CONSTITUTION OF THE STILL CARING HEALTH CONNECTION CLUB ARTICLE I – NAME The name of this organization shall be: The Still Caring Health Connection (SCHC). The duration of this organization shall be perpetual. ARTICLE II - MISSION AND OBJECTIVES • Section 1. The mission of the SCHC is to provide high-quality, patient centered health and dental care for underserved residents in northeastern Missouri, while educating students and promoting whole-person healthcare to underserved populations. • Section 2. The objectives of the SCHC are: A. Provide high quality, osteopathic-based care for the underserved in northeastern Missouri. B. Align with and accomplish the University’s Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Plan. C. Promote interprofessional education and clinical experience while cultivating an inclusive learning environment among ATSU-MO students. D. Build student awareness of community resources to increase quality of care. E. Implement the tenets of osteopathic philosophy in order to reduce the overall cost of healthcare through the promotion of primary prevention. F. Provide an effective alternative for patients inappropriately accessing emergency room. G. Expose students to vulnerable populations and the issues they face. ARTICLE III – AFFILATED SOCIETIES Affiliated societies of SCHC may be organized in conformity with the bylaws of the SCHC. ARTICLE IV – MEMBERSHIP The membership of this organization shall consist of ATSU-MO Students, enrolled in the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine (KCOM), Missouri School of Dentistry and Oral Health (MOSDOH), and Biomedical Sciences. ARTICLE V – EXECUTIVE BOARD OF ADVISORS The Executive Board of Advisors shall be the consulting body and offer advice in policy-making and procedures of the SCHC, and shall perform such functions as set forth in the bylaws. The Executive Board of Advisors should consist of attending physicians, student directors, club presidents, and community volunteers. The Executive Board of Advisors shall consist of no fewer than nine (9) members. Any changes to the Executive Board of Advisors shall require a threefourths majority approval by the Executive Council of Officers and current members of the Executive Board of Advisors. Document Revised 02/24/15 ARTICLE VI – EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OF OFFICERS The elected officers of the SCHC shall consist of one (1) President each from KCOM and MOSDOH, Vice President, Risk Manager, Secretary, Treasurer, two (2) First Year Representatives. ARTICLE VII – MEDICAL DIRECTOR The Medical Director(s) shall be designated by the Executive Board of Advisors from the potential candidates submitted by the Executive Council of Officers. The position of the Medical Director shall be reviewed annually by the Executive Council of Officers. ARTICLE VIII – ADMINISTRATOR The Administrator shall be selected by the Executive Council of Officers and the medical Director. The position of Administrator shall be reviewed annually. ARTICLE IX – AMENDMENTS This Constitution may be amended at any quarterly meeting of the Executive Council of Officers by a three-fourths vote of the total number of members in attendance for voting, provided that the proposed amendment shall have been filed with one of the Presidents of the organization at least 15 days before the quarterly meeting. ARTICLE X – CHARTER YEAR In the initial chartering of the organization, the Executive Board of Advisors, Medical Director, Administrators, Executive Council of Officers, Student Directors, and Committee Chairpersons shall be designated by the founding body of the organization. ARTICLE XI – NONDISCRIMINATION AND RISK MANAGEMENT POLICIES Section 1. Nondiscrimination Policy The SCHC prohibits discrimination against and harassment of any student, faculty, or patient because of race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, veteran status or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal or state law. Section 2. Risk Management Policy The SCHC risk management goals are to have the highest concern for all students, faculty, and patients. It shall be the responsibility of the Risk Manager to assess the risks involved with all club meetings and activities. The Risk Manager shall report these risks to the Executive Council of officers and communicate with the General Counsel of the university as necessary. Document Revised 02/24/15 BYLAWS OF THE STILL CARING HEALTH CONNECTION CLUB ARTICLE I – NAME The name of this organization shall be: The Still Caring Health Connection (SCHC). The duration of this organization shall be perpetual. ARTICLE II – AFFILATED SOCIETIES Affiliated societies of SCHC may be organized in conformity with the bylaws of the SCHC. ARTICLE III – MEMBERSHIP Eligibility for membership, except as provided herein, shall require the applicant to be a current ATSU-MO student, enrolled in the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine (KCOM), Missouri School of Dentistry and Oral Health (MOSDOH), or Biomedical Sciences. Each applicant shall be in good academic standing, of good moral character, and shall pay the requisite membership dues as determined by the Executive Board of Officers. ARTICLE IV – DUES AND ASSESSMENTS Section 1. Dues The membership dues are payable at the beginning of the Academic year except when an ATSU student would like to participate in the SCHC and is not already a member, the dues should accompany their application for new membership. Section 2. Payment of Dues A. Dues for first-year ATSU-MO students shall be $75.00. B. Dues for second-year and above ATSU-MO students shall be $50.00. C. Dues are non-refundable and are a one-time payment for the duration of their ATSU student career. D. For students joining after the initial sign-up period, dues shall be prorated for the time remaining in the academic year. The amount of proration shall be determined by the Executive Council of Officers. ARTICLE V – EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OF OFFICERS Section 1. Structure The elected officers of the SCHC shall consist of one (1) President each from KCOM and MOSDOH, Vice President, Risk Manager, Secretary, Treasurer, two (2) First Year Representatives. Document Revised 02/24/15 Section 2. Election of Officers General election of officers shall take place each year in the month February. Newly elected officers shall intern under existing officers in the months of March and April. Terms shall begin in May and last for one year. Section 3. Duties of Officers A. Presidents: The Presidents shall preside over all general organization and Executive Council of Officers meetings. The presidents will be ex-officio members of the Executive Board of Advisors, and shall oversee the selected Student Directors. B. Vice President: The Vice President shall act in absence of the Presidents, and shall accept other responsibilities and assignments such as the Presidents, Executive Council of Officers, or Executive Board of Advisors may request. C. Secretary: The Secretary shall record and preserve the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Board of Advisors, Executive Council of Officers, and the student organization. The secretary shall also be responsible for recording attendance at meetings and service opportunities. The Secretary shall be responsible for all chapter correspondence. D. Treasurer: The roles of the Treasurer shall be to receive and disburse the funds of the organization in concordance with the approved budget, to maintain the banking account, and to keep accurate records of all fiscal transactions. The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of the Finance and Budget Committee, but shall not be its chairperson. E. Risk Manager: The role of the Risk manager shall be to identify opportunities to prevent or mitigate possible health hazards or areas of concern. The Risk Manager shall present any concerns before the Executive Council of Officers, as well as possible solutions to the concern. The Executive Council of Officers shall delegate resources as needed. F. First-Year Representatives The First Year Representatives shall serve as the liaisons between the Executive Council of Officers and the first year club members. They shall function to present and discussion any common concerns shared by the first year club members. Document Revised 02/24/15 Section 4. Additional Roles of the Executive Council of Officers A. Recommendation of Candidates for Medical Director The Executive Council of Officers shall review the position of Medical Director on an annual basis. If the Council wishes to propose a new Medical Director, they shall submit a request to the Executive Board of Advisors with the proposed candidate(s). Majority vote of the Executive Board of Advisors shall be the deciding measure for placement of a new Medical Director. B. Selection of the Administrator The position of Administrator shall be reviewed annually by the Executive Council of Officers. Any changes in this position must be approved by the Executive Council of Officers and the Medical Director. C. Selection of Student Directors and Committee Chairpersons Student Directors and Committee Chairpersons shall be selected by the Executive Council of Officers by the end of October each year. ARTICLE VI – MEDICAL DIRECTOR The Medical Director(s) shall be designated by the Executive Board of Advisors from the potential candidates submitted by the Executive Council of Officers. The position of the Medical Director shall be reviewed annually. ARTICLE VII – ADMINISTRATOR The Administrator shall be selected by the Executive Council of Officers and the Medical Director. The position of Administrator shall be reviewed annually. ARTICLE VIII – AMENDMENTS This Constitution may be amended at any quarterly meeting of the Executive Council of Officers by a three-fourths vote of the total number of members in attendance for voting, provided that the proposed amendment shall have been filed with one of the Presidents of the organization at least 15 days before the quarterly meeting. ARTICLE IX – STUDENT DIRECTORS, STUDENT MANAGERS, AND COMMITTEES Section 1. General Structure A. There shall be two (2) Student Directors from each MOSDOH and KCOM for a total of four (4). Medical Student Directors shall be selected by the Executive Council of Officers in October of each year, and will spend November and December interning under a current director. Medical Student Director responsibility begins in January and shall be a one-year Document Revised 02/24/15 term. Dental Student Directors will undergo a similar internship, but their one-year terms shall begin in May. B. There shall be one (1) Student Manager from each KCOM and MOSDOH for a total of two (2) Student Managers. Selection and term dates for Student Managers shall align with the corresponding Student Directors schedule. C. Committees shall be created by the Executive Council of Officers to carry out the essential functions of the outreach events. Each committee shall be overseen by a Chairperson appointed by the Executive Council of Officers. The Committee Chairpersons shall serve one year terms beginning in January of their first year. Section 2. Student Directors The Student Directors shall be in charge of the day-to-day operational management of the outreach events. Each Director shall oversee an equal share of committees and shall report directly to the club Presidents, Medical Director, and Administrator. The Student Directors shall alternate the responsibility of overseeing each outreach event and handling the patient support phone line. Section 3. Student Managers The Student Managers shall function as the coordinator for outreach operations. This involves coordinating with all active components of a given outreach day to make sure that the event is operational. The Student Managers shall be included in the rotation for overseeing the outreach event phone line with the Student Directors in one-week shifts. Section 4. Committees A. Assessment Committee: The role of the Assessment Committee will be to assess the needs of the communities for which services are rendered and to assess the efficacy of services provided. The committee will produce and present biannual reports (at the end of each calendar semester). The goal of this committee is to ensure that the services provided at the outreach events meet the needs of the population served in an efficient and effective manner. B. Budget and Finances Committee: The Budget and Finances Committee shall create and maintain fiscal responsibility for the club’s outreach events. The treasurer of the student organization shall serve as an ex-officio member of this committee, but shall not be chairperson. The Budget and Finances Committee shall create biannual budget and finances reports prior to the beginning of each fiscal half. C. Community Outreach and Marketing Committee: The Community Outreach and Marketing Committee shall oversee all advertisement of the club’s outreach events. The committee shall work closely with community organizations in order to maintain communication with the population being served by the outreach events. This committee shall also build and maintain relationships with community resource Document Revised 02/24/15 organizations in order to provide outreach event patients with accurate information about resources available. D. Fundraising and Grants Committee: The Fundraising and Grants Committee shall be in charge of the development and management of all fundraising events. The committee shall also coordinate with the Sponsored Programs Department of the university in order to ensure that grant applications and proposals are submitted in a timely manner. E. Inventory Management Committee The Inventory Management Committee shall be in charge of maintaining all necessary tangibles needed for the operational function of each outreach event. The committee shall keep record of the tangible inventory and replenish supplies as needed. This committee will work closely with the Budget and Finances Committee to ensure appropriate funding for is maintained for operational function of the outreach events. F. Patient Scheduling and Follow-up Committee: The Patient Scheduling and Follow-Up Committee shall create and maintain the schedule of appointments for the outreach events. After appointments, they will be responsible for maintaining contact with the patients for follow-up as appropriate per the attending healthcare professional’s recommendations. G. Prevention and Wellness Committee The primary role of the Prevention and Wellness Committee is to design and implement patient education curriculum for the outreach events. The committee will research education topics relative to the patient population in conjunction with the Assessment Committee reports, and ensure that patients of the outreach events are educated in a manner that is beneficial to patient wellness and the prevention of disease. H. Volunteer Coordination Committee: The Volunteer Coordination Committee shall have two main roles. First, this committee shall contract attending physicians and developing a schedule for these physicians in a manner that ensures coverage 2-3 months in advance. Secondly, this committee shall be in charge of coordinating and training any student or community volunteers required for the operational function of the outreach events on a monthly basis. The committee may develop subcommittees as deemed fit. Document Revised 02/24/15