radioactive metals, non-powered technology, etc.) are instantly transformed (destroyed for all intents and purposes).
Matter with median energy content (radioactive metals, powered technology, psionic constructs) may check for survival, but at one category worse than
normal (e.g. psionic, hard becomes psionic, normal). Matter with high-energy content (animals) receives an unmodified (physical) survival check.
Characters that make a survival check against the beam still take damage equal to 1d10 per level of the psionicist. This damage is not reduced by the
successful check made to avoid disintegration.
Description: when this power is used a black beam will extend from the hand of the character and disintegrate anything it touches that does not make a
survival check.
Disperse Energy
Initial Cost: var.
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal/ 5 meters
Maintenance Cost: 0
Preparation Time: 0 or 2
This discipline allows a character to disperse energy damage. The primary application of this power is negating the harmful effects of radiation, energy
weapons, psionic energy attacks, and so on. The dispersion field operates at two levels, for two different costs. The psionicist may have personal
protection for one AP’s per 2 points of damage negated, determined after damage is rolled. The second method is much more expensive and chancy,
but dispersion occurs at a radius of 5 meters from the psionicist, protecting everything within. In the latter case, the psionicist must spend 1 AP per point
to be negated, and must declare how many points are to be spent in this fashion before damage is determined. Thus, it is possible for the psionicist to
over/underestimate the amount of AP’s required to shield her group from a given energy attack.
Description: while this power is on the character will appear to be in a shady area even while in direct sunlight and this dimness will extend out to 5
meters if the character tries to protect more than herself.
Enhanced Combat
Initial Cost: special
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost: special
Preparation Time: 1
This is a real 'Use the force Luke' type power. In essence, it allows the psionicist to mentally guide and enhance her attacks and defenses, making them
faster and more accurate. To do this, the psionicist must first spend a number of APs (maximum is twice the psionicists level) to initialize the power. In
the next round, and for as long as this power is maintained, the following may be done (at the listed cost in APs). Add +2 to hit and damage to your
attacks this round (2 APs). Plus improve your AR and initiative by two (2 APs).* Change one initiative dice result to one (3 APs). Improve initiative
sequence by one step (5 APs). * Recover your weapon without spending an action (5 APs). As well: * plus this action must be announced before the
attack (or parry) roll is attempted. Thus a missed attack roll cannot be retroactively improved.
Note: In any given round, the psionicist may never spend more APs to generate bonuses than were used to initialize the power. Thus if 8 APs were
spent on initialization, it would be possible improve her attack step, or gain an extra attack (or do anything else that costs 8 APs or less). It would not be
possible to gain an extra attack and get +2 to hit and damage, as this would cost 11 AP. The power is maintained as long as the psionicist uses this
power. It ends on any round during which the psionicist does not spend any APs on it. In order to maintain this power, spending one AP per round is
enough, although it does absolutely nothing.
Description: there is no visible effect for this power.
Enhanced Infravision
Initial Cost: 6
Range: 50 meters
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost: 2/turn
Preparation Time: 0
This science is a more powerful version of infravision, without the side effects of that power (namely, worsening the character's ability to see into the
blue areas of the spectrum). This science actually creates more color-sensing pigments in the character's eyes, allowing for superior vision. Nonhumans
can use this power, but it is not cumulative with innate infravision (an Adar with infravision to 20 meters using this power gains infravision with a range of
50 meters, not 70).
Description: there is no visible effect for this power.
Heat Shield
Initial Cost: 10
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Preparation Time: 1
This power will create a shield of hot air around the psionicist that will absorb cold around the psionicist. It will reduce the damage of cold-based attacks
by 1hp/die and give a bonus of 3 to any Survival Check. If this power is active a character will gain a survival check against any cold based attacks even
if such a save is not normally allowed. It will also protect a character from cold environments such as a tundra. Anyone trying to touch the character
without some kind of protection from heat will suffer 1d10+3hp/round.
Description: while this power is active the character will appear to be standing in the middle of a slight wind, and the character will be obscured slightly
by heat waves.
Initial Cost: 7
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost: 4/round
Preparation Time: 0
With this power the character can make herself immovable (like the blob) a hell of a lot of force is required to move the character. To move the
character requires a combined strength score of the characters willpower x 10(if the characters willpower is 18 then it requires 180 strength from other
people to move her). A character with this ability active gains a 3 bonus to grappling checks. The character does not become heavier so she will not
break through the floor.
Description: When this discipline is activated, the ground underneath the character indents slightly, as if she were incredibly dense.
Inertial Barrier
Initial Cost: 10
Range: 0
Area of Effect: 3 meter diameter
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Preparation Time: 1
The Inertial barrier is a barrier of air around the character and anyone within 3 meters. This barrier can soften missile attacks and can shield those
inside from many forms of damage. This barrier will sap energy from any ranged attack that has mass (bullets). To determine the damage, roll how
much damage the missile would have done, then roll as many hit dice to determine the shield's protection. Then subtract your roll from the missile
damage and the remainder is how much you take. Keep in mind that most weapons add a set amount of damage that the shield will not stop so you will
take damage no matter what, and that the set damage cannot be reduced in any way. Also remember that the barrier works both ways in and out. The
barrier will also delay the onset of gas for 3 rounds as the gas works its way past the barrier, and reduce the damage from falling by minus 1 per die.
Description: while this power is active the character will appear to be surrounded by a glass dome. Should the character leave the ground, or otherwise
be suspended in space, the dome resolves itself in to a sphere.
Inertial Shield
Initial Cost: 5
Range: 0
Area of Effect: 1 meter diameter, 120 degree arc
Maintenance Cost: 3/round
Preparation Time: 0
This is similar to an inertial barrier, but with one crucial difference: the field is compressed, giving protection only from frontal attacks. It protects a 120degree arc in front of the psionic, with coverage curving to reach over her head. (Think of it as the front 1/3 of an inertial barrier). To determine the
damage, roll how much damage the missile would have done, then roll as many hit dice to determine the shield's protection. Then subtract your roll from
the missile damage and the remainder is how much you take. Keep in mind that most weapons add a set amount of damage that the shield will not stop
so you will take damage no matter what, and that the set damage cannot be reduced in any way. The inertial shield protects against the same forms of
attack as the inertial barrier, but is not effective in some situations (like gas attacks, or missiles coming from all directions).
Description: while this power is active the character will appear to have a plane of glass hanging in front of her.
Interpret Radiant Energy
Initial Cost: 7
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost: 2/round
Preparation Time: 0
This power allows the psionicist can feel any wavelength, and not just visible light. In effect, this gives the psionicist infravision, as well as ultravision.
Ultravision can show details not visible through normal sight (such as the patterns of some flowers). If a large part of the psionicists body is exposed,
the psionicist receives more light through her body, and can see much better in dark conditions. Thus twilight and a moonlit night seem like a normal
day, and a starlit night looks like twilight. Total darkness is still total darkness, but a condition that looks like total darkness to a normal human might look
like starlight or moonlight to the psionicist.
Description: there is no visible effect for this power.
Kinetic Reverse
Initial Cost: 8
Range: 400 meters
Area of Effect: 1 object of 60 kg.
Maintenance Cost: 0
Preparation Time: 0
A psionicist with kinetic reverse can reverse the kinetic energy in any moving object that weights less than 60 kg. Arrows can be sent back to their
archers, spears can be sent back to their throwers, and small rocks can be sent back to their catapults. Note that when slug throwers and energy
weapons are used in combat, the projectiles cannot be influenced, due to their speed (the psionicist just won’t have time.) This discipline may also be
activated against close combat weaponry, but wielders will receive a (physical) survival check to stop moving, rather than incur damage against
themselves. In any event, the attackers original combat check is used to determine whether or not they are struck by their own attack.
Description: When the kinetic energy of the projectile in question is manipulated, the projectile glows faintly.
Light Duplication
Initial Cost: 6
Range: 0
Area of Effect: self
Maintenance Cost: 3/round
Preparation Time: 0
With this power a psionicist can create three exact copies of her body by manipulating light waves. There must be light waves present for this power
to work. This is a combat enhancement and has very little use anywhere else. When used it creates a row of four, one being the real psionicist and
three being copies. This gives the psionicist 3 chances in 4 to escape damage from her opponents’ blows. After each successful attack against the
psionicist, she will roll a four-sided dice. On a 1 the psionicist takes to damage like normal. On a 2, 3, or 4 one of the copies was hit. Since the copies
are only manipulated light swords, arrows, and all other forms of physical attack pass throw it doing no damage. However if a copy is hit the attacker
can mark that copy and strike at a different one or if the attacker hits the original she knows that one and can keep hitting it. If the user of this power
breaks line of sight or resets the power then the attacker must try to find the original again. Telepathic attacks are not affected by this power.
Description: Self-evident
Molecular Agitation
Initial Cost: 5
Range: 100 meters
Area of Effect: 1 object of 15 kg.
Maintenance Cost:4/ round
Preparation Time: 0
This power enables the character to excite the molecules of a substance, i.e. things get hot damn fast. The chart below will let you know what’s up.
Note that round 5 is the last listed round. If the psionicist continues to pay the maintenance, repeat round five until the power is deactivated. Once the
power is ended, the molecules bleed off their excess energy quickly, nearing normal after a full round of cool down (no additional damage). Damage
from multiple burning substances is not cumulative, the highest damage is rolled for. During later rounds, this power may require equipment survival
checks at the Visionary’s discretion.
1st round: readily flammable items ignite, skin becomes red and tender (2 points), metal becomes warm.
2nd round: wood smolders and smokes, metal is hot, skin gets 2nd degree burns (1d6+2), hair catches fire, and paint shrivels.
3rd round wood burns, metal scorches (1d6+4), skin burns away (showing the dark meat for 1d6+8), water boils.
4th round steel grows soft (2d6+8)
5th round steel melts (4d6+8) *This assumes plain old steel. A lot of the new materials used in modern construction (like new-steel) will just glow
red but not melt.
Description: objects under the effect of this power will appear to shimmer faintly like a road on a hot day this shimmer should be visible out to about 4
meters. And of course, metals glows red in case that needs to be said.
Molecular Dampening
Initial Cost: 5
Range: 100 meters
Area of Effect: 1 item, 90 kg
Maintenance Cost: 4/round
Preparation Time: 0
This power is the opposite of the molecular agitation devotion; instead of increasing the movement of molecules inside an object, this power slows
them down, chilling the object. The amount of damping determines the effects: Like Molecular agitation, this power does not allow for cumulative
damage. It may also be maintained as long as the psionicist desires. Survival checks may likewise be in order during later rounds.
1st round: Air-cools, condensation forms, skin and metal become cold.
2nd round: Air freezes, water begins to freeze, frost forms, and skin and metal begin to freeze (2pts.)
3rd round: Water freezes, ice forms, skin becomes frostbitten, metal freezes (4 pts.)
4th round: Ice hardens, skin freezes to metal, metal becomes brittle (9 pts.)
5th round: Air begins to freeze lungs, metal shatters if struck hard enough (16 pts.)
Description: Affected objects are coated with frost that thickens each round the power is maintained.
Move Electrons
Initial Cost: variable
Range: 50 meters
Area of Effect: one creature/object
Maintenance Cost: 0
Preparation Time: variable (0-3)
This devotion allows the psionicist to move a number of electrons through an object, causing electrical damage to it. The cost is variable, but the
longer a psionicist prepares to use the power, the more electrons that can be moved. Creatures that are made out of electricity take half damage (if
somebody rearranged parts of your body, it would still hurt). Creatures’ immune to lightning or electrical damage is not affected by this power at all. It is
possible to use this power against more than one creature, but only if they are connected by a good conductor (like metallic armor or very salty water).
In this case, damage is done to all connected creatures. Damage is a D10 per level. For every segment that the psionicist spends “charging” she can
add 1 to the die up to 3. So it would be D10+1 at 1 segment and D10+3 at 3 segments. The base cost to use this power is 6 AP. Charging time does
not increase the AP cost but adding die does at 3AP per die added up to the characters level.
Metallic Armor: +2 points damage, plus possible conduction
The longer the preparation time, the louder the discharge will be; with no preparation, the sound will be barely audible beyond 4 meters, but with two
segments of preparation time, the sound could easily carry 15 meters or more, and would echo in enclosed spaces (sound like a bug zapper).
Description: This power causes the characters hands to glow faintly, increasing in intensity each phase until the character discharges the collected
Perpetual Motion
Initial Cost: 15
Range: 30 meters
Area of Effect: 1 object
Maintenance Cost: 7/round
Preparation Time: 1
This power causes the object affected to continue on it's path and speed for the duration of the power. This could give an arrow unlimited range,
cause arching missiles (such as catapults or slings) to miss or people or creatures that are running to continue moving in their current direction. This
could be useful to cause a person to run off a cliff, or into something. The psionicist must activate this power before the object is moved. Creatures
affected must make an opposed strength check against the casters willpower to avoid being affected.
Description: Objects given perpetual motion appear to leave a rippled wake in the space behind them.
Potential Explosion
Initial Cost: 7
Range: 150 meters
Area of Effect: 1 object
Maintenance Cost: 0
Preparation Time: 0
This discipline enables a character to induce an incredible amount of energy into a simple (mostly uniform material only) object or part thereof. The
object or portion of a larger object to be affected may be no larger than 1 cubic meter, and weigh no more than 25kg. Objects infused will explode doing
1D6 points of damage per level of the psionicist to all creatures within a 2m radius. Especially strong items receive a survival check to safely assimilate
the energy. Psionic constructs always receive a check. Failure means that the item is destroyed in the blast, of course. Note that especially flimsy
matter (gases, cloth, etc.) will inflict little or no damage but will still make plenty of noise. Large coherent objects (steel doors and the like) are large and
durable enough to withstand the energy influx completely.
Description: objects infused with this energy will give off a faint yellow glow and hum one segment before discharge.
Project Force
Initial Cost: 10
Range: 300 meters
Area of Effect: na
Maintenance Cost:
Preparation Time: 1
This power allows a character to shove, push, pull and smeck an opponent from up to 300 meters away. The force exerts pressure in any general
manner as though it had strength equal to the psionicists willpower. If you use this power to hit an opponent the damage will be 1d10 plus one point per
level. This has a variety of applications. Blowing up doors being the most obvious.
Description: The projected force takes the shape of a smoky sphere approximately one meter in diameter, though in cramped confines the sphere
shrinks to fit, as necessary.
PSI Lightning
Initial Cost: varies
Range: 350 meters
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Maintenance Cost: 0
Preparation Time: 0
The psionicist converts APs into pure energy that resembles (but is not) lightning. The conversion is 1 AP for 1d6 points of damage. A psionicist may
convert 1 AP per level in a round. So a level 15 psionicist may convert 15 APs to 15d6 points of damage. Spells such as Protection from Lightning and
Resist Fire are useless, as this is pure psionic energy. The psionicist may opt to expend fewer APs than her maximum.
Description: a character using this power is wreathed in an aura reminiscent of lightning, which appears to dance and arc all over her body.
Radar Sense
Initial Cost: 8
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost: 4/round
Preparation Time: 1
The psionicist using this power gains a picture of her surroundings by analyzing the echoes created when sound rebounds off objects. There must be
some sound for the psionicist to "see", and the picture she sees is colorless and hazy. A psionicist who uses some artificial means to make high-pitched
clicks at short intervals can see a sharp picture. Radar sense allows the psionicist to "see" even in complete darkness. Even psi darkness won't affect
this power. Invisible objects can be seen just as easily as other objects, and illusions are transparent. Small details, as well as painted patterns, pictures
or writings cannot be seen by using radar sense. psionic silence will cause the psionicist to see only blackness. Thus a psionic-silenced person will look
like a large black sphere. The psionicist using radar sense has the black and white picture superimposed on what her eyes see. This is often exactly
what she wants, as it simply enhances her visual perception. If a psionicist uses the power Interpret Radiant Energy then she can use different kinds of
energy (other than sound) to “see”.
Description: No visible effect.
See Heat
Initial Cost: 4
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost: 2/round
Preparation Time: 0
The psionicist can see the heat radiated from objects. The psionicist can see heat at any distance, although at long distances she will be able to see
only very hot things, and will probably only see them as small red dots. Small details cannot be seen using this power, although it might reveal things not
normally seen in normal light.
Description: No visible effect.
Warp Radiant Energy
Initial Cost: 6
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost:3/ round
Preparation Time: 0
When employing this discipline, characters distort light, heat, and other less noticeable forms of energy, which originate from them. This causes those
who perceive the character to perceive her one-meter off from her actual location. Any and all visual senses input will point to a false location. The
direction of the warp is determined by the psionicist upon activation of the discipline. Characters attacking the psionicist miss their first attack unless
they can penetrate the power of the discipline, or they use an area of effect attack, and will continue to miss until they succeed an I.Q. check. Once the
check has been passed, they may attack at a 1 point penalty (the effect is still disconcerting).
Description: When activated, the character appears to distort, and slide one meter in a direction chosen by the psionicist. The discipline has no
noticeable effect thereafter.
Weather Forecast
Initial Cost: 7
Range: na
Area of Effect: 60 km
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Preparation Time: 0
This power allows the psionicist to know the weather for the next day. The area of Knowledge is only the immediate 40 km radius around the
psionicist. Only one piece of information can be learned per round: Precipitation type and amount, Wind direction and speed, temperature lows and
highs, and humidity.
Description: No visible effect.
Accelerate Tissue Regeneration
Initial Cost: 40
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost: 0
Preparation Time: 2
This discipline allows a psionicist to completely restore damaged, diseased, or infected tissues to their optimum state of health. Viruses, bacteria, even
gangrene can be reversed, though certain psionic maladies may be incurable by this discipline. When using this discipline, the psionicist enters a
trance, and heals three hit point per round. If disturbed during this time, the psionicist immediately awakens from the trance, and loses any further
benefits she might have gained from further meditation. The trance ends automatically when the psionicist has recovered all of her hit points. Infections
require one hour to overcome. Note that while in the trance brought on by this discipline, characters are totally oblivious to what goes on around them
(unless they are disturbed, of course [treat them as heavy sleepers for determining what brings them out of their trance]).
Description: While using this power the characters skin will appear to ripple and wounds will close right before your eyes. The rippling effect is visible
for about 6 meters the wound closing effect is visible to about 20 meters
Animate Object
Initial Cost: 5
Range: 100 meters
Area of Effect: 1 object, 50 kg
Maintenance Cost: 3/round
Preparation Time: 0
With this power objects are brought to life, and will follow the character’s commands. The object must be less than 50kg. The effective strength of an
object and its durability are based on the material used by the psionicist. Animated objects always fight using the character’s BAN, and have one attack
per round. Suggested values for an animated object are given below. Objects are generally assumed to have two hit points per kg of weight. Likewise,
objects generally inflict 1d6 points of damage per 15kg of weight. Objects may be assumed to have an AR corresponding to their composition.
Description: Objects appear to shudder when animated, and move according to their construction. Chairs will hobble about, creaking. Lamps might inch
along like worms. The Visionary is the final arbiter of an animated object’s abilities concerning locomotion.
Initial Cost: 5
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost:3/ round
Preparation Time: 0
This power allows the character to control the flow of blood in her body and while this should have a lot of apparent benefits, the one that would
interest most characters is that the character can stop blood loss, evacuate capillaries and vessels (making them harder to break), and control other
normally involuntary body processes. The character may subtract two points from the damage total every time damage is dealt while this power is in
effect. This simulates the characters ability to have her body respond to specific wound types with maximum benefit. Should the character be bleeding
from round to round, maintenance of this power will hold off blood loss (but not stop it unless the character can get some kind of further medical
Description: While this power is in use the character will look a little pale and when cut or bruised the character will not bleed, nor will her flesh bruise.
Body Control
Initial Cost: 6
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost: 3/hour
Preparation Time: 0
This power allows the character to adapt her body to survive in any environment (within reason!) the change takes one round to complete so the
character will take damage for the first round if not protected. This power will not protect from attack forms that the character may be protected against
(a fireball will still affect the character even if she is using the power to protect from heat.)
Description: When the discipline is activated, the character’s skin changes color slightly. The character might appear flushed when resisting the effects
of cold, blue when functioning in a low oxygen environment, etc.
Chemical Simulation
Initial Cost: 7
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: var.
Maintenance Cost: 3/round
Preparation Time: 0
With this power the character can cause acid to be secreted from her pores (the character can choose where to secrete this acid) this acid is very
powerful and most items that the character holds will need to make a Survival Check after 2 segments of contact. If used as a weapon the acid will
cause 3 points of damage a round and the victim may need to visit a plastic surgeon. Note that characters employing this power are considered armed
while it is active.
Description: while this power is active the character will have an oily sheen to her skin. This effect is visible for about 3 meters.
Initial Cost: 20
Range: 50 meters
Area of Effect: 1 object
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Preparation Time: 2
Compression takes an object and compresses its molecules together, making the object smaller and denser. This will not affect its weight. This will
not, for example allow the psionicist to shrink a boulder about to fall on her. It will compress the boulder, but since it has the same mass, it will cause the
same amount of damage, and in a more specific location. This power, if used, is like a giant hand compressing the object. Inanimate objects or plants
will be shrunken, deformed and increased in density. Think of a 20 kg chair 3 cm high. If used on intelligent creatures, they must save or suffer 2d10
points of damage per round and may lose a limb after a few rounds of improper circulation. The chance of this is 5% cumulative per round.
Description: Compressed characters and objects appear to shrink. Said objects and characters also appear to crumple inward depending on their
strength, and the extent to which they are compressed.
Initial Cost: varies
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost: 1/round
Preparation Time: 0
With this power the character can half her size in any dimension: height, width, length, or thickness for the cost of 1 AP. She can keep halving herself
for 1 additional AP a round. The maximum that a character can ‘half’ herself is down to 5% of her original dimensions.
Description: Self-evident.
Control Body
Initial Cost: 10
Range: 100 meters
Maintenance Cost: 10/round
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 person
This power allows the character control over another person’s body. The character pays the cost and has a willpower roll against the target characters
Strength. If the character wins then the body is hers to control; if it is a tie then the target is held for one round, and if you lose the target is aware of the
attempt and mad as hell. The target will not kill herself or do anything suicidal and if forced to do something like that will break free. Control over the
body is also rudimentary and you cannot do really delicate stuff.
Description: a character controlled in this manner will have a pearly glow surrounding her body.
Control Flames
Initial Cost: 5
Range: 100 meters
Area of Effect: 4 sq. meters
Maintenance Cost: 3/round
Preparation Time: 0
With this power the character can make fires smaller, bigger, hotter, or colder she can even form shapes and make the fire dance around. The fire can
be increased to double its size or decreased to 1/2 its size with damage adjusted accordingly. This power will only work on normal fires.
Description: Psionically altered fires appear to burn very steadily, not flickering or dancing as a natural fire. Such flames also appear vary uniform in
color, as the temperature of the flames is stabilized by the psionic influence.
Control Fluid
Initial Cost: 8
Range: 50 meters
Area of Effect: 3 liters per level
Maintenance Cost: 7/round
Preparation Time: 1
This allows a psionicist to control any fluid (water, acid, ale, etc.) to become animated and under the psionicist control. This is a very limited power in
that the liquid cannot become detached from the original source. This could be used to have a tentacle of water attack creatures, create huge waves,
make beer monsters for amusement, or other strange effects. The main limit is the imagination of the psionicist. If the liquid is already in motion, then
the psionicist can alter its speed by 2.5 km per hour/level. This would give a +1/5 levels bonus on Survival Checks from attacks of a liquid nature.
Water beings are unaffected by this power.
Description: Controlled fluids appear smooth and untroubled, like liquid glass. Disruptions in the fluids surface settle very quickly.
Control Wind
Initial Cost: 10
Range: 1000 meters
Area of Effect: 1000 meters
Maintenance Cost: 5/turn
Preparation Time: 1
The character can gain control over wind speed and direction with this power. Speed can be increased or decreased by 50% and the direction can be
changed by 45 degrees. These changes only last for as long as the character pays the maintenance cost.
Description: Self-evident.
Create object
Initial Cost: 10
Range: 50 meters
Area of Effect: special
Maintenance Cost: 3/round
Preparation Time: 1
A character with this power can form matter from air and the surrounding area to create a solid object. This object will remain for as long as the
character continues to pay the maintenance cost. When she stops paying the cost the object will start to decay turning into dust. The visionary can
allow some creations to be permanent for a cost at her discretion. This will happen between one turn and one day based on the material created and
the visionaries’ discretion. The object created cannot be to complex or psionic in nature. No creating computers or psionic weapons. The max
complexity is something that the character can create with her hands. The object also cannot be bigger that 1 cubic meter per level. Only materials
within 20meters of the character can be used but if the character also has molecular rearrangement then the character could combine the powers to
make more refined items i.e..a steel sword from iron ore or a diamond from coal dust. You must have the correct proficiencies to create some items.
i.e.weaponsmithing for a sword.
Description: object being created in this manner will look like they are being poured into shape as the materials being used turn into the new shape.
Density Manipulation
Initial Cost: 7
Range: 100 meters
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 item
This power allows a psionicist to alter the density of an object so that it weighs anywhere between half the original weight or double the weight. This
confers a 2 to hit penalty if used on a weapon because of the changed weight. Thus, if used on an arcing missile like an arrow or a catapult, or some
kind of bludgeoning weapon, will cause 50% more damage because of the excess weight (if the weight was doubled) or half damage (if the weight is
halved). It will also change the range in the opposite way that the damage was changed (i.e. An arrow is doubled in weight and causes 50% more
damage, but has half the range). This also gives a 4 to hit penalty when first using the altered missiles, but after a few test shots (usually around 5) the
penalty goes to the regular 2. This power will not work on objects traveling faster than the speed of sound.
Description: While the effected objects themselves appear unaffected, those attempting to make use of affected objects may move awkwardly as the
item’s weight suddenly shifts.
Initial Cost: 15
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost: 4/rnd
Preparation Time: 2
This power allows the psionicist to create an exact double of herself and all equipment. Hit points remain the same but APs are halved (as each gets
half the total APs), dropping fractions. There is no innate communication between the doubles. A Survival Check (spiritual) roll must be made when
initiating the power. If it fails, the character cannot take any more actions that round. Should the double die, the original must make an additional
Survival Check (spiritual) roll or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. Any psionic items that are doubled function only as normal versions for the double. They
are still psionic for the original psionicist. The maintenance cost of this power is only paid by the original. Should the psionicist die, the double disappears
as well. The double may not use this power. The player who role-plays the original plays the double, as the double does have an understanding of what
the original wants. The double is loyal to the original, and behaves in a similar fashion as the original would.
Description: when the character activates this power she starts tearing into two over the 2 segment preparation time this process looks pretty painful
(although the character feels no pain) and unpleasant to watch.
Entropic Infusion
Initial Cost: 5
Range: touch
Area of Effect: 30 kg
Maintenance Cost: 0
Preparation Time: 0
This power causes inanimate non-psionic matter to instantly decay: metal rusts wood rots cloth fall to dust etc. The visionary rolls a Survival Check
and if the item fails it is gone.
Description: Items under the effects of this power appear to darken, pit and finally melt, shatter, crumble or otherwise disintegrate.
Epithelial Armor
Initial Cost: 8
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost:1/turn
Preparation Time: 0
With this power the character can turn her own flesh into armor. The character gets AR 9 with no penalties to weight, or armor restrictions. Her very
flesh takes on the durability of metal.
Description: Characters affected by this power are subtly altered. The flesh of said characters seems to settle slightly, and take on a metallic sheen.
Evacuate Gas
Initial Cost: 10
Range: 100 meters
Area of Effect: 20 meter sphere
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Preparation Time: 1
This power can remove the air from a 20-meter sphere. This will stop fires, sound, decay, combustion, gaseous attacks, and electricity. Physical
attacks will still enter the area, but because of the lack of air, missile attacks will fly different giving a 1 penalty to hit. Characters must hold their breaths
or suffer 2d8 points of damage per round. The psionicist would also be affected if they were in the area of effect.
Description: The sphere itself is invisible, but if the gases in the area of effect are visible, their evacuation may be noted.
Initial Cost: 4
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost: 1/turn
Preparation Time: 0
With this power the character can increase her own body proportions in any dimension: height, width, length, or thickness. She can increase any or all
of these by 50% a round to a maximum of 5 times original size.
Description: If the character increases her overall size, she simply seems to enlarge. If only a body part is enlarged, the character appears to stretch,
and may have difficulty maintaining her balance or manipulating her limb, depending on its length and her strength.
Initial Cost: 8
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost: 5/turn
Preparation Time:1
The psionicist fortifies herself such that the effect of any sort of attack that causes physical damage is either lessened and/or the psionicist has greater
resistance giving them a better chance to shake off the effects of such an attack. Specifically, the power will first add a bonus of 2 to all Survival Checks
against attacks that cause physical damage, including spells like fireball, acid spray, poison, and some types of breath weapons. Second, the psionicist
can subtract one from the all damage die rolled for an attack that produces physical damage on her and also reduce poison damage by 25%. In
addition, the psionicist is immune to death from massive damage, and further, spells that would instantly slay the psionicist will not take effect until the
psionicist stops maintaining the power, then if the save was failed, the psionicist dies. Finally, if powers are used that convert APs to raw pure energy
that can be used to blast enemies, this power halves the damage from such an attack since it is using psionics to resist psionics.
Description: The character appears to become flushed and edgy. The character cannot control this reaction while the discipline is in effect.
Initial Cost: 8
Range: 0
Area of Effect: character
Maintenance Cost: 2/ turn
Preparation Time: 0
The character can float with this power and raise herself at a rate of 1 meter per second. Remember that this is levitation up and down only. The
character can levitate 120kg additional for every 8 points spent during activation and maintenance.
Description: The character appears to be suspended from the ground while this discipline is active.
Manipulate Terra
Initial Cost: 20
Range: 50 meters
Area of Effect: 3 cu meters. + 3 cu meters. /level of earth
Maintenance Cost: 0
Preparation Time: 2
The use of this power allows a psionicist to mold earth in a fast, almost instantaneous manner. This power allows the user to change the shape of
any earthen object, even the actual ground itself. It can be used to build instant stone bridges, earthen pillars, or even used as an attack by creating
stone fists to punch opponents. If a fist of stone is created, it will cause 1d8+2 points of damage/3 cubic meters of stone that is used. This translates
into 1d8+2 points of damage per level of the caster if enough earth is around. It can also create breeches in walls or other effects. Any object created
will be rough and like its original substance. Fine detail can be accomplished by using this power but with an area of effect of 1/2 of the original size.
Description: Manipulated stone and earth possess a faint white aura.
Molecular Rearrangement
Initial Cost: 15
Range: 3 meters
Area of Effect: 1 object
Maintenance Cost: 2 /turn
Preparation Time: 1
Molecular rearrangement is the psionic equivalent of alchemy. By toying with an object’s molecular structure, the character can change its fundamental
nature or properties. This power cannot create matter or mass from nothing, nor can it change a material’s state from gas to solid, liquid to solid or gas
to liquid etc. It is best suited for converting one material into another. Converting one material into another takes one turn per 10 grams.
Description: Substances altered by the use of this power glow while being transformed.
Psychic Clone
Initial Cost: 20
Range: 300 meters
Area of Effect: special
Maintenance Cost: 2/ round
Prep. Time: 2
With this power the character can form a clone of herself that she can see and hear through. The clone has no substance and cannot be affected by
any damage except mental attacks and psionic powers. While the character is using the clone she has no contact with her own body and her body
could be killed at any time, but the character can use all her powers through the clone (spells and psionic powers). The clone can do anything that the
character can do and is limited by what the character can do (if the character cannot fly then neither can the clone). The clone is immaterial and cannot
use physical items.
Description: A character using this power will slump to the ground and be unresponsive to all physical stimuli. The clone created with this power will be
an exact duplicate of the character everybody looking at the character will not notice anything different until something happens that can clue smart
characters that something is wrong.
Suspended Animation
Initial Cost: 10
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost: 0
Preparation Time: 1
With this power the character can suspend her own life functions. She can suspend her functions for as many weeks as her stamina. The character
will appear to be dead to all but psionic examination. Note that this is not actual manipulation of time. It is more precisely a form of hibernation.
Description: The character may be thought to be dead, though hibernation is a more appropriate term. The characters flesh will feel cold, she will be
unresponsive to physical stimuli, and not breathe noticeably.
Suspend Objects
Initial Cost: 3
Range: 1 meter radius
Area of Effect: Level+2 Objects
Maintenance Cost: 1/ turn
Preparation Time: 0
This Devotion allows the Psionic to suspend objects in the air around her. She must place the object where she wants it to stay and then let go of it,
just tossing it into the general area of where she wants it will not work. The object will stay in place relative to the Psionic until either she retrieves it,
does not pay the maintenance cost, or some outside force changes its position. The “strength” of any object for attempts to move them out of the
psionicists control is equal to the characters willpower.
Description: Self-evident.
Initial Cost: 2
Range: 300 meters
Area of Effect: up to max weight
Maintenance Cost: 1/round
Preparation Time: 1
TK is the ability to move objects through space without touching them. The cost listed above assumes that the objects weight 5 kg or less the cost is
greater if the objects are heavier. The initial cost is 1/2 the total weight in kg and the maintenance cost is 1/2 that. The max speed that a character can
move an object is 180 meters a round.
Description: Manipulated objects move through the air, slide along the ground, or otherwise move about of their own accord. Other than this, there is no
visible effect.
Initial Cost: 15
Range: touch
Area of Effect: 1 object up to 1 cubic meter /level
Maintenance Cost: 5/ turn
Preparation Time: 1
This power will make any object transparent, but still with it's strength properties and other physical properties. It is similar to making the object
invisible. This can be used to peer through a wall without exposing oneself to dangers that may exist on the other side. It is also useful for making
objects invisible for a short time. Other creative uses can certainly be found by a resourceful psionicist.
Description: The affected object or area appears to simply fade away.
Velocity Control
Initial Cost: 7
Range: 250 meters
Area of Effect: 1 object
Maintenance Cost: 0
Preparation Time: 0
This power can change the speed of any object. It can halt any missile weapon of low speeds or double the speed as well. Large objects or fast
moving ones can be slowed or sped up as well, but not stopped completely. This power can only alter the speed of the missile weapon if the power is
activated before the missile hits and after it is fired. Crossbow bolts can be slowed so that they cause 1/2 damage, as well as ballista, catapults and
other heavy missile weapons. If the speed is doubled, the damage is also doubled. This power is impossible to use with guns because of the speed
bullets move at (let’s see a psionicist activate her power before the round hit but after it’s fired.) The character can use her willpower as strength to
figure out the maximum limit she can influence.
Description: Use of this discipline has no physical effect, but creates a noticeable sound much like a sharp ringing, which fades away over the course of
the round.
Initial Cost: contact or 7
Range: 300 meters
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: 5 /round
Preparation Time: 0
Characters affected by this discipline will feel an overwhelming attraction to a specific person, place, or thing, as decided by the psionicist. The
character so attracted must move toward the object or place in question, and stand looking at it in rapt fascination for the duration of the attraction. If
spoken to, they will be able to carry on a halted and somewhat disjointed conversation, but the majority of their attention will clearly be fixated upon the
object of attraction. With a successful survival check (mental) characters can throw off the effect, characters in dangerous situations may ignore the
object of their attraction and participate in combat. If a character takes damage in any way the attraction is broken. Such a check is made at the
beginning of each round until it is successful or combat ends. An imaginative visionary is encouraged to apply whatever modifiers she deems
appropriate during such a situation, but this power will not stop a character from attacking the object of her attraction in combat (there may be penalties
of course).
Description: The victim of the power may behave with noticeable strangeness, though the discipline itself has no visible effect.
Aura Sight
Initial cost: 9
Range 360 Meters
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance: Cost 5/ turn
Preparation Time: 1
With this power the character can read the aura of someone or something that she has encountered and determine a few things about the object or
person. The character using this power can determine one thing a round with the use of this power. Level, Race, Age, Class, Current emotional state,
and if the character is looking at an item whether it is psionic in nature and 1 function per round. A visionary can have characters roll to understand
emotional state on truly alien beings.
Description: The psionicist appears to have an absorbed expression when using this discipline, as interpreting auras requires intense concentration.
Initial Cost: contact or 7
Range: 300 meters
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: 5/ turn
Preparation Time: 0
When affected by this discipline, characters experience a strong aversion to one-person, place, or thing. They will quickly move away at a reasonable
pace (walk quickly away), and seek to have nothing to do with it. If cornered or threatened by the object of aversion, characters may make a survival
check (mental) to overcome their disgust/fear and fight back. If the character takes any damage the aversion is broken.
Description: Other than the strong disgust it engenders in its target, this discipline has no visible effect.
Initial Cost: Special
Range: na
Area of Effect: psionic opponent
Maintenance Cost: 0
Preparation Time: 0
This power causes a psychic shock to travel along the psychic conduit formed by contact. It may only be used after contact has been established, by
either the psionicist or by the opponent (i.e., it will travel either way). This psychic shock will directly damage the opponent, causing 1d4+3 damage for
every 2 APs spent. The character cannot cause more dice of damage than her level. Most psionic abilities that interact with the target allow enough
contact for this ability to be used. The psionic ability “Control body” is a perfect example.
Description: This discipline appears as a line of white fire, which emanates from the forehead of the psionicist, and terminates at the “head” of her target.
Conceal Thoughts
Initial Cost: 3
Range: 0
Area of Effect: 2 meters
Maintenance Cost: 1/ turn
Preparation Time: 0
This discipline allows a character to foil any power spell or discipline, which would divine that character’s thoughts. Only mind reading is blocked. Mind
control or other invasive mental attacks are not thwarted. The power is not fool proof, however. If opponent wins an opposed Willpower check at a three
penalty, the spell, power or discipline pierces the shield, and works normally.
Description: No visible effect.
Initial Cost:1/3 the targets level or dice
Range: 300 km
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: 1/ turn
Preparation Time: 0
This power allows the character to use any power with a personal area of effect on the contacted person. The character can be in contact with as
many characters as she wants so long as she can pay the cost to maintain them. The character must be able to see the creature she wants to contact
or know the creature personally and any creature can resist this power by making a Survival Check (mental).
Description: No visible effect.
Detect life
Initial Cost: 2
Range: 350 meters
Area of Effect:10m radius sphere
Maintenance Cost: 1/ turn
Prep Time: 0
With this power, the character may psionically sense life anywhere in the area of effect. The power works over several segments, as the most common
forms of life are detected first, with rarer species becoming evident as the psionicist fine tunes her senses.
Description: No visible effect.
Disconnect Skills
Initial Cost: victims level x 2
Range: 125 meters or touch
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Preparation Time: 2
This discipline allows the psionicist to "disconnect" a character's primary skills from her mind, causing a specific type of amnesia. Thus, a fighter has
much more difficulty fighting with weapons, a mage has a chance of spells malfunctioning, a psionicists mental powers become harder to use. The
discipline disrupts any of the targets class 1 or 2 progression abilities. This disruption is expressed as a penalty applied to combat checks, or a
percentile chance of psionic function failure. The penalty for combat checks is equal to one third the psionicists Willpower (round down). The chance for
psionic function failure is one-third the psionicists Willpower multiplied by five percent. Thus, a psionicist with a twenty Willpower would impose a minus
7 penalty on an opponent’s combat checks, or a 35% chance of psionic function failure.
Description: When this discipline is used, a tendril of white radiance appears to snake out from the psionicists forehead, and strike the “head” of her
target. The target then “bleeds” astral energies, as her aura partially disintegrates.
Initial Cost: 15
Range:200 meters
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: character lvl/ round
Preparation Time: 1
With this power the character can project her thoughts into another person forcing them to do anything the character wants short of suicide or
something totally abhorrent to them. When this power is first used the character being dominated gets a Survival Check (Spiritual) and if she succeeds
then after 1 round she throws off the power. The character needs to tell the visionary what she wants the dominated character to do before a survival
check is rolled. With the instructions in hand the visionary will then roll the check and allow the character to either follow 1 round of the instructions or all
of them. The visionary can either allow penalties to the survival check if the instructions are subtle or something the character would be inclined to do
anyhow, or allow more than 1 round to happen before a check is rolled. This power does not reveal anything about the character nor does it allow for
the character to use any innate abilities.
Description: No visible effect.
Initial Cost: var.
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost: 0
Prep Time: 0
This power allows the character to eject someone who has established any kind of psionic rapport from her mind the character pays 5 points for a
willpower vs willpower roll. The character can also get a 1 bonus for every 3 points she spends. The character must pay the 5 points for every try with
Description: When activated, the discipline appears to create a wall-like flare up of energy between the psionicist and the ejected individual. The flare up
traces out a cord-like shape, which it disrupts, before both fade away.
Initial Cost: contact or 2
Range: unl
Area of Effect: 30 meter radius
Maintenance Cost: 2 /round
Prep Time: 0
With this power the character can sense the basic emotions of any mind and with a skill roll the character can try to sense any of the non-basic
Description: No visible effect.
Initial Cost: contact or 7
Range: unl
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: 4 /round
Prep Time: 0
ESP allows the character to read someone else’s mind. The character can only perceive surface or active thoughts not memories or the
subconscious. Races that have very different thought processes may, at the visionary’s option, be immune to this power.
Description: No visible effect.
Group Defense
Initial Cost: contact
Range: 50 meters
Area of Effect: up to 5 creatures
Maintenance Cost: 2/round/creature
Preparation Time: 1
This Power does the same as ‘Mind Shield’ but up to 5 so contacted minds gain the benefits of a closed mind or, if activated, the defense.
Description: This discipline has no visible effect until it actually prevents damage or otherwise yields some benefit. When actually preventing harm, a
silver radiance surrounds the protected creatures head(s).
Induce Pleasure
Initial Cost: contact or 5
Range: touch
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: 2/round
Prep Time: 0
This is the opposite power of Inflict Pain. While no good comes from it (no healing or curative effects), it makes the subject individual shudder and
twist in ecstasy. If used in combat, the victim suffersa penalty of 2 on all attack rolls for every round the maintenance cost is paid. If used on a subject
experiencing incapacitating pain (Severed limb, psionically-induced pain, etc.) it allows that subject to ignore the painful effects.
Description: No visible effect.
Inflict pain
Initial Cost: contact or 7
Range: touch
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: 2/round
Prep Time: 0
With this power the character can cause excruciating pain of any sort the character wants. The character under this power can make a Survival Check
(spiritual) to still function. If she fails then she is at a 3 penalty for as long as the maintenance cost is paid. The character under inflict pain will have
phantom marks appear on her skin if the pain can be identified with an attack form (if the pain feels like fire then phantom burns will appear) the marks
will fade within a turn after the end of the powers maintenance.
Description: No visible effect.
Initial Cost: contact or 7
Range: unl
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: 2 /round
Prep Time: 0
This allows a character to “subtract” herself from the senses of up to up to two hit dice of creature per level. As long as the maintenance cost is paid,
these creatures will be unable to detect the psionicist by any means, as she has vanished from their minds, not their eyes. If the psionicist is the source
of extreme sensory input (shoots a gun, screams, or otherwise draws sharp attention to herself) the invisibility is negated. Note that any attack by the
psionicist will bring her back into “focus”.
Description: When activated, the discipline causes the character to appear to fade away.
Initial Cost: 5
Range: planet
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: 3/round
Preparation Time: 0
Link allows the user to communicate telepathically with any intelligent creature she can see. This is two way communications. This is not the same as
mind reading because the character only gets the thoughts that the creature sends. Language is not a problem with this power. This power is not
strong enough a connection to facilitate telepathic attack.
Description: No visible effect.
Mental Dagger
Initial Cost: 6
Range: 50/100/150 or touch
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Mental Dagger is a sharp, pointed attack against the victim's mind. It has 2 functions. The power can be activated to create a dagger of energy that
the psionicist can use to attack a target. The dagger does normal weapon damage and causes the victim to “bleed” life force at a rate of 1 point per
round per hit (to a max of 3 points). When the power is used against an already contacted mind it hits automatically and deals maximum dagger
damage as well as the above ‘bleeding’. The wound closes when the victim is rendered unconscious, or regains any amount of hit points from any type
of healing.
Description: The dagger will be glowing and wavering with a white energy or if used at range it appears to create a brief flash of light, which stabs at the
victim’s head and is gone.
Mind Hold
Initial Cost: Contact
Range: touch
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Maintenance Cost: 8/round
Preparation Time: 1
This acts much like a domination. When the psionicist places a hand on the victim, it grabs hold of the opponents psyche and forces it into a sort of
psionic holding cell. Thus the opponent is totally immobile during the time of usage, as well as under complete physical control. Thoughts can occur,
but no form of telepathy can occur. Also thinking becomes slowed, as the energy holding the mind takes a lot of effort to overcome. Spellcasting
becomes impossible while under the influence of this power. All I.Q. and Wisdom checks are at -3. A survival check (spiritual) is allowed to avoid the
incapacitating effects but as long as the maintenance cost is paid the penalties to IQ and wisdom remain (lowering willpower a like amount!)
Description: A pallid gray aura envelops the head of an affected target.
Mind Link
Initial Cost: contact
Range: unl (planetary)
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: special
Prep Time: 0
This power allows the character to establish a link between two or more characters. The cost is 1 AP per character per link per day. The character
can make this link permanent by paying a one-time cost of 50 AP’s. The link allows the characters to talk to each other over any distance, but if the
character that established this link is removed, killed, or incapacitated then the link fails for all the characters. The character who did the mind link can
use any power that has contact on any of the characters that share the mind link. This power cannot be used on an unwilling individual.
Description: A faint silvery network of lines, much like spiderwebs hangs about the head of any character actively using this discipline, or actively
benefiting from it. (i.e. characters are ‘talking’)
Mind Shield
Initial Cost: Var.
Range: 50 meters
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: 1/round
Preparation Time: 0
This discipline allows a Psionicist to defend a mind (including her own) from telepathic attacks which cause damage. For every 3 AP’s the psionicist
expends, the recipient is shielded from 1d6+2 points of damage. The recipient may only be shielded from a number of dice equal to the defending
psionicists level.
Description: When actually preventing attack, the mind shield manifests as a silver radiance about the character’ head.
Initial Cost: 12
Range: 50 meters
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: 9/ round
Preparation Time: 1
Mindwipe closes off portions of a characters brain so that the character loses I.Q., Wisdom, a Skill, Knowledge, or memory. Only one such portion of a
character’s abilities may be shut off per application of the discipline. When this power is used the character makes a Survival Check (spiritual) that if it is
successful prevents mindwipe from working for this round. The character using this power can try again next round. If successful, the mindwipe lowers
I.Q. or Wisdom by 1d6 (to a minimum of 1), and denies access to a skill or knowledge completely. The closed off portions of the characters mind can be
opened before the power’s expiration with a regeneration or psychic surgery.
Description: This discipline produces a grayish shockwave of psychic energy that sweeps over the target. If the target fails her survival check, the
shockwave impacts the character, whose aura explodes colorfully, the color corresponding to the lost abilities predominating.
Negate Sensory Input
Initial Cost: 5
Range: 30 km or touch
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Preparation Time: 0
This devotion allows the psionicist to actually block out one form of sensory input. Affected senses can be taste, smell, sight, hearing, or one kind of
touch (pain, pressure, temperature, or hunger/thirst). While in effect, the victim is totally unable to "comprehend" the sense, almost as if it was
disconnected from her brain. Only one sense can be affected for every use of this power, thus, it requires two separate usage’s to make a person deaf
and blind. Standard penalties apply to blindness and deafness; loss of taste prevents the victim from being able to taste anything (including spoilage or
poison), loss of smell prevents the victim from smelling smoke or a the stench of various monsters (including troglodytes and ghasts). In terms of loss of
touch, inhibiting pain prevents a character from knowing how many hit points she's lost. Inhibiting pressure causes the person's body to become numb
(2 penalty on attacks, movement at 1/2 movement rate, AGL checks may be needed at visionary's discretion to prevent falling or dropping something).
Inhibiting temperature means the person cannot tell if something is too hot/cold to handle (although after 7 points of heat/fire damage, the character will
be able to visually see the damage caused if she still has sight).
Description: No visible effect
Initial Cost: 15
Range: 250 meters or touch
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: 7/round
Preparation Time: 1
Using this power, the psionicist can paralyze a creature contacted. The creature must be within 250 meters of the psionicist, but needs not be within
line-of-sight. Any creature affected by this power must make a Survival Check (spiritual) or be unable to move. The power works by blocking signals
from the creature's brain to its voluntary muscles. Since the brain cannot issue any new instructions to the voluntary muscles, they remain in the
position that they were last told to assume. (Okay, so this isn't exactly how the nervous system really works, but this is a game . . .) This power can in no
way affect involuntary muscles, so the victim doesn't have to worry about breathing or having a heart attack. The victim is affected only as long as the
psionicist maintains the power, and can move normally after the power is ended (assuming they've survived). As with any other form of paralysis, any
paralyzed creature can be automatically hit in combat situations, or automatically killed in non-combat situations.
Description: No visible effect.
Plant Control
Initial Cost: 10
Range: 200 meters or touch
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Preparation Time: 1
This science allows the psionicist to control plants of all varieties. It allows her to animate the plant and have it perform simple tasks. For example,
Troy needs to get a wagon through the forest, but there is not path and trees are blocking the way. With this science Troy could contact the trees and
command them to move. Obviously there will be a few potholes to maneuver around, but that's OK.
Initial Cost: 40
Range: touch
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: 0
Preparation Time: 2
This allows a psionicist to possess an individuals body, without the risk of losing her own. It requires a gem worth a 1,000 credits or more to store the
individuals mind in while the psionicist barrows her body. Here's how it works. The psionicist takes the gem in one hand and touches the victim with the
other. The psionicist pays the initial 40 APs and the victims mind is transferred to the gem at a rate of one of the victims’ levels or hit die a round. If the
psionicist releases the victim or the gem before the transfer is complete the victims mind snaps back and the process must be started over from the
beginning. Once the victims’ mind is completely transferred to the gem the psionicist is transferred into the victim’s body in one round. (It takes longer to
put a mind into a gem then into an empty body.) The transfer is considered permanent, and lasts until the psionicist uses this science again to reverse it.
The psionicist does not suffer any ill affects form the transfer and is able to function without any problems. Her old body will live for one week with no
mind in it (it will live indefinitely with current medical tech. When the psionicist leaves her victims body, no matter where the gem is located at the time,
the victims mind will snap back to it's body form inside the gem, unaware of any time passing. A gem may be used more then once, but it can never
hold more than one mind at a time. The psionicist gains the physical attributes (Strength, Stamina, and Agility) of her victim. However, she retains her
own THAC0, proficiencies, and so forth. If her I.Q., Wisdom or Willpower were biogenically augmented, she loses the benefits of that augmentation
(Although she may certainly benefit from the bodies). Note that bodies containing more than 40% augmentation cannot be entered, unless the psionicist
doesn’t want to be able to use her functions any more. Any creature that can be contacted can be possessed, with the exception of plants, unless the
plant has a localized brain. Any character with more them 100% augmentation is immune to this power.
Post-hypnotic Suggestion
Initial Cost: contact or 10
Range: 50 meters to implant the suggestion
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: 1 per level
Prep Time: 1
With this power the character can implant a suggestion in the mind of someone else this suggesting cannot be too dangerous or sharply against the
principles of the victim or it will automatically fail. The victim gets a survival check (spiritual) against this power and if she fails will follow the suggestion.
The suggestion will last for one day per point of APs used to extend it. The character will know if the suggestion was successful or not. Suggestions
that are in line with the characters inclination or desires do not allow for a survival check. A perfect example would be a suggestion to a security guard
to complete his rounds. It’s safe to assume he would want too so no save is allowed.
Initial Cost: contact
Range: 2 meters
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: 7/round
Preparation Time: 1
With this power the character can go much deeper than ESP she can go into the deep subconscious all that the subject of the probe knows (or think
she knows) is open for the user of this power to see. The user of this power can find out one fact or ask one question per round. If the character who is
being probed makes a Survival Check (mental) then the probe is thrown off and no information is gained.
Psionic Concealment
Initial Cost: 4
Range: 0
Maintenance Cost: 1/round
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
With psionic concealment, a psionicist can conceal her psionic activity from those with psionic sense. When the character makes her check, all of her
psionic activity is concealed from others. If a being checks for psionic activity, the visionary conducts a secret psionic contest, and the higher successful
roll takes effect. That is, if the concealor wins, nothing is sensed, and if the sensor wins, she spots the concealment and the powers being concealed.
For the contest, the concealment roll is reduced by one for every five APs expended that round. Concealment provides reasonably good protection from
psionic feeders and the like, as well as psionicists.
Psychic Armor
Initial Cost: 5
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost: 2/turn
Preparation Time: 0
Psychic Armor is a new defense against unwanted contact. It puts the Psionicists mind in a kind of armor, weakening any psionic activities. Thus, it's
more difficult to use any attack against the Psionicist, the psionicist get a bonus of 3 to any survival checks that would involve her mind.
Psychic Sacrifice
Initial Cost: Death, Contact (see below)
Range: Unlimited (see Contact)
Area of Effect: One person
Maintenance Cost: 20 APs round
Preparation Time: 2
This science allows a powerful psionicist to transfer a portion of her power to another person when she dies. One meta or major and two minors are
chosen at random from those known by the user of this power (the Sacrificed), which are immediately added to those known by the target. The target
gains enough AP's to use the three powers once per day each, with 4 rounds of maintenance. If the target was a non-psionicist before the use of this
power, she should be treated as a minor psionicist. If the target was a psionicist, the powers and AP's are added to their current abilities, and are
considered separate from the normal maximums allowed by their willpower. The powers can be from a discipline outside those currently known by the
target, and do not count against the maximum number of disciplines per level the character can have. If the powers granted are already possessed by
the target, the AP's are still gained. In all cases, the AP and power gain is permanent. At the discretion of the visionary, the spirit of the sacrificer may
visit the target. The spirit may give the target hints, encouragement, or other support in particularly difficult situations. This may occur at most once per
month, and lasts for at most 1 turn. To initiate this science, the sacrificer must first die. This can be either an accidental or intentional death. At the very
instant of physical death, the player must state her intention to initiate Psychic Sacrifice, and also must state the target. The sacrificer's psyche is then
kept alive by feeding off the remaining APs the psionicist had at death. The upkeep of 20 APs/round must be paid each round until the power is
successful, or the sacrificer's psyche dies. The sacrificer must also attempt contact (via psionic attack forms if the target is an unwilling psionicist) each
round. If the sacrificer does not have enough APs remaining to pay the upkeep and attempt contact, their psyche dies. The upkeep of 20 APs must also
be paid in this round; if not enough APs remain, the sacrificer's psyche dies. If the roll is successful, the effects listed above occur. If the roll is failed,
contact is broken, and must be attempted again in the next round. If the Psychic Sacrifice is successful, the sacrificer may never be Raised,
Resurrected, or Reincarnated. However, if the sacrifice is unsuccessful (the sacrificer runs out of AP's or skips a round of attempting contact for any
reason), the sacrificer may be raised, resurrected, or reincarnated.
Note to the visionary: If this discipline is allowed in your campaign, you should make allowances for NPC psionicists who have been targets of it in their
lifetimes, and therefore have more than the normal allotment of psionic powers and APs. In particular, the visionary may consider high level evil NPC
psionicists who "farm" low level psionicists for the sole purpose of having them sacrifice their powers to their mentor.
Psychic Surgery
Initial Cost: 15
Range: 0
Area of Effect: 1 person
Maintenance Cost: 4 /round
Prep Time: 1
With this power the character can cure any psychic damage or damage to the mind (like insanity or such). The character must make a skill roll based
on either psychology or medicine. The visionary can give penalties if the character tries to use medicine for an insanity (not a good fit) to cure a single
problem takes 1 round.
Psychosomatic Link
Initial Cost: 10
Range: 5 km
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: 5/turn
Preparation Time: 1
This power allows the character to link her life force with another creature. If the user of this power feels any pain or takes any damage then the
creature linked will feel like pain and damage, but if the creature dies then the user of this power must make a survival check (spiritual) or be stunned for
1 turn. While the link is active the most compelling effect is that damage of all types is transferred to the recipient. This transfer is random the character
rolls percentile and the roll represents how much damage is transferred to the recipient. At any time after damage is transferred the recipient can make
a survival check (spiritual) to throw off the link.
Sense Link
Initial Cost: contact or 7
Range: 300 meters
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: 2 /turn
Prep Time: 0
With this power the character can use the senses of any other character. She can look through another characters eyes, ears, taste, smell, or touch.
Only one sense at a time.
Split Personality
Initial Cost: 25
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Prep. Time: 2
With this power the character can force her mind into 2 separate personalities, because of this the character can spend APs at twice the normal
rate(two spells a round, 2 psionic powers etc.). The only draw back to this power is that sometimes the mind will not merge perfectly and the character
can develop some mental problems like insanity, true split personality, coma, phobias, or idiocy. The visionary should not tell the player if she made the
roll or not let her find out with time. The roll is a willpower roll.
Telempathic Projection
Initial Cost: contact or 10
Range: unl
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance Cost: 4 /round
Prep Time: 1
With this power the character can send emotions to anyone that she is in contact with or touch. This power can radically change the emotions of the
target if the target does not make a survival check (spiritual). The range of emotions are up the visionary to decide as well as the effects on the target.
Visionaries should treat this power with care. It is a roll player’s tool more then anything else. Most common applications are turning like to love, anger
to hate, and so on. While it IS in the range for this power to turn love to blind rage (if say during a heated argument) most characters would probably
realize something was wrong as such a extreme change washed threw them.
Alter Distance
Initial Cost: 10
Range: line of sight
Area of Effect: NA
Maintenance Cost: 7/ round
Prep. Time: 1
With this discipline the character can half or double the distance between two points so the character can move twice as fast shoot twice as far or
cause her opponent to have to move twice as far or shoot from twice the distance. The character can only do one effect a round and must pay the initial
cost again every time she changes the effect. Note that a character may distort a given piece of space only once.
Description: With this power activated an observant character may notice that things far away will vary in size from segment to segment. This change
will be no more than 5%.
Initial Cost: 6
Range: Planetary
Area of Effect: Special
Maintenance Cost: 3/round
Preparation Time: 0
Clairaudience allows the character to hear sounds from a distant area. The character picks a spot that is within range and can hear sounds as if she
was there. But the character does not get biogenic enhancement for what she can hear. Keep in mind that this power does not screen noise at either
location and the character will have to deal with that. The character’s presence is undetectable without psionics. Also most high tech secure areas will
have dampers to stop this sort of spying.
Initial Cost: 6
Maintenance Cost: 3/round
Range: Planetary
Area of Effect: Special
Preparation Time: 0
Clairvoyance allows the user to see images from a distant area. The character picks a viewing spot anywhere in range. She can then see anything that
she could normally (with no biogenics) see if she were standing in that spot. Clairvoyance does not replace the characters normal eyesight so the
character will still see what she is looking at as well as the other area one superimposed on the other. The characters Clairvoyant presence is
undetectable without psionics. Also most high tech secure areas will have dampers to stop this sort of spying.
Distort Local Time-Space
Initial Cost: 7
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost: 4/round
Preparation Time: 0
This discipline enables a character to stretch the laws of time-space around her, allowing her to move and act farther and faster than normal.
Characters under the influence of this discipline move at twice their normal rate gain an attack increment, and an initiative bonus of one. Because they
can warp space to their advantage, they also gain a one point Armor rating bonus while this discipline is in effect.
Description: This discipline creates a noise heard only at the lowest ends of the human spectrum. It’s thought that the base-like sound known to
accompany the use of this discipline is a by-product of the warping of time-space.
Hang Time
Initial Cost: 10
Range: 0
Area of Effect: NA
Maintenance Cost: none
Prep. Time: 1
With this power the character can take an inanimate object about 5 kg in weight and hang it out of phase with the rest of the universe. While the object
is in phase it is totally undetectable to everything except sense spatial phenomena and true seeing. This object can hang for centuries with no ill effects.
Objects hung out of phase slowly drift away from our dimension, requiring the expenditure of 3 AP’s per month they were left hanging. In order to
retrieve an object, a character must also be in the locale where it was hung. Note that characters possessing the Meta psionic discipline Teleport Object
may retrieve the item from anywhere, although the cost for both disciplines must be paid.
Description: Unless characters employ one of the aforementioned functions, there is no visible effect. Characters using one of said functions may see
“hung” objects as ghostly, semi-transparent, but otherwise identical to their normal appearance.
Induce Age
Initial Cost: 8
Range: 350 meters
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Maintenance Cost: none
Prep Time: 0
This power allows the psionicist to cause the cells in a creature to age days in seconds this aging causes 2d6+3 points of damage to creatures
susceptible to this form of attack. It should be obvious that this Discipline will not work on undead and immortals who do not feel the pangs of age.
Description: Characters affected by this power appear to grow haggard and unkempt, and soon accumulate large patches of dead skin, and suffer other
equally unpleasant difficulties.
Initial Cost: 20
Range: 350 meters
Area of Effect: na
Maintenance Cost: 0
Prep Time: 2
This power allows the psionicist to exchange physical places with any creature or object within sight, and 350 meters, of the psionicist. This discipline
will not function against beings larger than 3 meters or twice the weight of the character using this power (whichever is greater). When the interchange
takes place, the orientation between the two characters remains the same, so any combat taking place between the two interchanged characters is
unaffected (both physical and psi attacks.)
Description: When two characters interchange, the space between them seems to implode, and then “regurgitate” the characters into their new spatial
Move Focus
Initial Cost: 2
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost: varies
Preparation Time: 0
This power lets the psionicist move the viewing spot of her clairvoyance, or the focus of her clairaudience. By paying the initial cost, the psionicist can
change the direction she is viewing. Physical barriers do not restrict movement in this way. The psionicist can move the focus by paying the
maintenance cost. Maintenance is 1 AP per 4 meters of movement per round for clairvoyance, and 1 AP per 2 meters for clairaudience. The minimum
maintenance cost is 1 AP per round.
Description: No visible effect.
Sense Spatial Phenomena
Initial Cost: 4
Range: Line of sight
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance cost: 2/round
Preparation Time: 0
This power allows the character to sense time and space phenomena and get a general idea of what is happening. If the character makes a I.Q. roll she
can also figure out the parameters of the effect. This discipline will also make the character aware of the passage of time. The character is always
aware of the correct time.
Description: No visible effect.
Spatial Conduit
Initial Cost: 10
Range: 200 meters
Area of Effect: NA
Maintenance Cost: 6/ round
Prep. Time: 2
This power opens an immobile conduit for energy from the area immediately surrounding the psionicist to anywhere within line of sight (see cost). The
next spell cast from where the psionicist was standing at the time the power was initiated will function as if it was cast at the other end of the conduit.
Thus the ranges of certain spells can be greatly increased. Notice that spells, which affect the caster only (i.e., personal spells), will still only affect the
caster. The original caster has absolutely no control over the spell--it is as if the whoever was standing at the other end of the conduit had actually cast
the spell. The mystic conduit is visible only by a detect psionic, true sight, or psionic powers that detect these things such as sense spatial phenomena.
It collapses if the psionicist ceases paying the maintenance Cost. The conduit can conduct 3 points of energy (damage equilvents) per AP point the
character spends if she is trying to siphon from an existing energy source. NOTE: The conduit is one way only, thus it is not possible for a psionicist to
steal a spell, as it is being cast by an opponent.
Description: To those who can actually perceive the conduit, it appears to be a sphere 1m in diameter. The sphere has no color of its own, but rather
reflects its surroundings in a distorted way, like a polished steel marble.
Spatial Folding
Initial Cost: 8
Range: 350 meters
Area of Effect: na
Maintenance Cost: 8/round
Prep Time: 0
With this power the character can open a door from one area to another and step through instantly appearing at the other area. The door is not a door
per se but is a psionic cut in the fabric of space. The maximum range that the door can be opened is 350 meters and the character must have a mental
image of the destination. The door will stay open for as long as the character pays the maintenance cost and any character can step through.
Description: The Doorway opens eye-like, its pointed edges at top and bottom, and the round edges making up its sides. The door itself is
approximately 2m high, and 1.75m wide at the widest point. The edges of the doorway are invisible, though characters will almost certainly notice the
mismatching spaces. It is through such disparities that the edges of the doorways are perceived.
Initial Cost: 8
Range: 300 meters
Area of Effect: special
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Preparation Time: 1
When employing this discipline, the psionicist creates a miniature breach of time-space, centered at the wrist. By concentrating, the psionicist may move
the terminal end of the portal to and fro as she desires. The movement is quick enough to position the character’s hand anywhere within discipline
range in one segment. This gives the hand the illusion of flight. The primary application of this discipline is to facilitate touch attacks. Note, however,
that the psionicists hand is actually through the portal, and is subject to attack. If the psionicist is grappled by the extended hand, deactivation of the
power causes the attacker to lose her grip, and the psionicists hand to be “returned”.
Description: The psionicists hand is capped by a bluish energy, which dissipates as it emanates from the wrist. The stump of the psionicists arm is like
wise capped in a halo of bluish radiance.
Initial Cost: var.
Range: planetary
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance cost: 0
Preparation Time: 2
This power allows the instantaneous relocation of the character. The character just needs to know where she is going and spend the points. Teleport
always takes a character to a fixed point the character cannot teleport to a moving object. The character can choose what goes with her when she
teleports so restraints will not stop her.
100 meters
500 meters
1000 meters
20 km
500 km
1000 km
10000 km
100000 km
The character cannot teleport from one planet to another.
Description: When the character teleports, she simply disappears in the blink of an eye. Space seems to bend inward around her for a moment
immediately following her disappearance, as if filling a void. Space expands suddenly around the character as she arrives at her new destination.
Teleport Astral Entity
Initial Cost: 30
Range: 0
Area of Effect: one creature
Maintenance cost: 0
Preparation Time:2
This power allows the character to grab a creature from the astral plane and force it to her location. This power allows NO control or containment of
the creature it will just appear within 20 meters of the character at random. The creature will probably be mad and so the character and her party might
want to be prepared for combat. This power will not work on any kind of god, but that doesn’t mean that a god can’t just stop by. If the character is a
real quick talker she can try to reason with the called being and maybe work out a deal. The Visionary can allow the character to ‘summon’ 1 being of
equal power to herself that she can try to bargain with for a service. Good beings are probably the easiest to deal with as even a ‘failed’ negotiation may
not result in combat but evil beings are probably more open to jobs. Good or bad it may not matter to an evil being so long as she gets paid.
Description: Similar to the Teleport discipline, the entity in question appears suddenly.
Teleport object
Initial Cost: var.
Range: planet
Area of Effect: 1 object
Maintenance cost: 0
Preparation Time: 1
This discipline allows the character to teleport an object to herself. The object must be no more than 5 kg per level and the character must have
“marked” the item prier to the teleport. The marker lasts for 1 day per 3 AP’s spent. The character can also decide where the item will appear on her
person and so will not have to have it appear in her hand (great for getting dressed fast!).
100 meters
500 meters
1000 meters
20 km
500 km
1000 km
10000 km
100000 km
Description: See Teleport
Teleport other
Initial Cost: var.
Range: planet
Area of Effect: individual
Maintenance cost: 0
Preparation Time: 2
This power allows the character to teleport others. The character just needs to know where she is going to send the others and spend the points.
Teleport always takes the others to a fixed point the character cannot teleport others to a moving object. The character can choose what goes when she
teleports so restraints will not stop her. This teleport is voluntary. It will not work on resisting characters.
100 meters
500 meters
1000 meters
20 km
500 km
1000 km
10000 km
100000 km
The character cannot teleport from one planet to another.
Description: See Teleport.
Temporal Deceleration
Initial Cost: 10
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance cost: 3/day
Preparation Time: 1
This discipline allows the psionicist to alter the flow of the time stream relative to her body. Upon successfully applying this discipline the psionicists
body passes into a state which is indistinguishable from death (except by casting of a Detect Life spell). The Psionicist can maintain that state until either
a predetermined amount of time has passed (say 10 days) or a specific event triggers the termination of the temporal deceleration. While in the
decelerated state the psionicist is oblivious to the outside world (everything is a blur traveling too fast to follow), and her body uses up none of it's
internal resources, i.e., her metabolism stops, so no healing takes place, but neither does a bad physical condition worsen. There is nothing to prevent
physical harm from befalling the psionicist while temporally decelerated. This discipline cannot be used in conjunction with psionics that affects time
stream (haste, slow, potion of speed, etc.). If already under the influence of one of these types of psionics the psionicist will be totally unable to activate
this discipline. Conversely, when this discipline is under affect the psionicist is immune to the effects of these spells.
Description: no apparent effects.
Time Flux
Initial Cost: 18
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Preparation time: 1
Using this devotion, the psionicist can cause time to speed up or slow down for herself only. Thus, the psionicist can exist at twice the speed of the rest
of the world, or half the speed, effectively speeding up or slowing herself down. Because the increase or decrease in speed is time oriented instead of
biologically oriented, the psionicist can perform ALL actions at either twice or half normal speed. For example, a psionicist can make two psionic actions
per round, use two psi items per round, etc.; a slowed psionicist could take only one action every two rounds. There are some other unique qualities of
this ability. . Spells and psionic powers are affected, so if the psionicist increases her speed, spell duration is only half of what it would be in normal
time, but an initiative bonus of 3 is gained while the power is in effect. For example, a bless spell cast on the psionicist that would last 6 rounds of real
time will now last only 3 rounds. On the other hand, if a psionicist slows herself, spells last twice as long as they would in real time, but there is an
initiative penalty of 3 while being slowed down. For example, a slow poison cast on a slowed psionicist would last twice as long as normal. The APs cost
in real time for any psionic abilities outside the Time Flux (i.e., not affecting the psionicist) does not change, but the cost for those abilities affecting the
caster is increased or decreased appropriately. Numerous applications exist for this power. If a psionicist wants to "burn off" a harmful spell (like slow or
hold person), the speeding up usage would help greatly. Likewise, if the psionicist wants a spell to remain longer than normal (in real time), then the
slowing use is best.
Description: Time fluctuates wildly for a moment when the power is first activated causing strange “burps” in the normal course of activities around her.
Once the power is active, these quickly smooth themselves out, though the character appears to move with amazing speed or incredibly slowly.
Time-space anchor
Initial Cost: 3
Range: 0
Area of Effect: 2 meters
Maintenance Cost: 1/ round
Prep Time: 0
This power makes it impossible for the character to be teleported, hasted, slowed, or otherwise subjected to temporal distortion. The anchor prevents
these powers from affecting the character. This protection extends for 2 meters and any other characters close enough are also protected. The
character must pay 1 point for every extra character protected. If the character is already affected by one of the above spells then this power will not
help her, until the spell wears off.
Description: Although this power has no blatant effect, characters under its influence seem more solid, more fundamentally present than normal.
Time-Space Discontinuity
Initial Cost: 8
Range: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Maintenance Cost: 8/round
Preparation Time: 0
A psionicist with phase self can shift her body and equipment out of synchronization with the time space continuum. While using this power she can
not affect anything and can not be affected by anything. The only exception is for functions that say so in their description and mental attacks. (The
character can be attacked with those powers but cannot attack herself), but she can still hear and see everything around her. This allows her to stand in
or walk through walls, objects, and even people without affecting them. The psionicist can even stand in flame and not be burned. She is truly invisible,
and can not be seen, smelt, felt, or heard. True seeing, sense spatial phenomena, and the like can see her.
Description: Those that may perceive the psionicist see her as a vague, ghost-like shape. Note that the character appears much the same as a
“hanging” object.
Warp Space
Initial Cost: 7
Range: 0
Area of Effect: 1 Meter
Maintenance Cost: 3/round
Prep time: 0
This Power allows the character to warp space around her and cause attacks by small-ranged weapons to be shunted 1 meter to the left or right. The
characters must roll dice equal to the damage caused subtracting ½ that amount from the damage that she takes. Attacks that deal no variable damage
have none of the damage shunted, but there is a catch to this power. All attacks that are shunted are automatically considered to spray left and right so
any characters within spray range (adjacent hex) are attacked and if hit take damage. Any autofire attacks that use more them 25 rounds ignore this
Description: This discipline causes the characters appearance to distort, as though she were being seen through a funhouse mirror. Rather than a static
alteration, the character appears to continually shift height and weight, as space churns and distends around her.
Astral Manifestation
Aura Field
Defy Gravity
Empathic Awakening
Force Wave
Ignite Air
Telekinetic Push
First-Level Channels
Astral Manifestation
Range: personal
Duration: 8 hours
Area of Effect: 30 meter radius
Channel time: 0
A basic exercise for those awakening their psionic potential is the transition of astral energy into "physical" energy. The result is a glowing aura of light
that surrounds the character. This light can be any visible color of the spectrum that the psion desires. This manifestation is useful as a light source,
providing clear illumination in a 30 meter radius. In addition, the manifested energy also interacts with the auras of psionic constructs or entities, causing
them to glow as well, emitting light in a 10m radius.
Aura Guard
Range: Personal
Duraton: 30 minutes or until exhausted
Area of effect: Personal
Channel Time: 0
This channel converts the psion's mental energy into a drifting play of lights around her body. This energy field coalesces whenever an attack would
penetrate it, stopping some of the damage it would deal. The field has three charges when created. Each time damage would be dealt to the character,
the field loses a charge, and a penalty of 1d6+1 is applied to the damage dealt.
Defy Gravity
Range: Personal
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of effect: Personal
Channel Time: 0
In the days of old, ascetics could lay upon beds of nails, and make their bodies as light as a feather yet stiff as a board. Psions can do much, much
more. A true psion can make herself effectively weightless. This does not allow her to fly, but can negate falling damage or allow the character to
"swim" through the air, provided she has plenty of surfaces to push off of. The character can move this way at a rate of 1 hex per phase (treat this a shift,
requiring a simple action to complete). The psion can make herself weightless, as well as 30 kg worth of equipment.
Empathic Awakening
Range: 100 meters
Duration: 2 hours
Area of effect: Channeler and one entity
Channel Time: 0
By attuning herself to an entity, the psion can create an emotional bridge between them. When making Charm-based proficiency checks with the linked
individual, the psion gains a bonus die. In addition, the psion and the entity can intuitively understand each other. They may not speak the language,
but they can get the general idea that the other party is trying to convey.
Force Wave
Range: 6 meters
Duration: Instant
Area of effect:180 degree arc
Channel time: 0
This channel creates a shimmering wave of force in a hemisphere emanating from the psion. Anything in the area suffers 1d6 points of energy damage
per level, to a maximum of 6d6 at 6th level. In addition, the psion can make a free wrestling check against any creature hit by the force wave to shift
them back 1 or 2 hexes. This is considered a skilled check using the psion's willpower instead of strength. See the wrestling rules for further details.
Ignite Air
Range: 10 meters
Duration: Instant
Area of effect: a space 10 meters long by 4 meters wide
Channel Time: 0
The psion can cause a funnel of flame to erupt from her outstretched hand and engulf an area 10 meters long and 4 meters wide. Anything caught in
the area suffers 1d6 points of fire damage per level, to a maximum of 6d6 at 6th level. These flames are not volatile enough to interact with force fields,
though fire resistance does apply. This channel fails (though AP are still used up) in an area that cannot support combustion, such as in a vacuum or an
atmosphere with insufficient levels of oxygen.
Range: Personal
Duration: 10 minutes
Area of effect: The channeler
Channel Time: 0
A few moments of contemplation enable the psion to heighten her intuition, warning her of impending danger. The psion gains a +4 bonus on the next
survival check she makes. Alternatively, if she has to make a proficiency check to avoid danger (quick-thinking to avoid an ambush, athleticism to hang
on to the edge of a cliff, etc.) during the duration, she can gains a bonus die.
Range: 50 meters
Duration: Instant
Area of effect: One entity
Channel Time: 0
Psi-bolt allows a character to project a bolt of pure mental energy that damages a creatures aura, causing psychosomatic damage to the subject. The
bolt appears as an incandescent, nearly liquid bolt of blue-white energy lashing from the psion's eyes or forehead. The channel deals 1d8+1 points of
energy damage per level, to a maximum of 6d8+8 at 6th level. Entities with 40% or more psi-disruption cannot be targeted by the channel.
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Area of effect: Object touched
Channel time: 0
The art of psychometry is one of the oldest and most basic psionic powers. A psychometrist can touch an onbject, and get a psychic imprint, learning
the identity of the person who touched it last. The psychic imprint left by a being increases with the power of its aura. In this way, powerful beings are
easier to read with this ability than weak ones. Consult the table below to see how long a trace of the person who held an object lingers.
Psychic Ability
Psi-Dead (100%+ psi-disruption)
Weak aura (40-99% psi-disruption)
Strong aura (8-39% psi-disruption)
Pure aura (0-7% psi-disruption)
Base imprint time
1 hour/ level
4 hours/ level
1 day/ level
Telekinetic Push
Range: 30 meters
Duration: Instant
Area of Effect: 1entity or object
Channel time: 0
Although true telekinesis is till beyond the fledgling psion, they can manage less controlled bursts of force. The creature or object targeted can be
pushed with a focused blast of telekinetic energy. Anything up to 10kg x the psion's Willpower can be affected. the target is knocked back 1d6 hexes. If
the knockback would cause the death of an entity (such as being knocked over a ledge, into an electro-grid, etc.), the entity is allowed a physical survival
check to halt its backward motion.
Second-Level Channels
Astral Shock
Range: 150 meters
Duration: Instant
Area of effect: 1 target within range
Channel Time: 0
As a channeler advances in her studies, she learns more powerful ways of drawing astral energy. This technique allows her to conduct such energy into
an object or entity, causing 1d4+2 points of energy damage per level, to a maximum of 9d4+18 points of damage at 9th level.
Aura Shield
Range: Self
Duration: 24 hours
Area of effect: personal
Channel Time: 0
The psion can channel her energies to create an invisible field that repels or diverts attacks quite powerfully. So long as the channel is in effect, the
psion gains a +5 bonus to her defensive rating.
Breath of Life
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of effect: 1 object (see below)
Channel Time: 0
The psion can funnel astral energy into an object, imprinting the barest trace of her persona and making the object "come alive". The object so imbued
can weigh up to 150 kg. Once animated, it possesses 1 action and 1 simple action per round. It has no proficiencies, and is considered to have a 10 in
all ability scores (regardless of other effects, it never gains ability score bonuses). The object has 15 hit points, a Defense Rating of 5, rolls 2d10 for
combat checks (striking with its own body) and survival checks, and deals 2d6 points of damage with a successful hit. As it has a semblance of the
character's sentience, it is under her complete control. A simple action is sufficient to direct it each round.
Eidetic Recall
Range: Self
Duration: 1 hour
Area of effect: personal
Channel Time: 0
This channel allows the psion to sharpen her mind. The character effectively becomes a living recorder, remembering the events of the hour with total
clarity, in all five senses. Players should be able to ask the visionary direct questions about the events they witnessed via the channel, and are entitled
to clear and complete responses. Note that this does not give the character any insight into the events, and there may have been events occurring that
she could not perceive. The character should, however, have perfect recall with regard to events that she saw, but wasn't paying much attention to at
the time. This is a widely practiced channel, with many legitimate uses.
Energy Amplification
Range: 30 meters
Duration: 24 hours
Area of effect: 1 energy field
Channel Time: 0
By attuning a crystal to a nearby energy field, the channeler can amplify its energy. This technique was developed specifically to strengthen personal
force fields (it does not work on vehicle or ship mounted fields). Such a force field increases its protection by 10%, but never over 50% (the energy
required cannot be provided by such a minor channel).
Invest Construct
Range: 6 meters
Duration: 24 hours
Area of effect: 1 construct
Channel Time: 0
One of the first steps toward creating a true psionic manifestation is the simpler art of saturating an object with astral energy, strengthening it far beyond
its normal properties. An object weighing up to 10kg per level can be affected . The object must have fewer than 80 hit points to be affected. The
object gains +50% of its normal hit point total, and makes survival checks as a psionic construct. This channel is often performed to improve the lifespan
of fortifications, or to prep equipment that is sure to take a lot of abuse.
Momento Mori
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute
Area of effect: personal
Channel Time: 0
By touching a corpse, the psion can enhance her natural powers of psychometry, and experience the last minute of life as perceived by the dead
creature. While experiencing this vision, the character has little ability to perceive her actual surroundings. While the channel plays out, the psion
makes all checks as if she were unskilled due to the overload of input. The information garnered from this emotionally trying experience is worth the
risk. Like objects, corpses also lose the psychic imprint of their experiences over time. Consult the chart below to see if the psion can still read the last
moments of a given body.
Psychic Ability
Psi-Dead (100%+ psi-disruption)
Weak aura (40-99% psi-disruption)
Strong aura (8-39% psi-disruption)
Pure aura (0-7% psi-disruption)
Base imprint time
24 hours
24 hours + 6 hours/ level
48 hours +12 hours/ level
1week + 1 day/ level
Open Third Eye
Range: Self
Duration: 8 hours
Area of Effect: 50 meters
Channel Time: 0
The psion can sensitize herself to psychic phenomena. By performing this channel, she becomes aware of the psychic abilities of those she meets.
She can determine the calling of any being with an AP pool as well as their AP total. She is likewise instantly aware of any psionic functions, feats, etc.
as well as psionic manifestations encountered. The character's psionic sensitivity extends 50 meters. She cannot sense phenomena that she cannot
normally perceive (she cannot sense the abilities of a being who is hidden from her).
Project Senses
Range: 50 meters
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of effect: personal
Channel time: 0
Focusing her gaze into the depths of the prepared crystal, the psion pulls her consciousness forward until it has left her body. Her spirit cannot travel far
with such a rudimentary technique, but can perceive things she cannot. With this channel, the psion can perceive events as if she were standing up to
50 meters from her actual location. Thus, she could get a roof-top view, see a gunman on the other side of a door, or even check a basement without
ever having to go there. The psion cannot perceive events from her own vantage while projecting her consciousness. A simple action is required to
project or return to her body (lag of 3 in each case).
Telepathic Link
Range: 30 meters
Duration: 1 hour
Area of effect: one entity and the psion
Channel Time: 0
More powerful than a mere empathic connection, telepathy allows a character to actually transmit thought itself. This enables the telepath to
communicate and receive knowledge with a clarity that supersedes even language or recorded media, because it includes all five senses. The only true
limitations are the conceptual resources of those involved. A primitive mind could be shown a spaceship, but would have no framework for
understanding what such a thing is, and might strive to liken it to something it is not, such as a great fish, or sailing ship (which might still be useful in an
explanatory sense). Essentially, this channel enables superb communication between entities, even if they do not share a language.
Third-Level Channels
Clouded Minds
Range: 50 meters
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of effect: a number of target entities up to the psion's willpower
Channel time: 1
The channeler subtracts herself from the perceptions of her enemies with this channel. If there are too many in the area to effect, those closest are
affected first. Those who are within range when the channel is completed lose track of the psion. As long as the psion does nothing to draw attention to
herself, they cannot perceive her. Any big action (running, talking, using a psionic feat etc.) will break the deception, but the character can move about,
as long as she is walking or sneaking. Enemies may actively use the Observation proficiency to struggle through the clouding and perceive the
Construct of the Will
Range 30 meters
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of effect: a 10 meter line
Channel Time: 1
The power of the astral can be yoked to a physical form, though a simple one. A construct of the will is a plane of energy that has a hardness similar to
newsteel. This wall can be created and placed anywhere with 30 meters of the psion, at any orientation. The plane of energy crackles slightly, is warm
to the touch, and is faintly blue, though it can be seen through. The wall can withstand the vacuum of space and the pressures of deep sea immersion.
Directed attacks can destroy the wall. The construct has hit points equal to the psion's willpower.
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 8 hours
Area of effect: target entity
Channel Time: 1
The psion can perform a minor meditation, restructuring the way her brain processes sensory input. This can also be done for a willing ally. Once
affected, the subject gains incredible auditory powers. She can pinpoint objects within 30 meters as if she could see them, using only her hearing.
Characters can actively use the Stealth proficiency to remain undetected by her keen hearing, but otherwise, blindness has no effect on her. Note that a
character in a sealed environment (space suit or battle dress, cockpit, etc.) cannot use echolocation until they open the barrier to the outside (helmet
visor, door and so on).
Range: 150 meters
Duration: Instant
Area of effect: 10 meter diameter sphere
Channel Time: 1
This is the first and most basic of the greater channels that create massive energy eruptions. A Glimmerstar, once created, expands to flood a 10 meter
diameter sphere in coruscating blue-white fire. Anything caught in the area suffers 1d6+1 points of energy damage per level of the channeler, to a
maximum of 10d6+10 at 10th level.
Gravity Field
Range: 100 meters
Duration: 2 hours
Area of effect: 50 meter diameter sphere
Channel Time: 1
This channel enables the psion to generate a gravitic field in an environment that doesn't already have it. The direction of gravity within the sphere is
chosen at the time of channel and cannot be changed. The force of the field is equal to earth's gravity. In a gravitational environment, the psion can
strengthen local gravity within the sphere. This doubles the weight of subjects and their gear in the area, and could conceivably damage structures not
meant to bear the additional load.
Hive Mind
Range: 500 meters
Duration: 2 hours
Area of effect: a number entities up to the psion's willpower score
Channel Time: 1
An improved form of telepathic projection, this channel links the minds of several individuals, allowing them to communicate and function efficiently. The
linked beings can converse mentally or share images, as they desire. Such individuals gain 1 additional simple action per round, which can only be
used to transmit information (see the combat section for details on communications).
Range: 50 meters
Duration: 8 hours
Area of effect: target entity
Channel Time: 1
This channel enables the psion or her target to shift their perceptions, seeing events unfold in time as well as space. So gifted, she can see catastrophe
and avert it. A character under the effect of precognition may re-roll one check. The second result must be kept. Once she has acted thus, the manifold
possibilities collapse into one, and the channel ends.
Spawn Atmosphere
Range: 6 meters
Duration: 2 hours
Area of effect: a sphere around the psion, 6 meters in diameter
Channel time: 1
As astral energy disperses from the channeling crystal, it is converted into breathable atmosphere. For the vast majority of creatures, this is a mixed
oxygen rich cloud, extending 6 meters in all directions from the psion. This enables the psion to breathe comfortably in hostile environments. This new
atmosphere does nothing to alleviate difficulties due to pressure, temperature etc. As the channel continually generates fresh atmosphere, it pushes
back existing gasses, which may be noticeable if there are colored vapors in the surrounding atmosphere. Likewise, it prevents gas attacks from
working in the sphere, unless they are powerfully injected. In such extreme cases, the channel provides the psion a +4 bonus on any gas-related
survival checks she is required to make.
Temporal Trap
Range: 50 meters
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of effect: a 20 meter wide sphere
Channel Time: 1
When the channel is complete, the psion dislocates a pocket of space-time, creating a zone that moves more slowly than the area around it. Beings in
or partially in the affected area move at half speed (hold fractions of hexes if need be). Additionally, add 1 to any lag incurred while in the trap. Once
channeled, the trap remains, affecting any who enter the area. The affected area appears to shimmer, and things entering the trap warp slightly as they
do so.
Tempus Fugit
Range: 30 meters
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of effect: a 10 meter wide sphere
Channel time: 1
With fierce effort, the channeler can accelerate the flow of time in a small area. Those within see their surroundings slow down, while they speed up. To
reflect the disparity in the flow of time, those inside the sphere gain a +1 initiative bonus (move all actions one phase when the sphere is entered for the
first time), and reduce lag by one phase. Movement that begins and ends in the sphere is doubled, if the character wishes.
Fourth-Level Spells
Astral Shell
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 2 hours
Area of effect: target entity
Channel time: 1
The Astral Shell is a unique psionic screen which encompasses one creature and protects it from harm. The shell is essentially a shield. It floats around
the character, invisible until an attack would harm the protected entity. At this point, the shell flares into a pale blue color, becoming briefly visible. The
shell has a hit point total of 1D6 points per level of the psion, generated at the time of the channeling (maximum 12D6). Damage to the entity is
intercepted by, and dealt to the shield instead. This is considered a penalty to the damage roll. Once the shield has no further hit points, it vanishes and
any leftover damage carries into the entity.
Cleanse Aura
Range: 30 meters
Duration: Instant
Area of effect: target entity
Channel time: 1
This channel technique amplifies the natural power of an entity's aura, dissolving the influence of psionic effects imposed on the entity. Such effects
may be difficult to overcome, however. The psion must make a psi-theory check as a part of the channel. If the check is successful, one ongoing
targeted effect on the subject is ended.
Destroy Aura
Range: 100 meters
Duration: 3 rounds
Area of effect: target entity
Channel time: 1
The psion can lash out with a psychic attack, causing shockwaves to ripple through her victim's psyche and aura. This attack is purely mental, and has
no effect on creatures without I.Q. scores. Those who are eligible suffer 12 points of astral damage at the time of channel, and then once per round as
the psychic attack runs its course (for a total of 48 points at the end of the third round). Only one such channel can affect an aura at a time.
Induce Hallucination
Range: 100 meters
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of effect: target entity
Channel time: 1
Entering the consciousness of her victim, the psion induces frightening hallucinations. Plagued by conflicting and chaotic sensory overload, the victim
suffers a -4 on all checks until the hallucinations end. A victim can actively use psychology to clear her head (with a -4 penalty). A simple action (lag 3)
and a successful skill check allow her to clear her head, and ignore the penalty for the rest of the duration.
Relentless Intellect
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of effect: target entity
Channel time: 1
The psion can empower herself of or one other entity with enhanced mental faculties. The being so empowered is able to execute complex calculations
in the blink of an eye. An entity under the effect of the channel can complete code-breaking or puzzle solving problems with a single primary action and
a successful Trivial Knowledge check. Implementation of the solution may take additional time (while a character might be able to interpret a safe code
from the wear patterns on the floor in front of it, she still needs an additional action to punch in the code). At the visionaries discretion, truly complex
codes (interpreting the data flow of a computer in binary) may require more than one check, or even be impossible.
Remote Viewing
Range: 10 km
Duration: 2 hours
Area of effect: a viewing area no more than 10 meters wide
Channel time: 1
By means of this channel, the psion can project a fragment of her consciousness up to 10 kilometers away. She must have been to the area to be
viewed, or be able to see it (perhaps from a mountain top or aircraft). Once completed, the channel enables the psion to experience events as if she
were actually there, but without touch. She remains immaterial and invisible. She may move about, but the viewing area is fixed, and she may not leave
the 10 meter area. Everything beyond appears to fade into darkness. A viewer cannot focus on her own surroundings while watching those unfolding
far away, but can switch back and forth from herself to her remote "eye" with a simple action.
Reversed Momentum
Range: 100 meters
Duration: 3 rounds
Area of effect: target entity
Channel time: 1
This channel uses a being's own momentum against it. When the channel begins, the psion selects a target entity. Mark the hex the entity is in when
affected. This entity is now sympathetically tethered to that hex. At any time during the next three rounds, the psion can use a primary action (lag 0) to
hurl the entity from their current location back to the marked hex (if the entity gets farther than 15 meters from the marked hex, the effect ends).
Characters so reversed suffer falling damage, treating the distanced travelled as the distance fallen.
Range: 200 meters
Duration: Instant
Area of effect: one object and a 10 meter wide sphere
Channel time: 1
By funneling energy into a physical object, the psion can cause it to explode with incredible force. The object and everything within the sphere suffers
1d4+3 points of physical damage per level of the psion, to a maximum of 12d4+36. Larger objects (more than 10kg/ level) may not be destroyed, but
partially explode, dealing full damage. A skimmer, for example, would explode and most likely become useless, but the chassis would remain mostly
intact. Objects or equipment in the possession of an entity may be shielded by the entities aura, and receive a survival check to remain unaffected,
causing the channel to fail. For this reason, cautious psions often target the ground on which their enemies stand.
Toy Soldier
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of effect: 1 created follower
Channel time: 1
Moving past basic exercises like the Breath of Life, the psion can spin matter from astral energy, creating an ideal shell for her imprinted consciousness.
The result is an automaton that appears to be made of crystal. This automaton is a physical approximation of the psion, though all of its attributes are
considered to be 10. As with all imprinted creations, it is completely loyal to the psion, and can be directed with a simple action each round. The soldier
thus created does have access to the psion's proficiencies, and is dexterous enough to use tools. The soldier has a defense rating of 15, and 3 hit
points per level of the psion, to a maximum of 45 hit points. The automaton has a base action set identical to the caster (though probably less since it
does not benefit from biogenic or psionic effects, and does not have a high enough wisdom or willpower to gain bonus simple actions). In most other
respects, it has capabilities identical to the caster, though it lacks equipment. It does not have psionic or other calling abilities.
Walk the Sky
Range: 2 meters
Duration: 2 hours
Area of effect: target entity
Channel time: 1
One of the most dramatic channels in the five empires does not blow apart enemies, or reveal that which was hidden. Rather, it fulfills the dream of
ages, allowing a being to fly through the air by will alone, without the need for a clumsy apparatus. The character can move at her foot speed, but now
she can literally run up into the sky. As long as the channel is in effect, the character can stand on air as if it were solid ground. She retains her mass,
and so is not more easily shifted or thrown about.
Fifth-Level Spells
Atmospheric Conversion
Range: 2 meters
Duration: 24 hours
Area of effect: a target entity
Channel Time: 1
This channel alters the entity so that they are able to breathe liquids and gases of all kinds. As long as the character is in a liquid or gaseous
environment, she can breathe without difficulty. The power of the channel is such that the character can even breathe caustic vapors or liquids if
necessary, though she still takes damage from skin exposure.
Armor of Will
Range: 2 meters
Duration: 2 hours
Area of effect: target entity
Channel time: 1
By will alone, the channeler creates a shell of energy that keeps her or an ally safe from harm. The shell is a scintillating sphere of translucent light.
Attacks against the entity must first penetrate the shell. The shell has 5 hit points per level of the psion, and does not benefit from force field protection.
The shell has a defense rating of 15, which cannot be improved. When the shell runs out of hit points, it collapses and the channel ends. Only one
instance of this effect can be maintained on an entity at a time.
Ethereal Storm
Range: 300 meters
Duration: Instant
Area of effect: all entities with a 20 meter diameter sphere
Channel time: 1
A channeler of great skill can drag whole sections of the astral realm close to the physical world. This is a more destructive adaptation of the technique
that creates astral flux. An ethereal storm manifests as a hazy storm, roughly spherical in shape, shot through with golden lightning. The storm deals
1d8+1 points of energy damage per level of the psion, to a maximum of 15d8+15.
Inverse Weaving
Range: 100 meters
Duration:: Instant
Area of effect: target psionic feat
Channel Time: 1
Accomplished channelers can recognize the arrangement of astral energy in a psionic feat, and can undo it by an act of will. Inverse Weaving can be
used to negate an ongoing psionic effect (e.g. temporal trap). As part of the channel, the psion must succeed a psi-theory check to understand what she
is undoing. If successful, she can automatically remove the effect in question. This does not work on psionic disciplines, nor does it affect prayers or
channels of 7th level or higher.
Rend the Soul
Range: 150 meters
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of effect: target entity
Channel time: 1
The psion can strip away the defenses of those she would kill. When the channel is completed, the target entity loses 2% of her psionic
immunity per level of the psion. Unlike most targeted channels, entities with psi-disruption of 40% or greater can be targeted. This is considered a
penalty to the entity's psionic immunity.
Sentinel's Call
Range: 100 meters
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of effect: one summoned entity
Channel time: 1
This channel conjures a creature of living energy, which appears much like a stationary tornado of luminous vapor. The sentinel has all attributes of 10,
a Defense Rating of 12, 5 hit points per level of the psion, and 50% psionic immunity. The sentinel is barely conscious, being a sort of extension of the
psion's will. The sentinel can loose a bolt of astral energy each round, with a range of 300 meters (no lag). The bolt requires a combat check to hit, for
which it rolls 2d10+10. If the bolt hits, it deals 6d6 points of damage. The sentinel is allowed two actions per round; typically both are used to fire astral
energy. A simple action is required to direct the Sentinel to fire (lag 0). Once conjured, it remains stationary for the duration of the channel.
Sight beyond sight
Range: 300 meters
Duration: 8 hours
Area of effect: the channeler
Channel time: 1
Transcending the normal human limits of sensory perception, the psion becomes capable of seeing her surroundings by the "light" of ambient energies.
The channeler can see regardless of actual light levels, and can even see around corners. Line of effect is required, so she cannot see through walls or
doors, but she can map a room with many obstructions, and can even be aware of hidden foes (she must still make observation checks, but total cover
and similar factors don't negate her ability to "see"). While in this state, the psion can see all psionic phenomena with crystal clarity, instantly identifying
psionic feats by name, level, etc. When encountering psionic beings she can identify their abilities and AP pools. The psion ignores penalties related to
cover or concealment.
Soul Meld
Range: 100 meters
Duration: 8 hours
Area of effect: Target entity
Channel time: 3
The channeler can link her soul with that of another, becoming part of a duo. For the duration of the channel, the two can share thoughts, emotions, and
perceptions flawlessly and without effort regardless of the distance between them. In addition, psionic effects that should affect one member of the
melded duo can affect the other instead. For example, a channel or prayer that affects only the self can affect either member of the duo. This can be
done over any distance. Although neither member of the duo can impose their will on the other, they will often act in concert. No use of simple actions
is required when they communicate with one another.
Wall of Steel
Range: 5 meters./level
Duration: 24 hours
Area of effect: a 25cm thick, 10 meter high, 30 meter long wall
Channel time: 1
A potent act of fabrication, this channel transforms astral energies into a wall of pure steel with the dimensions given above. The wall has a defense
rating of 15, and possesses 5 hit points per level of the psion. In addition, the wall's hardness enables take -2 damage per die. Once the wall's hit
points are exhausted, the wall is destroyed.
Wings of the Sky Beast
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 8 hours
Area of effect: target entity
Channel time: 1
Blending energy and flesh, the psion can fashion wings for himself or an ally. The wings can even be created to interface with the target entity through
armor. A being so empowered can fly at twice the speed of normal ground movement. The wings are considered a part of the character, and cannot be
pulled off or destroyed. At the end of the channel's duration, the wings vanish.
Sixth-Level Spells
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 8 hours
Area of effect: Target entity
Channel time: 2
The recipient of this channel is able to comfortably exist in any atmosphere that is thin enough to allow movement. The character suffers no penalties
for lack of oxygen, heat or cold, acidic atmosphere, or any other conceivable environmental condition. The character may even traverse space
unprotected, though she will have to provide her own means of propulsion. This spell will not protect characters from the heat of stars or other
conditions too extreme to be generated by a planetary phenomenon. Note that although characters are protected from a multitude of naturally occurring
hazards, this spell offers no protection against unnaturally created hazards, weaponry, and the like. To keep this simple a visionary should just treat a
character under this spell as inside a spacesuit as far as protection is concerned.
Death's Mark
Range: 30 meters
Duration: 2 hours
Area of effect: 10 meter radius sphere
Channel time: 2
This infamous channel attacks the aura of those in the area of effect, creating a mark that can be seen by those who can see auras. They call it death's
mark, because until the aura heals (a process that requires 2 hours), affected creatures cannot recover hit points by any means. Creatures so marked
usually look pale and unhealthy, and generally do not feel well.
Inviolate Aura
Range: self
Duration: 30 minutes
area of effect: self
Channel time: 2
This channel transforms the psion's aura, making her impervious to psionic energies originating from minor psionic disciplines, and channels and
prayers of 5th level or lower. Though these energies cannot affect her directly, she can still be harmed indirectly. A wall of steel could still pen her in, or
an astral entity summoned by such a prayer could still defeat her in combat. Note that beneficial effects are ignored as well, if they are of a prohibited
Lightning Storm
Range: 30 meters
Duration: Instant
Area of effect: a 30 meter radius sphere
Channel time: 2
This spell creates an electrical storm in a 25 meter diameter sphere that does 1d10 points of energy damage per level, to a maximum of 16d10. All
except the caster take the damage.
Life Leech
Range: 100 meters
Duration: 3 rounds
Area of effect: target entity
Channel time: 2
Life is the most ephemeral and precious of all energies. The channel that steals it is profane; but to the psion it saves, it is most definitely sacred. When
the channel completes, the target suffers 20 points of physical damage. Each round thereafter for three rounds, the victim suffers 20 points of damage,
and during these three rounds, the psion gains any hit points lost to life leech.
Sound the Echo
Range: 60 meters
Duration: 2 hours
Area of effect: an area 10 meters across
Channel time: 2
This potent channel causes past events to be re-enacted in the area of effect. The replayed events will consist of a three dimensional, semi-transparent
image superimposed over the area of effect, visible to all in the area. The psion can reach back as far as her expertise will allow, but can only select a
single 2 hour window in the history of a place. It is therefore generally imperative that she knows what she might be looking for before channeling at all.
Time Range
1 day per level
1 month per level
1 year per level
10 years per level
Sanitize Locus
Range: 100 meters
Duration: Instant
Area of effect: 30 meter radius sphere
Channel time: 2
As objects are marked by weather, wind, and their use, so too are things marked by the psychic energies of those who use them. Memories linger in
places where emotions run strong. A powerful psion can cleanse an area of such traces, clearing up interference, healing old wounds, or covering up
the evidence of a crime. When this ability is used in an area, it clears away all psychic imprints in the area and on all objects. This means that all
attempts to psionically glean information about the area of objects in it (even if they are then removed) are doomed to fail. Sanitized places and things
will begin to accrue the imprint of new handlers and events after the process, so it will still be possible to gather information about things that occur after
the "wipe".
Sphere of Folded Space
Range: 30 meters
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of effect: a 4 meter diameter sphere
Channel time: 2
This spell creates a sphere that is cut off from the universe, a prison of looped space. A creature within the sphere is impervious to all harm, as the area
she occupies is no longer connected to anything that was around her. The sphere appears as a bubble of distortion, showing warped reflections of what
surrounds it, but revealing nothing of what is inside. The affected area cannot be exited or entered by conventional means; some form of teleportation
is required to do so. Entities within the sphere's area when it is created are allowed a physical survival check to escape. Success allows them to ride
the perimeter of the sphere, and be pushed in a direction of their choosing to the sphere's edge. Failure indicates they are caught inside until the
duration expires or they can affect an escape.
Unconquerable Flesh
Range: self
Duration: 2 hours
Area of effect: self
Channel time: 2
Hardening and fortifying her physical shell with astral energy, the psion greatly reduces physical damage dealt to her. This reduction amounts to 15%
per five levels she has attained, to a maximum of 60% at 20th level.
Seventh-Level Spells
Astral Coalescence
Range: 30 meters
Duration: 2 hours
Area of effect: a number of target entities up to the psion's willpower
Channel time: 3
By amplifying and saturating the natural auras of living beings, the psion can fortify them against natural harm. Beings affected by this
channel gain a 6 point bonus to their defense rating, a 5 point bonus on survival checks, and suffer -1 point of damage per die taken.
Comprehension of Universal Truth
Range: special
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of effect: self
Channel time: 3
The channel allows the character to expand her consciousness, opening it to the truth of the universe. While in such a state, the character cannot be
deceived by illusory phenomena, nor can her mind be clouded. She becomes immune to effects that would control or influence her mind. While in this
state, she can ask a question, and receive an answering flash of insight that reveals her question in the light of truth. Essentially, the character can ask
a single question with an answer of yes, no, truth, or false, and expect a true reply. Once a question has been asked about a certain subject, no further
answers regarding that subject will be forthcoming unless the character gains a level, or a year has passed. At the visionary's discretion, circumstantial
changes to the field of inquiry may allow new questions to be asked.
Range: 300 meters
Duration: Instant
Area of effect: a 30 meter diameter sphere
Channel time: 3
The Firestar is one of the deadliest applications of channeling in the five empires. As the carefully controlled energy builds, a tendril of superheated
plasma unspools from the air before the channeler, streaking to its target. As more energy is funneled into the plasma, it begins to spin into itself at the
terminus, collapsiing as the energy flow is cut, only to explode in an outward spiralling blast of energy hot enough to vaporize steel. Anything in the area
of effect suffers 1d10+1 points of damage per level, to a maximum of 19d10+19.
Fortunes of War
Range: 2 meters
Duration: 1 day
Area of Effect: Person touched
Channel time: 3
This channel allows the person touched to avoid one effect that would kill them. The visionary would inform the character of an effect that could kill the
character and before the effect is rolled (damage, psionic immunity, survival check) the character must decide if she is going to use fortunes of war. If
she does not then the effect is rolled normally, and fortunes of war cannot be used. So if the character has 20 hit points left and someone shoots her
with a ripper, the effect could take her out of combat; she would be allowed to invoke fortunes of war, and the hit retroactively becomes a miss. But if
she has 100 hit points and is shot with an effect that would deal no more than 99 points of damage, she cannot use fortunes of war.
Range: 30 meters
Duration: Instant
Area of effect: a 30 meter long, 6 meter wide path
A brutal channel, Obliterate unleashes a blast of raw telekinetic force. The psion raises her hand, and the ground becoming cracked and depressed
before her is the first indication of the otherwise invisible force blasting and crushing everything in the area. Anything in the area of effect suffers 1d10+1
of physical damage per level, to a maximum of 19d10+19. In addition, anything in the area of effect under 10kg x the Willpower of the psion is pushed to
the edge of the channel's area by the shortest possible rout. Unattended or unsecured objects automatically move. Characters make a wrestling check
against the psion (who rolls 2d10, uses her willpower to modify the dice roll, and gains a +2 bonus). If they beat her roll, they remain in their original hex.
If they fail, they are pushed out of the area by the shortest path. If this forced movement would result in the character's death (going off a ledge, into
industrial machinery, etc.), the character then receives a physical survival check to stop herself from moving.
Range: 250 meters
Duration: 8 hours
Area of effect: a 20 meter radius sphere
Channel time: 3
This channelling creates a large rupture between astral and mundane space. Raw energy is unleashed, creating a zone wherein existing mundane
energy sources are amplified. Equipment with a power source must make a survival check each round or be overloaded and destroyed. Until that time,
however, such equipment gains an additional 25% efficacy. Energy weapons in particular benefit from this amplified power, dealing 25% more damage.
Because force fields require exponentially more energy to increase their functionality, their protection increases by only 10%. Shielded equipment is
Psionic Immunity
Range: 2 meters
Duration: 24 hours
Area of effect: target entity
Channel time: 3
This fabled technique allows a single creature to be made highly resistant to psionics, and to energy weapons. The entity so empowered gains psionic
immunity with a value of 3% times the psion's level, to a maximum of 60% at 20th level. If the entity already has psionic immunity from another source,
use the higher value (they do not stack).
The Outpouring Vessel
Range: self
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of effect: self
Channel time: 3
By entering a deep meditative state, the psion can create a stable conduit to the astral plane, allowing her to draw upon prodigious reserves of energy.
This is often done by potent channelers about to begin extraordinary undertakings. While this function is in effect, the psion makes the following
adjustments to the use of channels.
-1 Channel time (minimum 0)
+2 damage per die
opponents psionic immunity is halved
channels with an area of effect (non-targeted) increase their area by 50%
-2 penalty on survival checks made to resist the character's channels
The Reaving Blade
Range: 200 meters
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of effect: A psionically created sword-like manifestation of energy
Channel time: 3
This meditation creates a bladed weapon which is saturated with astral energy. This weapon floats in space, moving anywhere in the channel's range in
the blink of an eye. The weapon is wielded telekinetically (though the psion may pretend to swing it physically with no strength adjustments), and has no
weight. The psion uses primary actions to attack with the blade, just like a normal weapon. The channeler gains two bonuses to combat checks when
using the weapon. First, she gains a bonus equal to her level. Second, she gains a bonus from her willpower as if it were her strength bonus for
resolving close combat weapon attacks. Hits by the weapon inflict 2d6 damage energy damage. The channel provides two additional damage bonuses.
First, the character's level. Second, the character's Willpower provides a damage bonus as if it were strength providing a damage bonus for close
combat attacks.
Time Loop
Range: self
Duration: special
Area of effect: self
Channel time: Special
When the channel completes, the channeler can actually travel backward in time a short distance. Having seen the future, she reacts to events before
they happen, hoping to eclipse disaster in the making. This channel can be announced at the beginning of any combat round, before initiative
sequences are determined. During the round following the use of this ability, the character gains a bonus primary action beginning in phase 1, and may
re-roll her initiative roll.
Eighth-Level Spells
Black Nebula
Range: 100 meters
Duration: 1 minute
Area of effect: 30 meter wide, 10 meter high ovular cloud
The Black Nebula is a corrupted area of astral energy that draws out the life energy of any being or psionic effect it contacts. It has no effect on
inanimate objects or mundane power sources. Beings caught inside the nebula must make spiritual survival checks or suffer half of their current hit
points (rounded down) as cold damage. Ongoing prayers or channels in the area are ended.
Call Down the Stars
Range: 500 meters
Duration: 3 rounds
Area of effect: a field 500 meters high and 100 meters in diameter
Channel time: 3
The very heavens themselves seem to turn against the psion's foes when she unleashes this channel. Call down the stars briefly illuminates an area in
unearthly light akin to bright starlight before tendrils of energy lance down from the top of the area of effect in a rapid, staccato tempo like a rain of white
fire. This channeling deals 40 points of energy damage when the act of channeling is completed, and an additional 40 points of damage each round
thereafter, for three rounds. Those who can get a roof or other barrier over their heads may enjoy a brief respite, but the roof may be destroyed in short
order! By the time the effect ends, typically all that will be left in the area is a blasted field of craters.
Curse of Chaos
Range: 100 meters
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of effect: a number of entities up to the channeler's level
Channel Time: 3
Using the Curse of Chaos is like channeling a river of snakes. Psion's describe it as difficult, and unpleasant in the extreme. Its effects are potent
enough, however, to make it worthwhile. When the channeling is complete, the affected entities are plagued by an entropic element that afflicts their
actions. They suffer a penalty of 1D10 on any check they make. In addition, any maximum die on a damage roll must be re-rolled. The second result
Dying Moment
Range: 60 meters
Duration: 1 round
Area of effect: a number of entities up to the channeler's level
Channel Time: 3
The channeler projects a wave of energy that interrupts the connection between body and soul, causing those who fail spiritual survival checks to fall to
the ground, dead for a single round. This does no damage to the target entities; it essentially inflicts the dead status effect for a single round. When
they come to, the victims get an immediate initiative roll, and will most likely have to stand up before doing much else. Victims have a 50% chance to
still be holding weapons when they come to.
Gravity Well
Range: 20 meters
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of effect: a single hex, and a sphere 24 meters in diameter
Channel time: 3
Imposing her will on time-space, the psion can push three dimensional reality nearly to the breaking point. She can create a pseudo-singularity which
overpowers local gravity, resulting in a spectacular storm of energy and flying objects. The character chooses a point within the channel's range. This
point becomes the dominant direction of gravity in the area (the normal force of gravity is suspended within the are). All things fall toward this point if
unsecured. Objects weighing more than 1000kg are not immediately affected; they do succumb to the new gravitational pull after 1 round, however.
Creatures caught in the area are pulled to the center point if they are not secured, or have no means of flying or other unusual locomotion. They suffer
1D10+2 points of physical damage per level of the channeler, to a maximum of 20D10+40. This is assumed to be from flying objects, though in a truly
sparse environment, there may be no damage. The next round, accumulating objects bury the character. Although there is air flow from the gaps
between objects, the character will find it difficult to move, and must succeed wrestling checks (moving according to the table for pushing) to "climb"
through the debris to reach the outside of the growing sphere of junk. If the character reaches the "top" of the sphere, she is exposed and may take
further damage from "falling" objects. The visionary is the final arbiter as to how much matter falls, and how many rounds it takes for the affected area to
stabilize. Below is a simple table that summarizes according to very general environments.
Time to Stabilize
Cluttered Area
Sparse Area
1 round
2 rounds
1 round
+1 round
-1 round
Size of Junk Sphere
1 hex
1 hex
0 hexes
+2 hexes
-1 hex
Size of junk sphere
1 hex
2 hexes
1 hex
+2 hexes
-1 hex
Hands of Thunder
Range: 200 meters
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of effect: self
Channel time: 3
Invoking the power of astral energy, the psion does not release it as usual. Rather, she harnesses a seething portion of the astral plane within the
crystal she carries. At any time during the channel's duration, she may unleash this energy as an attack with a range of 200 meters (requiring no
combat check to hit), and dealing 10d8+10 points of damage. The psion may use this attack a number of times equal to her level before the crystal is
Null Zone
Range: 6 meters
Duration: 24 hours
Area of effect: a 6 meter diameter sphere
channel time: 3
Impossibly, the structure of a crystal can be inverted and re-recreated as a framework of astral energy. When this channel is performed, a perfect
sphere is created, one that prevents the passage of any form of psionic energy. Psionic functions simply end at the area's perimeter. Psionics can be
used inside the shell, but cannot pass out. If a psionic function occupies the area in which the zone is created, it is hedged out of the area. If an effect is
small enough to be eclipsed by the creation of the zone, or carried across the boundary, it is negated. Psionic effects that are designed to destroy other
psionic functions do affect the Null Zone.
Noumenal Occlusion
Range: 100 meters
Duration: 8 hours
Area of effect: a 100 meter radius sphere centered on the channeler
channel time: 3
Powerful psions know how easy it is to spy on enemies from afar, and so have developed a means by which to prevent psychic spies from learning their
secrets. The occlusion is a field of psychic interference that causes extra sensory perception, projected senses and other effects to fail. This meditation
essentially nullifies all psionic means of gathering information inside the area of effect. In addition, disembodied entities (astral beings who have not
taken fleshly forms, psions attempting a possession, etc.) treat the sphere as a solid wall, and are unable to enter. The sphere likewise prevents all
telepathic contact.
Refraction Field
Range: 100 meters
Duration: 2 hours
Area of effect: a sphere 50 meters in diameter
Channel time: 3
The psion who has learned this technique can extend the manifold lights of the crystal matrix she holds, magnifying and refracting them within a roughly
spherical area. Within this area, light is continually refracted by a process not yet understood by science or psi-theory. The result is breathtaking to
behold. The affected area blazes with multi-colored light. Vision does not function within the sphere, as the light received by the eyes has no
correlation to anything around a visual observer. Likewise, energy weapons and energy damage cannot occur within the field, as they are refracted into
nothingness. Of course, this includes the psion's own channelings, so many are loathe to use this without preparation.
Seer of Fates
Range: self
Duration: 8 hours
Area of effect: self
Channel time: 3
Seeing through time as well as space is a taxing practice. One who has learned the Seer of Fates technique can perceive potential threats before they
materialize. A psion who is seeing ahead will generally have 1 minute of warning before an encounter, be it social or combative. This means that the
seer gains one round before initiative is rolled to prepare for battle. The seer should not be able to affect her enemy directly during this time, though she
will know the distance and direction from which her attackers will become visible. Likewise, the seer will behold the kind and number of her enemies,
further helping her to prepare the proper defenses. Sometimes a dangerous situation can come from an unexpected source. A less probable encounter
(such as a trap, angering an NPC and provoking a fight) cannot be seen as far ahead, but may still be glimpsed. The visionary may give her a variable
number of phases to act, at her discretion. If a visionary has planned an encounter, consider that it was always likely to happen, and give the character
a full round to prepare. Whenever the character has to check for surprise, she is always assumed to have made a successful check.
Ninth-Level Spells
Absorption (Abjuration)
Range: 0
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of effect: Self
Channel Time: 4
This spell enables the wizardess to absorb and redirect up to 100 APs of psionic energy. The AP expended to initiate the psionic function is added to
the character's AP pool. Points in excess of the character's total dissipate after one hour. Absorbing a psionic function is a reactive simple action (lag
0). If a psionic function cannot be absorbed (exceeds the AP limit or what is left of it), it affects the character normally. Characters can only absorb
functions that target them (target a finite number of entities), but unlike many channels, this is equally effective against psionic disciplines.
Range: 500 meters
Duration: Instant
Area of effect: 30 meter diameter sphere
Channel Time: 4
The masters of incantation are well-versed in the energy patterns that underpin objects, and how to destroy them. When the power of annihilation is
brought to bear, the bonds of matter are shattered, and raw energy explodes through the breaks. When the channel is performed, everything in the area
of effect suffers 2d6+4 points of energy damage per level, to a maximum of 46d6+92. Those who see this effect witness the entirety of the sphere
become engulfed in an explosion of incredible force.
Range: 10 meters
Duration: Special
Area of effect: 10 meter radius sphere centered on the channeler
Channel Time: 4
Through sheer force of will, the channeler can slow the passage of time to nearly a standstill. When the Chronosphere is invoked, the psion creates a
spherical rift in time-space. Those inside the sphere are momentarily able to act out of sync with those outside. The channeler, and those in the area
are granted a single primary action, which must be taken immediately. A total of 5 phases pass within the sphere, so the action must have a lag of 4 or
less. The characters may not leave the sphere with their action. Actions that have an effect outside the sphere (such as shooting or channeling) do not
take effect until the sphere expires.
Inviolate Sphere
Range: 6 meters
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of effect: A sphere 12 meters in diameter
Channel Time: 4
This channel is one of the most powerful defensive psionic functions in the galaxy. It creates a sphere of psionic energy that is invisible in the normal
spectrum of light. Enemies often learn of its existence immediately, as it poses a serious challenge to anyone trying to kill the psion.
* The sphere stops all channeling at its perimeter in either direction. Channels cannot pass into or out of the sphere. Channels within the sphere
function normally. Other types of psionic functions are unaffected.
* The sphere doubles as a powerful telekinetic shield. It applies a -10 penalty to ranged combat checks.
* No living being can pass through the sphere unless a physical survival check is made. For this check, the psion's level is considered to be 6 higher
than normal. If they fail their Survival Check, they are simply unable to pass through.
* No psionic items of any sort can pass through.
Range: 500 meters
Duration: 1 round
Area of effect: 100 meter hemisphere (within ground)
Channel Time: 5
Master psions can produce a shockwave by placing a specially prepared crystal in contact with the ground. As they channel, the ground begins to shake
with increasing intensity. At the end of the channel, the psion unleashes the shockwave in the area of her choosing. All within the area who are in
contact with the ground are flattened. In addition, anything rooted to or within the ground (plants, trees, buildings, subterranean xenos, enemies in
bunkers etc.) suffer 1d10+3 points of damage per level, to a maximum of 23d10+66. The damage and flattening occur at the time the channel begins.
Flattened entities must succeed an athleticism check with a -10 penalty to stand (in addition to spending a simple action), and cannot make ranged
combat checks during the shockwave until they are on their feet. If a building's hit points are exceeded by the damage of the shockwave, the building is
destroyed at the channel's conclusion. Those inside suffer half-damage again at the end of the shockwave as the building disintegrates, and they are hit
by falling debris. The visionary may rule that exceptionally large buildings deal additional damage.
Soul Shift
Range: 10 meters
Duration: Instant
Area of effect: target entity
Channel time: 4
Made famous by the Quellin infiltrators of the Uprising, this sinister channel allows a psion to leave her own body behind and take up residence with the
body of another. The resident soul is forced out of the body, and the character is effectively dead. This process is irreversible, though the psion is free
to continue moving on to other bodies with future channels. The new body provides the Strength, Agility, base speed, racial abilities and physical
appearance that the psion will now use. In addition, any biogenic augmentations affect the psion as well, which is why incanters are often very picky
about their new bodies. All of the psion's other characteristics are transferred over.
Transform Gravity
Range: 100 meters
Duration: 24 hours
Area of effect: A cube 50 meters per side
Channel Time: 4
This channel allows the psion to bend the force of gravity to her will. Within the area of effect, gravity is reoriented to a direction of the channeler's
choosing when the cube of altered gravity is created. Beings and objects within the cube "fall" in the direction of the gravity unless secured, are able to
find purchase on a surface, or are capable of flight. Beings that "fall" may collide with surfaces or secure objects. When they do so, they suffer
appropriate damage based on the distance fallen. If gravity is reversed, objects fall "upward" to the edge of the area, and then hover there until the
effect ends.
Unconquerable Will
Range: 30 meters
Duration: 8 hours
Area of effect: target entity
Channel time: 4
This spell is used to stop all mental effects from affecting a specific being. The thoughts and emotions of the subject entity are stabilized, allowing them
to wade through a crisis in utter calm, or face certain death without blinking. They are not subject to trauma, whether naturally, psionically, or
technologically induced. Status effects that are mental in nature are suspended until the end of the channel's duration. Psionic functions that target the
mind automatically fail, though resources are still expended.
Woe's Harvest
Range: 100 meters
Duration: 30 minutes
Area of effect: a number of target entities up to the channeler's level
Channel Time: 4
Astral energy is difficult to manipulate properly. Imperfect channeling can unleash forces that are quite harmful to living beings. In this way, Woes
Harvest is an easy channeling, but for the raw power required. Unfocused astral energies sweep over the targets of the psion's choosing, warping their
bodies and killing living tissue. Affected creatures take 2d6 points of energy damage per level, to a maximum of 46d6. In addition, they become
wracked by terrible pain, making even the most mundane tasks difficult and time-consuming. They acquire the faltering status effect.
First-Level Spells
Range: 50 meters +20 meters per level
Duration: 1 turn + 1 turn per level
Area of Effect: 10 meter cube
Casting Time: 1
This spell grants one friendly target a 1 bonus to survival checks and BANs. If the reverse is cast it will give one hostile target a 1 penalty to all survival
checks and attack rolls for the duration.
Range: 0
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Gem touched
Casting Time: 1
When this spell is cast, the priestess enchants a gem, turning it into a coalstone. The coalstone glows and gives off heat. It is hot enough to start a fire,
ignite flammable substances and shed light in a 2-meter radius. Holding the coalstone will inflict 1 point of damage per round unless the wielder
possesses some form of protection. The coalstone will burn for 1 day per credit value of the gem used for a maximum of 1 year per level of the priestess,
after which the coalstone crumbles into a fine powder.
Common Prayer
Range: Sound of Voice
Duration: 1 turn +1 turn per level
Area of Effect: 1 person per level of the caster
Casting time 1
This spell is a more powerful version of Bless. It only works on characters of the same faith as the priest. The priest and all followers join in prayer, if
they spend 1 round in contemplation of their god and the role they are about to play in the upcoming combat they will gain a 2 bonus to attack and
survival checks. Visionaries should make sure that truth faith is involved. Lip service will not score this bonus. During the combat characters under the
benefits of this spell must act in a way appropriate to the god in question of the benefit will fade as well (Thor does not tolerate sneaky or cowardly acts!).
This spell is a powerful mainstay in the commonwealth military.
Create Water
Range: 30 meters
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Up to 9 cu. meters
Casting Time: 1
When the priestess casts create water, up to 15 liters of water are generated for every experience level of the caster (for example, a 2nd-level priestess
creates up to 30 liters of water, a 3rd-level priestess up to 45 liters, etc.). The water is clean and drinkable (it is just like rain water). The created water
can be dispelled within a round of its creation; otherwise, its psionic properties fade, leaving normal water that can be used, spilled, evaporated, etc. The
reverse of the spell, destroy water, obliterates without trace (no vapor, mist, fog, or steam) a like quantity of water. Water can be created or destroyed in
an area as small as will actually contain the liquid, or in an area as large as 9 cubic meters.
Cure Light Wounds
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Casting Time: 1
When casting this spell and laying her hand upon a creature, the priestess causes 2d6+1 points of wound or other injury damage to the creature's body
to be healed. This healing cannot affect creatures without corporeal bodies.
The reverse of the spell, cause light wounds, operates in the same manner, inflicting 2d6+1 points of damage. If a creature is avoiding this touch, an
attack roll is needed to determine if the priestess's hand strikes the opponent and causes such a wound.
Curing is permanent only insofar as the creature does not sustain further damage; caused wounds will heal--or can be cured--just as any normal injury.
Endure Cold
Duration: 12 hrs/level
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Casting Time: 1
The creature receiving this spell is protected from normal extremes of cold or heat (depending on which application the priestess selects at the time of
casting). The creature can stand unprotected in temperatures as low as -50 C. or as high as 150 C. (depending on application) with no ill effect.
Temperatures beyond these limits inflict 1 point of damage per hour of exposure for every degree Celsius beyond the limit. The spell is immediately
canceled if the recipient is affected by any non-normal heat or cold, such as spells, breath weapons, and so on. The cancellation occurs regardless of
the application and regardless of whether a heat or cold effect hits the character (for example, an endure cold spell is canceled by psionic heat or fire as
well as by psionic cold). The recipient of the spell does not suffer the first 12 points of damage (after any applicable Survival Checks) from the heat or
cold during the round in which the spell is broken. The spell ends instantly if either resist fire or resist cold is cast upon the recipient.
Lesser Healing Rays
Range: 20 meters per level.
Duration: Instant
Area of Effect: 1 target
Casting Time: 1
This spell causes a ray of golden light to shoot out from the priestess’s fingers and heal 1 target of 1d6+3 damage. The healing is ranged which is the
only real benefit. Other then the ranged aspect this spell follows the rules for all healing spells.
Range: 150 meters
Duration: 1 hr. + 1 turn/level
Area of Effect: 7 meter.-radius globe
Casting Time: 1
This spell causes a luminous glow within 7 meter of the spell's center. The area of light thus caused is equal in brightness to torchlight. Objects in
darkness beyond this sphere can be seen, at best, as vague and shadowy shapes. The spell is centered on a point selected by the caster, and she must
have a line of sight or unobstructed path to that point when the spell is cast. Light can spring from air, rock, metal, wood, or almost any similar
substance. The effect is immobile unless it is specifically centered on a movable object or mobile creature. If this spell is cast upon a creature, any
applicable psionic immunity and Survival Checks must be rolled. Successful check negates the spell. A light spell centered on the visual organs of a
creature blinds it, reducing its attack and Survival Check rolls by 3 and cancelling agility bonuses for Defense Rating. The caster can extinguish the light
at any time by uttering a single word. Light spells are not cumulative--multiple castings do not provide a brighter light.
The spell is reversible, causing darkness in the same area and under the same conditions as the light spell, but with half the duration. psionic darkness
is equal to that of an unlit interior room--pitch darkness. Any normal light source or psionic light source of lesser intensity than full daylight does not
function in psionic darkness. A darkness spell cast directly against a light spell cancels both, and vice versa.
Range 150 meters
Duration: Instant
Area of Effect: 1 person
Casting Time: 1
This spell calls down the wrath of your deity to smite your foe. Damage is 1d4 per level of the casting priestess. The damage is generally a
representation of the god’s might (i.e. lightning for Thor)
Water to Wine
Range: 0
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 1
This spell allows the priestess to transform one glass of water per level to wine. At the visionaries option a real wine aficionado can make really good
wines. Keep this balanced, you’d be unhappy to turn your PCs into some mad wine selling cult.
Second-Level Spells
Clay Beast
Range: 30 meters
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 1
This spell enables a priestess to conjure up a weak earth elemental a clay beast of AR 7, 2 HD, MV 100 meters per round, 2 attacks for 1d6 points of
damage, which can be hit by normal weapons. It is about 2 meters tall and appears as a solid mud man. It moves as directed by the priestess, but if it
ever becomes separated from the priestess by more than 130 meters, it instantly dissipates.
Cure Moderate Wounds
Range: 0
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Casting Time: 1
This spell is a more potent form of cure light wounds. When the priestess lays her hands upon the creature to be healed, the spell cures 3d6+3 points of
damage. The reverse of this spell, cause moderate wounds, does the above amount of damage if the priestess succeeds in touching the victim.
Otherwise, this spell is the same in all respects as a cure light wounds spell.
Dust Devil
Range: 30 meters
Duration: 2 rds./level
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 1
This spell enables a priestess to conjure up a weak air elemental--a dust devil of AR 4, 3 HD, MV 180, two attacks for 1d6 points of damage--which can
be hit by normal weapons. The dust devil appears as a small whirlwind 50 cm in diameter at its base, 2 meters tall. It moves as directed by the priestess,
but dissipates if it is ever separated from the caster by more than 70 meters. Its winds are sufficient to put out torches, small campfires, exposed
lanterns, and other small, open flames of nonpsionic origin. The dust devil can hold a gas cloud or a creature in gaseous form at bay or push it away
from the caster (though it cannot damage or disperse such a cloud). If skimming along the ground in an area of loose dust, sand, or ash, the dust devil
picks up those particles and disperses them in a 4 meter-diameter cloud centered on itself. The cloud obscures normal vision, and creatures caught
within are blinded while inside and for one round after they emerge. A spellcaster caught in the dust devil or its cloud while casting must make a Survival
Check to keep her concentration, or the spell is ruined.
Flaming Dog
Range: 30 meters
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 1
This spell conjures up a small fire elemental: AR 5, 3+1 HD, MV 130 meters per round, two attacks for 1d6, and it can be hit by normal weapons. It
appears to be a 1-meter high dog caught on fire. It will move as directed by the priestess, but if it is ever separated from the priestess by more than 50
meters it will instantly dissipate. The flaming dog will ignite all flammable things it touches.
Fleshly Armor
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 rd./level
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Casting Time: 1
This power allows a priestess to imbue the recipient with a natural armor rating. This natural armor is not cumulative with physical armor or further
psionic functions, but is boosted by psionic items. The power provides AR 8+1/3 the priestess level, round fractions to the nearest whole number.
Hold Person
Range: 180 meters.
Duration: 2 rds./level
Area of Effect: 1d4 persons in 7 meter. cube
Casting Time: 1
This spell holds 1d4 humans, nonhumans, or humanoid creatures rigidly immobile and in place for a minimum of six rounds (the spell lasts 2 rounds per
caster level, and the priestess must be of at least 3rd level to cast the spell).
The hold person spell affects any bipedal human, nonhuman, or humanoid of man size or smaller.
The effect is centered on a point selected by the caster, and it affects persons selected by the caster within the area of effect. If the spell is cast at three
persons, each gets a normal Survival Check (mental); if only two persons are being enspelled, each rolls her Survival Check with a 1 penalty; if the spell
is cast at only one person, the Survival Check die roll suffers a 2 penalty. Those who succeed on their Survival Checks are totally unaffected by the
spell. Undead creatures cannot be held.
Held creatures cannot move or speak, but they remain aware of events around them and can use abilities not requiring motion or speech. Being held
does not prevent the worsening of the subjects' condition due to wounds, disease, or poison. The priestess casting the hold person spell can end the
spell at any time; otherwise, the duration is six rounds at 3rd level, eight rounds at 4th level, etc.
Holy Circle
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Area of Effect: 1 person per level
Casting Time: 1 round
When this spell is cast the priestess gets as many people as her level to join hands. Each person in the circle is then healed as if a Cure Light Wounds
was cast on her. This spell has no reverse application.
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Area of Effect 1 Attack
Casting Time: 1
Judgment allows the priestess to return 1 attack back to her attacker. The attack returned can be 1 round “old” per level of the priestess up to 6 rounds.
When the priestess declares Judgment against an attack she gets to roll as many dice as was used in the attack doing (up to) as much damage to her
attacker as she took. This is dice only any set damage cannot be used in the calculations.
Resist Fire/Resist Cold
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 rd/level
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Casting Time: 1
When this spell is placed upon a creature by a priestess, the creature's body is toughened to withstand heat or cold, as chosen by the caster. The spell
grants the creature complete immunity to mild conditions (standing naked in the snow or reaching into an ordinary fire to pluck out a note). The recipient
can somewhat resist intense heat or cold (whether natural or psionic in origin), such as red-hot charcoal, a large amount of burning oil, flaming swords,
fire storms, fireballs, meteor swarms, red dragon's breath, ice storms, wands of frost, or white dragon's breath. In all of these cases, the temperature
affects the creature to some extent. The recipient of the spell gains a bonus of 3 to Survival Checks against such attack forms and all damage sustained
is reduced by -1 per die therefore, if the Survival Check is failed, the creature sustains-1 per die, and if the Survival Check is successful, the creature
sustains only 50% damage. Resistance lasts for one round for each experience level of the priestess placing the spell.
Strength of the Avenger
Range: 0
Duration: 1 round per level
Area of Effect: The caster
Casting Time: 1
At the end of this powerful prayer, the priestess's body convulses as if struck by lightning, and glows with divine radiance. Thereafter the priestess's
Strength ability score is raised by 1d4 plus 1 for every two levels of the priestess (fractions rounded down) to a maximum of 25, and is given full attack
and damage bonuses commensurate with the new Strength. The priestess retains the augmented Strength for 1 round per level. When the spell ends,
the supernatural energy abruptly leaves the priestess's body, again causing convulsions in the priestess.
Third-Level Spells
Range: 0
Duration: 1 round per level
Area of Effect: One believer touched per level
Casting Time: 1
When this spell is cast, it invokes the priestess's deity to instill battle madness upon her followers. This causes them to turn into berserkers. When in this
state, they only attack enemies and not each other or their allies. In game terms, the effects of this state are that the warriors will not flee unless
magically influenced, a to-hit (+1) and damage (+1) bonus, and additional attacks per round (+1/2). The major restriction for this spell is that the
recipients of this spell must be true followers of the priestess's god. Also, they will tend to fight until the battle is over, rather than fleeing when the battle
is going badly.
Continual Light
Range: 120 meters
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: 20 meter. radius sphere
Casting Time: 1
This spell creates a sphere of light equal to full daylight in a twenty-meter radius around the object or point in space around which it is centered. This
light is psionic in nature, and lasts until negated. The light is uniform throughout its area of effect, but treats the center as its source; the light cannot
penetrate opaque barriers within its area of effect.
Cure Medium Wounds
Range: 0
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Casting Time: 1
This spell is a more potent version of cure moderate wounds. The spell cures (or causes) 4d6+6 HP per application. Otherwise, this spell is the same in
all respects as the cure light wounds spell.
Heal Affliction
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One Recipient
Casting Time: 1
This spell is used by the faithful of a deity to safeguard her followers. By means of this spell, priestess may cure diseases, restore lost senses (but not
lost sensory organs, which is the prevue of other spells), or curses. When restoring lost senses or cleansing disease, the priestess need only cast the
spell. When such afflictions are psionic in nature, the priestess must make a check as though she were using the spell Psionic Negation. When dealing
with curses, the priestess will have to perform divinings and/ or conduct research to learn as much about the nature and history of the curse as possible.
When the Visionary decides enough information has been unearthed, she will give the player a description of the process which must be used to end the
curse. The culmination of the process will be the casting of this spell; no roll is required at this point, the curse is simply ended. Note that the more
powerful the curse, the more complex the process required for ending it. Visionaries may wish to base entire adventures on the removal of
extraordinarily powerful curses.
Lava Monster
Range: 40 meters
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 1
This spell will conjure up one 2-meter high lava monster. The monster will have 3+2 HD, AR 9, MV 60 meters per round. It hits twice for 1d6 (blow) + 1d6
(fire) points of damage. A successful hit can cause paper or cloth to burn, and boil liquids (make Survival Checks). The lava monster can in a last ditch
effort summon up all its power and throw a 4 meter diameter ball of magma up to 20 meters causing 3d6+6 points of damage. Anything immune to fire
will take 1d4 points of damage from the light force of the blow. Control distance of the lava monster is the same as lower level control fire elemental
Life Shield
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Casting Time: 1
This spell allows characters to receive partial protection from attacks from creatures which drain life energy. When the spell is cast, it creates a disc of
shimmering radiance, which can be mentally moved around by the character. The shield cannot stray from the character, and can only shield her from
life draining attacks. Whenever such an attack is directed at the character, she must make a survival check. Success indicates that the character has
successfully interposed the disc, and the attack is negated. Failure means the character didn’t block in time, and suffers the usual effects. The disc may
thwart a number of life draining attacks equal to the Priestess level
Range: Special
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: The priestess plus one creature
Casting Time: 1
By means of this spell, the priestess sets down a contract between herself and some other individual, which cannot be broken by either party except
where conditions of punishment are specifically agreed upon. All that is necessary is that the two parties somehow be in communication, have full
understanding of the agreement, and that both willingly accept it. Because of the nature of the spell, oaths which are not clear and well defined tend to
end in disaster for both parties. The oath may only be "unbound" if a condition was set for its unbinding within the contract, or if both parties agree to end
the oath.
Range: 160 meters + 10 meters per level
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: One creature
Casting Time: 1
This spell is an implementation of the divine edict "an eye for an eye". A single revisitation can reproduce the effect of any harm done to the priestess at
any time within the last turn. The priestess must name aloud the injuries she wants revisited on the target. Only those injuries suffered by the priestess
that went unredressed are eligible for revisitation. If, for example, a bandit's surprise sword attack has blinded the priestess, then the effect of
revisitation will be to blind the bandit. If a dragon swoops down from the sky, breaths fire on a priestess for 20 points of damage, and turns to fly away,
then the spell would produce 20 points of damage on the dragon. However, if the same dragon was on the ground and breathed fire on the priestess,
and if the priestess responded with a spiritual hammer attack, doing the dragon 4 HP of damage, then the breath weapon attack would be ineligible for
revisitation purposes. If this spell is used to revisit an injury which would be fatal to the target, then the target is allowed a Survival Check (spiritual).
Creatures making this Survival Check take no damage but fall unconscious for 1d6 rounds. If the revisitation is non-lethal, no survival check is allowed
Water Walk
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 turn + 1 turn/level
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 1
By means of this spell, the caster is able to empower one or more creatures to tread upon any liquid as if it were firm ground; this includes mud,
quicksand, oil, running water, and snow. The recipient's feet do not touch the surface of the liquid, but oval depressions of her appropriate foot size and
1 cm deep are left in the mud or snow. The recipient's rate of movement remains normal. If cast under water, the recipient is borne toward the surface.
For every level of the caster above the minimum required to cast the spell (5th level), she can affect another creature.
Wings of God
Range: 0
Duration: 1d6 turns + 1 turn per level
Area of Effect: One person
Casting Time: 1
This spell causes large wings to grow on the back of the priestess, allowing her to fly as per the wizardess spell fly. The spell is not affected by armor of
any sort (the wings will grow through the armor, and the armor will not be destroyed). If the deity is good, the wings are white, angel-like; if she is evil,
they will be black, bat-like. Note that God in the title of this spell should be changed to the name of the priestess's god. i.e. Wings of Thor
Fourth-Level Spells
Range: 30 meters.
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Casting Time: 1
This spell can send an astral creature back to the Astral plane. The spell fails against entities of demigod status or greater, but their servants or minions
can be abjured. Any psionic immunity of the subject must be overcome, or the spell fails. The priestess has a 50% chance of success (a roll of 10 or
more on 1d20). The roll is adjusted by the difference in level or Hit Dice between the caster and the creature being abjured. If the spell is successful the
entity is immediately returned to the Astral plane and barred from returning 1 day per level of the priestess.
Animal Protectors
Range: 3 km. radius
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 1
When invoking this power, the supplicant calls into being three astral entities which assume the form of animals friendly to the supplicant’s deity. These
entities have the same statistics, whatever their form. Such creatures are AR 7, 5HD, and attack twice in a round for 2d6. Such entities may only be
called upon to fulfill an immediate and specific need (e.g. protect me, help me across the ravine, etc.). The animals disappear if defeated in combat, or
when they have performed their service, at which time the spell may be cast again.
Cure Serious Wounds
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Casting Time: 1
This spell is a more potent version of the cure light wounds spell. When laying her hand upon a creature, the priestess heals 5d6+9 points of wound or
other injury damage to the creature's body.
Free Action
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 turn/level
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Casting Time: 1
This spell enables the creature touched to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell, even under the influence of powers that impedes
movement (such as web or slow spells) or while under water. It even negates or prevents the effects of paralysis and hold spells. Under water, the
individual moves at normal (surface) speed and inflicts full damage, even with such cutting weapons as axes and swords and with such smashing
weapons as flails, hammers, and maces, provided that the weapon is wielded in the hand rather than hurled. The free action spell does not, however,
allow water breathing without further appropriate spells.
Mass Protection
Range: 0
Duration: 1 turn per level
Area of Effect: 5 creatures touched per level
Casting Time: 1
All creatures affected by this spell are bestowed with a 1 bonus to Defense Rating and Survival Checks per every 5 levels of the priestess. This bonus is
cumulative with all other bonuses. Each creature may be touched only once, i.e., the protection cannot be stacked.
Protection from Lightning
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Casting Time: 1
The effect of a protection from lightning spell changes depending on who is the recipient of the psionic--the caster or some other creature. In either case,
the spell lasts no longer than one turn per caster level.
If the spell is cast upon the caster, it confers complete invulnerability to electrical attacks. Until the spell has absorbed 15 points of electrical damage per
level of the caster, at which time the spell is negated.
If the spell is cast upon another creature, it gives a bonus of 4 to the die roll for Survival Checks made vs. electrical attacks, and it reduces the damage
sustained from such attacks by-1 per die if the survival check fails and ½ if the check is successful.
Range: 50 meters
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 1
This spell summons a 6 HD lighting elemental. The elemental has a movement of 12, Armor Rating of 9 and can only be hit with weapons of power, and
can attack twice per round for 2d6+3 points of electrical damage. Any metal weapon to hit the shocklet will return 1d6+3 points of damage to the wielder
from conduction. The elemental can cast one 4d6+6 lighting bolt per round. The shocklet is also immune to all damage from energy weapons. If the
elemental moves more than 50 meters form the caster at any time, it will be dispersed.
Spiritual Triangle
Range: 0
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 1
By means of this spell the priestess may inscribe a spiritual triangle (a triangle inscribed in a circle). There is room for only one creature within the
triangle. While within this triangle, one cannot be psionically influenced or controlled by any sort of charm, suggestion, or hypnosis, nor can one be
psychically or spiritually assaulted. However, the beneficiary of the spell will likewise be unable to cast such spells from within the triangle.
Strengthen Elemental
Range: 10 meters per level
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 1
This spell strengthens any and all elementals and astral creatures conjured by the caster; it affects lesser, standard, and greater elementals. This spell
may be cast in one of two ways; its reverse may be cast in only one way. If cast immediately before conjuring elementals, all 1s rolled in calculating their
hit points are rerolled until another number results. For example, the priestess casts strengthen elemental and follows it with conjure lesser elemental.
After determining that two 4 HD elementals will appear, the visionary rolls 6, 5, 2, and 2; then 7, 4, 1, and 3. She rolls again and obtains a 5. The
resulting elementals have 15 and 19 HP (6+5+2+2 and 7+4+5+3), respectively. In addition the elementals attack with a +3 to-hit and damage until their
service is fulfilled (they are destroyed, dismissed, or the conjure spell expires). The priestess must begin the conjuring spell within one turn per level after
casting this spell. Should she fail to initiate the conjuring before the end of the duration, or should she fail to complete the conjuring this spell is wasted.
The second method of casting is to cast this spell on elementals that have already been conjured. If cast in this manner, strengthen elemental only
confers a +2 to-hit and damage on the target elemental. For this version of the spell, the caster may choose up to 1 elemental per 3 experience levels;
all elementals must be within 20 meters of each other. This version of the spell lasts for 1 turn + 1 round per level and has no effect on elementals
currently under the effects of the first version of this spell.
The reverse, weaken elemental, imposes a -2 to-hit and damage on target elementals. As above, the caster may choose up to 1 elemental per 3
experience levels; all elementals must be within 20 meters of each other. This version of the spell lasts for 1 turn + 1 round per level.
Winds of Pain
Range: 60 meters
Duration: 1 round per level
Area of Effect: One 7 meter cube
Casting Time: 1
This spell conjures a wind, which causes painful wounds. Anyone caught or moving through the area of effect will suffer 4d6+6 points of damage causing intense pain to all wounded beings in the area of effect. If they fail their survival check (spiritual), they can do nothing but roll around screaming
in pain. A visionary can allow characters to leave the area of effect if they fail their survival check. This can be done in the next round after failing the
check. Damage is only applied once. This spell does not affect the caster.
Fifth Level Spells
Air Walk
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour + 1 hour/level
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Casting Time: 2
This spell enables a creature to tread upon air as if it were walking on solid ground. Moving upward is similar to walking up a hill. A maximum upward
angle of 45 degrees is possible at one-half the creature's movement rate, as is a maximum downward angle of 45 degrees at the normal movement rate.
An air-walking creature is in control of its movement, except when a strong wind is blowing. In this case, the creature gains or loses 4 meters of
movement for every 25 km per hour of wind velocity. The creature can, at the visionary's option, be subject to additional penalties in exceptionally strong
or turbulent winds, such as loss of control of movement or suffering physical damage.
The spell can be placed upon a trained mount, so it can be ridden through the air. Of course, a mount not accustomed to such movement would certainly
need careful and lengthy training, the details for which are up to the visionary.
Conjure Water Elemental
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 1 turn per level
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 2
This power creates a water elemental, which will do the caster’s bidding for the duration of the spell. The elemental so created has an AR 12, 16 HD,
30% psionic immunity, may only be struck by +2 or better weapons, edged weapons and physical projectiles do only 1 point of damage (plus the
enchantment of the weapon), and attacks twice per round for 2d10+6.
Cure Insanity
Range: 0
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Casting Time: 2
The casting of this spell cures one mental malady in the subject. Insanity applies to any form of temporary or permanent mental illness, even those
brought on by a psionic attack or a spell. Upon the use of this power, the patient is immediately and fully cured. Repeated use will cure multiple
insanities within a single psyche, if such exists.
Cure Critical Wounds
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Casting Time: 2
The cure critical wounds spell is a very potent version of the cure light wounds spell. The priestess lays her hand upon a creature and heals
6d6+12points of damage from wounds or other damage.
Divine Beasts
Range: 60 meters
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 2
By means of this power, the supplicant creates three astral entities which manifest as animals friendly to her deity. Whatever their form, all have the
same statistics. They are AR 10, 10HD, and attack twice per round for 2d6+3. Such servants may only be called to fulfill an immediate and specific
need. These creatures disappear when defeated in combat or the duration of the spell expires.
Divine Displeasure
Range: 160 meters.
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 2 meter. Radius
x 10 meter. column
Casting Time: 2
With this power, a supplicant may psionically strike down an enemy. Upon activation, this power delivers 1d8+5 points of damage per level to a single
creature or thing. This damage takes a form appropriate to the deity called upon (a priestess of Thor would call down a lightning bolt).
Range: 0
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: The caster
Casting Time: 2
Casting of this spell fills the priestess with the fury of a berserkers rage. It is favored by many of the priesthood’s of gods of war and battle. When cast, it
raises the priestess's Strength to 24 or +3 whichever is higher and it hastes the priestess as 3rd-level wizardess spell (thus the priestess functions at
double its normal movement and attacks 1 step up on the attack chart, and gains a 2 initiative bonus). While in this fury, the priestess cannot cast any
spells, for she is completely enveloped in this berserker rage and in the battle at hand. There are two drawbacks to this spell. One drawback is that the
priestess receives no bonus to Armor Rating for Agility, she even suffers an additional penalty of 1 to her Armor Rating. The priestess is completely on
the offensive, defense is not in her vocabulary. The second and more dangerous drawback is the strain put upon the body of the priestess. For every
round the priestess remains in the fury, she loses 1 HP from physical strain (muscles tearing, blood vessels popping, chemical imbalance caused by too
much adrenaline). The duration of this spell is up to a maximum number of rounds equal to the priestess's Stamina. If the priestess goes down to 0 or
less hit points during the fury, she will still remain conscious because of the fury created by this spell. But if the priestess maintains the fury to 0 or less
hit points, then when the priestess dispels the spell or the maximum duration is reached then she falls to the ground for 1d4 turns and potentially die
without medical attention (at the visionaries discretion)
Range: 60 meters
Duration: Until fulfilled
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Casting Time: 2
The quest spell enables the priestess to require the affected creature to perform a service and return to the priestess with proof that the deed was
accomplished. The quest can, for example, require that the creature locate and return some important or valuable object, rescue a notable person,
release some creature, capture a stronghold, slay a person, deliver some item, and so forth. If the quest is not properly followed, due to disregard, delay,
or perversion, the creature affected by the spell loses 1 from its Survival Check rolls for each day of such action. This penalty is not removed until the
quest is properly pursued or the priestess cancels it. There are certain circumstances that will temporarily suspend a quest, and others that will
discharge or cancel it. The Visionary will give you appropriate information as the need to know arises.
If cast upon an unwilling subject, the victim is allowed a Survival Check (spiritual). However, if the person quested agrees to a task--even if the
agreement is gained by force or trickery--no Survival Check is allowed. If a quest is just and deserved, a creature of the priestess's religion cannot avoid
it. A quest cannot be dispelled, but it can be removed by a priestess of the same religion of higher level than the caster. Some artifacts and relics might
negate the spell, as can direct intervention by a deity. Likewise, an unjust or undeserved quest grants bonuses to Survival Checks, or might even
automatically fail. The caster is aware if the target creature makes it survival check against the spell.
Retrieve the Fallen
Range: 30 meters
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: 1 person
Casting Time: 1 round
When the priestess casts a Retrieve the Fallen spell, she can restore life to any sentient, life form of the same religion as the supplicant. The length of
time that the person has been dead is of importance, as the priestess can retrieve only those who have been dead three days or less. Note that the
body of the person must be whole, or otherwise missing parts are still missing when the person is brought back to life. Likewise, other ills, such as
poison and disease, are not negated. Characters brought back to life in this manner have only their racial hit points, though they will heal back up to
their full total.
True Seeing
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 rd/level
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Casting Time: 2
When the priestess employs this spell, she confers upon the recipient the ability to see all things as they actually are. The spell penetrates normal and
psionic darkness. Secret doors become plain. The exact location of displaced things is obvious. Invisible things become quite visible. Illusions and
apparitions are seen through. Polymorphed, changed, or enchanted things are apparent. Out-of-phase creatures and things are seen as they would be
in-phase. Even the aura projected by creatures becomes visible. The range of vision conferred is 50 meters. True seeing, however, does not penetrate
solid objects; it in no way confers X-ray vision or its equivalent. In addition, the spell effects cannot be further enhanced with known psionics.
Storm Armor
Range: 0
Duration: 3turns per level
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Casting Time: 2
Upon casting this spell the creature touched by the priestess is covered on all sides by a translucent armor of dense air and wind, approximately 3 cm
thick. This air current absorbs the damage inflicted by weapons of all kinds and effectively grants the protected creature an Armor Rating of 10. The
storm armor can be combined with psionic devices like a ring of protection. If the creature touched already has an Armor Rating of 9 or better, the storm
armor will improve it by two places. A storm armor also grants full protection against natural and psionic gusts of wind, and poison gasses so that the
creature protected can walk through hurricane like winds without suffering ill effects (the creature can still be hit by flying debris of course). Other
creatures can deduce the presence of a storm armor, because the protected creature's hairs and clothing will be moving as if blown upon by a soft
Sixth-Level Spells
Elemental Domination
Range: 180 meters
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: One conjured elemental
Casting Time: 2
This spell enables the caster to assume the control of an elemental creature conjured by another spellcaster or device. Devices are considered casters
of twelfth level. The domination is successful on a roll of 8 or higher on a d20, modified as follows:
*if the caster is of higher level than the conjurer, subtract the difference in level from the base throw.
*if the caster is of lower level than the conjurer, add the difference in level from the base throw. If the spell fails, the elemental attacks the spellcaster
who cast the domination for at least 4 rounds of fury without control, then the conjurer can reassert to control of the elemental (i.e., she can choose to let
the elemental finish the work or command it to a different target). The duration of the spell is 1 turn per level but it can never be higher than the
remaining time of the original conjuration spell
Conjure Air Elemental
Range: 260 meters
Duration: 1 turn per level
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 2
Truly powerful priestess may now command the services of gaseous astral entities. Such creatures possess an AR of 15, 16 HD, Psionic Immunity
45%, +2 or better weapons, and make two attacks per round for 3d10. This elemental serves the caster until destroyed or the spell’s duration ends.
Conjure Fire Elemental
Range:120 meters
Duration: 1 turn/level
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 2
This power enables a priestess to summon a fire elemental to do her bidding. The elemental possesses an AR of 13, 16 HD, Psionic Immunity 30%, +3
or better weapons, and strikes twice per round for 3d10+10. The elemental serves the caster until destroyed or the power expires.
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Casting Time: 2
This mighty power enables the priestess to wipe away disease and injury in the creature who receives the benefits of the spell. It completely cures all
diseases or blindness of the recipient and heals all points of damage suffered due to wounds or injury. It cures those mental disorders caused by psionic
functions or injury to the brain. Naturally, the effects can be negated by later wounds, injuries, and diseases.
Paragons of the Wild
Range: 100 meters/level
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 2
By invoking this power, pious supplicants may create three creatures of a type friendly to the supplicant’s deity. These creatures have an AR of 14, 12
HD, a 50% psionic immunity, and may attack twice per round for 3d6+9. These creatures may only be summoned to fulfill an immediate and specific
need. Once summoned, the creatures serve the priestess until they are defeated in combat or fulfill their task.
Sweeping Paralysis
Range: 0
Duration: 1 round per level
Area of Effect: 60 meters
Casting Time: 1
This power immobilizes its victims, causing creatures affected to stop all activity and freeze in position. The creatures affected may be allowed to talk as
desired by the priestess, but no actions other than non-psionic thinking may proceed during the duration of the spell. Hold may be cast on one creature
per every two levels of priestess. A Survival Check (mental) is allowed to avoid the effect.
Versatile Healing
Range: line of sight
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Within line of sight
Casting Time: 2
Upon casting this spell the caster gains the power to heal 4d6+6 points of damage for each level she has attained. She is free to divide these dice over
more than one creature as she deems fit. (For example, a 10th-level priestess could roll 8d6+12 to cure her own wounds, 10d6+15 to cure the wounds
of the part's fighter, and the remainder to heal some of the damage the party's mage has suffered). A priestess can cure up to three creatures in a single
round. The caster retains her healing capacity (or what is left of it) as long as she does not engage in any other spell casting. In any case, the spell will
end after one day per level of the caster. Healing in this manner is considered a simple action (up to 3 targets)
Range: 300 meters
Duration: Instant
Area of Effect: 10 meter circle
Casting Time: 1 second
When Wrath is cast the priestess points her finger and utters a single word condemning an area. All creatures in the area of effect are struck with
divine wrath taking 1d10 points of damage per level of the priestess. This divine energy cannot be resisted by traditional means psionic immunities
cannot be used to resist this damage.
Seventh-Level Spells
Call the Servant
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 1 hour/level
Area of Effect: One Created Being
Casting Time: 3
This power creates a being no more than 2 meters tall, roughly resembling a servant of the supplicant’s deity. This Astral entity will faithfully serve the
supplicant for the duration of the spell, doing anything asked of it, though it does not possess the capacity for violence. The servant possesses an
effective strength score of 25 for lifting and carrying purposes. In addition, the servant can perform any skill check that the visionary feels would belong
to a good servant with a CN of 18. Furthermore, the servant is immune to environmental phenomena, surviving the depths of space or the extreme heat
of molten rock with equal ease. Servants of this sort possess an AR of 12, 45% psionic immunity, +2 weapons are required to hit, and the servant
requires 100 points of damage to destroy. Due to the potent nature of this power, the entity may only be summoned once per day. Attempts to drive the
entity away psionically, however, have only half their usual chance of succeeding.
Command the Warrior
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 1 round per level
Area of Effect: One Created Being
Casting Time: 3
This power enables the supplicant to summon an astral entity to fight for the cleric. Such entities are 2 meters tall, and appear as heroes from the
supplicant’s mythos. Warriors possess an AR of 12, BAN of 20, 30% psionic immunity, and are harmed only by +2 or better weapons. Warriors
possess 120 hit points. In close combat, warriors attack twice per round, inflicting 1d12+12 per successful combat check. At range, warriors may make
two attacks per round, inflicting 2d8+6 points of damage. Due to the potent nature of this power, the entity may only be summoned once per day.
Attempts to drive the entity away psionically, however, have only half their usual chance of succeeding.
Conjure Earth Elemental
Range: 40 meters.
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Special
A caster who performs a conjure earth elemental spell summons an earth elemental to do her bidding. The elemental is going to have 21 to 24 Hit Dice
(20 + 1d4) be AR 14, have a 15% psionic immunity, and need +4 or better weapons to hit. The elemental has two attacks per round, which inflicts 3d10.
Further, the caster needs but to command it, and it does as desired. The elemental regards the caster as a friend to be obeyed. The elemental remains
until destroyed, dispelled, or sent away by dismissal, or the spell duration expires.
Entreat the Attendant
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 1 turn/level
Area of Effect: One Created Being
Casting Time: 3
This power enables a priest to call to her god, and call on the aid of a helpful Astral entity. Such entities possess faith powers identical to a cleric of half
that supplicant’s level (e.g., a 14th level cleric employing this spell summons an entity with the FP’s and power access of a 7 th level cleric), rounded up.
In addition, anyone tended by the entity recovers one hit point per turn. An attendant may look after its level in patients at a time. Furthermore, this
being has the skills appropriate to a cleric, with a Check Number of 15. Attendants have an effective willpower of 20 for determining their FP’s, with no
bonuses for high Wisdom. They also possess 25% psionic immunity, are harmed only by +2 or better weapons, and an AR of 12. The attendant is
destroyed after suffering 100 hit points of damage. Due to the potent nature of this power, the entity may only be summoned once per day. Attempts to
drive the entity away psionically, however, have only half their usual chance of succeeding.
Range: 10 meters
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Casting Time: 3
When this spell is employed, the priestess confronts some powerful creature from the astral plane (including devas and other powerful minions, for
instance, but not deities of any sort) and requires of it some duty or quest.
The spellcaster must know something about the creature to exact service from it, or else she must offer some fair trade in return for the service. That is,
if the priestess is aware that the creature has received some favor from someone of the priestess's following, then the exaction spell can name this as
cause. If no balancing reason for service is known, then some valuable gift or service must be pledged in return for the exaction. The service exacted
must be reasonable with respect to the past or promised favor or reward, and with the being's effort and risk. The spell then acts, subject to a psionic
immunity roll, as a quest upon the being that is to perform the required service. Immediately upon completion of the service, the being is transported to
the vicinity of the priestess, and the priestess must then and there return the promised reward, whether it is irrevocable cancellation of a past debt or the
giving of some service or other material reward. After this is done, the creature is instantly freed to return to its own plane.
The visionary adjudicates when an equitable arrangement has been reached. If the caster requests too much, the creature is free to depart or to attack
the priestess (as if the agreement were breached) according to its nature. If circumstances leave the situation unbalanced (for example, the creature
dies while achieving a result that was not worth dying for), then this might create a debt owed by the caster to the creature's surviving kith and kin,
making the caster vulnerable to a future exaction spell from that quarter. Agreeing to a future exaction or release in the event of catastrophic failure or
death are common caster pledges in securing an exaction.
Failure to fulfill the promise to the letter results in the priestess being subject to exaction by the subject creature or by its master, liege, etc., at the very
least. At worst, the creature can attack the reneging priestess without fear of any of her spells affecting it, for the priestess's failure to live up to the
bargain gives the creature immunity from the priestess's spell powers.
Range: 5 meters per level
Duration: 1 round per level of the priestess
Area of Effect: One creature
Casting Time: 3
By means of this spell, the priestess brings about a transformation of the air about herself, compressing large volumes of it into a minute area and
sending it at a target. Though this wind has no actual edge, it is highly effective when it strikes its target, causing 1d8+2 points of damage per level of the
priestess. In addition, the victim of the razorwind must make a survival check, or an extremity will be severed. The survival check number is modified by
+1 for each plus of armor the target is wearing (only armor: not shields, rings, bracers, etc.). Because such a large volume of air is needed to create the
razorwind, this spell can only be cast outdoors or in a chamber of vast size (at the visionary's discretion). If it is cast in a smaller, more confined area
(e.g., indoors or underground passage), it will not function and everyone in the area will suffer a momentary loss of air.
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Casting Time: 3
When a regenerate spell is cast, body members (fingers, toes, hands, feet, arms, legs, tails, or even heads of multi-headed creatures), bones, and
organs grow back. The process of regeneration requires but one round if the severed member(s) is (are) present and touching the creature, 2d4rounds
otherwiseif the severed member is not present. If this spell is used to heal it will heal 10 points of damage a round for as many rounds as the caster has
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Casting Time: 3
When this spell is cast, the life energy level of the recipient creature is raised by one. This reverses any previous life energy level drain of the creature by
a force or monster restoring additional Hit Dice (or hit points) accordingly. Restoration is effective only if the spell is cast within one day of the recipient's
loss of life energy, per experience level of the priestess casting it. A restoration spell restores the I.Q. of a creature affected by a feeblemind spell. It also
negates all forms of insanity. At the visionaries discretion she can allow a restoration to be effective for a longer period of time if the spell is cast on holy
ground. The visionary can go up to 1 week per level.
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Casting Time: 3
The priestess is able to restore life and complete strength to any living creature by bestowing the resurrection spell. Any creature brought back in this
manner will not have any biogenics as the spell will restore the body to it natural condition. The creature can have been dead up to 10 years per level of
the priestess casting the spell. Thus, a 19th-level priestess can resurrect the bones of a creature dead up to 190 years. The creature is immediately
restored to full hit points and can perform strenuous activity. The spell cannot bring back a creature that has reached its allotted life span (i.e., died of old
age). Casting this spell makes it impossible for the priestess to cast further spells or engage in combat until she has had one day of bed rest for each
experience level or Hit Die of the creature brought back to life.
The reverse, destruction, causes the victim of the spell to be instantly dead and turned to dust. Destruction requires a touch, either in combat or
otherwise, and ages the caster 4 years. In addition, the victim is allowed a Survival Check (Physical) with a 4 penalty. If the save is successful, the victim
receives 8d10points of damage instead.
Word of Surcease
Range: 0
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: 10 meter. radius
Casting Time: 1
This power is invoked when a supplicant mutters a short prayer for her safety. The power adversely affects any being hostile to the priestess within the
area of effect when the spell is cast, whether astral or mundane. Any Astral creatures hearing the prayer (those within 10m) are immediately hurled
back into the astral plane. Any Astral entities who succeed psionic immunity rolls or non-Astral entities still suffer four point penalties to any and every
action they undertake for the next turn.
Eighth level spells
Beseech the Physician
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 1 turn/level
Area of Effect: One Created Being
Casting Time: 3
This power calls forth a benign astral entity aligned with the supplicant’s deity, which provides aid by ensuring the supplicant’s continued survival. This
entity functions as a Cleric of a level equal to two thirds of the supplicant, rounding fractions up. Such entities have a 22 willpower score when
determining their FP’s, though they get no bonuses for high wisdom scores. Physicians have an AR of 13, 40% psionic immunity, are harmed only by
+3 or better weapons, and possess 120 hit points. Physicians may tend to a number of patients equal to their level. Patients cared for in this manner
regain one hit point every five rounds. Due to the potent nature of this power, the entity may only be summoned once per day. Attempts to drive the
entity away psionically, however, have only half their usual chance of succeeding.
Call the Fallen Friend
Range: 0
Duration: 2round per level
Area of Effect: 1 spirit
Casting Time: 3
This spell calls a spirit of someone that the caster knows by either blood relationship or special boon. The dead persons spirit will come and fight for
the caster. The spirit will have any powers that the character had in life and will be equipped with any items that she was buried with. The spirit will also
have a psionic immunity of 50% and regenerate 1 hit point per round. The spirit also has all of the immunities of the undead. The spirit cannot be
compelled to come so the caster must be sure that the spirit owes her and may even have to bargain with the spirit if the favor the spirit owed to the
caster was small. Basically this spell allows the caster to call someone to help her who gives a damn if she lives or dies. Each spirit can only be called
Charge the Crusader
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Area of Effect: One Created Being
Casting Time: 3
This power enables the supplicant to summon an astral entity to fight for the cleric. Such entities are 2.5 meters tall, and appear as guardians from the
supplicants mythos. Crusaders possess an AR of 15, BAN 22, 40% psionic immunity, and are harmed only by +3 or better weapons. Crusaders
possess 150 hit points. In close combat, crusaders attack five times every two rounds, inflicting 2d8+15 per successful combat check. At range,
crusaders may make two attacks per round, inflicting 2d8+10 points of damage. Due to the potent nature of this power, the entity may only be
summoned once per day. Attempts to drive the entity away psionically, however, have only half their usual chance of succeeding.
Range: 0
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 1 day
This power creates a sanctified area protected by the supplicant’s deity. The power lasts until the ground is desecrated in some manner appropriate to
the church (as decided by the visionary). In any event, the breaking of the spell should be difficult or unlikely, but not impossible. For example, the
unnatural death of the priest who consecrated an area might destroy the powers potency. Likewise, (in a “good” church), the murder of an innocent by a
member of the clergy might tarnish the holiness of the consecrated area. Only places sacred to the church may be consecrated, but any size area within
that limitation may be consecrated. Thus, if a high priestess delivers sermons to a large stadium of worshippers, the entire stadium could be
consecrated. That same priestess’s house could not be consecrated, however, unless it was a legitimate place of worship. Your visionary will be the
final arbiter in all cases. Undead may not be created in the consecrated area, nor can they enter it by any means (for good OR evil) unless invited. If
psionically compelled to do so, they are freed from that influence. Astral entities may enter, but suffer greatly unless invited into the consecrated area by
a member of the clergy. Unwanted Astral entities lose one hit point per die from their hit point totals, deal one less point of damage per die on all
attacks, lose 15% of their psionic immunity, and may be struck by weapons of the next lower plus.
Divine Wrath
Range: 300 meters
Duration: instantaneous
Area of Effect: 30 meter radius
Casting Time: 3
This spell is one of the great damage spells that the cleric finally gets after watching the wizardess go at it for so many levels. With this spell the cleric
call on her god to strike the infidels. The damage for this spell is 1d12+3 per level of the cleric and it will damage all in the area of effect psionic
immunity gives no save or protection against this spell. The damage of the spell is up to the visionary but it should be something symbolic to the god
(lighting from Thor) and even if the special effect is something that the creature has resistance from it still takes standard damage no reduction. (A fire
elemental can be damaged by fire with this spell).
God’s Blessing
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: 1 individual
Casting Time: 3
Use of this power allows a supplicant to empower others of the same faith. The power may only be used once on one of the faithful, and is effective as
long as they continue their worship of that Deity. No more than one blessing may affect a single character at any time. Blessings of this type grant
characters an ability roughly equivalent to a 20% biogenic augmentation, or a 4 th level spell or power. Such powers should never cause or heal more
than 3 hit points per level, and never at range in any event. Activated abilities may be used once per day. A worshipper of Thor might receive the ability
to shock opponents by touch once per day, inflicting three hit points of damage per level. A visionary should think of this power as a continued test of
the targets faith. As long as she is faithful the power will work but if she ‘slips’ it will vanish never to return. The power should generally be a boon to the
character but some strings should be attached. 10% tithe, a ‘job’ for the church once in a while, some actions are not allowed (like cowardice for a
faithful of Thor)
Greater Regeneration
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Casting Time: 3
This spell allows all of the regeneration of the regenerate spell but it will also regenerate biogenic implants that are lost or destroyed (like a hand lost
when the arm was bitten off by a dragon). Treat this spell as a regenerate for all other rules.
Hail the Aide
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 1 hour/level
Area of Effect: One Created Being
Casting Time: 3
The Astral entity summoned by this mighty power helps its supplicant immensely. The Aide stands 2 meters tall (if it has legs), and always takes the
form of a favored servant of the supplicant’s deity. Such aides may lift and carry objects as though they had a 25 strength score, though they are
incapable of violence. In addition, these beings all have a means of storing matter in a 2x2x2 meter compartment which exists in a spatial pocket
connected to the aide. Beings or items within this pocket may not be harmed, and are considered to be in stasis for metabolic purposes. Although they
can move and act, beings within the pocket will not suffocate or starve, nor will they need to sleep. These constructed beings are immune to all naturally
occurring phenomena. Aides possess an AR of 12, 60% psionic immunity, and may only be struck by +3 or better weapons. Aides possess 100 hit
points. When a supplicant’s aide is destroyed, anything carried in its special “pouch” is ejected at the supplicant’s feet. Due to the potent nature of this
power, the entity may only be summoned once per day. Attempts to drive the entity away psionically, however, have only half their usual chance of
Holy Artifact
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Item touched
Casting Time: Special
This power is the only one that a cleric can use to create a psionic item. The creation process is long, involved, and will take about a month of steady
prayer. The cleric must first create the item with her own hands (make sure that she has the skill) making by at least 4 all the appropriate rolls. Then the
cleric must hold a special service where all the faithful come and pray to the goddess in question for her blessing. The cleric must then pray and
meditate over the item for a period of not less than 1 week, cast all the appropriate spells (up to the visionary and spell research). If at the end there
have been no interruptions then the cleric rolls a survival check if she makes it the item is enchanted.
Holy Defenders
Range: 0
Duration: 1 day/ level
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 3
Invocation of this power grants amazing benefits to the group of defenders it is cast upon. The power may only be used on consecrated ground. The
spell may empower no more than five defenders per level of the priestess in any event. The defenders in question are chosen at the time of casting, and
may be anywhere in the area of effect. Thereafter, all defenders on that consecrated ground gain a +1 to all CNM for every five levels of the supplicant.
Additionally, all holy defenders require half the normal amount of food and drink to sustain them. Finally, said defenders recover one hit point per four
hours in addition to any other healing that may occur.
Miraculous Recuperation
Range: 0
Duration: 1 round per level
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Casting Time: 3
This power gifts it’s recipient with fantastic healing capabilities. Characters under the influence of this power regain 4d6+6 Hit Points per round, until the
power expires. The normal cap on healing is also suspended for purposes of determining what damage the power may repair. Characters reaching
their full Hit Point total do not continue to gain Hit Points, but regeneration will begin again immediately if they are wounded during the power’s duration.
Unmake the Grievous Wound
Range: 0
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: 30 meter radius
Casting Time: 3
This power enables a supplicant to erase all of the damage inflicted by a single attack. Even if the attack did damage to multiple creatures, and in vast
amounts, they will all be fully healed, provided they are within the power’s area of effect when it is used. Note that the power only heals damage. If an
attack has unpleasant side effects, the power does nothing to stop them. Likewise, the spell will not resurrect anyone killed by the attack, though her
corpse will be totally repaired.
Ninth level spells
Address the Follower
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 1 hour/level
Area of Effect: One Created Being
Casting Time: 4
This awesome power enables a supplicant to summon an Astral entity resembling one of her deity’s most powerful servants. These beings are usually 2
meters tall, and possess a strength score of 25, though they are incapable of violence. Followers of this sort are immune to naturally occurring
phenomena, and may store matter in a 2x2x2 meter compartment. In addition, such servants may carry out the will of their masters, no matter where
they must go to do it. Followers may instantaneously travel to any location on the same planet, and take whatever (or whomever) they carry with them.
The followers may not “teleport” into a warded area, nor may a follower travel in this fashion to a place its master has not been.
Followers have an AR of 12, 70% psionic immunity, and can only be harmed by +4 or better constructs. Followers have 100 hit points, and deposit any
stored cargo at the supplicant’s feet when destroyed. Due to the potent nature of this power, the entity may only be summoned once per day. Attempts
to drive the entity away psionically, however, have only half their usual chance of succeeding.
Archomental Summoning
Range: 90 meters
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 4
This powerful spell summons an archomental. One of the great rulers of the elementals these creatures have all powers of the specific elemental, and
are 36 HD, and have the following additional powers and improvements. An Armor Rating of 17, number of attacks 4, damage per attack 6d10, special
defense: need weapon, +4 or better to hit, special attacks are at 2 times normal effectiveness (ten times more damage, greater area of effect, etc.). A
cleric has a special relationship with spirits but even she better be careful around one of these powers. If the Archmental feels that the summons was
not justified it will refuse to help or even attack the party if mad enough.
Bid the Warlord
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 3 rounds per level
Area of Effect: One Summoned Being
Casting Time: 4
This power summons the mightiest martial champion of the supplicant’s deity. Such Paragons are usually three meters tall, possess an AR of 18, a BAN
24, a psionic immunity of 40%, and require +4 or better weapons to strike. Warlords have 180 hit points when summoned. When in close combat,
Warlords attack three times per round, inflicting 3d6+20 per successful combat check. At range, the Warlord receives two attacks per round, inflicting
3d6+15 per successful attack. Due to the potent nature of this power, the entity may only be summoned once per day. Attempts to drive the entity away
psionically, however, have only half their usual chance of succeeding.
Celestial Vision
Range: 0
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 4
When invoking this power, the supplicant engages in communication with her deity or a direct servant thereof. This communication occurs through a
vision, which will answer (however cryptically) the dilemma troubling the priestess. Such visions are often lengthy and full of information, sometimes
answering questions the supplicant has not thought to ask! Dilemmas of faith should always be answered by the God (the right choice isn’t necessarily
an easy one). If the character seeks hidden knowledge, it is probably available. Note, however, that a Deity may not wish her supplicant to be armed
with certain knowledge (the gods seem to enjoy testing the faith of their most prominent priestess), and said deities servants are not necessarily
omniscient, so knowledge is never guaranteed.
Greater Resurrection
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: individual
Casting Time: 4
The priestess is able to restore life and complete strength to any living creature by bestowing the Greater Resurrection spell. The whole body is not
necessary and unlike the resurrection spell the creature brought back will have all biogenics that she died with. The creature can have been dead up to
20 years per level of the priestess casting the spell. Thus, a 19th-level priestess can resurrect the bones of a creature dead up to 380 years. The
creature is immediately restored to full hit points and can perform strenuous activity. The spell cannot bring back a creature that has reached its allotted
life span (i.e., died of old age). Casting this spell makes it impossible for the priestess to cast further spells or engage in combat until she has had one
day of bed rest for each experience level or Hit Die of the creature brought back to life. The reverse, destruction, causes the victim of the spell to be
instantly dead and turned to dust. Destruction requires a touch, either in combat or otherwise, andages the caster 5 years. In addition, the victim is
allowed a Survival Check (spiritual) with a 4 penalty. If the save is successful, the victim receives 8d10points of damage instead.
Implore the Healer
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 1 turn/level
Area of Effect: One created being
Casting Time: 4
When in dire need, supplicants sometimes call on great healers to assist them in their work. With this power, clerics may receive that help directly from
their god. Healers possess the abilities of a cleric equal to 3/4 their level, rounding fractions up. Their willpower is considered 24 for determining FP’s,
though they receive no bonuses for high wisdom scores. Healers may also tend the wounds of a number of patients equal to their level. Such patients
recover one hit point per two rounds. Healers have an AR 14, 55% psionic immunity, and are harmed only by +4 or better weapons. Healers also have
140 hit points. Due to the potent nature of this power, the entity may only be summoned once per day. Attempts to drive the entity away psionically,
however, have only half their usual chance of succeeding.
Personal Incarnation
Range: 0
Duration: 1 round per level
Area of Effect: special
Casting Time: 4
With this spell the priestess calls her goddess for aid in a time of need. The aid usually comes in the form of the goddess personal incarnation (or one of
them). The incarnation is 20 hit dice 200 hit points 70% psionic immunity +3 and better weapons to hit and is the class most appropriate for the
goddess. Fighter for Athena, cleric for Hera, etc.
Spiritual Twin
Range: planet
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Caster
Casting Time: 4
With this spell the caster can form an exact duplicate of herself. This duplicate can cast spells and do whatever the caster can but it is immune to all
spells unless the caster decides to accept the effect. The spell is a lot like project image but the caster does not have to see the image though and the
image is totally realistic to all who see it. The drawback to this spell is that creatures on the astral plane are aware of this spell and can use the
connection between the caster and the image to enter the prime material plane, although the creature cannot control whether it appears at the casters
location or the duplicates location.
Spiritual Safety
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Area of Effect: Caster
Casting Time: 4
When this spell is cast the priestess grants a special form of protection to all that are in range. All in range of the spell are granted protection equal to a
ring of protection +4, all damage taken in battle is reduced by 1 per die, and Armor Rating is considered to be a minimum of 10 (or 3 better if the rating is
already greater then 10)
Unleash the Divine Fury
Range: 300 Meters
Duration: 1 round
Area of Effect: 10 meters square per level
Casting Time: 4
This Power causes a sudden storm to form and in one round the storm will either rain fire and brimstone or lightning on everything in the area of effect.
Damage is 1d8+3 per level of the cleric. This is very destructive to the surrounding area and the visionary should keep that in mind.
What the Gods Will
Range: Unlimited
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: Special
The cleric treats this spell like a wish, casting the spell and stating her wish but the god decides what is up. When the plea is stated the cleric is asking
the god to grant this request, but the god can decide what form the request will take and even do something different if it is better for the cleric.
Example: If the cleric and her party are in a fight with some monsters and the party is losing, the cleric activates this power and asks to be healed. The
party might be healed, but the god might feel that protecting the party from fire would better serve the cleric; that, then, is what happens. The request
never gets twisted but bad wishes will not be granted and if the cleric or the party are not worthy of the god’s favor they might be left out of the spell
getting none of the benefits.
Critical Hit Chart
The following critical hit charts are some I made up for my own brand of humor if you do not like them or the characters start getting mad that there
character fumbles and rolls the forget to remove the safety fumble. Think of a different reason that she lost an attack, which is the gist of the fumble.
Note that normal damage is scored, unless the critical result specifies augmented damage. Therefore, an “ear pierced” result inflicts normal damage
and the character loses an ear (or its equivalent).
Energy Weapons
1-34 Maximum Weapon Damage
35-67 Double Weapon Damage
68 Ear Pierced (with whatever round was fired a messy business) No ear on one side of head and no hearing from that side. There is a 1 penalty for
surprise and the character is stunned for one round.
69-70 Acquire a scar on the side of your head from the edge of your ear to the side of your mouth that causes everybody to call you smiley.
71-72 Jaw dislocated no speech.
73 One eye destroyed no vision on that side and a 1 penalty to initiative and surprise
74-80 Gut shot 1/2 movement -1 attacks and actions as you try to hold your guts in. No wild maneuvers.
81-83 Joint hit and fused no movement in that limb. The visionary can assign a 1 to 4 penalty depending on joint hit.
84-85 Major bleeding even though energy weapons will usually cauterize a wound with this critical hit a major blood vessel was hit and because of its
size it did not cauterize so you will bleed 2 pts a round intel you stop to bandage(1 full round to do) or you are healed with a cure spell.
86 Shot between the eyes (Dead)
87 Shot through the Heart (Dead)
88 One of the character Boigenic or technical item was drilled through and is no longer functional intel fixed or healed. The biogenic item must have a
function (infravision. electric discharge, flying, and such.).
89 One of the characters psionic or technical items was hit and must save or be destroyed. The visionary can if she is feeling kind say that the item is
only damaged and can be repaired.
90-91 1d3 fingers were shot off and there is a 1 penalty per finger for all things that involve fingers intel fixed.
92-93 The character is groin shot and while HE may wish to be dead the character only suffers tremendously and suffers a penalty of 1/2 movement
and 1/3 weight limit.
94-98 knockdown the character is knocked to the ground and stunned for one round. If the weapon used was a blaster the character is knocked back
3 to 4 meters.
99-100 A limb or appendage is burned off or rendered useless the visionary gets to choose. And hey the Head is not a choice for this one!!!
Physical Ranged Weapons
1-34 Maximum Weapon Damage
35-67 Double Weapon Damage
68 Ear Pierced (with whatever round was fired a messy business) No ear on one side of head and no hearing from that side. There is a 1 penalty for
surprise and the character is stunned for one round.
69-70 The character has the round lodged in her body it will take a surgeon with 4 level in medicine to remove safely for now the character must suffer
with it (it hurts when a storm is coming on or in the morning). The visionary should decide what other effects there will be if any.
71-72 lung punctured no strenuous activity intel fixed or the character will bleed 3 points a round.
73 One eye destroyed no vision on that side and a 1 penalty to initiative and surprise
74-76 Triple Damage
77-83 Gut shot 1/2 movement -1 attacks and actions as you try to hold your guts in. no wild maneuvers.
84-86 Major bleeding you will bleed 2 pts a round Intel you stop to bandage (1 full round to do) or you are healed with a cure spell.
87 Shot between the eyes (Dead)
88 Shot through the Heart (Dead)
89 One of the character Boigenic or technical item was drilled through and is no longer functional until fixed or healed. The biogenic item must have a
function (infravision vision. electric discharge, flying, and such.).
90-91 1d3 fingers were shot off and there is a 1 penalty per finger for all things that involve fingers intel fixed.
92-98 knockdown the character is knocked to the ground and stunned for one round.
99-100 A limb or appendage is rendered useless the visionary gets to choose.
Fumble Chart for Ranged Weapons
1-25 weapon jammed the character slammed home a fresh clip so fast it jammed in the slot and it will take one full round to clear the weapon.
26-50 weapon misfire if the weapon was energy then the character will take damage equal to 1/2 the weapon as a charge is grounded into her. If the
weapon is physical then it must save or be rendered useless.
51-76 drop weapon the character decided to be cool and strike that cool pose she saw on the vids last week but she didn’t quite use the same flare.
77-80 forgot to remove the safety spends one attack to see if anyone saw.
81-83 hit self-normal damage
84-87 hit friend normal damage
88-93 trigger sticks emptying the clip if the weapon is automatic or just refusing to fire if not (you must spend one round to clear).
94-95 roll twice on this chart
96-100 trip and fall stunned for 1d3 rounds
Melee Weapons
1-33 Max Damage
34-67 Double Damage
68-70 Triple Damage
71-78 limb broken or severed visionary gets to decide on what limb and what penalties. Again not the head quit being so mean hearted!
79-80 One eye destroyed no vision on that side and a 1 penalty to initiative and surprise
81-83 knockdown the character is knocked to the ground and stunned for one round.
84-90 One of the character Boigenic or technical item was hit and is no longer functional until fixed or healed. The biogenic item must have a function
(infravision vision. electric discharge, flying, and such.).
91 head cut off or crushed (dead)
92 Chest injuries (dead)
93 Skull damage lose 1d3 of I.Q.
94 Nerve damage lose 1d3 agility
95 Opponent stunned for 1d3 rounds
96 Slashed through the gut 1/2 movement -1 attacks and actions as you try to hold your guts in. no wild maneuvers.
97 Major bleeding you will bleed 2 pts a round intel you stop to bandage (1 full round to do) or you are healed with a cure spell.
98 The character is hit in the groin and while HE may wish to be dead the character only suffers tremendously and suffers a penalty of 1/2 movement
and 1/3 weight limit.
99 roll twice on this chart as your dazzling footwork dazzles your opponent.
100 break opponents weapon or send it flying at you choice.
Hand to Hand Critical Hit
1-34 Maximum Damage
35-67 Double Damage
68-71 Strike a Vital Center stunned and reeling for 1d4 rounds
72-76 Knockdown opponent is knocked back one meter and loses one attack getting up.
77-79 Triple Damage
80-85 The character is hit in the groin and while HE may wish to be dead the character only suffers tremendously and suffers a penalty of 1/2
movement and 1/3 weight limit.
86-90 Your attacks leave your opponent stunned and reeling she cannot attack next round.
91-93 Opponent is knocked unconscious for 5 to 10 rounds.
94 caved in opponent’s skull (Dead).
95 You knife your hand in her ribcage and rip out her still beating heart (Dead)
96-98 Broke appendage visionaries’ choice it should be a major bone in the location and the appendage should be useless until fixed. This one can be
the neck so go to town!!
99-100 gouge out one eye it is destroyed no vision on that side and a 1 penalty to initiative and surprise
Critical hits against vehicles are scored the same way they are against personnel. The differences occur in specific “crit” resolution, since cars don’t
bleed. When a vehicle is critically hit, consult the table below.
Vehicle sealed (hatch melts, torqued out of shape, etc.)
Controls destroyed- vehicle proceeds at current speed and course
Engine hit- no propulsion
Drive train hit-half speed
Weapon damaged- 3 in 20 chance of detonating when fired (detonation destroys the weapon and deals its damage to the gunner)
Weapon hit- out of commission
Crew member suffers standard weapon damage (no multiplier for saturation weapon damage)
Crew suffers standard weapon damage (no multiplier for saturation weapon damage)
Random Component destroyed (radio, speedometer, console, etc.)
Propulsion module (tire, track, grav unit, etc.)- five point penalties to piloting checks
Vehicle flips- immobilized
Ammunition or fuel hit- vehicle destroyed (In order to determine the damage to the crew, divide the maximum armor of the vehicle into 100.
The result is the number of points of damage each point of remaining armor is worth. Multiply the remaining armor points by the first quotient
to determine the amount of damage each crew member suffers). If you desire a simpler resolution, simply assign 50 points of damage to each
crew member.
Armor damaged (x3 armor degradation)
Fumble Chart for Melee Attacks
1-15 Break Weapon (if it was your hand then itsgotta hurt)
16-18 Hit self (don’t you hate that!)
19-27 Fall and be stunned for 2 rounds
28 Roll twice on this chart
29-31 Hit friend (this has gotta be better than hit self)
32-40 Off balance opponent gets one free attack
41-60 Drop weapon (if it is your hand then your opponent gets you in a cinch and a 2 bonus to hit until you break free)
61 Critical hit self
62 Critical hit friend
63-80 Slip make a Agility check or fall prone
81- 91 Overextended opponent gets a 2 bonus to hit and damage for its next attack sequence
92-100 Trip loose rest of attacks for this round.
Special Quirks
Some characters are going to have good and bad qualities like Rainman or perhaps the Sentinel. Characters can roll on the following charts to see if
there is something good or bad about them. A character rolls percentile and if she rolls a 1, or 2 she has a positive trait and if she rolls a 99, or 100 she
has a negative trait roll the dice once for physical, and mental. Each time that a character gets a trait good or bad half the chance to get the next so that
it is hard to get both of them. I would like to recommend that the visionary makes up her own traits for the characters even going so far as to talk it over
with the players after all if the player doesn’t like the trait why give it to the ungrateful wretch.
Physical (GOOD)
+1 to Strength, which may carry a character beyond her racial maximum.
+1 to Stamina, which may carry a character beyond her racial maximum.
+1 to Agility, which may carry a character beyond her racial maximum.
Character is double-jointed. The visionary and the character should get together to decide how this helps the character.
Character has Herculean Strength. The character may lift heavy objects as though her Strength was two points higher for up to three rounds.
This for feats of Strength only and no extra damage may be incurred.
Character is extraordinarily tough, and withstands physical harm better than the average put. She may add +1 to her check number whenever
attempting to survive physical damage (making a physical survival check).
Character has an aptitude for a single skill. This may not be a weapon skill. When using this skill, the character’s check number is considered
one higher than its normal value.
Character has prodigal talent with a given skill. That skill may be bought up one level higher than would normally be allowed for their level.
Character has perfect pitch. This means that the characters ears are sharp, and well tuned to the nuances of song and sound. The character
also has a better than average singing voice. Such characters gain +2 to any Singing check numbers.
Character is a gifted runner. Instead of a base of 150 meters, these characters move at a base of 180 meters per round. When running or
sprinting, they factor their increased movement into these rates as well. Thus, these characters move at 180, 360, or 540 meters per round.
Character has a superb sense of balance. Characters with this benefit gain +1 to all Agility based check numbers.
Character has extraordinarily sharp eyes. These characters deduct one point from their range penalties when firing from a distance.
Character is extraordinarily hearty. This character receives a +1 to all Stamina based check numbers.
Character is adept at applying her Strength for maximum benefit. Characters with thus benefit receive +1 to all Strength based skills.
Character is a fast healer. Instead of recovering two hit points per day, she recovers four.
Character possesses a cast-iron stomach. The character may subsist on all sorts of poor food, and gains a +1 bonus when surviving ingested
poisons. Note that only mildly toxic foods (grass, bark, and rotten meat) will not seriously inconvenience the character (much).
The character’s body is used to little sleep. Characters with this benefit can get by with only six hours of sleep and be just fine.
Character is resistant to cold. These characters are used to chilly weather, and gain +2 to Stamina check numbers when resisting cold
Character is resistant to heat. These characters are used to sweltering heat, and add +2 to Stamina checks for resisting the ill effects of too
much heat.
Character is extremely resistant to pain (or a masochist). The visionary should decide when and where this ability will aid a character, but in
any event, such individuals are generally able to take pain, and eat it like candy!!!
Physical (BAD)
This poor character is deaf in one ear. Being a little less able to spot trouble than the average character, she suffers a one point penalty to her
check number when determining whether or not she is surprised.
This character is color blind. Contrary to what you may have heard, this means the character cannot distinguish between red and green, but
sees all other colors quite well.
Some people are blessed with the ability to use both hands with grace and coordination. This character isn’t like that. Extremely one handed
characters (such as this one) must spend an extra slot to purchase ambi-dexterity.
This character has a speech impediment. The visionary will decide whether this is a stutter, a lisp, or even more exotic speech problem.
Characters should role-play the impediment, and certainly not convey complex messages in time critical situations.
This character has a lazy eye. This inflicts a -1 penalty to ranged combat check numbers.
Character is tone deaf. These characters serenades resemble caterwauling, and she suffers a -6 to all singing check numbers.
Character is just plain ugly. While physical beauty is no longer of great concern, the characters lack of physical beauty is quite noticeable.
This drawback is easily taken care of with current medical technology (1000 credits for corrective surgery). The important facet of this drawback is the
role-playing effect of being or having been ugly on a planet full of beautiful people. Players are encouraged to give some thought to how their characters
might deal with their ugliness or lack of it after it’s taken care of.
This character has a clubfoot. She moves a little slower than a non-deformed person (140, 280, 420 meters per round). Additionally, if this
character fails any kind of dancing check, she steps painfully on her partner’s toes.
Character is very short. At least 20% below the normal height for her racial stock.
Character has a glass jaw. That character takes one extra point of damage when opponents are using fisticuffs (note that most Masters of the
Way use their fists to at least some extent).
Character must have eight hours of sleep. If a character doesn’t get the rest she needs, she suffers -1 to I.Q. based check numbers.
Character has a high metabolism. This character requires 50% more food to sustain herself than normal.
The Character is an Albino. There are creams and other skin care products to allow a character to function in sunlight, but Albinos otherwise
suffer a -1 penalty to all checks while in sunlight.
Character is hyperactive. Such characters must keep in constant motion (like children right after Halloween), talking and keeping busy, most
likely fidgeting as well. These characters have difficulty engaging in activities which require patience and calm (the Visionary will decide the specific
Character is fat. Due to a chemical imbalance, the character cannot lose weight through conventional means. such Characters can’t move it
quite as fast as normal, and move at 140, 280, or 420 meters per round.
Character is susceptible to heat and suffers a 1 penalty to all checks concerning heat (heat stroke, dehydration, etc).
Character is susceptible to cold and like above suffers a 1 penalty to all checks concerning cold (frostbite).
This character has a very poor sense of balance and suffers a 1 penalty to checks involving keeping her balance.
Character is mute (can’t talk).
Lucked out!!! The character has no BAD physical.
Mental (GOOD)
+1 I.Q. which may carry a character beyond her racial maximum.
+1 Wisdom which may carry a character beyond her racial maximum.
Perfect Memory
Lightning Calculator
Character has keen insight and gets a +1 to all I.Q. based knowledge checks.
Character is wise beyond her years and gets a +1 to all wisdom based knowledge checks.
Character has an aptitude for a single knowledge. When using this knowledge, the character’s check number is considered one higher than
its normal value.
Character has prodigal talent with a given knowledge. That knowledge may be bought up one level higher than would normally be allowed for
their level.
The character is a subconscious problem solver and when she sleeps she will gain new insights into her problems through her dreams. This
is not a psionic ability her subconscious is just good at putting together clues and hunches. The visionary should roll play this by giving her some clues
about what is going on around her. Remember that this is not perfect and the character can be wrong.
Character has a high retention of the written word and can read and understand much faster than the normal person. He character can read
war and peace in a day and remember 90% of it.
Character is very strong willed and cannot be dissuaded once she sets her mind. The character gets a +2 to save when she is being
controlled or influenced to do something opposed to her stated goal (this bonus is not a automatic thing the character must have a goal and the influence
must stop her from completing her goal.)
Character is resistant to contact (the psionic discipline) and gets a +1 to survival check verses it.
The character is good at riddles, puzzles, and crossword problems the visionary should give her special clues beyond what the other players
The character gets to subtract 1 point of damage per die against ego blast.
If the character is a mage or psionicist then she can have double her starting aura points (her starting willpower only remember that the rest is
+1 willpower
Active imagination the character has an overactive imagination. This mental should have a lot of roll playing potential, but if the character is
looking for something substantial she should get a +2 to all rolls that involve imagination (storyteller, writer, or someone who makes a roll-playing game).
Character is very logical (like a certain green blooded race we all know) this character gets a +1 to all rolls that involve logic (engineering,
programming and the like.)
The character is a fast learner and can learn new proficiencies in _ the time this is definitely just a roll-playing thing.
Character gets +1 to all willpower-based proficiencies.
Mental (BAD)
The character is like rainman (bad this is very bad) this is a roll playing mental so ham it up but don’t overdo it.
Character is bad at speling and willl suffer a 1 penalty to all written checks and while all other characters get the writing proficiency for free this
character must pay for it.
The character has Attention Deficiency Disorder (ADD). This character has trouble paying attention and should make a willpower check to
pay attention to anything for more 1 minute with cumulative 1 penalty for every minute after the first.
The character is really bad at keeping track of her money and finds it slipping through her fingers all the time. If there is a money scam then
she must make an I.Q. check at a 2 penalty or be suckered into it.
The character is susceptible to contact and gets a 1 penalty to her survival check.
Like turkeys who don’t have to sense to get out of the rain this character has problems with common sense. Whenever the character has to
make a wisdom roll she suffers a 1 penalty.
This Character has an over active imagination and while this may be good for others (like a science fiction writer) this character can only
imagine the bad stuff that is going to happen (Like that guy from Aliens). This means that the character must make a willpower roll in any situation
where combat is about to happen to remain calm or she will jump the gun (literally).
The character is a real bummer to be around. She is always thinking about the bed things in her life and talking about them to the exclusion of
all else. This will have the effect of depressing all the other characters and making sure that she will not be invited to parties.
The character has a compulsion to do something be it keeping your area clean, tipping the waiter, or helping old ladies across the street you
feel the overpowering need to do it. The character must make a willpower roll to avoid doing something that is her compulsion.
The character subtracts 1 from her starting I.Q.
The character is very overconfident (come on guy’s we can get that Dragon its only old and after we are done I am sure we will have enough
experience to be second level). The visionary should watch this character to be sure she is not to cautious.
This character has a driving goal something that will give meaning to her life. This character will always pursue this goal allowing nothing to
stand in her way.
Absent-minded This character has an annoying habit of leaving her +5 sword laying around or forgetting it at home.
This character has amnesia and a portion of her life is missing. The player and the visionary should get together and figure out what’s gone.
The character is always stuck on one emotion (always mad or solemn or sad) and will see the world through this emotion.
This character has an intolerance to something. This could be a race or a situation (like blackmail) the character will act erratic or be very
hostile depending on the situation. Erratic if she is not allowed to react as she would like.
The character subtracts 1 from her starting wisdom.
Character has a phobia that crops up sometimes and while under that phobia has a 1 penalty to all rolls. Some good phobias are afraid of
spiders, heights, public speaking, snakes, etc. The character may want to be a junior psycho babbler and go to the library to find a really good one.
The character gets a 1 penalty to all I.Q. based rolls.
Lucked out!!! The character has no BAD mental.
Life Path
Sometimes a player will not have a character of appropriate level or calling for the game that is being played. With the visionary’s permission the player
can roll on the following chart and make up a character of suitable level or calling. A character can roll on any chart she desires once per level within
restriction (a character with a four year military term must roll four times on the military chart). A character must also suffer all the effects of the charts if
she desires to roll for life path. The following rolls are just guidelines the visionary should make up her own or at least jazz up the ones listed below to
make it more fun and entertaining for the characters. (Remember that is FOR THE CHARACTERS you make think it is funny to do something but I have
found that what the visionary thinks is funny is often NOT what the characters think is funny).
The character can roll once on the following life path for every level she has attained. With this life path one year passes for every level with this path.
1. The character has a strictly average year despite or because of her acts to increase herself within the ranks. Earnings 15,000 credits.
2. The character had a good year she did things that brought her name to the attention of others and may have some standing in the local community
(underworld). 25,000 credits and a reputation of 4 in her home community.
The character had a bad year she was caught (or framed) for a major crime and despite her best efforts could not bribe or talk her way out. If the
character has a reputation or some favors saved up she can burn them to secure her release after one year. 0 income and if the character burned
her reputation to get released she will have a negative rep as a snitch or worse!!!
4. The Character was involved in a major operation for the local 5th empire section and was forced to assume a new identity and relocate to a new
system. The character loses all reputation acquired and all favors unless she reveals her true identity in a effort to utilize old favors or reputation
(this should be both difficult and dangerous for obvious reasons). Earning 45,000 credits and any history with the law enforcement agency erased
(unless the characters reveals her identity).
The character has acquired through luck or smarts (smarts!?!? naaa) a piece of blackmail on a mid level non-player character in either the 5th
empire or a galactic military (the non player character should be dangerous after all who is going to blackmail a putz). Earnings 25,000
6. The character is implicated in a crime that she was not involved in but everyone thinks she did. The character will have to watch out for others who
believing the information will hound the character for information on the crime or other aspects of the crime (where did you hide all that loot you).
Earnings 15,000
7. The gang or chapter of the 5th empire that the character belongs to was either wiped out or arrested by another gang or law enforcement agency.
Roll a dice on a 16-20 the character has a good reputation for surviving the break-up (gotta be tough to survive that kinda hash) or on a 1-15 a
negative reputation for surviving (what kinda rock did you crawl under to survive youse Jonah). The character can add her reputation (or subtract if
her reputation is bad) from her dice roll to determine which it will be. But on the up side the character will get 35,000 credits as she gets to keep the
gangs loot to herself.
8. The character thinking that she is special because she is a player character tries to play two gangs off against each other roll a dice modified by the
characters charm and ½ her level (doesn’t hurt if she is tuff). On a 17-20 the character fools the gangs and they blow each other to bits leaving the
character with 50,000 credits in (compensation), on a 11-16 the character doesn’t quite pull it off and is forced to fight one of the gangs earns
30,000 credits. On a 4-10 the character really puts her foot in it and promptly gets it blown off (the character can take a 3% biogenic augmentation
to fix or replace something (let the character decide what with the visionaries approval) no credits. On 1-3 the characters unites the gangs (against
her !!!!) and realizing that they are far stronger together than separate they in a spontaneous act of gratitude just leave you crippled but ALIVE!!!!!!
The character will require major biogenics or complete reconstruction. (cost 20% biogenics or 25,000 credits for the necessary surgery the player
and the visionary should work out what the biogenics are but they should not screw the character over any).
9. The character was in a very specialized job (forgery, security, disguise, etc…) and has been very successful over the past year. The character can
if she has more that 4 proficiencies in a single skill or knowledge acquire a reputation of 7 with that specific skill. If the character does not have
enough proficiencies then she is thought of as a gifted amateur who “needs some seasoning” and can put herself down for a reputation of 4 with
that proficiency. Earnings 25,000
10. The Character is undercover for some other organization and is either a plant to divert attention from a true operative or totally clueless (if so what
are you doing rolling on this chart). The character gets one roll to determine which 14-20 is a true operative and any thing else the character is a
plant. The character can adding ½ or her level from the roll to determine which. Earnings 40,000 credits (hey even if she was a plant if she lives
through then she should still get paid).
A character in the military will always earn 3,000 credits a year per rank so that a private will earn 3,000 in a year and a sergeant will earn 9,000 in a
year. The ranks are divided into 3 groups Enlisted, Officers, Generals. With 5 ranks in each group enlisted (Private, Corman, Sergeant, Top Sergeant,
and Chief Sergeant), Officers (Midshipman, Lieutenant, Commander, Major, Captain), Generals (Brigadier, Commodore, General, Admiral, Grand
Admiral). Some of the ranks are held by very few or only 1 individual (Grand Admiral Millennium is the only Grand Admiral and it is believed that there
will not be another till he dies and maybe not even one then). The ranks hold a strict ratio for the ranks Officers and Generals never being more than 3%
of the total forces. This gives a lot of power to the Top and Chief Sergeant ranks who often handle a lot of the day to day affair’s.
The character has an uneventful tour on a boring dustball of a planet where the most excitement comes from doing drill. No increase in rank.
The character thinking that she is special tries to pull a fast one (something shady or down right illegal) The commonwealth takes a VERY dim view
on this and discharges the character. The character cannot roll on the military BUT if the character wants to roll play she can roll on either the
criminal chart.
The character is a very good member of the military and is consistently recognized for her valor and daring. Now if the character wants she can try
to get promoted by rolling a die 20 if the character rolls under her level she will earn a promotion and a medal, if she rolls up to 4 over her level she
will be promoted but if she roll 5 or more over her level she is severely wounded and will spend the rest of the year in a hospital trying to recover
from her injuries.
The character is plagued by bad luck she is sent on every boring, dangerous, tedious, and wretched little job there is and while this character won’t
get any recognition (the character who rolled the 3 on this chart gets that!). She will get to acquire 1 proficiency to her max level to represent a lot
of time spent practicing this skill. This skill should be something that the character has a vested interested in (if the character talks about divesting
her fellows of their spare change and is always playing with a deck of card then I would make the skill gambling BUT the character should have
some say in this and should not be screwed. I mean hey she had to do this crap assignment).
The character is given a special assignment. This should be up to the visionary (something like military attaché to some place or internal
investigation something!) The character can rollplay this out if you got the time or she can just roll the dice. If she rolls below her level she
performs well and gets promoted, above her level she is considered average and no promotion and on a 20 she is thought incompetent and
drummed out of the military.
The character is in the right place at the right time and saves the life of someone important (a system governor or something, nobody to important).
She can call this person for favors and help if needed and can reroll 1 negative effect on the military or civilian chart if she wants (This person bails
her out and considers the debt paid). The visionary AND the player should remember that this is a tough universe and a lot of NPCs will quickly
grow tired of being used all the time so if the character is always asking favors she will soon find her access to whomever she saved getting cut off
as this NPC grows tired of being used. I smart character will do a little give and take and keep this valuable contact happy.
The character is perfectly suited for the Military and fits in like a fish to water the character rapidly acquires a reputation as the perfect soldier (a
myrmidon). This character will have a 2 bonus to all reputation roll involving the military and can also add that bonus to all military proficiencies
(Military history, Tactics, ect…) this can be a good role-playing deal for a PC. I did not put it in to be abused so if the PC is not nice using this roll
slap her down super hard for me. Make her pay!!!!
The character is not well suited for the military and finds that no matter how hard she tries things don’t end in a satisfactory manner. This character
will struggle hard for everything she has and while never getting the respect she deserves this character can know how hard it is to do the military
when you don’t fit in. This roll has nothing negative associated with it because it will be hard to roll-play this kind of negative trait. I put it in
because it does happen but if the character cannot do it then default the roll and nothing happened this year.
The character is like SgtBilko. She has her own little world set up just to her liking. Her scams and ‘draws’ might not be as outlandish as what the
sergeant pulled off but they will net her quite a bit of pocket change. On a 1-4 the character will talk away with about 10,000 credits, 5-15 will score
about 15,000 credits and a 16-20 will net 20,000.
10. The character falls in with the wrong crowd (or the right crowd depending on your outlook) This crowd mostly does black ops and shady deals. A
fair number of them with beligit but enough will be illegal that the character can have a minor rep with the black sun. This rep should be worth
something but remember that every coin has 2 sides. Using this rep to often should get some unwanted attention from more…upright authorities.
Ollie North can attest to that!
A character can roll on the civilian chart twice per level if she desires OR she can roll half as often. This represents the ups and downs of the civilian life.
The decision to roll must be decided and announced before rolling. The effect will be either 60% of the listed benefit (rounded up if required) or double
the benefit.
Not a good time for you. After looking and looking you just could not secure employment (all your stories at job interviews might have
something to do with it. (Nobody wants to hear about how you killed that guy who dissed you at work.) But don’t worry the man took care of
you and you got unemployment for a grand total of 3,000 credits.
2. Somehow you turned that PE degree into a high paying job at a major corporation! 35,000 credits and a lifetime membership to the local gym.
3. You managed to do ok. Nothing great but your not flipping burgers at the local grease pit. Earn 10,000 credits and a reference that you can
use if you ever want your job back.
4. You managed to not lose your job, but just barely! Seems instead of working your job you were working your co-workers! Character can pick
either 20,000 credits OR 3 romantic contacts that she can use once in a while to find out some information appropriate to the job. (Visionary!!
Don’t let this guy be a CIA spook! Or some DoD hall walker! Remember this is a civilian job he gets to be part of a software company or
maybe a sprocket manufacturer.)
5. You were involved in a start up that went big…Only problem is that your business partners managed to push you out. You have some rep in
the industry as unofficial gossip places a lot of the companies’ success at your feet but no cash. Visionary can decide how far to let this go.
6. You are the front man for a black sun chop shop. Because on your job you never really got involved in the illegal stuff so you don’t get much
rep (that’s the point ya know? Without a rep cops don’t raid your place) but it did pay very well. Character gets 35,000 credits.
7. You managed to grab the crummiest job on the planet! The pay sucks and nobody respects you for it. The only “perk” this job had was that
your boss could not fire you because he knew he could not replace you! This allowed you to come to work when you felt like it and do as poor
a job as you liked so long as it had some semblance of being done. With your free time you managed to get pretty good at 1 skill. Character
can add 1 skill at a base of 14. (oh, and 4,000 credits “pay”)
8. You have a natural knack for selling. (Who knew your old war stories would actually pay off?) This translates into 30,000 credits and the
largest collection of “employee of the month” pictures of anyone in your family.
9. You get in the family business. Some girl managed to trick you into marrying her. The credits were great but the girl just about drove you
crazy! After a messy divorce you walk away emotionally scarred and 25,000 credits richer.
10. You have an epiphany! Personal wealth is a trap to control your life. With the strength of your convictions you live without a cent to your
name just roaming from city to city. After a while you realize you were just nuts and get a job! You find 500 credits on the day you give up.
Glossary of Terms
Ability score: One of seven basic traits used to define a character. These scores are Charm, Strength, Agility, Stamina, IQ, Wisdom, and Willpower.
Armor rating: This value reflects how well armored or psionically protected a character is from most mundane and a few psionic attacks. In any case
where a character makes a combat check, she must subtract her opponents AR from her check number.
Aura points: A number of points which indicates a characters general psionic strength. Characters who use spells, faith, or disciplines have a number
of Aura points equal to 1.5x Willpower x Level, adjusted by their wisdom if using faith powers. This is a generic term, generally used when discussing
psionics, which include spells and faith.
Auto fire: The term applied when a character discharges more than seven rounds from a ranged weapon in one action.
Basic Attack Number (BAN): This is the bonus to attack rolls that a character derives from his calling level.
Biogenic implant: A colony of cells tailored to permanently alter the implanted host’s genetic structure in a specific and presumably desirable fashion.
Biogenics: Blanket term referring to the science of biologically altering an existing organism, presumably to improve its performance in a specific
Burst fire: The term applied when a character discharges more than two, but less then eight rounds in a single action.
Calling: A characters chosen profession or professions. Callings dictate a characters progressive ability, as well as unique calling abilities.
Character: Any entity interacted with in any way in the Stellar Encounters game. Characters include the persons controlled by the players, of course,
but a reference to characters in the text does not necessarily mean these few individuals.
Check: The basic roll to determine success or failure in the Stellar Encounters game. Characters making a check roll a d20. If a character rolls equal to
or over her check number, she is successful. If she rolls under her check number, she fails.
Check number: The number that a player must roll equal to or over in order to allow her character to succeed the action in question.
Check number modifier: Any bonus or penalty applied to the check number. Bonuses and penalties are cumulative, and may greatly impact the check
number in extreme situations.
d: This lower case letter is always preceded and followed by a number. The letter indicates that a die or dice are to be rolled. The first number indicates
how many dice will be rolled, the second number indicates how many sides the dice to be rolled have. For example 2d10 means that two ten dice with
ten sides each are to be rolled, while 6d6 indicates that six dice with six sides each are to be rolled.
Damage: Always given in the form of a number, this value is subtracted from a characters current Hit Points.
Disciplines: A type of psionic function. Disciplines are divided into three categories, according to their approximate strength: Minor, Major, and Meta
psionic disciplines. Specific disciplines must be bought in order to be used, according to a characters level and calling.
Empire: One of five organized groups of planets, each controlled by a different government, and dominated by a different species.
Experience points: Points earned to reflect characters personal, martial, and psionic growth. When characters have earned an amount equal to one of
the values on the table of experience (see below), they increase by one level in their calling.
Faith points (abbr. FP): This point total is used by characters employing faith powers; A subdivision of aura points (see above).
Faith Powers: A type of psionic function. Faith powers are divided into nine levels, of increasing power, new powers becoming available as characters
attain higher levels in callings that allow the use of said powers. Characters employing faith powers are often referred to as supplicants. Characters
using faith powers must have spiritual or religious beliefs of some kind; belief is the wellspring from which these powers flow.
Hanging: A term used to describe the state of most objects and persons out of sync with normal time-space.
Hit points (abbr. HP): This total of points, based on a characters species, calling, and Stamina score, illustrates how physically durable a character is.
Initiative: The system by which characters determine the order in which their actions occur at the beginning of every combat round. Characters
determine the order of action by rolling a number of dice equal to the number of actions they will take in the round, the sides of the dice totaling twelve.
For a more complete description, see the combat section below.
Lag: A number of phases between the engagement of an action and its completion, due to the slowness of a weapon, complexity of an action, or
difficulty of a psionic function.
Level: A numerical value which is used to determine how advanced a character is in her calling. Level is also used to determine a characters abilities,
psionic or otherwise, and hit points, as well as other class-progressive abilities by calling.
Personal force field: A portable piece of equipment which generates a field of kinetically charged ambient energy (including psionic energy). This field
interacts only with objects moving at or above the speed of sound, and with all known forms of radiant energy. Force fields always have a percentile
rating. Whenever a character is damaged by an object moving at sonic speed (and above) or by radiant energy, she may subtract her force field rating
from the total of the damage. For example: A character with a twenty five percent force field suffers twenty points of damage from a laser weapon. She
subtracts 25% of the total damage, taking 15 instead of 20.
Phase: A phase is a numbered, sequential portion of time in a combat round during which actions occur.
Power points: A point total indicating a Master of the Ways general psionic strength. Masters of the Way have a number of Power Points equal to their
willpower (round up) multiplied by their level. Power points may be spent to augment the fighting ability of a Master of the Way for a short time. For
more information, see the calling description of the Master of the Way.
Psionics: The term applied to any and all manifestations of psychic or superhuman power. Any character that has an ability, which is not based on an
attribute as per proficiency, or derived from a biogenic implant, has psionic powers of some sort. Note that psionics is not limited to psionic functions.
Psionic construct: Any object or substance created by or saturated with Psionic energy, which augments existing abilities (psionic or otherwise), or
performs psionic feats or functions.
Psionic Disruption: This is a measure of how much biogenic implants have interfered with a psionic characters ability to realize his or her full potential.
This trait is expressed as a percentage, which is deducted from the character's AP total(s). For example, a character who would normally have 100 AP
and who has a psionic disruption score of 25% will instead have 75 AP.
Psionic Feat: The engagement or completion of a psionic activity that is not a discipline, power, or spell. Such activities are therefore rare, though most
often accomplished through the use of a psionic construct. Almost all other psionic feats are the unique class abilities of characters whose callings
bestow unique psionic manifestations.
Psionic function: The blanket term applied to include disciplines, powers, and spells, but exclude psionic feats.
Psionic Immunity: A percentile value given to illustrate a characters resistance to radiant energy and psionic functions. When struck by radiant energy
(most commonly energy weapons), characters with this immunity may treat their percentile score as a force field rating. Note that this rating is not
cumulative with an actual force field; in such cases the Force Field is applied to the damage and then the psionic immunity. When attacked by psionic
functions, a character may roll percentile dice. A score equal to or lower than her psionic immunity allows her to negate that functions effect on her, and
her only.
Special Quirks: Rare traits that set a character apart from most of the sapient beings in the universe. There are three types of Quirks, physical, mental,
and spiritual. These quirks may be beneficial or detrimental to a character. For more information, see the Special Quirks heading, below.
Species: The species to which a character belongs. Homo Sapiens (Human), for example, is a species.
Spell Points (abbr. SP): The term for a pool of points indicating a spell users general psionic strength. A subdivision of Aura Points.
Spells: A type of psionic function. Spells are divided into ten levels of increasing power, attained as characters reach higher levels in spell intensive
Strafing: Term applied to any character using a firearm capable of auto fire to attack characters in more than one hex simultaneously. See the chapter
on combat for a more complete description.
Supplicant: The term used to describe any being capable of using faith powers. Always used to describe the user of said powers in the Power
description section.
Survival check: special checks made to determine how well a character, item, vehicle, or any object absorbs a given trauma. Characters succeeding a
survival check usually take one less point of damage per die rolled against them; negate non-damaging psionic functions, or the like. Items make
checks more infrequently (and generally have a better chance of success) but are destroyed if they fail. Survival checks are allowed only when specified
in the text description of a given attack form.