Budny 10:00 R10 HYDROGEN FUEL CELL SYSTEMS: FULFILL ONE DREAM OR SAVE MILLIONS? Brian Davis (brd67@pitt.edu) INTRODUCTION: THE DILEMMA For the past several years, I have led a team at a large engineering firm in the city of Detroit, Michigan. In recent weeks, however, my supervisor has been nagging my team and me incessantly about finding a way to approach carmakers about an alternative form of power for automobiles and persuade at least one company to hire us. He is desperate to represent someone in the designing processes of what he believes is the future of the automotive industry. Specifically, my supervisor has been approaching me, requesting that my team does extensive research on the implementation of hydrogen fuel cell systems in automobiles. Now do not get me wrong, it is quite the honor to be granted this opportunity. At first, I was ecstatic because personally, I truly am excited for the not-so-distant future of the automotive industry, especially regarding the discoveries of possible alternative forms of energy. However, as remarkable as this technology is, as my team began doing research, it quickly discovered the dangers that go along with these systems, specifically the risk of explosions in the event of car accidents. Immediately, I alerted my boss, but shockingly to my surprise, he “advised” that for the sake of the company’s progression and more specifically, my job, I should put forth my best effort to “see past” anything I come across that may be considered cause for concern by carmakers. Recognizing my puzzled face, he continued by offering me a fifteen percent commission from any revenue. Telling the Team Conflicted, I returned to my team with this information. While most of my coworkers were puzzled at what to do in this situation, a few remained who accepted these new orders without hesitancy and desired to move forward. Despite the ease of doing just that, I’m still at a crossroads of where to continue from here. Furthermore, I am aware of several violations of a couple of codes of ethics, which my supervisor has committed, as well as several more that he is asking my team to break. While my team and I simply could resume in the participation of this project, I fear the repercussions down the road for the general public, any other party who chooses to align itself with us, and especially the status of my job and the effects of this choice on my family. My team is fully aware of how this new technology could make enormous contributions to the automotive industry, but I simply cannot dismiss the University of Pittsburgh, Swanson School of Engineering 1 2013-10-29 negative implications acquired through my team’s research, despite orders to do otherwise. ADDING HYDROGEN TO THE MIX Initially, when my coworkers and I began our research, we were drawn to the amazing potential of hydrogen fuel cells, especially with the attention brought to the environmental influence of automobiles and their high emissions. Many other ideas for reform and rethinking of the car, down to the very means by which it is fueled, are under consideration. To be specific, such revolutionary ideas have been brought to the table such as the electric car, running solely on a specialized battery; hybrids; as well as this less mainstream concept in the form of a powertrain system running on hydrogen-based fuel cells. Previously, liquid hydrogen seemed to be the choice among engineers, but the chances of its evaporation proved to be too high. Groundbreaking, But Is It Safe? Recently, however, this idea of cryo-compressed hydrogen storage has come to light. This form reaches temperatures as low as twenty Kelvin (K), in order to maximize energy density. Also, in contrast to typical pressures in liquid hydrogen storage, one-tenth a megapascal (MPa), cryo-compressed hydrogen allows pressures ranging from twenty-five to thirty-five MPa [1]. While hybrids and electric cars over the past few years have begun to offer alternative energy sources, this is one that creates virtually no emission, something particularly valuable in the global attempt at reducing pollution in the environment. Specifically, the Polyjoule team from the University of Nantes, which has been working on Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) fuel cells, is boasting an efficiency of thirty percent for an urban cycle against twenty-two percent for diesel vehicles. A system running purely on hydrogen eliminates all emissions from tank-to-wheel [2]. Furthermore, according to author and geologist, Mark Crawford, “The mass production of fuel cell-powered vehicles would change the face of transportation, and would have a huge impact on reducing both the emissions implicated in a global climate change and those that cause local smog” [3]. Despite their use in stationary areas, fuel cells truly have yet to break into the automotive industry due to their history of high cost and lack in safety quality. Unfortunately, that lack in safety quality still remains a very significant issue. Brian Davis Get the Ball Rolling! My supervisor, however, wants nothing of it. What he does not see or hear, he does not know. He sees the tremendous profitability of this project and landing a partnership with a company like General Motors (GM) or Ford. What he fails to recognize, though, is just how dangerously and suddenly an accident may occur, who and how such an event might affect, and the consequences for those behind the product. Specifically, a process known as modularization may come into effect, most likely if hydrogen fuel cell systems ever take off, which brings in a variety of parts manufacturers into the project, diversifying where all the parts of a car originate [4]. FIGHTING THE FUTURE FIRE Any cause for concern should immediately take priority above all. While the sole concern really is release of hydrogen from a car’s tank, any catalyst for this occurring risks the chance of extreme boiling of hydrogen, resulting in fire. The three main causes for hydrogen release are overpressure, overheating, or physical impact. Overpressure, specifically, is the least of our worries. It can result from long-term, untreated evaporation of hydrogen or overfilling. However, built-in safety precautions such as relief valves make this much less likely to occur. The second main cause, overheating, may lead to an increase in hydrogen’s temperature beyond thirty-three K in a fire. However, such an event is unlikely due to overheating alone because of the functionality of safety relief valves. Physical impact, though, is the most likely of the circumstances to occur due to the unpredictability and high frequency of car crashes, more likely than not due to human error. In a violent accident, specifically, the onboard hydrogen tank could be completely destroyed, possibly releasing the entire supply. Although this is the most severe of cases, normally the tank at least would be ruptured to the point it may crack and leak. While the crack may seem small, the pressure’s ability to drop severely in a short duration of time will bring it to atmospheric pressure, which is well above hydrogen’s boiling point, leading to a sudden and extreme rupture and release. The possible disasters following such an event depend upon whether there is instantaneous or continuous release [2]. FIGURE 1 and FIGURE 2 below outline both types of conceivable reactions, respectively. University of Pittsburgh, Swanson School of Engineering 2 2013-10-29 FIGURE 1 [1] Possible events to occur following instantaneous hydrogen release An event most likely not well known is the vapor cloud explosion, which transpires after the accumulation of hydrogen in an isolated area. FIGURE 2 [1] Possible events to occur following continuous hydrogen release To elaborate, direct ignition causes a jet fire. Otherwise, a flash fire or an explosion will occur. While these events are severely dangerous and may more so than not result in death, they are not highly probable. My supervisor believes this technology is too groundbreaking and with too much potential to reduce emissions significantly from automobiles and other motorized machinery. Even the least impactful crash could provide a force of enough magnitude to puncture the tank, though. The smallest of perforations in its wall could cause a leak to develop. Combat the Coming Catastrophe In an effort to combat these issues, my team began researching technologies to counteract the chances of a car accident from occurring. Through recent advancements made by Google, which has been developing autonomous automobiles consisting of three main components: sensors, software, and a mapping database. To be specific, a sensor atop a typical car, is equipped with sixty-four pulsed lasers, rotating ten times per second, and capturing 1.3 million points to map the pathway of the car and its surroundings. This allows foresight up to 165 feet ahead or other moving vehicles or trees within 400 feet. In addition, a highresolution video camera detects traffic signals, pedestrians, Brian Davis bicyclists, etc. Also, moving obstacles’ positions are tracked via Global Positioning System (GPS) in conjunction with an inertial motion sensor. Specifically, Google’s unit, AI, even goes as far as to map out local roads and construct streetlevel pictures of them [5]. With such an incredible new technology at hand, the few members of my team, wishing to continue with the project argue the point of using it jointly with fuel cell systems. A driverless car, aware of all its surroundings, built to avoid all possible surroundings and simply to transport its passengers safely, virtually eliminates all possibility for vehicular collisions, drastically lowering the odds of a tank’s explosion taking place. Recently, these self-driving cars already have been improving the lifestyles of elderly drivers in Japan, which saw 4,411 road-related deaths last year, with 2,264 people being the age of sixtyfive or older. Other automakers are in the process of introducing self-driving cars, as well, including GM, but not until 2020 [6]. With General Motors’ aim to begin producing self-driving cars, as well, this leaves the possibility open down the road. However, my supervisor wishes to begin communications with a company such as GM as soon as possible. I pleaded with him to wait until this autonomous driving technology is fully developed and released so that an alternative form of energy can be implemented into a technology already mastered, but he impatiently wishes to make this happen now. His frequent demands are asking me to violate two codes of ethics alone, specifically, those of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). CONSULTING THE CODES After reviewing both the NSPE and ASME codes of ethics, two canons in both instantly alert me. As stated by college professors Diane Michelfelder and Sharon A. Jones, “Within the NSPE code, injunctions to be honest and truthful appear both centrally and often. Of the six fundamental canons, two directly and one indirectly enjoin an engineer to be honest. By comparison, only one of the fundamental canons demands that an engineer be loyal” [7]. When I think of the charges to be honest and truthful, several canons come to mind. Specifically, both codes’ first canons call me as a professional engineer to “hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public” [8, 9]. The NSPE’s third canon, in fact, states: “Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner” [8]. As an engineer, nothing excites me more than being a part of bringing new technology to people, but as a professional engineer, I am called to uphold the values and manners outlined in these codes of ethics. Moreover, two college faculty members at universities in Spain believe how the most recent breed of engineering students are rather selfcentered and actually struggle to adhere to moral principles [Engineering Ethics Beyond Engineers’ Ethics]. These are values, which people should acknowledge and abide by University of Pittsburgh, Swanson School of Engineering 3 2013-10-29 anyway, but with the possibility of gaining a partnership with GM or another major carmaker, plus the impression our team can make on my boss and the exposure I can get for our firm, is it worth seeing how far the entire project can go before a terrible tragedy occurs? I can see how those few on my team simply wish to push forward and make the best of the situation because ultimately, when something goes wrong, almost the entire blame will fall on my boss for knowingly going through with this project. The Shifty Supervisor My boss simply cannot get past how groundbreaking this could be for the firm, as well as the future of the automotive industry. Despite the burden on my shoulders, he is violating so many directives to my knowledge that moving forward with this simply cannot be possible. For one, the NSPE defines in its Rules of Practice the following: “Engineers shall not affix their signatures to any plans or documents dealing with subject matter in which they lack competence, nor to any plan or document not prepared under their direction and control” [8]. To be specific, my supervisor virtually removed himself from this project and told me only to bring him information that he would want to hear, which is negligence on his part. He plans to sign any contracts or agreements necessary, completely overlooking the potential harm. Furthermore, he continues to offer me a commission, which violates the NSPE’s code of ethics, highlighting deceptive acts, as well as conflicting interests and compromised judgment, should I accept the offer. This brings me to the ASME’s code of ethics: “Engineers shall associate only with reputable persons or organizations” [9]. Specifically, before anything else escalates with my boss or team, the thought crosses my mind of avoiding any moral dilemma and not only withdrawing from the research, but from my job, as well. In its final code, the ASME mentions: “Engineers shall not seek ethical sanction against another engineer unless there is good reason to do so under the relevant codes, policies and procedures governing that engineer’s ethical conduct” [9]. To explain, with all the violations committed by my supervisor, I easily could report him, and most likely face no punishment for my involvement, however, by continuing with the project, anyone else aware of the situation could report me in an attempt to make a name for him or herself. Perhaps I need to review what faculty members at the Delft University of Technology have to say, which is: “Escape is a strategy in which an agent tries to prevent moral overload by avoiding choices… One way to deal with a moral dilemma is to look for the option that is best all things considered” [10]. Brian Davis CONCLUSION: THE BOYHOOD DREAM OR EVERYONE ELSE’S When I first wanted to become an engineer, I saw this as a means of reaching my full God-given potential, and a way to offer the skills I have acquired in my undergrad as a means of improving the world. This job has been somewhat a way for me to do that, but can I really put my career before the well-beings of others? To think, perhaps through capitalizing on my supervisor’s eager desire to get the ball rolling with hydrogen fuel cells, I could take my career to entirely new heights. My boss, in fact, handpicked me to lead this project, nonetheless, an entire team! I recall the days of my early childhood, gazing out my bedroom window as so many different cars rolled by. My love and passion for automobiles at a young age drove me to build model cars out of paper. Much to their dismay, I would even ride these cars around my parents’ house, complete with the plethora of unique engine sounds and the obedience of traffic laws. This moment could be the culmination of everyday I would strive to build a better model, better precisely mirroring the original than the last. To have my name go down in history for changing the face of the automotive industry is a boyhood dream truly having come to fruition. To have this staring me dead in the face, how could I ever decline it? On the flipside, how could I ever betray all the people whose lives could be drastically altered or abruptly ended, simply due to one person’s selfish choice? “According to Kant, you have to decide by yourself what is right, neither consensus nor dialogue is required at all, and to act on that decision without hesitation. Reason always provides the only safe guide to ethical behavior, whereas emotions and particular circumstances should not interfere with principles” [11]. REFERENCES [1] Z. Li, X. Pan, K. Sun, J. Ma. (2013). “Evaluation on the harm effects of accidental releases from cryo-compressed hydrogen tank for fuel cell cars.” Elsevier. (Online Article). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2013.03.065. [2] G. Wasselynck, B. Auvity, J. Olivier, D. Trichet, C. Josset, P. Maindru. (2011). “Design and testing of a fuel cell powertrain with energy constraints.” Elsevier. (Online Article). DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2011.11.022 [3] M. Crawford. 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(2011). “Sustaining Engineering Codes of Ethics for the Twenty-First Century.” Springer. (Online Article). DOI: 10.1007/s11948-011-93102. [8] (2007). “Code of Ethics for Engineers.” National Society of Professional Engineers. (Online Article). URL: http://www.nspe.org/resources/pdfs/Ethics/CodeofEthics/Co de-2007-July.pdf. [9] (2012). “Code of Ethics of Engineers.” American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Online Article). URL: http://files.asme.org/asmeorg/governance/3675.pdf. [10] J. Van den Hoven, G. Lokhorst, I. Van de Poel. (2011). “Engineering and the Problem of Moral Overload.” Springer. (Online Article). DOI: 10.1007/s11948-011-9277z. [11] J. Basart, M. Seera. (2011). “Engineering Ethics Beyond Engineers’ Ethics.” Springer. (Online Article). DOI: 10.1007/s11948-011-9293-z. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS For inspiring the knight in me to face my dragons, I thank Dr. Dan Budny. For every time I have been and will be knocked down, I thank my parents, relatives, and anyone close to me who has helped me get at least this far by sharing their wisdom and knowledge with me. I also acknowledge my writing instructor, Barbara Edelman, for her care and consideration for my efforts put forth into my paper and for helping me maximize its potential.