VENKAT VENKATESWARAN Room 725 Department of Engineering and Science RPI Hartford 275 Windsor Street Hartford, CT 06120 (860) 548 2458 email: RESEARCH, TEACHING AND CONSULTING INTERESTS My interests are in operations research, especially in optimization and modeling. I have worked on models as they arise in numerous settings – Telecommunications, Logistics, Content Distribution, Intrusion Detection, VLSI Routing and Credit Management. In research, I am interested in optimization issues (solution structure, complexity, algorithm efficiency) as well as in the modeling of processes and systems. In teaching, I am interested in bringing out the wide applicability of core methodology as well as in exploring topic-wise specific areas in operations such as distribution, credit management, or revenue management. My research interests have often led to consulting. Past industrial projects have included work for Virtual Photonics Inc. and for Innospire Systems Corp. EDUCATION Ph.D., Operations Research, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve Univ., 1984. M.S.I.E., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1980. BTech, Mech.Engg., IIT (Indian Institute of Technology), Madras, India, 1973. WORK HISTORY Fall 2011 Fall 2008 – Fall 2011 Fall 2007 – Fall 2008 Fall 2005 - Fall 2007 Spring 2005 - Fall 2005 1999 – 2004 1997 –1999 1984 – 1997 1981-1984 1973-1978 Professor of Practice, RPI Hartford Clinical Associate Professor, RPI Hartford Senior University Lecturer, Mathematical Sciences Dept., New Jersey Institute of Technology Special Lecturer, Mathematical Sciences Dept., New Jersey Institute of Technology Adjunct Faculty, New Jersey Institute of Technology, and Monmouth University Principal Technical Staff Member, Network Design and Performance Analysis Dept., AT&T Labs. Principal Technical Staff Member, Operations Research Dept., AT&T Labs. Member of Technical Staff, Operations research Dept., AT&T Bell Laboratories Graduate Research Assistant with Logistics Resources Inc., Leaseway Transportation, Cleveland. Special Purpose Machine Design Engineer, MICO, Bangalore, India PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Full Member, INFORMS Member, SIAM Referee for Linear Algebra and its Applications, Naval Research Logistics, SIAM J. of Matrix Anal. and Appl. and OR Letters, Infocom. Venkat Venkateswaran HONORS 1993 Spirit of Communications Award for contributions to AT&T Consumer Communications Services 1995/1996 True Spirit Award for contributions to AT&T Consumer Communications Services PUBLICATIONS Venkat Venkateswaran and John Maleyeff, “Classifying Services by Attributes Important to Customers,” International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining Vol.6, No.4. p. 384-401, 2011. Arnheiter, E., Maleyeff, J., and V. Venkateswaran, V., ”Lean Six Sigma for the 21st Century,” Proceedings of the 2010 Northeast Decision Sciences Conference, March 26-28, Alexandria, VA. Ed Arnheiter, John Maleyeff and Venkat Venkateswaran, “The Continuing Evolution of Lean Six Sigma,” submitted to the TQM Journal. V. Venkateswaran, “Minimizing Max-Indegree,” Discrete Applied Mathematics, No. 143, 2004, pp. 374- 378. M. Kodialam and V. Venkateswaran, “Bandwidth Allocation in Multicast Trees with QoS Constraints,” Intl. Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, Vol.2, No. 4, Dec. 2003. Nguyen,Q.C., and Venkateswaran,V.,"Implementations of the Goldberg-Tarjan Algorithm," DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Vol.12, 1993. Venkateswaran,V., "An algorithm for the Linear Complementarity Problem with a P0 -matrix," SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications, Vol.14, No.4, 1993. Venkateswaran,V., "A Descent Approach to Solving the Complementary Programming Problem," Naval Research Logistics, Vol.38, 679-698 (1991). Cottle,R.W., Pang,J.S., and Venkateswaran,V., "Sufficient Matrices and the Linear Complementarity Problem," Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Vol.114/115, 231-249 (1989). Venkateswaran,V., "Book Review of Linear Programming and Network Models", Networks , Vo.19, 173 (1989). BOOKS V. Venkateswaran Handbook of Constrained Optimization in preparation under contract for CRC Press. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Several presentations at INFORMS National Conferences and International Mathematical Programming Symposiums. Venkat Venkateswaran INTERNAL AT&T LABS. TECHICAL MEMORANDA Numerous technical memoranda on telecommunication network design, VLSI routing, intrusion detection, credit management and new services deployment.